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During the past ten years, the Antarctic Peninsula has been identified as the most rapidly warming region of the Southern Hemisphere and it is important to place this warming in the context of the natural climate and oceanographic variability of the recent geological past. Many biological proxies, such as marine diatom assemblages, have been used to determine Southern Ocean palaeoceanographic conditions during the Late Quaternary, however, few investigations have attempted to link observations of modern floras with the fossil record. In this study we examine a suite of modern austral spring (December 2003) and summer (February 2002) surface water samples from along the western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) continental shelf and compare these to core-top, surface sediment samples. Using detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) of diatom abundance data we investigate the relationship of contemporary diatom floras with the fossil record. This multivariate analysis reveals that our modern assemblages can be divided into three groups: summer southern WAP sites, summer northern WAP sites, and spring WAP sites. Sea surface temperature (SST) is an important environmental variable for explaining seasonal differences in diatom assemblages between spring and summer, but sea surface salinity (SSS) is more important for understanding temporally-equivalent regional variations in assemblage. Our summer diatom samples are more reminiscent of early season assemblages, reflecting the unusually late sea ice retreat from the region that year. When the modern assemblages are compared to the fossil record, it is clear that most of the important diatoms from the summer assemblage are not preserved into the sediments, and that the fossil record more closely reflects spring assemblages. This observation is important for any future attempts to quantitatively reconstruct palaeoceanographic conditions along the WAP during the Late Quaternary and highlights the need for many more such studies in order to address longer timescales, such as interannual variability, in the context of the fossil record.  相似文献   

刘麟菲  谭冰冰  殷旭旺  张远  孟伟 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6613-6621
2009年8—9月,对辽宁省太子河流域67个点位进行采样调查,以硅藻群落为研究对象,比较硅藻属级水平与种级水平相对多度、物种丰富度以及生物多样性指数间的相关性,并比较硅藻属级与种级属性与环境因子的相关性。实验结果表明,太子河流域硅藻属级水平的相对多度、丰富度和多样性指数与硅藻种级水平都极显著相关。Pearson相关性分析表明,硅藻属级水平的丰富度与环境显著相关的因子与种级水平丰富度与环境显著相关的因子相一致。Mantel-Test相关性分析表明,硅藻属级水平的相对多度与环境因子的相关性弱于种级水平与环境因子相关性。典范对应分析结果显示,影响硅藻属级和种级群落结构分布的主要环境因子均为悬浮物。基于硅藻生物评价指数的流域健康评价结果表明,应用硅藻属级和种级属性对太子河流域进行健康评价,其评价结果相一致。  相似文献   

The recent discovery of large shells. growing by accretion, in the scleritome of the coeloscleritophoran Ha lkieria Poulsen, 1967, prompts the reconsideration of a number of cap-shaped shells in the Lower Cambrian. The scaly shells of Maikhanella Zhegallo, 1982. from Mongolia provide a good starting point, mce they occur together with spicules of siphogonuchitid type and appear to be composed of merged spicules. The shells are phosphatired and consist of two main elements: spicules, typically filled with phosphate. and an intermediate matrix. The associated loose spicules belong to forms that have served as the basis for erection of the genera Siphogonuchites Qian. 1977, and Lopochites Qian, 1977. Maikhanella is prohdbly a junior synonym of one or both of the latter two genera, but taxonomic revision is suspended until the type material of these siphogonuchitid genera has been restudied. and all three genera are left as sciotaxa. Various cap-shaped shells and plates in the Chinese Meishucunian are reinterpreted as shells belonging to coeloscleritophornn scleritoines. Maikhanella shells were formed through the embedding of spicules in secondary calcareous shell zubstance. The skeletogenesis has several similarities with that of molluscs, and together with the polyplacophoran-like features of the Halkieria scleritome this forces a reconsideration of the phylogenetic relationships between coeloscleritophorans and molluscs  相似文献   

Analysis of modern surface sediments from fjords in the Vestfold Hills (Antarctica) indicates that 58% of the variation in benthic diatom assemblages can be attributed to changes in environmental parameters with water depth. Attenuation of light through the water column is suggested to account for 45% of the variation, and the decrease in substrate grain size with depth possibly accounts for a further 13%. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis were used to objectively circumscribe five floral zones between the surface and 35 m depth. The depth distribution of the benthic diatoms was then used to interpret the paleodepth of relict fjord (Holocene) sediments exposed around Deep Lake in the Death Valley (Vestfold Hills). Paleodepths measured from the sea-ice bench around Deep Lake combined with data from grain size analysis indicate that the relict fjord sediments have no analogue amongst the modern fjord sediments sampled in the Vestfold Hills. Without a comparable modern habitat on which to model the diatom depth zones, however, this study was unable to accurately determine the paleowater depth at Deep Lake using diatoms. Paleodepth determination will be possible using grain size analysis and diatom data when the substrate and light requirements of benthic diatoms are understood.  相似文献   

R. J. Flower 《Hydrobiologia》1986,143(1):93-103
The species composition of surface sediment diatom assemblages in 33 Galloway lakes, pH range c. 4.5 to 7.4, is related in a statistically significant manner to water acidity (or to factors closely associated with pH). Predictive models of summer mean pH, using simple regression equations of Index B (Renberg & Hellberg, 1982) with both Scandinavian and Galloway data sets, and multiple regression equations using diatom pH preference groups and individual species, are described and applied to fossil diatoms in six sediment cores. Although multiple regression of individual species gives the highest correlation coefficient (r2=0.87) in the modern data set this method is least appropriate for reconstructing pH values from fossil material where predictor species are often absent. Of the four methods examined here it is suggested that multiple regression of diatom preference groups is probably the most suitable for pH reconstructions from sediment cores.  相似文献   

To justify faunistic comparisons of ambers that differ botanically, geographically and by age, we need to determine that resins sampled uniformly. Our pluralistic approach, analysing size distributions of 671 fossilized spider species from different behavioural guilds, demonstrates that ecological information about the communities of two well-studied ambers is retained. Several lines of evidence show that greater structural complexity of Baltic compared to Dominican amber trees explains the presence of larger web-spinners. No size differences occur in active hunters. Consequently, we demonstrate for the first time that resins were trapping organisms uniformly and that comparisons of amber palaeoecosystem structure across deep time are possible.  相似文献   

The relationship between 16 taxa of chrysophyte scales (Chrysophyceae and Synurophyceae) from the surface sediments of 25 soft-water Norwegian lakes and 16 limnological variables from these lakes was examined using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). The Norwegian chrysophyte flora reported in this study is typical of assemblages described from acidic to circumneutral lakes. Lake-water pH was the environmental variable that explained the most variation in the weighted averages of the chrysophyte taxa, although total aluminium, colour, and specific conductivity were also important. Predictive models were developed to infer lake-water pH based on species composition of chrysophyte scales in the 25 lakes, using weighted averaging regression and calibration with and without tolerance down-weighting. Model performance was evaluated by a computer-intensive bootstrapping procedure to derive root mean squared errors of predictions. In our data set, tolerance corrected weighted average regression and calibration was shown to be a more reliable predictor of pH than simple weighted averaging. This study shows that the remains of chrysophyte scales in Norway can be used as palaeo-biological indicators of lake-water pH.  相似文献   

Diatom assemblages from the topmost sediment of 49 lakes were ordinated by means of a program for detrended correspondence analysis and reciprocal averaging (Decorana). Five lake groups were separated, each having more or less characteristic diatom assemblages and water quality. Shifts from one group to another caused by factors such as acidification, artificial drainage, diffuse nutrient loading and sewage are discussed.  相似文献   

Diatoms are considered as an appropriate indicator group for ecological status assessment of surface waters. These organisms can be indicative not only of the waterchemical but also of the hydro-morphological characteristics (e.g., stream size, physical habitat diversity) of running waters. In this study, diatom diversity metrics (species number, Shannon diversity, and evenness) from 506 sites in Pannon ecoregion (Hungary) were compared to the Strahler stream order system established with ArcView GIS 3.2. SOM analyses were performed to exclude the effect of nutrients on diversity metrics along the stream orders. Mixed-effects linear models and Tukey’s post hoc test revealed a linear relationships between species number, diversity and stream orders on ecoregion level from first- to eighth-order streams. The species number increases with an average of 8%, and the diversity by 10% per unit increase of the stream order. However, we could not find relationships with evenness. Autotrophic diversity metrics based on diatom species data appear to increase parallel with the stream order while those of heterotrophic metrics (published in the literature) maximize at medium stream orders. We argue that stream order is a relevant typological parameter which can basically determine the diatom diversity metrics, and it is well applicable in biomonitoring.  相似文献   

The proportion of the primary electron transport acceptor forphotosystem II(Q) in the oxidized state was estimated usingin vivo fluorescence from populations of the marine diatom Thalassiosirapseudonana. Under nutrient replete conditions, the transitionfrom light-dependent to light-independent development duringthe cell cycle was correlated with a 20% decrease in the amountof Q in the oxidized state. As a consequence, mean redox statuswas correlated with the fraction of the population in the pre-commitmentor light-dependent period of the cycle. Comparison with theresults of other investigators suggests that de-coupling ofphotosynthetic units from the electron transport system linkingphotosystems II and I during the committed or light-independentperiod of the cycle, may be the mechanism controlling the redoxstate of Q.  相似文献   

Response of epilithic diatom assemblages to urbanization influences   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Urbanization has long been recognized to alter the hydrology, water quality and channel form of waterways. Recently, consideration of urban impacts on waterways has expanded to include assessment of the aquatic biota, generally focusing upon the macroinvertebrate fauna. This study compares the impacts of urbanization on the structure of stream benthic diatom communities in 16 first- and second-order streams in the east of Melbourne, Australia. Relationships between the physical elements of urbanization, water quality and diatom communities were examined using multivariate analyses with compositional similarity, and univariate analyses with selected diatom species and indices,. There was a strong negative correlation between urban density and the diatom indices of water quality. The element of urbanization most strongly related to the measured decline in the diatom community was drainage connection. Electrical conductivity was the most influential water quality variable. It is hypothesized that, in addition to increasing electrical conductivity, drainage connection may be impacting the diatom community by increasing the delivery of phosphorus during small storm events. The study suggests that reducing directly piped drainage connection using infiltration and retention is a logical step in the mitigation of urban impacts upon receiving streams. A corollary part of the project indicated strong potential for using overseas diatom indices in studies on water quality in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

Northern lakes, for which we have little long-term data, are predicted to experience profound impacts with greenhouse warming. In order to assess the usefulness of chrysophytes as paleoenvironmental indicators, stomatocysts were enumerated from the surface sediments of 51 Alaskan lakes distributed along a strong climatic gradient. A total of 142 cyst morphotypes were described using light microscopy, of which 13 are believed to be new forms.
Principal components analysis of the stomatocyst assemblages showed a limited amount of variation (Λ1= 0.11, Λ2= 0.09). However, redundancy analysis identified total phosphorus (TP), sodium (Na), and altitude (ALT) as significant variables in terms of their ability to describe the distribution of stomatocysts. Major ion and nutrient concentrations were also found to be strong predictors of diatom variation from the same lake set. In comparison to the diatom assemblages from the same lakes, the cysts were less abundant and showed a lower amount of species variation. Reasons for the lack of variation may be due to the predominance of unornamented and collective category cysts (i. e. cysts which cannot be differentiated under the light microscope).  相似文献   

Q-mode factor analysis (CABFAC) of 38 diatom species in 66 surface sediment samples from the Labrador Sea allowed the definition of six assemblages explaining 95.69% of the total variance. The first assemblage (40.12% of the total variance) is represented by Thalassiothrix longissima, a species characteristic of the Irminger Current and associated with the West Greenland Current. The second assemblage (34.52% of the total variance) is represented by Thalassiosira gravida (resting spores), a cold water species associated with the Labrador Current. A third assemblage (11.43% of the variance) represented by Chaetoceros spp. is concentrated in the northeastern section of the Labrador Sea and associated with upwelling and high productivity. The fourth, the fifth and the sixth assemblages, represented, respectively, by Coscinodiscus marginatus, Coscinodiscus oculus iridis, and Coscinodiscus divisus, and Nitzschia frigida, are less significant and account, respectively, for 4.95, 2.62 and 2.04% of the total variance. Transfer functions derived by relating factor assemblages to surface water temperature and salinity (August and February) give standard errors of estimate of ±0.93°C (August) and ±0.64°C (February) for temperature, and of ±0.58‰ (August) and ±0.45‰ (February) for salinity. High correlations between the measured and estimated parameters confirm the validity of the paleoecological equations for the reconstruction of the Labrador Sea paleoclimate.  相似文献   

A method of graphical analysis of the diatom assemblages’ taxonomic structure allows revealing two main scenarios of their transformations. The first scenario is determined by the external abiotic influence during which the internal ecosystem parameters remain stable. The second scenario is determined by the change in the internal ecosystem parameters and corresponds to the transitional periods in the ecosystem development. The diatom assemblages of the bottom sediments from Lake Boroe (Novgorod oblast) and Lake Glubokoe (Moscow oblast) have been studied. Throughout the entire studied period (the last 500–550 years), only the first scenario was typical of the Lake Boroe ecosystem. As for Lake Glubokoe, we have revealed two periods during which the second scenario occurred and two transitional periods when the second scenario dominated. Thus, the ecosystem of Lake Boroe remained stable during the last 500 years, whereas the ecosystem of Lake Glubokoe underwent serious modifications.  相似文献   

1. Two types of artificial neural networks procedures were used to define and predict diatom assemblage structures in Luxembourg streams using environmental data. 2. Self‐organising maps (SOM) were used to classify samples according to their diatom composition, and multilayer perceptron with a backpropagation learning algorithm (BPN) was used to predict these assemblages using environmental characteristics of each sample as input and spatial coordinates (X and Y) of the cell centres of the SOM map identified as diatom assemblages as output. Classical methods (correspondence analysis and clustering analysis) were then used to identify the relations between diatom assemblages and the SOM cell number. A canonical correspondence analysis was also used to define the relationship between these assemblages and the environmental conditions. 3. The diatom‐SOM training set resulted in 12 representative assemblages (12 clusters) having different species compositions. Comparison of observed and estimated sample positions on the SOM map were used to evaluate the performance of the BPN (correlation coefficients were 0.93 for X and 0.94 for Y). Mean square errors of 12 cells varied from 0.47 to 1.77 and the proportion of well predicted samples ranged from 37.5 to 92.9%. This study showed the high predictability of diatom assemblages using physical and chemical parameters for a small number of river types within a restricted geographical area.  相似文献   

白洋淀硅藻分布及其与水环境的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李亚蒙  赵琦  冯广平  刘海明  王宇飞 《生态学报》2010,30(17):4559-4570
记录了白洋淀不同水域发现的硅藻85个种、变种及未定种,隶属于22个科31个属,其中小环藻属(Cyclotella)、菱形藻属(Nitzschia)、美壁藻属(Caloneis)和舟形藻属(Navicula)等为优势类群。在白洋淀东北部景区水域,以梅尼小环藻(Cyclotellameneghiniana)为主;污染严重的入库河道水域,以半裸具席藻(Sellaphora seminulum)和蓝绿舟形藻(Navicula veneta)为代表;村落水域,以菱形藻属、舟形藻属硅藻为主;航道水域,以颗粒沟链藻(Aulacoseira granulata)为代表;荷塘以弯棒杆藻(Rhopalodia gibba)为代表;而鱼池以菱形藻属硅藻为主。典范对应分析(canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)显示水体总磷浓度(total phosphorus,TP)和pH是影响白洋淀硅藻种群分布的重要因素。利用欧洲硅藻数据库对白洋淀TP和pH做了定量重建,TP为0.13-0.25 mg/L,pH为6.92-7.23,此估测值极为接近实测值。  相似文献   

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