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Tigers (Panthera tigris) today face multiple threats to their survival in the form of habitat loss, poaching, depletion of wild prey through illegal hunting and loss of connectivity between populations. Monitoring of tigers is crucial to evaluate their status and react adaptively to management problems. Though camera traps are becoming increasingly popular with researchers enumerating cryptic and elusive animals, they have not been embedded in the regular management activities of tiger reserves. Tiger monitoring, though an important part of the management, is usually implemented using the unreliable pugmark approach. Camera trap-based studies are few, usually of short duration, and are generally conducted by individual scientists and organizations. In this study, we integrate photographic mark–recapture with the routine activity of searching and locating tigers for tourist viewing by the park management in meadows of Kanha Tiger Reserve which form a part of the tourism zone. We validate the density estimates from “tiger search approach” against those obtained from camera trapping and radio-telemetry conducted in conjunction in the same area. Tiger density (\( \hat{D} \) (SE [\( \hat{D} \)]) per 100 km2 for camera traps and tiger search, respectively, was estimated at 12.0 (1.95) and 12.0 (1.76) when effective trapping area was estimated using the half mean maximum distance moved (½ MMDM), 7.6 (1.94) and 7.5 (1.97) using the home range radius, 7.3 (1.49) and 7.5 (1.97) with the full MMDM, and 8.0 (3.0) and 6.88 (2.39) with the spatial likelihood method in Program DENSITY 4.1. Camera trapping, however, was five times more expensive than the tiger search method. Our study suggests that “tiger search approach” can be used as a regular monitoring tool in the tourism zones of tiger reserves, where often most of the source populations are located.  相似文献   

The heterogeneity of xerophytic vegetation developing on limestone outcrops immersed in a tropical deciduous forest matrix was studied in Nizanda (S México). The study units comprised three clearly distinct communities based on their physiognomy and substrate, representing a gradient of edaphic aridity: (1) xerophytic scrub (XS); (2) tropical deciduous forest on rock (TDFr); and (3) tropical deciduous forest on deeper soil (TDFs). Structural and floristic variables were gathered in nine 100 m2 plots by community. In the 0.27 ha sampled 211 plant species were recorded. Total floristic richness by community decreased with increasing edaphic aridity: 159 species in TDFs, 107 in TDFr, and 36 in XS. Although significant differences were observed between the three communities for only four structural variables (total and upper stratum species densities, and relative monocotyledon density and cover), other variables confirmed the differences between the two forest communities and the XS (total and upper stratum cover, density, and basal area). TDFr and XS also differed from TDFs with respect to lower stratum species density, and absolute monocotyledon density and cover. The results showed the importance of monocotyledons and the prevalence of clonality in TDFr and XS. A comparison between limestone outcrop and inselberg vegetation indicated a virtual absence of therophytes, graminoid herbs, cryptogamic crusts, and desiccation-tolerant and carnivorous plants in the former, whereas the prevalence of monocotyledon mats, and xerophytic and succulent plants is the most striking similarity between these rocky environments. Xerophytic vegetation of limestone outcrops in Nizanda may be seen as analogous of relictual communities that existed during a northbound migration of Neotropical flora, towards the arid zones of North America.  相似文献   

Summary Emissions of nitrous oxide and soil nitrogen pools and transformations were measured over an annual cycle in two forests and one pasture in tropical deciduous forest near Chamela, México. Nitrous oxide flux was moderately high (0.5–2.5 ng cm–2 h–1) during the wet season and low (<0.3 ng cm–2 h–1) during the dry season. Annual emissions of nitrogen as nitrous oxide were calculated to be 0.5–0.7 kg ha–1 y–1, with no substantial difference between the forests and pasture. Wetting of dry soil caused a large but short-lived pulse of N2O flux that accounted for <2% of annual flux. Variation in soil water through the season was the primary controlling factor for pool sizes of ammonium and nitrate, nitrogen transformations, and N2O flux.  相似文献   

Non-invasive genetic sampling (NGS) is increasingly used to estimate the abundance of rare or elusive species such as the wolf (Canis lupus), which cannot be directly counted in forested mountain habitats. Wolf individual and familial home ranges are wide, potentially connected by long-range dispersers, and their populations are intrinsically open. Appropriate demographic estimators are needed, because the assumptions of homogeneous detection probability and demographic closeness are violated. We compiled the capture–recapture record of 418 individual wolf genotypes identified from ca. 4,900 non-invasive samples, collected in the northern Italian Apennines from January 2002 to June 2009. We analysed this dataset using novel capture–recapture multievent models for open populations that explicitly account for individual detection heterogeneity (IDH). Overall, the detection probability of the weakly detectable individuals, probably pups, juveniles and migrants (P = 0.08), was ca. six times lower than that of the highly detectable wolves (P = 0.44), probably adults and dominants. The apparent annual survival rate of weakly detectable individuals was lower (Φ = 0.66) than those of highly detectable wolves (Φ = 0.75). The population mean annual finite rate of increase was λ = 1.05 ± 0.11, and the mean annual size ranged from N = 117 wolves in 2003 to N = 233 wolves in 2007. This procedure, combining large-scale NGS and multievent IDH demographic models, provides the first estimates of abundance, multi-annual trend and survival rates for an open large wolf population in the Apennines. These results contribute to deepen our understanding of wolf population ecology and dynamics, and provide new information to implement sound long-term conservation plans.  相似文献   

Population monitoring of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) abundance is an essential element to understand annual stock variability and inform fisheries management processes. Smolts are the life stage marking the transition from the freshwater to the marine phase of anadromous Atlantic salmon. Estimating smolt abundance allows for subsequent inferences on freshwater and marine survival rates. Annual abundances of out-migrating Atlantic salmon smolts were estimated using Bayesian models and an 18-year capture–mark–recapture time series from two to five trapping locations within the Restigouche River (Canada) catchment. Some of the trapping locations were at the outlet of large upstream tributaries, and these sampled a portion of the total out-migrating population of smolts for the watershed, whereas others were located just above the head of tide of the Restigouche River and sampled the entire run of salmon smolts. Due to logistic and environmental conditions, not all trapping locations were operational each year. Additionally, recapture rates were relatively low (<5%), and the absolute number of recaptures was relatively few (most often a few dozen), leading to incoherent and highly uncertain estimates of tributary-specific and whole catchment abundance estimates when the data were modeled independently among trapping locations and years. Several models of increasing complexity were tested using simulated data, and the best-performing model in terms of bias and precision incorporated a hierarchical structure among years on the catchability parameters and included an explicit spatial structure to account for the annual variations in the number of sampled locations within the watershed. When the best model was applied to the Restigouche River catchment dataset, the annual smolt abundance estimates varied from 250,000 to 1 million smolts, and the subbasin estimates of abundance were consistent with the spatial structure of the monitoring programme. Ultimately, increasing the probabilities of capture and the absolute number of recaptures at the different traps will be required to improve the precision and reduce the bias of the estimates of smolt abundance for the entire basin and within subbasins of the watershed. The model and approach provide a significant improvement in the models used to date based on independent estimates of abundance by trapping location and year. Total abundance and relative production in discrete spawning, nesting, or rearing areas provide critical information to appropriately understand and manage the threats to species that can occur at subpopulation spatial scales.  相似文献   

Changes in species composition and density of trees >10 cm gbh in a tropical dry evergreen forest in Puthupet, south India are interpreted for the period between 1992 and 2002. A 1-ha plot was inventoried in 1992 and was recensused in 2002. During the 10-year interval tree taxa diversity as well as stand density increased, but the basal area value decreased. Tree species richness increased by 21% (from 24 to 29 species) by an addition of eight species and local extinction of three species. The tree density increased just by eight individuals (from 1330 stems ha−1 in 1992 to 1338 ha−1 in 2002), but the basal area decreased by 8% (from 37.5 to 34.5 m2 ha−1). Many species (11 numbers) have increased in abundance rather than decreased. Many surviving species seem to have considerable stability in abundance at the local scale. The density of smaller stems (10 29 cm gbh) increased by 15.3%, while that of the larger trees decreased drastically (81.6%). Ninety percent of the missing stems were from the middlestorey of the forest. Tree density changes among the three ecological guilds revealed a decrease in stem density and an increase in basal area in the lowerstorey; while the middlestorey exhibited a reverse trend. Family-wise, tree density changes revealed that the majority of families (67%) showed an increase in stem density. Long-term studies on tree population changes are essential to estimate tree mortality and recruitment rates, which will provide a greater insight in tropical forest dynamics.  相似文献   

Tiger, being a solitary and territorial animal, often tends to move out of protected areas into the surrounding forests. This is especially true in the case of sub-adult animals leading to escalating conflicts and deaths in the surrounding human-dominated landscapes. Unless adequately protected against various human activities, such corridors and surrounding forests will soon disappear, trapping the animals within protected areas with resultant local extinctions. In this paper we ascertain tiger presence, occupancy and numbers in one such partially protected area, the Sathyamangalam forest, located close to better known tiger reserves in India, through non-invasive faecal DNA analysis. Here we highlight the potential of Sathyamangalam as a tiger habitat. Tiger positive faecal samples were considered as evidence to establish occupancy in two different parts of Sathyamangalam, reserve forest and wildlife sanctuary. We collected 103 faecal samples out of which 69 were tiger positive. Species occupancy (psi), was 0.672 (±0.197) with a detection probability of 0.2 (±0.06) in the wildlife sanctuary area; while psi was 0.72 (±0.2) with detection probability of 0.212 (±0.6) in the reserve forest. Further, number of males and females, as determined in our study, was close to the ideal sex ratio in a healthy forest with good prey abundance. This study also highlights the presence of more females in the reserve forest (n = 10) than the wildlife sanctuary (n = 3) possibly indicating lesser disturbance and more prey availability. We recommend that the reserve forest to the north of Sathyamangalam wildlife sanctuary be declared as a tiger reserve. The wildlife sanctuary could serve as a buffer zone between this reserve and Sathyamangalam town which lies to the south of the forest. Proper protection of Sathyamangalam will go a long way in saving the entire landscape and tigers of the Western Ghats of India.  相似文献   

Background: Population-based cancer registries (PBCR) are important in cancer epidemiology as they provide the basis for monitoring cancer incidence. Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is said to have lower incidence in developing countries, which has implications for its pathogenesis, but there are few studies concerning the completeness of cancer registries in developing countries. This study analyzes the number of cases and incidence of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in three different cities in Brazil and estimates underreporting cases and possible PBCR failures. Methods: We evaluated the completeness of PBCR and the incidence rates of childhood ALL from three different Brazilian cities using the two-source capture–recapture method. The sources used were a population-based registry and databases from a diagnosis reference laboratory in 2001 and the Chapman's formula was used to calculate the estimates. Results: The estimated incidence was 5.76, 6.32 and 5.48 per 100,000 inhabitants for Salvador, Recife and Belo Horizonte, respectively. The estimated completeness of childhood ALL in PBCRs was 15.5%, 35.4% and 29.2%, respectively, for Salvador, Recife and Belo Horizonte. Conclusions: There was a high estimated underreporting of childhood leukemia cases in some Brazilian cities. The relationship between information systems and the capture–recapture method application improved epidemiological estimates. Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia incidence rates are similar to those of developed countries.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

This study is a first step in a multi-stage project aimed at determining allometric relationships among the tropical tree organs, and carbon fluxes between the various tree parts and their environment. Information on canopy–root interrelationships is needed to improve understanding of above- and below-ground processes and for modelling of the regional and global carbon cycle. Allometric relationships between the sizes of different plant parts will be determined.


Two tropical forest species were used in this study: Ceiba pentandra (kapok), a fast-growing tree native to South and Central America and to Western Africa, and Khaya anthotheca (African mahogany), a slower-growing tree native to Central and Eastern Africa. Growth and allometric parameters of 12-month-old saplings grown in a large-scale aeroponic system and in 50-L soil containers were compared. The main advantage of growing plants in aeroponics is that their root systems are fully accessible throughout the plant life, and can be fully recovered for harvesting.

Key Results

The expected differences in shoot and root size between the fast-growing C. pentandra and the slower-growing K. anthotheca were evident in both growth systems. Roots were recovered from the aeroponically grown saplings only, and their distribution among various diameter classes followed the patterns expected from the literature. Stem, branch and leaf allometric parameters were similar for saplings of each species grown in the two systems.


The aeroponic tree growth system can be utilized for determining the basic allometric relationships between root and shoot components of these trees, and hence can be used to study carbon allocation and fluxes of whole above- and below-ground tree parts.  相似文献   

To evaluate the importance and fate of organic matter inputs in forested streams, we determined the litterfall inputs and the benthic coarse particulate organic matter (CPOM) in one headwater stream flowing through a mixed deciduous forest, during one year. Both vertical traps and the stream bottom were sampled monthly. The material collected was sorted into four main categories: leaves, fruits and flowers, twigs and debris. Litter production was 715 g m−2 y−1 and seasonal, with 73% of the annual total during October–December (autumn). Leaves comprised the largest litter component. Benthic organic matter was 1880 g m−2 y−1, and was also seasonal. Highest accumulation was attained in spring, and twigs and branches comprised the major component. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Variations in species richness and diversity at a local scale are affected by a number of complex and interacting variables, including both natural environmental factors and human-made changes to the local environment. Here we identified the most important determinants of woody species richness and diversity at different growth stages (i.e. adult, sapling and seedling) in a bamboo–deciduous forest in northeast Thailand. A total of 20 environmental and human disturbance variables were used to determine the variation in species richness and diversity. In total, we identified 125 adult, 111 sapling (within fifty 20 × 20-m plots) and 89 seedling species (within one hundred and twenty 1 × 1-m subplots). Overall results from stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that environmental variables were by far the most important in explaining the variation in species richness and diversity. Forest structure (i.e. number of bamboo clumps and canopy cover) was important in determining the adult species richness and diversity (R 2 = 0.48, 0.30, respectively), while topography (i.e. elevation) and human disturbance (i.e. number of tree stumps) were important in determining the sapling species richness and diversity (R 2 = 0.55, 0.39, respectively). Seedling species richness and diversity were negatively related to soil phosphorus. Based on our results, we suggest that the presence of bamboos should be incorporated in management strategies for maintaining woody species richness and diversity in these forest ecosystems. Specifically, if bamboos cover the forest floor at high densities, it may be necessary to actively control these species for successful tree establishment.  相似文献   

Effective conservation and management require reliable monitoring methods and estimates of abundance to prioritize human and financial investments. Camera trapping is a non-invasive sampling method allowing the use of capture–recapture (CR) models to estimate abundance while accounting for the difficulty of detecting individuals in the wild. We investigated the relative performance of standard closed CR models and spatially explicit CR models (SECR) that incorporate spatial information in the data. Using simulations, we considered 4 scenarios comparing low versus high detection probability and small versus large populations and contrasted abundance estimates obtained from both approaches. Standard CR and SECR models both provided minimally biased abundance estimates, but precision was improved when using SECR models. The associated confidence intervals also provided better coverage than their non-spatial counterpart. We concluded SECR models exhibit better statistical performance than standard closed CR models and allow for sound management strategies based on density maps of activity centers. To illustrate the comparison, we considered the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) as a case study that provided the first abundance estimates of a local population in France. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Two opposing hypotheses have been presented to explain reduced tree growth at the treeline, compared with growth in lower elevation or lower latitude forests: the carbon source and sink limitation hypotheses. The former states that treeline trees have an unfavorable carbon balance and cannot support growth of the magnitude observed at lower elevations or latitudes, while the latter argues that treeline trees have an adequate carbon supply, but that cold temperatures directly limit growth. In this study, we examined the relative importance of source and sink limitation in forest and treeline white spruce (Picea glauca) in three mountain ranges from southern to northern Alaska. We related seasonal changes in needle nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) content with branch extension growth, an approach we argue is more powerful than using needle NSC concentration. Branch extension growth in the southernmost Chugach Mountains was much greater than in the White Mountains and the Brooks Range. Trees in the Chugach Mountains showed a greater seasonal decline in needle NSC content than trees in the other mountain ranges, and the seasonal change in NSC was correlated with site-level branch growth across mountain ranges. There was no evidence of a consistent difference in branch growth between the forest and treeline sites, which differ in elevation by approximately 100 m. Our results point to a continuum between source and sink limitation of growth, with high-elevation trees in northern and interior Alaska showing greater evidence of sink limitation, and those in southern Alaska showing greater potential for source limitation.  相似文献   

Non-lethal sampling methods are of great interest for conservation genetic studies to prevent the death of individuals in populations that are threatened or in decline. With this aim, we tested a non-lethal method of partial antennae removal for DNA sampling in two euglossine bee species: Euglossa cordata and Eulaema nigrita. We validated the survival of the individuals through mark–recapture experiments during 16 months. The quality and quantity of the tissue for DNA analysis was verified through amplification and genotyping of nine and eleven microsatellite loci, respectively. Our results from the mark–recapture experiments showed equal recapture rates of individuals with intact and removed antennae (E. cordata χ2 = 2.492, df = 1, p = 0.114; E. nigrita χ2 = 1.683, df = 1, p = 0.194). Microsatellite loci were successfully genotyped in 97.1 and 97.6 % of the E. cordata and E. nigrita individuals, respectively. Our results validate the feasibility of using antennae tissue for DNA genetic analysis without compromising the survival of individual bees.  相似文献   

A new species,Brongniartia papyracea (Fabaceae: Faboideae), from southern Jalisco and southwestern Michoacán, is described and illustrated. Its morphological affinities withB. podalyrioides from central Mexico are discussed, and habitat data are given.
Résumé  Se describe una especie nueva,Brongniartia papyracea (Fabaceae: Faboideae), del sur de Jalisco y suroeste de Michoacán, México. Se discuten sus afinidades morfológicas conB. podalyrioides des centro de México y se proporcionan datos de su hábitat.

Although accurate estimates of wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations are crucial for any effective resource management or pest control programme, this species is well-known to be difficult to monitor. We conducted a 10-year study in a fenced Mediterranean forest (Rome, Italy) to evaluate nocturnal line transect sampling performances. We focused on its accuracy in monitoring changes in density, which was independently estimated by capture–mark–resight (CMR) performed on counts at feeding sites. We carried out night surveys in the autumn of 2001–2010, using portable infrared cameras to detect animals. We sampled on foot to cover the whole study area and the different habitat types evenly. However, to ensure safe working conditions during night and to limit disturbance, we placed transects along paths and forest roads. Therefore, we investigated the potential impact of our convenience sampling on the detection process, using radiolocations of wild boars to assess their distribution with respect to selected transects. We found that our survey design should not have biased our estimates and that densities and coefficients of variations from line transect sampling were consistent with CMR results. Although labour-intensive, we believe that our approach can improve wild boar monitoring effectively, even in concealing habitats, providing decision makers with accurate estimates (and quantified confidence limits) which can help to develop the most appropriate management programme. Moreover, the current low price of new-generation infrared cameras can also increase strongly the cost-effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

This paper reports seasonal data regarding leaf litter for 14 deciduous broad-leaved species and one evergreen coniferous species as well as leaf area index (LAI) data for the 14 deciduous broad-leaved species in a cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest in Japan. The seasonal leaf biomass of various tree species is important for accurately evaluating ecosystem functions such as photosynthesis and evapotranspiration under climate change. However, there is a lack of freely available, long-term data. We collected litterfall every 1 to 4 weeks from September or October to November or December each year from 2005 to 2014 in Takayama, Japan (36°08′46″N, 137°25′23″E, 1420 m a.s.l.). After sorting the litter into leaves (according to species categories), stems + branches, and “other”, we dried and weighed the litter groups. We also collected seasonal leaf data (number of leaves and leaf length and width) for each broad-leaved species, which we recorded every 1 to 4 weeks from April or May to October or November using multiple target shoots. To estimate the LAI in autumn for each deciduous broad-leaved species, we used a semi-empirical model of the vertical integration of leaf dry mass per unit leaf area. To estimate the LAI in spring and summer, we used the relationship between the LAI in autumn and the seasonal leaf data. Our data provide input, calibration, and validation parameters for determining LAI based on satellite remote-sensing observations or radiative transfer models and for use in ecosystem models.  相似文献   

Capsule Capture–mark–recapture data can be used to predict departure dates of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica from summer roosts.

Aims To investigate how long Barn Swallows remain at their breeding grounds before migration by estimating departure dates.

Methods A capture–mark–recapture approach was applied to an extensive data set (65?303 ringed and 710 recaptured birds) from two summer roosts. Multiple-day constancy models were used to estimate apparent survival, which was subsequently translated to residence time.

Results The longest intervals between ringing and recapturing were between 66 and 67 days; estimated mean minimum durations were between 16.3 and 18.5 days. Apparent survival was high over most of the summer, indicating that there is little emigration during this period and was followed by a sharp departure-related decline in late August and September. Expected residence time, derived from apparent survival estimates, declined linearly from about 80 days in early July to less than 10 days in September. Estimated departure dates were highly consistent between years and occurred in late September.

Conclusions Barn Swallows stay much longer at post-breeding roost sites than is necessary to build up their fat reserves for migration. We suggest that the birds are likely to derive a number of benefits from such a prolonged stay that are not directly related to preparation for migration; for example, minimizing predation risk by foraging in familiar areas, and gathering information on the quality of future breeding sites.  相似文献   

The SITE® model was originally developed to study the response of tropical ecosystems to varying environmental conditions. The present study evaluated the applicability of the SITE model to simulation of energy fluxes in a tropical semi-deciduous forest of the southern Amazon Basin. The model was simulated with data representing the wet and dry season, and was calibrated according to each season. The output data of the calibrated model [net radiation (Rn), latent heat flux (LE) and sensible heat flux (H)] were compared with data observed in the field for validation. Considering changes in parameter calibration for a time step simulation of 30 min, the magnitude of variation in temporal flux was satisfactory when compared to observation field data. There was a tendency to underestimate and overestimate LE and H, respectively. Of all the calibration parameters, the soil moisture parameter presented the highest variation over the seasons, thus influencing SITE model performance.  相似文献   

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