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From 475 eels individually marked with floy tags, of which 180 had an additional spot of alcian blue, 142 tags were recovered during a 2-year release-recapture programme, but alcian blue spots were not detected. The marked population declined by c. 95% per year (either through death or tag loss); tagged eels did not grow but lost weight; no trap avoidance could be detected. It is concluded that these tagged eels in poor condition did not suffer from winter mortality, and that during summer they moved around very actively.  相似文献   

Visible implant elastomer (VIE) tagging showed no significant effect on survival of either 230 single-tagged or 60 multiple-tagged small European eels Anguilla anguilla . Mean tag retention was 98·7% during the 5 month laboratory experiments. Multiple VIE tags had no observed effect on European eel locomotor behaviour. VIE appears a reliable method for individually tagging small European eels, and could be useful in capture–recapture field studies.  相似文献   

Hypercalcemia, hypomagnesia and hypophosphatemia were observed in freshwater (FW) eels (Anguilla rostrata LeSueur) after removal of the corpuscles of Stannius. These changes did not occur if Stanniectomized (CSX) eels were removed from FW and placed on land for 12 days but did occur after the eels were returned to FW. Therefore, changes in plasma electrolyte concentrations after CSX depended upon the branchial and/or integumental influx of ions. Plasma Na+, Cl and osmolal concentrations decreased gradually in both sham-operated (SHM) and CSX eels on land (12 days) and in FW (12 days). Plasma K+almost doubled in both SHM and CSX eels after 4 days on land, remained elevated, and fell abruptly to normal within a day after the eels were returned in FW. After 2 days on land, urine flow rates in SHM and CSX eels had decreased by approximately 85%, osmolar clearance by 50% and positive free-water clearance by more than 90%. Body weights did not decrease when eels were on land so it was concluded that the reduced but continuous renal loss of water was counterbalanced by the integumental uptake of condensed water. Accepted: 21 October 1998  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of surgically implanted passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags on growth rate, survival and tag retention of yellow shortfin eels Anguilla australis with an initial mean mass of 101 g. There were no significant differences in body mass, total length, specific growth rate and survival between tagged and untagged A. australis in a 108 day laboratory trial. This tagging method was very reliable, with a tag retention of >95%.  相似文献   

Passive Integrated Transponder tags (PIT tags) are recommended as the most suitable method for tagging fish on the basis of their high retention and fish survival rates. The objective of this study was to determine the long‐term effects (between 1 and 11 years) of the PIT tag on the growth of the yellow European eel (Anguilla anguilla). A difference of more than 50% was observed in the growth of marked and unmarked yellow eels. If this is a general long‐term effect in all eels, it would seriously restrict the use of PIT tags for studying the dynamics of European eel populations, and so for their management.  相似文献   

Short-time tracking (one to eight days) of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) using ultrasonic transmitter was performed in the tropical-subtropical area adjacent to the spawning area and temperate area off the Japanese Archipelago. Of 16 eels (11 wild and five farmed) used, 10 wild eels displayed clear diel vertical migration (DVM) from the beginning, while the other five farmed eels tracked for 19 to 66 hours did not. During daytime, a significantly positive correlation between migration depth and light intensity recorded on the vessel was observed in the 10 wild eels, indicating that the eels were sensitive to sunlight even at the middle to lower mesopelagic zone (500 to 800 m). During nighttime, the eel migration depth was observed to be associated with the phase, rising and setting of the moon, indicating that the eels were sensitive to moonlight at the upper mesopelagic zone (<300 m). Two of 10 wild eels were in the yellow stage but shared similar DVM with the silver stage eels. Swimbladders of three silver stage eels were punctured before releasing, but very little effect on DVM was observed. The eels very punctually initiated descent upon nautical dawn and ascent upon sunset, enabling us to determine local times for sunrise and sunset, and hence this behavior may be used for geolocating eels. In fact, estimated positions of eels based on the depth trajectory data were comparable or even better than those obtained by light-based archival tag in other fish species.  相似文献   

In 1998, 9500 juvenile New Zealand longfin eels Anguilla dieffenbachii (mean total length, LT, 42 cm) captured from the lower Clutha River were transferred upstream to Lake Hawea, a high‐country oligotrophic lake in the same catchment where recruitment of juvenile eels has been prevented by hydroelectric dams since 1958. A total of 2010 of the transferred A. dieffenbachii were tagged with coded wire tags. Ten years later in 2008, the A. dieffenbachii population in Lake Hawea was sampled resulting in 399 recaptures (distinguishable by the presence of tags and by LT from the remnant resident population of large old A. dieffenbachii) of the 1998 transfers; 79 (19·2%) of the recaptured fish had tags compared with 21·3% at release, indicating good tag retention and low mortality due to tagging. All recaptured tagged A. dieffenbachii were female. Mean annual growth over the 10 years since release was 3·80 cm year?1 for all recaptures and 3·65 cm year?1 for tag recaptures, and both were significantly greater than the estimate of 2·38 cm year?1 at release. After release, mean condition (K) increased significantly (P < 0·001) for all recaptures and tag recaptures. Annual length growth increment was linear. Tag recaptures showed significant increases in somatic growth rate post‐transfer, and otoliths from the 2008 recaptured A. dieffenbachii were examined to see whether any similar enhanced growth after transfer was incorporated into the otolith structure that would serve as a date stamp. Measurement of otolith ring radii indicated that an increase in the radius occurred on most otoliths corresponding to the year after transfer. Because there was 9 years of completed growth following the observed growth inflection on the otoliths, this was strong evidence that opaque rings were formed annually.  相似文献   

Juvenile (12–152 g) shortfinned eels Anguilla australis and longfinned eels A. dieffenbachia caught in New Zealand streams were fed squid mantle Nototodarus spp. 4 days per week in laboratory experiments. A linear multiple regression equation showed the amount of food eaten (0–2·7% w day−1) explained 77·7% of the variation in specific growth rates (–0·60 to +1·07% w day−1) among individual eels, while previous growth rates, water temperature (10·0–20·6°C), and eel weight (12–152 g) explained a further 5·6, 1·4 and 0·8%, respectively. Growth in length ranged from –0·3 to +0·9 mm day−1. Eels which were starved and then given high rations grew substantially faster than expected. Once growth rates were adjusted for differences in ration and other factors, there were no significant differences in growth rates between species or individual fish. Growth of shortfinned eels fed maximum rations of commercial eel food depended on fish size and water temperatures and ceased below 9·0°C. Growth rates in the wild were substantially less than the maximum possible, after seasonal changes in water temperatures were taken into account, indicating that food supplies and not low water temperatures were controlling growth rates in the wild.  相似文献   

From July 2008 to June 2009, livers of the swamp eels (Monopterus alba) were investigated for advanced third-stage larvae (AL3) of Gnathostoma spinigerum. Results revealed that 10.2% (106/1,037) and 20.4% (78/383) of farmed eels from Aranyaprathet District, Sa Kaeo Province and those of wild-caught eels obtained from a market in Min Buri District of Bangkok, Thailand were infected, respectively. The prevalence was high during the rainy and winter seasons. The infection rate abruptly decreased in the beginning of summer. The highest infection rate (13.7%) was observed in September and absence of infection (0%) in March-April in the farmed eels. Whereas, in the wild-caught eels, the highest rate (30.7%) was observed in November, and the rate decreased to the lowest at 6.3% in March. The average no. (mean±SE) of AL3 per investigated liver in farmed eels (1.1±0.2) was significantly lower (P=0.040) than those in the caught eels (0.2±0.03). In addition, the intensity of AL3 recovered from each infected liver varied from 1 to 18 (2.3±0.3) in the farmed eels and from 1 to 47 (6.3±1.2) in the caught eels, respectively. The AL3 intensity showed significant difference (P=0.011) between these 2 different sources of eels. This is the first observation that farmed eels showed positive findings of G. spinigerum infective larvae. This may affect the standard farming of the culture farm and also present a risk of consuming undercooked eels from the wild-caught and farmed eels.  相似文献   

Recent advances in micro-electronics make the study of the migration of even small marine animals (>12 cm) over many 1000s of kilometres a serious possibility. Important assumptions in long-term studies are that rates of tag loss caused by mortality or tag shedding are low, and that the tagging procedure does not have an unacceptable negative effect on the animal. This paper reports results from a study to examine the retention of relatively large (24 × 8 mm) surgically-implanted dummy acoustic tags over a 7-month period in steelhead pre-smolts (O. mykiss), and the effects of implantation on growth and survival. Although there was some influence on growth to week 12, survival was high for animals > 13 cm FL. In the following 16-week period, growth of surgically implanted pre-smolts was the same as the control population and there was little tag loss from mortality or shedding. Currently available acoustic tags can be implanted in salmonid fish ≥12 cm FL, although combined losses from mortality and tag shedding were 33–40% for animals in the 12 and 13 cm FL size classes. By 14 cm FL, combined rates of tag loss (mortality plus tag shedding) for surgically implanted tags dropped to <15% and growth following surgery was close to that of the controls. Our results suggest that studies of ocean migration and survival over periods of many months are now feasible even for animals as small as salmon smolts. Surgically implanted salmon smolts are therefore good candidates for freshwater and coastal ocean-tracking studies on relatively long time scales (months). On such time scales, even relatively small salmon smolts may move thousands of kilometers in the ocean.  相似文献   

Estimates of tag retention and tagging-related mortality are essential for mark-recapture experiments. Mortality and tag loss were estimated from 15 tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus marked using Hallmark model PDL plastic-tipped dart tags released into a 1 730 m2 pond at Kamutjonga Inland Fisheries Institute, Namibia, and inspected bi-monthly for the presence or absence of tags. No mortality was observed during the experiment. All marked fish had lost their tags after 10 months and 50% tag loss was estimated at 3.9 months. The high tag loss rate indicates that PDL plastic-tipped dart tags are not suitable for long-term studies on this species.  相似文献   

The rate of loss of tags used to mark individuals is an important consideration in wildlife research and monitoring. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags (or microchips) generally have high retention rates; however, tag loss rates for small mammals such as insectivorous bats are poorly understood. We double-marked a population of Gould's wattled bats (Chalinolobus gouldii) with forearm bands and PIT tags (with the injection site sealed with surgical adhesive) in January and February 2020 to determine rates of subsequent tag loss over the short- (1–2 months) and medium- (13–14 months) term. Loss of PIT tags occurred in 4 (2.7%) of 146 recaptured individuals, all within 2 months of microchipping. We also recorded 1 occurrence of band loss 11 months after banding. Our study supports assertions that PIT-tag retention rates in small mammals are high, and suggests that rates of tag loss in small bat species are low when surgical adhesive is applied. Quantifying the rate of tag loss enables this variable to be incorporated into mark-recapture models. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Net water fluxes in the isolated gills of Anguilla anguilla were studied during incubation in fresh water (FW) and in sea water (SW). When incubated in FW, water entry was greater in SW-adapted eels than in FW-adapted eels. In contrast, water loss in SW was less in SW-adapted eels than in FW-adapted eels. Rectification of osmotic water fluxes was observed for both FW and SW-adapted eels, net water fluxes in the mucosal-serosal (m-s) direction being greater than those in the opposite (s-m) direction. These results indicate that adaptation to a given external medium brings about a decrease in the osmotic permeability so that water gain in FW or water loss in SW is minimal.  相似文献   

A natural mass infection of heterophyid metacercariae in aquacultured Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in Taiwan was observed. Of the 28,000 adult eels in 2 ponds, about 25,000 (90%) showed swollen, cloudy and white eyes. Although morbidity was about 90%, there was no mortality among the affected eels. Histopathological sections showed edema and hemorrhage of the eye. Numerous metacercariae were observed in the muscle tissues around the eyeball, the subcutaneous tissue and even in the cartilage. Of the 6 eels digested with artificial gastric juice, all were found to contain metacercariae in their muscle tissues. The average number of metacercariae recovered from the 6 eels was 1219, with a range of 50 to 3762. These metacercariae, when fed orally to immunodeficient (scid) mice, developed into adult worms which were identified as Procerovum cheni Hsu 1950. The naturally infected eels were transferred to a new pond without snails and their eye lesions were not apparent anymore after 2 wk. In a follow-up investigation, 19 of 20 apparently healthy eels in a nearby aquaculture farm were found to harbour metacercariae in their muscles. However, the number of the metacercariae ranged from 1 to 14, with an average of 4.21. This is the first report of heterophyid metacercariae causing mass morbidity in aquacultured eels.  相似文献   

Otolith Sr:Ca ratios were examined to evaluate the contribution of the stocked eel Anguilla anguilla elvers, which have been stocked in Lithuanian waters and mixed with naturally recruited eels for several decades, to the native eel population. Stocked eels were identified by the freshwater signature (Sr:Ca ratios <2·24 × 10−3) on the otolith after the glass eel stage. Naturally recruited eels, that had migrated through the North and Baltic Seas, were characterized by an extended seawater and brackish-water signature (Sr:Ca ratios >3·23 × 10−3) after the glass eel stage. Of 108 eels analysed, 21 eels had otolith Sr:Ca ratio profiles consistent with stocking while 87 showed patterns of natural recruitment. The ages of naturally recruited eels arriving in Lithuanian fresh waters varied from 1 to 10 years, with a mean ±  s.d . age of 5·2 ± 2·1 years. Eels from the inland Lake Baluošai were all freshwater residents of stocked origin. Stocked eels, however, accounted for only 20% of the eels from the Curonian Lagoon and 2% of eels sampled in Baltic coastal waters. This finding does not support the hypothesis that the eel fishery in the Curonian Lagoon depends mostly on stocking.  相似文献   

Two cDNA isoforms of the NKCC1 secretory cotransporter have been isolated from the European eel. The NKCC1a isoform exhibited mRNA expression in a wide range of tissues in a similar fashion to mammals, whereas NKCC1b was expressed primarily in the brain. The effect of freshwater (FW) to seawater (SW) transfer on NKCC1a expression was dependent on the developmental stage. In non-migratory yellow eels, NKCC1a mRNA expression in the gill was transiently up-regulated 4.3-fold after 2 days but also subsequently by 2.5-6-fold 3 weeks after SW transfer. Gill NKCC1a expression was localised mainly in branchial chloride cells of SW acclimated yellow eels. In contrast to yellow eels, NKCC1a mRNA abundance was not significantly different following SW acclimation in silver eel gill. NKCC1a mRNA abundance decreased in the kidney following SW acclimation and this may correlate with lower tubular ion/fluid secretion and urine flow rates in SW teleosts. Kidney NKCC1a mRNA expression in silver eels was also significantly lower than in yellow eels, suggesting some pre-acclimation of mRNA levels. NKCC1a mRNA was expressed at similar low levels in the middle intestine of FW- and SW-acclimated yellow or silver eels, suggesting the presence of an ion secretory mechanism in this gut segment.  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (AM), known as a multifunctional hormone in mammals, forms a unique family of five paralogous peptides in teleost fish. To examine their cardiovascular effects using homologous AMs in eels, we isolated cDNAs encoding four eel AMs, and named AM1 (ortholog of mammalian AM), AM2, AM3 (paralog of AM2 generated only in teleost lineage), and AM5 according to the known teleost AM sequences. Unlike pufferfish, not only AM1 but AM2/3 and AM5 were expressed ubiquitously in various eel tissues. Synthetic mature AM1, AM2, and AM5 exhibited vasodepressor effects after intra-arterial injections, and the effects were more potent at dorsal aorta than at ventral aorta. This indicates that AMs preferentially act on peripheral resistance vessels rather than on branchial arterioles. The potency was in the order of AM2 = AM5 > AM1 in both freshwater (FW) and seawater (SW) eels, which is different from the result of mammals in which AM1 is as potent as, or more potent than, AM2 when injected peripherally. The minimum effective dose of AM2 and AM5 in eels was 1/10 that of AM1 in mammals. The hypotension reached 50% at 1.0 nmol/kg of AM2 and AM5, which is much greater than atrial natriuretic peptide (20%), another potent vasodepressor hormone. Even with such hypotension, AMs did not change heart rate in eels. In addition, AM1 increased blood pressure at ventral aorta and dorsal aorta immediately after an initial hypotension at 5.0 nmol/kg, but not with AM2 and AM5. These data strongly suggest that specific receptors for AM2 and AM5 exist in eels, which differ from the AM1 receptors identified in mammals.  相似文献   

The occurrence, distribution, and biological characteristics of non-native freshwater eels were analyzed using 5524 eels collected from 16 sites in Japan between 1997 and 2005. Three hundred seventy-four fishes (6.8%) were identified as non-native European eels, Anguilla anguilla, while the remainder (93.2%) were native Japanese eels, A. japonica. The European eel was found at 7 sites (44%), including 3 rivers, 2 freshwater lakes, one brackish lake, and one sea bay, suggesting a wide rage of habitat use. This variability of habitat use was also evidenced by the otolith microchemistry, which showed that they had lived in not only freshwater but also in seawater habitats. The sites with European eel were localized within the vicinity of southern Japan where a number of these eels were cultivated in the early 1970’s, suggesting that some had escaped from the culture ponds or were released intentionally into nearby natural waters. The large body size (mean total length: 803 mm), pigmented skin, enlarged eyes, and relatively matured gonads (mean gonad somatic index: 1.9) found in non-native European eels indicated that most had metamorphosed into the migratory silver phase, suggesting their ability to initiate spawning migration. However, the proportion of European eels in Mikawa Bay in 1997 was more than 12%, which decreased markedly to less than 2% after 2001, corresponding to the recent decline in import of European glass eels for aquaculture. This suggests that the population of European eels will decrease in Japanese waters in the future.  相似文献   

Weekly injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG; 1·5 IU g−1 W ) induced spermiation in 87–100% farmed male European eels Anguilla anguilla over a 10-week period, producing 3 ml (100 g)−1 milt volume, at 1˙4×109 spermatozoa ml−1 sperm mobility peaked in ninth week of treatment with 97% of males with motile sperm. Gonadotropin-treated males showed earlier but similar morphological changes to control males. Whereas higher sperm density was obtained 6 h after hCG administration, higher percentage of motile cells and longer sperm mobility were observed 24 h after the treatment indicating that this is the optimum time to obtain good sperm after the hormonal induction. Several monounsaturated fatty acids in sperm increased significantly from week 5 to 9 of treatment (when highest volume, density and mobility of milt were recorded), whereas eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were significantly reduced. Fatty acid levels returned to initial values after 13 weeks of treatment. These results are in agreement with the reduction of n-3 PUFAs recently observed in the ovary of female Japanese eel during artificial maturation, and an attempt is made to suggest a physiological explanation of its possible relation with sperm quality.  相似文献   

It is recognized that fish will drink the surrounding water by reflex swallowing without a thirst sensation. We evaluated the role of the area postrema (AP), a sensory circumventricular organ (CVO) in the medulla oblongata, in the regulation of drinking behavior of seawater (SW) eels. The antidipsogenic effects of ghrelin and atrial natriuretic peptide and hypervolemia and hyperosmolemia (1 M sucrose or 10% NaCl) as well as the dipsogenic effects of angiotensin II and hypovolemia (hemorrhage) were profoundly diminished after AP lesion (APx) in eels compared with sham controls. However, the antidipsogenic effect of urotensin II was not influenced by APx, possibly due to the direct baroreflex inhibition on the swallowing center in eels. When ingested water was drained via an esophageal fistula, water intake increased 30-fold in sham controls but only fivefold in APx eels, suggesting a role for the AP in continuous regulation of drinking by SW eels. After transfer from freshwater to SW, APx eels responded normally with an immediate burst of drinking, but after 4 wk these animals showed a much greater increase in plasma osmolality than controls, suggesting that the AP is involved in acclimation to SW by fine tuning of the drinking rate. Taken together, the AP in the hindbrain of eels plays an integral role in SW acclimation, acting as a conduit of information from plasma for the regulation of drinking, probably without a thirst sensation. This differs from mammals in which sensory CVOs in the forebrain play pivotal roles in thirst regulation.  相似文献   

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