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Post‐teneral diets containing yeast hydrolysate are reported to increase longevity, reproductive development and sexual performance of Queensland fruit fly (‘Q‐fly’) Bactrocera tryoni Froggatt (Diptera: Tephritidae). Consequently, diets including yeast hydrolysate are recommended for sterile Q‐flies before release in sterile insect technique (SIT) programmes. However, in some tephritids, diets including yeast hydrolysate are associated with an increased vulnerability to starvation. In the present study, the effects of yeast hydrolysate supplementation before release are considered with respect to the longevity of released Q‐fly when food becomes scarce. Experiments are carried out in three settings of varying resemblance to field conditions: 5‐L laboratory cages, 107‐L outdoor cages and 14 140‐L field cages containing potted citrus trees. In all experimental settings, compared with flies that received only sucrose, male and female Q‐flies that are provided with yeast hydrolysate during the first 2 days of adult life have a significantly shorter survival when subsequently deprived of food. Yeast supplementation appears to commit Q‐flies to a developmental trajectory that renders them more vulnerable to starvation. The practical significance of these findings for SIT depends on how often the releases are carried out under conditions in which Q‐flies experience extreme food shortages in the field.  相似文献   

Pupae of the Queensland fruit fly or Q‐fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) are irradiated routinely to induce reproductive sterility in adults for use in sterile insect technique programmes. Previous studies suggest that adult sexual performance and survival under nutritional and crowding stress are compromised by the current target dose of radiation for sterilization (70–75 Gy), and that improved mating propensity and survival under stress by irradiated males may be achieved by reducing the target sterilization dose without reducing the level of induced sterility. This raises the question of the amount by which the irradiation dose can be reduced before residual fertility becomes unacceptable. The present study measures the levels of residual fertility in male and female irradiated Q‐flies at different irradiation doses (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 Gy), and investigates the possibility that fecundity and fertility increase between 10–15 and 30–35 days post emergence. Male flies require a higher dose than females to induce sterility, with no residual fertility found in females irradiated at doses of 50 Gy or above, and no residual fertility found in males irradiated at doses of 60 Gy or above. Irradiated females are more fecund at 30–35 days post emergence than at 10–15 days. However, fertility does not increase between 10 and 15 days post emergence and 30–35 days, even at doses below 50 Gy. The present study shows that there is scope to reduce the target sterilization dose for Q‐flies below that of the current dose range (70–75 Gy) at the same time as retaining an adequate safety margin above radiation doses at which residual fertility can be expected.  相似文献   

Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (‘Q‐flies’) were released as sexually immature adults from a point within an orchard. Marked male Q‐flies were recaptured in the trap furthest from the release point (1087 m) by 2 weeks after release, although 98.25 ± 1.04% of recaptured males were trapped <500 m from the release point. Comparison of gamma‐irradiated (sterile), laboratory‐adapted and wild male Q‐flies indicated that dispersal distance was not significantly affected by fly type. There was no significant correlation between temperature and mean dispersal distance, but total recaptures were significantly negatively correlated with increasing daily maximum, minimum and average temperature.  相似文献   

Pre-release dietary treatment with methoprene, a juvenile hormone analogue, decreases the age at which male Queensland fruit flies mature and hence may decrease the post-release delay until released sterile flies participate in sterile insect technique (SIT) programmes. However, if matings of young methoprene-treated males are not effective at inducing sexual inhibition in their mates, then this treatment may not enhance SIT. The present study investigates efficacy of matings of methoprene-treated males at inducing sexual inhibition in their mates. Methoprene incorporated into a diet of sugar and yeast hydrolysate (w/w 3:1) for 48 hr after emergence resulted in significantly increased male mating propensity when flies were <10 days of age, but not when older, and longer copulations. Copula latency did not vary with methoprene treatment but did decrease with age. The matings of young methoprene-treated males were effective at inducing sexual inhibition in their mates, matching the efficacy of untreated mature males. Regardless of treatment, females had reduced tendency to remate if their first mate was 15 days of age than if their first mate was younger (6, 8 days) or older (20, 25, 30 days). Females mated by methoprene-treated males that did remate tended to remate later in the day than females mated by untreated males. Also, second copula durations of females first mated by a 6- to 10-day-old male were shorter if the male was methoprene treated. These patterns in remating females may indicate greater efficacy of the initial mating of methoprene-treated males. Overall, we find that the additional matings of young methoprene-treated male Queensland fruit flies are effective at inducing sexual inhibition in their mates. This finding supports the incorporation of methoprene into pre-release diet for SIT.  相似文献   

The male annihilation technique (MAT) and sterile insect technique (SIT) are often used to control pestiferous tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae). MAT involves the deployment of traps containing a male attractant and insecticide with the goal of drastically reducing male abundance and ultimately eliminating the entire population. SIT, which involves the mass production, sterilization, and release of the target species, may also be implemented to achieve final extirpation. Generally, simultaneous implementation of MAT and SIT is counterproductive, because the presence of large numbers of male-specific traps in the environment (MAT) would greatly reduce the number of sterile males available for copulating with wild females (SIT). However, studies on the Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), indicate that concurrent use of MAT and SIT may be feasible. Sexually mature males of B. tryoni are attracted to the raspberry ketone and its synthetic analogue cue-lure. Males of B. tryoni fed raspberry-ketone-supplemented diet when newly emerged showed lower attraction to cue-lure baited traps than control males. In addition, newly emerged males provided this diet displayed accelerated sexual maturation, which would allow the early release of sterile males and reduce pre-release holding costs. Here, we examined whether the addition of raspberry ketone to the adult diet of male melon flies, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett), produced effects similar to those observed for B. tryoni. Despite using similar methods, no significant effect of raspberry ketone-supplemented diet on time to sexual maturity, survival, mating competitiveness, or attraction to cue-lure baited traps in mass-reared Z. cucurbitae males.  相似文献   

Abstract  The effects of domestication and irradiation on the mating behaviour of males of Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were investigated by caging wild, laboratory-domesticated and sterile (laboratory-domesticated, gamma-irradiated) males with wild females. Mating behaviour of mass-reared males was different from that of wild males, although behaviour of wild and sterile males was similar. Mass-reared males engaged in mounting of other males much more frequently than wild and sterile males, and began calling significantly earlier before darkness. Unnatural selection pressures imposed in mass-rearing conditions may explain these changes in mass-reared male behaviour. Male calling did not appear to be associated with female choice of mating partners, although this does not exclude the possibility that calling is a cue used by females to discriminate among mating partners. Despite differences in behaviour, frequency of successful copulations and mating success were similar among wild, mass-reared and sterile males.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Female animals that use sperm from a single mating to fertilize eggs over an extended period require efficient mechanisms for sperm storage and use. There have been few studies of these mechanisms in tephritid flies. Mating, copula duration, sperm storage and sperm usage patterns are assessed in an Australian tephritid, the Queensland fruit fly ( Bactrocera tryoni ; a.k.a. 'Q-fly'). In particular, the present study investigates whether each of these aspects of mating varies in relation to female size or male size, whether sperm storage patterns change over time after mating (1, 5, 10 and 15 days), and the relative roles of the ventral receptacle and the two spermathecae as sperm storage organs. Large females are more likely to mate than are small females, and are also more fecund in the first 5 days after mating. Females are more likely to store some sperm and, among those that store some sperm, store more sperm if their mate is large. Most sperm are stored in the spermathecae (median = 97%), often with high levels of asymmetry between the two spermathecae. Asymmetry of sperm storage is related to number of sperm stored, but not to male or female size. Total number of stored sperm declines over the 15 days after mating, but this decrease in sperm numbers only reflects changes in the spermathecae; numbers of sperm in the ventral receptacle remain unchanged over this period. As a consequence, the proportion of total sperm stored in the spermathecae declines relative to the ventral receptacle. These results are consistent with a system in which small numbers of sperm are maintained in the ventral receptacle for fertilizations, and are replenished by sperm from the spermathecae as required. Sperm distribution and usage patterns in Q-flies are comparable with recent findings in medflies, Ceratitis capitata , but differ markedly from patterns found in several Anastrepha species.  相似文献   

Diet has a profound influence on the fitness of adult tephritid flies. Mass‐reared flies are provided yeast hydrolysate as a rich source of nutrition that supports rapid sexual development and mating success. In contrast, wild tephritid flies often live in environments where food may be hard to find, and these are the conditions that sexually immature mass‐reared sterile males encounter when released into the field during sterile insect technique campaigns. The effect of natural food sources (bat guano, bird droppings, citrus pollen, and wheat pollen) on the sexual development of adult mass‐reared fertile, mass‐reared sterile, and wild male Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), was determined by measuring ejaculatory apodeme size. Inclusion of yeast hydrolysate in the adult diet was associated with faster growth of the ejaculatory apodeme in comparison with all other diets. Effects of diet were far less pronounced in mass‐reared males, which may indicate reduced nutritional requirements, whereas the ejaculatory apodeme of wild males fed on natural sources of food or sucrose alone did not increase in size over the first 20 days of adult life.  相似文献   

Abstract Insect seminal fluid commonly comprises a complex cocktail of proteins and other biochemical components that migrate away from the female reproductive tract to sites elsewhere in the female body and elicit changes in female reproductive behaviour. The transfer of male seminal fluid molecules to reproductive and somatic tissues of the female Queensland fruit fly (‘Q‐fly’) Bactrocera tryoni is examined and some putative target sites identified. Male Q‐flies are fed a diet containing radiolabelled (35S) amino acids, which are incorporated into male accessory gland products. Radioactivity diminishes within the accessory glands and increases in all assessed parts of the female body during copulation, indicating the transfer of these products into the female soma via the reproductive tract. There are significant changes in the absolute and proportional radioactivity profiles among female tissues over the next 22 h, with substantial reductions in the thorax and increases in the head. This is consistent with accumulation of behaviour‐modifying male products at binding sites in the female head. Parallels can be drawn between the data in the present study and seminal fluid distribution profiles and receptor binding documented in other insects.  相似文献   

1 Recent studies have shown that continuous access to a protein source (yeast hydrolysate) can greatly enhance the sexual performance of male Queensland fruit flies ( Bactrocera tryoni ; 'Q-flies'). However, in Sterile Insect Technique programmes used to eradicate or suppress wild populations, mass-reared Q-flies are typically fed only sucrose and water for up to 2 days before release.
2 We investigated whether adding a protein source to the diet of male Q-flies for a 24- or 48-h window after emergence and then removing it is sufficient to enhance mating probability, latency to mate, copula duration, probability of sperm storage, number of sperm stored, female remating tendency and longevity of male Q-flies.
3 Protein-fed males were more likely to mate than males fed only sucrose, especially when young. Protein-fed males also had shorter mating latencies and longer copulations than protein-deprived males.
4 Females mated by protein-fed males were more likely to store sperm, stored more sperm and were less likely to remate than were females mated by protein-deprived males. Females were also less likely to remate if their first mate had been large.
5 Overall, providing male Q-flies access to a protein source for a 24- or 48-h window early on in their adult life was sufficient to greatly enhance all assessed measures of performance. Although 24-h access was sufficient for a notable enhancement, further benefits were evident in males provided 48-h access.
6 The results are discussed in terms of the practical implications for Sterile Insect Technique programs used to eradicate or suppress wild Q-fly populations.  相似文献   

The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis, is a pest of fruit in the Asia–Pacific region and also, due to quarantine restrictions, a threat to California fruit production. Area-wide suppression of B. dorsalis integrated several approaches including the sterile insect technique (SIT). SIT involves exposing juveniles to gamma radiation and releasing sterile males in substantial numbers, where they successfully compete for wild females. The resulting infertile eggs lead to reduction of the pest populations. Although these protocols are well documented, arising issues about the international transport and distribution of radioactive products is creating difficulties in use of radioactive sources for sterilizing radiation. This led to a shift toward use of X-ray irradiation, which also sterilizes male and female insects. However, use of X-ray technologies is in its infancy and there is virtually no information on the effects of irradiation, other than sterilization, at the physiological and molecular levels of fruit fly biology. We posed the hypothesis that sterilizing male oriental fruit flies via radiation treatment also influences protein expression in the flies. We found that exposing pupae to X-ray irradiation impacted expression of 26 proteins in adult females and 31 proteins in adult males. Seven proteins (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase, larval cuticle protein 2, sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein alpha-B and A chains, general odorant-binding protein 99b, polyubiquitin, and protein disulfide-isomerase) were impacted in both sexes. Some of the proteins act in central energy-generating and in pheromone-signal processing pathways; we infer that males sterilized by X-ray irradiation may be enfeebled in their ability to compete with wild males for females in nature.  相似文献   

Movements of mature male Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were observed individually in a wind tunnel under conditions of ‘cue-lure with wind’, ‘cue-lure with no wind’, ‘wind only’ and ‘no wind or cue-lure’. Further observations were made using a dense foliage array in the wind tunnel and a structured plume of cue-lure. Patterns of walking or flying were essentially the same in all of the first four treatments except that in the ‘cue-lure with wind’ treatment, over half of the flies moved in a consistent track upwind for at least 400 mm at some time during the first 5 min of observation. With clean wind, only 10% of the flies did this. The result was that mean net upwind displacement after 5 min in the ‘cue-lure with wind’ treatment significantly exceeded that in the other three treatments, the results of which did not differ significantly from each other. The upwind tracks were accomplished by either walking or flying (with or without stops) or by a combination of both. When the wind tunnel was filled with a dense foliage array, the results with cue-lure laden wind were similar to those obtained with the equivalent treatment without foliage, except that upwind tracks were predominantly in short stages. When flies were exposed to a structured plume of cue-lure odour (without foliage present), they did not apparently alter their behaviour on leaving or entering the plume, but some did make consistent upwind tracks while they were in the plume.  相似文献   

The frugivorous “true” fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Queensland fruit fly), is presumed to have a nonresourced‐based lek mating system. This is largely untested, and contrary data exists to suggest Bactrocera tryoni may have a resource‐based mating system focused on fruiting host plants. We tested the mating system of Bactrocera tryoni, and its close sibling Bactrocera neohumeralis, in large field cages using laboratory reared flies. We used observational experiments that allowed us to determine if: (i) mating pairs were aggregated or nonaggregated; (ii) mating system was resource or nonresource based; (iii) flies utilized possible landmarks (tall trees over short) as mate‐rendezvous sites; and (iv) males called females from male‐dominated leks. We recorded nearly 250 Bactrocera tryoni mating pairs across all experiments, revealing that: (i) mating pairs were aggregated; (ii) mating nearly always occurred in tall trees over short; (iii) mating was nonresource based; and (iv) that males and females arrived at the mate‐rendezvous site together with no evidence that males preceded females. Bactrocera neohumeralis copulations were much more infrequent (only 30 mating pairs in total), but for those pairs there was a similar preference for tall trees and no evidence of a resource‐based mating system. Some aspects of Bactrocera tryoni mating behavior align with theoretical expectations of a lekking system, but others do not. Until evidence for unequivocal female choice can be provided (as predicted under a true lek), the mating system of Bactrocera tryoni is best described as a nonresource based, aggregation system for which we also have evidence that land‐marking may be involved.  相似文献   

The spot or strip application of poisoned protein bait is a lure‐and‐kill technique used for the management of fruit flies. Knowledge of where flies occur in the crop environment is an important part of maximizing the efficacy of this tool. Bactrocera tryoni is a polyphagous pest of horticulture for which very little is known about its distribution within crops. With particular reference to edge effects, we monitored the abundance of B. tryoni in two crops of different architecture; strawberry and apple. In strawberries, we found more flies on the crop edge early in the fruiting season, which lessened gradually and eventually disappeared as the season progressed. In apple orchards, no such edge effect was observed and flies were found equally throughout the orchard. We postulated these differences may be due to differences in crop height (high vs. short) and/or crop canopy architecture (opened and branched in apple, dense and closed in strawberry). In a field cage trial, we tested these predictions using artificial plants of different height and canopy condition. Height and canopy structure type had no significant effects on fly oviposition and protein feeding, but the ‘apple’ type canopy significantly influenced resting. We thus postulate that there was an edge effect in strawberry because the crop was not providing resting sites and flies were doing so in vegetation around the field margins. The finding that B. tryoni shows different resting site preferences based on plant architecture offers the potential for strategic manipulation of the fly through specific border or inter‐row plantings.  相似文献   

The olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae is responsible for worldwide economic damage. In this report, we describe the first B. oleae lines transinfected with the Wolbachia strain wCer2, an endosymbiont of the cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi. Immunostaining followed by confocal microscopy, detects high numbers of Wolbachia in embryos as well as in ovarioles and sperm from individuals of both transinfected lines. wCer2 was uniformly distributed in B. oleae egg chambers and the cortex of preblastoderm embryos. Wolbachia is known to manipulate host reproduction with several strategies, one of which is cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), resulting in embryonic mortality in incompatible crosses. Wolbachia was found to induce complete CI in the novel host, suggesting that symbiont‐based approaches can be used as novel environmentally friendly tools for the control of natural olive fruit fly populations.  相似文献   

Dispersion theory is applied to the distribution of two kinds of sterile insect, Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), and Queensland fruit fly (Qfly), Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Dispersion theories are an essential basis of sampling theory and sampling plans, but this paper looks at them from another direction and uses data from arrays of sterile insect technique (SIT) monitoring traps to compare the utility of different measures such as coefficient of variation (CV), the exponent b of Taylor's power law, and exponent k of the negative binomial distribution and also derives predictions pertaining to the density (and hence release rate) of sterile insects that would be required to achieve effective coverage of the target area. This is far more useful than reliance on just the mean values of trap catches because such reliance takes no account of the fact that sterile flies distribute themselves unevenly with many patches inadequately covered despite the impression given by the mean. Data were used from recapture rates following either ‘roving releases’ of Medfly or releases from fixed points of Qfly. The relation of recapture rate to CV indicated that a doubling of release rate in order to double average recapture rate from 150 per trap per week to a value of 300 would have very little effect in terms of reducing CV and that there appears to be no practical prospect of reducing CV to below unity with the current methods of release without incurring a manifold increase in cost. Similarly, models derived from the negative binomial equation indicated that a law of diminishing returns applies in terms of the increase in the amount of adequate coverage (such as the percentage of traps catching >50 flies per week) that can be obtained by increasing release rates.  相似文献   

Diachasmimorpha kraussii is a polyphagous endoparasitoid of dacine fruit flies. The fruit fly hosts of D. krausii, in turn, attack a wide range of fruits and vegetables. The role that fruits play in host selection behaviour of D. kraussii has not been previously investigated. This study examines fruit preference of D. kraussii through a laboratory choice‐test trial and field fruit sampling. In the laboratory trial, oviposition preference and offspring performance measures (sex ratio, developmental time, body length, hind tibial length) of D. kraussii were investigated with respect to five fruit species [Psidium guajava L. (guava), Prunis persica L. (peach), Malus domestica Borkh. (apple), Pyrus communis L. (pear) and Citrus sinensis L. (orange)], and two fruit fly species (Bactrocera jarvisi and B. tryoni). Diachasmimorpha kraussii responded to infested fruit of all fruit types in both choice and no‐choice tests, but showed stronger preference for guava and peach in the choice tests irrespective of the species of fly larvae within the fruit. The wasp did not respond to uninfested fruit. The offspring performance measures differed in a non‐consistent fashion between the fruit types, but generally wasp offspring performed better in guava, peach and orange. The offspring sex ratio, except for one fruit/fly combination (B. jarvisi in apple), was always female biased. The combined results suggest that of the five fruits tested, guava and peach are the best fruit substrates for D. krausii. Field sampling indicated a non‐random use of available, fruit fly infested fruit by D. kraussii. Fruit fly maggots within two fruit species, Plachonia careya and Terminalia cattappa, had disproportionately higher levels of D. krausii parasitism than would be expected based on the proportion of different infested fruit species sampled, or levels of fruit fly infestation within those fruit.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory studies of mass‐reared flies in small cages have found that periods of just 24‐ or 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate can substantially enhance mating performance of mass‐reared male Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae) (‘Q‐flies’). Using field cage tests that provide a better approximation of nature, we here investigated whether access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h after adult emergence improves the ability of male and female mass‐reared, sterile Q‐flies to compete sexually with wild‐type flies that had been provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate. Mating probability of sterile males was significantly increased by 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate; sterile males provided 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate had mating probability similar to that of wild males provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate, whereas sterile males deprived of access to yeast hydrolysate had much lower mating probability. Unlike males, access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h did not increase mating probability of sterile female Q‐flies. We instead found that wild females provided continuous access to yeast hydrolysate had higher mating probability than sterile females that did or did not have 48‐h access to yeast hydrolysate. This result raises the possibility that a bisexual Q‐fly strain might operate essentially as a male‐only release when the flies are given access to yeast hydrolysate during a 48‐h pre‐release holding period. Sterile males given access to yeast hydrolysate for 48 h mated significantly earlier in the evening than wild males and, as in other recent studies, this tendency was associated with an increased tendency to mate on the trees rather than the cage walls. There was no evidence of sexual isolation in this study, as wild and sterile mass‐reared flies showed no evidence of preferential mating with their own kind. Further studies are now needed to assess the potential for pre‐release access to yeast hydrolysate to improve sexual performance and longevity of sterile, mass‐reared, Q‐flies in the field.  相似文献   

The sterile insect technique has been used for more than 50 years to control a range of insects around the world. Sterile insect technique is rapidly becoming a major component of many area‐wide fruit fly management programmes. Irradiation of immature life stages induces sterility in adults, which are then distributed over large areas to mate with wild flies, resulting in no viable offspring. However, irradiation in normal air results in declining adult quality. To optimize the quality of sterile adult flies, several techniques are available to lower the levels of oxygen in fruit fly tissues prior to irradiation. The simplest method is to seal pupae in plastic bags and allow the oxygen consumption of pupae to minimize oxygen in both the air and pupal tissue. Some fruit fly species have rapid decreases in eclosion as a result of low oxygen atmospheres. We tested the tolerance of Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), to low oxygen for the first time. In the first two experiments, unirradiated B. tryoni pupae were tested for different periods in sealed plastic bags at 17, 21, and 26 °C. Optimum eclosion occurred at 21 °C with the lowest eclosion at 26 °C. In general, mean full eclosion declined at ca. 0.1% eclosion per hour sealed in plastic bags during the first 96 h for all temperatures. In the third and fourth experiments at 17 °C, there was a decline in average eclosion for irradiated and unirradiated pupae of about 13.4% after they were sealed in plastic bags for 192 h. In general, B. tryoni eclosion declined at 0.1% per hour inside sealed plastic bags for periods up to 192 h at 17 °C. Queensland fruit flies can tolerate long periods of conditions found inside sealed plastic bags and current practices for sterile B. tryoni release programmes will result in minimum decrease in eclosion. The possible evolution of tolerance of these conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

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