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DNA sequencing of a region of the chloroplast genome of the red alga Porphyra umbilicalis revealed an open reading frame of 326 amino acids. Databank searches indicated that this ORF is 34% identical to an E. coli gene (fabH) encoding -ketoacyl-carrier protein synthase III. In addition, a leucine tRNA gene (trnL(GAG)) was detected just downstream. Neither of these genes are encoded on the chloroplast genomes of land plants.  相似文献   

Measured under equivalent physiological conditions, the photosynthesis-light intensity relationship based on oxygen production/mg chlorophyll a was found to be the same in five species representing the different chlorophyll c containing divisions of marine phytoplankton. Other non-photochemical metabolic processes related to photosynthesis such as diurnal variations, maximal photosynthesis rates, and dark oxygen uptake were quite different, and so these are the more significant factors in production and ecological distribution of diatoms, dinoflagellates, and coccolithophores. In contrast, the green algae tested showed a significantly different photosynthesis-light intensity curve from the chlorophyll c group.  相似文献   

Light and temperature affect state transitions through changes in the plastoquinone (PQ) redox state in photosynthetic organisms. We demonstrated that light and/or heat treatment induced preferential photosystem (PS) I excitation by binding light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) proteins. The photosystem of wheat was in state 1 after dark overnight treatment, wherein PQ was oxidized and most of LHCII was not bound to PSI. At the onset of the light treatment [25 °C in the light (100 µmol photons m?2 s?1)], two major LHCIIs, Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 were phosphorylated, and the PSI–LHCII supercomplex formed within 5 min, which coincided with an increase in the PQ oxidation rate. Heat treatment at 40 °C of light-adapted wheat led to further LHCII protein phosphorylation of, resultant cyclic electron flow promotion, which was accompanied by ultrafast excitation of PSI and structural changes of thylakoid membranes, thereby protecting PSII from heat damage. These results suggest that LHCIIs are required for the functionality of wheat plant PSI, as it keeps PQ oxidized by regulating photochemical electron flow, thereby helping acclimation to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Using a combination of modulated and non-modulated light with synchronized detection it has been possible to monitor State 1–State 2 transitions in intact leaves as changes in the yield of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence. In the presence of excess far-red non-modulated light (713 nm) absorbed mainly by Photosystem I (PS I), the modulated fluorescence intensity was taken to represent Fo — the emission yield which occurs when the reaction centres of Photosystem II (PS II) are all open. On the other hand, superimposing saturating non-modulated wide-band, blue-green light resulted in a transitory maximum yield of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence, Fm, due to the total closure of the PS II reaction centres. In the absence of these additional lights the fluorescence level assumed a steady-state value, Fs, between Fo and Fm. All these parameters changed as the leaf slowly adapted to light of a given spectral composition. It was found that both Fo and Fm increased reversibly (by about 15–20%) during the transition from State 2 to State 1 such that the ratio of Fm to Fo remained constant, indicative of changes in absorption cross-section of PS II and PS I rather than alterations in ‘spillover’ which would cause preferential changes in Fm. It was also possible to estimate the fractions of light, β and α, channeled to PS II and PS I, respectively, from the values of Fo, Fm and Fs. In one approach, β was estimated in State 1, using the assumption that α + β = 1, and its variation during the subsequent state transition was assumed to follow proportional changes in Fo (or Fm). It was found that in State 2 there is a small loss (about 4%) of the total utilization of light in both photosystems. However, if such loss is neglected, assuming α + β is always unity, the calculated β was found to vary in the same direction and almost with the same magnitude as Fo (or Fm), indicating independently that a change in absorption cross-section in PS II (and PS I) had occurred. Consistent with these data were the light-saturation curves for the non-modulated far-red light-quenching effect in bringing the fluorescence from Fs to Fo in States 1 and 2. The ratio of the initial slopes of these curves indicates quantitatively both redistribution of light between PS I and PS II during the State 1–State 2 transitions and a partial loss of excitation energy in State 2.  相似文献   

A comparison of changes in absorption properties and electron transport activities of chloroplasts ageing in vivo and in vitro is made. Chloroplasts from sunflower leaves senescing in vivo during 7 days in dark do not show a blue shift of the red absorption band; in contrast, the shift becomes apparent within 24 h of in vitro ageing of isolated organelles. Photosynthetic activity by chloroplasts is lost much faster during in vitro than in vivo ageing. During in vitro ageing, the rate of degradation of thylakoid membranes as characterised by the shift in the red absorption band and loss in Hill reaction is further accelerated in chloroplasts isolated from dark-induced senescing leaves, suggesting the influence of the in vivo status of the chloroplasts on their in vitro stability.Abbreviations DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - PSI Photosystem I - Chl Chlorophyll  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Complex II (succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is purified in a partially inactivated state, which can be activated by removal of tightly bound oxaloacetate (E.B. Kearney, et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 49 1115–1121). We crystallized Complex II in the presence of oxaloacetate or with the endogenous inhibitor bound. The structure showed a ligand essentially identical to the “malate-like intermediate” found in Shewanella Flavocytochrome c crystallized with fumarate (P. Taylor, et al., Nat. Struct. Biol. 6 1108–1112) Crystallization of Complex II in the presence of excess fumarate also gave the malate-like intermediate or a mixture of that and fumarate at the active site. In order to more conveniently monitor the occupation state of the dicarboxylate site, we are developing a library of UV/Vis spectral effects induced by binding different ligands to the site. Treatment with fumarate results in rapid development of the fumarate difference spectrum and then a very slow conversion into a species spectrally similar to the OAA-liganded complex. Complex II is known to be capable of oxidizing malate to the enol form of oxaloacetate (Y.O. Belikova, et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta 936 1–9). The observations above suggest it may also be capable of interconverting fumarate and malate. It may be useful for understanding the mechanism and regulation of the enzyme to identify the malate-like intermediate and its pathway of formation from oxaloacetate or fumarate.  相似文献   

A comparison of changes in absorption properties and electron transport activities of chloroplasts ageing in vivo and in vitro is made. Chloroplasts from sunflower leaves senescing in vivo during 7 days in dark do not show a blue shift of the red absorption band; in contrast, the shift becomes apparent within 24 h of in vitro ageing of isolated organelles. Photosynthetic activity by chloroplasts is lost much faster during in vitro than in vivo ageing. During in vitro ageing, the rate of degradation of thylakoid membranes as characterised by the shift in the red absorption band and loss in Hill reaction is further accelerated in chloroplasts isolated from dark-induced senescing leaves, suggesting the influence of the in vivo status of the chloroplasts on their in vitro stability.Abbreviations DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - PSI Photosystem I - Chl+ Chlorophyll  相似文献   

Thirteen new K—Ar dates of stratigraphically important Pliocene and Pleistocene lava flows and intrusives from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) permit a more precise definition of alternating periods of volcanic activity and erosional intervals. The Miocene erosional interval (Erosional Interval I) lasted from 9.6 to 4.4 m.y. B.P.; Roque Nublo volcanic activity (phase II in the magmatic history of the island) began 4.4 m.y. and ended 3.7 m.y. ago; Erosional Interval II lasted from 3.7 to 2.8 m.y. B.P.; volcanic activity resumed at 2.8 m.y. B.P. with the eruption of olivine nephelinite lavas. The subsequent alternation of phases of volcanic activity and erosional intervals is not yet precisely dated. Four regressions and three transgressions are recognized on Gran Canaria in the time interval 9.6-2 m.y. B.P. The famous marine sediments of the “Las Palmas Terrace” represent at least three distinct marine levels of different ages and only the oldest one may correspond to the age assignment “Helvetian or Tortonian” of Rothpletz and Simonelli (1890).Several causes for the marine transgressions are discussed such as eustatic changes in sea level, isostatic vertical movements of the island and movements in regional stress fields. None of the transgressions and regressions can be convincingly explained so far by either a single mechanism or a combination of several processes. However, we tentatively suggest that eustatic and, perhaps to a lesser degree, isostatic movements are the main causes. These uncertainties in the interpretation of the transgressions and regressions underscore the need for more precise dating of similar elevated marine sedimentary rocks on other Atlantic islands.  相似文献   

The structure of fifteen steroids which bind to the glucocorticoid receptor has been determined by complete geometry optimisation. This method calculates the spatial atomic coordinates for each molecule in the conformation with the minimum internal constraint (lowest-energy state). In addition, the relative energy changes associated with a complete rotation of the side-chain have been calculated for nine of these steroids.The molecules in this series differ by their substituents at C11, C16, C17 and C21, and by a C1-C2 double bond. First we find that, except for the deformable A-ring and side-chain, the optimized structures are in good agreement with the available crystallographic ones.As to the structural influence of substituents, it is of course most evident in their immediate vicinity. More subtle effects which, however, become apparent when one considers the overall shape of the steroid, are discussed in the accompanying paper. In all optimized molecules except prednisolone (Δ1-cortisol). the A-ring is a 1α, 2β-half-chair. The different conformations seen by crystallography are consistent with the distortability of this ring. The rigid B- and C-rings all have similar chair conformations. The D-rings range from a 13β-envelope to a 13β, 14α-half-chair, depending on the substitution. Concerning the side-chain, all optimized molecules exhibit a C13-C17-C20-O20 torsion angle between 70° and 120°. The 17-H-substituted steroids have a mean angle of 79°. This value increases to 101° in the presence of a 17-hydroxyl group.Finally, the energetical curves corresponding to the complete rotation about the C17-C20 bond imposed to the side-chain are all different for the steroids studied. In each molecule, the range of energy changes is relatively small indicating the ability of the molecules to minimize the introduced perturbation. The hypothesis is formulated that receptor binding involves a specific conformation of the side-chain, different from the lowest energy state.  相似文献   

A model is presented that can, in principle, generate new sources and sinks within an existing gradient in the concentration of a morphogen. The novel and crucial feature of the model is that morphogens are transported between cells by membrane-based carrier molecules and not by diffusion. A further aspect of the model is the presence of a second substance within each cell whose concentration is uniform over the tissue; this molecule binds to but is not transported by the carrier and is therefore a competitive inhibitor of the morphogen. The concentration of free inhibitor in a cell determines its fate: if at any time it exceeds some threshold, that cell becomes a morphogen source; if it falls below a second threshold, the cell becomes a sink; in between them, the cell shows no special properties. Provided that differences in morphogen concentration between adjacent cells are not too great, the mechanism is indistinguishable from a normal, diffusion gradient. Examination of the kinetics of the system over a one-dimensional line of cells, however, shows that any stable morphogen difference leads to a carrier imbalance and to a change in the degree of inhibitor binding. If this difference is sufficiently great and if there is morphogen homostasis in each cell, then the free inhibitor concentration in the high morphogen cell may exceed the higher threshold causing it to become a source while the low morphogen cell becomes a sink.A numerical example of the mechanism is given and the results calculated for two-dimensional cellular arrays on either side of a morphogen discontinuity. The predictions match the observations of Wright & Lawrence (1981a, b) on Oncopeltus. These authors showed that, if pieces of epidermis from sufficiently different positions were grafted together in vivo, an ectopic boundary would form with regions of reversed polarity on either side of the join. The ability of the model to explain the regeneration and axial graft observations on hydra is also discussed and some experiments that might test the model are put forward. It is suggested that the significance of the membrane-carrier mechanism in vivo is twofold: first, to interpret the basic segmentation mechanism in embryogenesis by turning its morphogen discontinuities into source-sink pairs and so generating actual boundaries; second, to act as a homeostatic mechanism in later development, thus ensuring the maintenance of boundaries.  相似文献   

Dialectical Anthropology - In this article, we offer an ethnographic and historical analysis of the avocado enclave of Michoacán, Mexico, from a Gramscian theoretical perspective. The apparent...  相似文献   

Differences in light quality penetration within a leaf and absorption by the photosystems alter rates of CO2 assimilation in C3 plants. It is also expected that light quality will have a profound impact on C4 photosynthesis due to disrupted coordination of the C4 and C3 cycles. To test this hypothesis, we measured leaf gas exchange, 13CO2 discrimination (Δ13C), photosynthetic metabolite pools and Rubisco activation state in Zea mays and Miscanthus × giganteus under steady‐state red, green, blue and white light. Photosynthetic rates, quantum yield of CO2 assimilation, and maximum phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity were significantly lower under blue light than white, red and green light in both species. However, similar leakiness under all light treatments suggests the C4 and C3 cycles were coordinated to maintain the photosynthetic efficiency. Measurements of photosynthetic metabolite pools also suggest coordination of C4 and C3 cycles across light treatments. The energy limitation under blue light affected both C4 and C3 cycles, as we observed a reduction in C4 pumping of CO2 into bundle‐sheath cells and a limitation in the conversion of C3 metabolite phosphoglycerate to triose phosphate. Overall, light quality affects rates of CO2 assimilation, but not the efficiency of CO2 concentrating mechanism.  相似文献   

Several experiments have highlighted the complexity of stress interactions, in field conditions, involved in plant response. However, these impacts on the mechanisms involved in plant photosynthetic response remains understudied. The aim of this work was to compare the photosynthetic efficiencies and fruit quality of mango tree (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Ubá harvested from plants cultivated on the east and west sides of a commercial orchard, according to the position of plants in relation to sunrise. Chlorophyll a fluorescence, was analyzed in leaves in four different periods: fruit growth phase, fruit ripening phase, post-harvest period and after plant pruning. Photoinhibitory damage was detected by the trapped energy flux and transported electron flux per reaction center during the fruit ripening phase, and by specific energy fluxes and yield quantum efficiency after plant pruning. Although high radiation caused photoinhibition on leaves from plants cultivated on the west side of the orchard, it provided sweeter fruits. In contrast to our initial hypothesis, it was verified that plants cultivated on the west side of the orchard presented better photochemical performance in periods with the greatest requirements of photoassimilates. In addition, plants demonstrated different abilities to deal with changes on photosynthetic active radiation and high temperature. This information suggests that the phenotypic plasticity of the Ubá mango cultivar is considerable, which can be exploited to be used in regions with great relief variations and the combination of increased irradiance and high temperature.  相似文献   

Tumor uptake rates of 103Ru—chloride were smaller than those for 67Ga—citrate. In three tumors and liver, 103Ru in the mitochondrial fraction containing lysosome increased with time after the administration of 103Ru—chloride. The concentration of 103Ru was more dominant in connective tissue (especially inflammatory tissue) than in viable tumor tissue or in necrotic tissue. Quite large amounts of 103Ru in the tumor and liver were bound to the acid mucopolysaccharide whose molecular masses exceeded 40,000. Behavior of this nuclide was essentially similar to that of 67Ga.  相似文献   

The capacity for HCO3 use by Porphyra leucosticta Thur. in Le Jolis grown at different concentrations of inorganic carbon (Ci) was investigated. The use of HCO3 at alkaline pH by P. leucosticta was␣demonstrated by comparing the O2 evolution rates measured with the O2 evolution rates theoretically supported by the CO2 spontaneously formed from HCO3 . Both external and internal carbonic anhydrase (CA; EC were implied in HCO3 use during photosynthesis because O2 evolution rates and the increasing pH during photosynthesis were inhibited in the presence of azetazolamide and ethoxyzolamide (inhibitors for external and total CA respectively). Both external and internal CA were regulated by the Ci level at which the algae were grown. A high Ci level produced a reduction in total CA activity and a low Ci level produced an increase in total CA activity. In contrast, external CA was increased at low Ci although it was not affected at high Ci . Parallel to the reduction in total CA activity at high Ci is a reduction in the affinity for Ci, as estimated from photosynthesis versus Ci curves, was found. However, there was no evident relationship between external CA activity and the capacity for HCO3 use because the presence of external CA became redundant when P. leucosticta was cultivated at high Ci. Our results suggest that the system for HCO3 use in P. leucosticta is composed of different elements that can be activated or inactivated separately. Two complementary hypotheses are postulated: (i) internal CA is an absolute requirement for a functioning Ci-accumulation mechanism; (ii) there is a CO2 transporter that works in association with external CA. Received: 20 April 1996 / Accepted: 5 August 1996  相似文献   

Tools for Living is a concept which regards a technical aid for a disabled individual as being no different in principle from a tool which allows a normal individual to carry out a task for which his intrinsic biological equipment is inadequate.Acceptance of this concept would change the status, mechanism for provision and attitude towards technical aids, in a direction which would lower the barriers against personal acceptance, particularly in the elderly. It is forecast that the production of ‘tools’ specifically devised to compensate for the performance decrements in the elderly could become an important new branch of industry.  相似文献   

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