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Intrahost competition between parasite genotypes has been predicted to be an important force shaping parasite ecology and evolution and has been extensively cited as a mechanism for the evolution of increased parasite virulence. However, empirical evidence demonstrating the existence and nature of intraspecific competition is lacking for many parasites. Here, we compared within-host competitiveness between genetic strains of Schistosoma mansoni with high (HIGH-V) or low (LOW-V) virulence to their intermediate snail host, Biomphalaria glabrata. Groups of snails were exposed to either one or the other of two parasite strains, or a mixed infection of both strains, and the resulting progeny were identified using a molecular marker. In two separate experiments investigating simultaneous and sequential infections, we demonstrated that the lifetime reproductive success of parasite strain HIGH-V was reduced in the presence of a faster replicating parasite genotype, LOW-V, regardless of whether it was in a majority or minority in the initial inoculum of the simultaneous exposure or of its relative position in the sequential exposure experiment. Thus, we demonstrate competition between parasite genotypes and asymmetry in competitive success between parasite strains. Moreover, since the less virulent strain investigated here had a competitive advantage, we suggest that a high frequency of multiple infections could favor the evolution of less, rather than more, virulent parasites in this system.  相似文献   

We studied the population genetic structure of 360 and 1247 adult Schistosoma mansoni using seven microsatellite and seven random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, respectively. Parasites were collected from their natural definitive host Rattus rattus in Guadeloupe (West Indies). We found a sex-specific genetic structure, a pattern never before reported in a parasitic organism. Male genotypes were more randomly distributed among rats than female genotypes. This interpretation was consistent with a lower differentiation between hosts for males relative to females, the higher genetic similarity between females in the same host and the observed local (i.e. within-individual-host) differences in allele frequencies between the two sexes. We discuss our results using ecological and immunological perspectives on host-parasite relationships. These results change our view on the epidemiology of schistosomiasis, a serious disease affecting humans in African and American intertropical zones.  相似文献   


Host life history traits are often shaped by trade-offs between the current and potential future costs of parasitism. Reproductive tissues are not normally essential for host survival and diversion of resources elsewhere is a common effect of parasitic infection. Variations in reproductive output may therefore indicate overall fitness correlated to the host response to parasite pressure. Here, we investigated reproductive fitness in a Biomphalaria glabrata—Schistosoma mansoni system, a laboratory model for schistosomiasis. Five matched groups of unselected B. glabrata snails were individually exposed to doses of 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20 S. mansoni miracidia, respectively. A sixth group remained unexposed providing a control. Fertility (defined as actual reproductive performance, measured as the number of offspring produced) and fecundity (defined as potential reproductive capacity, measured as number of eggs and embryos formed) were monitored for each group at weekly intervals. Our results revealed that both parasite dose and infection status had a significant effect on the potential reproductive capacity of the host, but this was not always reflected in the actual reproductive success. Egg mass production showed a negative association with increasing parasite dose in patently infected snails. In contrast, snails exposed to the parasite, but within which infection did not establish, demonstrated a positive association between egg mass production and parasite dose. This suggests the existence of a fecundity compensation mechanism occurring within the post-patent period of infection. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of such an effect in a snail-trematode system and, indeed, in any host-parasite association.  相似文献   

Parasite local adaptation in a geographic mosaic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A central prediction of the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution is that coevolving interspecific interactions will show varying degrees of local maladaptation. According to the theory, much of this local maladaptation is driven by selection mosaics and spatially intermingled coevolutionary hot and cold spots, rather than a simple balance between gene flow and selection. Here I develop a genetic model of host-parasite coevolution that is sufficiently general to incorporate selection mosaics, coevolutionary hot and cold spots, and a diverse array of genetic systems of infection/resistance. Results from this model show that the selection mosaics experienced by the interacting species are an important determinant of the sign and magnitude of local maladaptation. In some cases, this effect may be stronger than a previously described effect of relative rates of parasite and host gene flow. These results provide the first theoretical evidence that selection mosaics and coevolutionary hot and cold spots per se determine the magnitude and sign of local maladaptation. At the same time, however, these results demonstrate that coevolution in a geographic mosaic can lead to virtually any pattern of local adaptation or local maladaptation. Consequently, empirical studies that describe only patterns of local adaptation or maladaptation do not provide evidence either for or against the theory.  相似文献   

Disentangling evolutionary forces that may interact to determine the patterns of genetic differentiation within and among wild populations is a major challenge in evolutionary biology. The objective of this study was to assess the genetic structure and the potential influence of several ecological variables on the extent of genetic differentiation at multiple spatial scales in a widely distributed species, the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar . A total of 2775 anadromous fish were sampled from 51 rivers along the North American Atlantic coast and were genotyped using 13 microsatellites. A Bayesian analysis clustered these populations into seven genetically and geographically distinct groups, characterized by different environmental and ecological factors, mainly temperature. These groups were also characterized by different extent of genetic differentiation among populations. Dispersal was relatively high and of the same magnitude within compared to among regional groups, which contrasted with the maintenance of a regional genetic structure. However, genetic differentiation was lower among populations exchanging similar rates of local as opposed to inter-regional migrants, over the same geographical scale. This raised the hypothesis that gene flow could be constrained by local adaptation at the regional scale. Both coastal distance and temperature regime were found to influence the observed genetic structure according to landscape genetic analyses. The influence of other factors such as latitude, river length and altitude, migration tactic, and stocking was not significant at any spatial scale. Overall, these results suggested that the interaction between gene flow and thermal regime adaptation mainly explained the hierarchical genetic structure observed among Atlantic salmon populations.  相似文献   

Background selection is a process whereby recurrent deleterious mutations cause a decrease in the effective population size and genetic diversity at linked loci. Several authors have suggested that variation in the intensity of background selection could cause variation in FST across the genome, which could confound signals of local adaptation in genome scans. We performed realistic simulations of DNA sequences, using recombination maps from humans and sticklebacks, to investigate how variation in the intensity of background selection affects FST and other statistics of population differentiation in sexual, outcrossing species. We show that, in populations connected by gene flow, Weir and Cockerham's (1984; Evolution, 38 , 1358) estimator of FST is largely insensitive to locus‐to‐locus variation in the intensity of background selection. Unlike FST, however, dXY is negatively correlated with background selection. Moreover, background selection does not greatly affect the false‐positive rate in FST outlier studies in populations connected by gene flow. Overall, our study indicates that background selection will not greatly interfere with finding the variants responsible for local adaptation.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that the direction of local adaptation depends on the relative migration rates of hosts and parasites. Here we measured relative migration rates and tested for local adaptation in the interaction between a tree hole mosquito (Ochlerotatus sierrensis) and a protozoan parasite (Lambornella clarki). We found strong support for the hypothesis that the host migrates more than its parasite. Hosts colonized artificial tree holes in the field at a much higher rate than the parasite. Field releases of the parasite demonstrated that it colonizes and persists in natural tree holes where it was previously absent, suggesting that parasite distribution is limited by its migratory ability. Although the host migrates more than its parasite, we found no evidence for local adaptation by hosts and some evidence for local adaptation by parasites. Other life history traits of the host and parasite may also influence patterns in local adaptation, particularly parasite virulence and host dormancy.  相似文献   

A correct timing of growth cessation and dormancy induction represents a critical ecological and evolutionary trade-off between survival and growth in most forest trees (Rehfeldt et al. 1999; Horvath et al. 2003; Howe et al. 2003). We have studied the deciduous tree European Aspen (Populus tremula) across a latitudinal gradient and compared genetic differentiation in phenology traits with molecular markers. Trees from 12 different areas covering 10 latitudinal degrees were cloned and planted in two common gardens. Several phenology traits showed strong genetic differentiation and clinal variation across the latitudinal gradient, with Q(ST) values generally exceeding 0.5. This is in stark contrast to genetic differentiation at several classes of genetic markers (18 neutral SSRs, 7 SSRs located close to phenology candidate genes and 50 SNPs from five phenology candidate genes) that all showed F(ST) values around 0.015. We thus find strong evidence for adaptive divergence in phenology traits across the latitudinal gradient. However, the strong population structure seen at the quantitative traits is not reflected in underlying candidate genes. This result fit theoretical expectations that suggest that genetic differentiation at candidate loci is better described by F(ST) at neutral loci rather than by Q(ST) at the quantitative traits themselves.  相似文献   

Similar patterns of dispersal and gene flow between closely associated organisms may promote local adaptation and coevolutionary processes. We compare the genetic structures of the two species of a plant genus (Roridula gorgonias and R. dentata) and their respective obligately associated hemipteran mutualists (Pameridea roridulae and P. marlothi) using allozymes. In addition, we determine whether genetic structure is related to differences in host choice by Pameridea. Allozyme variation was found to be very structured among plant populations but less so among hemipteran populations. Strong genetic structuring among hemipteran populations was only evident when large distances isolated the plant populations on which they live. Although genetic distances among plant populations were correlated with genetic distances among hemipteran populations, genetic distances of both plants and hemipterans were better correlated with geographic distance. Because Roridula and Pameridea have different scales of gene flow, adaptation at the local population level is unlikely. However, the restricted gene flow of both plants and hemipterans could enable adaptation to occur at a regional level. In choice experiments, the hemipteran (Pameridea) has a strong preference for its carnivorous host plant (Roridula) above unrelated host plants. Pameridea also prefers its host species to its closely related sister species. Specialization at the specific level is likely to reinforce cospeciation processes in this mutualism. However, Pameridea does not exhibit intraspecific preferences toward plants from their natal populations above plants from isolated, non-natal populations.  相似文献   

Local adaptation within host-parasite systems can evolve by several non-exclusive drivers (e.g., host species-genetic adaptation; ecological conditions-ecological adaptation, and time-temporal adaptation). Social insects, especially bumblebees, with an annual colony life history not only provide an ideal system to test parasite transmission within and between different host colonies, but also parasite adaptation to specific host species and environments. Here, we study local adaptation in a multiple-host parasite characterized by high levels of horizontal transmission. Crithidia bombi occurs as a gut parasite in several bumblebee species. Parasites were sampled from five different host species in two subsequent years. Population genetic tools were used to test for the several types of adaptation. Although we found no evidence for local adaptation of the parasite toward host species, there was a slight temporal differentiation of the parasite populations, which might have resulted from severe bottlenecks during queen hibernation. Parasite populations were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and showed no signs of linkage disequilibrium suggesting that sexual reproduction is an alternative strategy in this otherwise clonal parasite. Moreover, high levels of multiple infections were found, which might facilitate sexual genetic exchange. The detection of identical clones in different host species suggested that horizontal transmission occurs between host species and underpins the lack of host-specific adaptation.  相似文献   

Natural selection imposed by interacting species frequently varies among geographic locations and can lead to local adaptation, where alternative phenotypes are found in different populations. Little is known, however, about whether geographically variable selection acting on traits that mediate species interactions is consistent or strong enough to influence patterns of nucleotide variation at individual loci. To investigate this question, we examined patterns of nucleotide diversity and population structure at 16 plant innate immunity genes, with putative functions in defending plants against pathogens or herbivores, from six populations of teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis). Specifically, we tested whether patterns of population structure and within-population diversity at immunity genes differed from patterns found at nonimmunity (reference) loci and from neutral expectations derived from coalescent simulations of structured populations. For the majority of genes, we detected no strong evidence of geographically variable selection. However, in the wound-induced serine protease inhibitor (wip1), which inhibits the hydrolysis of dietary proteins in insect herbivores, one population showed unusually high levels of genetic differentiation, very low levels of nucleotide polymorphism, and was fixed for a novel replacement substitution in the active site of the protein. Taken together, these data suggest that wip1 experienced a recent selective sweep in one geographic region; this pattern may reflect local adaptation or an ongoing species-wide sweep. Overall, our results indicate that a signature of local adaptation at the molecular level may be uncommon-particularly for traits that are under complex genetic control.  相似文献   

A potential consequence of host-parasite coevolution in spatially structured populations is parasite local adaptation: local parasites perform better than foreign parasites on their local host populations. It has been suggested that the generally shorter generation times of parasites compared with their hosts contributes to parasites, rather than hosts, being locally adapted. We tested the hypothesis that relative generation times of hosts and parasites affect local adaptation of hosts and parasites, using the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and a lytic phage as host and parasite, respectively. Generation times were not directly manipulated, but instead one of the coevolving partners was regularly removed and replaced with a population from an earlier time point. Thus, one partner underwent more generations than the other. Manipulations were carried out at both early and later periods of coevolutionary interactions. At early stages of coevolution, host and parasites that underwent relatively more generations displayed higher levels of resistance and infectivity, respectively. However, the relative number of generations that bacteria and phages underwent did not change the level of local adaptation relative to control populations. This is likely because generalist hosts and parasites are favoured during early stages of coevolution, preventing local adaptation. By contrast, at later stages manipulations had no effect on either average levels of resistance or infectivity, or alter the level of local adaptation relative to the controls, possibly because traits other than resistance and infectivity were under strong selection. Taken together, these data suggest that the relative generation times of hosts and parasites may not be an important determinant of local adaptation in this system.  相似文献   

1. We tested whether two neighbouring Daphnia galeata populations (from Lake Blankaart and Fish Pond), separated only by 5 m of land and with the occasional exchange of water were genetically differentiated in allozyme markers and life history traits. Allozyme electrophoresis revealed that the populations differed in allelic as well as in genotypic composition. 2. In a laboratory transplant experiment, in which animals of four clones of each of the populations were raised in the water of both ponds, survival in Blankaart water was high for both the Blankaart and Fish Pond clones, whereas survival in Fish Pond water was high for the Fish Pond clones, but low for the Blankaart clones. 3. Fish Pond clones produced fewer neonates than Blankaart clones when cultured in Blankaart water. High egg mortality was observed for animals that were raised in Blankaart water, and this egg mortality was higher for Fish Pond clones than for Blankaart clones. 4. Our results provide evidence for genetic differentiation between Daphnia populations inhabiting neighbouring water bodies and suggest local adaptation to environmental conditions other than direct predation.  相似文献   

All species have limited geographic distributions; but the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms causing range limits are largely unknown. That many species’ geographic range limits are coincident with niche limits suggests limited evolutionary potential of marginal populations to adapt to conditions experienced beyond the range. We provide a test of range limit theory by combining population genetic analysis of microsatellite polymorphisms with a transplant experiment within, at the edge of, and 60 km beyond the northern range of a coastal dune plant. Contrary to expectations, lifetime fitness increased toward the range limit with highest fitness achieved by most populations at and beyond the range edge. Genetic differentiation among populations was strong, with very low, nondirectional gene flow suggesting range limitation via constraints to dispersal. In contrast, however, local adaptation was negligible, and a distance‐dependent decline in fitness only occurred for those populations furthest from home when planted beyond the range limit. These results challenge a commonly held assumption that stable range limits match niche limits, but also raise questions about the unique value of peripheral populations in expanding species’ geographical ranges.  相似文献   

Microparasites have a higher evolutionary potential than their hosts due to an increased mutation rate and a shorter generation time that usually results in parasites being locally adapted to their sympatric hosts. This pattern may not apply to generalist pathogens as adaptation to sympatric host genotypes is disadvantageous due to a narrowing of the host range, in particular under strong gene flow among host populations. Under this scenario, we predict that the immune defense of hosts reveals adaptation to locally common pathogen phylotypes. This was tested in four host populations of the pipefish Syngnathus typhle and associated bacteria of the genus Vibrio. We investigated the population divergence among host and bacteria populations and verified that gene flow is higher among host populations than among parasite populations. Next, we experimentally assessed the strength of innate immune defense of pipefish hosts using in vitro assays that measured antimicrobial activity of blood plasma against sympatric and allopatric Vibrio phylotypes. Pipefish plasma displays stronger antimicrobial activity against sympatric Vibrio phylotypes compared to allopatric ones. This suggests that host defense is genetically adapted against local bacteria with a broad and unspecialized host spectrum, a situation that is typical for marine systems with weak host population structure.  相似文献   

In this issue, Flaxman et al. ( 2014 ) report the results of sophisticated whole‐genome simulations of speciation with gene flow, enhancing our understanding of the process by building on previous single‐locus, multilocus and analytical works. Their findings provide us with new insights about how genomes can diverge and the importance of statistical and chromosomal linkage in facilitating reproductive isolation. The authors characterize the conditions under which, even with high gene flow and weak divergent selection, reproductive isolation between populations can occur due to the emergent stochastic process of genomewide congealing, where numerous statistically or physically linked loci of small effect allow selection to limit effective migration rates. The initial congealing event can occur within a broad range conditions, and once initiated, the self‐reinforcing process leads to rapid divergence and ultimately two reproductively isolated populations. Flaxman et al.'s ( 2014 ) work is a valuable contribution to our understanding of speciation with gene flow and in making a more predictive field of evolutionary genomics and speciation.  相似文献   

Facultative or obligate paedomorphosis has evolved several times in Mexican populations of the salamander genus Ambystoma, leading to increased genetic divergence among populations with alternate life histories and contributing to population divergence in this species complex. In the present study, we surveyed the genetic diversity of Ambystoma populations in lakes of the Cuenca Oriental, a high elevation closed drainage basin that encompasses permanent crater lakes harbouring salamander populations. We genotyped individuals from five populations aiming to better understand population dynamics and the evolution of paedomorphosis in this system. Specifically, we tested the hypotheses that the evolution of paedomorphosis in Ambystoma taylori resulted in reduced genetic exchange with populations of Ambystoma velasci in neighbouring lakes. Second, we tested whether the populations in brackish lakes of the Cuenca Oriental, Lake Atexcac, and Lake Alchichica show restricted gene flow across the basin, possibly as a result of local adaptation to those microhabitats. Using various indices of population genetic diversity, Bayesian assignment, and approximate Bayesian computation methods, we show that genetic exchange between brackish lakes and freshwater lakes is negligible, despite continued gene flow among freshwater lakes. We show that the first divergence among populations occurred between Alchichica and the remaining populations and that the evolution of paedomorphosis in A. taylori was likely favoured by local adaptation to saline conditions, thus increasing its genetic isolation. An apparently similar process appears to be in progress independently in lake Atexcac, showing that local adaptation may play an important role in population isolation and, ultimately, in speciation.  相似文献   

Across a species' range, populations are exposed to their local thermal environments, which on an evolutionary scale, may cause adaptative differences among populations. Helminths often have broad geographic ranges and temperature-sensitive life stages but little is known about whether and how local thermal adaptation can influence their response to climate change. We studied the thermal responses of the free-living stages of Marshallagia marshalli, a parasitic nematode of wild ungulates, along a latitudinal gradient. We first determine its distribution in wild sheep species in North America. Then we cultured M. marshalli eggs from different locations at temperatures from 5 to 38°C. We fit performance curves based on the metabolic theory of ecology to determine whether development and mortality showed evidence of local thermal adaptation. We used parameter estimates in life-cycle-based host–parasite models to understand how local thermal responses may influence parasite performance under general and location-specific climate-change projections. We found that M. marshalli has a wide latitudinal and host range, infecting wild sheep species from New Mexico to Yukon. Increases in mortality and development time at higher temperatures were most evident for isolates from northern locations. Accounting for location-specific parasite parameters primarily influenced the magnitude of climate change parasite performance, while accounting for location-specific climates primarily influenced the phenology of parasite performance. Despite differences in development and mortality among M. marshalli populations, when using site-specific climate change projections, there was a similar magnitude of impact on the relative performance of M. marshalli among populations. Climate change is predicted to decrease the expected lifetime reproductive output of M. marshalli in all populations while delaying its seasonal peak by approximately 1 month. Our research suggests that accurate projections of the impacts of climate change on broadly distributed species need to consider local adaptations of organisms together with local temperature profiles and climate projections.  相似文献   

We examined the long-term temporal (1910s to 1990s) genetic variation at eight microsatellite DNA loci in brown trout (Salmo trutta L) collected from five anadromous populations in Denmark to assess the long-term stability of genetic composition and to estimate effective population sizes (Ne). Contemporary and historical samples consisted of tissue and archived scales, respectively. Pairwise thetaST estimates, a hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (amova) and multidimensional scaling analysis of pairwise genetic distances between samples revealed much closer genetic relationships among temporal samples from the same populations than among samples from different populations. Estimates of Ne, using a likelihood-based implementation of the temporal method, revealed Ne >or= 500 in two of three populations for which we have historical data. A third population in a small (3 km) river showed Ne >or= 300. Assuming a stepping-stone model of gene flow we considered the relative roles of gene flow, random genetic drift and selection to assess the possibilities for local adaptation. The requirements for local adaptation were fulfilled, but only adaptations resulting from strong selection were expected to occur at the level of individual populations. Adaptations resulting from weak selection were more likely to occur on a regional basis, i.e. encompassing several populations. Ne appears to have declined recently in at least one of the studied populations, and the documented recent declines of many other anadromous brown trout populations may affect the persistence of local adaptation.  相似文献   

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