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Four new species of Telenominae of the genera Telenomus and Platytelenomus, collected in the territory of the Ukraine, Hungary, and Japan, were described: Telenomus (T.) bicolorus Kononova, T. (T.) ardens Kononova, (T.) michaylovi Kononova, and Platytelenomus mirabilis Kononova. Brief morphological characteristics of the genera Telenomus and Platytelenomus are given, and some notes concerning biology and geographical distribution of the species are presented. Telenomus (T.) bicolorus differs from all the known species of the genus Telenomus in the two-colored body: head and thorax yellow with brownish tint ventrally, mesothorax and abdomen black. The main distinguishing feature of T. (T.) ardens is its smooth shining body, T. (T.) michaylovi is similar to T. (T.) rudis Kozlov. These species can be distinguished by the structure of their antenna. The second to fourth segments of the antennal clava are transverse in T. (T.) michaylovi and are as long as wide in T. (T.) rudis. In addition, the abdominal stem and abdominal tergite II are smooth and shining, while the abdominal stem in T. (T.) rudis is striate along the entire length, and tergite II is finely striate along half of its length. Platytelenomus mirabilis is closely related to P. danubialis Szelényi, but differs in the strongly flattened body, sculpture of the abdominal stem and tergite II, and coloration of the legs. The thorax of P. mirabilis is 4–5 times as wide as high, the abdominal stem is striate along the entire length, tergite II is striate at the base, and the legs, including coxae, are yellow. The thorax of P. danubialis is 4 times as wide as high, the abdominal stem and tergite II are smooth and shining, and the legs are brown.  相似文献   

The genus Eckhardites Mitta 1999, with the type species Macrocephalites pavlowi Smorodina, 1928 is discussed and its diagnosis and assignment to the family Cardioceratidae are substantiated. Eckhardites is compared to the genus Macrocephalites Zittel (family Sphaeroceratidae), to which some workers presently assign the type species of Eckhardites. Three species of Eckhardites are recorded from the basal Callovian elatmae Zone of the Russian Platform, one of which (E. menzeli (Mönnig)) was originally described from the synchronous beds in Germany. A new species E. dietli sp. nov. is described.  相似文献   

Four new species of Scelionidae of the genera Telenomus (subgenus Telenomus) and Macroteleia (Telenomus (T.) ordanus Kononova, T. (T.) lunatus Kononova, Macroteleia israiliensis Kononova, and M. simutniki Kononova) from Israel are described. T. (T.) ordanus differs from the species of the subgenus Telenomus in the presence of short rugae on abdominal tergite II, smooth and shiny abdominal stem, and yellow legs. T. (T.) lunatus, similar to T. (T.) clavatus Kozlov et Kononova, can be distinguished by the smaller size, finer body sculpture, and sculpture of abdominal tergite II. Macroteleia israiliensis differs from M. rufa Szelényi in the more slender body and its coloration, as well as in the structure of the propodeum. M. simutniki differs from M. aurea Kozlov et Kononova in the wider abdomen and in the antennal structure (the 2nd antennal segment is wider, segments of the antennal club are as long as wide).  相似文献   

The heteromorph ammonites of the family Bochianitidae from the Lower Cretaceous of the Crimean Mountains are revised. The validity of the genus Janenschites, separated from the genus Bochianites is confirmed. The species Bochianites neocomiensis (d’Orbigny), B. goubechensis Mandov, B. levis sp. nov. and B. crymensis sp. nov. are described from the Berriasian and the species Janenschites oosteri (Sarasin et Schöndelmayer) and J. incisus sp. nov. are described from the Lower Barremian. The family Bochianitidae first appeared at the beginning of the Berriasian in the southern regions (Africa and the Crimea), and spread to the northern regions of western Europe in the Valanginian-Hauterivian.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Unispirifer Campbell, U. semicircularis and U. parvus, are established as a result of a revision of Early Carboniferous spiriferids from the Moscow Syneclise. These forms have previously been described under Spirifer tornacensis Koninck, 1883 and S. taidonensis Tolmatschow, 1924.  相似文献   

A new psammosteid, Oredezhosteus kuleshovi gen. et sp. nov., from the Amata Regional Stage (Lower Frasnian) of the Leningrad Region is described. In addition, Psammosteus livonicus Obruchev from beds of the same age from Latvia is included in the new genus. The major diagnostic characters distinguishing Oredezhosteus gen. nov. from Psammosteus Agassiz are the large rounded striated tubercles, which cover more than half width of the branchials, and the long base of the branchial plates.  相似文献   

Five new species of the genus Telenomus, subgenus Telenomus [Telenomus (T.) decoratus Kononova, sp. n., T. (T.) erectus Kononova, sp. n., T. (T.) notus Kononova, sp. n., T. (T.) clarus Kononova, sp. n., and T. (T.) gratus Kononova, sp. n.], collected from the Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Russia (Kunashir Island), are described for the first time. T. (T.) decoratus differs from the species with the mesoscutum bearing parapsidal furrows in the oblong tergite II with alveolate sculpture. T. (T.) erectus is closely related to T. (T.) lachesis Kozlov et Kononova and can be distinguished by the longer thorax and abdominal tergite I with longitudinal rugae. T. (T.) notus differs from the similar T. (T.) erectus in the sculpture and shape of the abdomen and coloration of the legs. T. (T.) clarus differs from T. (T.) lineolatus Kozlov in the sculpture of the frontal depression: granulate in T. (T.) clarus and smooth and lustrous in T. (T.) lineolatus. T. (T.) gratus is similar to T. (T.) atropos; its specific features are the head much wider than long and the smooth and lustrous tergite I.  相似文献   

Species attributed to Scoliocystis Jaekel, 1899, including the type species S. pumila (Eichwald, 1860) and S. thersites Jaekel, 1899 from the Ordovician of the Leningrad Region, are reviewed. Scoliocystis sp. from the Upper Ordovician of Estonia, figured by Hecker (1964), is redescribed as Maennilocystis heckeri gen. et sp. nov. and it is attributed to the family Callocystitidae Bernard, 1895. The genus Scoliocystis is intermediate between the families Cheirocrinidae and Echinoencrinitidae in having five periproct border plates (as in cheirocrinids), but lacking plate R5 and having a reduced oral area, as in echinoencrinitids, but is retained in the Echinoencrinitidae. The similarity of Scoliocystis to the unusual North American cheirocrinid genus Sprinkleocystis is convergent. The genus Gonocrinites Eichwald, 1840, with two species, is restored among echinoencrinitids, as having four periproct border plates, whereas Echinoencrinites sensu stricto has three. The families Echinoencrinitidae and Callocystitidae arose from cheirocrinids with closed plate circlets by the loss of plate R5 and substitution of radial:lateral for radial:radial pectinirhombs. In addition, echinoencrinitids are characterized by a reduced oral area, whereas in callocystitids, the recumbent ambulacra are extensive. Scoliocystis is a stem-group genus to Echinoencrinitidae plus Callocystitidae. Several glyptocystitoid genera independently developed advanced pectinirhombs.  相似文献   

The genus Djanaliparkinsonia Kutuzova, 1975 was originally described as an endemic subgenus of the genus Parkinsonia (family Parkinsoniidae of the superfamily Perisphinctoidea) from the Upper Bajocian (middle member of the Degibadam Formation) of the Gissar Range (Uzbekistan). A new species D. alanica sp. nov. is established from the Upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone (upper member of the Djangura Formation) based on occurrences in the Northern Caucasus (Karachay-Cherkessia). Macroconchs and microconchs of the new species are described from the two localities on the Kuban and Kyafar rivers. Djanaliparkinsonia sp. is identified from the lower subzone of the Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone of the Kyafar River. The species composition and geographic range of Djanaliparkinsonia are expanded: a species previously described from Germany as Garantiana bentzi Wetzel, 1954 also assigned to the genus. The genus Djanaliparkinsonia is assigned to the subfamily Garantianinae of the family Stephanoceratidae (superfamily Stephanoceratoidea).  相似文献   

Two new species of the family Angarosphecidae, Angarosphex saxosus sp. nov. and Vitimosphex vividus sp. nov., from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of northeastern China are described and illustrated. Generic diagnoses are revised. The genera Palaeapis Hong, 1984, Mataeosphex: Zhang, 1985, and Calobaissodes Zhang, 1992 are synonymized under Angarosphex Rasnitsyn, 1975, and new combinations Angarosphex beiboziensis (Hong, 1984), comb. nov., Angarosphex venulosus (Zhang, 1985), comb. nov., and Angarosphex strigosus Zhang, 1992, comb. nov. are proposed. The genus Vitimosphex Rasnitsyn, 1975 is found reaching northeastern China in its distribution. New morphological data are presented to complete characteristics of the genera concerned.  相似文献   

This paper continues our revision of Yu.L. Pelman’s collection of the superfamily Acrotheloidea (phosphatic brachiopods) and of our own material from the Early–Middle Cambrian of the Siberian Platform. The following representatives of the superfamily Acrotheloidea (order Lingulida, class Linguliformea) are restudied and revised based on new techniques: the genus Botsfordia (family Botsfordiidae Schindewolf, 1955) and the genera Acrothele, Eothele, and Orbithele (family Acrothelidae), which are widespread on the Siberian Platform. Only one out of the three Acrothele species described by Pelman is recognized as a valid species, and one new species of this genus that comprises some part of the brachiopods that Pelman figured and placed in another taxon is described. All these species are described using data on shell microsculpture and microstructure. In addition, the genera Eothele and Orbithele are described for the first time from the Siberian Platform.  相似文献   

Based on Yu.L. Pelman’s lingulid collection and our own material, the Early-Middle Cambrian genus Eoobolus, which was widespread on the Siberian Platform, is revised. The Siberian members of this genus have previously been assigned to Lingulella. Two out of these six members are recognized as valid species: Eoobolus siniellus (Pelman) and E. variabilis (Pelman). Lingulella acuta Pelman and L. linguata Pelman are considered here to be junior synonyms of E. priscus (Poulsen, 1932). The valid species are redescribed and their stratigraphic and geographic ranges are given. A new species, E. pelmani sp. nov., is described. New data on the Eoobolus microornamentation and shell structure are provided.  相似文献   

Three new bryozoan species of the order Trepostomata are described from the Tournaisian sedimentary rocks of Azerbaijan (Nakhichevan) and Armenia: Nikiforopora arpaensis sp. nov., Tabuliporella nakhichevanica sp. nov., and Anisotrypa kjarkiensis sp. nov. The sequential change in the bryozoan associations in southern Transcaucasia during the Tournaisian age is considered. Some taxa are shown to belong also to the Early Carboniferous bryozoan assemblages of the shelf seas of the Paleotethys.  相似文献   

A new genus, Boreomica gen. nov., is established; it comprises small-sized gastropods widespread in the Jurassic of the Russian Plate, the taxonomic position of which was ambiguously treated by previous authors. The new genus is assigned to the family Rissoidae. The species composition and stratigraphical and geographical distribution of the genus and its species are discussed. From the Jurassic of the Russian Plate, Callovian Boreomica exigua (Gerasimov, 1992), the type species of the genus, and Kimmeridgian–Volgian Boreomica undulata (Tullberg, 1881), and members of the genus without species status from the Bathonian and Upper Oxfordian are described. Conchological polymorphism of species connected with their eurybiontic characteristics is discussed. Based on the study of samples of the species B. exigua from different types of facies, two subspecies are recognized, B. exigua exigua and B. exigua arenosa subsp. nov. Finds of gastropods morphologically similar to Boreomica are discussed: Katosira? sp. from Mitta et al., 2004, “Procerithium?” volgense Gerasimov, 1955, “Eulima” pusilla Tullberg, 1881, and “Hudlestonella” caleptra sensu Gerasimov, 1992 are considered. It is concluded that E. pusilla and H. caleptra are unknown zygopleurids, Katosira? sp. is likely a poorly preserved Katosira, and “Procerithium?” volgense is represented by a mixture of several species belonging to different genera: several zygopleurid species, the rissoids Boreomica undulata and Bralitzia. Shells of P. volgense in the P.A. Gerasimov’s collection from the Craspedites nodiger Zone are described as Laevipleura sp.  相似文献   

A new species, Eoshumardites popowi Kutygin sp. nov., is described from the Upper Carboniferous of the upper reaches of the Paren’ River in the Gizhiga Province of the Kolyma–Omolon Region. The ontogeny of the sutural and shell morphology of the new species is described. In the level of sutural organization, E. popowi occupies an intermediate position between E. lenensis (Popow) and E. sublenensis Klets. It has been suggested that Eoshumardites evolved from the genus Syngastrioceras rather than Aktubites and, on this basis, a new monotypic endemic family, Eoshumarditidae, has been proposed. This family existed in the Kasimovian synchronously with members of the family Parashumarditidae.  相似文献   

Five new species of sepulcids (Hymenoptera: Sepulcidae) are described from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia and Mongolia (localities Khasurty, Baissa, and Bon-Tsagan). The new species belong to the subfamilies Ghilarellinae and Trematothoracinae: Ghilarella alexialis sp. nov., G. masculina sp. nov., Trematothorax zhangi sp. nov., T. brachyurus sp. nov., and T. extravenosus sp. nov. The genus Trematothoracoides Zhang et al., 2001 (syn. nov.) is synonymized with Trematothorax Rasnitsyn, 1988. A complete list of species of Sepulcidae is provided.  相似文献   

The extinct monotypic ant genus Fallomyrma was described by Dlussky and Radchenko in 2006 based on workers from Late Eocene Rovno (Ukraine), Scandinavian (Denmark), and Bitterfeld (Germany) ambers. Three new Fallomyrma species from the Rovno amber are here described based on workers: F. anodonta sp. nov., F. marginata sp. nov., and F. robusta sp. nov. A key to all known species of this genus is compiled. The quantity ratios (of the numbers of species and specimens) of Fallomyrma and other amber Myrmicinae genera are considered. The opinion of the autochthonous origin of the Rovno amber is confirmed.  相似文献   

This publication is based on recent studies of Lower Cretaceous leaf beetles from the Yixian Formation (Liaoning, China), which are represented by five new species of one new genus Mesolpinus gen. nov. (M. antenattus sp. nov. [type species], M. adapertilis sp. nov., M. angusticollis sp. nov., M. basicollis sp. nov., and M. trapezicollis sp. nov.) assigned to a new tribe, Mesolpinini trib. nov. of the subfamily Chrysomelinae. This tribe, which includes only species from the Jehol biota, is the oldest known group of the family in the fossil record. A key to species of the genus Mesolpinus gen. nov. is provided and the position of the new tribe is discussed. A brief overview of the Mesozoic data on the subfamily Chrysomeloidea is given.  相似文献   

A new family of the order Rhabdomesida, Medvedkellidae fam. nov., is described. This family consists of a new genus, Medvedkella gen. nov., comprising three species transferred from the genus Rhombopora Meek, 1872: the type species M. riasanensis (Schulga-Nesterenko, 1955), M. diaphragmata (Schulga-Nesterenko, 1955), and M. mariae (Dunaeva, 1961). The morphogenesis of the first two species is studied. For the first time axial zooecia are revealed in the suborder Golgdfussitrypina, which existed in parallel with the suborder Rhabdomesina of the order Rhabdomesida. A hypothesis that the new family evolved from the subfamily Nicklesoporinae Gorjunova, 1985 of the family Goldfussitrypidae, 1985 is proposed. Some questions of the ecological adaptation of these bryozoans in the Late Carboniferous marine basin of the East European Platform are discussed.  相似文献   

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