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Chironomids (Diptera) typically comprise the most abundant group of macroinvertebrates collected in water quality surveys. Species in the genus Cricotopus display a wide range of tolerance for manmade pollutants, making them excellent bioindicators. Unfortunately, the usefulness of Cricotopus is overshadowed by the difficulty of accurately identifying larvae using current morphological keys. Molecular approaches are now being used for identification and taxonomic resolution in many animal taxa. In this study, a sequence-based approach for the mitochondrial gene, cytochrome oxidase I (COI), was developed to facilitate identification of Cricotopus species collected from Baltimore area streams. Using unique COI sequence variations, we developed profiles for seven described Cricotopus sp., four described Orthocladius sp., one described Paratrichocladius sp. and one putative species of Cricotopus. In addition to providing an accurate method for identification of Cricotopus, this method will make a useful contribution to the development of keys for Nearctic Cricotopus.  相似文献   

Male and female imagines, and pupal exuviae of Cricotopus (C.) nevadensis sp. n. are described. A discussion on the systematic position, a differential diagnosis and notes on the ecology of this new species are given.  相似文献   

This is the eleventh part of our series of studies on Orthocladiinae from India. Two new species of the genus Cricotopus, C. albipes and C. tenuisetosus are described in this paper.  相似文献   

The colonization by Chironomus spp. of two ponds filled after a dry period was investigated. Field data were collected by means of quantitative benthic samples and emergence traps. C. melanescens. C. annularius, C. riparius, C. piger, C. luridus, C. obtusidens, C. plumosus, C. dorsalis and Camptochironomus tentans were determined cytotaxonomically in ponds investigated. C. melanescens and C. annularius appear to be the most characteristic species colonizing in high numbers in newly filled ponds. Larvae of C. annularius grew more slowly in ponds compared with the former one which resulted in a characteristic succession of both larval types. Most species mentioned disappeared completely from the ponds investigated after the metamorphosis of a single cohort. They were replaced by C. plumosus which was often attended by C. annularius in smaller ponds.  相似文献   

An annotated list of the chironomid species collected in Lake Sevan in the first 10 days of October 2006 and 2007 is presented. Chironomid species were identified by the aquatic stages of their development (larvae and pupae) and imagoes. The list includes 26 species, among which nine species were recorded in the lake for the first time. Altogether, 53 species of chironomids have been recorded in Lake Sevan.  相似文献   

An account is given of the diagnostic characters of the larvae and pupae of 10 of the 18 African species of the subgenus Chironomus Meigen from a wide range of habitats in southern Malawi.  相似文献   

Cadmium, Zn, Pb and Cu uptake and effects in larvae ofChironomus riparius (Meigen) were studied in an integrated laboratory investigation, in which metal analyses in different instar stages, uptake kinetics and effects on development and growth were considered in three separate experiments.In short-term experiments with fourth instar larvae, it was demonstrated that only a minor portion of metals was adsorbed on the larval exoskeletons. No conclusive evidence on the uptake mechanism was found, but active uptake of trace metals seemed highly unlikely.In partial life cycle experiments, all four metals studied were readily accumulated in chironomid larvae. Uptake could be described satisfactorily utilizing a first-order one-compartment uptake model which incorporated growth. In all cases steady state conditions were approached and high uptake and elimination rate constants were estimated. Distinct differences between essential (Zn and Cu) and non-essential (Cd and Pb) metals were noted. Larval growth was significantly impaired upon exposure.Finally, long-term exposure experiments with low Cd concentrations (0.010 and 0.025 mg 1–1) resulted initially in growth impairment and high mortality in first instar stages, but surviving larvae restored growth and adults emerged even before control adults. In similar experiments with Zn (0.1 and 1.0 mg 1–1), development of larvae was significantly retarded. High Zn concentrations in larvae were noted and almost no adult midges emerged.  相似文献   

Chironomidae (Diptera) of Baldwin Lake,Illinois, a cooling reservoir   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The chironomid fauna of Baldwin Lake, a closed-cycle cooling reservoir for a power plant, was sampled monthly to semi-monthly for one year at four stations, two in the discharge channel and two in the main basin. Qualitative samples were also taken elsewhere and with multiple-plate samplers. Twenty-four species were collected. Annual mean population density was less than 100 larvae m–2 in the channel, 1037 M–2 in the main basin. Three species of Tanypodinae formed over 96 percent of the larval population in the main basin: Tanypus stellatus Coquillett, Procladius bellus (Loew), and Coelotanypus concinnus (Coquillett). The principal species on the multiple-plate samplers were Dicrotendipes nervosus (Staeger), Glyptotendipes lobiferus (Say), and Parachironomus monochromus (Wulp). Temperatures of 35°C or more in the channel virtually eliminated the chironomids, whereas temperatures up to 32°C in the main basin increased the number of generations of T. stellatus from the usual two to four at Station 3 and three at Station 4. Station 3 had almost 1,000 degree-days more heat than Station 4.  相似文献   

The article describes the larva, pupa, adults and karyotype of Chironomus reissi, sp. n., which live on leaf detritus beds of small temporary waters in the southeast of Brazil. The species belongs to the pseudothummi cytocomplex with the chromosome arm combination AE, BF, CD, G.  相似文献   

The effects of various mercury chloride (HgCl2) concentrations associated with bottom sediments on mercury accumulation in chironomid larvae and the modifications of morphofunctional parameters (mortality, growth, and structure of the mouth apparatus) have been studied. It was shown that, upon exposure, the larvae accumulated mercury in amounts exceeding its sediment concentrations. The mortality rate and metamorphosis duration increased with an increase in metal concentrations, while the animal size remained unaffected. Among all investigated morphological structures, the antennae were the most heavily effected.  相似文献   

Abstract Variation in the morphology of larvae of twenty-six cytologically identified species of Chironomus Meigen from Europe is described. Characters studied include tubules on posterior abdominal segments, head pigmentation, mental size and teeth, mandibular and epipharyngeal teeth and antennae. A key to the species, based on these characters and ventromental plate features, is presented.  相似文献   

During a study of the Chironomidae in Marion Lake, British Columbia, 13 speicies representing three subfamilies (Chironominae, Orthocladiinae, and Tanypodinae) were found parasitized by mermithids. Only two species of mermithids were found, Hydromermis contorta and Limnomermis bathybia. The former species appears to have two generations per year. The highest infection levels were found in Chironomus modestus, which, however, does not appear to be a physiologically suitable host.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ventromental plates of larvae of twenty-six cytologi-cally identified species of Chironomus Meigen from Europe are described. Variation in plate features, including size, striae, inner and outer hook series, and ventral surface ornamentation, is reported. A principal components analysis based on plate characters is undertaken, and the taxonomic composition of the resulting groupings is discussed.  相似文献   

A chironomid midge, Cricotopus lebetis Sublette (Diptera: Chironomidae), was discovered feeding on Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle (Hydrocharitaceae) in Crystal River, Citrus, Co., Florida, in the 1990s. Larvae of the midge mine the apical meristems of hydrilla, causing terminal branching and stunting of the plant. We investigated the fundamental host range of the midge by conducting a series of no-choice and paired-choice tests. No-choice developmental tests with neonate larvae revealed that the fundamental host range of C. lebetis included not only on hydrilla but also several other aquatic plants in different families, suggesting that this insect is not a hydrilla specialist. In paired-choice bioassays, larval colonisation of Elodea canadensis Michx. (Hydrocharitaceae) and Najas guadalupensis (Spreng.) Magnus (Najadaceae) was greater than colonisation of H. verticillata. Behavioural bioassays in a Y-tube olfactometer and in Petri dishes suggested that neonate larvae were not able to locate host plant material, whereas older larvae were successful in finding hosts. In paired-choice oviposition tests, adult females discriminated between potential oviposition sites, with greater numbers of eggs laid on E. canadensis and N. guadalupensis than on H. verticillata. This study is the first detailed account of host searching and oviposition behaviour of a phytophagous chironomid midge. The results will be used to assess the potential value of C. lebetis as a biological control agent of hydrilla.  相似文献   

Fifty one chironomid species were identified from 504 samples collected at depths ranging 8 to 267 m in Lake Michigan, U.S.A. Heterotrissocladius oliveri Saether occurred in 32% of these samples and had an average abundance of 22 m–2 which was similar to other estimates from the Great Lakes. Maximum average lake-wide density was at 30 to 60 m (41 m–2). At depths 60 m, H. oliveri was the dominant chironomid species comprising 75% of total Chironomidae. The substrate preference of H. oliveri differed within each depth regime considered: at 30–60 m, 2–3 ; at 60–120 m, 3–5 , 7–9 ; and at 120–180 m, 6–8 . Abundance was notably reduced at all depths in substrates characterized as medium silt (5–6 ). On a lake-wide basis, the distribution pattern suggested H. oliveri was most numerous from 30 to 60 m along the southwestern, eastern, and northern shorelines and at 60–120 m depths along the southern and eastern shorelines. Increased abundance in the South Basin was concurrent with evidence of increased sedimentation at 60 to 100 m. However, in several other areas of the lake, high densities were associated with medium to very fine sands relatively free of silts and clays. This observation suggested occurrence of H. oliveri was minimally affected by sediment type.Widely variable, but generally elevated water temperatures likely prevent H. oliveri from establishing a substantial population density at depths < 30 m. With increased depth, temperature fluctuation is negligible and food is more stable, though the source is variable. Factors limiting abundance of H. oliveri at depths 30 m were related to decreased food supply due to distance from shore, food sources of lower value (clays), and, most importantly, to reproductive replenishment.Although still oligotrophic in nature, high density occurrences in both high and low sedimentation areas of the lake suggest the trophic indicator status of H. oliveri might be broader than previously thought.  相似文献   

Larvae of the midge, Chironomus riparius Mg., have four anal papillae arranged as two pairs, one dorsal to and the other ventral to the anus. Structural study with light and electron microscopes has revealed that their integument consists of a thin cuticle overlaying a thick, syncytial epidermis which is specialised to facilitate ion transport. There is a distinct neck or collar region at the junction of each papilla with the rest of the body wall. Although in many respects these structures resemble those in mosquitoes, there are both morphological and physiological features which suggest that differences exist in the means by which ion exchange with the environment is controlled and effected in the two families.  相似文献   

A new technique for the establishment of a permanent laboratory culture of Chirono-mus riparius is described. Larvae and pupae were reared in plastic tanks containing tap water, filamentous algae and a commercially prepared fishfood. The tanks were aerated, maintained at a constant temperature of 24°C and subjected to a constant lighting regime of 13 h of light followed by 11 h of darkness. Adults flew freely in a modified handling box, mated, and oviposited on strips of filter paper placed in the plastic tanks containing the aquatic stages. It has proved unnecessary to change the water or medium, which has saved both time and effort. Moreover, larvae established themselves in ail parts ofthe alga, and therefore more could be kept in each tank than when, as in previous methods, they are provided only with a substratum on the floor of the container.  相似文献   

James W. Moore 《Oecologia》1979,40(2):219-227
Summary Factors influencing the consumption of algae and the rate of feeding by the larvae of Heterotrissocladius changi Saether and Polypedilum nebeculosum (Meigen) (Chironomidae: Diptera) were determined from collections made between July 1975 and May 1977 in Yellowknife Bay, situated in the Canadian subarctic. Although both species fed heavily on algae during the summer, few cells were ingested in the winter, coincident with an overall reduction in feeding intensity. H. changi fed primarily on benthic species (Achnanthes minutissima, Achnanthes pinnata, Fragilaria pinnata, Fragilaria vaucheriae, Navicula spp., Scenedesmus spp.) Whereas P. nebeculosum was restricted to planktonic forms (Dinobryon spp., Scenedesmus spp.). The consumption of algae by H. changi depended largely on the density of the microflora in the environment. This factor had little influence on P. nebeculosum and was replaced by size selection, which prevented the ingestion of many planktonic algal species. The importance of algae to both chironomids also depended on the susceptability of certain algal forms to digestion. Temperature generally regulated the intensity of feeding of both H. changi and P. nebeculosum. However, changing day-length initiated heavy feeding during April and May, despite low water temperatures. The depth of water and the organic content of the substrate had no detectable effect on the amount of material in the guts.  相似文献   

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