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To begin the physical characterization of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 2A, a translation initiation factor that binds Met-tRNA(i), tryptic peptides from rabbit reticulocyte eIF2A were analyzed to obtain amino acid sequence information. Sequences for 8 peptides were matched to three different expressed sequence tag clones. The sequence predicted for eIF2A is 585 amino acids. Matching of the cDNA sequence to the human genome revealed that the eIF2A mRNA is made up of 15 or 16 exons, and the gene is contained on chromosome 3. A homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified, YGR054W, which is a non-essential gene. Hemagglutinin-tagged yeast eIF2A localizes on both 40 S and 80 S ribosomes. A knockout of both eIF2A and eIF5B yielded a "synthetically sick" yeast strain with a severe slow growth phenotype. The phenotype of this double mutant and the biochemical localization suggest that eIF2A participates in translation initiation. eIF2A does not appear to participate in re-initiation as the DeltaeIF2A strain shows the same level of GCN4 induction with amino acid starvation as seen in wild type yeast. The lack of any apparent phenotype in the DeltaeIF2A strain suggests that eIF2A functions in a minor pathway, perhaps internal initiation or in the translation of a small number of specific mRNAs.  相似文献   

The Schizosaccharomyces pombe eIF3a ortholog (SpeIF3a) was shown to be unable to substitute for S. cerevisiae eIF3a (SceIF3a) in its essential function in the initiation of translation. Overproduction of SpeIF3a altered the distribution of SceIF3a but formation of the endogenous eIF3 complex was not affected. SpeIF3a was found to be more tightly bound to S. cerevisiae ribosomes than SceIF3a and other eIF3 subunits (eIF3g, eIF3i, eIF3j). The host cells displayed aberrant morphology and altered chitin deposition. SpeIF3a probably competes with SceIF3a for binding to either ribosomes or yet to be identified substrates.  相似文献   

The mammalian Int-6 protein has been characterized as a subunit of the eIF3 translation initiation factor and also as a transforming protein when its C-terminal part is deleted. It includes a protein domain, which also exists in various subunits of eIF3, of the 26S proteasome and of the COP9 signalosome (CSN). By performing a two-hybrid screen with Int-6 as bait, we have isolated subunits belonging to all three complexes, namely eIF3-p110, Rpt4, CSN3 and CSN6. The results of transient expression experiments in COS7 cells confirmed the interaction of Int-6 with Rpt4, CSN3 and CSN6, but also showed that Int-6 is able to bind another subunit of the CSN: CSN7a. Immunoprecipitation experiments performed with the endogenous proteins showed that Int-6 binds the entire CSN, but in low amount, and also that Int-6 is associated with the 26S proteasome. Taken together these results show that the Int-6 protein can bind the three complexes with various efficiencies, possibly exerting a regulatory activity in both protein translation and degradation.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by the fission yeast gene, moe1(+) is the homologue of the p66/eIF3d subunit of mammalian translation initiation factor eIF3. In this study, we show that in fission yeast, Moe1 physically associates with eIF3 core subunits as well as with 40 S ribosomal particles as a constituent of the eIF3 protein complex that is similar in size to multisubunit mammalian eIF3. However, strains lacking moe1(+) (Deltamoe1) are viable and show no gross defects in translation initiation, although the rate of translation in the Deltamoe1 cells is about 30-40% slower than wild-type cells. Mutant Deltamoe1 cells are hypersensitive to caffeine and defective in spore formation. These phenotypes of Deltamoe1 cells are similar to those reported previously for deletion of the fission yeast int6(+) gene that encodes the fission yeast homologue of the p48/Int6/eIF3e subunit of mammalian eIF3. Further analysis of eIF3 subunits in Deltamoe1 or Deltaint6 cells shows that in these deletion strains, while all the eIF3 subunits are bound to 40 S particles, dissociation of ribosome-bound eIF3 results in the loss of stable association between the eIF3 subunits. In contrast, eIF3 isolated from ribosomes of wild-type cells are associated with one another in a protein complex. These observations suggest that Moe1 and spInt6 are each required for stable association of eIF3 subunits in fission yeast.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The antizymes (AZ) are proteins that regulate cellular polyamine pools in metazoa. To search for remote homologs in single-celled eukaryotes, we used computer software based on hidden Markov models. The most divergent homolog detected was that of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Sequence identities between S.POMBE: AZ and known AZs are as low as 18-22% in the most conserved C-terminal regions. The authenticity of the S.POMBE: AZ is validated by the presence of a conserved nucleotide sequence that, in metazoa, promotes a +1 programmed ribosomal frameshift required for AZ expression. However, no homolog was detected in the completed genome of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Procedural details and supplementary information can be found at http://itsa.ucsf.edu/ approximately czhu/AZ.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a large multisubunit protein complex that plays an essential role in the binding of the initiator methionyl-tRNA and mRNA to the 40S ribosomal subunit to form the 40S initiation complex. cDNAs encoding all the subunits of mammalian eIF3 except the p42 subunit have been cloned in several laboratories. Here we report the cloning and characterization of a human cDNA encoding the p42 subunit of mammalian eIF3. The open reading frame of the cDNA, which encodes a protein of 320 amino acids (calculated Mr35 614) has been expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant protein has been purified to homogeneity. The purified protein binds RNA in agreement with the presence of a putative RNA binding motif in the deduced amino acid sequence. The protein shows 33% identity and 53% similarity with the Tif35p subunit (YDR 429C) of yeast eIF3. Transfection experiments demonstrated that polyhistidine-tagged p42 protein, transiently expressed in human U20S cells, was incorporated into endogenous eIF3. Furthermore, eIF3 isolated from transfected cell lysates contains bound eIF5 indicating that a specific physical interaction between eIF5 and eIF3 may play an important role in the function of eIF5 during translation initiation in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Whyte JR  Munro S 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(13):1074-1078
The soluble hydrolases of the mammalian lysosome are marked for delivery to this organelle by the addition of mannose 6-phosphate to their N-glycans. Two related mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs) recognize this feature in the trans Golgi network (TGN) and deliver the hydrolases to the late endosome. In contrast, the vacuolar hydrolases of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae do not contain 6-phosphate monoesters on their N-glycans, and the only sorting receptor so far identified in this organism is the product of the VPS10 gene. This protein also cycles between the Golgi and the late endosome, but is unrelated to the vertebrate MPRs, and recognizes a specific amino acid sequence of carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). This has led to the notion that although yeast and mammals share many components in Golgi to endosome traffic, they use unrelated receptor systems to sort their abundant soluble hydrolases. In this paper, we report that the yeast genome does in fact contain an uncharacterized ORF (YPR079w) that encodes a membrane protein that is distantly related to mammalian MPRs. The protein encoded by this gene (which we term MRL1) cycles through the late endosome. Moreover, there is a strong synergistic effect on the maturation of proteinases A and B when both MRL1 and VPS10 are deleted, which suggests that Mrl1p may serve as a sorting receptor in the delivery of vacuolar hydrolases.  相似文献   

The murine int-6 locus, identified as a frequent integration site of mouse mammary tumor viruses, encodes the 48-kDa eIF3e subunit of translation initiation factor eIF3. Previous studies indicated that the catalytically active core of budding yeast eIF3 consists of five subunits, all conserved in eukaryotes, but does not contain a protein closely related to eIF3e/Int-6. Whereas the budding yeast genome does not encode a protein closely related to murine Int-6, fission yeast does encode an Int-6 ortholog, designated here Int6. We found that fission yeast Int6/eIF3e is a cytoplasmic protein associated with 40 S ribosomes. FLAG epitope-tagged Tif35, a putative core eIF3g subunit, copurified with Int6 and all five orthologs of core eIF3 subunits. An int6 deletion (int6Delta) mutant was viable but grew slowly in minimal medium. This slow growth phenotype was accompanied by a reduction in the amount of polyribosomes engaged in translation and was complemented by expression of human Int-6 protein. These findings support the idea that human and Schizosaccharomyces pombe Int-6 homologs are involved in translation. Interestingly, haploid int6Delta cells showed unequal nuclear partitioning, possibly because of a defect in tubulin function, and diploid int6Delta cells formed abnormal spores. We propose that Int6 is not an essential subunit of eIF3 but might be involved in regulating the activity of eIF3 for translation of specific mRNAs in S. pombe.  相似文献   

The Cdc7 protein kinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a critical regulator of several aspects of DNA metabolism and cell cycle progression. We describe the isolation of a human gene encoding a Cdc7 homolog. The Cdc7Hs protein sequence is 27% identical to that of the yeast protein, includes features unique to yeast Cdc7, and contains all conserved catalytic residues of protein kinases. The human sequence also shows significant similarity to the cyclin-dependent kinases, in accordance with evidence that yeast Cdc7 is related to the cdks. CDC7Hs is expressed in many normal tissues, but overexpressed in certain tumor types and all transformed cell lines examined. In some of the tumors tested, CDC7Hs expression correlates with expression of a proliferation marker, the histone H3 gene. In other cases, no such correlation was observed. This suggests that CDC7Hs expression may be associated with hyperproliferation in some tumors and neoplastic transformation in others.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis COP9 signalosome is a multisubunit repressor of photomorphogenesis that is conserved among eukaryotes. This complex may have a general role in development. As a step in dissecting the biochemical mode of action of the COP9 signalosome, we determined the sequence of proteins that copurify with this complex. Here we describe the association between components of the COP9 signalosome (CSN1, CSN7, and CSN8) and two subunits of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3), eIF3e (p48, known also as INT-6) and eIF3c (p105). To obtain a biochemical marker for Arabidopsis eIF3, we cloned the Arabidopsis ortholog of the eIF3 subunit eIF3b (PRT1). eIF3e coimmunoprecipitated with CSN7, and eIF3c coimmunoprecipitated with eIF3e, eIF3b, CSN8, and CSN1. eIF3e directly interacted with CSN7 and eIF3c. However, eIF3e and eIF3b cofractionated by gel filtration chromatography in a complex that was larger than the COP9 signalosome. Whereas eIF3, as detected through eIF3b, localized solely to the cytoplasm, eIF3e, like CSN7, was also found in the nucleus. This suggests that eIF3e and eIF3c are probably components of multiple complexes and that eIF3e and eIF3c associate with subunits of the COP9 signalosome, even though they are not components of the COP9 signalosome core complex. This interaction may allow for translational control by the COP9 signalosome.  相似文献   

The pmd1 +, a multidrug resistance gene of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, encodes a protein similar to the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae STE6 gene product and mammalian P-glycoproteins. The STE6 protein is a membrane transporter of a-factor, a mating pheromone of a-type S. cerevisiae, which is structurally related to M-factor of the fission yeast. However, heterothallic or homothallic pmd1 null mutant cells of S. pombe, which were constructed by means of gene disruption, showed no significant decrease in the mating abilities. On the other hand, the multidrug resistance conferred by the pmd1 + was overcome by the treatment with verapamil, a typical inhibitor of mammalian P-glycoproteins. These results indicate that the pmd1 + gene product is functionally similar to mammalian P-glycoproteins, rather than to the budding yeast STE6.  相似文献   

The BAR adaptor proteins encoded by the RVS167 and RVS161 genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae form a complex that regulates actin, endocytosis, and viability following starvation or osmotic stress. In this study, we identified a human homolog of RVS161, termed BIN3 (bridging integrator-3), and a Schizosaccharomyces pombe homolog of RVS161, termed hob3+ (homolog of Bin3). In human tissues, the BIN3 gene was expressed ubiquitously except for brain. S. pombe cells lacking Hob3p were often multinucleate and characterized by increased amounts of calcofluor-stained material and mislocalized F-actin. For example, while wild-type cells localized F-actin to cell ends during interphase, hob3Delta mutants had F-actin patches distributed randomly around the cell. In addition, medial F-actin rings were rarely found in hob3Delta mutants. Notably, in contrast to S. cerevisiae rvs161Delta mutants, hob3Delta mutants showed no measurable defects in endocytosis or response to osmotic stress, yet hob3+ complemented the osmosensitivity of a rvs161Delta mutant. BIN3 failed to rescue the osmosensitivity of rvs161Delta, but the actin localization defects of hob3Delta mutants were completely rescued by BIN3 and partially rescued by RVS161. These findings suggest that hob3+ and BIN3 regulate F-actin localization, like RVS161, but that other roles for this gene have diverged somewhat during evolution.  相似文献   

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