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The frequency of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar infection was analyzed in a rural community in the state of Morelos, Mexico, through PCR technique by using specie specific primer. The E. histolytica specie was detected in 33 of 290 analyzed stool samples (11.4%), E. dispar specie was observed in 21 samples (7.2%) and both species of Entamoeba were detected in seven samples (2.4%). So a higher E. histolytica than E. dispar frequency infection was detected (13.8 versus 9.6%). Even though in our design we did not considered the follow-up of included individuals, the absence of invasive amebiasis cases in the studied population during our stay in town was unexpected.  相似文献   

We analyzed the expression and location of EhRabB in clone L-6, a phagocytosis-deficient mutant of Entamoeba histolytica, in comparison with the wild-type clone A. Intriguingly, trophozoites of clone L-6 express more EhRabB than those of clone A. However, the majority of EhRabB-containing vesicles remained in the cytoplasm of clone L-6 during phagocytosis. To investigate molecular alterations in EhRabB of clone L-6 we compared the EhrabB gene sequences from clones L-6 and A. We also isolated, sequenced and compared the RabB protein of Entamoeba dispar. Results showed that EhrabB gene of clone L-6 is 98.2 and 94.1% identical to rabB genes of E. dispar and clone A, respectively. The rabB genes from clone A and E. dispar have 92.2% identity. Four out of five amino acids changes in RabB proteins of clone L-6 and E. dispar are shared. These changes may alter the binding of effector proteins and the specific subcellular location of EhRabB.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica (E. histolytica) is an etiological agent of human amoebic colitis, and it causes a high level of morbidity and mortality worldwide, particularly in developing countries. Ca2+ plays a pivotal role in amoebic pathogenesis, and Ca2+-binding proteins (CaBPs) of E. histolytica appear to be a major determinant in this process. E. histolytica has 27-EF-hand containing CaBPs, suggesting that this organism has complex Ca2+ signaling cascade. E. histolytica CaBPs share (29–47%) sequence identity with ubiquitous Ca2+-binding protein calmodulin (CaM); however, they do not show any significant structural similarity, indicating lack of a typical CaM in this organism. Structurally, these CaBPs are very diverse among themselves, and perhaps such diversity allows them to recognize different cellular targets, thereby enabling them to perform a range of cellular functions. The presence of such varied signaling molecules helps parasites to invade host cells and advance in disease progression. In the past two decades, tremendous progress has been made in understanding the structure of E. histolytica CaBPs by using the X-ray or NMR method. To gain greater insight into the structural and functional diversity of these amoebic CaBPs, we analyzed and compiled all the available literature. Most of the CaBPs has about 150 amino acids with 4-EF hand or EF-hand-like sequences, similar to CaM. In a few cases, all the EF-hand motifs are not capable of binding Ca2+, suggesting them to be pseudo EF-hand motifs. The CaBPs perform diverse cellular signaling that includes cytoskeleton remodeling, phagocytosis, cell proliferation, migration of trophozoites, and GTPase activity. Overall, the structural and functional diversity of E. histolytica CaBPs compiled here may offer a basis to develop an efficient drug to counter its pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of the putative K+/H+ ionophore, nigericin on the internal Na+ concentration ([Na i ]), the internal pH (pH i ), the internal Ca2+ concentration ([Ca i ]) and the baseline release of the neurotransmitter, GABA was investigated in Na+-binding benzofuran isophtalate acetoxymethyl ester (SBFIAM), 2′,7′-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6) carboxyfluorescein acetoxymethyl ester (BCECF-AM), fura-2 and [3H]GABA loaded synaptosomes, respectively. In the presence of Na+ at a physiological concentration (147 mM), nigericin (0.5 μM) elevates [Na i ] from 20 to 50 mM, increases thepH i , 0.16 pH units, elevates four fold the [Ca i ] at expense of external Ca2+ and markedly increases (more than five fold) the release of [3H]GABA. In the absence of a Na+ concentration gradient (i.e. when the external Na+ concentration equals the [Na i ]), the same concentration (0.5 μM) of nigericin causes the opposite effect on thepH i (acidifies the synaptosomal interior), does not modify the [Na i ] and is practically unable to elevate the [Ca i ] or to increase [3H]GABA release. Only with higher concentrations of nigericin than 0.5 μM the ionophore is able to elevate the [Ca i ] and to increase the release of [3H]GABA under the conditions in which the net Na+ movements are eliminated. These results clearly show that under physiological conditions (147 mM external Na+) nigericin behaves as a Na+/H+ ionophore, and all its effects are triggered by the entrance of Na+ in exchange for H+ through the ionophore itself. Nigericin behaves as a K+/H+ ionophore in synaptosomes just when the net Na+ movements are eliminated (i.e. under conditions in which the external and the internal Na+ concentrations are equal). In summary care must be taken when using the putative K+/H+ ionophore nigericin as an experimental tool in synaptosomes, as under standard conditions (i.e. in the presence of high external Na+) nigericin behaves as a Na+/H+ ionophore.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析人免疫缺陷病毒/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)患者抗病毒治疗前HIV-1耐药以及影响因素,探讨HIV/AIDS患者外周血CD8+T细胞CD38表达(CD8+CD38+T淋巴细胞百分比)与CD4+T淋巴细胞计数的相关性。方法:选择2016年3月至2019年12月我院接诊的442例HIV/AIDS患者(HIV/AIDS组)和163例同期于我院进行体检的健康志愿者(对照组),HIV/AIDS组扩增pol基因,进行HIV-1基因耐药分析,检测CD8+CD38+T淋巴细胞百分比、CD4+T淋巴细胞计数、CD8+T淋巴细胞计数。分析HIV/AIDS患者HIV-1耐药的影响因素,分析CD8+CD38+T淋巴细胞百分比与CD4+T淋巴细胞计数、CD8+T淋巴细胞计数相关性。结果:HIV/AIDS组442例HIV/AIDS患者中376例获得HIV-1 pol基因序列,HIV-1耐药35例,耐药率9.31%(35/376)。单因素分析结果显示耐药组和非耐药组在年龄、文化程度、感染途径、HIV病毒载量方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示同性性传播、注射吸毒、高HIV病毒载量是HIV/AIDS患者抗病毒治疗前HIV-1耐药的危险因素(P<0.05)。HIV/AIDS组外周血CD4+T淋巴细胞计数、CD8+T淋巴细胞计数低于对照组(P<0.05),CD8+CD38+T淋巴细胞百分比高于对照组(P<0.05)。CD8+CD38+T淋巴细胞百分比与CD4+T淋巴细胞计数、CD8+T淋巴细胞计数呈负相关(P<0.05)。结论:抗病毒治疗前HIV/AIDS患者存在一定HIV-1耐药率,传播途径、HIV-1病毒载量与HIV-1耐药有关。CD8+T细胞表面CD38过表达与HIV/AIDS 患者CD4+T T细胞的过度消耗有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨艾滋病患者CD4~+T细胞基线值与长期高效抗逆转录病毒治疗免疫重建效果的相关性。方法:挑选进行长期高效抗逆转录病毒治疗的艾滋病患者120例,并按CD4~+T淋巴细胞计数基线值分为A组(≤100·μL~(-1))共66例和B组(100·μL~(-1))共54例,对两组患者的CD4~+T以及CD8~+T淋巴细胞计数变化进行定期观察以及统计分析。结果:经抗病毒治疗后,B组患者各个阶段的CD4~+T淋巴细胞计数回升水平明显优于A组,差异具有统计学意义(均P0.001);9个月内,B组CD4~+T淋巴细胞计数回升明显优于A组,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.003,P0.001,P=0.002);12个月后,两组患者CD4~+T淋巴细胞计数增幅并无明显差异,无统计学意义(P=0.061,P=0.219,P=0.738);经抗病毒治疗后,两组组患者各个阶段的CD8~+T淋巴细胞计数回升水平均无明显差异,无统计学意义(P=0.447,P=0.681,P=0.639,P=0.464,P=0.886,P=0.712)。结论:艾滋病患者免疫重建受CD4~+T淋巴细胞基线高低的直接影响,而CD8~+T淋巴细胞计数的回升相对较为缓慢。  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit erythrocytes are well known for possessing highly active Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ countertransport systems. Since these two transport systems share many similar properties, the possibility exists that they represent different transport modes of a single transport molecule. Therefore, we evaluated this hypothesis by measuring Na+ transport through these exchangers in acid-loaded cells. In addition, selective inhibitors of these transport systems such as ethylisopropyl-amiloride (EIPA) and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) were used. Na+/Na+ exchange activity, determined as the Na o + -dependent22Na efflux or Na i + -induced22Na entry was completely abolished by NEM. This inhibitor, however, did not affect the H i + -induced Na+ entry sensitive to amiloride (Na+/H+ exchange activity). Similarly, EIPA, a strong inhibitor of the Na+/H+ exchanger, did not inhibit Na+/Na countertransport, suggesting the independent nature of both transport systems. The possibility that the NEM-sensitive Na+/Na+ exchanger could be involved in Na+/H+ countertransport was suggested by studies in which the net Na+ transport sensitive to NEM was determined. As expected, net Na+ transport through this transport system was zero at different [Na+] i /[Na+] o ratios when intracellular pH was 7.2. However, at pH i =6.1, net Na+ influx occurred when [Na+] i was lower than 39mm. Valinomycin, which at low [K+] o was lower than 39mm. Valinomycin, which at low [K+] o clamps the membrane potential close to the K+ equilibrium potential, did not affect the net NEM-sensitive Na+ entry but markedly stimulated, the EIPA-and NEM-resistant Na+ uptake. This suggest that the net Na+ entry through the NEM-sensitive pathway at low pH i , is mediated by an electroneutral process possibly involving Na+/H+ exchange. In contrast, the EIPA-sensitive Na+/H+ exchanger is not involved in Na+/Na+ countertransport, because Na+ transport through this mechanism is not affected by an increase in cell Na from 0.4 to 39mm. Altogether, these findings indicate that both transport systems: the Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ exchangers, are mediated by distinct transport proteins.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite cytokinesis is dependent upon cytoskeletal elements such as filamentous actin and myosin. Here we present confocal and transmission electron microscopy studies of this process. A sequence in the formation of the contractile ring was shown with rhodamine-phalloidine staining. Ultrastructural analysis revealed the presence of fibrilar aggregates in the cytoplasm of dividing trophozoites. Among them two filaments of different diameter were identified. These aggregates presented repeating assemblies of thin and thick filaments that in cross section revealed a muscle-like appearance. Our results suggest that these aggregates constitute the contractile ring responsible for the separation of daughter cells.  相似文献   

In addition to its classic glycolytic role, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has been implicated in many activities unrelated to glycolysis, such as membrane fusion, binding to host proteins and signal transduction. GAPDH can be the target of several modifications that allow incorporation to membranes and possible regulation of its activity; among these modifications is mono-ADP-ribosylation. This post-translational modification is important for the regulation of many cellular processes and is the mechanism of action of several bacterial toxins. In a previous study, we observed the extracellular ADP-ribosylation of a 37-kDa ameba protein. We report here that GAPDH and cysteine synthase A are the main ADP-ribosylated proteins in Entamoeba histolytica extracellular medium, GAPDH is secreted from ameba at 37 degrees C in a time-dependent manner, and its enzymatic activity is not inhibited by ADP-ribosylation. Extracellular GAPDH from ameba may play an important role in the survival of this human pathogen or in interaction with host molecules, as occurs in other organisms.  相似文献   

Mitochondria incubated aerobically in the presence of tetrapropylammonium and weak acids and in the presence of trace amounts of tetraphenylboron undergo a series of damped oscillations reflecting cycles of osmotic swelling and shrinkage. The matrix volume changes are consequent to transport of tetrapropylammonium catalytically stimulated by tetraphenylboron. The amplitude and frequency of the oscillations increase with the concentration of tetrapropylammonium, as required for critical rates and extents of ion influx. Addition of bovine serum albumin abolishes both the uptake of tetrapropylammonium and the oscillations. Volume oscillations are paralleled by cyclic activation and depression of the respiratory rate. Two lines of evidence suggest that the train of damped oscillations depends on the cyclic activation of an electroneutral exchange of H+ with organic cations rather than on cyclic uncoupling. First, further increase of cation permeability due to a pulse of tetraphenylboron, after initiation of cation efflux, restores cation influx. Second, addition of Mg2+, which abolishes the oscillations, has a much more marked inhibitory effect on the process of cation efflux than on cation influx. Conversely, addition of A23187, which removes membrane-bound Mg2+, promotes cation efflux and thus the oscillations. It is suggested that, in the present system, stretching of the inner membrane and Mg2+ depletion result in activation of an electroneutral H+/organic cation exchange, and that cyclic activation of this reaction results in damped oscillations.  相似文献   

The roles of the Na+/H+ exchange system in the development and cessation of reperfusion induced ventricular arrhythmias were studied in the isolated perfused rat heart. The hearts were perfused in the working heart mode with modified Krebs Henseleit bicarbonate (KHB) buffer and whole heart ischemia was induced by a one-way ball valve with 330 beat/min pacing. Ischemia was continued for 15 min followed by 20 min of aerobic reperfusion (control). Amiloride (1.0mM), an inhibitor of the Na+/H+ exchange system, was added to the KHB buffer only during reperfusion (group B) or only during ischemic periods (group C). Electrocardiographic and hemodynamic parameters were monitored throughout the perfusion. Coronary effluent was collected through pulmonary artery cannulation and PO2, PCO2, HCO 3 and pH were measured by blood-gas analyzer.The incidence of reperfusion induced ventricular arrhythmias was 100%, 100% and 0% in control, group B and group C, respectively. The mean onset time of termination of reperfusion arrhythmias was significantly shorter in group B than in control. PCO2 increased from 39.0±0.9 to 89.3±6.0 mmHg at the end of ischemia in control and from 40.6±0.4 to 60.5±5.8 in group C, the difference between groups was statistically significant. HCO 3 level decreased from 21.8±0.1 to 18.3±0.5 mmol/l in control, however, this decrease was significantly inhibited in group C (from 22.0±0.5 to 20.3±0.2). The increase in PCO2 and the decrease in HCO 3 in group B were similar over time to those observed in control. The decrease in pH produced by ischemia was marked in control (from 7.35±0.01 to 6.92±0.04) and group B (from 7.34±0.01 to 6.94±0.02), whereas a decrease in pH was significantly prevented in group C (from 7.34±0.01 to 7.15±0.04). There were no significant differences in PCO2, HCO 3 or pH among the three groups during reperfusion.These experiments provide evidence that amiloride significantly prevented the incidence of reperfusion arrhythmias when added only during ischemia and significantly terminated reperfusion arrhythmias when added only during reperfusion. Amiloride may prevent a decrease in pH, due to alterations in PCO2 and/or HCO 3 . These changes in PCO2 and HCO 3 might be indirectly influenced by inhibition of the Na+/H+ exchange system via Cl/HCO 3 exchange. The mechanism by which amiloride terminates reperfusion arrhythmias seems to involve electrophysiological effects which were not directly addressed in this experiment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨血清白介素-6(IL-6)、白介素-8(IL-8)、IgM抗体及T细胞亚群对先天性梅毒新生儿的诊断价值。方法:选择2015年5月至2017年5月在我院进行临床治疗的先天性梅毒新生儿81例为观察组,另选同期来我院进行健康体检81例新生儿为对照组。比较两组患者血清IL-6、IL-8、T细胞亚群中CD~(3+)、CD~(4+)、CD~(8+)、CD~(4+)/CD~(8+)细胞及IgM抗体的阳性率。结果:治疗后,观察组血清IL-6、IL-8水平均明显高于对照组(P0.05),T细胞亚群中CD~(3+)、CD~(4+)、CD~(4+)/CD~(8+)明显低于对照组,而CD~(8+)T细胞比例高于对照组(P0.05)。19S-IgM-TP ELISA法检测出IgM的阳性率92.59%,明显高于TRUST法(74.07%)及TP-ELSA法(70.37%)(P0.05)。ROC曲线中,血清IL-8特异度为88.34%明显高于血清IL-6特异度81.48%、IgM抗体特异度60.13%、T细胞亚群特异度65.34%;IgM抗体的曲线面积88.91 cm~2明显大于IL-6的曲线面积45.09 cm~2、IL-8的曲线面积76.19 cm~2、T细胞亚群的曲线面积77.35 cm~2;T细胞亚群准备性67.89%明显高于IL-6准确性60.39%、IL-8准确性51.09%、IgM抗体准确性50.12;IgM抗体的灵敏度60.13%高于IL-6灵敏度59.19%、IL-8灵敏度42.35%、T细胞亚群灵敏度59.37%。具有比较意义(P0.05)。结论:血清IL-6、IL-8水平、T细胞亚群中CD~(3+)、CD~(4+)、CD~(8+)、CD~(4+)/CD~(8+)及IgM抗体阳性率是诊断先天性梅毒新生儿的重要指标。  相似文献   

In the thermohalophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus, the NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) is encoded by two single genes and two operons, one of which contains the genes for five complex I subunits, nqo10-nqo14, a pterin carbinolamine dehydratase, and a putative single subunit Na+/H+ antiporter. Here we report that the latter encodes indeed a functional Na+/H+ antiporter, which is able to confer resistance to Na+, but not to Li+ to an Escherichia coli strain defective in Na+/H+ antiporters. In addition, an extensive amino acid sequence comparison with several single subunit Na+/H+ antiporters from different groups, namely NhaA, NhaB, NhaC, and NhaD, suggests that this might be the first member of a new type of Na+/H+ antiporters, which we propose to call NhaE.  相似文献   

Mitochondria contain a latent K+/H+ antiporter that is activated by Mg2+-depletion and shows optimal activity in alkaline, hypotonic suspending media. This K+/H+ antiport activity appears responsible for a respiration-dependent extrusion of endogenous K+, for passive swelling in K+ acetate and other media, for a passive exchange of matrix42K+ against external K+, Na+, or Li+, and for the respiration-dependent ion extrusion and osmotic contraction of mitochondria swollen passively in K+ nitrate. K+/H+ antiport is inhibited by quinine and by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide when this reagent is reacted with Mg2+-depleted mitochondria. There is good suggestive evidence that the K+/H+ antiport may serve as the endogenous K+-extruding device of the mitochondrion. There is also considerable experimental support for the concept that the K+/H+ antiport is regulated to prevent futile influx-efflux cycling of K+. However, it is not yet clear whether such regulation depends on matrix free Mg2+, on membrane conformational changes, or other as yet unknown factors.  相似文献   

Extremely alkalophilic bacteria that grow optimally at pH 10.5 and above are generally aerobic bacilli that grow at mesophilic temperatures and moderate salt levels. The adaptations to alkalophily in these organisms may be distinguished from responses to combined challenges of high pH together with other stresses such as salinity or anaerobiosis. These alkalophiles all possess a simple and physiologically crucial Na+ cycle that accomplishes the key task of pH homeostasis. An electrogenic, secondary Na+/H+ antiporter is energized by the electrochemical proton gradient formed by the proton-pumping respiratory chain. The antiporter facilitates maintenance of a pHin that is two or more pH units lower than pHout at optimal pH values for growth. It also largely converts the initial electrochemical proton gradient formed by respiration into an electrochemical sodium gradient that energizes motility as well as a plethora of Na+/solute symporters. These symporters catalyze solute accumulation and, importantly, reentry of Na+. The extreme nonmarine alkalophiles exhibit no primary sodium pumping dependent upon either respiration or ATP. ATP synthesis is not part of their Na+ cycle. Rather, the specific details of oxidative phosphorylation in these organisms are an interesting analogue of the same process in mitochondria, and may utilize some common features to optimize energy transduction.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar are two morphologically indistinguishable species that are found in the human gut. Of the two, E. histolytica is considered to be pathogenic while E. dispar is nonpathogenic. To generate molecular probes to detect and distinguish between the two species, we utilized repeat sequences present in Entamoeba genome. We have developed probes and primers from rDNA episomes, and unidentified Entamoeba EST1 repeat for this purpose, and used them for dot blot hybridization and PCR amplification. To investigate the possible existence of invasive and noninvasive strains of E. histolytica, the ability to differentiate individual isolates is necessary. For this purpose, we have utilized a modification of the AFLP procedure called 'Transposon display,' which generates and displays large number of genomic bands associated with a transposon. We have used the abundant retrotransposon, EhSINE1, for this purpose,and demonstrated its potential as a marker to study strain variation in E. histolytica. This technique could suitably be employed in carrying out significant molecular epidemiological studies and large-scale typing of this parasite.  相似文献   

Amoebiasis is responsible for 50000-100000 deaths annually. Invasive amoebic disease begins with the attachment of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites to colonic mucin, a process mediated by the amoebic Gal/GalNAc lectin. The non-pathogenic counterpart, E. dispar, is morphologically identical but genetically distinct. Investigations comparing the Gal/GalNac lectin from these two organisms are under way.  相似文献   


Na+/H+ antiporters play a primary role in Na+/H+ homeostasis in cells and many organelles and have long been drug targets. The X-ray structure of NhaA, the main antiporter of Escherichia coli, provided structural insights into the antiport mechanism and its pH regulation and revealed a novel fold; six of the 12 TMs (Trans membrane segments) are organized in two topologically inverted repeats, each with one TM interrupted by an extended chain creating a unique electrostatic environment in the middle of the membrane at the cation binding site. Remarkably, inverted repeats containing interrupted helices with similar functional implications have since been observed in structures of other bacterial secondary transporters with almost no sequence homology. Finally, the structure reveals that NhaA is organized into two functional regions: a ‘pH sensor' – a cluster of amino acyl side chains that are involved in pH regulation; and a catalytic region that is 9 Å removed from the pH sensor. Alternative accessibility of the binding site to either side of the membrane, i.e., functional-dynamics, is the essence of secondary transport mechanism. Because NhaA is tightly pH regulated, structures of the pH-activated and ligand-activated NhaA conformations are needed to identify its functional-dynamics. However, as these are static snapshots of a dynamic protein, the dynamics of the protein both in vitro and in situ in the membrane are also required as reviewed here in detail. The results reveal two different conformational changes characterizing NhaA: One is pH-induced for NhaA activation; the other is ligand-induced for antiport activity.  相似文献   

Summary To study the physiological role of the bidirectionally operating, furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes, the effect of furosemide on red cell cation and hemoglobin content was determined in cells incubated for 24 hr with ouabain in 145mm NaCl media containing 0 to 10mm K+ or Rb+. In pure Na+ media, furosemide accelerated cell Na+ gain and retarded cellular K+ loss. External K+ (5mm) had an effect similar to furosemide and markedly reduced the action of the drug on cellular cation content. External Rb+ accelerated the Na+ gain like K+, but did not affect the K+ retention induced by furosemide. The data are interpreted to indicate that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system of human erythrocytes mediates an equimolar extrusion of Na+ and K+ in Na+ media (Na+/K+ cotransport), a 1:1 K+/K+ (K+/Rb+) and Na+/Na+ exchange progressively appearing upon increasing external K+ (Rb+) concentrations to 5mm. The effect of furosemide (or external K+/Rb+) on cation contents was associated with a prevention of the cell shrinkage seen in pure Na+ media, or with a cell swelling, indicating that the furosemide-sensitive Na+/K+ transport system is involved in the control of cell volume of human erythrocytes. The action of furosemide on cellular volume and cation content tended to disappear at 5mm external K+ or Rb+. Thein vivo red cell K+ content was negatively correlated to the rate of furosemide-sensitive K+ (Rb+) uptake, and a positive correlation was seen between mean cellular hemoglobin content and furosemide-sensitive transport activity. The transport system possibly functions as a K+ and waterextruding mechanism under physiological conditiosin vivo. The red cell Na+ content showed no correlation to the activity of the furosemide-sensitive transport system.  相似文献   

In an effort to define the mechanism underlying the host immune downregulation inherent to Trichinella spiralis infection, we compared the levels of Th1, Th2, and regulatory cytokines and CD4+CD25+ forkhead box P3 (FoxP3)+ T (Treg) cell recruitment, as well as cellular pathology in the airway between T. spiralis infected and uninfected asthma-induced mice. After the induction of allergic airway inflammation, we noted influxes of inflammatory cells into the peribronchial tree. However, in the T. spiralis infection groups, cellular infiltration was minimal around the bronchial tree, with only a smattering of inflammatory cells. In the OVA-challenged group after T. spiralis infection, the numbers of macrophages and eosinophils in the bronchial alveolar lavage fluid were reduced by 23% and 52%, respectively, as compared to those of the OVA-challenged group. Airway hyperresponsiveness of OVA-challenged mice after T. spiralis infection was significantly suppressed as compared to the OVA-only challenged mice. The T. spiralis-infected mice exhibited a significant reduction in IL-5 concentrations relative to that noted in the OVA-challenged group (p < 0.01). Nevertheless, the regulatory cytokines IL-10 and TGF-β levels were increased significantly as the result of T. spiralis infection, and we verified the recruitment of Treg cells in lung draining lymph nodes via T. spiralis infection. Therefore, Treg cells, which were recruited by T. spiralis infection, might ameliorate lung function and reduce allergic airway inflammation.  相似文献   

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