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Ten years ago we showed for the first time that Notch signalling is required in segmentation in spiders, indicating the existence of similar mechanisms in arthropod and vertebrate segmentation. However, conflicting results in various arthropod groups hampered our understanding of the ancestral function of Notch in arthropod segmentation. Here we fill a crucial data gap in arthropods and analyse segmentation in a crustacean embryo. We analyse the expression of homologues of the Drosophila and vertebrate segmentation genes and show that members of the Notch signalling pathway are expressed at the same time as the pair-rule genes. Furthermore, inactivation of Notch signalling results in irregular boundaries of the odd-skipped-like expression domains and affects the formation of segments. In severe cases embryos appear unsegmented. We suggest two scenarios for the function of Notch signalling in segmentation. The first scenario agrees with a segmentation clock involving Notch signalling, while the second scenario discusses an alternative mechanism of Notch function which is integrated into a hierarchical segmentation cascade.  相似文献   

The centipede Strigamia maritima forms all of its segments during embryogenesis. Trunk segments form sequentially from an apparently undifferentiated disk of cells at the posterior of the germ band. We have previously described periodic patterns of gene expression in this posterior disc that precede overt differentiation of segments, and suggested that a segmentation oscillator may be operating in the posterior disc. We now show that genes of the Notch signalling pathway, including the ligand Delta, and homologues of the Drosophila pair-rule genes even-skipped and hairy, show periodic expression in the posterior disc, consistent with their involvement in, or regulation by, such an oscillator. These genes are expressed in a pattern of apparently expanding concentric rings around the proctodeum, which become stripes at the base of the germ band where segments are emerging. In this transition zone, these primary stripes define a double segment periodicity: segmental stripes of engrailed expression, which mark the posterior of each segment, arise at two different phases of the primary pattern. Delta and even-skipped are also activated in secondary stripes that intercalate between primary stripes in this region, further defining the single segment repeat. These data, together with observations that Notch mediated signalling is required for segment pattern formation in other arthropods, suggest that the ancestral arthropod segmentation cascade may have involved a segmentation oscillator that utilised Notch signalling.  相似文献   

The possession of segmented appendages is a defining characteristic of the arthropods. By analyzing both loss-of-function and ectopic expression experiments, we show that the Notch signaling pathway plays a fundamental role in the segmentation and growth of the Drosophila leg. Local activation of Notch is necessary and sufficient to promote the formation of joints between segments. This segmentation process requires the participation of the Notch ligands, Serrate and Delta, as well as Fringe. These three proteins are each expressed in the developing leg and antennal imaginal discs in a segmentally repeated pattern that is regulated downstream of the action of Wingless and Decapentaplegic. Our studies further show that Notch activation is both necessary and sufficient to promote leg growth. We also identify target genes regulated both positively and negatively downstream of Notch signaling that are required for normal leg development. Together, these observations outline a regulatory hierarchy for the segmentation and growth of the leg. The Notch pathway is also deployed for segmentation during vertebrate somitogenesis, which raises the possibility of a common origin for the segmentation of these distinct tissues.  相似文献   

Virtually all arthropods all arthropods add their body segments sequentially, one by one in an anterior to posterior progression. That process requires not only segment specification but typically growth and elongation. Here we review the functions of some of the key genes that regulate segmentation: Wnt, caudal, Notch pathway, and pair-rule genes, and discuss what can be inferred about their evolution. We focus on how these regulatory factors are integrated with growth and elongation and discuss the importance and challenges of baseline measures of growth and elongation. We emphasize a perspective that integrates the genetic regulation of segment patterning with the cellular mechanisms of growth and elongation.  相似文献   

The domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, belongs to the intermediate germband insects, in which the anterior segments are specified in the blastoderm, while the remaining posterior segments are sequentially generated from the cellularized growth zone. The pattern formation is distinct from Drosophila but somewhat resembles a vertebrate. Notch signaling is involved in the segmentation of vertebrates and spiders.Here, we studied the function of Notch signaling in silkworm embryogenesis via RNA interference (RNAi). Depletion of Bmdelta, the homolog of the Notch signaling ligand, led to severe defects in segment patterning, including a loss of posterior segments and irregular segment boundaries. The paired appendages on each segment were symmetrically fused along the ventral midline in Bmdelta RNAi embryos. An individual segment seemed to possess only one segmental appendage. Segmentation in prolegs could be observed.Our results show that Notch signaling is employed in not only appendage development but also body segmentation. Thus, conservation of Notch-mediated segmentation could also be extended to holometabolous insects. The involvement of Notch signaling seems to be the ancestral segmentation mechanism of arthropods.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes our current knowledge on the expression and assumed function of Drosophila and (other) arthropod segmentation gene orthologs in Onychophora, a closely related outgroup to Arthropoda. This includes orthologs of the so-called Drosophila segmentation gene cascade including the Hox genes, as well as other genetic factors and pathways involved in non-drosophilid arthropods.Open questions about and around the topic are addressed, such as the definition of segments in onychophorans, the unclear regulation of conserved expression patterns downstream of non-conserved factors, and the potential role of mesodermal patterning in onychophoran segmentation.  相似文献   

Segmentation is unquestionably a major factor in the evolution of complex body plans, but how this trait itself evolved is unknown. Approaching this problem requires comparing the molecular mechanisms of segmentation in diverse segmented and unsegmented taxa. Notch/Hes signaling is involved in segmentation in sequentially segmenting vertebrates and arthropods, as judged by patterns of expression of one or more genes in this network and by the disruption of segmental patterning when Notch/Hes signaling is disrupted. We have previously shown that Notch and Hes homologs are expressed in the posterior progress zone (PPZ), from which segments arise, in the leech Helobdella robusta, a sequentially segmenting lophotrochozoan (phylum Annelida). Here, we show that disrupting Notch/Hes signaling disrupts segmentation in this species as well. Thus, Notch/Hes functions in either the maintenance of the PPZ and/or the patterning processes of segmentation in representatives of all three superphyla of bilaterally symmetric animals. These results are consistent with two evolutionary scenarios. In one, segmentation was already present in the ancestor of all three superphyla. In the other, Notch/Hes signaling functioned in axial growth by terminal addition in an unsegmented bilaterian ancestor, and was subsequently exapted to function in segmentation as that process evolved independently in two or more taxa.  相似文献   

As the putative sister group to the arthropods, onychophorans can provide insight into ancestral developmental mechanisms in the panarthropod clade. Here, we examine the expression during segmentation of orthologues of wingless (Wnt1) and engrailed, two genes that play a key role in defining segment boundaries in Drosophila and that appear to play a role in segmentation in many other arthropods. Both are expressed in segmentally reiterated stripes in all forming segments except the first (brain) segment, which only shows an engrailed stripe. Engrailed is expressed before segments are morphologically visible and is expressed in both mesoderm and ectoderm. Segmental wingless expression is not detectable until after mesodermal somites are clearly distinct. Early engrailed expression lies in and extends to both sides of the furrow that first demarcates segments in the ectoderm, but is largely restricted to the posterior part of somites. Wingless expression lies immediately anterior to engrailed expression, as it does in many arthropods, but there is no precise cellular boundary between the two expression domains analogous to the overt parasegment boundary seen in Drosophila. Engrailed stripes extend along the posterior part of each limb bud, including the antenna, while wingless is restricted to the distal tip of the limbs and the neurectoderm basal to the limbs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Arthropods and vertebrates display a segmental body organisation along all or part of the anterior-posterior axis. Whether this reflects a shared, ancestral developmental genetic mechanism for segmentation is uncertain. In vertebrates, segments are formed sequentially by a segmentation 'clock' of oscillating gene expression involving Notch pathway components. Recent studies in spiders and basal insects have suggested that segmentation in these arthropods also involves Notch-based signalling. These observations have been interpreted as evidence for a shared, ancestral gene network for insect, arthropod and bilaterian segmentation. However, because this pathway can play multiple roles in development, elucidating the specific requirements for Notch signalling is important for understanding the ancestry of segmentation. Here we show that Delta, a ligand of the Notch pathway, is not required for segment formation in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, which retains ancestral characteristics of arthropod embryogenesis. Segment patterning genes are expressed before Delta in abdominal segments, and Delta expression does not oscillate in the pre-segmental region or in formed segments. Instead, Delta is required for neuroectoderm and mesectoderm formation; embryos missing these tissues are developmentally delayed and show defects in segment morphology but normal segment number. Thus, what initially appear to be 'segmentation phenotypes' can in fact be due to developmental delays and cell specification errors. Our data do not support an essential or ancestral role of Notch signalling in segment generation across the arthropods, and show that the pleiotropy of the Notch pathway can confound speculation on possible segmentation mechanisms in the last common bilaterian ancestor.  相似文献   

It has been shown that segmentation in the short-germ insects proceeds by a two-step mechanism. The anterior region is simultaneously segmented in a manner similar to that in Drosophila, which is apparently unique to insects, and the rest of the posterior region is segmented sequentially by a mechanism involving a segmentation clock, which is derived from the common ancestor of arthropods. In order to propose the evolutionary scenario of insect segmentation, we examined segmentation in the jumping bristletail, the basalmost extant insect. Using probes for engrailed-family genes for in situ hybridization, we found no sign of simultaneous segmentation in the anterior region of the jumping bristletail embryos. All segments except the anteriormost segment are formed sequentially. This condition shown in the jumping bristletail embryos may represent the primitive pattern of insect segmentation. The intercalating formation of the intercalary segment is assumed to be a synapomorphic trait shared among all insects after the branching of the jumping bristletail.  相似文献   

In both Drosophila wings and vertebrate limbs, signaling between dorsal and ventral cells establishes an organizer that promotes limb formation. Significant progress has been made recently towards characterizing the signaling interactions that occur at the dorsal—ventral limb border. Studies of chicks have indicated that, as in Drosophila, this signaling process requires the participation of Fringe. Studies of Drosophila have indicated that Fringe functions by inhibiting the ability of Notch to be activated by one ligand, Serrate, while potentiating the ability of Notch to be activated by another ligand, Delta. Recent studies of both Drosophila and vertebrates have also shed new light on the signaling activity of the dorsal—ventral boundary limb organizer, and have highlighted how this organizer is maintained by feedback mechanisms with neighboring cells.  相似文献   

The genetic regulatory networks controlling major developmental processes seem to be conserved in bilaterians regardless of an independent or a common origin of the structures. This has been explained by the employment of a genetic toolkit that was repeatedly used during bilaterian evolution to build the various forms and body plans. However, it is not clear how genetic networks were incorporated into the formation of novel structures and how homologous genes can regulate the disparate morphological processes. Here we address this question by analysing the role of Notch signalling, which is part of the bilaterian toolkit, in neural stem cell evolution in arthropods. Within arthropods neural stem cells have evolved in the last common ancestor of insects and crustaceans (Tetraconata). We analyse here for the first time the role of Notch signalling in a crustacean, the branchiopod Daphnia magna, and show that it is required in neural stem cells for regulating the time of neural precursor production and for binary cell fate decisions in the ventral neuroectoderm. The function of Notch signalling has diverged in the ventral neuroectoderm of insects and crustaceans accompanied by changes in the morphogenetic processes. In the crustacean, Notch controlled mechanisms of neuroblast regulation have evolved that are surprisingly similar to vertebrates and thus present a remarkable case of parallel evolution. These new data on a representative of crustaceans complete the arthropod data set on Notch signalling in the nervous system and allow for reconstructing how the Notch signalling pathway has been co-opted from pre-existing structures to the development of the evolving neural stem cells in the Tetraconata ancestor.  相似文献   

A current hypothesis states that the ancestral limb of arthropods is composed of only two segments. The proximal segment represents the main part of the modern leg, and the distal segment represents the tarsus and claw of the modern leg. If the distal part of the limb is an ancestral feature, one would expect conserved regulatory gene networks acting in distal limb development in all arthropods and possibly even their sister group, the onychophorans. We investigated the expression patterns of six genes known to function during insect distal limb development in the onychophoran Euperipatoides kanangrensis, i.e., clawless (cll), aristaless (al), spineless (ss), zinc finger homeodomain 2 (zfh2), rotund (rn), and Lim1. We find that all investigated genes are expressed in at least some of the onychophoran limbs. The expression patterns of most of these genes, however, display crucial differences to the known insect patterns. The results of this study question the hypothesis of conserved distal limb evolution in arthropods and highlight the need for further studies on arthropod limb development.  相似文献   

Notch-mediated segmentation and growth control of the Drosophila leg.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The possession of segmented appendages is a defining characteristic of the arthropods. By analyzing both loss-of-function and ectopic expression experiments, we show that the Notch signaling pathway plays a fundamental role in the segmentation and growth of the Drosophila leg. Local activation of Notch is necessary and sufficient to promote the formation of joints between segments. This segmentation process requires the participation of the Notch ligands, Serrate and Delta, as well as Fringe. These three proteins are each expressed in the developing leg and antennal imaginal discs in a segmentally repeated pattern that is regulated downstream of the action of Wingless and Decapentaplegic. Our studies further show that Notch activation is both necessary and sufficient to promote leg growth. We also identify target genes regulated both positively and negatively downstream of Notch signaling that are required for normal leg development. Together, these observations outline a regulatory hierarchy for the segmentation and growth of the leg. The Notch pathway is also deployed for segmentation during vertebrate somitogenesis, which raises the possibility of a common origin for the segmentation of these distinct tissues.  相似文献   

Repeated body segments are a key feature of arthropods. The formation of body segments occurs via distinct developmental pathways within different arthropod clades. Although some species form their segments simultaneously without any accompanying measurable growth, most arthropods add segments sequentially from the posterior of the growing embryo or larva. The use of Notch signaling is increasingly emerging as a common feature of sequential segmentation throughout the Bilateria, as inferred from both the expression of proteins required for Notch signaling and the genetic or pharmacological disruption of Notch signaling. In this study, we demonstrate that blocking Notch signaling by blocking γ‐secretase activity causes a specific, repeatable effect on segmentation in two different anostracan crustaceans, Artemia franciscana and Thamnocephalus platyurus. We observe that segmentation posterior to the third or fourth trunk segment is arrested. Despite this marked effect on segment addition, other aspects of segmentation are unaffected. In the segments that develop, segment size and boundaries between segments appear normal, engrailed stripes are normal in size and alignment, and overall growth is unaffected. By demonstrating Notch involvement in crustacean segmentation, our findings expand the evidence that Notch plays a crucial role in sequential segmentation in arthropods. At the same time, our observations contribute to an emerging picture that loss‐of‐function Notch phenotypes differ significantly between arthropods suggesting variability in the role of Notch in the regulation of sequential segmentation. This variability in the function of Notch in arthropod segmentation confounds inferences of homology with vertebrates and lophotrochozoans.  相似文献   

Pair-rule patterning forms a key step for segmentation in insects. The expression patterns of pair-rule gene orthologs in representatives of other arthropod groups imply that these genes were segmentation genes in the last common ancestor of the various arthropod groups, but almost nothing is known about the underlying mechanism in noninsect arthropods. Here, we cloned and analyzed members of the Pax group III genes from the spider Cupiennius salei. Pax group III genes comprise genes like the Drosophila genes paired, gooseberry, and gooseberry-neuro, as well as the vertebrate Pax 3 and Pax 7 genes. We recovered three Pax group III genes from the spider C. salei, Cs-pairberry-1, Cs-pairberry-2, and Cs-pairberry-3, and show that the combined expression of the three spider genes mimics the patterns in insects, suggesting an ancestral role for Pax group III genes in segmentation, neurogenesis, and appendage formation in arthropods. One of the genes, pairberry-3, is expressed in a segmental periodicity before overt morphological segmentation is visible, suggesting a single segmental periodicity for opisthosomal segment pattering in the spider. Comparisons among arthropods suggest that the underlying mechanisms for pair-rule gene orthologs are more diverged than the ones for the segment-polarity genes. We argue that there may be a correlation between the lower variation in patterns of segment-polarity genes and the phylotypic stage. The segment-polarity genes are required to define the segment borders of the embryo at the germ-band stage, the arthropod phylotypic stage. Pair-rule gene orthologs act more upstream and may display more variation in their action.  相似文献   

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