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In the present work, the leaf essential oil from 97 individuals of Juniperus phoenicea var. turbinata (Guss .) Parl . from the Balkan Peninsula was analyzed. The essential oil was dominated by monoterpene hydrocarbons (45.5 – 71.8%), of which α‐pinene was the most abundant in almost all of the samples (38.2 – 55.8%). Several other monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes were also present in relatively high abundances in samples such as myrcene, δ‐3‐carene, β‐phellandrene, α‐terpinyl acetate, (E)‐caryophyllene and germacrene D. Multivariate statistical analysis suggested the existence of three possible chemotypes based on the abundance of the four components. Even though the intrapopulation variability was high, discriminant analysis (DA) was able to separate populations. DA showed high separation between western and eastern populations but also grouped geographically closer populations along the west Balkan shoreline. The potential influence of the climate on the composition of the essential oil was also studied.  相似文献   

The allelopathic effects of Juniperus rigida litter aqueous extract (LE) on wheat and Pinus tabuliformis were studied, as well as the physiological responses to the extract. High concentration LE (0.10 g Dw/ml) significantly inhibited the seed germination and seedling growth in receptor plants. The chlorophyll content and root activity in the wheat seedlings were reduced significantly across all treatments; however, those were more prominently reduced at high concentration (0.10 g Dw/ml) but received little stimulation at low concentration (0.025 g Dw/ml) in P. tabuliformis. The content of malonaldehyde (MDA) increased with increasing concentrations of LE, except at 0.025 g Dw/ml. Activities of antioxidant enzymes (POD, CAT and SOD) in receptor plants were all significantly inhibited at high concentrations but stimulated at low concentrations. These results demonstrate that the aqueous extract from J. rigida litter has allelopathic potential. Various phenolic compounds were identified in litter aqueous extract and litter ethanol extract by HPLC. The phenolic compound content in the aqueous extract was significantly lower than that in the ethanol extract. Chlorogenic acid and podophyllotoxin were the predominant phenolic compounds in both types of litter extracts. These findings suggest that the seed germination and seedling growth of P. tabuliformis and wheat would be inhibited when planted near large amounts J. rigida litter.  相似文献   

Six new diterpenic acids isolated as their methyl ester derivatives, i.e., methyl 12-oxo-8alpha,15-dihydroxyabiet-13-en-19-oate, methyl 12-oxo-8alpha-hydroxyabiet-13-en-19-oate, methyl 15-hydroperoxy-8alpha,12alpha-epidioxiabiet-13-en-19-oate, methyl 15-hydroxy-8alpha,12alpha-epidioxiabiet-13-en-19-oate, methyl 15-hydroperoxy-8alpha,14alpha,12alpha,13alpha-diepoxiabietan-13-en-19-oate, and methyl 7alpha,12beta-dihydroxysandaracopimarate, together with two new isovalerate derivatives of p-methoxycinnamyl alcohol and linalool, were isolated from the leaves of Juniperus thurifera var. africana and Juniperus phoenicea, grown in Morocco. The structures of these compounds were established by using spectroscopic techniques, including 2D NMR spectra. The cytotoxicity of the abietane diterpenoids was tested against five cell lines.  相似文献   

AIMS: The increasing resistance to antifungal compounds and the reduced number of available drugs led us to search therapeutic alternatives among aromatic plants and their essential oils, empirically used by antifungal proprieties. In this work the authors report on the antifungal activity of Juniperus essential oils (Juniperus communis ssp. alpina, J. oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus and J. turbinata). METHODS AND RESULTS: Antifungal activity was evaluated by determination of MIC and MLC values, using a macrodilution method (NCCLS protocols), on clinical and type strains of Candida, Aspergillus and dermatophytes. The composition of the oils was ascertained by GC and GC/MS analysis. All essential oils inhibited test dermatophyte strains. The oil from leaves of J. oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus is the most active, with MIC and MLC values ranging from 0.08-0.16 microl ml(-1) to 0.08-0.32 microl ml(-1), respectively. This oil is mainly composed of alpha-pinene (65.5%) and delta-3-carene (5.7%). CONCLUSIONS: J. oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus leaf oil proved to be an emergent alternative as antifungal agent against dermatophyte strains. delta-3-Carene, was shown to be a fundamental compound for this activity. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Results support that essential oils or some of their constituents may be useful in the clinical management of fungal infections, justifying future clinical trials to validate their use as therapeutic alternatives for dermatophytosis.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and antioxidant activity of essential oils and MeOH extracts of stems, needles, and berries from Juniperus rigida were studied. The results indicated that the yield of essential oil from stems (2.5%) was higher than from needles (0.8%) and berries (1.0%). The gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) analysis indicated that 21, 17, and 14 compounds were identified from stems, needles, and berries essential oils, respectively. Caryophyllene, α‐caryophyllene, and caryophyllene oxide were primary compounds in both stems and needles essential oils. However, α‐pinene and β‐myrcene mainly existed in berries essential oils and α‐ionone only in needles essential oils. The high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis indicated that the phenolic profiles of three parts exhibited significant differences. Needles extracts had the highest content of chlorogenic acid, catechin, podophyllotoxin, and amentoflavone, and for berries extracts, the content of those compounds was the lowest. Meanwhile, three in vitro methods (DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP) were used to evaluate antioxidant activity. Stems essential oil and needles extracts exhibited the powerful antioxidant activity than other parts. This is the first comprehensive study on the different parts of J. rigida. The results suggested that stems and needles of J. rigida are useful supplements for healthy products as new resources.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of 50 samples of leaf oil isolated from Algerian Juniperus phoenicea var. turbinata L. harvested in eight locations (littoral zone and highlands) was investigated by GC‐FID (in combination with retention indices), GC/MS, and 13C‐NMR analyses. The composition of the J. phoenicea var. turbinata leaf oils was dominated by monoterpenes. Hierarchical cluster and principal component analyses confirmed the chemical variability of the leaf oil of this species. Indeed, three clusters were distinguished on the basis of the α‐pinene, α‐terpinyl acetate, β‐phellandrene, and germacrene D contents. In most oil samples, α‐pinene (30.2–76.7%) was the major compound, associated with β‐phellandrene (up to 22.5%) and α‐terpinyl acetate (up to 13.4%). However, five out of the 50 samples exhibited an atypical composition characterized by the predominance of germacrene D (16.7–22.7%), α‐pinene (15.8–20.4%), and α‐terpinyl acetate (6.1–22.6%).  相似文献   

Juniperus sabina L. is an evergreen coniferous shrub, with a widespread distribution in Asia and Europe. It is one of the key species for restoration of the ecosystem in desertification areas. In the present study, we isolated and characterized eight microsatellite loci of this species. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 27, with observed heterozygosity values ranging from 0.256 to 0.744 and expected heterozygosity from 0.276 to 0.939. The markers developed in this study could be useful for population genetics studies of J. sabina.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was the biometrical comparison and ecological analysis of six populations of Juniperus phoenicea complex from the western part of the species' geographic range, each represented by about 30 individuals. This is the first study to include the Sicilian population of J. turbinata sensu stricto. Seven features of the cones and seeds, two of the shoots and leaves and eight ratios were used to describe the individuals and populations which were then compared using statistical methods. Four of the analysed populations (representatives of J. turbinata s.s.) are closely related to each other. The two other populations representing J. phoenicea s.s. appear to be much more variable but on the whole the two taxa treated at a species level seem to be quite distinct from each other. It was also noted that there are two quite different ecologies of these species: the first is typical of the thermomediterranean belt which is only found at high altitudes in the mountains of north Africa, and the second circumscribed to the meso- or supramediterranean belt of western Spain, France and northwestern Italy. In many parts of its coastal distribution, Juniperus turbinata is endangered due to the construction of summer resorts and therefore actions to protect this species are needed.  相似文献   

With a distribution range that covers most of the Northern hemisphere, common juniper (Juniperus communis) has one of the largest ranges of all vascular plant species. In several regions in Europe, however, populations are decreasing in size and number due to failing recruitment. One of the main causes for this failure is low seed viability. Observational evidence suggests that this is partly induced by climate warming, but our mechanistic understanding of this effect remains incomplete. Here, we experimentally assess the influence of temperature on two key developmental phases during sexual reproduction, i.e. gametogenesis and fertilisation (seed phase two, SP2) and embryo development (seed phase three, SP3). Along a latitudinal gradient from southern France to central Sweden, we installed a transplant experiment with shrubs originating from Belgium, a region with unusually low juniper seed viability. Seeds of both seed phases were sampled during three consecutive years, and seed viability assessed. Warming temperatures negatively affected the seed viability of both SP2 and SP3 seeds along the latitudinal gradient. Interestingly, the effect on embryo development (SP3) only occurred in the third year, i.e. when the gametogenesis and fertilisation also took place in warmer conditions. We found strong indications that this negative influence mostly acts via disrupting growth of the pollen tube, the development of the female gametophyte and fertilisation (SP2). This, in turn, can lead to failing embryo development, for example, due to nutritional problems. Our results confirm that climate warming can negatively affect seed viability of juniper.  相似文献   

The composition of Enantia polycarpa Engl . & Diels leaf essential oil has been investigated for the first time using a combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques. The compositions of 52 leaf essential oil samples have been subjected to statistical analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). Four groups were differentiated, of which the compositions were dominated by β‐elemene and germacrene B (Group III, 22/52 samples); germacrene D (Group I, 16/52 samples); β‐cubebene (Group IV, 8/52 samples) and by germacrene B and germacrene D (Group II, 6/52 samples). A special attention was brought to the quantification of the thermolabile components, germacrene A, germacrene B and germacrene C, as well as that of their rearranged compounds, β‐elemene, γ‐elemene and δ‐elemene. 13C‐NMR data of β‐cubebene have been provided.  相似文献   

The genus Thymus (Lamiaceae) comprises about 214 species throughout the world, mainly found in North Africa, Europe, and temperate Asia zone. They are traditionally used as food additives and folk medicines. This review comprehensively summarizes information about traditional uses, chemical constituents, and biological activities of this genus and provides recommendations for future investigations. All information was gathered from scientific databases including Google Scholar, Sci‐Finder, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and CNKI. Volatile oils are the most concerned constituents of this genus. Flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, tannins, organic acids, terpenoids, and phytosterols were also summarized. This genus plants possessed a variety of activities including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti‐inflammatory, cytotoxic, analgesic, and antidiabetic. In brief, this review will be helpful to provide valuable data for explorations and create more interests towards Thymus genus in the future.  相似文献   

  • Many critically endangered plant species exist in small, genetically depauperate or inbred populations, making assisted gene flow interventions necessary for long‐term population viability. However, before such interventions are implemented, conservation practitioners must consider the genetic and demographic status of extant populations, which are strongly affected by species’ life‐history traits. In northwestern Europe, Juniperus communis, a dioecious, wind‐pollinated and bird‐dispersed gymnosperm, has been declining for the past century and largely exists in small, isolated and senescent populations.
  • To provide useful recommendations for a recovery plan involving translocation of plants, we investigated genetic diversity and structure of populations in Belgium using four microsatellite and five plastid single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers.
  • We detected no clonality in the populations, suggesting predominantly sexual reproduction. Populations exhibited high genetic diversity (He = 0.367–0.563) and low to moderate genetic differentiation (FST ≤ 0.133), with no clear geographic structure. Highly positive inbreeding coefficients (FIS = 0.221–0.507) were explained by null alleles, population substructuring and biparental inbreeding. No isolation by distance was observed among distant populations, but isolation at close geographic proximity was found. Patterns were consistent with high historical gene flow through pollen and seed dispersal at both short and long distances. We also tested four pre‐germination treatments among populations to improve germination rates; however, germination rates remained low and only cold‐stratification treatments induced germination in some populations.
  • To bolster population regeneration, introductions of cuttings from several source populations are recommended, in combination with in situ management practices that improve seedling survival and with ex situ propagation.

采用活性追踪和柱层析法,以苹果腐烂病菌、葡萄白腐病菌等为靶标菌,提取、分离、鉴定了龙柏茎叶中抑菌活性成分.结果表明,对龙柏茎叶乙醇提取物的石油醚、乙酸乙酯和正丁醇萃取物活性测定中,石油醚萃取物的活性最高.对石油醚萃取物进行硅胶柱层析,得到一种活性较高的化合物A,对苹果腐烂病菌的EC_(50)为0.862 4 mg/mL.经氢谱(1H-NMR)、碳谱(~(13)C-NMR)和红外等确定了化合物A的结构为4-松香酸.  相似文献   

Two eudesmanes, two abietanes, two podocarpanes and other nine known compounds were isolated from the dried fruits of Juniperus polycarpus var. seravschanica. Their structures were established on the basis of analysis of spectroscopic evidence. Some of the isolated terpenoids showed antimalarial activity.  相似文献   

Ixora is a genus of ca. 400 species in the family Rubiaceae. Since the 1940s, eighty‐one compounds including phenolics, peptides, terpenoids, and sterols have been isolated from six species of the genus Ixora. Pharmacological studies have shown that these compounds and extracts from the Ixora genus have extensive activities, such as antitumor, chemoprotective, and antioxidant activities. In this review, we summarize the phytochemical progress and list the compounds isolated from the genus Ixora. The biological activities of this genus are also covered.  相似文献   

Two new triterpenoids, 3β‐hydroxyoleana‐11,13(18)‐diene‐28,30‐dioic acid ( 1 ) and 3‐oxooleana‐11,13(18)‐diene‐28,30‐dioic acid ( 2 ), one novel triterpenoid glycoside, 3βO‐(6′‐O‐methyl‐β‐d‐ glucuronopyranosyl)oleana‐11,13(18)‐dien‐28‐oic acid ( 3 ) along with six known compounds ( 4  –  9 ) were isolated from the stem bark of Aralia armata (Wall .) Seem . Their structures were elucidated through extensive spectroscopic methods. The herbicidal activities of these compounds against Bidens pilosa L., an invasive weed in P. R. China, were evaluated. Compounds 3 , 5, and 6 exhibited more significant herbicidal activities on B. pilosa than the positive‐control pendimethalin. Their possible use as herbicidal chemicals or model compounds deserved more attention. The effects of compounds 1  –  9 on Spodoptera litura cultured cell line Sl‐1 cell proliferation and its morphology were also evaluated. The results indicated that compounds 1  –  5 affected Sl‐1 cell proliferation. Compound 3 showed more obvious proliferation inhibition activities on Sl‐1 cell than the positive‐control rotenone. With regard to the effect on morphology, compound 2 significantly changed Sl‐1 cell, resulting in cell blebbing and vacuole forming. Triterpenoids aremedicinally and agriculturally important, and cytotoxicity of the three new compounds 1  –  3 deserved further studies.  相似文献   

In continuation of our research program on Mediterranean dietary plants, a bioassay‐guided fractionation of extracts from several accessions of Capparis sicula subsp. sicula and Capparis orientalis aerial parts was carried out. Antilipidemic activity of samples was assayed using inhibition of pancreatic lipase. To study the metabolic variability in Capparis species, HPTLC analyses were performed in order to characterize the species through the detection, isolation, and quantitative evaluation of rutin taken as significant chemical marker. The best activity was exerted by C. orientalis accession no. C10 and C. sicula subsp. sicula accession no. C6. The bioactivity evaluation of specific chemical markers, rutin and glucocapparin, led to the identification of a potent antilipidemic compound rutin. The HPTLC analysis showed large variation among the different analyzed samples with respect to rutin concentration. The chemical investigation showed a different composition between the species and between the collection zones. The variations showed by the studied accessions of caper could be attributed to exogenous factors. Capparis species contained predominantly quercetin rutinoside (rutin), accompanied by other constituents such as the glucosinolate glucocapparin. These rutin‐rich extracts exhibited pronounced dose‐dependent enzyme inhibitory activities toward pancreatic lipase.  相似文献   

Phlegmariurus is a genus of ca. 200 species in the family Huperziaceae. Up to now, six species of the Phlegmariurus genus have been chemically investigated, and 89 compounds, including Lycopodium alkaloids possessing diverse structures and serratane‐type triterpenes, have been isolated. These compounds show potent bioactivities, such as acetylcholinesterase inhibitory and cytotoxic activities.  相似文献   

The dichloromethane extract from leaves of Juniperus brevifolia, through chromatographic fractionations yield six compounds: 3beta-hydroxy-abieta-8,11,13-trien-7-one, 18-hydroxy-sandaracopimara-8(14),15-dien-7-one, sandaracopimara-8(14),15-dien-18-yl formate; and the first examples of sandaracopimaranes and abieta-8,11,13-triene diterpenoids with a large aliphatic chain on C-18, abieta-8,11,13-trien-18-yl hexadecanoate, 7-oxoabieta-8,11,13-trien-18-yl hexadecanoate, sandaracopimara-8(14),15-dien-18-yl hexadecanoate. Moreover fifteen known compounds were also isolated, some of them for the first time identified on Juniperus genus. The compound abieta-8,11,13-trien-18-yl formate is reported for the first time as a natural product. All the structures were established by spectroscopic methods. 2D NMR techniques have allowed the revision of certain previously reported (13)C NMR assignments. Studies on the isolated new compounds showed those possessing a diterpenol ester of a long-chain fatty acid present lipophilicity very distinct from other diterpenoid compounds.  相似文献   

The genus Myrtus L. (Myrtaceae family) comprises two species, Myrtus communis L. (known as common myrtle) growing wild all around the Mediterranean basin and Myrtus nivellei Batt . and Trab . (known as Saharan myrtle), found in central Sahara. Only one country, Algeria, hosts both species, M. communis in the North and M. nivellei in the South. The aim of this review was to collect, summarize, and compare the main results reported relative to the essential oils isolated from aerial parts of both species: botanical aspects, habitat, traditional use, chemical composition, new compounds, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant activity, anti‐inflammatory effect, and insecticidal activity. Both essential oils have potential applications in human health.  相似文献   

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