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Synopsis The cichlid fish, Oreochromis mossambicus, was acclimated to 25°C for a 14 day period and then subjected to elevated temperatures of 30, 35, 40 and 45° C. Gill epithelia was progressively damaged from 30–40° C; gills from fish tested at 45°C showed less damage than those tested at 40°C. This is presumably due to the shorter exposure (survival) time at 45°C. Shrinkage of the secondary lamellae and the collapse of pillar cells supports the hypothesis that hypoxia at elevated temperatures is partially a function of changes in gill morphology.  相似文献   

Synopsis Oreochromis mossambicus, 92–170 mm total length, were acclimated to 25° C and rapidly subjected to cold stress (20, 15, 10 and 5°C). Morphological changes in gill epithelia and ultrastructure were examined using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Cold-stressed gills were unaffected morphologically at 20, 15, 10 and 5°C except for slight shrinkage; there was no evidence of cellular damage. This differs sharply with pronounced structural changes in gill morphology as reported previously for this species exposed to heat stress. Incapacitation of the neural system, inhibition of enzyme activity and osmoregulatory collapse are likely causes of death in cold-stressed O. mossambicus, a mode of death which contrasts with fishes exposed to heat shock.  相似文献   

Selenoproteins are ubiquitously expressed, act on a variety of physiological redox-related processes, and are mostly regulated by selenium levels in animals. To date, the expression of most selenoproteins has not been verified in euryhaline fish models. The Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, a euryhaline cichlid fish, has a high tolerance for changes in salinity and survives in fresh water (FW) and seawater (SW) environments which differ greatly in selenium availability. In the present study, we searched EST databases for cichlid selenoprotein mRNAs and screened for their differential expression in FW and SW-acclimated tilapia. The expression of mRNAs encoding iodothyronine deiodinases 1, 2 and 3 (Dio1, Dio2, Dio3), Fep15, glutathione peroxidase 2, selenoproteins J, K, L, M, P, S, and W, was measured in the brain, eye, gill, kidney, liver, pituitary, muscle, and intraperitoneal white adipose tissue. Gene expression of selenophosphate synthetase 1, Secp43, and selenocysteine lyase, factors involved in selenoprotein synthesis or in selenium metabolism, were also measured. The highest variation in selenoprotein and synthesis factor mRNA expression between FW- and SW-acclimated fish was found in gill and kidney. While the branchial expression of Dio3 was increased upon transferring tilapia from SW to FW, the inverse effect was observed when fish were transferred from FW to SW. Protein content of Dio3 was higher in fish acclimated to FW than in those acclimated to SW. Together, these results outline tissue distribution of selenoproteins in FW and SW-acclimated tilapia, and indicate that at least Dio3 expression is regulated by environmental salinity.  相似文献   

Summary. Accumulation, tissue and intracellular localisation, and toxic effects of cadmium were investigated in the liverwort Lunularia cruciata. The results of analyses carried out by atomic absorption spectrometry on single plants showed that the cadmium accumulation was dose- and time-dependent. Cadmium localisation was assessed by X-ray scanning electron microscopy microanalysis in gemmalings and in the different tissues of the thallus and by X-ray transmission electron microscopy microanalysis at the cellular level. The metal preferentially accumulated in the hyaline parenchyma and at the base of the gemma cups. Inside the cell, cadmium accumulated in the vacuoles and the cell wall. Metal accumulation was accompanied by a concomitant increase in sulphur content within the vacuoles of stressed cells. Gel-permeation chromatography showed that most of the cadmium was associated with a low-molecular-mass fraction eluting at a ratio of elution volume to void volume corresponding to that of phytochelatins. The excess of sulphur deposited in the vacuoles may well have been caused by the stress-induced synthesis of phytochelatins. At the ultrastructural level, sublethal concentrations of cadmium caused alterations of the fine structure of the cells, inducing marked alterations of the chloroplast structure. Cadmium also induced a dose-dependent inhibition of apical thallus growth and gemma germination.Correspondence and reprints: Department of Plant Biology, University Federico 11, via Foria 223, 80132 Naples, Italy.  相似文献   

Cell surface changes during mitosis and cytokinesis of epithelial cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary PtK2 cells were studied with scanning electron microscopy to record changes on the cell surface during mitosis and cytokinesis. During prophase, prometaphase and metaphase, the cells remain very flat with few microvilli on their surfaces. In anaphase cells, there is a marked increase in the number of microvilli, most of which are clumped over the separating chromosomes and polar regions of the mitotic spindle leaving the surface of the interzonal spindle region relatively smooth. Microvilli appear over the interzonal spindle region in telophase and the cells also increase in height. At the beginning of cleavage, the distribution of microvilli is roughly uniform over the surface but it becomes asymmetric at the completion of cleav-age when the daughter cells begin to spread. At this time most microvilli are over the daughter nuclei and the surfaces that border the former cleavage furrow. The regions of the daughter cells distal to the furrow are the first to spread and their surfaces have very few microvilli. When chromosome movement is inhibited by either Nocodazole or Taxol, microvilli formation is inhibited on the arrested cells. Nevertheless cell rounding still takes place in the normal time period. It is concluded from these observations that the signal for the onset of chromosome movement in anaphase is accompanied by a signal for the formation of microvilli. It is suggested that there is also a separate signal for the cell-rounding event in mitosis and that microvilli do not play a role in this contractile process.  相似文献   

Summary Degeneration and death of branchial epithelial cells were studied in an African cichlid fish. In both freshwater and seawater fish the superficially located pavement cells are sloughed off at the end of their lifecycle. This process is preceded by degeneration via a process of cytoplasmic shrinkage and condensation related to apoptotic (physiologically controlled) cell death. The chloride cells are pleomorphic, i.e., accessory, mature, and degenerating cells. Degeneration of chloride cells mainly occurs by apoptosis. Degenerating cells show shrinkage and densification of cytoplasm and nuclei, and swelling of the tubular system; these cells are then separated from the ambient water by pavement cells. They are finally phagocytosed and digested by macrophages. Apoptosis of chloride cells, but not of pavement cells, is greatly stimulated when the fish are in seawater; this reflects an increase in cellular turnover of the chloride cells. Accidental cell death (necrosis) of pavement cells or chloride cells is rarely observed in fully adapted freshwater and seawater fish. Its incidence increases in the first few days following transfer of fish from fresh water to seawater.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the oesophageal epithelium of Oreochromis mossambicus, O. niloticus , and O. mossambicus x O. niloticus hybrids were studied during adaptation to sea water. In fresh water, the epithelium is stratified and rich with mucous cells. In salt water, modifications occur in the oesophagus of O. mossambicus and of the hybrid: mucosa folds are more vascularized and covered with a monolayered epithelium, alternating with a multilayered one. The oesophagus of O. niloticus does not seem to be affected by salinity but this species survives only for brief periods in sea water. These observations underline the close relationship between the oesophagus morphology and salinity tolerance in tilapias.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes occurring in the fully functional oviduct of Isa Brown laying hens were studied during various stages of the laying cycle. Hens were killed at different positions of the egg in the oviduct. The oviduct was lined by ciliated and non-ciliated cells (also referred to as granular cells). The granular cells in the infundibulum contributed to secretion during egg formation, whereas ciliated cells showed little evidence of secretion. Ultrastructural changes were recorded in the granular and glandular cells of the distal infundibulum. In the magnum, the surface ultrastructure revealed glandular openings associated with the ciliated and granular cells. Cyclic changes were recorded in the glandular cells of the magnum. With respect to the three observed types of glands, the structure of gland type A and C cells varied at different egg positions in the oviduct, whereas type B cells represented a different type of gland cell containing amorphous secretory granules. The surface epithelium of the isthmus was also lined by mitochondrial cells. Two types of glandular cell (types 1 and 2) were recorded in the isthmus during the laying cycle. Intracisternal granules were found in type 2 cells of the isthmus. A predominance of glycogen particles occurred in the tubular shell gland. The granular cells in the shell gland contain many vacuoles. During egg formation, these vacuoles regressed following the formation of extensive rough endoplasmic reticulum; the reverse also occurred. The disintegrated material found in the vacuoles may have been derived from the disintegrating granules. The Physiology Teaching Unit, University of New England, provided financial support to K. Chousalkar for this study.  相似文献   

Summary The cement gland was studied from stage 17, when the anlage is established, to stage 49, shortly before its disappearance. At early stages, the apical membrane is covered by small microvilli that are more abundant than in the surrounding epiblast cells. Vesicular protrusions along the cell boundaries are also more numerous in the gland cells.When the gland reaches maturity, the apical membranes of gland cells differentiate into two regions. In the cranial, kidney-shaped region, the membranes are very narrow and protrude above the level of cell boundaries. Long and slender villi raise from the surface adjacent to cell boundaries. Apical surfaces in the caudal portion are larger and flattened. Cell boundaries are lined with shorter and thicker surface projections. At these stages, the bordering cells are covered with secretion vesicles.During involution the number of cells is progressively reduced. The area of the caudal portion increases relative to the area of the cranial portion. Apical surfaces become more flattened. Surface projections become much shorter and invade the whole of the apical surface. Bordering cells lose their secretion vesicles and their apical surface becomes ruffled with numerous short wrinkles. The significance of the apical structures and their evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The villi of the caecal mucosa in postnatal rats were studied using both scanning electron and light microscopy.On the day of birth, numerous villi of various sizes and shapes were present on the caecal mucosa. After the 5th day, the villi decreased very rapidly in length and in number. A strong constriction was observed at the basal region of the caecal villi. During postnatal days 5 9 the villi probably separated and disappeared from the caecal mucosa. No villi were observed in rats that were over 10 days of age.  相似文献   

Summary Fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, were exposed for 129 days to Lake Superior water acidified with sulfuric acid by means of a flow-through toxicant injection system. The effects of chronic acid stress (pH 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0) on gill histology were examined. Most of the histological effects were seen at pH 5.5 and 5.0 and were confined primarily to changes in numbers, distribution, and morphology of chloride cells. At low pH levels there tend to be more chloride cells in the gill epithelium and an increased percentage of these cells in the secondary lamellae. In contrast to normal chloride cells, chloride cells from fish exposed to low pH frequently had apical pits while some had bulbous apical evaginations. The occurrence of structural changes in chloride cells during exposure to acid water suggests that chloride cells may be involved in acclimation to acid stress.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and histological changes in the embryonic and larval surface during ontogenesis of the endangered golden mahseer Tor putitora is studied here for the first time. Embryonic development was completed 91–92 h after fertilization at an ambient temperature of 23° ± 1° C (mean ± s.d. ). The gastrula stage was characterized by presence of the Kupffer's vesicle, notochord, ectoderm and endoderm cells. Primordial germ cells were clearly identifiable from c. 55 h post‐fertilization at the organogenesis stage. Mean total length of newly hatched larvae was 7·0 ± 0·5 mm. Scanning electron microscopy of newly hatched larvae demonstrated vitelline arteries, microridged epithelial cells and mucous gland openings over much of the body surface. Eye, oral cavity, pharyngeal arches, heart, intestinal loop, prosencephalon, cephalic vesicle and nasal epithelium were clearly distinguished in 3 day old hatched individuals. In 6 day old individuals, caudal‐fin rays and internal organs were evident. The dorsal fin became prominent at this stage and larvae began swimming at the surface. The reserved yolk material was totally absorbed 8–11 days after hatching and larvae began feeding exogenously. Tor putitora exhibited a longer early developmental period than other cyprinids reared at similar temperatures.  相似文献   

Many Plant extracts had proved a potential antifungal activity against a wide range of phytopathogenic fungi. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of the aqueous extracts of Rumex vesicarius L. and Ziziphus spina-christi (L) Desf. against some fungal species. The effect on growth inhibition, conidia germination, sporogenesis, morphological, and ultrastructural characterizations of fungal growth by scanning and transmission electron microscopes, have been investigated. Both plant extracts exhibited an antifungal activity against Fusarium, Helminthosporium, Alternaria, and Rhizoctonia species, besides, the sporogenesis of Alternaria and Fusarium species was suppressed. Both plants induced severe morphological changes in the hyphal shape and surface. We concluded that the aqueous extracts of these plants had strong antifungal activities. More investigations should be performed to evaluate the possible applications in agriculture and in vivo.  相似文献   

The tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is a euryhaline fish exhibiting adaptive changes in cell size, phenotype, and ionoregulatory functions upon salinity challenge. Na+/Cl? cotransporter (NCC) and Na+/K+/2Cl? cotransporter (NKCC) are localized in the apical and basolateral membranes of mitochondria‐rich (MR) cells of the gills. These cells are responsible for chloride absorption (NCC) and secretion (NKCC), respectively, thus, the switch of gill NCC and NKCC expression is a crucial regulatory mechanism for salinity adaptation in tilapia. However, little is known about the interaction of cytoskeleton and these adaptive changes. In this study, we examined the time‐course of changes in the localization of NKCC/NCC in the gills of tilapia transferred from fresh water (FW) to brackish water (20‰) and from seawater (SW; 35‰) to FW. The results showed that basolateral NKCC disappeared and NCC was expressed in the apical membrane of MR cells. To further clarify the process of these adaptive changes, colchicine, a specific inhibitor of microtubule‐dependent cellular regulating processes was used. SW‐acclimated tilapia were transferred to SW, FW, and FW with colchicine (colchicine‐FW) for 96 h. Compared with the FW‐treatment group, in the MR cells of colchicine‐FW‐treatment group, (1) the average size was significantly larger, (2) only wavy‐convex‐subtype apical surfaces were found, and (3) the basolateral (cytoplasmic) NKCC signals were still exhibited. Taken together, our results suggest that changes in size, phenotype, as well as the expression of NCC and NKCC cotransporters of MR cells in the tilapia are microtubule‐dependent. J. Morphol. 277:1113–1122, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the skin and its importance in chloride outfluxes were investigated in a sea-water teleost, the shanny (Blennius pholis L.).The epidermis is composed of three cells types: epithelial cells, mucous cells and chloride cells. These chloride cells typically contain a great number of mitochondria and an extensive agranular reticulum extending through the whole cell body. They open at the surface of the epidermis into an apical pit. An undifferentiated small cell is often observed near these chloride cells and probably corresponds to the adjacent chloride cell.The values of chloride outfluxes through the skin and the gills are respectively 5333±884 Eq·h–1·kg–1 and 4479±2521 Eq·h–1·kg –1; n=6; t=13±0.5°C. Thus the ratio between skin chloride outflux and total chloride outflux is 64.7±9.3%.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in the location, size, density and morphology of chloride cells in the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus adapted to fresh and brackish water are described using Na(+) /K(+) -ATPase immunohistochemistry, light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The pattern of chloride cell distribution changed during development under both treatments, with chloride cell density decreasing significantly from hatch to 7 days post-hatch, but appearing on the inner opercular area at 3 days post-hatch and increasing significantly thereafter (P < 0·05). Chloride cells were always denser in fresh- than in brackish-water larvae. In both treatments, chloride cells located on the outer operculum and tail showed a marked increase in size with age, but cells located on the abdominal epithelium of the yolk sac and the inner operculum showed a significant decrease in size (P < 0·05). Chloride cells from brackish-water adapted larvae from 1 day post-hatch onwards were always significantly larger (P < 0·05) than those from freshwater-adapted larvae. SEM revealed structural differences in chloride cell apical morphology according to environmental conditions. There appears to be clearly defined temporal staging of the appearance of adaptive mechanisms that confer an ability to cope with varying environmental conditions during early development.  相似文献   

An investigation of the histological and ultrastructural changes of Sertoli cells during the male reproductive cycle in Piaractus mesopotamicus was made. The results showed that the Sertoli cell development is closely related with germ cell maturation. Therefore, these cells may have some role in germ cell maturation during the reproductive cycle of this species, whether in forming a tissue framework for the developing spermatogenic cysts, aiding in testes reorganization for a new reproductive cycle, in addition to other possible functions discussed in the text.  相似文献   

Summary Branchial chloride cells, which actively take up ions in the gills of freshwater fish, were studied in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) exposed to sublethally acidified freshwater. Structural damage of cells, resulting in cell death by necrosis, only occurred transiently, when the reduction of water pH was acute rather than gradual. The most prominent effects of water acidification were the rapid increase in the number of chloride cells and the changes in frequency of the different stages of the chloride cell cycle. In the opercular inner epithelium, a twofold increase in cells occurred 48 h after gradual acidification. Cell density stabilized after 4 weeks at a level 5 times that of control fish. Four transitory stages were distinguished in the chloride cell cycle: accessory or replacement cells, immature, mature, and degenerating (apoptotic) cells. In control fish, mature chloride cells dominated (over 50%) with immature and apoptotic cells totalling about 40%. After 4 weeks in acid water, only 13% of the cells were mature. Immature and apoptotic cells dominated, each representing about 40% of the total number of chloride cells. Mature cells apparently age rapidly under these conditions. Thus, chloride cells turn over quickly in acid water, with a minor increase in ion transport capacity of the gills. This conclusion is supported by the observation that opercular and branchial Na+/K+ ATPase activities in treated fish are only 40%–50% higher than in controls.  相似文献   

Summary Gametes and developing larvae of the polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The sperm display a primitive morphology. When treated with 0.33 M CaCl2, they release a branched acrosomal process. At spawning, the polygonal oocytes have a granular surface made up of spherules and the tips of microvilli. The oocyte coat develops a ridged appearance as the oocyte rounds up. At fertilization, the microvilli are withdrawn from the coat surface. Microvilli again appear on the coat surface during the trochophore stage, but the egg coat appears to be retained as the larval cuticle until the demersal stage. The surface of the larva now shows many microvilli. Details of the organization of several ciliary structures are clarified. Moreover, the present study shows rapid, sequential development of paired setal sacs, with the most anterior pair appearing first.  相似文献   

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