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Acetylene reduction, deuterium uptake and hydrogen evolution were followed in in-vivo cultures of Azospirillum brasilense, strain Sp 7, by a direct mass-spectrometric kinetic method. Although oxygen was needed for nitrogenase functioning, the enzyme was inactivated by a fairly low oxygen concentration in the culture and an equilibrium had to be found between the rate of oxygen diffusion and bacterial respiration. A nitrogenase-mediated hydrogen evolution was observed only in the presence of carbon monoxide inhibiting the uptake hydrogenase activity which normally recycles all the hydrogen produced. However, under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of deuterium, a bidirectional hydrogenase activity was observed, consisting in D2 uptake and in H2 and HD evolution. In contrast to the nitrogenase-mediated H2 production, this anaerobic H2 and HD evolution was insensitive to the presence of acetylene and was partly inhibited by carbon monoxide. It was moreover relatively unaffected by the deuterium partial pressure. These results suggest that the anaerobic H2 and HD evolution can be ascribed to a reverse hydrogenase activity under conditions where D2 is saturating the uptake process and scavenging the electron acceptors. Although the activities of both nitrogenase and hydrogenase were thus clearly differentiated, a close relationship was found between their respective functioning conditions.  相似文献   

Long lasting batch cultures of Azospirillum brasilense SP 7 ATCC 29145 grown in liquid malate medium for 8–14 days without any fixed nitrogen source exhibited a biphasic nitrogenase activity, when incubated under gas atmospheres of 99.0% N2 and 1.0% O2 or 99.5% N2 and 0.5% O2 respectively. Maximum specific nitrogenase activity was 1100 nmol C2H4·mg protein-1·h-1. Poly-3-hydroxybutanoic acid (PHBA) synthesis and growth of the cells also showed two phases. Maxima and minima of glutamine synthetase activity developed synchronously with nitrogenase activity, whereas those of glutamate dehydrogenase and alanine aminotransferase were reverse. During a 192 h period of growth protein increased 3–4-fold and PHBA 25 fold. At maximum accumulation of the polymer the PHBA-nitrogen ratio was 6:1 or 8:1. Azospirillum brasilense was also able to fix nitrogen on agar surfaces exposed to air, but nitrogen fixation was monophasic under these conditions during a 14 d period. Specific nitrogenase activity was dependent on the type and concentration of the source of fixed nitrogen (leucine, ammonia) in solidified media. With 1 mM leucine maximum specific nitrogenase activity was 110 nmol C2H4·mg protein-1·h-1.Non-Standard Abbreviations PHBA poly-3-hydroxybutanoic acid - TAPS tris(hydroxymethyl)methylaminopropane sulfonic acid - TES N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid - TRICINE N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine - TRIS tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

Abstract Azospirillum brasilense strain Cd, but not A. lipoferum , could grow and reduce acetylene to ethylene when grown on Mo-free Nfb medium with Fe. Purified Nfb medium lacking both Mo and Fe did not support growth of A. brasilense Cd. Supplementation of − Mo + Fe Nfb medium with vanadium or several other metal salts did not stimulate growth or acetylene reduction. In Mo-free Nfb semisolid medium containing Fe and W, the organism showed good pellicle growth and reduced acetylene to ethylene and ethane. Moreover, a significantly higher amount of H2 was produced in Mo-free medium than in Nfb containing Mo. The data suggest the presence of an alternate nitrogenase system 3 (Fe-nitrogenase) in A. brasilense Cd besides the normal Mo-nitrogenase.  相似文献   

PII-like proteins, such as GlnK, found in a wide variety of organisms from prokaryotes to plants constitute a family of cytoplasmic signaling proteins that play a central regulatory role in the assimilation of nitrogen for biosyntheses. They specifically bind and are modulated by effector molecules such as adenosine triphosphate, adenosine diphosphate and 2-oxoglutarate. Their highly conserved, trimeric structure suggests that cooperativity in effector binding might be the basis for the ability to integrate and respond to a wide range of concentrations, but to date no direct quantification of this cooperative behavior has been presented. The hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus contains three GlnK proteins, functionally associated with ammonium transport proteins (Amt). We have characterized GlnK2 and its interaction with effectors by high-resolution X-ray crystallography and isothermal titration calorimetry. Binding of adenosine nucleotides resulted in distinct, cooperative behavior for ATP and ADP. While 2-oxoglutarate has been shown to interact with other GlnK proteins, GlnK2 was completely insensitive to this key indicator of a low level of intracellular nitrogen. These findings point to different regulation and modulation patterns and add to our understanding of the flexibility and versatility of the GlnK family of signaling proteins.  相似文献   

Azospirillum brasilense NifA, which is synthesized under all physiological conditions, exists in an active or inactive from depending on the availability of ammonia. The activity also depends on the presence of PII, as NifA is inactive in a glnB mutant. To investigate further the mechanism that regulates NifA activity, several deletions of the nifA coding sequence covering the amino-terminal domain of NifA were constructed. The ability of these truncated NifA proteins to activate the nifH promoter in the absence or presence of ammonia was assayed in A. brasilense wild-type and mutant strains. Our results suggest that the N-terminal domain is not essential for NifA activity. This domain plays an inhibitory role which prevents NifA activity in the presence of ammonia. The truncated proteins were also able to restore nif gene expression to a glnB mutant, suggesting that PII is required to activate NifA by preventing the inhibitory effect of its N-terminal domain under conditions of nitrogen fixation. Low levels of nitrogenase activity in the presence of ammonia were also observed when the truncated gene was introduced into a strain devoid of the ADP-ribosylation control of nitrogenase. We propose a model for the regulation of NifA activity in A. brasilense.  相似文献   

Control of nitrogenase and bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl) by light was studied under steady-state conditions with continuous cultures of Rhodobacter capsulatus B10S supplied with malate and growth-limiting amounts of ammonium. Consumption of malate and, correspondingly, the C/N ratio at which malate and ammonium were consumed increased when illumination was increased from 3 to approximately 20 klx and became constant at higher illuminations of up to 40 klx. Essentially the same kinetics were observed with respect to nitrogenase activity of cells, contents of nitrogenase polypeptides, and nifH promoter activity. Substrate consumption was half-maximal at 8 klx and was independent of the presence of nitrogenase. Therefore, it is concluded that light controls the C/N ratio (a quantitative measure of the nitrogen status of cells), which in turn is involved in the control of nitrogenase at the level of nif promoter activity. Post-translational regulation of nitrogenase activity by ADP-ribosylation was not observed under steady-state conditions, but it took place when illumination was suddenly decreased to the range where malate consumption and, consequently, the C/N ratio decreased. Irrespective of the presence or absence of nitrogenase, specific BChl contents of the cultures were constant above 20 klx, and they increased at lower illuminations. These results do not confirm a recently proposed link between nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis as represented by BChl. Received: 29 October 1998 / Accepted: 30 December 1998  相似文献   

Nitrogenase activity in the Gunnera Nostoc symbiosis is shown to respond dramatically to the addition of glucose. H2 can replace glucose in stimulating nitrogenase activity, but there is no H2 stimulation in the presence of excess glucose. Net hydrogen evolution is strongly stimulated by addition of glucose. We postulate that carbohydrate supply and uptake hydrogenase can moderate the apparent activity of nitrogenase by supplying reductant and/or ATP. The recycling of a large proportion of the electron flux in nitrogenase through uptake hydrogenase maintains a high level of potential nitrogenase ready to take advantage of an influx of carbohydrate.  相似文献   

Ammonium movement across biological membranes is facilitated by a class of ubiquitous channel proteins from the Amt/Rh family. Amt proteins have also been implicated in cellular responses to ammonium availability in many organisms. Ammonium sensing by Amt in bacteria is mediated by complex formation with cytosolic proteins of the P(II) family. In this study we have characterized in vitro complex formation between the AmtB and P(II) proteins (GlnB and GlnZ) from the diazotrophic plant-associative bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. AmtB-P(II) complex formation only occurred in the presence of adenine nucleotides and was sensitive to 2-oxoglutarate when Mg(2+) and ATP were present, but not when ATP was substituted by ADP. We have also shown in vitro complex formation between GlnZ and the nitrogenase regulatory enzyme DraG, which was stimulated by ADP. The stoichiometry of this complex was 1:1 (DraG monomer : GlnZ trimer). We have previously reported that in vivo high levels of extracellular ammonium cause DraG to be sequestered to the cell membrane in an AmtB and GlnZ-dependent manner. We now report the reconstitution of a ternary complex involving AmtB, GlnZ and DraG in vitro. Sequestration of a regulatory protein by the membrane-bound AmtB-P(II) complex defines a new regulatory role for Amt proteins in Prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Birgitta Bergman 《Planta》1981,152(4):302-306
Raising the pO2 reduced nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction) of Anabaena cylindrica for both glyoxylate-treated (5 mM) and untreated cells. The stimulation caused by glyoxylate, however, increased with increases of pO2 from 2 to 99 kPa. As the pO2 increased the net CO2 fixation was lowered (Warburg effect) while the CO2 compensation point increased. Glyoxylate partly relieved this sensitivity of net photosynthesis to oxygen and reduced the compensation point considerably. The cells used were preincubated in the dark to exhaust photosynthetic pools. A more pronounced reduction in sensitivity of nitrogenase to oxygen for glyoxylate-treated cells was evident when a preincubation in air with reduced pCO2 (13 l l-1) was used. This was, however, not evident until after a 10-h incubation in air. Before this point 2 kPa O2 sustained the highest nitrogenase activity. Addition of 0.5 and 5 mM of HCO 3 - to Anabaena cultures preincubated at low CO2 levels (29 l l-1) abolished the stimulatory effect of glyoxylate on the nitrogenase. Thus, the results sustain the suggestion that glyoxylate may act as an inhibitor of photorespiratory activities in cyanobacteria and can be used as a means of increasing their nitrogen and CO2 fixation capacities.Abbreviation RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

Treatment of wheat seedlings with the synthetic auxin, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-d), induced nodule-like structures or tumours (termed para-nodules) where lateral roots would normally emerge. The formation of these structures promoted increased rates of acetylene reduction at reduced oxygen pressure (0.02–0.04 atm) in seedling inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense, compared to seedlings inoculated without auxin treatment. Fluorescent microscopy, laser scanning confocal microscopy and direct bacterial counts all showed that the 2,4-d treatment stimulated internal colonization of the root system with azospirilla, particularly in the basal region of the nodular structures. Both colonization with azospirilla and acetylene-reducing activity were further stimulated by simultaneous treatment with another synthetic auxin, naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and, less reliably, with indoleacetic acid (IAA) and indolebutyric acid (IBA). These auxins produced shortening of many initiated lateral roots, although 20 times the concentration of NAA was required to achieve rounded structures similar to those obtained with 2,4-d. Treatment with NAA, IAA or IBA alone also stimulated colonization with azospirilla and acetylene reduction rates at 0.02 atm oxygen, but less effectively than by treatment with 2,4-d. Such exogenous treatments of wheat seedlings with synthetic growth regulators provide an effective laboratory model for studies on the development of a N2-fixing system in cereals.  相似文献   

The effect of cellulase and pectinase on bacterial colonization of wheat was studied by three different experiments. In the first experiment, the root colonization of 3 wheat cultivars (Ghods, Roshan and Omid) by two A. brasilense strains (Sp7 and Dol) was compared using pre-treated roots with cellulase and pectinase, and non-treated with these enzymes (control). Although the root colonization varied greatly among strain-plant combinations in controls, the pre-treatment of roots with polysaccharide degrading enzymes significantly increased the bacterial count in roots, regardless of the strain-plant combination. This might be an indication that cell wall may act as an important factor in plant-Azospirillum interaction. In the second experiment, the root cellulase activity of the same wheat cultivars treated with and without the two Azospirillum brasilense, strains (Sp7 and Dol) was compared. The pre-treatment of wheat roots with Azospirillum enhanced the cellulase activity of wheat root extracts. Thus, the cellulase activity might participate in the initial colonization of wheat roots by Azospirillum. The comparison of the cellulase activity of root extracts within inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings showed that the inoculation had enhanced the cellulase activity in root extracts, but this effect was directly dependent on the strain-plant combination. Strain Sp7 stimulated the highest cellulase activity in cv. Roshan, but strain Dol induced the highest enzyme activity in cv. Ghods. In the third experiment, several growth parameters of those 3 wheat cultivars treated with and without those two bacterial strains (Sp7 and Dol) were compared. The highest magnitude of growth responses caused by Sp7 strain was in the cv Roshan, but Dol strain stimulated the highest growth in cv Ghods. Therefore, effective colonization may contribute to more growth responses.  相似文献   

Summary Three new Tn5-mutagenized nif genes of Azospirillum brasilense were characterized. The sizes of the restriction fragments and the restriction maps of the cloned nif DNA regions showed that these nif genes are distinct from those reported earlier, e.g. nifHDK, nifE, nifUS, fixABC. The Nif27 mutant was identified as a nifA type regulatory gene of A. brasilense (a) by genetic complementation with nifA of Klebsiella pneumoniae, (b) by the absence of nitrogenase iron protein in western protein blots and (c) by its inability to activate expression of a nijH-lacZ fusion. The growth characteristics of the three mutants showed that none of them is defective in general nitrogen regulatory (ntr) genes. Also, no homology was detected between the three nif DNA regions of the mutants, cloned in pMS188, pMS189 and pMS197, and the K. pneumoniae nif, gInA or ntr genes. In addition, the fixABC genes of Bradyrhizobium japonicum did not show any hybridization with the cloned Azospirillum genes. Unlike the situation in enteric bacteria, the nif genes in A. brasilense are scattered and span a region of about 65 kb.  相似文献   

Rhodobacter capsulatus was grown chemotrophically in the dark in oxygen-regulated chemostat culture and in the presence of limiting amounts of fixed N. When the oxygen partial pressure was varied, in situ nitrogen fixation occurred only at 1% of air saturation of the medium. By contrast, nitrogenase proteins and their activity measured in the absence of oxygen could be detected up to 30% of air saturation. This revealed that expression of nitrogenase is much less sensitive toward oxygen than the in situ function of the enzyme. At oxygen partial pressures > 1% of air saturation, the degree of modification of the Fe protein of nitrogenase was increased. Light was of no stimulatory effect on both the activity and the expression of nitrogenase. This holds true for growth at 1% or 5% of air saturation. At 5% of air saturation, however, high illumination enhanced the inhibitory effect of oxygen on nitrogenase formation.  相似文献   

The rhizobacterium Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 swims, swarms (Swa+ phenotype) or, very rarely, migrates with the formation of granular macrocolonies (Gri+ phenotype). Our aims were (i) to identify Sp245 mutants that swarm faster than the parent strain or differ from it in the mode of spreading and (ii) to compare the mutants’ responses to wheat seedling exudates. In isotropic liquid media, the swimming speeds of all motile A. brasilense strains were not influenced by the exudates. However, the exudates significantly stimulated the swarming of Sp245. In several Sp245 mutants, the superswarming phenotype was insensitive to local colonial density and to the presence of wheat seedling exudates. An A. brasilense polar-flagellum-defective Gri+ mutant BK759.G gave rise to stable Swa++ derivatives with restored flagellum production. This transition was concurrent with plasmid rearrangements and was stimulated in the presence of wheat seedling exudates. The swarming rate of the Swa++ derivatives of BK759.G was affected by the local density of their colonies but not by the presence of the exudates.  相似文献   

Twinfilin is a ubiquitous actin monomer-binding protein that regulates actin filament turnover in yeast and mammalian cells. To elucidate the mechanism by which twinfilin contributes to actin filament dynamics, we carried out an analysis of yeast twinfilin, and we show here that twinfilin is an abundant protein that localizes to cortical actin patches in wild-type yeast cells. Native gel assays demonstrate that twinfilin binds ADP-actin monomers with higher affinity than ATP-actin monomers. A mutant twinfilin that does not interact with actin monomers in vitro no longer localizes to cortical actin patches when expressed in yeast, suggesting that the ability to interact with actin monomers may be essential for the localization of twinfilin. The localization of twinfilin to the cortical actin cytoskeleton is also disrupted in yeast strains where either the CAP1 or CAP2 gene, encoding for the alpha and beta subunits of capping protein, is deleted. Purified twinfilin and capping protein form a complex on native gels. Twinfilin also interacts with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI[4,5]P2), and its actin monomer-sequestering activity is inhibited by PI(4,5)P2. Based on these results, we propose a model for the biological role of twinfilin as a protein that localizes actin monomers to the sites of rapid filament assembly in cells.  相似文献   

When cyanide is gradually added to a nitrogenfixing culture, Rhizobium ORS 571 is capable of assimilating large amounts of cyanide using its nitrogenase. Under these conditions the molar growth yield on succinate (Y succ) increases from 27 at the start of cyanide addition to 38 at the end. The respiratory chain of cells grown at a concentration of 7 mM cyanide is still very sensitive to cyanide. The increase in growth yield is explained by a decrease in hydrogen production by nitrogenase as soon as cyanide is assimilated. This is confirmed by calculating the influence of hydrogen production on Y succ. Hydrogen production by nitrogenase has a greater influence on growth yields than the presence or absence of hydrogenase activity. At the end of cyanide addition when all cell nitrogen is synthesized from cyanide and no nitrogen fixation occurs, nitrogenase will be in a very oxidized state.  相似文献   

The chemotactic properties of a number of Azospirillum brasilense natural strains have been studied. Azospirillum demonstrate the positive chemotactic reaction towards the organic acids salts but a poor reaction towards the presence of the attractants like hydrocarbons and aminoacids except for arabinose and glutamic acid. The series of Che- mutants deficient in general chemotaxis has been selected by introducing the transposon Tn5 into the cells of rifampicinresistant mutant strain Azospirillum brasilense 5T-2. The ability of the mutant cells to fast and solid adsorption on the roots of the sterile wheat sprouts is shown to be decreased 2-3 folds as compared with the one of the wild type strain. Chemotaxis is suggested to affect the adsorbtion ability of azospirillum and their associative properties.  相似文献   

Summary A non destructive intact-plant assay for estimating nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction) of pot-grown sorghum and millet plants is described. Plants with intact shoots sustained more activity than plants whose tops were removed prior to the assay. With this technique individual plants can be assayed several times during their life cycle. The C2H2 reduction was linear up to 16h incubation in this assay procedure. More rapid diffusion of C2H2 was achieved by injection through a Suba seal in the bottom of the pot. The equlibration of injected C2H2 in the gas phase of the pots filled with sand and sand:FYM media was completed within 1 h. Significantly higher nitrogenase activity and better growth of sorghum and millet plants occurred when plants were grown in a mixture of sand and farmyard manure (FYM) than when plants were grown in vermiculite, soil, or sand + soil medium. Nitrogenase activity and plant growth were greater in a mixture of sand with 2 and 3% FYM than with 0.5 and 1% FYM. Activity was higher when the plants were incubated at 33°C and 40°C than at 27°C. Activity also increased with increasing soil moisture. There were significant differences amongst 15 sorghum cultivars screened for associated nitrogenase activity. This new technique has good prospects for screening cultivars of millet, sorghum and other grain crops for their nitrogen-fixing ability.Submitted as Journal article No. 358 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).  相似文献   

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