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Recent evidence from cooperative insect, bird and mammal societies has challenged the assumption that teaching is restricted to humans. However, little is known about the factors affecting the degree to which individuals in such societies contribute to teaching. Here, I examine variation in contributions to teaching in meerkats, where older group members teach pups to handle difficult prey. I show that investment in teaching varies with characteristics of pups, helpers, groups and ecological conditions. Although prior experience in caring for pups did not significantly influence teaching behaviour, younger helpers, which were still investing in growth, contributed less to teaching than older individuals. This suggests that, in common with other cooperative activities, contributions to teaching vary with the costs experienced by individual group members. However, in contrast to other forms of helping in meerkats, I detected no effects of nutritional state on teaching, suggesting that it carries relatively low costs. In species where individuals can potentially gain direct or indirect fitness benefits from facilitating learning in others, low costs divided among multiple group members may help tip the balance towards selection for teaching.  相似文献   

There are approximately 82 radiation oncology residency programs in the United States, which provide training opportunities for about 400 residents. All accredited radiation oncology residency programs must have at least one basic scientist on the faculty, and it is these individuals who often assume, wholly or in part, the responsibility of teaching radiation and cancer biology to radiation oncology residents in preparation for the American College of Radiology (ACR) In-Training Examination in Radiation Oncology and the American Board of Radiology (ABR) written examinations. In response to a perceived lack of uniformity in radiation and cancer biology curricula currently being taught to residents and a perceived lack of guidance for instructors in formulating course content for this population, a special session was presented at the Forty-eighth Annual Radiation Research Society meeting on April 23, 2001. The session, entitled "Toward a Consensus on Radiobiology Teaching to Radiation Oncology Residents", was focused on issues related to teaching radiobiology to radiation oncology residents and targeted for individuals who actively teach radiation and cancer biology as well as coordinators of residency training programs. The speakers addressed current challenges and future problems facing instructors and programs. Among these were lack of feedback on resident performance on ABR and ACR written examinations and on course content, uncertainty about what topics residents must know to pass the ABR examination, and, in the near future, a reduction (due to retirement) of instructors qualified to teach radiobiology. This article provides a synopsis of the information that was presented during that session, offers a glimpse into how the ABR and ACR examinations are prepared and details of the content of past and future examinations, and summarizes the activities of the Joint Working Group on Radiobiology Teaching which was formed to educate instructors, to establish a consensus for course curricula, and to improve the overall quality of resident teaching.  相似文献   

Multiple lines of evidence implicate lysosomes in a variety of pathogenic events that produce neurodegeneration. Genetic mutations that cause specific enzyme deficiencies account for more than 40 lysosomal storage disorders. These mostly pre-adult diseases are associated with abnormal brain development and mental retardation. Such disorders are characterized by intracellular deposition and protein aggregation, events also found in age-related neurodegenerative diseases including (i) Alzheimer's disease and related tauopathies (ii) Lewy body disorders and synucleinopathies such as Parkinson's disease, and (iii) Huntington's disease and other polyglutamine expansion disorders. Of particular interest for this review is evidence that alterations to the lysosomal system contribute to protein deposits associated with different types of age-related neurodegeneration. Lysosomes are in fact highly susceptible to free radical oxidative stress in the aging brain, leading to the gradual loss of their processing capacity over the lifespan of an individual. Several studies point to this lysosomal disturbance as being involved in amyloidogenic processing, formation of paired helical filaments, and the aggregation of alpha-synuclein and mutant huntingtin proteins. Most notably, experimentally induced lysosomal dysfunction, both in vitro and in vivo, recapitulates important pathological features of age-related diseases including the link between protein deposition and synaptic loss.  相似文献   


Through the development of a novel observational method, Sigmund Freud made possible the collection of reliable data about man's inner life. The scientific hypotheses he formulated about these formed the initial version of psychoanalysis. Many of these first thoughts have had to be revised in the light of subsequent scientific findings about the operations of the central nervous system, but even these refuted propositions often had much heuristic value. Despite the passage of a whole century, many Freudian hypotheses have retained their scientific standing. Most important among these was Freud's realization that human thought is usually unconscious. His understanding of the role of the automatic repetition of basic patterns of behavior, of the fateful consequences of early childhood emotional vicissitudes in structuring enduring mental dispositions, and of the distinction between two distinct modes of thinking are the most significant among his many contributions.  相似文献   

The careers and contributions of Eugene Rabinowitch.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Teaching, alongside imitation, is widely thought to underlie the success of humanity by allowing high-fidelity transmission of information, skills, and technology between individuals, facilitating both cumulative knowledge gain and normative culture. Yet, it remains a mystery why teaching should be widespread in human societies but extremely rare in other animals. We explore the evolution of teaching using simple genetic models in which a single tutor transmits adaptive information to a related pupil at a cost. Teaching is expected to evolve where its costs are outweighed by the inclusive fitness benefits that result from the tutor's relatives being more likely to acquire the valuable information. We find that teaching is not favored where the pupil can easily acquire the information on its own, or through copying others, or for difficult to learn traits, where teachers typically do not possess the information to pass on to relatives. This leads to a narrow range of traits for which teaching would be efficacious, which helps to explain the rarity of teaching in nature, its unusual distribution, and its highly specific nature. Further models that allow for cumulative cultural knowledge gain suggest that teaching evolved in humans because cumulative culture renders otherwise difficult-to-acquire valuable information available to teach.  相似文献   

A. H. Mackay 《CMAJ》1918,8(5):424-426

组织学是一门研究机体微细结构的形态学科,其所观察的内容必须用光学显微镜和电子显微镜才能观察到。这对少数民族学生来说如读天书,很难理解和掌握。在"因材施教"精神指导下,我们在教学过程中采用类比教学法,使原来枯燥、抽象、难于理解的内容变得生动、有趣,易于理解,既活跃了课堂气氛又激发了学生的积极思维和主动性  相似文献   

项目驱动式教学法在微生物学教学中的应用   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
杜林娜  吴铭  杨晶  董浩 《微生物学通报》2020,47(4):1278-1285
微生物学是生命科学专业非常重要的一门专业基础课,与日常生产生活紧密相连。鉴于本课程具有内容繁杂、抽象和枯燥等特点,如何引导学生自主学习及培养学生独立思考和创新能力是每位授课教师应该探索解决的问题。围绕上述问题,本文提出了基于项目驱动式的微生物学教学模式并分析了其重要性,通过与传统讲授式教学模式相比较,项目驱动式教学模式可较好地提高课程出勤率和学生学业成绩,大部分学生满意这一教学模式。项目驱动式教学法不仅可有效提高学生利用微生物学理论知识解决实际应用问题的能力,还可激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性。  相似文献   

Viruses enter in cells through clathrin- and dinamin-mediated uptake route-endocytosis, caveolae-mediated local destruction of cell plasma membranes, and macropinocytosis. The non-enveloped viruses to which Picornaviridae famiy is attributed are important human and animal pathogens. The aim of this study was to examine the mechanisms of penetration of viruses of this family (polio-, echo 11-, entero 71- and coxsackie B1-viruses) into resident macrophages. After attachment to the plasma membrane of macrophages the enterovirus 71 and coxsackievirus B1 penetrated into macrophages by invagination of the plasma membrane and formation of intracytoplasmic vesicules - caveoles. The poliovirus entered macrophages both by caveols formation and local destruction of plasma membranes of the host cells. Macropinocytos of polioviruses was observed after 45 min contact. The echovirus 11 entered in host macrophages by local destruction of their plasma membranes during first 15 min. Then the formation of endocytosed vesicles with included viruses was observed. The echovirus 11 went out of endocytosed vesicles by local destruction of membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

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