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Progress curves of cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) and populations of the whitefly vector (Bemisia tabaci) were assessed using four cassava varieties grown alone and as a random mixture in two experiments established under epidemic conditions at a site near Kampala in southern Uganda. There were significant differences in final CMD incidence and in the areas under the disease progress curves between varieties when grown alone and as a mixture in both experiments. Variety Ebwanateraka had the highest incidence and SS4 the lowest, even though it supported the largest populations of adult whiteflies. The overall incidence of CMD in the mixture was similar to that in pure stands of the partially resistant Nase 2 and greater than in the resistant Migyera and SS4. Compared to pure stands, incidence of CMD in each component of the mixture was reduced significantly only in Ebwanateraka, whereas vector populations were less only in SS4 and Nase 2. On several observation dates the actual incidence of CMD and populations of adult whiteflies in the mixture were significantly less than expected values estimated from the results for the four varieties when each was grown alone. A highly significant positive relationship was established for each variety between peak populations of adult whitefly and leaf area index at the time. The implications of the findings and the scope for future research on the use of varietal mixtures for the management of CMD are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey in 1994 assessed the incidence and severity of Cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) in Uganda and the changes that had occurred since the previous survey in 1990–92. Three counties in each of 27 districts were selected and 15 fields were assessed per county. CMD occurred in each of the 1215 fields surveyed and the overall incidence within fields was 64% compared with 52% in the same districts in 1990–92. Mean incidence differed significantly between districts and between counties within some districts. The incidence and severity of CMD had increased in 20 and 23 of the 27 districts, respectively, compared with 1990–92, indicating the continued progress of the epidemic that was first reported in Uganda in 1988. In all but three districts, there had been a decrease in the total area of cassava. The number of different varieties that predominated in one or more fields had increased in 17 districts compared with 1990–92, although the total number of varieties encountered was little changed. Ebwanateraka was again the most widely grown variety but it was recorded less frequently and predominated or was co‐dominant in only two districts in 1994 compared with seven in 1990–92. The biggest decrease in the cultivation of Ebwanateraka had occurred in districts where there was a high incidence of CMD in 1990–92.  相似文献   

The spread of cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and populations of the whitefly vector (Bemisia tabaci) were recorded in cassava when grown alone and when intercropped with maize and/or cowpea. The trials were planted under conditions of high inoculum pressure in 1995 and 1996 at a site in the lowland rainforest zone of southern Cameroon. In the 1995 experiment, the maize and cowpea intercrops reduced the final incidence of CMD in the cassava cvs. Dschang White and Dschang Violet, but not in the more resistant cv. Improved. In the 1996 experiment with cv. Dschang Violet, the maize and cowpea intercrops grown alone or together decreased adult whitefly populations on cassava by 50% and CMD incidence by 20%. The monomolecular population growth model generally provided the best fit for disease progress. Areas under the disease progress curves (AUDPCs) and incidences expressed as multiple infection units were significantly (P<0.05) less for cassava intercropped with maize and/or cowpea than in cassava alone; times to 50% CMD incidence were significantly (P<0.05) longer in all intercrop systems. In 1995 the basic infection rates (r) were similarly low (0.010 per month) in the moderately resistant cv. Dschang Violet intercropped with maize and in all treatments in the more resistant cv. Improved. By contrast, rates were significantly higherfor cv. Dschang Violet alone or with cowpea and in all treatments for the less resistant cv. Dschang White (0.030–0.060). In 1996, r values in cassava grown alone (0.077) were significantly larger (P<0.05) than in the other cropping systems (0.042–0.052). There were no significant differences in the symptom severity in the different cropping systems. Disease foci were isodametric and more compact in plots containing cowpea than in other cropping systems.  相似文献   

Mosaic disease (MD) is more severe in cassava plants infected within the area of the current epidemic in northern and central Uganda than to the south of the affected area. This difference in severity was recorded within a single cultivar as well as amongst the mixtures of cultivars found commonly in farmers' fields. An increase in severity also occurred as the epidemic passed through localities. Varietal or agroecological factors coincident with the area of the epidemic are therefore unlikely to cause the increased severity. The severe disease could also be graft and cutting transmitted and could super-infect mildly diseased plants. Both mildly and severely diseased plants gave positive reactions in ELISA tests to antisera prepared against African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and an unusually severe form of ACMV or a closely related geminivirus is likely to be the cause of the severe mosaic disease. The epidemic also involves increased populations of the whitefly vector of ACMV, Bemisia tabaci , and possible hypotheses are presented as to how these phenomena may be related.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to assess the effect of different cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMGs) occurring in Uganda on the growth and yield of the susceptible local cultivar ‘Ebwanateraka’. Plants infected with African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), ‘mild’ and ‘severe’ strains of East African cassava mosaic virus‐Uganda (EACMV‐UG2) and both ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 were grown in two experiments in Kabula, Lyantonde in western Uganda. The most severe disease developed in plants co‐infected with ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 and in those infected with the ‘severe’ form of EACMV‐UG2 alone; disease was least severe in plants infected with the ‘mild’ strain of EACMV‐UG2. ACMV‐infected plants and those infected with the ‘mild’ strain of EACMV‐UG2 were tallest in the 1999–2000 and 2000–2001 trials, respectively; plants dually infected with ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 were shortest in both trials. Plants infected with ‘mild’ EACMV‐UG2 yielded the largest number and the heaviest tuberous roots followed by ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 ‘severe’, respectively, whilst plants dually infected with ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 yielded the least considering the two trials together. Reduction in tuberous root weight was greatest in plants dually infected with ACMV and EACMV‐UG2, averaging 82%. Losses attributed to ACMV alone, EACMV‐UG2 ‘mild’ and EACMV‐UG2 ‘severe’ were 42%, 12% and 68%, respectively. Fifty percent and 48% of the plants infected with both ACMV and EACMV‐UG2 gave no root yield in 1999–2000 and 2000–2001, respectively. These results indicate that CMGs, whether in single or mixed infections, reduce root yield and numbers of tuberous roots produced and that losses are substantially increased following mixed infection.  相似文献   

The cassava mosaic geminiviruses (CMGs) isolated from cassava plants expressing mild and severe symptoms of cassava mosaic disease (CMD) in 2002 in Uganda were investigated using the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) molecular techniques and DNA sequencing. Two previously described cassava mosaic geminiviruses: African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) said East African cassava mosaic virus - Uganda variant (EACMV-UG2) were detected in Uganda. The RFLP technique distinguished two polymorphic variants of ACMV (ACMV-UG1 and ACMV-UG2) and three of EACMV-UG2 (EACMV-UG2[1], EACMV-UG2[2] and EACMV-UG2[3]). ACMV-UG1 produced the fragments predicted for the published sequences of ACMV-[KE]/UGMld/ UGSvr, while ACMV-UG2, which produced the RFLP fragments predicted for the West African ACMV isolates ACMV-[NG], ACMV-[CM], ACMV-[CM/DO2] and ACMV-[CI], was shown to be ACMV-UGMld/UGSvr after DNA sequencing. EACMV-UG2[1] produced the RFLP fragments predicted for the published sequences of EACMV-UG2/UG2Mld/UG2Svr. However, both EACMV-UG2[2] and EACMV-UG2[3], which produced East African cassava mosaic vzras-[Tanzania]-like polymorphic fragments with RFLP analysis, were confirmed to be isolates of EACMV-UG2 after DNA sequencing. Thus, this study emphasises the importance of DNA sequence analysis for the identification of CMG isolates. EACMV-UG2 was the predominant virus and occurred in all the surveyed regions. It was detected in 73% of the severely and 53% of the mildly diseased plants, while ACMV was less widespread and occurred most frequently in the mildly diseased plants (in 27% of these plants). Mixed infections of ACMV and EACMV-UG2 were detected in only 18% of the field samples. Unlike previously reported results the mixed infection occurred almost equally in plants exhibiting mild or severe disease symptoms (21% and 16%, respectively). The increasing frequency of mild forms of EACMV-UG2 together with the continued occurrence of severe forms in the field warrants further studies of virus-virus and virus-host interactions.  相似文献   

The effects of cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) on yield in fully and partly infected stands of cassava were investigated in field trials in Uganda in 1990-91 and 1991-92. Three cultivars (Ebwanateraka, Bao and Bukalasa 1 l), each at three levels of cutting infection (O%, 50% and 100%) and harvested 510 and 15 months after planting (MAP) were used in a randomised block design with split-split plots and four replicates. Moreover, yield and growth data for individual infected and uninfected plants were considered in relation to the health status of their nearest neighbours. In each experiment, fresh tuberous root yields of plants from 100% infected plots gave sigdicantly lower yields than those from 0% or 50% infected plots at each harvest date and the losses were greatest in cv. Bao. Yields of plants from 0% and 50% plots for each of the three cultivars were not significantly different, 10 and 15 MAP. The loss in yield differed between cultivars and harvest dates. Fresh stem, leaf and root yields and the number of tuberous roots were influenced by the health status of the plants harvested and that of their nearest neighbours. Uninfected plants surrounded by infected ones had more roots and heavier total fresh root, stem and leaf weights than those surrounded by uninfected ones. Overall, 26% and 42% compensation was recorded in 1990-91 and 1991-92, respectively. The effects of CMD on cassava production and of compensation in mixed stands of infected and uninfected plants are discussed, especially in relation to control strategies such as roguing.  相似文献   

A survey in Senegal and Guinea Conakry established the presence and incidence of cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) in both countries. CMD occurred in all the fields surveyed, although its incidence was higher in Senegal (83%) than in Guinea (64%). Populations of the whitefly vector, Bemisia tabaci, were low in both countries averaging 1.7 adults per shoot in Guinea and 3.2 in Senegal. Most infections were attributed to the use of infected cuttings, 86 and 83% in Senegal and Guinea, respectively, and there was no evidence of rapid current‐season, whitefly‐borne infection at any of the sampled locations. Disease severity was generally low in the two countries and averaged 2.5 in Guinea and 2.3 in Senegal. No plants with unusually severe CMD symptoms characteristic of the CMD pandemic in East and Central Africa were observed. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)‐based diagnostics revealed that African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) is exclusively associated with CMD in both the countries. Neither East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV), nor the recombinant Uganda variant (EACMV‐UG2) was detected in any sample. These survey data indicate that CMD could be effectively controlled in both countries by phytosanitation, involving the use of CMD‐free planting material and the removal of diseased plants.  相似文献   

As a case study to document the current characteristics of cassava mosaic virus disease (CMD) in postepidemic areas, surveys were carried out, in 2003 and 2004, in Siaya District of western Kenya. This was an area affected by a severe CMD pandemic in the late 1990s. Data recorded on cassava varieties were CMD incidence, severity index and number of adult whiteflies. Farmers (174) were interviewed on their understanding of the disease and their knowledge and practice of management interventions. Cassava cultivation was being re‐established, but local landraces predominated. Resistant varieties were present 13% in 2003, and 4% in 2004, of the surveyed fields. Adhiambolera was the most common variety, occurring in 35% and 40% of fields in 2003 and 2004, respectively, and had an average CMD incidence of 82% in 2003 and 73% in 2004. By contrast, the CMD‐resistant variety Migyera had a low mean incidence (28% in 2003). The overall incidence for both years was 71%, consisting of 61% as a result of infection through planting diseased cuttings and 10% as a result of whitefly infection. In 2003, the total incidence was 72% and the average severity 2.7 (severity index), while in 2004 the incidence was 78% and the severity 2.6. There were significant severity variations in each division of the Siaya District during the 2 years except for Karemo and Ukwala. The abundance of whiteflies on the top five leaves of plants was low in 2003 but high in 2004, with means of 1 and 16, respectively, over the same seven divisions in both years, although this variation was thought to be because of seasonal factors. East African cassava mosaic virus‐Uganda was the predominant geminivirus present in every division. Phytosanitation by farmers was minimal, as evidenced by 29% of farmers using a selection of CMD‐free stems for planting and 15% using hand‐roguing for CMD management. Occurrence of more than 25% CMD‐free plants in 2004, moderate CMD severity and limited spread provide a conducive environment for the use of phytosanitation as a CMD control measure that can be immediately used by farmers growing their own cassava varieties.  相似文献   

A new strain of cassava common mosaic virus, designated CsCMV-ve, was isolated from cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) plants growing in Venezuela. The 520 nm long semi-flexuous virus particles sedimented in sucrose gradients as one component and contained a single coat protein molecule of c. 28 kDa, and a ssRNA of c. 2.1 times 106. A single dsRNA species of c. 4.2 times 106kDA was isolated from virus-infected cassava leaves. In double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, CsCMV-ve reacted strongly with antisera to CsCMV and potato virus X, but not with those to other typical members of the potexvirus group. Ultrastructural studies of CsCMV-ve infected cells showed the presence of large bundles of inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm, a proliferation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and large crystals in the peroxisomes. CsCMV-ve in crude buffered sap or in purified preparations was not mechanically transmitted to known hosts of the Chaya and Brazilian strains of CsCMV. Isolated virus RNA also failed to infect a range of test-plant species. This is the first report of the presence of CsCMV in Venezuela.  相似文献   

Dolichos yellow mosaic disease (DYMD) affects the production of dolichos in South Asia. Diseased plants produce characteristic bright yellow mosaic patches on the leaves and early infections cause reductions in yield. The putative dolichos yellow mosaic virus (DoYMV) was transmitted poorly (maximum 18.3% transmission) by the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. DoYMV has a narrow host range and infected only Lablab purpureus and L. purpureus var. typicum out of the 36 species tested. Virus was detected using monoclonal antibodies in a triple‐antibody sandwich enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and by PCR. Complete DNA‐A components of DoYMV isolates from Mysore and Bangalore, South India, were sequenced, but several attempts to identify DNA‐B and DNA‐β were unsuccessful. DoYMV isolates shared DNA‐A nucleotide identities of 92.5–95.3% with previously described isolates from North India and Bangladesh. They were most similar to mungbean‐infecting begomoviruses at 61.6–64.4% of DNA‐A nucleotide identities. Phylogenetic analyses of DNA‐A sequences grouped the dolichos‐infecting and mungbean‐infecting begomoviruses into a distinct cluster away from begomoviruses infecting non‐leguminous plants in the Indian subcontinent. Antigenically, legume‐infecting begomoviruses were most similar to each other compared with non‐legume viruses. Collectively, these results indicate that legume‐infecting begomoviruses in the Indian subcontinent belonged to a distinct lineage of Old World begomoviruses.  相似文献   

To study the cause of the current epidemic of severe mosaic in Ugandan cassava, PCR analysis was used to detect and identify African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV), East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV) and the recently reported recombinant geminivirus (UgV), which is derived from ACMV and EACMV, in leaf extracts from cassava plants grown from cuttings in the glasshouse at Dundee. The cuttings were collected from plants showing symptoms of different severities and growing at different sites in Uganda inside, at the periphery of, and outside, the area affected by the epidemic. ACMV occurred throughout the nine districts sampled but UgV was detected only in the area affected by the epidemic. EACMV was not found in Uganda. Most plants containing ACMV alone expressed mild or moderate mosaic, whereas very severe mosaic developed in most plants containing UgV plus ACMV and a few of those containing UgV only. Very severe mosaic in cassava from southern Sudan was likewise associated with co-infection by UgV and ACMV. The very severe disease was reproduced by graft-inoculating geminivirus-free cassava with UgV plus ACMV; plants inoculated with either UgV or ACMV developed severe or moderate symptoms, respectively. Unlike ACMV, Malawian EACMV did not enhance the severity of symptoms induced by UgV. However, a very severely affected plant from Ukerewe Island, Tanzania, contained ACMV and EACMV but not UgV. UgV attained a much greater concentration in cassava than did ACMV but the opposite occurred in Nicotiana benthamiana. In neither host was total virus antigen concentration affected by co-infection. Factors affecting the genesis, selection and spread of UgV are discussed. The evidence indicates that UgV is probably of relatively recent origin, that such variants do not appear often, and that the current epidemic has resulted from the rapid spread of UgV to infect plants and to invade regions in which ACMV already occurred. The novel type of virus complex so produced, consisting of an interspecific recombinant virus (UgV) and one of its parents (ACMV), typically has even more severe effects than UgV alone.  相似文献   

Axillary buds and bark samples of resistant, moderately resistant and susceptible (control) cassava genotypes either naturally infected under field conditions or experimentally inoculated by grafting were indexed for African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV). Virus detection was carried out using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reactions to determine the distribution of the virus within the plant and elucidate the genotypes response to virus movement. Significantly more bud and bark samples were positive for virus on the susceptible genotype TME 117 than resistant genotypes TMS 30001 and TMS 91/02319, or the moderately resistant genotype TMS 30572. Detectable virus concentration was significantly lower in the buds of moderately resistant and resistant genotypes than the susceptible control. Under field conditions, it was significant that more primary stem buds were infected than the buds of secondary and tertiary stems but such a gradient was not obvious with bark samples. Shoots that had asymptomic new leaves after the initial symptomatic leaves had no virus in their buds, but some of the bark samples from the same plants tested positive. A significant interaction was observed between year and stem type, and among year, genotype and stem type with respect to virus detection in bud and bark samples. Restriction of virus movement into axillary buds occurred in all the resistant and moderately resistant genotypes. This may explain ACMV‐infected stem cuttings of resistant genotypes producing healthy plants in subsequent generation.  相似文献   

The effect of fucoidan from the brown alga Fucus evanescens on the spread of infection induced by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) was investigated in the leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) of two cultivars (Ksanti-nk and Samsun). In the leaves of cv. Ksanti-nk inoculated with a mixture of TMV preparation (2 μg/ml) and fucoidan (1 mg/ml), the number of local necrotic lesions induced by the virus decreased by more than 90% as compared with the leaves inoculated with the virus alone. In tobacco leaves of cv. Samsun, virulence and the concentration of the virus 3 days after inoculation with the same mixture of TMV and fucoidan were by 62 and 66%, respectively, lower than in the leaves inoculated with TMV alone. As the infection spread, the inhibitory effect of fucoidan decreased. When the leaves were treated with fucoidan before and after the inoculation with TMV, its antiviral activity was less pronounced than when a mixture of the virus and the polysaccharide was used as inoculum. Electron microscopic investigation of TMV mixed with fucoidan often showed agglutinated virions. The highest virulence of the mixture (TMV preparation, 12 μg/ml, plus fucoidan, 1 mg/ml) was observed upon its twofold dilution, and after that it decreased. It was concluded that, when the leaves were inoculated with the mixture of TMV and fucoidan, the latter affected not only the plant but the virus as well. Treatment of tobacco leaves, cv. Ksanti-nk, with actinomycin D (10 μg/ml) 24 h before the inoculation with TMV almost completely suppressed the effect of fucoidan, indicating that fucoidan acted at a gene level.  相似文献   

To determine the occurrence of variants of African cassava mosaic virus, 316 cassava leaf samples were collected from mosaic‐affected cassava plants in 254 farmers. fields in 1997 and 1998, covering the humid forest, coastal/derived, southern Guinea and northern Guinea savannas and arid and semi‐arid agroecologies of Nigeria. The samples were tested in triple antibody sandwich enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay using a panel of 10 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the virus in which 29 reaction patterns were observed. In cluster analysis, nine serotypes were obtained at 0.80 Jaccard similarity coefficient index in which at least 50% of isolates of each serotype reacted alike. The serotypes ranged between two extremes: serotype 1 with 90% isolates reacting with the 10 MAbs and serotype 8 in which 90% of its isolates failed to react with the antibodies. Isolates of serotypes 1, 2, 4 and 8 were widely distributed while those of the other serotypes were estricted to certain agroecologies. Four representative isolates 227 (serotype 1), 231 (serotype 2), 235 and 283 (serotype 8) elicited different responses in Nicotiana, benthamiana, with isolate 283 not able to infect this and other test plants used. The serological variations did not necessarily reflect the biological variations. In polymerase chain reaction tests, one out of the five pairs of ACMV primers tested distinguished only isolate 283. The humid forest, derived/coastal and southern Guinea savannas where most of the crop is grown in Nigeria had a high number of variants, which makes the agroecologies suitable for the selection of resistant cassava clones against ACMV.  相似文献   

Occurrence and distribution of cassava begomoviruses in Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey for cassava mosaic disease (CMD) was conducted in Kenya, to investigate the factors contributing to the generally increased incidence and severity of CMD in the cassava growing regions and to study the distribution of the disease's causal begomoviruses, African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) and East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV) and their strains. Special emphasis was given to the occurrence of the destructive recombinant Uganda variant strain of EACMV (EACMV-UG2). Samples from 91 farmers' fields in the main cassava-growing areas of coastal and western Kenya were collected and subjected to ELISA and PCR for detection and typing of the begomoviruses present. CMD incidence was highest in western Kenya (80–100%) and lowest in the Coast province (25–50%). In Western and Nyanza provinces, 52% of the samples tested contained EACMV-UG2, 22% ACMV and 17% contained both ACMV and EACMV-UG2. EACMV was found in four cases at different sites. In cassava samples from the coast province, only EACMV with DNA-A sequences similar to EACMV strains present in Kenya and Tanzania was found. East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus (EACMZV) was present in several farms in the Kilifi district. In 15% of all cassava samples with CMD symptoms, flexuous, filamentous virus-like particles were also found, providing evidence for a more complex virus situation in cassava grown at the Kenyan coast. In western Kenya, where intense cassava cultivation takes place, CMD is rampant and EACMV-UG2 was found in mixed virus infections with ACMV driving the epidemics. In coastal areas, where farms are scattered and in isolation, EACMV is endemic, however, with a lower disease incidence and with a limited impact to cassava production.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of a potyvirus from maize in Zhejiang Province was determined. The RNA was 9596 nucleotides long, excluding the 3′-poly (A) tail, and there was a single long open reading frame (ORF) of 9192 nts encoding a 346.1 ku polyprotein. The polyprotein had substantial amino acid sequence homology with those encoded by the RNAs of a Chinese isolate of sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV-C) and a Bulgarian isolate of maize dwarf mosaic virus, but it was most closely related to sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) isolates, for which only partial sequences have been published. According to the published criteria for distinguishing potyviruses, the sequence reported here is clearly a strain of SCMV, but it also showed a surprisingly high amino acid homology with SrMV-C in the HC-Pro, P3 and Cl proteins.  相似文献   

The incidence of disease caused by tobacco leaf curl geminivirus (TbLCV) in ten tobacco growing areas of India ranged from 1.2% to 77%. The highest incidence of disease was observed in Andhra Pradesh (77%) followed by Gujarat (59%), Karnataka (17%), Bihar (11.6%) and West Bengal (5.4%). Under field conditions, an average of 32 adult whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) per plant were recorded in Andhra Pradesh followed by Gujarat (20), Karnataka (12), Bihar (8) and West Bengal (5). In sequential sowings at Bangalore, all the plants were infected within 90 days in plots planted from February to June. Infection in plots planted later was progressively less. There was a positive correlation between whitefly catches and the final incidence of leaf curl disease in plantings. TbLCV was transmitted by Bemisia tabaci to 35 plant species, including Beta vulgaris, Capsicum annuum, Carica papaya, Cymopsis tetragonoloba, Lycopersicon esculentum, Sesamum indicum, Phaseolus vulgaris and Petunia hybrida. Forty five TbLCV isolates from different parts of India induced four distinct types of symptoms on tobacco cultivars Samsun and Anand 119. Group 1 isolates caused severe curling and cup-shaped enations; group II isolates induced pale green leaves, pit-like depressions and thorny enations: group III isolates caused leathery leaves, narrow and tiny protruding enations between the veins, and group IV isolates induced irregular thickening and swelling of veins and green flap-like enations on veins. Nylon net covers protected tobacco seedlings in nursery beds for 45 days. Ricinus communis and Helianthus annuus sown around the tobacco nursery bed as barrier crops attracted adult whiteflies and decreased the number found on tobacco.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of a potyvirus from maize in Zhejiang Province was determined. The RNA was 9596 nucleotides long, excluding the 3'-poly (A) tail, and there was a single long open reading frame (ORF) of 9192 nts encoding a 346.1 ku polyprotein. The polyprotein had substantial amino acid sequence homology with those encoded by the RNAs of a Chinese isolate of sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV-C) and a Bulgarian isolate of maize dwarf mosaic virus, but it was most closely related to sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) isolates, for which only partial sequences have been published. According to the published criteria for distinguishing potyviruses, the sequence reported here is clearly a strain of SCMV, but it also showed a surprisingly high amino acid homology with SrMV-C in the HC-Pro, P3 and Cl proteins.  相似文献   

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