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The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces type 4 fimbriae which promote adhesion to epithelial cells and are associated with a form of surface translocation called twitching motility. Transposon mutagenesis was used to identify loci required for fimbrial assembly or function by screening for mutants that lack the spreading colony morphology characteristic of twitching motility. Six mutants were isolated that contain transposon insertions upstream of the previously characterized gene pilQ. This region contains four genes: pilM-P, which encode proteins with predicted sizes of 37.9, 22.2, 22.8 and 19.0 kDa, respectively, pilM-P appear to form an operon and to be expressed from a promoter in the intergenic region between pilM and the divergently transcribed upstream gene ponA. PilM-P were found to be required for fimbrial biogenesis by complementation studies using twitching motility and sensitivity to fimbrial-specific phage as indicators of the presence of functional fimbriae. This was confirmed by electron microscopy. PilO and PilP did not have homologues in the sequence databases, but the predicted PilN amino acid sequence displayed similarity to XpsL from Xanthamonas campestris, a protein required for protein secretion. PilP contained a hydro-phobic leader sequence characteristic of lipoproteins, while PilN and PilO have long internal hydrophobic domains which may serve to localize them to the cytoplasmic membrane. PilM has shared sequence motifs with the cell division protein FtsA from Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli, as well as the rod-shapedetermining protein MreB from E. coli. These motifs are also conserved in eukaryotic actin, in which they are involved in forming an ATPase domain. Deletion mutants of pilM and pilQ displayed a dominant negative phenotype when transformed into wild-type cells, suggesting that these genes encode proteins involved in multimeric structures.  相似文献   

Type-4 fimbriae are filamentous polar organelles which are found in a wide variety of pathogenic bacteria. Their biogenesis and function is proving to be extremely complex, involving the expression and coordinate regulation of a large number of genes. Type-4 fimbriae mediate attachment to host epithelial tissues and a form of surface translocation called twitching motility. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa they also appear to function as receptors for fimbrial-dependent bacteriophages. Analysis of mutants defective in fimbrial function has allowed the identification of many of the genes involved in the biogenesis of these organelles. Thus far over 30 genes have been characterized, which fall into two broad categories: those encoding regulatory networks that control the production and function of these fimbriae (and other virulence determinants such as alginate) in response to alterations in environmental conditions; and those encoding proteins involved in export and assembly of these organelles, many of which are similar to proteins involved in protein secretion and DNA uptake. These systems all appear to be closely related and to function in the assembly of surface-associated protein complexes that have been adapted to different biological functions.  相似文献   

Type 4 fimbriae are produced by a variety of pathogens, in which they appear to function in adhesion to epithelial cells, and in a form of surface translocation called twitching motility. Using transposon mutagenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we have identified a new locus required for fimbrial assembly. This locus contains the gene pilQ which encodes a 77 kDa protein with an N-terminal hydro-phobic signal sequence characteristic of secretory proteins, pilQ mutants lack the spreading colony morphology characteristic of twitching motility, are devoid of fimbriae, and are resistant to the fimbrial-specific bacteriophage PO4. The pilQ gene was mapped to Spel fragment 2, which is located at 0–5 minutes on the P. aeruginosa PAO1 chromosome, and thus it is not closely linked to the previously characterized pilA-D, pilS,R or pilT genes. The pilQ region also contains ponA, aroK and aroB-like genes in an organization very similar to that of corresponding genes in Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae. The predicted amino acid sequence of PilQ shows homology to the PulD protein of Kleb-siella oxytoca and related outer membrane proteins which have been found in association with diverse functions in other species including protein secretion, DNA uptake and assembly of filamentous phage. PilQ had the highest overall homology to an outer membrane antigen from Neisseria gonorrhoeae, encoded by omc, that may fulfil the same role in type 4 fimbrial assembly in this species.  相似文献   

Type 4 fimbriae are surface filaments produced by a range of bacterial pathogens for colonization of host epithelial surfaces. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, they are involved in adhesion as well as in a form of surface translocation called twitching motility, and sensitivity to infection by fimbria-specific bacteriophage. Analysis of the 2.5-kb intergenic region between the previously defined pilR and pilV genes on P. aeruginosa genomic SpeI fragment E has identified three new genes, fimT, fimU, and dadA*. The predicted 18.5-kDa products of the fimT and fimU genes contain prepilin-like leader sequences, whereas the third gene, dadA*, encodes a protein similar to the D-amino acid dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli. Isogenic mutants constructed by allelic exchange demonstrated that the fimU gene was required for fimbrial biogenesis and twitching motility, whereas the fimT and dada* mutants retained wild-type phenotypes. However, overexpression of the fimT gene was found to be able to functionally replace the lack of a fimU gene product, suggesting a subtle role in fimbrial biogenesis. The identification of these proteins increases the similarity between type 4 fimbrial biogenesis and the supersystems involved in macromolecular traffic, such as extracellular protein secretion and DNA uptake, all of which now possess multiple protein species that possess prepilin-like leader sequences.  相似文献   

PilF is a requisite protein involved in the type 4 pilus biogenesis system from the Gram-negative human pathogenic bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We determined the PilF structure at a 2.2A resolution; this includes six tandem tetratrico peptide repeat (TPR) units forming right-handed superhelix. PilF structure was similar to the heat shock protein organizing protein, which interacts with the C-terminal peptide of Hsp90 and Hsp70 via a concave Asn ladder in the inner groove of TPR superhelix. After simulated screening, the C-terminal pentapeptides of PilG, PilU, PilY, and PilZ proved to be a likely candidate binding to PilF, which are ones of 25 necessary components involved in the type 4 pilus biogenesis system. We proposed that PilF would be critical as a bridgehead in protein-protein interaction and thereby, PilF may bind a necessary molecule in type 4 pilus biogenesis system such as PilG, PilU, PilY, and PilZ.  相似文献   

The intracellular signaling molecule cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) has been shown to influence surface-associated behaviors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including biofilm formation and swarming motility. Previously, we reported a role for the bifA gene in the inverse regulation of biofilm formation and swarming motility. The bifA gene encodes a c-di-GMP-degrading phosphodiesterase (PDE), and the ΔbifA mutant exhibits increased cellular pools of c-di-GMP, forms hyperbiofilms, and is unable to swarm. In this study, we isolated suppressors of the ΔbifA swarming defect. Strains with mutations in the pilY1 gene, but not in the pilin subunit pilA gene, show robust suppression of the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, as well as its hyperbiofilm phenotype. Despite the ability of the pilY1 mutation to suppress all the c-di-GMP-related phenotypes, the global pools of c-di-GMP are not detectably altered in the ΔbifA ΔpilY1 mutant relative to the ΔbifA single mutant. We also show that enhanced expression of the pilY1 gene inhibits swarming motility, and we identify residues in the putative VWA domain of PilY1 that are important for this phenotype. Furthermore, swarming repression by PilY1 specifically requires the diguanylate cyclase (DGC) SadC, and epistasis analysis indicates that PilY1 functions upstream of SadC. Our data indicate that PilY1 participates in multiple surface behaviors of P. aeruginosa, and we propose that PilY1 may act via regulation of SadC DGC activity but independently of altering global c-di-GMP levels.Pseudomonas aeruginosa forms surface-attached communities known as biofilms, and this microbe is also capable of surface-associated motility, including twitching and swarming. The mechanism by which cells regulate and coordinate these various surface-associated behaviors, or how these microbes transition from one surface behavior to another, has yet to be elucidated. Given that P. aeruginosa is capable of such diverse surface-associated lifestyles, this Gram-negative organism serves as a useful model to address questions regarding the regulation of surface-associated behaviors.Recent studies indicate that biofilm formation and swarming motility by P. aeruginosa are inversely regulated via a common pathway (12, 27, 37). Important factors that influence early biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa strain PA14 include control of flagellar motility and the robust production of the Pel exopolysaccharide (EPS). Swarming occurs when cells move across a hydrated, viscous semisolid surface, and like biofilm formation, flagellar function is important for this surface-associated motility. Additionally, swarming requires production of rhamnolipid surfactant acting as a surface-wetting agent (25, 58). In contrast to biofilm formation, swarming motility is enhanced in strains which are defective for the production of Pel EPS (12).The inverse regulation of biofilm formation and swarming motility is reminiscent of the regulation of sessile and motile behaviors that occurs in a wide range of bacterial species via the intracellular signaling molecule cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP) (17, 24, 50, 51, 56). High levels of this signaling molecule promote sessile behaviors and inhibit motility, whereas low levels of c-di-GMP favor motile behaviors (8, 9, 22, 56). Recently, we reported that the BifA phosphodiesterase, which catalyzes the breakdown of c-di-GMP, inversely regulates biofilm formation and swarming motility (27). In addition, Merritt et al. reported that SadC, a diguanylate cyclase (DGC) which synthesizes c-di-GMP, participates with BifA to modulate cellular c-di-GMP levels and thus regulate biofilm formation and swarming motility (37).Consistent with a role for BifA as a c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase, ΔbifA mutants exhibit increased cellular pools of c-di-GMP relative to the wild type (WT) (27). Phenotypically, ΔbifA mutants form hyperbiofilms and are unable to swarm. The hyperbiofilm phenotype of the ΔbifA mutant results largely from increased synthesis of the pel-derived polysaccharide; that is, the ΔbifAΔpel double mutant shows a marked decrease in biofilm formation compared to the ΔbifA mutant (27). Interestingly, elevated Pel polysaccharide production alone is not sufficient to explain the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, as the ΔbifAΔpel double mutant recovers only minimal swarming ability (27). These data indicate that high levels of c-di-GMP inhibit swarming motility in a largely Pel-independent manner.To better understand how elevated c-di-GMP levels in the cell inhibit swarming motility, we exploited the swarming defect of the ΔbifA mutant, and using a genetic screen, we identified suppressors in the ΔbifA background that restored the ability to swarm. Here we report a role for the PilY1 protein in repression of swarming motility in the ΔbifA mutant background. Our data are consistent with a model in which PilY1 functions upstream of the c-di-GMP diguanylate cyclase SadC to regulate swarming motility by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Type IV pili are expressed from a wide variety of Gram‐negative bacteria and play a major role in host cell adhesion and bacterial motility. PilC is one of at least a dozen different proteins that are implicated in Type IV pilus assembly in Thermus thermophilus and a member of a conserved family of integral inner membrane proteins which are components of the Type II secretion system (GspF) and the archeal flagellum. PilC/GspF family members contain repeats of a conserved helix‐rich domain of around 100 residues in length. Here, we describe the crystal structure of one of these domains, derived from the N‐terminal domain of Thermus thermophilus PilC. The N‐domain forms a dimer, adopting a six helix bundle structure with an up‐down‐up‐down‐up‐down topology. The monomers are related by a rotation of 170°, followed by a translation along the axis of the final α‐helix of approximately one helical turn. This means that the regions of contact on helices 5 and 6 in each monomer are overlapping, but different. Contact between the two monomers is mediated by a network of hydrophobic residues which are highly conserved in PilC homologs from other Gram‐negative bacteria. Site‐directed mutagenesis of residues at the dimer interface resulted in a change in oligomeric state of PilC from tetramers to dimers, providing evidence that this interface is also found in the intact membrane protein and suggesting that it is important to its function. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa genes pilB-D and pilQ are necessary for the assembly of type 4 fimbriae. Homologues of these genes and of the subunit (pilin) gene have been described in various different bacterial species, but not always in association with type 4 fimbrial biosynthesis and function. Pil-like proteins are also involved in protein secretion, DNA transfer by conjugation and transformation, and morphogenesis of filamentous bacteriophages. It seems likely that the Pil homologues function in the processing and export of proteins resembling type 4 fimbrial sub-units, and in their organization into fimbrial-like structures. These may either be true type 4 fimbriae, or components of protein complexes which act in the transport of macromolecules (DNA or protein) into or out of the cell. Some PilB-like and PilQ-like proteins are apparently also involved in the assembly of non-type 4 polymeric structures (filamentous phage virions and conjugative pili). The diverse studies summarized in this review are providing insight into an extensive infrastructural system which appears to be utilized in the formation of a variety of cell surface-associated complexes.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa utilizes preferentially C(4)-dicarboxylates such as malate, fumarate, and succinate as carbon and energy sources. We have identified and characterized two C(4)-dicarboxylate transport (Dct) systems in P. aeruginosa PAO1. Inactivation of the dctA(PA1183) gene caused a growth defect of the strain in minimal media supplemented with succinate, fumarate or malate, indicating that DctA has a major role in Dct. However, residual growth of the dctA mutant in these media suggested the presence of additional C(4)-dicarboxylate transporter(s). Tn5 insertion mutagenesis of the ΔdctA mutant led to the identification of a second Dct system, i.e., the DctPQM transporter belonging to the tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic (TRAP) family of carriers. The ΔdctA ΔdctPQM double mutant showed no growth on malate and fumarate and residual growth on succinate, suggesting that DctA and DctPQM are the only malate and fumarate transporters, whereas additional transporters for succinate are present. Using lacZ reporter fusions, we showed that the expression of the dctA gene and the dctPQM operon was enhanced in early exponential growth phase and induced by C(4)-dicarboxylates. Competition experiments demonstrated that the DctPQM carrier was more efficient than the DctA carrier for the utilization of succinate at micromolar concentrations, whereas DctA was the major transporter at millimolar concentrations. To conclude, this is the first time that the high- and low-affinity uptake systems for succinate DctA and DctPQM have been reported to function coordinately to transport C(4)-dicarboxylates and that the alternative sigma factor RpoN and a DctB/DctD two-component system regulates simultaneously the dctA gene and the dctPQM operon.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa nalD gene encodes a TetR family repressor with homology to the SmeT and TtgR repressors of the smeDEF and ttgABC multidrug efflux systems of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Pseudomonas putida, respectively. A sequence upstream of mexAB-oprM and overlapping a second promoter for this efflux system was very similar to the SmeT and TtgR operator sequences, and NalD binding to this region was, in fact, demonstrated. Moreover, increased expression from this promoter was seen in a nalD mutant, consistent with NalD directly controlling mexAB-oprM expression from a second promoter.  相似文献   

Several TLR ligands of bacterial origin induce innate immune responses. Although FimH, the adhesin portion of type 1 fimbria, plays an important role in the pathogenicity of some gram-negative bacteria, its ability to stimulate the innate immune system via TLR signaling remains unclear. In this study we report that FimH induces potent innate responses in a MyD88-dependent fashion. The FimH-induced innate activity was restricted to cells expressing TLR4. In addition, FimH was able to bind directly to TLR4. More importantly, cells unresponsive to LPS were responsive to FimH and the presence or absence of MD-2 and CD14 had no effect on FimH activity. Our data suggest that TLR4 is a functional receptor for the adhesin portion of bacterial type 1 fimbria.  相似文献   

Gao XD  Wang J  Keppler-Ross S  Dean N 《The FEBS journal》2005,272(10):2497-2511
Cystinosis is a lysosomal storage disease caused by an accumulation of insoluble cystine in the lumen of the lysosome. CTNS encodes the lysosomal cystine transporter, mutations in which manifest as a range of disorders and are the most common cause of inherited renal Fanconi syndrome. Cystinosin, the CTNS product, is highly conserved among mammals. Here we show that the yeast Ers1 protein and cystinosin are functional orthologues, despite sharing only limited sequence homology. Ers1 is a vacuolar protein whose loss of function results in growth sensitivity to hygromycin B. This phenotype can be complemented by the human CTNS gene but not by mutant ctns alleles that were previously identified in cystinosis patients. A genetic screen for multicopy suppressors of an ers1Delta yeast strain identified a novel gene, MEH1, which is implicated in regulating Ers1 function. Meh1 localizes to the vacuolar membrane and loss of MEH1 results in a defect in vacuolar acidification, suggesting that the vacuolar environment is critical for normal ERS1 function. This genetic system has also led us to identify Gtr1 as an Meh1 interacting protein. Like Meh1 and Ers1, Gtr1 associates with vacuolar membranes in an Meh1-dependent manner. These results demonstrate the utility of yeast as a model system for the study of CTNS and vacuolar function.  相似文献   

We investigated the regulation of the psbA and pvdA pyoverdine biosynthesis genes, which encode the L-ornithine N(5)-oxygenase homologues in Pseudomonas strain B10 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, respectively. We demonstrate that pyoverdine(B10), as the end product of its biosynthetic pathway, is a key participant of the control circuit regulating its own production in Pseudomonas strain B10. In P. aeruginosa PAO1, however, pyoverdine(PAO1) has no apparent role in the positive regulation of the pvdA gene.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative pathogenic bacterium with a high adaptive potential that allows proliferation in a broad range of hosts or niches. It is also the causative agent of both acute and chronic biofilm-related infections in humans. Three cup gene clusters (cupA-C), involved in the assembly of cell surface fimbriae, have been shown to be involved in biofilm formation by the P. aeruginosa strains PAO1 or PAK. In PA14 isolates, a fourth cluster, named cupD, was identified within a pathogenicity island, PAPI-I, and may contribute to the higher virulence of this strain. Expression of the cupA genes is controlled by the HNS-like protein MvaT, whereas the cupB and cupC genes are under the control of the RocS1A1R two-component system. In this study, we show that cupD gene expression is positively controlled by the response regulator RcsB. As a consequence, CupD fimbriae are assembled on the cell surface, which results in a number of phenotypes such as a small colony morphotype, increased biofilm formation and decreased motility. These behaviors are compatible with the sessile bacterial lifestyle. The balance between planktonic and sessile lifestyles is known to be linked to the intracellular levels of c-di-GMP with high levels favoring biofilm formation. We showed that the EAL domain-containing PvrR response regulator counteracts the activity of RcsB on cupD gene expression. The action of PvrR is likely to involve c-di-GMP degradation through phosphodiesterase activity, confirming the key role of this second messenger in the balance between bacterial lifestyles. The regulatory network between RcsB and PvrR remains to be elucidated, but it stands as a potential model system to study how the equilibrium between the two lifestyles could be influenced by therapeutic agents that favor the planktonic lifestyle. This would render the pathogen accessible for the immune system or conventional antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

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