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The cyanogenic diglycoside lucumin ((R)-mandelonitrile-β-d-primeveroside) and monoglucoside prunasin ((R)-mandelonitrile-β-d-glucoside) were isolated from the foliage of the rare Australian rainforest tree species Clerodendrum grayi (Lamiaceae). This is the first reported isolation of the diglycoside lucumin from vegetative tissue (foliage), and the first reported co-occurrence of lucumin and prunasin. Furthermore, unusually, the diglycoside lucumin was the most abundant cyanogen accounting for approximately 60% of total cyanide in a leaf tissue.  相似文献   

Elaeocarpus grandis (Blue Quandong) is a common rainforest tree with a widespread distribution across northeastern Australia, while the related species E. sp. Rocky Creek and E. williamsianus are more restricted in their distribution. Highly polymorphic markers are required to provide genetic information on these species, which will aid in developing effective conservation and management strategies. Eight microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in E. grandis, and tested in the rare species and other species of the Elaeocarpaceae. Cross‐species transferability was most successful within Elaeocarpus, with six and eight loci transferring to E. sp. Rocky Creek and E. williamsianus, respectively.  相似文献   

A new compound, pheglycoside A (1), along with four known aromatic glycosides (2-5) and three known lignan glycosides (68) were isolated from Streblus ilicifolius (Vidal) Corner. The structure of compound 1 was determined by spectral analyses, including HRESIMS, 1D, and 2D NMR (COSY, HSQC, and HMBC) experiments. The absolute configuration of compound 1 was determined using the CD spectrum and experiment data. From the present investigation, all these compounds were isolated for the first time from S. ilicifolius. It is interesting that phenylpropanoid glycoside and aromatic glycosides are reported for the first time in the genus Streblus. The chemotaxonomic significance of these compounds was summarized.  相似文献   

The genus Antimerus Fauvel, 1878, endemic to eastern Australia and Tasmania and a phylogenetically enigmatic member of the large rove beetle tribe Staphylinini, is revised. The genus and each of its four previously known species are redescribed, and a lectotype is designated for Antimerus punctipennis Lea, 1906. Five species are described as new: Antimerus metallicussp. n., Antimerus jamesrodmanisp. n., Antimerus gracilissp. n., Antimerus bellussp. n. and Antimerus monteithisp. n., so that the number of known species in this genus now totals nine. For the first time Antimerus larvae are described, tentatively identified as Antimerus smaragdinus Fauvel, 1878, Antimerus punctipennis and Antimerus metallicus. Available distributional and bionomic data are provided for each species and summarized in the discussion. Adult and larval morphology of Antimerus and its distribution patterns are discussed in the broader context of new data on the evolution of the entire tribe Staphylinini, and with respect to the formation of the Australian fauna of this tribe. The phylogenetic position of Antimerus within Staphylinini remains unresolved pending a targeted formal study. However, a majority of currently available data suggests that it could be a basal member of the recently recovered monophyletic clade of Staphylinini tentatively called "Staphylinini propria".  相似文献   

The pollination biology of Syzygium sayeri was documented using the special capabilities of the Australian Canopy Crane. Syzygium sayeri is a xenogamous species with poor self-compatibility, moderate levels of natural out-crossing, and the producer of copious amounts nectar throughout the day and night. Of a diverse fauna associated with, and visiting the flowers of S. sayeri , larger vertebrates (blossom bats and honeyeaters) account for approximately half its natural pollination rate, while the balance of pollination is attributable to a host of invertebrate visitors (wasps, flies, thrips, butterflies). Day and night pollinators contributed approximately equally to the successful pollination of S. sayeri ; although the number of individuals visiting flowers was greater during the day, further experimentation might reveal night visitors to be more effective pollinators. The co-occurrence of vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as day and night visitors, suggests that S. sayeri has a generalist pollination system, whereby the absence of a discrete set of faunae could be compensated for by the presence of other pollinators. What is not clear is the contribution of different pollinators to the population success (i.e. gene flow) of this species. Further study is needed to determine the contribution of each pollinator group to the flow of genetic material in populations of S. sayeri . © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 69–84.  相似文献   

Two genera of chironomine Chironomidae are reported: Anuncotendipes , gen. n., type species Anuncotendipes australotropicus sp. n. and included Anuncotendipes kakadu sp. n., and Nandeva Wiedenbrug, Reiss and Fittkau as new to Australia for the species Nandeva fittkaui sp. n. The pupa and adults are known for each genus, but the larvae only for Anuncotendipes . The female of Nandeva is described for the first time. Pupal exuviae of both genera occur in smaller streams in the wet tropics of Far North Queensland, and A. kakadu is lotic in the Northern Territory. Phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Chironominae at generic level suggests that Anuncotendipes is a sister genus to Rheomus in the Harnischia -complex of genera. Nandeva shows convergent resemblance to the tribe Tanytarsini, but more likely belongs to an austral radiation of Chironomini including Nilodosis Keiffer, Fissimentum Cranston and Nolte and Imparipecten Freeman. These genera show tropical Gondwanan tracks linking Australia with the Afrotropics and Neotropics.  相似文献   

Few Neotropical plant species seem to depend on the same animal type both for pollination and seed dispersal, and the known instances refer mostly to birds as the agents in these two phases of a plant reproductive cycle. Dyssochroma viridiflorum (Solanaceae), an epiphyte endemic to the Atlantic rainforest in south-eastern Brazil, was found to be visited by phyllostomid bats for nectar as well as for fruits, with the pollination and seed dispersal of the plant ensured by these flying mammals. The greenish flowers open at night and are visited by the nectar-feeding bat Glossophaga soricina, whereas the yellowish-white fruits are consumed by two species of fruit-eating bats, Carollia perspicillata and Sturnira lilium. Only clinging visits, an uncommon behavioural pattern for glossophagine bats while feeding on flowers, were recorded. The small seeds of D. viridiflorum are swallowed along with the fruit pulp and later defecated on the bats' flying pathways. It is suggested that species of Dyssochroma and two other solanaceous bat-pollinated genera, Merinthopodium and Trianaea, form a derived and bat-dependent clade within the Juanulloeae.  相似文献   

Cuezzo C  Nickle DA 《ZooKeys》2011,(159):1-9
A new genus and species of nasutitermitine termites are described and illustrated, based on soldier and worker characters. Sinqasapatermesgen. n., can be distinguished from all other nasutitermitine genera by its singular worker gut coiling and enteric valve characters: distal margin of the enteric valve not everted into the paunch but bending towards the ileum, that is, directed against the flow of food; enteric valve armature with one ring of six equal subtriangularly-shaped ridges, each ridge with short spines on the entire surface; enteric valve armature situatedonexternal face of cone, facing the internal ileum wall; enteric valve seating tri-lobed and separated from remaining portionof the paunch; paunch subdivided. Sinqasapatermes sachaesp. n., was collected on a tree in a very narrow flattened tunnel that was well concealed beneath lichens in a northern Peru rainforest (Arcadia, Loreto Province).  相似文献   



Savanna biomes cover around 20% of land surfaces, yet the origins and processes that have shaped their biodiversity remain understudied. Here, we assess the timing of diversification and how patterns of genetic diversity vary along an aridity gradient in specialized saxicoline gecko clades (Oedura spp.) from the tropical savannas of northern Australia.


Australian Monsoonal Tropics (AMT), Kimberley region (Western Australia).


We compiled mitochondrial and nuclear data for two Kimberley endemic lizard clades (Oedura filicipoda/murrumanu and O. gracilis), and allied non‐Kimberley taxa (O. marmorata complex). Species delimitation methods were used to identify evolutionary lineages, Maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic methods were employed to assess relationships and diversification timeframes, and rainfall data and range sizes were tested for correlations.


Phylogenetic analyses of cryptic or recently discovered lineage diversity revealed late‐Miocene to early‐Pliocene crown ages. Microendemism and diversity were highest in high‐rainfall regions, while the most widespread lineages occurred in the central and south‐east Kimberley, and showed evidence of introgression with parapatric lineages.

Main conclusions

The initial diversification in both clades was broadly concordant with global climatic events linked to the expansion of savanna biomes in the lateMiocene. Higher endemism in mesic and refugial areas suggests long histories of localized persistence, while wider distributions and evidence of introgression suggest a dynamic history at the arid‐monsoonal interface.  相似文献   

为研究云南锦斑蛾Achelura yunnanensis幼虫的化学防御策略, 利用硅胶柱色谱和HPLC制备色谱等色谱学方法对其毒性分泌液进行了化学成分的分离, 并通过核磁共振和质谱学方法对分离到的成分进行了结构鉴定。从其毒性分泌液中分离得到了两个神经毒性氰苷类化合物, 经鉴定分别为linamarin和lotaustralin。取食试验表明, linamarin对黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum有明显的拒食活性。我们推测, 云南锦斑蛾体内的神经毒性物质氰苷是通过摄取宿主植物冬樱花Prunus cerasoides和云南樱花P. majestic而获得的, 并在体内转化形成毒液, 用于防御其天敌。本研究为云南锦斑蛾和宿主植物的协同进化提供了化学依据。  相似文献   

Little is known about the trypanosomes of indigenous Australian vertebrates and their vectors. We surveyed a range of vertebrates and blood-feeding invertebrates for trypanosomes by parasitological and PCR-based methods using primers specific to the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene of genus Trypanosoma. Trypanosome isolates were obtained in culture from two common wombats, one swamp wallaby and an Australian bird (Strepera sp.). By PCR, blood samples from three wombats, one brush-tailed wallaby, three platypuses and a frog were positive for trypanosome DNA. All the blood-sucking invertebrates screened were negative for trypanosomes both by microscopy and PCR, except for specimens of terrestrial leeches (Haemadipsidae). Of the latter, two Micobdella sp. specimens from Victoria and 18 Philaemon sp. specimens from Queensland were positive by PCR. Four Haemadipsa zeylanica specimens from Sri Lanka and three Leiobdella jawarerensis specimens from Papua New Guinea were also PCR positive for trypanosome DNA. We sequenced the SSU rRNA and glycosomal glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) genes in order to determine the phylogenetic positions of the new vertebrate and terrestrial leech trypanosomes. In trees based on these genes, Australian vertebrate trypanosomes fell in several distinct clades, for the most part being more closely related to trypanosomes outside Australia than to each other. Two previously undescribed wallaby trypanosomes fell in a clade with Trypanosoma theileri, the cosmopolitan bovid trypanosome, and Trypanosoma cyclops from a Malaysian primate. The terrestrial leech trypanosomes were closely related to the wallaby trypanosomes, T. cyclops and a trypanosome from an Australian frog. We suggest that haemadipsid leeches may be significant and widespread vectors of trypanosomes in Australia and Asia.  相似文献   

绿盖粉孢牛肝菌中一个新的甾体糖苷   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从绿盖粉孢牛肝菌(Tylopilus virens)中分离得到一个新的麦角甾烷型甾体糖苷,其化学结构通过波谱学方法鉴定为:(22E,24R)-麦角甾-7,22-二烯-5α,6β-二醇-3β-O-[3-(3-苯基丙酰氧基)]-β-D-葡萄吡喃糖苷,命名为tylopiloside(1),同时,其苷元cerevisterol(2)也从该菌中分离得到。值得注意的是,这种糖片段上有芳环取代的烷酰氧基基团的麦角甾烷型甾体糖苷为真菌中首次报道。  相似文献   

The polysaccharides extracted from Claviclonium ovatum were studied by a combination of compositional assays, reductive partial hydrolysis, linkage analysis, Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and 13C, 1H, and 13C/1H heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation (HMQC) two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The chemical and spectroscopic data showed that the alkali-modified C. ovatum polysaccharides are composed of a nearly idealized repeating unit of 6'-O-methylcarrabiose 2,4'-disulfate (the repeating unit of 6'-O-methylated iota-carrageenan), although some minor components were also present. The C. ovatum galactans are the most highly methylated carrageenans reported.  相似文献   

Rix MG  Harvey MS 《ZooKeys》2011,(123):1-100
The Assassin Spiders of the family Archaeidae are an ancient and iconic lineage of basal araneomorph spiders, characterised by a specialised araneophagic ecology and unique, 'pelican-like' cephalic morphology. Found throughout the rainforests, wet sclerophyll forests and mesic heathlands of south-western, south-eastern and north-eastern Australia, the genus Austrarchaea Forster & Platnick, 1984 includes a diverse assemblage of relictual, largely short-range endemic species. With recent dedicated field surveys and significant advances in our understanding of archaeid biology and ecology, numerous new species of assassin spiders have been discovered in the montane sub-tropical and warm-temperate closed forests of mid-eastern Australia, including several rare or enigmatic taxa and species of conservation concern. This fauna is revised and 17 new species are described from south-eastern Queensland and eastern New South Wales: Austrarchaea alanisp. n., Austrarchaea aleenaesp. n., Austrarchaea binfordaesp. n., Austrarchaea christopherisp. n., Austrarchaea clyneaesp. n., Austrarchaea cunninghamisp. n., Austrarchaea dianneaesp. n., Austrarchaea harmsisp. n., Austrarchaea helenaesp. n., Austrarchaea judyaesp. n., Austrarchaea mascordisp. n., Austrarchaea mcguiganaesp. n., Austrarchaea milledgeisp. n., Austrarchaea monteithisp. n., Austrarchaea platnickorumsp. n., Austrarchaea ravenisp. n. and Austrarchaea smithaesp. n. Adult specimens of the type species, Austrarchaea nodosa (Forster, 1956) are redescribed from the Lamington Plateau, south-eastern Queensland, and distinguished from the sympatric species Austrarchaea dianneaesp. n. A key to species and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of COI and COII mtDNA sequences complement the species-level taxonomy, with maps, habitat photos, natural history information and conservation assessments provided for all species.  相似文献   

The warmer and drier climates projected for the mid‐ to late‐21st century may have particularly adverse impacts on the cool temperate rainforests of southeastern Australia. Southern beech (Nothofagus cunninghamii; Nothofagaceae), a dominant tree species in these forests, may be vulnerable to minor changes in its climate envelope, especially at the edge of the species range, with Holocene fossil evidence showing local extinction of populations in response to small climate changes. We modelled the stability of this species climate envelope using the maximum entropy algorithm implemented in Maxent and two thresholds of presence/absence by projecting the modern climate envelope onto four Global Circulation Models forecasted for two time periods (2050s and 2070s). The climate envelope, as estimated from the species present climatic range, is predicted to shrink by up to 49% by the 2050s and up to 64% by the 2070s. The greatest predicted reduction is in Victoria with 91–100% of its current range being climatically unsuitable by the 2070s. Climatically similar areas to the species present range are predicted to remain in mountainous areas of western Tasmania, the Northeast Highlands of Tasmania, and the Baw Baw Plateau in the Central Highlands of Victoria. However, region‐specific modelling approaches made very different predictions from the whole‐range based models, especially in the severity of the predicted decline for Victorian populations of N. cunninghamii which occur in much warmer climates than the rest of the species geographical range. This shows that, for widespread species that span a range of climate zones, the exposure of current populations to climate change may be better modelled using a regional based approach. How the species responds to climate change will depend on the species ability to respond to drier and warmer climates and the concomitant increase in fire intensity.  相似文献   

A total of 15 microsatellite primers pairs were developed for the Australian small‐eyed snake Rhinoplocephalus nigrescens. Five primers were used to screen 93 individuals of R. nigrescens and were also tested against eight species of the closely related genus Suta. Allelic diversity in R. nigrescens was high in three loci (12–27) and there was high heterozygosity (0.58–0.82). Observed heterozygosity did not deviate from Hardy–Weinberg expectations for the five loci tested. These primers will be useful in studies of population genetics and mating systems of small‐eyed snakes and related species.  相似文献   

A new species of ghost knifefish, Apteronotus, is described from high-energy environments in the Rios Mapuera and Trombetas (at Cachoeira Porteira waterfalls), Brazil. X-ray microcomputed tomography (μCT scan) was used to access the internal anatomy of the type series. The new species is distinguished from all congeners by the anteriormost position of the anus, with its posterior margin extending less than one eye diameter beyond the vertical through the caudal limit of the posterior nostril, the low number of anal-fin rays (117–125) and the reduced number of branchiostegal rays (three). A series of modifications associated with secondary sexual dimorphism on the preorbital region of mature males are depicted and discussed. In addition, comments on homologies of the branchiostegal rays in Apteronotidae are provided.  相似文献   

Zhu C  Peng W  Li Y  Han X  Yu B 《Carbohydrate research》2006,341(8):1047-1051
3-O-(beta-D-xylopyranosyl-(1-->2)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-3'-O-(beta-D-glucopyranosyl)tamarixetin, the putative flavonal glycoside named aescuflavoside A, isolated from the seeds of Aesculus chinensis, is synthesized via regioselective glycosylation of 7-O-benzyltamarixetin with glycosyl bromides under phase-transfer-catalyzed conditions.  相似文献   

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