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Conclusion Nous avons démontré des échanges assez importants du liquide entre les Abeilles aux températures élevées. Cette répartition est exprimée pour la première fois quantitativement. Nous supposons que c'est un phénomène d'une réaction thermorégulatrice sur le plan social. Nous sommes en train de vérifier si cette réaction crée un microclimat différent autour des Abeilles dans ces conditions expérimentales.  相似文献   

Gerday  Colette  Juan  Caroline  Dubois  Michel  Demoulin  André 《Andrologie》1993,3(1):29-37
L’analyse de 1132 tentatives de FIV montre comment le taux de récolte détermine la fiabilité de l’estimation de l’échec de fécondation. L’étude de 64 couples ayant réalisé plusieurs tentatives dont une au moins s’est soldée par un échec de fécondation montre que 68,7% d’entre eux obtiennent des embryons lors d’une autre tentative. Les embryons replacés ont les mêmes aptitudes d’implantation et de développement que ceux obtenus par 130 couples ayant subi un premier échec d’implantation. Ces résultats sont mis en relation avec ceux obtenus par insémination subzonale après deux échecs de FIV.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous avons procédé à une étude comparative de la cytologie et de l'ultrastructure de l'hypophyse de Rana temporaria durant la métamorphose.Au stade 7 mm, les cellules de l'ébauche hypophysaire présentent les caractéristiques de cellules embryonnaires indifférenciées riches en plaquettes vitellines, gouttelettes lipidiques et grains de mélanine.Le stade 10 mm, est caractérisé par le développement dans la zone présomptive de la pars intermedia des premières cellules glandulaires et l'apparition d'un petit nombre de fibres neurosécrétrices dans la future neurohypophyse.Durant la prémétamorphose, on note dans la pars distalis, la différenciation de cellules acidophiles à grains de 140 à 300 m, localisées dans la région dorsale. Parmi les cellules chromophobes de la région ventrale on distingue une première catégorie de cellules glycoprotidiques à fines granulations (100 à 200 m) (cellules PAS positives). Vers la fin de ce stade, il apparaît dans la zone ventrale une deuxième catégorie de cellules à grains glycoprotidiques volumineux (150 à 400 m) (cellules bleu alcian — PAS positives). Parallèlement, le nombre de fibres neurosécrétrices augmente dans la neurohypophyse. Dans la pars intermedia, les premiers contacts neuroglandulaires s'établissent.Au cours de la prométamorphose, des terminaisons neurosécrétrices caractéristiques aboutissent dans la région de l'éminence médiane. Ces fibres à fines granulations (70 à 130 m) s'opposent à celles de la pars nervosa à granulations neurosécrétrices plus volumineuses 100 à 200 m). Dans la pars distalis on enregistre une augmentation de l'activité glandulaire des différents types cellulaires.Pendant le stade climax, se développe la deuxième catégorie de cellules acidophiles dont les grains mesurent de 130 à 250 m. L'éminence médiane poursuit son développement. A la fin de cette étape, l'hypophyse présente sa structure définitive.La signification fonctionnelle des différentes catégories de cellules adénohypophysaires est discutée.
Development of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria L., electronmicroscopical study
Summary The ultrastructure and cytology of the hypophysis of Rana temporaria has been investigated during the embryonic and larval development.At stage 7 mm the presumptive structure of the hypophysis contains undifferentiated embryonic cells with numerous vitelline platelets, lipid droplets and melanine granules.At stage 10 mm the first granulated cells appear in the presumptive zone of the pars intermedia. A few typical neurosecretory axons reach the diencephalic floor.During the premetamorphic stage, the differentiation of several glandular cell types occurs in the pars distalis. One type of acidophils with granules of 140 to 300 m develops in the dorsal part of the gland. More rostrally glycoprotein containing cells with fine granules, (100 to 200 m), (PAS +), and chromophobes are predominant. During the last phase of the premetamorphosis the first glycoprotein containing cells with voluminous granules (150 to 400 m) (alcian-blue-PAS +), develop ventrally. The number of neurosecretory axons increases in the neurohypophysis; neurosecretory fibers appear also between the glandular cells of the pars intermedia.At the prometamorphic stage characteristic axon terminals with fine neurosecretory granules (70 to 130 m) reach the median eminence. These axons differ in their ultrastructure from those present in the pars nervosa which contain a great number of big neurosecretory granules (100 to 200 m). In the adenohypophysis the glandular activity of the different cell types becomes more pronounced.During the last metamorphic stage (climax) a second acidophilic cell with granules ranging from 130 to 250 m was distinguished in the pars distalis. The median eminence obtains its definite structure.The possible functional significance of the different cell types of the adenohypophysis is discussed.

Avec la collaboration technique de Melle R. O. Scheer.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-eight human remains have been discovered during excavations carried out between 1964 and 2014 in la Caune de l’Arago, in Tautavel, in the Eastern Pyrenees. They come from a detailed stratigraphic context comprising 15 archaeostratigraphic units with human presence, with ages ranging from 550 ka for unit Q at the base, to 400 ka for unit C at the top (OIS 14 to 10). During this long period of time, Man experienced two cold and dry climatic periods (stratigraphic complexes I and III), separated by a humid-temperate period (stratigraphic complex II). Most of the human remains come from units F and G, in stratigraphic complex III, associated with a cold and windy steppic environment. The human remains were mixed with the archaeological material and waste from hunted and consumed fauna. The inventory of human remains comprises a majority of cranial elements, and in particular, the anterior portion of a skull, Arago XXI, discovered on 22 July 1971, which revealed the physical aspect of the first Europeans for the first time. The remains are made up of 5 mandibles, 123 teeth (isolated or still on the alveolar arch), several post-cranial skeletal fragments: 9 upper limb elements, 19 lower limb elements, representing 30 deceased individuals, comprising 18 adults and 12 children. The study of these fossils relates them to Asian and African forms of Homo erectus, as they display common characteristics. This observation raises questions as to the existence of this group in Europe. The contribution of the collection of human fossils from Arago thus presents a threefold interest; paleontological, population-based and behavioural. The multiple remains allow us to assess the biodiversity and the composition of this small population. These remains present original features in comparison to Mauer, the classical Homo heidelbergensis European ancestor. The Arago fossils display archaic characteristics not observed on the Mauer mandible; in particular, the great anteroposterior extension of the convex arch toward the fore, the large proportions of the premolars and of the M2, the high robusticity index of the mandible body, the sub-horizontal alveolar planum and the slightly inclined prominent mylohyoidian line. The face of the skull is not yet reduced to allow for the expansion of the brain, a process which develops at a later stage. The skull is low, with an extended frontal, very marked facial prognathism and a powerful masticatory apparatus with temporal crests and a prominent torus angularis, conveying a pantagonal coronal cross-section, contrasting with the regular convexity observed on the skulls from La Sima de los Huesos and Neanderthals. A comparative analysis with the well-documented population discovered in La Sima de los Huesos shows that the latter fossils are more evolved and are more similar to the Neanderthal shape, and at the same time, not very different from the Mauer mandible. The currently known European human fossils point to the following scenario: Homo georgicus, a similar form to the habilis-rudolfensis group, bearing pre-Oldowan and Oldowan technology, was present at the gateways of Europe approximately 1.8 Ma ago. From 1.2–0.8 Ma onwards, the somewhat fragmentary records from Atapuerca, Elefante, Gran Dolina-TD6, could be related to this first lineage. The first Homo erectus with biface cultures to leave Africa arrived at the gateways of Europe some 1.2 Ma ago, as shown by the discovery of the Kocabaş skull cap in Anatolia, similar to the fossils from Buia in Eritrea and Daka in Ethiopia, dated to about 1 Ma. From 0.55 Ma, the set of 148 human remains, and in particular the skull Arago XXI, point to the presence of a new, well-documented form (distinct from Mauer). We propose to relate these remains to Homo erectus tautavelensis, thereby giving this subspecies a geographic connotation. The morphofunctional and cultural characteristics of Homo erectus tautavelensis represent the stock of a long European lineage, leading to the emergence of Neanderthals.  相似文献   

Résumé 1. Les travaux deSarà (1953) et deBurton (1963) ont remis en question la valeur systématique des caractères morphologiques dans la classification des Eponges Calcaires, et ont proposé de considérer de nombreuses formes connues comme des variétés individuelles et régionales d'espèces très plastiques et variables. Nous avons essayé de préciser, par l'observation directe en plongée libre, la distribution et les préférences écologiques des Calcaires, de définir ainsi les limites naturelles de leurs populations, et d'étudier ensuite la variabilité des caractères morphologiques à l'intérieur de ces populations.2. Nous exposons ici l'exemple des espèces des genresClathrina etAscandra, étudiées en Adriatique, dans les régions de Marseille et de Roscoff. Leur distribution est en rapport direct et très précis avec l'exposition aux vagues et à la lumière, à tel point que sur une surface réduite plusieurs espèces se succèdent et se remplacent en fonction de l'exposition de l'endroit. Dans la règion de Roscoff cette distribution est plus large ce qui est dû aux effets des marées, mais les zones écologique préférentielles pour les espèces deClathrina ont pu être établies en fonction de l'importance de l'apport des sédiments par les eaux côtières.3. La possibilité de définir des populations dont la distribution est très précisemment délimitée malgré une coexistence dans un espace réduit, et qui ne sont pas réliées par les formes transitoires, permet d'éliminer l'hypothèse de la cospécificité de ces populations. Elle permet également d'établir les variations morphologiques possibles au sein d'une espèce, de retenir les caractères significatifs pour la classification, et finalement de distinguer les espèces qui se ressemblent morphologiquement. Dans le cas d'animaux qui, commeClathrina, possèdent très peu de caractères utilisables en systématique, c'est la seule façon de résoudre les problèmes de leur taxonomie.
The importance of research on the ecological distribution for the taxonomy of calcareous sponges
The particular difficulties of the taxonomy of calcareous sponges are due to their great plasticity and their capacity for adaptation which obscure the natural limits of species. An attempt was made to define the natural populations of the Mediterranean species of the generaClathrina andAscandra through a study of their ecological distributions. The populations not connected by the transitory forms were defined by their ecological preferences, and, as they are found in a close cohabitation, were treated as having the specific values. The variability of different morphological features is discussed, the features significant for taxonomy are pointed out and the morphologically close species are defined.

Automatic Selection of clinical Trial based on Eligibility Criteria (ASTEC) project is to automate, so as to make it systematic, the search of cancer clinical trials, by reusing the patient data contained into an oncologic electronic health record. ASTEC project tackles two major scientific challenges for medical informatics: 1) the syntactic and semantic interoperability between information systems. The oncologic electronic medical records and the recruitment decision system must be interoperable. The ASTEC project proposes a framework of syntactico-semantic interoperability based on international standards. Generic methods of mediation and reasoning based on ontologies are developed to match data from the electronic medical records to the inclusion/exclusion criteria of clinical trials; 2) a decision support system for recruitment. We have developed inference methods on the electronic medical records adapted to the data structure as well as the eligibility criteria. this paper, we present and justify our choices, concerning the medical process in oncology and the scientific and technical aspects. Furthermore the system will be evaluated in real time. The aim is to demonstrate a significative improvement of the prescreening rate of patient.  相似文献   

The settlement of Chalcolithic metalworkers of La Capitelle du Broum is a truly outstanding site. The first AMS 14C dating (3rd millennium BC) reveals it as the oldest site in the mining and metallurgy district of Cabrières. It is of the same age as the oldest metallurgy site discovered in continental France (Roquemengarde). It includes, near the prehistoric copper mines already discovered, double-facing dry-stone walls of the Fontbouisse type and a variety of metallurgy structures. Metalworking tools, including one of the very rare ingot crucibles known from this period in Western Europe, are found alongside ceramics typical of the Late Neolithic (Broum type?). To cite this article: P. Ambert et al., C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 67–74.  相似文献   

C. Tosca  L. Labroue 《Plant Ecology》1979,39(3):161-170
Summary Calculations of various diversity indices in seral meadow communities from the Central Pyrenees subalpine zone were based on quantitative vegetational analyses by the point quadrat method. Species richness (S) increased rapidly toward a maximum then decreased markedly with increasing maturation of the meadows. In contrast, equitability measured as the Pielou index first inereases gradualy and then remains on more or less the same level, while decreasing a little in older stages, if not accelered by over-grazing. Not surprisingly, Patten's redundancy measure exibits inverse variations. Since it encompasses both the number of species and the distribution of individuals over the species, the Shannon and Weaver index of diversity behaved in a manner intermediate between richness and evenness. In the two toposequences investigated, diversity and equitability variations were highly correlated with the occurence of monopolistic dominant species.
Nom des plantes suivant P. Fournier (1961) Les quatre flores de France.  相似文献   

The Upper Paleolithic at the region of Tokyo that itself called also the Japanese Preceramic age that possesses a large number of excavations and those studies during the dawn of Paleolithic study in this country. The Preceramic age or the Upper Paleolithic has been raised the curtain by the discovery of a piece in obsidian, in 1949, in the loam of Kantô, at Iwajyuku site. We explain above, on the stratigraphy, the chronology and the situation and the evolution of site around Tokyo. It is a region to the highest density of the Upper Paleolithic sites in the archipelago of Japan and the systematic excavation according to the stratigraphy of loam formation has been done for the first time in the country. The authentic chronology has been proposed to the years 60s that based on the discovered lithic industries on the plateau of Sagamino and Musashino. This chronology was used for a long time that it made a role like a norm for the whole country. Not only, after again an accumulation of the research until the present, we understand the different periodic activities between the Tama hills, the plateau of Musashino, the plateau of Sagamino, the North of Kantô district and the plateau of Simôssa. Of course, there is a complex circumstance that the apparition and the disappearance of various types of lithic instruments are different, and every type tools are not universal around Tokyo area, in the district of Kantô. The final of Upper Paleolithic on the archipelago of Japan divides extensively in two parts East-west that the East of Japan is characterized by the well-organized aspect microlithic tendency and the west is characterized by the trend of microlite, trapeze and tool on transverse blade. In such general tendency, the region of Kantô is located therefore in the center on the archipelago of Japan that it showed sets of every different time.  相似文献   

Résumé Nos recherches au microscope électronique portent sur une structure nerveuse en lamelles découverte pour la première fois dans l'antenne duSpeophyes, qu'on étudie comparativement chez les Coléoptères hypogés et épigés. Nous constatons qu'elle existe à l'extrémité de l'antenne chez toutes les espèces cavernicoles de l'échantillon examiné ainsi que chez plusieurs espèces épigées. Nous n'avons pas rencontré cet organe à l'extrémité de l'antenne de trois espèces épigées; nous ne pouvons cependant pas affirmer qu'il n'existe pas, les articles inférieurs de l'antenne n'ayant pas été examinés. Son plus grand développement chez les espèces cavernicoles laisse supposer une fonction plus spécifiquement adaptée à ce milieu. La structure fine de ces lamelles présentant une étroite similitude avec celle des photorécepteurs, nous avons émis l'hypothèse d'une sensibilité à des rayonnements présents dans la grotte, par exemple au rayonnement infrarouge. Il faut souligner que la nature ciliaire de ces structures est en désaccord avec l'appartenance de l'Insecte à la lignée rhabdomérique.
Comparative study on the lamellated nervous structures in the antenna of certain coleoptera
Summary The lamellated nervous system discovered in the antennae of the beetleSpeophyes, has been comparatively investigated in various hypogeous and epigeous species. It was found in almost all of the species studied in the tip of the antennae. It was, however, not detected in a few of the epigeous forms. Its extensive development in the cave develling species suggests a specific function in this particular environment. The fine structure of the lamellae is closely comparable to that of photosensory cells. Therefore it is assumed that they serve a similar function, i. e. the perception of infrared radiation in the caves. Its ciliary nature does not correspond to the rhabdomeric structure of insect eyes.
Technicienne associée.  相似文献   

Résumé Le Sphaerostilbe repens qui différencie des corémies et des rhizomorphes, est constitué de deux types de mycélium végétatif: l'un aérien, l'autre intramatriciel. Le mycélium immergé se caractérise par une forte dominance apicale, est peu ramifié et se développe plus rapidement que le mycélium aérien. Le mycélium intramatriciel est incapable de s'agréger et le mycélium aérien se différencie faiblement en fournissant essentiellement des corémies. La différenciation complète du thalle exige la continuité physique entre les deux types de filaments. Les deux formes mycéliennes sont interconvertibles. Le mycélium aérien passe sous la forme intramatricielle en atmosphère appauvrie en oxygène et peut se différencier en rhizomorphes si une partie du thalle demeure en aérobiose. Le mycélium intramatriciel, remis au contact de l'air, régénère du mycélium aérien, ce qui s'accompagne d'une stimulation considérable de l'organogenèse. Ceci indique que les hyphes immergées du Sphaerostilbe repens pourraient synthétiser des molécules nécessaires à la différenciation du thalle.
The phytopathogenic fungus, Sphaerostilbe repens which differentiate into coremia and rhizomorphs is composed of two types of vegetative mycelia: one is aerial, the other immersed in the culture medium. Hyphae within the substratum are characterized by a strong apical dominance, are little branched and elongate more rapidly than aerial filaments. Immersed mycelium is unable to aggregate and aerial mycelium differentiates weakly giving rise mainly to coremia. Complete differentiation of the thallus requires physical continuity between both types of hyphae. The two mycelial forms can change into each other. Aerial mycelium turns into immersed mycelium when exposed to oxygen-deficient atmosphere and moreover can differentiate into rhizomorphs if part of the colony is maintained in contact with air. Immersed mycelium transferred to air regenerates aerial mycelium, this change being accompanied by a strong stimulation of organogenesis. This indicates that in Sphaerostilbe repens immersed hyphae might synthetize molecules needed for the thallus differentiation.

This paper deals with the verification of a test of crop seedlings for the determination of the salt tolerance. There is a typical concentration of NaCl in the culture medium above which an enhancement of the free proline content is induced (critical point, critical concentration). The determination of this critical concentration in 19 cultivars of crop plants has proved that plants grown in aride areas (i.e. Hordeum, Triticum durum) have a critical concentration that is by about 50 to 80 mmol l-1 of NaCl higher than that of plants grown in more humid regions (i.e. Triticum aestivum). The critical concentration is not influenced by pH changes of the external solution. Calcium application leads to an enhancement of tolerance. The different increases of growth and fresh mass of salt sensitive and salt tolerant plants selected by this test system proved the aptitude of the critical concentration in culture medium for proline augmentation as a test parameter.  相似文献   



Systemic lupus erythematosus is a non-organ specific auto-immune disease which commonly has haematological manifestations. The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiological aspects of haematological manifestations among 80 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).


A retrospective study of 80 SLE patients covering the period between 1990 and May 2005.


From among the 80 patients with SLE, 70 had haematological manifestations, of which 65 women and 5 men. Average age was 32.41 years. The most commonly-observed haematological manifestation was anaemia (83.75%), followed by bicytopaenia (63.75%) then leukocytopaenia and/or lymphocytopaenia (62.5).  相似文献   



Erectile dysfunction (ED) presents particular profile among retired population. The purpose of this study is to report epidemiological aspects of that ED and analyze its risk factors.


It was a prospective study realized during a 12 months period, in the Centre medico-social of Institution de Prévoyance Retraite in Sénégal (IPRES). All data have been collected thanks to a questionnary that patients had to fill it themselves. Selected patients were at least 55 year-old. Among 552 given questionnary, 537 were selected.


We found that 60,7 % (n=326) of this studied population presented an ED. The mean age of the subjects was 68 ± 6.7 years in the ED group versus 65 ± 6.2 years in the non-ED group. The average duration of tobacco abuse was 24.3 ± 14.4 years. The mean duration of alcohol exposure was 28.6 ± 15.5 years ranging from 3 to 63 years. Diabetes was reported in 67 cases (12.5 %) and 18 (3.3 %) of ED patients have been screened and diagnosted for diabete during the study. The ED lasted in average 4.2 ± 4 years with ranged from 6 months to 20 years.


ED is a good indicator of quality of life. However, psychological disturbances, socioeconomical and medical troubles noted during the period of compulsory retirement have a relevant impact in the appearance or worsening of ED.  相似文献   

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