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A sensitive method for detection of alkaline phosphatase in immunohistochemistry, using lymphoid cells, has been optimized. The conditions for staining are 0.23 mM 5-bromo-4-chloro-indoxyl phosphate, 0.55 mM tetranitro blue tetrazolium, 2.0 mM levamisole, 5.0 mM sodium azide, 10.0 mM magnesium chloride, and 0.15 mM 1-methoxyphenazine methosulfate dissolved in 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 9.5.  相似文献   

A sensitive combination of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing and immunohistochemistry was used by Rye et al. [J Histochem Cytochem (1984) 32:1145] in a search for the origins of neurotransmitter- and neuromodulator-containing nerve fibers in brain. In this combination, peroxidase as a marker in immunohistochemistry was thought to yield a homogeneous brown immunoreaction product of diaminobenzidine, different from the black granular reaction product of retrogradely transported HRP, which is visualized by the tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) reaction and subsequent stabilization. A neuron that exhibits both kinds of reaction products in its cytoplasm in sections subjected to combination staining is referred to as a double-labeled cell. With a combined HRP and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) immunoperoxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method, the first set of experiments showed "false" double-labeled cells in the pyramidal cell layer of rat cerebral cortex, but only rarely in the subcortical areas, possibly because of the use of one enzyme system in two different histochemical procedures. This limitation of the double-staining technique prompted us to demonstrate an alternate combination of HRP tracing and immunohistochemistry in the second set of experiments by employing two previously described independent enzyme systems: HRP as a retrograde tracer and beta-galactosidase as a marker for immunohistochemical demonstration of CRF. A homogeneous blue reaction product indicated immuno-beta-galactosidase staining, and a granular black or brown reaction product labeled retrogradely transported HRP in double-labeled cells in subcortical regions. Neither double labeling nor "false" double labeling was seen in pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex. These findings suggest that application of two independent enzyme systems in a combined HRP and immunohistochemical method may be useful for investigating in origins of peptidergic fibers in brain when the combination of HRP histochemistry and the PAP method appears to be inappropriate.  相似文献   

It is difficult to obtain intact embryos, especially intact early embryos, from insect eggs because of their small sizes. Based on the means traditionally used to get silkworm embryos and the previous approaches used for getting Drosophila embryos, we established a novel method of silkworm embryo preparation. The new method is straightforward and easy to operate. Silkworm embryos could be prepared without severe damage in large quantities by this new protocol. In addition, the novel method of silkworm embryo preparation is quite suitable for immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

Tracing of neuroanatomical pathways commonly involves the histochemical demonstration of horseradish peroxidase, using the chromogen tetramethylbenzidine. A new modification of this reaction using ammonium paratungstate stabilizer retains high sensitivity while permitting the reaction to be performed at pH 6.0 in isotonic solutions. The reaction product resists solvents, allowing Nissl-stained sections to retain their peroxidase labeling. With subsequent stabilization by diaminobenzidine, the tissue is suitable for electron microscopic study and is compatible with post-embedding immunocytochemistry.  相似文献   

Immunoassays have developed to become an important analytical tool in life sciences for detection of endogenous and exogenous targets. Among the most important enzyme labels horseradish peroxidase (HRP), alkaline phosphatase (AP), and beta-D-galactosidase (GAL) is HRP the smallest enzyme and plays nowadays an outstanding role. The oldest substrates are chromogens widely applied for localization of sites of peroxidase (PO) activity in histochemistry as well as for colorimetric applications. They are represented by a diversity of aromatic amines and phenols. Encouraged by development of light excitation and measuring techniques and the commercial availability of highly sensitive equipment, luminescent labels represent the most sensitive and worthwhile detection tools to date. In contrast to chromogens fluorescent labels for detection PO activity are confined only to a few substrates developed more recently. These substrates are mostly applied in histochemistry at a short time scale due to their frequently high solubility. At the long time scale sole exception is so far the tyramine based fluorochome deposition technique (more general: catalytic reporter deposition, CARD). Despite quite different staining behavior both fluorometric and product deposition related principles are based on 4-hydroxy phenylalkyl substrates. The following article reviews basic principles of peroxidatic substrate degradation processes including chromogenic and fluorescent approaches with emphasis on recent advances in development of chromogens and fluorogens for application in histology. As a result of systematic efforts towards the design of substrates, the range of classical precipitating chromogens as well as fluorescent techniques could be complimented by novel highly sensitive substrates with superior staining capabilities: a) Metal chelating 2-hydroxy benzylamines are derived from classical aniline substrates (two steps) and utilize metal catalytic effects in an efficient intramolecular way. The enzymatically yielded dark colored polycondensation products are applicable in histochemistry, in colorimetry and especially as precipitating electron opaque labels with enhanced osmiophilic properties for light and electron microscopy. b) Fluorescent 4-hydroxy-styryl derivatives are capable of oxidative selfanchoring reactions at the cellular level close to sites of PO activity. In contrast to deposition of tyramine conjugated fluorochromes an altered fluorochrome with improved fluorescence properties is furnished during oxidative crosslinking of the substrate. This results in a highly specific and photostable fluorescence response and an outstanding low background staining. Histochemical and immunohistochemical applications are presented.  相似文献   

A tetrazolium method for non-specific alkaline phosphatase   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
Summary A technique for the histochemical demonstration of non-specific alkaline phosphatase was developed using a medium containing indoxyl phosphate and a tetrazolium salt, Nitro B.T. The tetrazolium salt was reduced to diformazan by the hydrogen ions released by the formation of either indigo or indigo white by reaction of the enzyme on the indoxyl phosphate.The localization in the organs investigated was similar to that obtained by the standard azo dye and lead techniques.  相似文献   

We have developed a new fluorescence method for the histochemical localization of alkaline phosphatase activity. Calcium phosphate deposited at the sites of alkaline phosphatase activity in a Gomori-type reaction are identified by calcium binding fluorochromes. The calcium binding fluorochromes calcein, calcein blue, and xylenol orange were investigated, with each fluorochrome being included in the alkaline phosphatase incubating medium and used in a single-step procedure. Alkaline phosphatase activity was studied in freeze-substituted, resin-embedded human liver and jejunal biopsies, and each fluorochrome produced intense fluorescence of different colors at sites of alkaline phosphatase activity. Calcein, calcein blue, and xylenol orange produced green, blue, and red fluorescence, respectively. Sites of enzyme activity were accurately localized without evidence of diffusion, and there was an absence of non-enzyme-catalyzed binding of any of the fluorochromes to tissue. This fluorescence method, which is particularly suited to investigating the localization and distribution of the activity of different enzymes in the same section, was used to investigate the distribution and co-localization of alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase M in human liver and jejunum.  相似文献   


Propylene glycol methyl ether (PGME) exhibits excellent solvent and coupling properties. A toxicity database provided evidence suggesting that PGME might be a useful substitute for xylene in histotechnology and histochemistry applications. Tissue specimens were fixed, cleared in either PGME or xylene, embedded in paraffin wax, then dewaxed in either PGME or xylene. Sections were treated with the following stains: hematoxylin & eosin (H & E), three special stains of the Gordon/Sweet silver staining method, PAS, and Masson's trichrome, and immunostains including actin, CD3, CD34, CK, CK7/CK9, Ki-67, and ER/PR. The sections were mounted in a resinous medium consisting of PGME and pinene copolymer, then examined under a microscope. Variables such as water tolerance, dimension change, organic solvency, and anti-fading efficacy also were assessed. Depending on the application, PGME performance was equal to or exceeded that of xylene. PGME provided better optical clarity and nuclear detail, did not harden the tissue samples, conserved tissue antigenicity, and was amenable to resinous mounting. Tissues not dehydrated with absolute ethanol also were processed properly. Tissues treated with PGME did not warp or contract compared to those treated with xylene (p < 0.0001). PGME, however, exhibited less organic solvency than xylene. There was no discernible change in the colors of stains in sections processed with PGME even after storage for two years. These results suggest that PGME is a novel xylene substitute for applications in histotechnology and histochemistry.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel quality control technology that may improve intra- and interlaboratory immunohistochemistry (IHC) standardization. The technology involves the creation of standardized antibody targets that are attached to the same slides as the patient sample. After IHC staining, the targets turn the same color as the stained cells or tissue elements. Unlike current clinical practice, our proposed targets are neither cells nor tissue sections. To create reproducible standards that are available in unlimited supply, we use short constrained peptides as antibody targets. These peptides are attached directly to the glass slide. We show that these peptides simulate the portion of the native antigen to which the antibody binds. They are useful in detecting subtle changes in IHC staining efficacy. Moreover, the peptides do not degrade after deparaffinization or antigen retrieval treatments. This technology may be valuable in creating nationally standardized controls to quantify IHC analytical variability.  相似文献   

Summary Some incubation media were elaborated to demonstrate tissue activity of L-amino acid tetrazolium reductase. These media had as substrate a L-amino acid to which a small amount of L-glutamate was added, well below the concentration used to demonstrate glutamic-dehydrogenase.The specifity of the reactions was assessed by incubations in control media and by studying the effects of some inhibitors. The work was concerned both with the actual pattern of the reaction and with changes initiated in the medium by tissue incubation.It became obvious that in this way an actual visualisation of an enzymatic oxido-reductive activity of various degrees in tissues and organs was possible.  相似文献   

Different types of distinct molecular forms of collagen are components of the extracellular matrix in most tissues. The common types can usually be detected by immunohistochemical methods but others may escape detection for lack of specific antisera. However, all these collagens are substrates for the collagenase of Clostridium histolyticum. In this report we describe a method that allows the visualization of collagens, collectively, in a tissue preparation. The method is based on the affinity between clostridial collagenase and collagen on one hand, and collagenase and its antibody on the other. Under the conditions of low temperature used in the procedure, collagenase binds to collagen, but digestion does not occur. Subsequent reaction of the bound collagenase with the specific collagenase antibody is followed by reaction with a tagged anti-IgG reagent. This allows the visualization of the enzyme-substrate complex. The procedure is illustrated in sections of the heart and the aorta, as well as in the isolated cardiomyocytes and the collagen distribution is verified using collagens type I and IV specific antibodies. In all instances the collagenase staining pattern includes all structural features seen individually with the type specific anticollagen antibodies.  相似文献   

Menadiol diphosphate was introduced as a new substrate for nonspecific alkaline phosphatase, following a search for new and less expensive substrates, which give a more sensitive response and are easily synthesized in the laboratory. Menadiol released by phosphatase action can be assayed by its reduction of tetrazolium salts, or it can be coupled with diazonium salts; alternatively, the phosphate can be trapped by metal ions. The synthesis and purification of menadiol diphosphate are described, and it was shown to be sufficiently stable for qualitative and semiquantitative histochemistry, as well as for the immunohistochemistry of enzymes and cytoskeletal proteins with nonspecific alkaline phosphatase as the enzyme label. For qualitative as well as semiquantitative histochemistry and immunohistochemistry, the best results were obtained by applying the method with nitro-blue tetrazolium (NBT) to acetone-chloroform pretreated cryostat sections. Tetranitro-blue tetrazolium (TNBT), benzothiazolylphthalhydrazidyl tetrazolium (BSPT) and various diazonium salts were less suitable. Fast Blue BB and VB produced satisfactory results. Ce3+ ions and the DAB-Ni-H2O2 procedure yielded better results than Ca2+ ions in the Co-(NH4)2S visualization method. The NBT method with menadiol diphosphate is superior to existing methods employing azo, azoindoxyl or tetrazolium salts and to metal precipitation methods. The Ce3+ technique and the NBT/menadiol diphosphate method give similar results, and appear to be of equal value. In qualitative histochemistry and immunohistochemistry the NBT/menadiol diphosphate method resulted in higher quantities of precisely localized stain. Semiquantitative histochemistry with minimal incubation revealed more favorable kinetics for the menadiol diphosphate method, especially when using NBT.  相似文献   

Many peroxidase inhibitors have been used in horseradish peroxidase (HRP) mediated immunostaining and in situ hybridization to quench background peroxidase activity. However, the efficacy of these inhibitors has been controversial, partially due to the lack of a quantitative study. Tyramide signal amplification (TSA) is much more sensitive than other HRP-mediated methods but its super-sensitivity also demands effective inhibition of background peroxidase activity. In searching for an effective peroxidase inhibitor, we have systematically evaluated the efficacy of several peroxidase inhibitors by quantifying the fluorescence intensity in cultured fibroblasts and tissue sections treated with the inhibitors. For cultured cells, 0.05 mM of phenylhydrazine and 1 unit/ml of glucose oxidase gave only moderate inhibition of HRP activity while 1 mM of sodium azide (NaN3), 3% of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), NaN3/H2O2 combined and 0.02 N hydrochloric acid (HCl) provided more complete inhibition. However, the inhibitory effect of NaN3/H2O2 is reversible upon removal of the inhibitors and followed by incubation and wash to mimic antibody interactions. Similar results were obtained from rat skin wound tissues that have strong endogenous peroxidase activity. Our results recommend the use of HCl and caution the use of phenylhydrazine, glucose oxidase, NaN3 and H2O2 as potent peroxidase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Summary Freeze-drying or freeze-substitution, combined with low-temperature resin-embedding, represents a new approach to the optimum preservation of tissue for enzyme histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. This method, which avoids tissue fixation, combines excellent tissue morphology with the preservation of enzyme activity and immunoreactivity and allows high-resolution enzyme histochemical and immunohistochemical studies to be performed. The activity of a wide range of enzymes can be demonstrated in sections of freeze-dried or freeze-substituted resin-embedded tissue. Enzymes are retainedin situ with high activity, accurate localization and no diffusion. Immunohistochemical studies can also be performed on resin sections, and antigens—especially labile antigens — are immobilizedin situ without denaturation and can be demonstrated with high sensitivity and accurately localized. This method allows the localization and distribution of enzymes and antigens to be studied in relation to excellent histological and cytological detail.  相似文献   

A microplate-based rapid, inexpensive and robust technique is developed by using tetrazolium salt 2, 3-bis [2-methyloxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide (XTT) and menadione to determine the viability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Mycobacterium smegmatis bacilli in microplate format. In general, XTT reduction is an extremely slow process which takes almost 24 h to produce a detectable signal. Menadione could drastically induce this reduction to an almost equal extent within a few minutes in a dose dependent manner. The reduction of XTT is directly proportional to the cell concentration in the presence of menadione. The standardized protocol used 200 μM of XTT and 60 μM of menadione in 250 μl of cell suspension grown either in aerobic or anaerobic conditions. The cell suspension of M. bovis BCG and M. tuberculosis were incubated for 40 min before reading the optical density at 470 nm whereas M. smegmatis was incubated for 20 min. Calculated Signal/Noise (S/N) ratios obtained by applying this protocol were 5.4, 6.4 and 9.4 using M. bovis BCG, M. tuberculosis and M. smegmatis respectively. The calculated Z′ factors were > 0.8 for all mycobacterium bacilli indicating the robustness of the XTT Reduction Menadione Assay (XRMA) for rapid screening of inhibitors. The assay protocol was validated by applying 10 standard anti-tubercular agents on M. tuberculosis, M. bovis BCG and M. smegmatis. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values were found to be similar to reported values from Colony Forming Unit (CFU) and REMA (resazurin microplate assay) assays. Altogether, XRMA is providing a novel anti-tubercular screening protocol which could be useful in high throughput screening programs against different physiological stages of the bacilli.  相似文献   

A new tetrazolium method for the histochemical demonstration of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase is proposed. The method is based on a newly synthesized substrate-gamma-L-glutamic acid-1-hydroxy-4-naphthylamide, which upon the enzyme hydrolysis liberates 1,4-aminonaphthol--a powerful reducing agent that reduces tetrazolium salts quickly and quantitatively to deeply colored, water-insoluble formazans, precipitating on the sites of the enzyme activity and marking them accurately. The redox reaction is quick enough and does not need any auxiliary electron-acceptor. The method is very fast and convenient for the histochemical visualization of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary A structure-staining correlation study was made of a number of tetrazolium salts and formazans used in histochemistry. Numerical parameters describing molecular structure were calculated from structural formulae. Staining data were from previously published work. It was found that several significant practical variables (namely, uptake and reducibility of tetrazolium salts; substantivity, lipid solubility, and crystal size of formazans) could be predicted from structural parameters. Possible applications of these correlations are discussed: to increase our understanding of existing staining systems and to guide the design and selection of new tetrazolium salts for histochemical use.  相似文献   

Summary Menadiol diphosphate was introduced as a new substrate for nonspecific alkaline phosphatase, following a search for new and less expensive substrates, which give a more sensitive response and are easily synthesized in the laboratory. Menadiol released by phosphatase action can be assayed by its reduction of tetrazolium salts, or it can be coupled with diazonium salts; alternatively, the phosphate can be trapped by metal ions. The synthesis and purification of menadiol diphosphate are described, and it was shown to be sufficiently stable for qualitative and semiquantitative histochemistry, as well as for the immunohistochemistry of enzymes and cytoskeletal proteins with nonspecific alkaline phosphatase as the enzyme label. For qualitative as well as semiquantitative histochemistry and immunohistochemistry, the best results were obtained by applying the method with nitro-blue tetrazolium (NBT) to acetone-chloroform pretreated cryostat sections. Tetranitro-blue tetrazolium (TNBT), benzothiazolylphthalhydrazidyl tetrazolium (BSPT) and various diazonium salts were less suitable. Fast Blue BB and VB produced satisfactory results. Ce3+ ions and the DAB−Ni−H2O2 procedure yielded better results than Ca2+ ions in the Co−(NH4)2S visualization method. The NBT method with menadiol diphosphate is superior to existing methods employing azo, azoindoxyl or tetrazolium salts and to metal precipitation methods. The Ce3+ technique and the NBT/menadiol diphosphate method give similar results, and appear to be of equal value. In qualitative histochemistry and immunohistochemistry the NBT/menadiol diphosphate method resulted in higher quantities of precisely localized stain. Semiquantitative histochemistry with minimal incubation revealed more favorable kinetics for the menadiol diphosphate method, especially when using NBT. Supported by the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sfb 174)  相似文献   

New tetrazolium method for the histochemical localization of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV), based on a newly synthesized substrate Gly-L-Pro-1-hydroxy-4-naphthylamide is proposed. Upon the enzyme hydrolysis of the substrate a strong reducing agent, i.e. 4-amino-1-naphthol is released, which reduces tetrazolium salts to water-insoluble, deeply colored formazans, that precipitate on the sites of enzyme activity, marking them accurately. No auxiliary electron acceptor is needed for the redox reaction. The incubation is performed at the optimal pH of the enzyme. Precise enzyme localization is achieved in all organs studied. Thus, the new method avoids most of the disadvantages of the methods in use and might open new possibilities in peptidases histochemistry.  相似文献   

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