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In two experiments, we compared milk intake (assessed by weighing calves before and after suckling) and milk production (by hand milking hinds) in Iberian red deer both when calves sucked their mothers together (group-suckling experiment) and when mother and offspring were isolated (isolation-suckling experiment). In both experiments, the general lactation curve for calves increased to a peak and then decreased (type I, standard lactation curve in mammals), whereas the curve for hinds decreased from the start (type II). However, in the experiment on group suckling, calves ingested 17.2% more milk than that produced by their mothers from weeks 6 to 20. In both isolation- and group-suckling experiments, hinds showed an overproduction of milk decreasing from weeks 1 to 5. This decreasing overproduction coincides with a similar trend in calf mortality reported in the literature and might thus be aimed at ensuring calves have sufficient nutrients when mortality is highest. In addition, allosuckling observations in the group-suckling experiment showed an inverse relationship between milk production and percentage of allosucking attempts. Allosucking attempts were also more frequent after the milk overproduction period. Both findings suggest that allosuckling is a response to compensate for a reduced maternal milk supply. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We report a case of malignant melanoma in a captive red deer (Cervus elaphus elaphus). The primary lesion was on the plantar aspect of the right pastern and infiltrated the surrounding skin, but not underlying tendons or bone. Diffuse metastasis to the regional lymph nodes had occurred. Histologically, lesions were characterized by large numbers of variably pigmented epithelioid cells with a high degree of nuclear atypia and many mitotic figures. This is the first reported case of this neoplasm in red deer.  相似文献   

Seed samples collected from female Urtica dioica plants in the field showed considerable inter-family variation in the sex ratio (faction of males). To investigate the inheritance pattern of the sex ratio trait, crosses were performed between individual male and female plants from different sex ratio families. Our results suggest, at least for the families studied here, that maternal parents strongly contribute to the variation in the primary sex ratio. Furthermore, progeny sex ratios from reciprocal crosses were significantly different and resembled the sex ratios produced by their maternal parents. We discuss the possible mechanisms underlying maternal control.  相似文献   

Host-size related feeding and oviposition behaviour, and allocation of progeny sex by Anisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) were tested on Sitophilus oryzae L. The parasitoid showed a host-size-dependent partition of feeding and oviposition behaviour, preferring small hosts for feeding, but large hosts for oviposition. Neither the mutual interference nor the host density showed any effect on the behaviour of the parasitoid. Allocation of progeny sex by the female parasitoid appeared to be based more likely on absolute than on relative host size encountered. A model for the progeny sex ratio was constructed based on: (1) ovipositional preference of the parasitoid on large hosts; (2) feeding preferentially on small hosts; and (3) host-size-related regulation of progeny sex ratio. The progeny sex ratio of the parasitoid predicted by the model was in close agreement with the observed value.  相似文献   

In red deer, variation in winter and spring weather conditions encountered by the mothers during pregnancy and during the first year of life are a main determinant for individual life-history as well as population dynamics. We tested the hypothesis that supplementary feeding which provides constant food supply throughout winter removes the selective pressure of winter harshness on nutrition-mediated phenotypic traits. We analysed cohort variation in body weight in calves in October, before their first winter, and in yearlings in June, after their first winter, in a food-supplemented population in the Eastern Austrian Alps. Over eleven years, cohort body weight varied between years in calves and yearlings. Contrary to studies on non-supplemented red deer populations we found neither short- nor long-term effects of winter weather on body weight. In calves, autumn body weight was negatively related to April–May and June temperatures, suggesting that cool weather during the main growth period retarded plant senescence and thereby prolonged the period of high protein content of summer forage. In yearlings, variation in June body weight, shortly after the end of the feeding period, was lower after a wet April–May, suggesting a negative effect of a prolonged period of supplemental feeding. For both calves and yearlings intra-cohort variation in body weight was higher, inter-cohort variation was lower as compared to non-supplemented red deer, suggesting that in their first year of life supplemented red deer are under reduced natural selection pressure.  相似文献   

Tactics for resource-use involve both using stored reserves (capital breeding) and feeding while reproducing (income breeding). In polygynous ungulates, males often use an income breeding strategy when young and shift to a capital breeding tactic at prime age. Little is known regarding why prime-aged males stop or largely reduce eating during rut but still remain inactive for as much time as before rut. A detailed exploration of how rumen content correlates with age and date may shed light on the ultimate causes of why some males stop eating. We provide quantitative empirical data on rumen content from red deer Cervus elaphus during the rutting season in Norway. In male red deer, rumen content declined with age, up to around 6 years of age. Above this age, rumen content was low and stable. A time-of-year effect on rumen content was best described with a second-order polynomial term, as rumen fill was lowest during mid-October when the mass loss of males and the ovulation rate of females both peak. We present two new hypotheses related to why males reduce eating ( physical rest and parasite hypotheses). Two related patterns need to be explained and better documented: (1) why are resting times stable before, after and during rut, and (2) why do non-prime-aged males eat more between rutting activities?  相似文献   

Summary Highly significant differences between progeny groups have been found in the Israeli-Frisian breed of cattle. The standard deviations between groups in the proportion of males was estimated to be 1.5%. Significant correlations between sire and son and between half-sibs in the sex ratio of their progeny suggest that the differences may have a genetic basis.  相似文献   

This study characterized the seasonal pattern of luteal cyclicity in Iberian red deer (n=16), by measuring plasma progesterone concentrations in hinds (female red deer) twice per week from calving (May and June) 1996 until May 1997. In eight of these hinds we also examined plasma prolactin profiles to assess seasonal responses to photoperiod. Plasma progesterone concentration in the 16 hinds studied indicated that the reproductive pattern is seasonal, and lasts for 5.73 +/- 0.27 months. After calving, progesterone levels remained basal (no luteal activity) for several months, except in a hind that lost her calf just after calving, and thus did not have to suckle it. This hind showed two consecutive estrus cycles in the month following calving, which suggests that suckling has an inhibiting effect on the resumption of ovarian activity. These results also showed that as long as the hinds do not become pregnant, they show between 5 and 10 estrus cycles per reproductive season (8.06 +/- 0.35), ranging between 105 and 249 days from onset of the first cycle to end of the last one. Uninterrupted cycling lasted for 3.5-6.4 months (mean, 4.6 +/- 0.24). Cyclic luteal activity was found from October to February in all hinds, with a smaller, but notable proportion in September (56.25%) and March (68.8%), whereas it was negligible in the remaining period. Our results show a reproductive season similar to or longer than that recorded by other authors. Prolactin plasma concentrations showed a yearly trend following that of photoperiod, with peak concentrations from April to July, a decrease in August, minimal concentrations from September to February and a sharp increase in March.  相似文献   

A uterine adenocarcinoma with widespread visceral implantation and lymphatic metastases is described in a 4-yr-old captive nulliparous sika deer (Cervus nippon). The tumor was histologically characterized by proliferation of irregularly shaped acini and tubules lined by single- or multi-layered pleomorphic epithelial cells, which were sometimes multinucleated and contained PAS positive mucin. The neoplastic tissue was invasive and showed a marked desmoplastic reaction. A relationship between the tumor and a hormonal imbalance could not be ruled out. This is the first report of a tumor of the reproductive tract in a cervid.  相似文献   

Understanding the dietary consumption and selection of wild populations of generalist herbivores is hampered by the complex array of factors. Here, we determine the influence of habitat, season, and animal density, sex, and age on the diet consumption and selection of 426 red deer (Cervus elaphus scoticus) culled in Fiordland National Park, New Zealand. Our site differs from studies elsewhere both in habitat (evergreen angiosperm‐dominated forests) and the intensity of hunting pressures. We predicted that deer would not consume forage in proportion to its relative availability, and that dietary consumption would change among and within years in response to hunting pressures that would also limit opportunities for age and sex segregation. Using canonical correspondence analysis, we evaluated the relative importance of different drivers of variation in diet consumption assessed from gut content and related these to available forage in the environment. We found that altitude explained the largest proportion of variation in diet consumption, reflecting the ability of deer to alter their consumption and selection in relation to their foraging grounds. Grasses formed a high proportion of the diet consumption, even for deer culled several kilometres from the alpine grasslands. In the winter months, when the alpine grasslands were largely inaccessible, less grass was eaten and deer resorted to woody plants that were avoided in the summer months. Surprisingly, there were no significant dietary differences between adults and juveniles and only subtle differences between the sexes. Sex‐based differences in diet consumption are commonly observed in ungulate species and we suggest that they may have been reduced in our study area owing to decreased heterogeneity in available forage as the diversity of palatable species decreased under high deer browsing pressures, or by intense hunting pressure.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that optimal sex allocation in subdivided populations is dependent on the genetic relatedness among competing offspring such that when relatedness is high, progeny sex allocation should be more biased than when relatedness is low. In the laboratory we compared the progeny sex ratio of four groups of five ovipositing females of various presumed degrees of relatedness (sisters of inbred laboratory population, sisters of outbred field population, non-sisters of the same field population and non-sisters each from a different, geographically distant field population). We found a greater female bias in the progeny of inbred sisters than for sisters from the field population; the progeny sex ratio was also more strongly female biased for sisters than for non-sisters from the field population. These differences in sex ratio are in line with theoretical predictions. Our results indicate that spider mites are capable of some method of discrimination between kin and non-kin.  相似文献   

The extent to which sex ratio bias is a common reproductive characteristic of prosimians has not been well established. The present study analyzed reproduction in 13 breeding groups of captive prosimians for evidence of birth sex ratio bias. A substantial male bias was demonstrated in nongregarious, but not gregarious, breeding groups. Analyses of birth sex ratios of individual mothers suggested that the observed bias did not result from the tendency of a few mothers to overproduce males, but rather from a small but reliable excess of male births in general. An examination of infant mortality revealed that male Otolemur garnettii and Microcebus murinus infants were more vulnerable to preweaning mortality, whereas female Eulemur fulvus albifrons infants were more vulnerable. An analysis of birth order by sex found that mothers of one group (O. garnettii) tended to produce males initially and females later. Additionally, a distinct pattern of birth seasonality was noted among Malagasy prosimians that was absent in the African prosimians. Greater length of period of sexual receptivity for nongregarious females as compared to gregarious females is proposed as a possible mechanism of male birth sex ratio bias. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to describe differences in the ontogenesis of the omasum in sheep (domestic ruminant) and deer (wild ruminant). A total of 50 embryos and fetuses of Merino sheep and 50 Iberian deer were used, from the first stages of prenatal life until birth. For the study, the animals were divided into five experimental groups according to the most relevant histological characteristics. The appearance of the omasum from the primitive gastric tube was earlier in sheep (22% gestation, 33 days) than in deer (25% gestation, 66 days). In both cases it displayed a primitive epithelium of a stratified, cylindrical, non-ciliary type. The appearance of four laminae of different sizes was always earlier in sheep than deer. At around 36% gestation in sheep (53 days) and 36% (97 days) in deer, the omasum consisted of 4 clearly-differentiated layers: mucosa (with epithelial layer and lamina propria), submucosa, tunica muscularis and serosa. The temporal order of appearance of the four order laminae and omasal papillae was always earlier in sheep than deer. The tegumentary mucosa of the omasum was without secretion capability in the first embryonic phases. From 67 days (26% gestation) the neutral mucopolysaccharides appeared in deer and at 46 days (30% gestation) in sheep. In both cases they continued to decrease until birth, this decrease being more pronounced in deer. Finally, the presence of neuroendocrine and glial cells was detected in deer at earlier stages than in sheep.  相似文献   

A 19-mo-old female captive white-tailed deer in a public wild animal park in Richmond (Virginia, USA) was necropsied and evaluated histologically following spontaneous death after a 1 wk period of lethargy in a captive herd of 22 deer. An acute necrotizing pneumonia was associated with intraendothelial protozoal schizonts that were identified immunohistochemically as Sarcocystis spp. This is the first confirmed report of acute sarcocystosis in a wild ruminant.  相似文献   

We studied the nutritional behaviour of hinds foraging on a mixed-forest edge by direct observation of their choices at each season and by measuring nutrient concentration in the plants. We compared nutrient concentrations in the observed diets with those in the total available vegetation, and with those of 1,000 randomly simulated diets in which we included only those plants that were actually eaten by the animal. Whether the available or the consumed feeds were used as the basis for comparisons had important consequences due to the presence of conifers and ferns, which were high in soluble sugars but were never eaten by the animals (potentially due to their toxicity). The selected diets were lower in sugars than the total available vegetation in summer, but were actually higher in sugars than the random diets generated from consumed forage species only. Hind diets contained more soluble sugars but not more protein than simulated diets in all seasons. Contrary to our prediction, anti-nutritional compounds (ADL and tannins) were avoided only in winter. Compared to simulated diets, hinds consumed more tannins in spring and summer and more ADL in summer and autumn. We suggest that this was a consequence of selection for soluble sugars, because the preferred plant species, which had high soluble sugar concentrations, also contained a large proportion of the anti-nutritional compounds eaten. In winter, the grass-dominated diets contained more fibre (NDF) and less ADL than the simulated diets, indicating that hinds orient their feeding towards digestible fibres. The switch from a browser to a grazer diet was related to a change in the availability of the nutrients, mainly soluble sugars. In our study, grasses contained more soluble sugars and proteins than deciduous browse during winter. This calls into question the dichotomy usually assumed in the literature between grass and browse in terms of nutrient content. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to describe the leptin cycle in male Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) and relate it to antler and testosterone cycles. An additional aim is to assess the relationship between the plasma leptin concentration during antlers’ growth and their final size. Therefore, blood from 21 Iberian red deer males was sampled monthly to analyse leptin and testosterone. At the same time the deer were weighed and their body condition was assessed. The length of antlers was measured every 2 weeks and, after casting, their final length and perimeters were taken. Leptin showed a seasonal cycle, with a peak in June that decreased as testosterone increased. Low values were observed in autumn, winter and early spring. The relationship observed between leptin and body mass or body condition score was different in spring, when plasma testosterone concentration is low, than in autumn, when testosterone increases. Leptin peak amplitude was positively related to final antler size. In conclusion, the relationship between leptin and body mass and body condition score changes through the year, possibly due to the influence of androgens and photoperiod. There was a positive relationship between plasma concentration of leptin during antler growth and final antler length.  相似文献   

We present the first empirical evidence that mammalian sex-ratio deviations result from variation in adult-weight sexual dimorphism via correlated effects on blastocyst development. Two selection lines of mice exhibiting high and low sexual dimorphism in adult weight showed correlated sexual weight differences at birth and at weaning, caused by relatively decelerated growth of males in the low line from before birth. The sex ratio at birth was significantly female-biased in the low line, and significantly lower than in the highly dimorphic line. Concomitantly, blastomere numbers were at significantly higher variance in the low than in the highly dimorphic line, owing to an increased frequency of slowly growing blastocysts. Since low-dimorphism mice produced more corpora lutea and more female pups than the high-dimorphism mice, but not more males, birth sex-ratio bias most parsimoniously resulted from the loss of slowly growing male blastocysts. This is in agreement with the observation that sex-ratio skews in mammals arise when timing of uterine responsiveness (i.e. its temporally limited capacity for implantation) varies in relation to sex-specific embryonic growth rates. Hence, natural mammalian sex-ratio variation that stems from developmental asynchrony might be a by-product of natural selection for sexual dimorphism in adult weight.  相似文献   

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