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The meiotic behavior of sex chromosomes has been investigated in variant females of Akodon azarae, both in pachytene oocytes and metaphase I. In somatic cells, these females have a heteromorphic sex pair, in which the minor chromosome has been previously interpreted as a major deletion of the long arm of the X chromosome (dX). After microspreading for synaptonemal complex analysis, pachytene oocytes show two axes of very different lengths (100:17.1), which correspond to the sex chromosomes X and dX. True synapsis is abnormally restricted (43.3%) between these sex chromosomes; on the other hand, self-synapsis of both the X and dX chromosomes is frequent (60%). Single, nonsynapsed axes or axial segments are thickened. Strong chromatin condensation occurs around nonsynapsed axes or axial segments, giving many of these sex pairs an appearance similar to an XY body ("sex vesicle"). The minor gonosome axis differs from that of the Y chromosome of male meiosis, as the former is shorter (relative to the X) and has a different synaptic behavior. In 17 metaphases I from XdX variant females, only heteromorphic, end-to-end joined sex pairs were observed. These variant females differ from the variant females of the wood lemming Myopus schisticolor in several respects, but a similar mechanism seems to be prevalent in other species of the genus Akodon. Self-synapsis of unequal gonosomes in oocytes is assumed as an escape from functional deterioration, following the hypothesis put forward by others.  相似文献   

The populations of several species of Akodon present, besides XX females, a variable proportion of fertile XY females. In Akodon azarae, a correspondence exists between the X-chromosome C-banding pattern and the sexual phenotype of XY individuals: males carry a determinate X-chromosome type, defined by its C-banding pattern, and XY females, any of two others. To confirm the relation between X-chromosome type and the XY female condition and to investigate the hereditary transmission of these different X-chromosomes, we analyzed 50 animals captured in the field and 95 individuals corresponding to the F1 and F2 offspring of 16 crosses.It was seen that the correlation between X type and the sexual phenotype of XY animals is retained, and that the three X types are transmitted to the progeny. It was also observed that the male offspring of XY females receive the X-chromosome from their male parents and the Y from their mothers. These results strongly support the causal role of an X-borne mutation in A. azarae XY sex reversal, and discard a mutation of the Y-chromosome as the sole basis of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Eight species of Syphacia (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) have been reported from South America in rodents of the Sigmodontinae, only 1 of which has been recorded in Argentina. Syphacia (Syphacia) carlitosi n. sp. is described from the ceca of Akodon azarae bibianae and Akodon azarae hunteri (Sigmodontinae: Akodontini) captured in 3 provinces in the northeast region of Argentina. The new species is differentiated principally by the shape of the cephalic plate; distribution of submedian papillae and amphids; presence, extent, and shape of cervical alae in females; absence of lateral alae; absence of deirids; spicular and gubernaculum length; shape and structure of accessory hook of gubernaculum; and distance of mamelons, excretory pore, and vulva from the anterior extremity. This is the second record of Syphacia parasitizing rodents of the tribe Akodontini.  相似文献   

Genetic similarity between species of Akodon (Rodentia, Cricetidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic similarity between species of rodents of the Akodon genus (A. dolores, A. molinae, and A. azarae) has been estimated by analysis of electrophoretic zymograms corresponding to 23 loci. Nei's coefficient between A. dolores and A. molinae was within the range usually found in conspecific populations. This evidence plus the successful production of "hybrids" (Merani et al., J. Exp. Zool., 206:343-346, '78) suggests that A. dolores and A. molinae may represent geographic races of the same species.  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus morerai n. sp. (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) is described from the pulmonary arteries of Azara's grass mouse Akodon azarae (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Argentina. It is distinguished from its congeners principally by the morphology of the dorsal ray, which is as long, or longer, than the externodorsals and has 2 long branches; the spicule lengths are also greater (400-465 microm). This is the first record of a metastrongyloid from sigmodontine rodents in Argentina.  相似文献   

Interspecies repetitive DNA homology was studied in akodont rodents related at generic and suprageneric levels. The homology was determined by taking the species Akodon molinae as the reference species. The 3H-DNA/DNA hybridization on filters showed a closer relationship between A. molinae and A. azarae, A. dolores and A. mollis than between A. molinae and Bolomys obscurus. These data agree with the taxonomical ranking of the species. The quantity and quality of the hybrid DNAs were measured by investigating their thermal stabilities and subsequent comparison to the results obtained on the reference species. These data indicate high similitude between the repetitive DNA of A. dolores and A. molinae. Increasing differences were shown to occur in the repetitive DNA of A. mollis, B. obscurus and A. azarae, respectively. Since these results coincide with the G-banding homologies and differ slightly from the taxonomical rank, it is speculated that the divergency between the DNA of A. molinae and A. azarae is the result of a differential process of DNA amplification which is not related to the phylogenetical distance separating the two species.  相似文献   

In an effort to evaluate the four Akodon species groups, phylogenetic relationships among individuals of the genus Akodon, selected from throughout South America, were examined using cytochrome b and a concatenated data set consisting of data from cytochrome b, exon 6 of the dentin matrix protein 1 and the nuclear intron thyrotropin. Both the cytochrome b data set and the combined data set were analysed under maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian criteria. Like previous studies, a monophyletic Akodon clade was recovered. Monophyly of the boliviensis and cursor groups was supported, and the two form a strongly supported sister relationship. Akodon azarae is basal to and forms a monophyletic group with the boliviensis cursor clade, resolving the placement of A. azarae but leaving it unassignable to a current Akodon species group. The aerosus and varius groups are paraphyletic as four members of the varius group (A. glaucinus, A. simulator, A. tartareus and A. varius) fall within the aerosus group. Akodon lindberghi is formally placed in the cursor group. Akodon caenosus is recognized as a species distinct of A. lutescens, A. orientalis is recognized as a species distinct of A. orophilus, and A. aerosus, A. baliolus and A. surdus are recognized as three separate species. Based upon chronophylogenetic analysis, the initial divergence within Akodon likely began during the late Pliocene and ancestors of the four extant species groups (aerosus, boliviensis, cursor and dolores) appeared around the Pleistocene–Pliocene boundary or shortly thereafter.  相似文献   

Summary Sex chromosome length, sex chromatin area and the pattern of sex chromosome replication were determined in the field mouseAkodon azarae (Rodentia Cricetidae). Among the animals studied a group of spontaneously deleted females was included. The complemont in deleted females was 38Xx, being the x a grossly deleted X-chromosome.Length of sex chromosomes expressed as percentage of the haploid set was: X-chromosome 7.89% (±1.18), x-chromosome 1.47% (±0.20), Y-chromosome 1.15% (±0.29). Area of sex chromatin expressed as percentage of the haploid genome was 7.28% (±1.18) in XX females and 3.26% (±0.73) in Xx females. According to these data it was assumed that: (a) sex chromatin was formed by all those sex chromosome material in excess of the 5% of the haploid set; (b) the x-chromosome in Xx females was always involved in sex chromatin formation.Time-sequence of sex chromosome replication was as follows: (a) at the beginning of the S period one X-chromosome starts replication carly while the other X, the x and the Y-chromosomes are the last to initiate DNA synthesis; (b) in the intermediate stage of the S period sex chromosomes replicate in the same way as autosomes; (c) in late and final stages of the S period both sex chromosomes are late replicating in their whole extension. It is concluded that the pattern of sex chromosome replication at the beginning of the S period may be more informative than the pattern at the end of the S phase to distinguish between hetero-and euchromatin in the sex genome ofAkodon azarae.
Zusammenfassung An der FeldmausAkodon azarae wurde die Länge der Geschlechtschromosomen, die Größe des Geschlechtschromatinkörperchens und das Muster der Geschlechtschromosomenreplikation bestimmt. Unter den untersuchten Tieren befand sich auch eine Gruppe von Weibchen mit einem spontan deletierten X-Chromosom. Der Karyotyp dieser Weibchen war 38 Xx, wobei x das stark deletierte X-Chromosom darstellt.Die Länge der Geschlechtschromosomen wurde wie folgt, ausgedrückt in Prozent des haploiden Satzes, ermittelt: X-Chromosom 7,89% (±1,18), x-Chromosom 1,47% (±0,20), Y-Chromosom 1,15% (±0,29). Die Größe des Geschlechtschromatinkörpers, ausgedrückt in % des haploiden Genoms, betrug 7,28% (±1,18) bei XX-Weibchen und 3,26% (±0,73) bei Xx-Weibchen. Auf Grund dieser Daten wird angenommen, daß a) das Geschlechtschromatin durch das gesamte Geschlechtschromosomenmaterial, das 5% des Haploidsatzes übersteigt, gebildet wird, und b) das x-Chromosome bei den Xx-Weibchen stets an der Geschlechtschromatinbildung beteiligt ist.Die Geschlechtschromosomenreplikation ging zeitlich wie folgt vor sich: a) zu Beginn der S-Periode beginnt ein X-Chromosom früh mit der Replikation, während das andere X-Chromosom und das x- und Y-Chromosom die DNS-Synthese als letzte beginnen; b) im intermediären Stadium der S-Periode replizieren die Geschlechtschromosomen in gleicher Weise wie die Autosomen, c) in den späten und endstadien replizieren beide Geschlechtschromosomen in ihrer gesamten Ausdehnung spät. Das Muster der Chromosomenreplikation zu Beginn der S-Periode kann als aufschlußreicher für die Unterscheidung von Hetero- und Euchromatin im Geschlechtsgenom vonAkodon azarae angesehen werden als das Replikations-Muster der Endphase.

The objective of this research was to study infestation parameters and indexes of ectoparasites associated with each sex of the wild rodents Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse) andAkodon azarae (Fischer) in the Punta Lara wetlands, Argentina. A trend towards higher mean abundance (MA) and ectoparasite specific richness was observed in males of O. flavescens whereas those values were similar for both A. azarae sexes. The prevalence of the following ectoparasites was significantly higher on males (P<0.05): Mysolaelaps microspinosus Fonseca (65.2%) and Hoplopleura travassosi Werneck (73.9%) on O. flavescens, and Ixodes loricatus Neumann (71.4%) on A. azarae. Only H. travassosi mean abundance was significantly higher on males (MA=44.1). Since I. loricatus and Hoplopleura spp. are involved in the transmission of pathogens that cause diseases in animals and humans, and whose reservoirs are rodent hosts, these results are epidemiologically important.  相似文献   

Summary Six population samples of the South American cricetid rodent Akodon dolores were collected at the same site at six-month intervals over a three year period. Changes in density were detected. Seven out of 18 loci analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis were polymorphic. Only two of these loci (Est-4 and G6pdh) showed statistically significant variation in allele frequencies following a seasonal pattern. There was no correlation between allele frequencies and population density. When animals were grouped into two classes according to body weight, a clear difference in allele distribution at the Est-4 and G6pdh loci was observed between individuals 39 g or less and those heavier than 39 g. As the first group comprises predominantly younger animals, the data indicate that changes in the age-structure of population, rather than density variations, are responsible for the cyclic pattern of allele frequencies fluctuations.  相似文献   

Buoyant density in CsCl, melting temperature, and G + C base content of the DNA from four species of Akodon (Rodentia, Cricetidae) were determined. The buoyant density values of 1.699–1.701 g/cm3 were in accordance with the data reported for other cricetids. No satellite bands were seen in neutral CsCl. The T m values determined in 1 × SSC ranged from 86.2 to 87.0 C, which corresponds to G + C contents of 41.2–43.2%. There was good agreement in DNA base composition of the four species, although values were slightly higher in A. obscurus, suggesting a certain degree of interspecies variability.This study was supported by grants from Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, and Organización de Estados Americanos.  相似文献   

Chromosomal polymorphism resulting from three autosomal pericentric inversions and a complex rearrangement involving the largest chromosome of the complement (pair 1) in Akodon arviculoides (2n= 14, 15) is reported. G- and C-banding patterns in somatic and meiotic cells allowed the precise identification of all chromosomes and rearrangements. In meiosis of male specimens with 2n = 15, a large trivalent reflecting the complex rearrangement in autosomal pair 1 was observed. Two possible explanations for it are discussed. G- and C-bands in diplotene cells in heterozygotes for the inversions showed different configurations depending on the pairing in the inverted segments. Chiasma frequency data fro three specimens are analyzed.  相似文献   

Linear habitats are capable of providing essential resources for small mammals within agroecosystems. We analyzed demographic parameters of Akodon azarae in a linear habitat of central Argentina. We used capture-mark-recapture models to determine temporal variations in survival, recruitment and population growth rate. The effects of temperature, rainfall and vegetation cover as well as of population abundances on the mentioned parameters were assessed in a 10-year study. Survival and growth rate showed seasonal variation, which was greater than the interannual variability observed. Temperature affected only recruitment. Linear habitats would provide resources for long term survival and reproduction of A. azarae.  相似文献   

Based on the hypothesis that, in Akodon azarae, polygyny operates through female defence, we studied inter-male aggression in order to test the following predictions: during the breeding period (1) resident males are more aggressive than intruder males in the presence of females (FP), and (2) aggressive behaviour is independent of male condition (resident or intruder) in the absence of females (FA). To test our predictions, we used the resident male behavioural response towards an intruder male in relation to FP or FA. We conducted 30 encounters in FP and 27 in FA in 0.79-m2 round enclosures placed in the Espinal Reservation. Our results support the prediction that, in FP, the intensity of aggressive behaviour exhibited by males varied in relation to resident or intruder condition. Resident males showed high levels of aggression towards intruders, and intruders exhibited the greatest values of submissive behaviours with residents. In FA, the intensity of aggressive behaviour did not vary in relation to resident or intruder condition. Both resident and intruder males exhibited low aggressive behaviour and inter-male encounters resulted mainly in non interactive behaviours. Our results support the hypothesis that, in A. azarae, the polygynous mating system operates through female defence.  相似文献   

The morphology, G- and C-banding pattern of the Akodon mollis chromosome complement is analysed. Over a total of 14 males and 10 females studied, 8 males and 7 females had a modal chromosome number of 22, while 6 males and 3 females showed a modal number of 23 chromosomes. In the animals with 23 chromosomes the odd element was considered a B chromosome on the basis of: (a) its small size, (b) the lack of an homologous chromosome and the subsequent formation of univalents at diakinesis and metaphase I from testes, (c) the weak or null genetic action as evidenced by the lack of any obvious variation in the phenotype of carriers.Four females exhibited a sex-pair dimorphism indistinguishable from that observed in males. The G-banding analysis showed homology between the pattern found in the Y chromosome and that detected in the short arm of the X. The study of C-band distribution showed that several autosome pairs and the X chromosomes had small masses of centromeric heterochromatin. On the other hand, the Y and B chromosomes were C-band negative. The Y-like chromosome in females with dimorphism of the sex pair was also C-band negative. Accordingly these females were considered to be XY and not Xx (the x being an extensively deleted X chromosome).This work was supported by grants from UNESCO, OEA, CONICET and CIC. Requests for reprints should be addressed to N.O. Bianchi.  相似文献   

The distribution of the vertebrate telomeric sequence T2AG3 in three species of the rodent genus Akodon was examined by FISH with a peptide nucleic acid probe. In addition to the expected telomeric hybridization, non-telomeric signals were observed in the three species. In A. dolores, centromeric signals were visible in two of the four biarmed autosome pairs featuring Robertsonian polymorphism, indicating the retention of at least part of the telomeric sequences during the fusion process, and an interstitial signal of lower intensity was observed in the short arm of another. In A. boliviensis, a strong signal was observed near the centromeric end of the first chromosome pair. The first pair of A. azarae (homologous to the first pair of A. boliviensis) showed a similar but markedly amplified signal, and a subcentromeric signal in the X chromosome corresponding to a heterochromatic region; additionally, interstitial signals of lower intensity were present in one to four chromosomes in the majority of cells examined.  相似文献   

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