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Functional analysis of human pollical distal phalangeal (PDP) morphology is undertaken to establish a basis for the assessment of fossil hominid PDP morphology. Features that contribute to the effectiveness of grips involving the distal thumb and finger pulp areas include: 1) distal thumb interphalangeal joint morphology, facilitating PDP conjunct pronation with flexion; 2) differentiation of a proximal, mobile pulp region from a distal, stable pulp region, providing for firm precision pinch grips and precision handling of objects; and 3) asymmetric attachment of the flexor pollicis longus (FPL) tendon fibers, favoring PDP conjunct pronation. A proportionately larger size of the ulnar vs. radial ungual spine suggests differential loading intensity of the ulnar side of the proximal ungual pulp and supporting nail bed. Stresses at the distal interphalangeal joint are indicated by the presence of a sesamoid bone within the volar (palmar) plate, which also increases the length of the flexor pollicis longus tendon moment arm. Dissections of specimens from six nonhuman primate genera indicate that these human features are shared variably with individuals in other species, although the full pattern of features appears to be distinctively human. Humans share variably with these other species all metric relationships examined here. The new data identify a need to systematically review long-standing assumptions regarding the range of precision and power manipulative capabilities that might reasonably be inferred from morphology of the distal phalangeal tuberosity and from the FPL tendon insertion site on the PDP.  相似文献   

Oreopithecus bambolii, an ape from the late Miocene of Italy, is said to possess a hand capable of a precision grip like that of humans. Relative hand length, proportions of the thumb, and morphological features of the thumb and wrist were adduced to support the idea that Oreopithecus had a hand that closely matched the pattern in Australopithecus. A reappraisal of earlier arguments and comparisons of Oreopithecus with humans, apes, and Old World monkeys, reveals that Oreopithecus had an essentially ape-like hand that emphasized ape-like power grasping over human-like precision grasping.  相似文献   

The glenohumeral joint, the most mobile joint in the body of hominoids, is involved in the locomotion of all extant primates apart from humans. Over the last few decades, our knowledge of how variation in its morphological characteristics relates to different locomotor behaviors within extant primates has greatly improved, including features of the proximal humerus and the glenoid cavity of the scapula, as well as the muscles that function to move the joint (the rotator cuff muscles). The glenohumeral joint is a region with a strong morphofunctional signal, and hence, its study can shed light on the locomotor behaviors of crucial ancestral nodes in the evolutionary history of hominoids (e.g., the last common ancestor between humans and chimpanzees). Hominoids, in particular, are distinct in showing round and relatively big proximal humeri with lowered tubercles and flattened and oval glenoid cavities, morphology suited to engage in a wide range of motions, which enables the use of locomotor behaviors such as suspension. The comparison with extant taxa has enabled more informed functional interpretations of morphology in extinct primates, including hominoids, from the Early Miocene through to the emergence of hominins. Here, I review our current understanding of glenohumeral joint functional morphology and its evolution throughout the Miocene and Pleistocene, as well as highlighting the areas where a deeper study of this joint is still needed.  相似文献   

The vertical-climbing account of the evolution of locomotor behavior and morphology in hominid ancestry is reexamined in light of recent behavioral, anatomical, and paleontological findings and a more firmly established phylogeny for the living apes. The behavioral record shows that African apes, when arboreal, are good vertical climbers, and that locomotion during traveling best separates the living apes into brachiators (gibbons), scrambling/climbing/brachiators (orangutans), and terrestrial quadrupeds (gorillas and chimpanzees). The paleontological record documents frequent climbing as an ancestral catarrhine ability, while a reassessment of the morphology of the torso and forelimb in living apes and Atelini suggests that their shared unique morphological pattern is best explained by brachiation and forelimb suspensory positional behavior. Further, evidence from the hand and foot points to a terrestrial quadrupedal phase in hominoid evolution prior to the adoption of bipedalism. The evolution of positional behavior from early hominoids to hominids appears to have begun with an arboreal quadrupedal-climbing phase and proceeded though an orthograde, brachiating, forelimb-suspensory phase, which was in turn followed by arboreal and terrestrial quadrupedal phases prior to the advent of hominid bipedality. The thesis that protohominids climbed down from the trees to become terrestrial bipeds needs to be reexamined in light of a potentially long history of terrestriality in the ancestral protohominid. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe phalanges of the KNM-BG 35250 Nacholapithecus kerioi skeleton from the Middle Miocene of Kenya. Phalanges of N. kerioi display similarities to those of Proconsul heseloni despite their enhanced robusticity. They do not show highly specialized features as in living suspensory primates. However, N. kerioi manifests several distinctive features that are observed in neither living arboreal quadrupeds nor P. heseloni or P. nyanzae. The most remarkable of them is its phalangeal elongation. N. kerioi phalanges (particularly pedal) are as long as those of Pan despite its much smaller body size. While lengthened digits enable a secure grip of supports and are especially adaptive for grasping large vertical trunks, the skeletal and soft tissues are subjected to greater stress. Probably, strong selective pressures favored powerful hallucal/pollical assisted grips. Although this functional adaptation does not exclude the possible use of the terrestrial environment, arboreal behavioral modes must have been crucial in its positional repertoire. N. kerioi is distinguished from P. heseloni in the greater size of its manual phalanges over its pedal phalanges. These derived features of N. kerioi suggest positional modes supporting more weight on the forelimb, and which occur more frequently on vertical supports. If Proconsul is referred to as an "above-branch arboreal quadruped" with a deliberate and effective climbing capability, N. kerioi may be thought of as an "orthograde climber". While living apes are powerful orthograde climbers, they are also more or less suspensory specialists. Suspensory behavior (plus climbing) and pronograde quadrupedalism (plus climbing) are the two main arboreal behavioral adaptations in living anthropoids. Thus, N. kerioi is an unusual fossil primate in that it cannot be incorporated into this dichotomy. It is plausible that a N. kerioi-like orthograde climber with large forelimbs and cheiridia was a precursor of suspensory living apes, and N. kerioi may demonstrate what an initial hominoid of this grade might have looked like.  相似文献   

Primate shoulder morphology has been linked with locomotor habits, oftentimes irrespective of phylogenetic heritage. Among hominoids, juvenile African apes are known to climb more frequently than adults, while orangutans and gibbons maintain an arboreal lifestyle throughout ontogeny. This study examined if these ontogenetic locomotor differences carry a morphological signal, which should be evident in the scapulae of chimpanzees and gorillas but absent in taxa that do not display ontogenetic behavioral shifts. The scapular morphology of five hominoid primates and one catarrhine outgroup was examined throughout ontogeny to evaluate if scapular traits linked with arboreal activities are modified in response to ontogenetic behavioral shifts away from climbing. Specifically, the following questions were addressed: 1) which scapular characteristics distinguish taxa with different locomotor habits; and 2) do these traits show associated changes during development in taxa known to modify their behavioral patterns? Several traits characterized suspensory taxa from nonsuspensory forms, such as cranially oriented glenohumeral joints, obliquely oriented scapular spines, relatively narrow infraspinous fossae, and inferolaterally expanded subscapularis fossae. The relative shape of the dorsal scapular fossae changed in Pan, Gorilla, and also Macaca in line with predictions based on reported ontogenetic changes in locomotor behavior. These morphological changes were mostly distinct from those seen in Pongo, Hylobates, and Homo and imply a unique developmental pattern, possibly related to ontogenetic locomotor shifts. Accordingly, features that sorted taxa by locomotor habits and changed in concert with ontogenetic behavioral patterns should be particularly useful for reconstructing the locomotor habits of fossil forms. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:239–260, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper describes the morphology of the vertebral remains of the KNM-BG 35250 Nacholapithecus kerioi individual from the Middle Miocene of Kenya. Cervical vertebrae are generally large relative to presumed body mass, suggesting a heavy head with large jaws and well-developed neck muscles. The atlas retains the lateral and posterior bridges over the vertebral artery. The axis has a robust dens and a large angle formed by superior articular surfaces. The thoracic vertebral specimens include the diaphragmatic vertebra and one post-diaphragmatic vertebra. The thoracic vertebral bodies are much smaller that those of male Papio cynocephalus, whereas many of the dorsal elements are large and robust, exceeding those of male P. cynocephalus. Lumbar vertebral bodies are small relative to body mass, craniocaudally moderately long, and have a median ventral keel. The transverse process is craniocaudally long and arises from the widest part of the body cranially and the pedicle above the inferior vertebral notch caudally. Anapophyses are present in one of the preserved lumbar vertebrae. The postzygapophyses are thick dorsoventrally. These lumbar features are broadly shared with Proconsul. However, the base of the spinous process is longer and more caudally positioned in N. kerioi compared to Proconsul, and is more similar to the condition in Pongo. They are not dorsally (or moderately caudally) directed as is seen in P. nyanzae, Pan, and most other extant primates. A caudally directed spinous process does not permit a broad range of spinal dorsiflexion. The presumed stiff back in N. kerioi suggests a different locomotor repertoire than in Proconsul. Morotopithecus bishopi, although not possessing the same features, exhibits another morphological suite of characters for lumbar stiffness. Diverse functional adaptations of the lumbar spine were present in African hominoids during the Early to Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

Recently discovered Craniofacial fossils of the middle Miocene cercopithecoid Victoriapithecus are described. The frontal, zygomatic, maxilla, and premaxilla anatomy differ from the previously proposed colobine-like ancestral cercopithecoid morphotype in several significant respects. This morphotype was based on the assumption that features held in common by subordinate hominoid and cercopithecoid morphotypes (Colobinae and Hylobatidae) are primitive for Old World monkeys. Cranial similarities between Victoriapithecus, which represents the sister-group of both colobine and cercopithecone monkeys, and the shorter-snouted Cercopithecinae (Macaca and Cercopithecus) indicate that the last common ancestor of Old World monkeys possessed the following features: a narrow interorbital septum, moderately long snout, moderately long and anteriorly tapering premaxilla, large procumbent upper central incisors set anterior to and with longer roots than lateral incisors, moderately tall face below the orbits, teardrop-shaped nasal aperture of low height and moderate width, and probably long and narrow nasal bones. The Victoriapithecus cranium is also characterized by features not present in modern cercopithecids. These include a deep malar region of the zygomatic and the presence of a frontal trigon due to the occurrence of temporal lines that merge with supraorbital costae close to the midline of each orbit and converge anterior to bregma. These features are interpreted as primitive retentions from the basal catarrhine condition as indicated by the occurrence of these features among primitive catarrhines (Aegyptopithecus) and Miocene hominoids (Afropithecus). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In humans, 90% of the population is right handed. Although population hand preference has been found in some primate species, the evolution of manual lateralization in primates is not yet clear. To gain insight into manual lateralization of ancestral primates, we studied hand usage in unspecialized quadrupedal, nocturnal lemurs, using a large sample size. We compared two closely related mouse lemur species to explore the variation of hand preference within the same genus. We tested 44 gray mouse lemurs and 19 Goodman's mouse lemurs in a forced food grasping task. The tests were videotaped. Measures of hand preference (i.e. the hand that is spontaneously chosen for a specific task) and successful hand usage (i.e. the hand that is successful in completing a specific task) were taken to explore manual lateralization. Both species showed manual lateralization at an individual, but not at a population level. Goodman's mouse lemurs showed stronger individual hand preferences than gray mouse lemurs. This suggests that strength in hand preference is variable within the same genus. No sex and age effects were found. The hand preference of offspring was negatively correlated to that of their mothers, but not correlated to that of their fathers. Thus, no clear genetic effect can be derived from these results. In the Goodman's mouse lemurs, hand preference increased with increasing task experience. However, successful hand usage was not affected by task experience, suggesting that successful hand usage is a more stable measurement for manual lateralization than hand preference.  相似文献   

A distal tibia, YGSP 1656, from the early Late Miocene portion of the Chinji Formation in Pakistan is described. The fossil is 11.4 million years old and is one of only six postcranial elements now assigned to Sivapithecus indicus. Aspects of the articular surface are cercopithecoid-like, suggesting some pronograde locomotor activities. However, YGSP 1656 possesses an anteroposteriorly compressed metaphysis and a mediolaterally thick medial malleolus, ape-like features functionally related to orthograde body postures and vertical climbing. YGSP 1656 lacks specializations found in the ankle of terrestrial cercopithecoids and thus Sivapithecus may have been primarily arboreal. Nevertheless, the morphology of this tibia is unique, consistent with other interpretations of Sivapithecus postcranial functional morphology that suggest the locomotion of this ape lacks a modern analog. Based on the limited postcranial remains from S. indicus, we hypothesize that this taxon exhibited substantial body size dimorphism.  相似文献   

The relationship between femoral neck superior and inferior cortical thickness in primates is related to locomotor behavior. This relationship has been employed to infer bipedalism in fossil hominins, although bipeds share the same pattern of generalized quadrupeds, where the superior cortex is thinner than the inferior one. In contrast, knuckle‐walkers and specialized suspensory taxa display a more homogeneous distribution of cortical bone. These different patterns, probably related to the range of movement at the hip joint and concomitant differences in the load stresses at the femoral neck, are very promising for making locomotor inferences in extinct primates. To evaluate the utility of this feature in the fossil record, we relied on computed tomography applied to the femur of the Late Miocene hominoid Hispanopithecus laietanus as a test‐case study. Both an orthograde body plan and orang‐like suspensory adaptations had been previously documented for this taxon on different anatomical grounds, leading to the hypothesis that this fossil ape should display a modern ape‐like distribution of femoral neck cortical thickness. This is confirmed by the results of this study, leading to the conclusion that Hispanopithecus represents the oldest evidence of a homogeneous cortical bone distribution in the hominoid fossil record. Our results therefore strengthen the utility of femoral neck cortical thickness for making paleobiological inferences on the locomotor repertoire of fossil primates. This feature would be particularly useful for assessing the degree of orthograde arboreal locomotor behaviors vs. terrestrial bipedalism in putative early hominins. Am J PhyAnthropol 2012. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent Miocene fossil discoveries of large hominoids resemble orangutans. Since the evolution of large body size was functionally related to a powerful masticatory system in Miocene ape radiations, a better understanding of adaptations in extant orangutans will be informative of hominoid evolution. It is suggested here, based on the behavioral ecology of extant orangutans, that foraging energetics and large body size are tied to a dietary shift that provided access to and utilization of resources not generally available to other primates.  相似文献   

Hominoids and lorines are assumed to possess greater shoulder mobility than other primates. This assumption is based on morphological characteristics of the shoulder, rather than on empirical data. However, recent studies have shown that the glenohumeral joint of hominoids is not more mobile than that of other primates (Chan LK. 2007. Glenohumeral mobility in primates. Folia Primatol (Basel) 78(1):1–18), and the thoracic shape of hominoids does not necessarily promote shoulder mobility (Chan LK. 2007. Scapular position in primates. Folia Primatol (Basel) 78(1):19–35). Moreover, lorines differ significantly from hominoids in both these features, thus challenging the assumption that both hominoids and lorines have greater shoulder mobility. The present study aims to test this assumption by collecting empirical data on shoulder mobility in 17 primate species. Passive arm circumduction (a combination of glenohumeral and pectoral girdle movement) was performed on sedated subjects (except humans), and the range measured on the video images of the circumduction. The motion differed among primate species mostly in the craniodorsal directions, the directions most relevant to the animal's ability to brachiate and slow climb. Hylobatids possessed the highest craniodorsal mobility among all primate species studied. However, nonhylobatid hominoids did not have greater craniodorsal mobility than arboreal quadrupedal monkeys, and lorines did not have greater craniodorsal mobility than arboreal quadrupedal prosimians. Nonhylobatid hominoids and lorines had similar craniodorsal mobility, but this was due to a longer clavicle, more dorsal scapula, and lower glenohumeral mobility in the former, and a shorter clavicle, less dorsal scapula, and greater glenohumeral mobility in the latter. This study provides evidence for the reexamination of the brachiation, slow climbing, and vertical climbing hypotheses. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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