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This study describes how group dynamics and diet have influenced the ranging patterns of a western gorilla group at Bai Hokou, Central African Republic. The results are compared with those from an earlier study [Cipolletta, International Journal of Primatology, 2003], when the same group was larger and undergoing the process of habituation to humans. Data were obtained from maps of the gorillas' travel routes, direct observations, and analysis of fecal samples. Through the years, the group has experienced a decrease in size, from eight to three individuals, with periods of membership fluctuation. The male's search for new mates resulted in a larger home range than was recorded when the group consisted of more individuals. Moreover, despite an average group size of three throughout this study, the monthly range and mean daily path length (DPL) were also larger when the group was acquiring/losing members in new areas, than when no new members joined or left the group. Fruit was consumed year-round, although more heavily so during wet months. The influence of fruit consumption on the ranging patterns was concealed initially by the effect of habituation [Cipolletta, International Journal of Primatology, 2003], and later (at least partially) by the male's search for new mates. In the last 14 months of the study, when the group numbered only three individuals and was ranging in a restricted area, the average DPL, but not the monthly range, increased when the gorillas were consuming more fruit.  相似文献   

I present data on home-range use and types of intergroup encounters for one group (Apollo) of western gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) from a new study site in the Republic of Congo. The total home-range size of the focal group, which I calculated by superimposing a 100 m x 100 m grid over the mapped daily path traveled, was 11 km2. The majority (73%) of the group's home range was used exclusively, although at the periphery it overlapped with the ranges of three other groups. Most encounters (86%) with other groups (n = 14) took place in the periphery of the home range, and appeared to involve access to fruit trees. The focal group silverback's encounters with solitary silverbacks occurred throughout the focal group's home range, did not involve access to fruit, and typically resulted in aggressive or avoidance behavior. The focal group silverback's response to other group males was more varied: it included tolerance (64%), avoidance (14%), and aggression (21%), and was dependent upon the identity of the extragroup male. The focal group exhibited an unusual form of tolerant behavior toward some other groups by occasionally forming "nesting supergroups" (two groups nested together overnight at distances of 30-50 m). The western gorillas at Lossi were somewhat fluid in their grouping. Subgrouping and supergrouping occurred, although more infrequently than reported previously, and with a new twist: subgrouping did not necessarily require a silverback's presence. I stress the need for intraspecific comparisons and more complete data sets on western gorilla social organization.  相似文献   

Relationships between the movement patterns of free-ranging mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) and the abundance and distribution of foods in their home range were examined. During an 18-month field study, the ranging of one group of G. gorilla beringei was recorded on a 250 × 250 m grid system, from which measurements of frequency and duration of use, travel rate, and rate of revisitation of each quadrangle by the group were derived. Food items were sampled in selected quadrangles throughout the home range and various measures of food abundance, frequency and diversity were calculated. Analyses based on both spatial and temporal variation in food availability give supporting evidence for the prediction that mountain gorilla ranging patterns are influenced by the distribution and abundance of foods. Quality of food appears to be an important factor, as shown in analyses of yearly patterns and monthly changes in ranging. The gorillas studied spent more time in the higher quality areas of their home range, responded to a correlate of decreasing food abundance by increasing their rate of travel and area used, and revisited regions more frequently when the renewal rate of foods was clearly greater. Each of their foraging tactics can be explained as serving to increase the efficiency of harvesting foods.  相似文献   

This paper examines the behaviors used by male gorillas (G. gorilla beringei) to influence female choice during inter-group encounters. Encounters are related to the acquisition of females rather than to the defense of a group's range. Data on 58 independent encounters confirms that encounters are generally aggressive, but that contact aggression is less frequent than previously reported. A high number of potential migrants in one of the groups involved, rather than the newness of either group, predicts the likelihood of contact aggression between males. Encounters with a newly formed unit last longer than encounters involving established groups. Male herding serves to prevent female transfer. Females without dependent offspring are more likely than others to be herded. Proceptive females are the target of herding more often than non-proceptive cycling females. Groups where herding has been observed are more likely to be newly formed, and they include significantly more males. This last result confirms that there are advantages to male cooperation in gorillas. It also raises the question of why such cooperation does not occur more often. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mountain, western, and Grauer's gorillas exhibit broad differences in ecological patterns with western gorillas eating more fruit and having larger home ranges than their largely folivorous counterparts in the Virunga Volcanoes. We studied the home range and frugivory patterns of one group of Gorilla beringei beringei in the little-studied population of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, to compare with other populations and to investigate whether there was any relationship between patterns of frugivory and home range size. During the 3-year study, the gorillas ate 16 species of fruit on 27% of observation days. There was high variability in frugivory among the 3 years and no consistent seasonal pattern. Annual home range size was ca. 21 km2 for Years 1 and 2, and it increased dramatically to 40 km2 in Year 3. Home range size varied considerable between months and seasons, but there is no clear relationship between occurrence of fruit-eating and home range size. The group exhibited more fruit-eating and a larger home range size those ofthe gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes. Their home range size is comparable to that of western gorillas, though Bwindi gorillas consumed less fruit. Home range size and utilization by all gorillas probably depends on a complex relationship between the distribution and abundance of both fruit and herbaceous vegetation and social factors such as male mating tactics.  相似文献   

This paper describes the size and structure of western lowland gorilla groups visiting Mbeli Bai, a swampy forest clearing in northern Congo. An observation platform at the edge of the clearing was used over a 3-yr period, with gorillas visible for 1,681 hr. Data are presented on 14 groups and seven solitary males. Mean group size (excluding solitary males) was 8.4 +/- SD 4.3, and did not differ significantly from most other gorilla studies. All groups at Mbeli contained only one fully mature male and did not show evidence of fission-fusion or regular subgrouping. All emigrating males that remained in the population became solitary, and "bachelor" groups were not observed. Methodological issues are raised, including the classification of multi-male groups, and the demographic profiles of other populations are discussed in the light of results from Mbeli.  相似文献   

An agent-based model was developed to simulate the growth rate, age structure, and social system of the endangered mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in the Virunga Volcanoes region. The model was used to compare two types of data: 1) estimates of the overall population size, age structure, and social structure, as measured by six censuses of the entire region that were conducted in 1971-2000; and 2) information about birth rates, mortality rates, dispersal patterns, and other life history events, as measured from three to five habituated research groups since 1967. On the basis of the research-group data, the "base simulation" predicted a higher growth rate than that observed from the census data (3% vs. 1%). This was as expected, because the research groups have indeed grown faster than the overall population. Additional simulations suggested that the research groups primarily have a lower mortality rate, rather than higher birth rates, compared to the overall population. Predictions from the base simulation generally fell within the range of census values for the average group size, the percentage of multimale groups, and the distribution of females among groups. However, other discrepancies predicted from the research-group data were a higher percentage of adult males than observed, an overestimation of the number of multimale groups with more than two silverbacks, and an overestimated number of groups with only two or three members. Possible causes for such discrepancies include inaccuracies in the census techniques used, and/or limitations with the long-term demographic data set obtained from only a few research groups of a long-lived species. In particular, estimates of mortality and male dispersal obtained from the research groups may not be representative of the entire population. Our final simulation addressed these discrepancies, and provided a better basis for further studies on the complex relationships among individual life history events, group composition, population age structure, and growth rate patterns.  相似文献   

The ranging and grouping patterns of a gorilla group were studied during 27 months from 1990–1992 at the Bai Hokou study site, Central African Republic. The study group ranged far daily (average = 2.3 km/day) and had a large home range (22.9 km2), relative to mountain gorillas, and ranging patterns differed between years. During 1990–1992, the bimale study group foraged less cohesively and had more flexible grouping patterns than mountain gorillas. The study group sometimes split into two distinct foraging subgroups, each led by a silverback, and these subgroups occasionally slept apart (mean = 950 m apart). Lowland gorillas rely on many of the same fruit resources as sympatric chimpanzees, and under certain demographic situations gorillas, like sympatric chimpanzees, may adapt their foraging group size to reduce intragroup feeding competition. However, the fiber content of the lowland gorilla diet likely relaxes constraints on foraging party size and facilitates group cohesion relative to chimpanzees. Am. J. Primatol. 43:111–133, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dian's tarsier Tarsius dianae, one of the smallest primates on earth, is endemic to the central regions of Sulawesi, Indonesia. To evaluate the effects of increasing land use by humans on the ranging patterns of this nocturnal insect hunter, four study plots along a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance were selected for this study. In these plots, 71 tarsiers were captured with mist nets, and 30 of these were fitted with 3.9 g radiotransmitters and subsequently tracked over the course of 2 weeks per animal. The average home ranges were 1.1-1.8 ha in size, with the smallest ranges in slightly disturbed habitat and the largest ranges in a heavily disturbed plantation. These findings coincide with different estimates of insect abundance in the study plots. Nightly travel distances were smallest in undisturbed old-growth forest and slightly increased along a gradient of human disturbance. The tarsiers were most active shortly after dusk and just before dawn. The results of this comprehensive radiotracking study on tarsiers show that T. dianae adapts its ranging behavior to the degree and type of human land use. Integrated data on home range size and travel distance indicate that slightly disturbed forest is as favorable to these animals as undisturbed habitat. However, with increasing anthropogenic effects, the living conditions of the tarsiers appear to deteriorate, resulting in the necessity for larger home and night ranges. The results of this study provide an important tool for directing conservation efforts targeted at the survival of this primate in central Sulawesi.  相似文献   

Mangabey groups studied in the Kibale Forest Reserve, Uganda, in 1971 were studied again in 1991 using similar data collection protocols. The results were used to assess the effect of group size on activity budgets and travel costs, and to document the effects of habitat changes on mangabey density and demography. Larger mangabey groups traveled longer distances per day than smaller groups. Time budgets were less clearly influenced by group size. Mangabey population density increased over the 20 year period. This increase in population density paralleled habitat changes, particularly an increase in tree density, and was accompanied by increased use of regenerating forest. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We study coarse-grained (group-level) alignment dynamics of individual-based animal group models for heterogeneous populations consisting of informed (on preferred directions) and uninformed individuals. The orientation of each individual is characterized by an angle, whose dynamics are nonlinearly coupled with those of all the other individuals, with an explicit dependence on the difference between the individual's orientation and the instantaneous average direction. Choosing convenient coarse-grained variables (suggested by uncertainty quantification methods) that account for rapidly developing correlations during initial transients, we perform efficient computations of coarse-grained steady states and their bifurcation analysis. We circumvent the derivation of coarse-grained governing equations, following an equation-free computational approach.  相似文献   

Six unrelated male gorillas formed an all-male group within the Virunga mountain gorilla population. Frequent homosexual interactions characterized the high cohesiveness of this group. Such homosexual behavior reduced the inter-individual distances and increased the social tension between the two silverbacks in the group. The silverbacks retained “ownership” of the homosexual partners, but competed and fought with each other violently when the partners avoided or ignored their courtship. Neither submissive nor reassurance behavior was noted between the silverbacks. Thus, their relationships may not be explained in terms of dominance and subordinancy. However, the loser-support and mediating behavior observed in the group prevented them from engaging in severe fights. Aggression was always directed from the elder and dominant males to the younger and subordinate males, while supporting interactions occurred in the opposite direction. The blackbacks frequently supported the subadult aggressees by attacking the silverbacks, and the younger males displayed mediating behavior in violent fights between the silverbacks. The group's ranging was influenced by encounters with neighboring social units. The members avoided contact with other units and shifted their range after several encounters. On the other hand, when and after a subadult male had immigrated into their group, they frequently encountered other units and did not move away from the encounter site. An all-male group may not be a favorable unit for females to transfer to, but may be profitable for maturing males to associate with. Its formation is probably related to recent social change in the Virunga gorilla population.  相似文献   

Spider monkey communities are classic fission-fusion primate societies. I present data suggesting that spider monkeys (Ateles chamek) at Lago Caiman are territorial; adult males traveled further and faster than adult females and subgroup size was significantly higher in boundary areas of the spider monkey territory where intercommunity disputes were observed than in non-boundary areas. I then go on to examine data from 20 Ateles communities distributed across 14 study sites and five species to investigate how a series of demographic, ecological and geographical parameters influence the number of males in a given spider monkey community. Analyses suggest that the number of males is not significantly related to the number of females in a community, the area of the community home range, or the total perimeter length of the community boundary. However, risky boundary perimeter length, or the length of perimeter that directly borders another spider monkey community, explains 88% of observed variations in the number of males in each community. I discuss the results in relation to spider monkey ecology and territoriality, as well as the potential of this relationship for explaining chimpanzee (Pan) behavior given their extremely similar fruit specialist, male philopatry, territoriality and fission-fusion social system.  相似文献   

Simple correlated random walk (CRW) models are rarely sufficient to describe movement of animals over more than the shortest time scales. However, CRW approaches can be used to model more complex animal movement trajectories by assuming individuals move in one of several different behavioural or movement states, each characterized by a different CRW. The spatial and social context an individual experiences may influence the proportion of time spent in different movement states, with subsequent effects on its spatial distribution, survival and fecundity. While methods to study habitat influences on animal movement have been previously developed, social influences have been largely neglected. Here, we fit a 'socially informed' movement model to data from a population of over 100 elk (Cervus canadensis) reintroduced into a new environment, radio-collared and subsequently tracked over a 4-year period. The analysis shows how elk move further when they are solitary than when they are grouped and incur a higher rate of mortality the further they move away from the release area. We use the model to show how the spatial distribution and growth rate of the population depend on the balance of fission and fusion processes governing the group structure of the population. The results are briefly discussed with respect to the design of species reintroduction programmes.  相似文献   

Analyses of the interspecific differences in macropod home range size suggest that habitat productivity exerts a greater influence on range size than does body mass. This relationship is also apparent within the rock‐wallaby genus. Lim reported that yellow‐footed rock‐wallabies (Petrogale xanthopus xanthopus) inhabiting the semi‐arid Flinders Ranges (South Australia) had a mean home range of 170 ha. While consistent with the hypothesis that species inhabiting less productive habitats will require larger ranges to fulfil their energetic requirements, the ranges reported by Lim were considerably larger than those observed for heavier sympatric macropods. The aim of the current study was to document the home range dynamics of P. x. celeris in central‐western Queensland and undertake a comparison with those reported for their southern counterparts. Wallaby movements were monitored at Idalia National Park, between winter 1992 and winter 1994. Male foraging ranges (95% fixed kernel; 15.4 ha, SD = ±7.8 ha) were found to be significantly larger than those of female wallabies (11.3 ha, SD = ±4.9 ha). Because of varying distances to the wallabies' favoured foraging ground (i.e. an adjacent herb field), the direction in which the wallabies moved to forage also significantly affected range size. Mean home range size was estimated to be 23.5 ha (SD = ±15.2 ha; 95% fixed kernel) and 67.5 ha (SD = ±22.4 ha; 100% minimum convex polygon). The discrepancy between these two estimates resulted from the exclusion of locations, from the 95% kernel estimates, when the wallabies moved to a water source 1.5 km distant from the colony site. The observed foraging and home ranges approximated those that could be expected for a macropod inhabiting the semi‐arid zone (i.e. 2.4 times larger‐than‐predicted from body mass alone). Possible reasons for the disparity between the current study and that of Lim are examined.  相似文献   

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