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Isomeric fluorophenols were used as phenol analogues to investigate the transformation of phenol to benzoate by an anaerobic, phenol-degrading consortium derived from freshwater sediment. Transformation of 2-fluorophenol and 3-fluorophenol led to the accumulation of fluorobenzoic acids. 2-Fluorophenol was transformed in the presence or absence of phenol, while 3-fluorophenol transformation was only observed in the presence of phenol. Identification of the resulting fluorobenzoate products as 3-fluorobenzoate and 2-fluorobenzoate isomers, respectively, together with the nontransformation of 4-fluorophenol indicated that the carboxyl group was introduced para to the phenolic hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts of Pseudomonas sp. strains KB 740 and K 172 both contained high levels of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase when grown anaerobically on benzoate or other aromatic compounds and with nitrate as electron acceptor. These aromatic compounds have in common benzoyl-CoA as the central aromatic intermediate of anerobic metabolism. The enzymatic activity was almost absent in cells grown aerobically on benzoate regardless whether nitrate was present. Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase activity was also detected in cell-free extracts of Rhodopseudomonas, Rhodomicrobium and Rhodocyclus after phototrophic growth on benzoate. Parallel to the induction of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase as measured with ferricenium ion as electron acceptor, an about equally high glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase activity was detected in cell-free extracts. The latter activity was measured with the NAD-dependent assay, as described for the biotin-containing sodium ion pump glutaconyl-CoA decarboxylase from glutamate fermenting bacteria. Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase was purified to homogeneity from both Pseudomonas strains. The enzymes catalyse the decarboxylation of glutaconyl-CoA at about the same rate as the oxidative decarboxylation of glutaryl-CoA. The green enzymes are homotetramers (m=170 kDa) and contain 1 mol FAD per subunit. No inhibition was observed with avidin indicating the absence of biotin. The N-terminal sequences of the enzymes from both strains are similar (65%).  相似文献   

The metabolism of monoaromatic hydrocarbons by an iron-reducing bacterial enrichment culture originating from diesel-contaminated groundwater was examined using d7-propylbenzene as a model hydrocarbon. Sequence analysis of the 16S rDNA gene showed that the dominant part (10 of 10 clones) of the enrichment culture consisted of a bacterium closely related to clones found in benzene-contaminated groundwater and to the iron-reducing -proteobacterium, Rhodoferax ferrireducens (similarity values were 99.5% and 98.3%, respectively). In degradation studies conducted over 18 weeks, d7-propylphenols were detected by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS) as intra-cellular metabolites concomitant with cell growth in the cultures. The amount of propylphenols increased during the exponential growth phase, and by the end of this phase 4 × 10–14 moles of ferric iron were reduced and 3 × 10–15 moles propylphenol produced for every cell formed. During the stationary growth phase the cell density was approximately 107 ml–1, with significantly correlated amounts of propylphenols. Succinate derivates of propylbenzene or phenylpropanol previously shown to be the initial metabolites in the anaerobic degradation of alkylbenzenes could not be identified. This study is the first to report that oxidation of propylbenzene to propylphenols can initiate anaerobic propylbenzene degradation and that iron-reducing bacteria are responsible for this process. In addition, the study shows the importance of taking account of the metabolites adhering to solid phases when determining the extent of biodegradation, so as not to underestimate the extent of the process.  相似文献   

Abstract Fermentative degradation of hydroquinone, catechol, and phenol was demonstrated with nearly-homogeneous mixed methanogenic cultures obtained from freshwater sediments and sewage sludge by enrichment with the respective phenolic substrates. Gram-negative short rods predominated in these cultures, together with hydrogen- and acetate-utilizing methanogens. Acetate and methane were the only degradation products. Bacteria enriched with hydroquinone or catechol also degraded phenol and p -hydroxy-benzoate, but not resorcinol or resorcylic acids. Phenol was formed as an intermediate during catechol and hydroquinone degradation, indicating that reductive dehydroxylation was the primary event in degradation of these substrates. Inhibition experiments with bromoethanesulfonate and acetylene indicated that catechol, hydroquinone, and phenol degradation depended on a syntrophic co-operation of fermenting bacteria and hydrogen-oxidizing methanogens.  相似文献   

Anaerobic phenol degradation has been shown to proceed via carboxylation of phenol to 4-hydroxybenzoate. However, in vitro the carboxylating enzyme was inactive with phenol; only phenylphosphate (phosphoric acid monophenyl ester) was readily carboxylated. We demonstrate in a denitrifying Pseudomonas strain that phenylphosphate is the first detectable product formed from phenol in whole cells and that subsequent phenylphosphate consumption parallels 4-hydroxybenzoate formation. These kinetics are consistent with phosphorylation being the first step in anaerobic phenol degradation. Various cosubstrates failed so far to act as phosphoryl donor for net phosphorylation of phenol in cell extracts. Yet, cells anaerobically grown with phenol contained an enzyme that catalyzed an isotope exchange between [U-14C]phenol and phenylphosphate. This transphosphorylation activity was anaerobically induced by phenol but was stable under aerobic conditions and required Mn2+ and polyethylene glycol. Activity was optimal at pH 5.5 and half-maximal with 0.6 mM Mn2+, 0.2 mM phenylphosphate, and 1 mM phenol. It is proposed that the phenol exchange/transphosphorylation reaction is catalyzed as partial reaction by an inducible phenol phosphorylating enzyme. The isotope exchange demands that a phosphorylated enzyme was formed in the course of the reaction, which might be similar to the phosphotransferase system of sugar transport.  相似文献   

A 4-chlorophenol (4-CP)-degrading bacterium, strain CPW301, was isolated from soil and identified as Comamonas testosteroni. This strain dechlorinated and degraded 4-CP via a meta-cleavage pathway. CPW301 could also utilize phenol as a carbon and energy source without the accumulation of any metabolites via the same meta-cleavage pathway. When phenol was added as a additional substrate, CPW301 could degrade 4-CP and phenol simultaneously. The addition of phenol greatly accelerated the degradation of 4-CP due to the increased cell mass. The simultaneous degradation of the 4-CP and phenol is useful not only for enhanced cell growth but also for the bioremediation of both compounds, which are normally present in hazardous waste sites as a mixture.  相似文献   

A correlation between the rate of ATP synthesis by F0F1 ATP synthase and formate oxidation by formate hydrogen lyase (FHL) has been found in inside-out membrane vesicles of the Escherichia coli mutant JW 136 (Δhyahyb) with double deletions of hydrogenases 1 and 2, grown anaerobically on glucose in the absence of external electron acceptors at pH 6.5. ATP synthesis was suppressed by the H+-ATPase inhibitors N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, sodium azide, and the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Copper ions inhibited formate-dependent hydrogenase and ATP-synthase activities but did not affect the ATPase activity of the vesicles. The maximal rate of ATP synthesis (0.83 μmol/min per mg protein) was determined at simultaneous application of sodium formate, ADP, and inorganic phosphate, and was stimulated by K+ ions. The results confirm the assumption of a dual role of hydrogenase 3, the formate hydrogen lyase subunit that can couple the reduction of protons to H2 and their translocation through membrane with chemiosmotic synthesis of ATP.  相似文献   

Cho YG  Rhee SK  Lee ST 《Biodegradation》2000,11(1):21-28
The effect of the presence of an alternate toxiccompound (phenol) on the p-nitrophenol(PNP)-degrading activity of freely suspended andcalcium alginate immobilized Nocardioides sp.NSP41 was investigated. In the single substrateexperiments, when the concentration of phenol and PNPwas increased to 1400 mg l-1 and 400 mg l-1,respectively, the initial cell concentrations in thefreely suspended cell culture should be higher than1.5 g dry cell weight l-1 for completedegradation. In the simultaneous degradationexperiment, when the initial concentration of phenolwas increased from 100 to 400 mg l-1, thespecific PNP degradation rate at the concentration of200 mg l-1 was decreased from 0.028 to 0.021h-1. A freely suspended cell culture with a highinitial cell concentration resulted in a highvolumetric degradation rate, suggesting the potentialuse of immobilized cells for simultaneous degradation.In the immobilized cell cultures, althoughsimultaneous degradation of PNP and phenol wasmaintained, the specific PNP and phenol degradationrate decreased. However, a high volumetric PNP andphenol degradation rate could be achieved byimmobilization because of the high cell concentration.Furthermore, when the immobilized cells were reused inthe simultaneous degradation of PNP and phenol, theydid not lose their PNP- and phenol-degrading activityfor 12 times in semi-continuous cultures. Takentogether, the use of immobilized Nocardioidessp. NSP41 for the simultaneous degradation of PNP andphenol at high concentrations is quite feasiblebecause of the high volumetric PNP and phenoldegradation rate and the reusability of immobilizedcells.  相似文献   

A bacterial consortium that anaerobically mineralized phenoxyacetate, with transient production of phenol as an intermediate, was obtained from a methanogenic aquifer site near the Norman, OK municipal landfill. This consortium was able to convert the eight halogenated chlorophenoxyacetates tested to the corresponding chlorophenols. The chlorophenols were not subsequently metabolized. The addition of reduced substrates increased the rate of degradation of all chlorophenoxyacetates, with 78% of mono- and di-chlorinated substrates being transformed to chlorophenols in butyrate-amended cultures, compared to less than 37% transformed in unsupplemented cultures. Butyrate increased the transformation of 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetate from 10% to 20%. An experiment evaluating the effects of several compounds on the side-chain cleavage reaction of 3-chlorophenoxyacetate showed that addition of compounds with readily act as hydrogen donors (butyrate, crotonate, ethanol, propionate, and hydrogen) resulted in 2 to 5 times the amount of 3-chlorophenoxyacetate transformed compared to controls with no amendment, formate had a slight stimulatory effect, and acetate and methanol had no effect. Butyrate addition also increased the rate of phenoxyacetate degradation, resulting in transient phenol accumulation not observed in butyrate-unamended controls. These results support the hypothesis that the side-chain cleavage of phenoxyacetate is a reductive process that is stimulated by the oxidation of reduced cosubstrates.  相似文献   

An anaerobic bacterium was isolated from a polluted sediment, with succinate and yeast extract as carbon and energy sources. The new strain was Gram-positive, the cells were coccal shaped, the mol% G+C content of the genomic DNA was 29, and the peptidoglycan was of the L-ornithine-D-glutamic acid type. Comparative sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene showed the new strain to belong to the genus Peptostreptococcus. Succinate, fumarate, pyruvate, 3-hydroxybutyrate and lysine supported growth. Succinate was degraded to propionate and presumably CO2, with a stoichiometric cell yield. Key enzymes of the methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase pathway were present. The methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase activity was avidin-sensitive and sodium dependent, and about 5 mM Na+ was required for maximal activity. Whole cells, however, required at least 50 mM sodium for maximal succinate decarboxylation activity and to support the maximum growth rate. Sodium-dependent energy conservation coupled to succinate decarboxylation is shown for the first time to occur in a bacterium belonging to the group of Gram-positive bacteria containing the peptostreptococci and their relatives.  相似文献   

The imperfect ascomycetous yeastsCandida parapsilosis andArxula adeninivorans degraded 3-hydroxybenzoic acid via gentisate which was the cleavage substrate. 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid was metabolized via protocatechuate. No cleavage enzyme for the latter was detected. In stead of this NADH- and NADPH-dependent monooxygenases were present. In cells grown at the expense of hydroquinone and 4-hydroxygenzoic acid, enzymes of the hydroxyhydroquinone variant of the 3-oxoadipate pathway were demonstrated, which also took part in the degradation of 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid byC. parapsilosis.Abbreviations HHQ Hydroxyhydroquinone (1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene) - GSH reduced Glutathione  相似文献   

[目的]分离并鉴定能够降解除草剂丁草胺的厌氧微生物菌株,研究其厌氧降解丁草胺的特性和代谢途径,为深入研究丁草胺厌氧降解机制提供依据.[方法]以丁草胺为碳源作为选择压力从水稻田土壤中富集驯化丁草胺降解菌,利用16SrRNA基因系统发育分析结合菌株培养特征对降解菌株进行初步鉴定,利用液相色谱-时间飞行质谱(LC-TOF-M...  相似文献   

Benzoate produced from the degradative pathways of various aromatic chemicals is generally recognized as a pollutant compound. However, various bacterial strains isolated as benzoate degraders have exhibited certain limits to their functions, including a loss of viability and degradability when cultivated in a broth medium for a longer time. Accordingly, immobilization techniques have been utilized to overcome such problems, and the current study examined the use of alginate and polyurethane for immobilizingKlebsiella oxytoca C302 to extend its viability and degradability of benzoate. The organism was well encapsulated by both matrices and the immobilized cells showed a high stability as regards their viability and degradability of 2 mM benzoate in a MM2 broth medium during cultivation for longer than 60 h in a semicontinuous batch system.  相似文献   

The bacterial community of anaerobic sludge could degradeo-chlorophenol,p-chlorophenol, and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid at concentrations as high as 100 mg/l. The time needed for the degradation of a given chlorinated phenol derivative increased 1.5- to 2-fold upon a twofold increase in its concentration (from 50 to 100 mg/l). The duration of the adaptation period depended on the compound studied and on its concentration. The degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid proceeded via 2,4-dichlorophenol andp-chlorophenol as intermediates; the degradation ofo-chlorophenol occurred with the formation of phenol. The dynamics ofp-chlorophenol degradation and chloride ion accumulation were studied.  相似文献   

The degradative properties towards chlorobenzoates by a 2-chlorobenzoate-degrading mixed culture (2MC) were investigated. Although 2MC did not grow on 2,3,5-; 2,3,6- and 2,4,6-trichlorobenzoates, it was able to completely oxidise 2,3,5-trichlorobenzoate and 2,5-dichlorobenzoate. This was degraded through the intermediate formation of 4-chlorocatechol and 3-cis,cis-chloromuconate, suggesting a dioxygenation in 1,2 position. 4-Chlorobenzoate; 3,4- and 2,6-dichlorobenzoate; 2,4,6- and 2,3,6-trichlorobenzoate did not undergo any co-metabolic transformation, the only 2,4-dichlorobenzoate was scarcely transformed into a dichlorinated phenol as end-product. 2MC was constituted of three prominent species: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Cupriavidus necator and Flavobacterium sp. Ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase genes (BenA) were retrieved in S. maltophilia and C. necator, indicating the presence of a “modified ortho pathway” in the culture. On the basis of its degradative properties, 2MC could be a good candidate for use in the removal of ortho- and/or meta-chlorobenzoates that are the major end-products of PCB co-metabolism.  相似文献   

Pyridine and its derivatives have been found as pollutants in the environment. Although alkylpyridines constitute the largest class of pyridines contaminating the environment, little information is available concerning the fate and transformation of these compounds. In this investigation ethylpyridines have been used as model compounds for investigating the biodegradability of alkylpyridines. A mixed culture of ethylpyridine-degrading microorganisms was obtained from a soil that had been exposed to a variety of pyridine derivatives for several decades. The enrichment culture was able to degrade 2-, 3-, and 4-ethylpyridine (100 mg/L) at 28° C and pH 7 within two weeks under aerobic conditions. The degradation rate was greatest for 2-ethylpyridine and least for 3-ethylpyridine. Transformation of ethylpyridines was dependent on substrate concentration, pH, and incubation temperature. Studies on the metabolic pathway of 4-ethylpyridine revealed two products; these chemicals were identified by MS and NMR analyses as 4-ethyl-2(1H)-pyridone and 4-ethyl-2-piperidone. 6-Ethyl-2(1H)-pyridone was determined to be a product of 2-ethylpyridine degradation. These results indicate that the transformation mechanism of ethylpyridines involves hydroxylation and reduction of the aromatic ring before ring cleavage.  相似文献   

The removal of phenol by peroxidase-catalysed polymerization was examined using purified Coprinus cinereus peroxidase. The phenol removal efficiency increased with a decrease in the reaction temperature over the range of 0–70 °C, though only a trace of enzyme activity with 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AAP), phenol and hydrogen peroxide was found at 0 °C. The optimum pH value for phenol removal was 9.0, while the enzyme expressed maximum activity at pH 7.5 in the presence of 4-AAP, phenol and hydrogen peroxide. By measuring residual enzyme activity in the polymerizing reaction mixture, it was shown that enzyme inactivation by free radicals was more suppressed at 0 °C than at 40 °C and that the adsorption of the enzyme on the polymerized precipitate was more suppressed at pH 9.0 than that at pH 7.5.  相似文献   

Summary In P. hybrida and B. nigra an enhancement of transformation rates (direct gene transfer) of about six to seven-fold was obtained after irradiation of protoplasts with 12.5 Gy (X-ray). The effect of protoplast irradiation was similar in experiments where protoplasts were irradiated 1h before transformation (X-ray/DNA) or 1h after completion of the transformation procedure (DNA/X-ray). Increased X-ray doses up to 62.5 Gy resulted in further enhancement of percentages of transformed colonies, indicating a correlation between relative transformation frequencies (RTF) and the doses applied. Estimation of degradation rates of plasmid sequences in plant protoplasts yielded a reduction of plasmid concentration to 50% 8–12 h after transformation. In 1-day-old protoplasts, the level of plasmid fragments dropped to 0%–10% compared to 1h after transformation. The results demonstrate that the integration rates of plasmid sequences into the plant genome may in part be governed by DNA repair mechanisms. This could be an explanation for the observed genotypic dependence of transformation rates in different plant species and plant genotypes. Gene copy number reconstructions revealed enhanced integration rates of plasmid sequences in transformed colonies derived from irradiated protoplasts.  相似文献   

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