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SUMMARY. A population of the isopod Asellus aquaticus was studied for sixteen months in the organically polluted River Ely. South Wales. There were two complete generations each year. The overwintering population released young (the spring-brood) over the period April-June. These animals in turn produced their own offspring (summer-brood) in late July-October. Each generation died after breeding and the overwintering population was comprised entirely of animals from the summer-brood.
Seasonal patterns of mortality were related to water flow, temperature and life-cycle stage. Individual growth rates were affected by both temperature and life-cycle stage.
Annual population production (P) was 195.68 g wet wt m-2, mean annual biomass (B) was 32.98 g wet wt m-2 and the annual P/B ratio was 5.93.  相似文献   

Diet of feral Xenopus laevis (Daudin) in South Wales, U.K.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

SUMMARY. A population of the glossiphonid leech Helobdella stagnalis was studied over a period of 16 months in the organically polluted River Ely, South Wales. There were two generations each year. The overwintering population released young (the spring-brood) in June. The spring-brood in turn produced their own offspring (summer-brood) in August.
Seasonal patterns of mortality were related to flow, temperature and life-cycle stage. Individual growth rates were dependent upon both temperature and life-cycle stage.
Annual population production (P) was 7.56 g wet wt m-2, mean annual population biomass (B) was 1.43 g wet wt m-2 and the annual P/B ratio was 5.29.  相似文献   

Growth and ageing of feral Xenopus laevis (Daudin) in South Wales, U.K.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The spatial and temporal fluctuations of the phytopigment content, “potential” primary productivity and total biomass of the epipelic algae of the River Wye System were studied during June 1979 to May 1981. Chlorophyll-a and productivity values showed a downstream increase, much less obvious for the total biomass. Phaeophytin-a values followed almost similar spatial and temporal fluctuations to those of chlorophyll-a. High chlorophyll-a productivity and total biomass values were recorded during warmer months due to favourable environmental conditions for algal growth, but lower values during unfavourable winter and flood periods.  相似文献   

The Bacillariophyta dominated over the other phyla and were mainly recorded in high densities during summer and autumn. The Chlorophyta and Myxophyta (Cyanobacteria) were represented by coccoid forms and by non-heterocystous, filamentous forms, respectively. Both were mainly recorded during summer and mostly absent during winter. Other phyla were occasionally recorded in low densities; the Chrysophyta being found in the River Elan and at one site on the River Wye during June 1980. Their members were considered as “contaminants” or “fall-out” from other communities. Pennate diatoms were the most “constant” species and either showed a general upstream or downstream increase or a general distribution throughout the study area. Populations of the same species colonising both sediments and stones were not correlated or insignificantly correlated with each other at most stations. It was concluded that sediments were unsuitable for algal colonisation. The River Elan and upper Wye were rated as oligosaprobic, the River Ithon and lower Wye as β-mesosaprobic and the River Lugg as α-mesosaprobic.  相似文献   

C. E. Cushing 《Hydrobiologia》1967,29(1-2):125-139
Summary An investigation of the periphyton of the Columbia River below the Hanford Atomic Works, Washington, was conducted to study the relationships between productivity, radionuclide uptake, and environmental influences.Best correlations between the four biomass measurements were between dry weight, ash weight, and chlorophyll a. Net Production Rate varied from 0.005 to 0.070 mg dry weight/cm2/day and was closely related to chlorophyll a and also to solar energy.The accumulation of 32P and 65Zn was highly related to dry and ash weight and chlorophyll a. Low correlations were found between radionuclide accumulation and the radioisotope burden of the river. The data suggest that adsorption was the dominant mode of uptake.This paper is based on work performed under United States Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(45-1)-1830.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The results of a survey of the macro-invertebrates of the polluted River Ely, South Wales, are used as a basis for comparing several classification methods which have been used previously in river survey work to determine species groupings. The methods compared are product-moment correlation (clustered by the nearest neighbour technique), Kendall's tau coefficient (clustered by the nearest neighbour and average linkage techniques), and Squared Euclidean-Distance coefficient (clustered by nearest neighbour and Ward's techniques). The species groupings determined by these methods were influenced both by the association coefficient and the technique used to cluster it. Some species were grouped together by all or most of the methods. The ecological validity of these robust groups is examined. A clear recommendation regarding the most appropriate method is frustrated by incomplete knowledge of the ecological requirements of most of the aquatic macro-invertebrates used in the data-set. However, Kendall's tau coefficient clustered by the average linkage technique appeared to produce ecologically meaningful species groups. Product-moment correlation was also reasonably successful and since it is based on absolute abundance data whereas Kendall's tau coefficient is based on relative abundance data, the use of the two together is recommended for determining robust groups.  相似文献   

Studies of the composition and abundance of algae suspended in the water of the River Derwent, Derbyshire, were made during 1983. Samples were collected at intervals of 2–3 weeks from 6 sites on the lower reaches of the river. Variations in both composition and abundance of suspended algae occurred with variations in flow. At the uppermost sites cell densities were generally low (<500 cells ml–1) and the algae consisted mainly of dislodged benthic diatoms. The density in suspension of these algae of benthic origin increased with flow. At downstream sites a true potamoplankton developed; during the summer this consisted chiefly of centric diatoms with Chlorophyta and Cryptophyta. Even at the lowermost site, the maximum recorded density of cells (3 860 cells ml–1) and cell load (30 × 109 cells s–1) were lower in the Derwent than in some other British rivers. However, the cell density could still represent a substantial part (up to 32%) of the total particle density in the river.  相似文献   

Primary productivity of the North Branch of the Raritan River,New Jersey   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Summary Primary production of the North Branch of the Raritan River was measured at three sites by the diurnal oxygen curve method. An effluent of treated domestic sewage entered the river between the uppermost station (I) and the intermediate station (II). Mean gross productivity at Station I from May to September 1962 was 4.7 g O2 m–2 day–1 (n = 8). In contrast, mean productivity from October 1961 1961 to September 1962 at Station II was 9.9 (n = 15), and at Station III it was 11.6 (n = 11). Efficiency of gross production based on estimated energy actually available to the community was from 1–7%.The daily maximum pH of river water was highly correlated with gross production, 24-hr community respiration and net daytime production at Stations II and III. Subject to further testing and refinement this may prove to be a simple but effective estimate of productivity in similar habitats.Chlorophyll a extract of periphyton growing on glass slides and small cement blocks were found to be statistically the same. Enumeration of these algal associations correlated significantly with the chlorophyll a extract at Stations II and III. However, these estimates of standing crop were not statistically correlated with primary production as determined from diurnal oxygen curves.Diatoms were the dominant organisms in most samples. During late summer the net plankton contained many planktonic blue-green algae. The periphytonwas characterized briefly during the spring by Ulothrix.Contribution No. 409 Natural Resources Institute University of Maryland.  相似文献   

The effect of the introduction of fry of anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta L., on the genetic integrity of landlocked brown trout populations was evaluated. Samples were taken from six brown trout populations from streams above impassable waterfalls in the Conwy river system (North Wales, U.K.) in 1989 and 1990. Three of these streams had no known stocking history and three had been stocked with sea trout fry from the lower Conwy system over the last few years. Representatives of these sea trout were collected from two streams in the lower Conwy system and from a hatchery. Allele frequencies at 13 loci, six of which were polymorphic, were determined by starch gel electrophoresis.
The stocked populations were intermediate in their allele frequencies between unstocked brown trout and sea trout samples. A principal component analysis suggested significant numbers of hybrids in all of the stocked streams. This shows that some of the introduced sea trout did not migrate down the falls to the sea, but stayed in fresh water and hybridized with the local population. The significance of this finding for the conservation of the genetic resource of brown trout stocks is discussed.  相似文献   

M. Hickman 《Oecologia》1971,6(3):238-253
Summary The primary productivity and the standing crop of the epipelic algal communities in two small ponds of contrasting nutrient status were measured over a 2 year period. Standing crops reflected the richer nutrient status of the eutrophic Abbot's Pond compared with the oligotrophic Priddy Pool as did the productivity results when the same depth category in both ponds was examined. Production resulted from an interrelationship among light intensity, standing crop size and other variable environmental factors in both pools, however light in Abbot's Pond appeared to be the most important factor in limiting standing crop size and production in the deeper depth categories.  相似文献   

报道了英国英格兰西北部和威尔士北部共 6个岩溶沉积地点苔藓植物群落的研究结果。记载典型钙华苔藓群落 1 0个 ,苔藓种类 9科 1 2属 1 4种 (含变种 ) ;区系地理成分含北温带分布 ( 6 4 .3% )、温带欧洲分布( 1 4 .3% )和世界广泛分布 ( 2 1 .4 % ) 3种类型 ;生活型含高丛集型 ( 7.1 % )、垫状矮丛集型 ( 4 2 .9% )、交织型( 35 .8% )和平埔型 ( 1 4 .2 % ) 4种。根据岩溶沉积环境特征 ,划分该地区苔藓群落为 :泉华苔藓群落、瀑华苔藓群落、洞穴钙华苔藓群落、峭壁钙华苔藓群落和溪流钙华苔藓群落等 5种生态类型。研究地点现代苔藓植物群落钙华沉积作用十分活跃  相似文献   

Movements of native brown trout, Salmo trutta , 1 + and older, were limited with up to 93% of recaptured marked fish occupying sites where previously caught. Movements > 50 m were rare with the majority < 15 m. Between sampling occasions, the population could be separated into a static component and a smaller mobile component but there was no evidence of a permanently mobile group. The proportion of mobile native fish increased after stocking with hatchery-reared trout. Displaced native trout (1 + and older) showed the ability to home from 75 m upstream to 111 m downstream of a release site.  相似文献   

To assess the feeding habits of plaice, Pleuronectes platessa L., and dab, Limanda limanda (L.), within Carmarthen Bay, three sampling techniques were used: benthic trawling and surf-zone push-netting were undertaken during the feeding season for the gut contents of plaice and dab (age groups 0-IV) and of 0-group brill, Scophthalmus rhombus , to be analysed in detail, and a benthic macro-fauna grab survey covered the trawled ground to assess the distribution of food species in relation to gut contents. Plaice consumed commonly-occurring food species whereas dab took any available food. The main items were the same for both species, but secondary food preferences differed. Variations in gut contents within species, for the same sized fish, chiefly resulted from the spatial distribution of fish and not seasonal variations in the benthic macro-fauna. The length and not the age of fish primarily determined the selection of food organisms.  相似文献   

(1) A survey of the macro-invertebrates and fish in the River Cynon, a trout stream in south-east Wales receiving industrial and domestic wastes, and nine of its tributaries, was carried out in the summer of 1970. Its principal purpose was to describe the structure of these communities before waste treatment facilities, in course of construction, reduce the degree of pollution. (2) The macro-invertebrate communities changed dramatically at station C4, there being a very varied fauna upstream and one dominated by chironomids and oligochaetes downstream, principally Nais barbata., Cricotopus bicinctus and Syncricotopus rufiventris. It seems likely that coal particles, influencing the substrate, are largely responsible for this change. Further downstream, and below substantial organic discharges, tubificids and the enchytraeid, Lumbricillus rivalis, became increasingly abundant. The total density of macro-invertebrates increased from about 2000/m2 in the headwaters to over 20,000/m2 in the lower reaches. (3) The fauna of the clean tributaries, Hir (C16) and Wenallt (C19) was similar to that ofthe unpolluted upper reaches ofthe Cynon (C1-C3) whereas that of tributaries affected by coal particles was similar to the fauna of the Cynon downstream of C4. (4) Six species of fish were recorded (bullhead, eel, minnow, trout, stickleback and stoneloach) of which tbree (bullhead, eel and trout) were confined to reaches upstream (C8 and above) of industrial eflluents at Abercwmboi. For 0–8 km downstream of these effluents the river was fishless and further downstream, to the confluence with the River Taff, fish density and biomass were reduced. (5) In the upper Cynon and its tributaries the density and biomass of trout were within the range recorded elsewhere in the British Isles. The growth rate of trout in the catchment is low. Diflerences in growth rate and shape of trout in the main river and tributaries suggest that there is little interchange between these areas, except perhaps with very young fish. 0 + * * The convention of referring to fish in their first year as 0+, in their second year as 1 + and so on is adopted here.
fish were only caught in abundance at two tributary stations and their numbers, even if widely distributed, could not permanently support the current density of older fish throughout the upper catchment. (6) Stone loach and minnow reached a very large size and individuals caught of the latter species approached the maximum recorded length for the British Isles.  相似文献   

A population of Tubifex tubifex in an organically rich stream was found to have an annual life-cycle with a prolonged period of reproductive activity throughout the winter and spring. Cocoons were produced mainly during the late winter and early spring. No cocoons were found during August and September, and there were few mature worms at this time.
The population density ranged between 5420 m−2 in mid-September and 613000 m −2 in mid-May. The maximum population biomass (Bmax) recorded was 106 g dry wt m−2 (March) and the minimum was 10 g dry wt m−2 (September). Total annual production (P) was 139 g dry wt m−2 and the average annual biomass ( B ) was 46 g dry wt m−2 giving an annual P/ B ratio of 3.0, and a P/Bmax ratio of 1.3.  相似文献   

The estuarine system of the Clarence River in northern New South Wales, Australia is examined. Although many such systems in Australia have been placed at risk as a result of human-induced environmental pressure, it is contended that this is not the case with the Clarence River system. Rather it is suggested that perceived environmental threats in this case are the result of particular local environmental cognitions and that actual stress exerted on the system is largely independent of human use.  相似文献   

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