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Behavioral responses of experimentally naive captive-born juvenile females of three macaque species (Macaca mulatta, M. radiata, M. fascicularis)to a passive human observer were compared across three periods, beginning approximately 6 weeks after animals were transferred from multianimal groups housed outdoors to individual cages in colony rooms and ending approximately 6 months later. Responsiveness was assessed using eight relatively stereotyped behavior patterns characteristic of this genus. Although overall responsiveness declined across periods in all groups, this measure was consistently highest for M. fascicularis.Patterns were also analyzed as indicative of “fear” or “hostility.” Responses of M. fasciculariswere frequent in both categories, although fear scores exceeded those for hostility. M. mulattascored more frequently as hostile than as fearful. Both fear and hostility scores for M. radiatawere extremely low. The only response shown with more than minimal frequency was lip-smacking, a pattern that is usually construed as an appeasing, submissive, or affiliative display. Differences among species in their responses to the observer are generally consistent with other behavioral and psychophysiological data on the same subjects and with patterns of social interaction between conspecifics.  相似文献   

Plasma total cholesterol in free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on Koshima islet and in free-ranging long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) at Pangandaran in Indonesia was found to occur at very low levels compared with captive macaques and humans. Although total cholesterol levels in captive macaques were lower than humans, differences in HDL cholesterol levels were only small. In both sexes of wild and captive Japanese macaques, total cholesterol levels decreased from birth through to young adulthood but then increased in adult females of the captive group. In contrast, the value for adult females of the wild troop remained at a low level. Low TCH levels in adult females of the wild Japanese macaque troop may be due to a low energy intake and may have caused a delay in the onset of sexual maturation. Plasma TCH levels increased with the addition of 0.1% dietary cholesterol over six weeks in captive long-tailed macaques. That the cholesterol value after six weeks was dependent on cholesterol levels prior to supplementation indicates that captive macaques are slightly saturated with cholesterol.  相似文献   

The motor, sensory, and postganglionic sympathetic neurons forming the left ulnar and right radial nerves of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were localized by the horseradish peroxidase method of tracing neuronal connections. The ulnar and radial motoneurons formed a longitudinal column of variable extent in the lateral part of the ventral horn. In most animals, the ulnar motoneurons extended between the caudal ends of the C7 and T1 segments; the radial motoneurons extended between the rostral level of the C4 and the middle part of T1 segments. Although there were areas of overlap in the spinal distribution of ulnar and radial motoneurons, the ulnar motoneurons were located more dorsally and dorsolaterally than were the radial motoneurons. In most animals, labelled sensory neurons whose axons run with the ulnar nerve occurred in the C8–T4 dorsal root ganglia, and those whose axons run with the radial nerve occurred in the C5–T3 ganglia. The radial sympathetic neurons were distributed in stellate through T7 paravertebral sympathetic ganglia, and the ulnar sympathetic neurons were distributed in stellate through T4 paravertebral sympathetic ganglia. Though the motor, sensory, and sympathetic neurons forming the ulnar and radial nerves had wide segmental distributions, all showed peak frequencies in two segments. The cross-sectional areas of the motor, sensory, and postganglionic sympathetic neurons forming the radial and ulnar nerves were measured in the animal that showed the greatest amount of labelling for each nerve. The ulnar and radial motoneurons had a similar range of sizes, with cross-sectional areas between 120 and 2,160 μm2. Most were smaller than 900 μm2. The sensory neurons forming the ulnar and radial nerves also displayed a similar range of sizes, measuring between 120 and 3,360 μm2 in cross-sectional area. Most neurons measured between 201 and 800 μm2. The ulnar sympathetic neurons measured between 120 and 840 μm2, and the radial neurons between 120 and 2,120 μm2. In both cases, most neurons measured between 120 and 600 μm2. The mean cross-sectional area for the radial sympathetic neurons was, however, larger than that for the ulnar sympathetic neurons.  相似文献   

We analyzed grooming episodes recorded among adult females in a large, provisioned, free-ranging group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) at an individual level. Each female groomed on average 10 of the other 84 females, and 54% of them devoted 50% of their grooming to a single female grooming partner, which indicates that most females had grooming interactions with a relatively small subset of available females. Although 65% of the total grooming bouts were between related females, 25% of females disproportionately groomed unrelated females, 22% groomed related and unrelated females equally, and grooming was kin-biased for the remaining 53%. Moreover, 11 of 16 kin-groups included at least one female that groomed unrelated females significantly more often than related females. In 18% of unrelated dyads, grooming was directed down the hierarchy, in 58%, grooming was well-balanced between the two females, and in the remaining 25%, grooming was directed up the hierarchy. The results indicate that although Japanese macaques are considered a despotic species based on their dominance style, this group included some females that showed egalitarian tendencies, i.e., grooming was directed down the hierarchy or was well-balanced, and was directed toward unrelated females as often as or more often than toward related females. The presence of egalitarian individuals might be important to maintain a well-organized, female-bonded group.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Long-tailed and rhesus macaques are widely used in biomedical research; therefore, the known blood group is important. METHODS: The human-type ABO blood group was determined in wild or semi-wild long-tailed and rhesus macaques in Thailand. A total of 729 long-tailed and 160 rhesus macaques from 20 localities were temporarily caught. RESULTS: The frequency profiles of blood groups, calculated by averaging the frequency of each troop in long-tailed and rhesus macaques, were AB > O > B > A at 29.6%, 27.4%, 27.2%, and 15.8%, and B > AB > A > O at 39.6%, 33.4%, 18.2%, and 8.8%, respectively. Irrespective of locality, the frequencies were AB > O > B > A of 29.6%, 28.0%, 24.4%, and 18.0%, and AB > B > A > O of 37.5%, 28.7%, 26.9%, and 6.9%, respectively, for all long-tailed and rhesus macaques. The frequency profile of blood groups in Thai rhesus macaques was somewhat similar to that in the parapatric long-tailed macaques; however, it was different from other rhesus populations where only group B was detected. CONCLUSIONS: Our data support the hypothesis that Indochinese rhesus macaques are hybrids between rhesus and long-tailed macaques in the past.  相似文献   

Male Masturbation in Free-Ranging Japanese Macaques   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We studied masturbatory behavior of males over a 14-mo period in free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima island, Japan. We distinguished 2 types: (1) masturbation only and (2) masturbation with final ejaculation. Both types occurred in all 15 adult troop males. We calculated masturbation only as an index (M/h). It occurred over the whole year; however, it was more frequent during the mating than during the non-mating periods. Masturbation with ejaculation was restricted to the mating period. Male mating success correlated positively with social status. Both rate of masturbation only and masturbatory ejaculations increased as male social status and male mating success declined. Lower-ranking males had higher rates of masturbation only, i.e., they spent more time masturbating than higher-ranking males did. Lower-ranking males also had higher proportions of ejaculates for masturbation, while higher-ranking males used most of their ejaculates for mating.  相似文献   

The sequence in which 14 laboratory rhesus macaques left their home enclosure during a routine catching procedure was recorded on 30 occasions during 6 weeks. The animals were trained to voluntarily exit one by one and enter a transport cage for weighing and/or treatment. Mean weekly exit orders cross-correlated significantly, and individuals retained their exit positions with remarkable consistency throughout the study period. An animal's position did not depend on its sex, age, or dominance rank. The oldest female never failed to enter the transport cage as number 1. When she was prevented from taking the lead, the group was hesitant but eventually proceeded in the usual order. Food was a strong, yet not absolute, incentive for the monkeys to cooperate. If they could not expect a reward, they took more time before proceeding, but did so in the habitual order. The predictability of the exit sequence has practical managerial value because it makes it possible for a single person to quickly catch a selected group member when necessary.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cryptosporidium infection leads to life-threatening diarrhea in AIDS patients. Pathogenesis of cryptosporidiosis is due to intestinal physiological alterations. We devised an ex-vivo model using ex-vivo Cryptosporidium parvum infection of jejunal tissues derived from SIV-infected macaques and studied the role of substance P (SP) in the pathogenesis of cryptosporidiosis. METHODS: We measured jejunal SP protein levels using ELISA, and electrophysiological alterations using the Ussing chamber technique in an ex vivo model of Cryptosporidium infection. Paraformaldehyde-fixed jejunum from SIV-infected macaques with and without naturally occurring cryptosporidiosis was studied for SP protein expression by immunohistochemistry and fluorescence deconvolution microscopy. RESULTS: Ex-vivo Cryptosporidium-infected tissues and tissues from SIV-infected macaques with naturally occurring cryptosporidiosis demonstrated elevated SP protein levels compared with tissues from SIV-infected animals without ex-vivo C. parvum infection or tissues from SIV-infected animals that have no evidence of cryptosporidiosis. In our ex-vivo model of Cryptosporidium infection, we demonstrated pathophysiological alterations that were blocked by SP-receptor antagonist treatment. CONCLUSIONS: These studies suggest that SP-receptor antagonists could prove useful for treatment of AIDS-related cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

The human-type A-B-O blood groups of 52 bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) were determined. Application of method of population genetics indicated the gene frequences to be O = 0.173, A = 0.480 and B = 0.347. Cross testing of sera and red cells of the bonnet macaques revealed two blood-type-specific isoagglutinins, one of them strong enough for use as a blood typing reagent. No blood group polymorphism was revealed by testing bonnet macaque red cells with isoantisera produced in rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta) and in crab-eating macaques (M. fascicularis). The rhesus and crab-eating macaque isoantisera reacted either with all or with none of the bonnet macaque red cells tested.  相似文献   

Control of intestinal parasites is a major concern in maintaining the health and well-being of captive primates. This study established that percutaneous application of ivermectin was as effective as subcutaneous administration for the control of nematodes in captive rhesus macaques. The method is less intrusive than the standard subcutaneous or oral delivery routes and did not adversely affect the health of any of the study subjects.  相似文献   

Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) were carried out on 30 free-ranging long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) on the island of Mauritius, following the suggestion that severe glucose intolerance and diabetes mellitus might be prevalent in this macaque population. OGTTs revealed no evidence of frank diabetes mellitus in the sample. However, 13% of individuals showed impaired glucose tolerance, with preserved insulin secretion, suggesting the presence of the target tissue resistance to insulin characteristic of human noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The macaques with impaired glucose tolerance were neither obese nor aged. Glucose levels at all time points of the OGTT in normal macaques in our free-ranging sample were lower than reported in captive populations, perhaps due to greater physical activity. Our observations demonstrate that a genetic predisposition to glucose intolerance does exist in M. fascicularis, and that this condition, well documented in laboratory macaques, is not simply an artifact of captivity.  相似文献   

Studies on cercopithecine monkeys have shown that soon after an agonistic conflict, victims have increased rates of affiliation with the agressor—reconciliation—but not with other group members. Postconflict affiliation is thought to function to restore disturbed relationships and to reduce social tension. This study on a captive group of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) is focused on postconflict affiliative behavior of the aggressor. Increased rates of contact between female aggressors and kin of the victim occurred, as well as between female aggressors and their own kin. Furthermore, there were increased rates of contact between aggressors—males and females—and other group members. The increase in contacts with the victim's kin was selective, i.e., it could not be ascribed to the increased contact tendency with group members in general, and was not a side effect of the aggressor's proximity to the victim due to reconciliation. The increase in contacts with own kin was not selective. The fact that male aggressors do not have increased postconflict contacts with their kin or with kin of the victim is in agreement with the notion that males are less integrated in the nepotistic matrilineal network than females are. The fact that studies by others that focused on the victim evidence no increase in postconflict contacts with kin of the opponent or with other group members may be explained by the aggressor's larger influence over the postconflict situation: to reduce social tension, it might be more effective to affiliate with the aggressor than with the victim. Our findings emphasize that conflicts influence the behavior of other monkeys besides the direct contestants and, thus, indicate that the disturbance of social homeostasis is a matter of concern for all group members.  相似文献   

H5N1型禽流感病毒感染非人灵长类动物的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察H5N1型禽流感病毒对中国非人灵长类动物的易感性并建立动物模型。方法将病毒通过滴鼻接种实验猴,观察感染后动物的临床症状,采血、咽拭子及各器官组织进行血清学、病原学及病理学检查,记录抗体变化、病毒分离情况及病理学改变。结果感染后动物表现轻度食欲下降、一过性体温升高及外周血白细胞减少,肺组织病毒分离及RT-PCR阳性,病理检查感染急性期动物肺组织表现为间质性肺炎,肺泡间隔增宽,充血出血明显,肺泡受压变形,间质及肺泡内有大量炎细胞浸润,符合病毒性肺炎的改变,感染后14 d动物血清IgG抗体水平较感染前升高4倍。结论H5N1病毒可感染非人灵长类动物,可以作为感染模型进行H5N1病毒的发病机制、疫苗评价、药物筛选等研究。  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of maternal recognition of infant calls in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Fifteen mothers and their offspring, of age ranging from several hours to 28 days, served as subjects of an experiment in which the offspring's distress vocalizations were recorded and then played back to their mothers simultaneously with those of an age-matched control infant. The proportion of time looking at, but not the proportion of orientations to the speaker playing the offspring's vocalizations increased significantly as a function of infant age. Specifically, mothers of infants older than 1 week of age responded longer to the playback of their own infant's calls than did mothers of younger infants. These findings provide the firt evidence that offspring recognition in macaques develops between the first and second week of the infant's life and are consistent with the hypothesis that mothers need to be exposed to their infants' calls in order to learn their acoustic characteristics.  相似文献   

Suckling behavior of primiparae in free-ranging Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) was compared with that of multiparae at Jigokudani Monkey Park, the Shiga Heights, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, from April 1984 to June 1994. The estimated rates of milk secretion in a single preferred nipple among primiparae were lower than those among multiparae from birth to 5 months of age. Milk secretion capabilities of primiparous mothers, hence, appear to be inferior to those of multiparous mothers. In nutritive sucking, although Japanese macaque infants preferred one single nipple, nipple preferences in primiparae were weaker than those in multiparae. With supplementary two-nipple use during sucking, however, the infants of primiparae appear to overcome a suckling flaw of their primiparous mothers. After infants were 5 months of age and after a drop (from approximately 10% to approximately 5%) in the rates of milk secretion, however, milk secretion rates in a single preferred nipple among primiparae were similar to those in multiparae and the supplementary two-nipple use in primiparous mother-infant dyads disappeared. Am. J. Primatol. 42:331–339, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An operant conditioning paradigm comprising continuous food-reinforcement, fixed-ratio responding, and extinction procedures was used to evaluate the possibility that adult male macaques can control their rate of yawning. Two non-food-deprived Macaca tonkeana quickly learned to produce yawns for food rewards. They also increased the rate of production according to fixed-ratio requirements, and showed initial response peaks followed by diminished rates of yawning during extinction. The results indicate that adult male macaques can yawn voluntarily. Further work along these lines may help distinguish among different types of yawning as indicated in the literature.  相似文献   

This report presents preliminary observational data on the sociosexual behavior of two newly formed groups of older (11.5 to 18.5 years of age, mean age of 15.3 years) bonnet monkeys observed over a period of 18 weeks. Qualitatively, their sexual behavior was similar to that of the younger mature bonnets. The males and females engaged in species-typical proceptive and receptive behavior patterns. The mean duration of copulations was somewhat shorter than that reported for younger mature bonnets. Decreased sexual function was recorded in males that were chronically ill. One male that copulated infrequently died of renal failure in the sixth week of study. Another male that was never observed copulating suffered from fatal diabetes mellitus. One male died apparently during coitus; autopsy findings were compatible with sudden cardiac death. The findings indicate that sexual dysfunction in aged primates can be a sign of serious illness. Sexual and agonistic behaviors for males correlated significantly, a finding reported in studies of rhesus macaques, which are typically a more aggressive macaque subspecies. Low sexual behavior during the first six-week period in Group A was correlated with a high amount of grooming. Possibly, increased grooming by females serves as a reactive behavior under conditions which do not allow sexual outlet.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize the proximity relationships among 20 immature Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) of the same age in a free-ranging group during the first 4 years of life. Most male and female immature monkeys showed a consistent preference for proximity within their cohort to certain same-sex individuals whose dominance ranks were immediately adjacent to their own throughout the first 4 years. Such prolonged proximity relationships between peers of the same sex were largely a reflection of those between their mothers. Therefore, the proximity relationships between peers seem to be formed under the influence of social relationships between the mothers. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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