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Ecogeographical patterns of morphological variation were studied in the Eurasian pygmy shrew Sorex minutus aiming to understand the species’ morphological diversity in a continental and island setting, and within the context of previous detailed phylogeographical studies. In total, 568 mandibles and 377 skulls of S. minutus from continental and island populations from Europe and Atlantic islands were examined using a geometric morphometrics approach, and the general relationships of mandible and skull size and shape with geographical and environmental variables were studied. Samples were then pooled into predefined geographical groups to evaluate the morphological differences among them using analyses of variance, aiming to contrast the morphological and genetic relationships based on morphological and genetic distances and ancestral state reconstructions, as well as assess the correlations of morphological, genetic, and geographical distances with Mantel tests. We found significant relationships of mandible size with geographical and environmental variables, fitting the converse Bergmann's rule; however, for skull size, this was less evident. Continental groups of S. minutus could not readily be differentiated from each other by shape. Most island groups of S. minutus were easily discriminated from the continental groups by being larger, indicative of an island effect. Moreover, morphological and genetic distances differed substantially and, again, island groups were distinctive morphologically. Morphological and geographical distances were significantly correlated, although this was not the case for morphological and genetic distances, indicating that morphological variation does not reflect genetic subdivision in S. minutus. Our analyses showed that environmental variables and insularity had important effects on the morphological differentiation of S. minutus.  相似文献   

By adopting a longitudinal study design and through geometric morphometrics methods, we investigated individual and ontogenetic variation in size, shape and timing during larval development of the cabbage butterfly Pieris brassicae under laboratory conditions. We found that ontogenetic size progression departs modestly, but significantly, from growth at a constant rate and that size at hatching contributes considerably to determine the size of the individual at all subsequent stages. As for the shape, ontogenetic allometry is much more conspicuous than static allometry, the latter in many cases being close to isometry. Analysis of developmental timing revealed a stage of apparently more effective developmental control at stage 3, supported by both the relatively small variance in cumulative developmental time up to stage 3 and by the pattern of correlation between duration of single stages. While presenting detailed quantitative aspects of growth in P. brassicae, in particular with respect to individual variation, this study and the associated dataset can provide a basis for further explorations of the post‐embryonic development in this insect and contribute to the ongoing investigations on growth regulation and control in insects.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the degree of congruence between phylogeny, as inferred from mitochondrial (mt)DNA sequences, and cranium shape variation of crested newts (Triturus cristatus superspecies) in the Balkans. These newts belong to four phylogenetic clades defined by mtDNA analysis, and significantly differed in cranial shape. Allometry explained a high percentage of shape variation in crested newts. The clade‐specific allometric slopes significantly diverged for both the ventral cranium and dorsal cranium, indicating that differences in shape between clades could not be a simple consequence of their difference in size. The analysis of hierarchical and spatial variation showed similarity in the patterns of global and spatially localized hierarchical variation of cranial shape. We also found significant congruence between the pattern of cranial shape variation and molecular phylogeny. The differences in morphology of Triturus dobrogicus in comparison to other crested newt clades, including marked differences in cranium shape, is discussed in the context of the evolution and ecology of crested newts. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 348–360.  相似文献   

The green anole, Anolis carolinensis, has long been an important model organism for studies of physiology and behaviour, and recently became the first reptile to have its genome sequenced. With a large and environmentally heterogeneous distribution, especially in relation to well‐studied Antillean relatives, A. carolinensis is also emerging as an important organism for novel studies of geographical differentiation and adaptation. In the present study, we quantify the degree of morphological variation in this species and test for environmental correlates of this variation. We also examine adherence to Bergmann's and Allen's rule, two eco‐geographical principles that have been well studied over large species ranges. We sampled from 14 populations across the distribution of the species in North America and measured 28 distinct morphological traits. We also collected a suite of environmental variables for each site, including those related to temperature, precipitation, and vegetation. Ultimately, we found a large degree of geographical variation in morphology, with head traits contributing the most to differences among populations. Morphological variation was correlated with variation in temperature, precipitation, and latitude across sites. We found no support for reverse Bergmann's rule typical of squamates, although we did find a trend of reverse Allen's rule. Ultimately, the present study provides a novel look at A. carolinensis and establishes it as a strong candidate for further studies of variation and adaptation over a large range.  相似文献   

The validity of Bergmann's rule, perhaps the best known ecogeographical rule, has been questioned for ectothermic species. Here, we explore the interspecific version of the rule documenting body size gradients for anurans across the whole New World and evaluating which environmental variables best explain the observed patterns. We assembled a dataset of body sizes for 2761 anuran species of the Western Hemisphere and conducted assemblage‐based and cross‐species analyses that consider the spatial and phylogenetic structure in the data. In accordance with heat and water‐related explanations for body size clines, we found a consistent association of median body size and potential evapotranspiration across the New World. A relevant role of water availability also emerges, suggesting the joint importance of body size for thermoregulation and hydroregulation in anurans. Anurans do not follow a simple Bergmannian pattern of increasing size towards high latitudes. Consistent with previous regional findings, our Hemisphere‐wide analyses detect that the geographic variation in anuran body sizes is highly dependent on a trade‐off between heat and water balance. The observed size‐climate relationships possibly emerge from the interplay between thermoregulatory abilities and the benefits inherent to reduced surface‐to‐volume ratios in larger species, which decrease the rates of evaporative water loss and favour heat retention. Our results also show how temperature becomes important for species that are directly in contact with the substrate and water, like burrowing and terrestrial anurans, while arboreal species exhibit a body size cline linked with potential evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

While ecogeographic variation in adult human body proportions has been extensively explored, relatively less attention has been paid to the effect of Bergmann's and Allen's rules on human body shape during growth. The relationship between climate and immature body form is particularly important, as immature mortality is high, mechanisms of thermoregulation differ between young and mature humans, and immature body proportions fluctuate due to basic parameters of growth. This study explores changes in immature ecogeographic body proportions via analyses of anthropometric data from children included in Eveleth and Tanner's (1976) Worldwide Variation in Human Growth, as well as limb proportion measurements in eight different skeletal samples. Moderate to strong correlations exist between climatic data and immature stature, weight, BMI, and bi-iliac breadth; these relationships are as strong, if not stronger, in immature individuals as they are in adults. Correlations between climate and trunk height relative to stature are weak or nonexistent. Altitude also has significant effects on immature body form, with children from higher altitudes displaying smaller statures and lower body weights. Brachial and crural indices remain constant over the course of growth and display consistent, moderate correlations with latitude across ontogeny that are just as high as those detected in adults. The results of this study suggest that while some features of immature body form, such as bi-iliac breadth and intralimb indices, are strongly dictated by ecogeographic principles, other characteristics of immature body proportions are influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic factors such as nutrition and basic constraints of growth.  相似文献   

This study examines latitudinal and insular variation in the expression of sexual dimorphism in cranial length in three geographical groupings of Macaca fascicularis. In addition, the relationship between cranial length dimorphism (CLD) and sex‐specific size is examined. The results of the study identified a significant relationship between CLD and latitude for only one of the three geographic groupings. Sex‐specific relationships between cranial length and CLD were detected. The pattern of these relationships varied by geographic grouping. This study is important because it demonstrates that despite very similar levels of CLD in a single primate species, there exists important geographic variability in the correlates of that dimorphism. I suggest that geographically varying ecological factors may influence sex‐specific natural selection and the intensity of CLD in M. fascicularis. Gaining a better understanding of this geographical variability will require that future research examines morphological variation, including CLD, within its corresponding ecological and social contexts. Such research should be comparative, and incorporate multiple geographically separated populations with disparate environmental settings. Am. J. Primatol. 72:152–160, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two patterns commonly emerge when animal body size is analyzed as a function of latitudinal distribution. First, body size increases with latitude, a temperature effect known as Bergmann's rule, and second, the converse to Bergmann's rule, a pattern in which body size decreases with latitude. However, other geographic patterns can emerge when the mechanisms that generate Bergmann's and the converse to Bergmann's clines operate together. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analysis in order to control for phylogenetic inertia, and we show that bumblebees exhibit the converse to Bergmann's rule. Bumblebee taxa are distributed worldwide in temperate and tropical regions. The largest species are found in places with high water availability during the driest time of the year. Nonetheless, large body size is constrained by extreme temperatures. Bumblebees’ body size could be related to a higher extent to the size of food rewards to be harvested than to the energetic advantages of thermoregulation. Moreover, we found that the body size of eusocial and cuckoo species responded in the same way to environmental variables, suggesting that they have not diverged due to different selective pressures.  相似文献   

Many ectotherms show a decrease in body size with increasing latitude due to changes in climate, a pattern termed converse Bergmann's rule. Urban conditions—particularly warmer temperatures and fragmented landscapes—may impose stresses on development that could disrupt these body size patterns. To test the impact of urbanization on development and latitudinal trends in body size, we launched a citizen science project to collect periodical cicadas (Magicicada septendecim) from across their latitudinal range during the 2013 emergence of Brood II. Periodical cicadas are long‐lived insects whose distribution spans a broad latitudinal range covering both urban and rural habitats. We used a geometric morphometric approach to assess body size and developmental stress based on fluctuating asymmetry in wing shape. Body size of rural cicadas followed converse Bergmann's rule, but this pattern was disrupted in urban habitats. In the north, urban cicadas were larger than their rural counterparts, while southern populations showed little variation in body size between habitats. We detected no evidence of differences in developmental stress due to urbanization. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence that urbanization disrupts biogeographical trends in body size, and this pattern highlights how the effects of urbanization may differ over a species’ range.  相似文献   

Aim Ecogeographical variation of body size in vertebrates (e.g. Bergmann's rule) has long been recognized. However, the patterns and causes of intra‐specific ecogeographical variation of body size in ectotherms, and in amphibians in particular, are strongly debated. We identified the relationship between bioclimatic variables and body size predicted a priori by alternative hypotheses (heat balance, endurance, seasonality, starvation resistance, water availability, primary productivity, parental investment) proposed to explain ecogeographical patterns of body size in ectotherms, and we evaluated the relative support of these hypotheses in explaining variation in body size of the Italian crested newt, Triturus carnifex. Location Twenty‐three populations covering the whole range of T. carnifex (Austria, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia). Methods We obtained data on body size (snout–vent length, SVL) of 2639 adult newts from direct measurements and the literature; we obtained high‐resolution environmental data for the sampled localities. We used an information‐theoretic approach to evaluate the support of the data for the different hypotheses. We also integrated information on population genetics in our models. Results We observed strong geographical variation of body size. The best Akaike information criterion (AIC) models showed that populations with larger body size are associated with cold climates and secondarily with high primary productivity. Furthermore, sexual dimorphism increases in cold climates, as the increase in body size was stronger for females. When taking into account population genetics, we did not find support for relationships with the other variables. Main conclusion Our results are consistent with three hypotheses proposed to explain ecogeographical variation in amphibians: heat balance, increased parental investment of females and productivity. Information theory provides the framework for comparing hypotheses rather than looking for patterns. We suggest that evaluating the support for mechanisms can provide better insights than simply assessing whether ecogeographical variation is in agreement with some ‘rule’.  相似文献   

Some monogamous primates are characterized by biparental care, territoriality, and a reduced level of physical dimorphism. In others, the relationship between those behavioral patterns and dimorphism is less clear. I tested Bergmann's and Rensch's rules using Aotus spp. body mass data and I characterized the extent of sexual dimorphism in body mass, dental and physical measurements in a socially monogamous owl monkey population (n = 91 adults) from the Argentinean Gran Chaco. A. azarai azarai from the Argentinean Chaco is larger than the more tropical owl monkey species (r = 0.7, N = 6 species), but there is no apparent increase in sexual dimorphism with increased body mass. The body masses of adult male and female A. a. azarai were remarkably similar (Mean = 1.26 kg); there were no marked sex differences in most skeletal measurements, but males had higher and wider upper and lower canines than did females. Body mass and neck circumference were positively and strongly related (r = 0.533, n = 52), and the body mass of adults was not a reliable indicator of their age (r = 0.03, n = 10). The data illustrate the complexities inherent in examining and summarizing within population variation in skeletal and nonskeletal measurements and contribute to a better understanding of the relationships between monogamous behavioral patterns and sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism is common across the animal kingdom, but the contribution of environmental factors shaping differences between the sexes remains controversial. In ectotherms, life‐history traits are known to correlate with latitude, but sex‐specific responses are not well understood. We analyzed life‐history trait variation between the sexes of European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.), a common freshwater fish displaying larger female size, by employing a wide latitudinal gradient. We expected to find sex‐dependent latitudinal variation in life‐history variables: length at age, length increment, and size at maturity, with females showing consistently higher values than males at all latitudes. We further anticipated that this gender difference would progressively decrease with the increasingly harsh environmental conditions toward higher latitude. We hypothesized that growth and length increment would decrease and size/age at maturity would increase at higher latitudes. Our results confirmed female‐biased sexual size dimorphism at all latitudes and the magnitude of sexual dimorphism diminished with increase in latitude. Growth of both sexes decreased with increase in latitude, and the female latitudinal clines were steeper than those of males. Hence, we challenge two predominant ecological rules (Rensch's and Bergmann's rules) that describe common large‐scale patterns of body size variation. Our data demonstrate that these two rules are not universally applicable in ectotherms or female‐biased species. Our study highlights the importance of sex‐specific differences in life‐history traits along a latitudinal gradient, with evident implications for a wide range of studies from individual to ecosystems level.  相似文献   

Ecogeographic rules that describe quantitative relationships between morphologies and climate might help us predict how morphometrics of animals was shaped by local temperature or humidity. Although the ecogeographic rules had been widely tested in animals of Europe and North America, they had not been fully validated for species in regions that are less studied. Here, we investigate the morphometric variation of a widely distributed East Asian passerine, the vinous‐throated parrotbill (Sinosuthora webbiana), to test whether its morphological variation conforms to the prediction of Bergmann''s rule, Allen''s rules, and Gloger''s rule. We at first described the climatic niche of S. webbiana from occurrence records (n = 7838) and specimen records (n = 290). The results of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) suggested that the plumage coloration of these parrotbills was darker in wetter/warmer environments following Gloger''s rule. However, their appendage size (culmen length, beak volume, tarsi length) was larger in colder environments, the opposite of the predictions of Allen''s rule. Similarly, their body size (wing length) was larger in warmer environments, the opposite of the predictions of Bergmann''s rule. Such disconformity to both Bergmann''s rule and Allen''s rule suggests that the evolution of morphological variations is likely governed by multiple selection forces rather than dominated by thermoregulation. Our results suggest that these ecogeographic rules should be validated prior to forecasting biological responses to climate change especially for species in less‐studied regions.  相似文献   

There are a number of ecogeographical “rules” that describe patterns of geographical variation among organisms. The island rule predicts that populations of larger mammals on islands evolve smaller mean body size than their mainland counterparts, whereas smaller‐bodied mammals evolve larger size. Bergmann's rule predicts that populations of a species in colder climates (generally at higher latitudes) have larger mean body sizes than conspecifics in warmer climates (at lower latitudes). These two rules are rarely tested together and neither has been rigorously tested in treeshrews, a clade of small‐bodied mammals in their own order (Scandentia) broadly distributed in mainland Southeast Asia and on islands throughout much of the Sunda Shelf. The common treeshrew, Tupaia glis, is an excellent candidate for study and was used to test these two rules simultaneously for the first time in treeshrews. This species is distributed on the Malay Peninsula and several offshore islands east, west, and south of the mainland. Using craniodental dimensions as a proxy for body size, we investigated how island size, distance from the mainland, and maximum sea depth between the mainland and the islands relate to body size of 13 insular T. glis populations while also controlling for latitude and correlation among variables. We found a strong negative effect of latitude on body size in the common treeshrew, indicating the inverse of Bergmann's rule. We did not detect any overall difference in body size between the island and mainland populations. However, there was an effect of island area and maximum sea depth on body size among island populations. Although there is a strong latitudinal effect on body size, neither Bergmann's rule nor the island rule applies to the common treeshrew. The results of our analyses demonstrate the necessity of assessing multiple variables simultaneously in studies of ecogeographical rules.  相似文献   

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