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Strigolactones(SLs) are a class of plant hormones that control plant development in response to environmental conditions. In rice,mesocotyl elongation is regulated by SLs in the dark, while mesocotyls are longer in SL deficient or insensitive mutants. SLs are perceived by DWARF14(D14), which is a member of a small gene family. In this study, we examined the function of another D14 family gene in rice, D14 LIKE(D14L), focusing on mesocotyl growth. The mesocotyls of D14 L RNAi lines are longer than those of WT in the dark. This phenotype is enhanced when the D14 L RNAi lines are combined with the d14 mutation, suggesting that D14 and D14 L work independently to inhibit mesocotyl elongation. This phenotype is alleviated by the exogenous supply of GR24, a synthetic SL, suggesting that D14 L is not necessary for SL signaling. D14 L m RNA is predominantly expressed in vascular bundles and crown root primordia. Our results suggest that D14 L and D14 confer their effects via an SL independent pathway and an SL signaling pathway respectively.  相似文献   

The uppermost internode is one of the fastest elongating organs in rice, and is expected to require an adequate supply of cell-wall materials and enzymes to the cell surface to enhance mechanical strength. Although it has been reported that the phenotype of shortened uppermost internode 1 (sui1) is caused by mutations in PHOSPHATIDYLSERINE SYNTHASE (OsPSS), the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Here we show that the OsPSS-1, as a gene expressed predominantly in elongating cells, regulates post-Golgi vesicle secretion to intercellular spaces. Mutation of OsPSS-1 leads to compromised delivery of CESA4 and secGFP towards the cell surface, resulting in weakened intercellular adhesion and disorganized cell arrangement in parenchyma. The phenotype of sui1-4 is caused largely by the reduction in cellulose contents in the whole plant and detrimental delivery of pectins in the uppermost internode. We found that OsPSS-1 and its potential product PS (phosphatidylserine) localized to organelles associated with exocytosis. These results together suggest that OsPSS-1 plays a potential role in mediating cell expansion by regulating secretion of cell wall components.  相似文献   

Ethylene and GA3 stimulated internodal elongation in the excisedstem sections of floating rice. The combined application ofethylene and GA3 exerted a cooperative effect on internodalelongation, although the effect was variety dependent. Stimulativeeffect of ethylene on internodal growth in intact floating riceplants was virtually absent when the plants were pre-treatedwith Ancymidol, -cyclopropyl--(4-methoxyphenyl)-5-pyrimidinemethanol, an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis. Submergenceof intact plants, which also induced internodal elongation,had no stimulative effect when the plants were pre-treated withAncymidol. Submergence of intact plants increased the endogenousgibberellin level. The internode of young, intact 9 day oldseedlings responded neither to submergence nor ethylene, butwhen seedlings were pre-treated with GA3 they responded to eitherone. Nodal root development was also enhanced by either ethyleneor GA3. Combined application of ethylene and GA3 exerted a co-operativeeffect on nodal root development. Ancymidol-treated plants didnot produce nodal roots even though they were subjected to submergence,whereas nontreated control plants produced nodal roots normally. (Received September 12, 1984; Accepted February 15, 1985)  相似文献   

<正>Root growth is important for plants to efficiently acquire water and mineral nutrients from soil.Root system architecture(RSA),which is determined mainly by root branching through lateral root formation and root angles,has a significant influence on root growth.Generally,the growth and development of roots are regulated by numerous plant hormones,which respond to external environmental stimulation through com-  相似文献   

This paper describes a technique to monitor the root elongationrate (RER) per hour for several days, and variation in RER duringthe day and night. Rice (Oryza sativaL.) and sorghum (SorghumbicolorMoench) were grown in root boxes placed inside a growthchamber set at 25 °C with a 12 h photoperiod. Seminal rootaxes were sandwiched between a transparent acrylic board andfilter paper placed on a loamy sand soil. The roots were photographedunder dim green light using a CCD camera connected to a timelapse video recorder. The environment of the root, includingtemperature, light, nutrient, water and air supply, was controlledprecisely and maintained constant. RER fluctuated hourly insorghum and to a greater extent in rice. Maximum RERs were 1.4to 4.4 times faster than minimum rates. RERs during the dayand night did not differ statistically when temperatures werethe same.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Company Oryza sativaL., periodicity, root elongation,Sorghum bicolorMoench, time lapse.  相似文献   

短期旱作促进水稻种子根的伸长。利用cDNA—AFLP技术分析种子根根尖在旱作条件下差异表达的基因,同时比较这些基因在种子根尖、侧根和不定根原基区的表达差异。在1640个片段中,70个在种子根根尖中受旱作诱导,其中24个被克隆并测序。2个基因分别编码丙酮酸脱氢酶激酶(PDK)和腺嘌吟转磷酸核糖基酶(APRT),并用电子拼接技术获得水稻的APRT全长cDNA;另一个经cDNA末端快速扩增法延长后仍无同源序列。Northern杂交验证了这3个基因的cDNA—AFLP表达谱。这是首次报告使用cDNA—AFLP技术研究水稻根组织的差异表达基因。  相似文献   

水稻茎伸长生长与植物激素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
季兰  杨仁崔 《植物学报》2002,19(1):109-115
赤霉素(GA)、生长素(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)和乙烯影响水稻茎(或节间)的伸长,其中赤霉素与水稻茎伸长生长的关系最密切。GA1是植物体内刺激茎伸长的至关重要的赤霉素, GA3已作为最常用的外源激素诱导水稻的节间伸长。水稻茎秆的伸长受激素浓度和敏感性的双重控制,激素浓度或敏感性任一方的改变都有可能导致株高的变异。赤霉素如此显著地促进茎的伸长可能与增加细胞分裂和促使细胞壁松弛有关。而生长素主要促进细胞伸长。植物激素促进水稻茎伸长的分子机理的研究已有较大的进展,预期这方面的研究和应用在未来几年内将有新的突破。  相似文献   

水稻茎伸长生长与植物激素   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
季兰  杨仁崔 《植物学通报》2002,19(1):109-115
赤霉素(GA),生长素(IAA),脱落酸(ABA)和乙烯影响水稻茎(或节间)的伸长,其中赤霉素与水稻茎伸长生长的关系最密切。GA1是植物体内刺激茎伸长的至关重要的赤霉素,GA3已作为最常用的外源激素诱导水稻的节间伸长。水稻茎秆的伸受激素浓度和敏感性的双重控制,激素浓度或敏感性任一方的改变都有可能导致株高的变异。赤霉素如此显著地促进茎的伸长可能与增加细胞分裂和促使细胞壁松弛有关。而生长素主要促进细胞伸长。植物激素促进水稻茎长的分子机理的研究已有较大的进展,预期这方面的研究和应用在未来几年内将有新的突破。  相似文献   

Light-Dependent Short-Term Modulations of Elongation in Rice Plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The elongation of rice shoots (Oryza saliva L.) exposed to variouslight conditions was measured using angular movement transducers.Plants growing in continuous light responded to a sudden increasein light fluence rate with a pronounced decrease in the rateof elongation. The growth rate returned to the initial steadystate within 15-60 min, depending on the difference in fluencerate between the continuous and the supplemental light. Whenthe fluence rate was reduced to its original level, the elongationrate rose transiently before returning to the initial value.The inhibition of elongation was fluence dependent, and blueand red light were more effective in reducing the elongationrate than was green or infrared irradiation. Irradiation ofa single tiller affected also other tillers of the same plantwhich were shielded from the light. Measurements of transpirationand water uptake by whole plants and of leaf temperatures indicatedthat the transient changes in growth rates were caused by perturbationsin the water balance of the plant. (Received December 5, 1988; Accepted February 7, 1989)  相似文献   

Actin filaments in plant cells are incredibly dynamic; they undergo incessant remodeling and assembly or disassembly within seconds. These dynamic events are choreographed by a plethora of actin-binding proteins, but the exact mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we dissect the contribution of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PROFILIN1 (PRF1), a conserved actin monomer-binding protein, to actin organization and single filament dynamics during axial cell expansion of living epidermal cells. We found that reduced PRF1 levels enhanced cell and organ growth. Surprisingly, we observed that the overall frequency of nucleation events in prf1 mutants was dramatically decreased and that a subpopulation of actin filaments that assemble at high rates was reduced. To test whether profilin cooperates with plant formin proteins to execute actin nucleation and rapid filament elongation in cells, we used a pharmacological approach. Here, we used Small Molecule Inhibitor of Formin FH2 (SMIFH2), after validating its mode of action on a plant formin in vitro, and observed a reduced nucleation frequency of actin filaments in live cells. Treatment of wild-type epidermal cells with SMIFH2 mimicked the phenotype of prf1 mutants, and the nucleation frequency in prf1-2 mutant was completely insensitive to these treatments. Our data provide compelling evidence that PRF1 coordinates the stochastic dynamic properties of actin filaments by modulating formin-mediated actin nucleation and assembly during plant cell expansion.The actin cytoskeleton provides tracks for the deposition of cell wall materials and plays important roles during many cellular processes, such as cell expansion and morphogenesis, vesicle trafficking, and the response to biotic and abiotic signals (Baskin, 2005; Smith and Oppenheimer, 2005; Szymanski and Cosgrove, 2009; Ehrhardt and Bezanilla, 2013; Rounds and Bezanilla, 2013). Plant cells respond to diverse internal and external stimuli by regulating the turnover and rearrangement of actin cytoskeleton networks in the cytoplasm (Staiger, 2000; Pleskot et al., 2013). How these actin rearrangements sense the cellular environment and what accessory proteins modulate specific aspects of remodeling remain an area of active investigation (Henty-Ridilla et al., 2013; Li et al., 2014a, 2015).Using high spatial and temporal resolution imaging afforded by variable-angle epifluorescence microscopy (VAEM; Konopka and Bednarek, 2008), we quantified the behavior of actin filaments in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) hypocotyl epidermal cells (Staiger et al., 2009). There are two types of actin filament arrays in the cortical cytoplasm of epidermal cells: bundles and single filaments. Generally, actin bundles are stable with higher pixel intensity values, whereas individual actin filaments are fainter, more ephemeral, and constantly undergo rapid assembly and disassembly through a mechanism that has been defined as “stochastic dynamics” (Staiger et al., 2009; Henty et al., 2011; Li et al., 2012, 2015). Elongating actin filaments in the cortical cytoskeleton originate from three distinct locations: the ends of preexisting actin filaments, the side of filaments or bundles, and de novo in the cytoplasm. Plant actin filaments elongate at rates of 1.6 to 3.4 μm/s, which is the fastest assembly reported in eukaryotic cells. Distinct from the mechanism of treadmilling and fast depolymerization in vitro, however, the disassembly of single actin filaments occurs predominately through prolific severing activity (Staiger et al., 2009; Smertenko et al., 2010; Henty et al., 2011). A commonly held view is that the dynamic actin network in plant cells is regulated by the activities of conserved and novel actin-binding proteins (ABPs). Through reverse-genetic approaches and state-of-the-art imaging modalities, we and others have demonstrated that several key ABPs are involved in the regulation of stochastic actin dynamic properties in a wide variety of plants and cell types (Thomas, 2012; Henty-Ridilla et al., 2013; Li et al., 2014a, 2015). Through these efforts, the field has developed a working model for the molecular mechanisms that underpin actin organization and dynamics in plant cells (Li et al., 2015).Profilin is a small (12–15 kD), conserved actin-monomer binding protein present in all eukaryotic cells (dos Remedios et al., 2003). Profilin binds to actin by forming a 1:1 complex with globular (G-)actin, suppresses spontaneous actin nucleation, and inhibits monomer addition at filament pointed ends (Blanchoin et al., 2014). The consequences of profilin activity on actin filament turnover differ based on cellular conditions and the presence of other ABPs. In vitro studies show that the profilin-actin complex associates with the barbed ends of filaments and promotes actin polymerization by lowering the critical concentration and increasing nucleotide exchange on G-actin (Pollard and Cooper, 1984; Pantaloni and Carlier, 1993). When barbed ends are occupied by capping protein, profilin acts as an actin-monomer sequestering protein. These opposing effects of profilin might be a regulatory mechanism for profilin modulation of actin dynamics in cells. In addition to actin, profilin interacts with Pro-rich proteins, as well as polyphosphoinositide lipids in vitro (Machesky et al., 1994). Formin is an ABP that mediates both actin nucleation and processive elongation using the pool of profilin-actin complexes (Blanchoin et al., 2010). The primary sequence of formin includes a Pro-rich domain, named Formin Homology1 (FH1). Evidence from fission and budding yeast shows that profilin can increase filament elongation rates by binding to the FH1 domain (Kovar et al., 2003; Moseley and Goode, 2005; Kovar, 2006). The FH1 domain of Arabidopsis FORMIN1 (AtFH1) is also reported to modulate actin nucleation and polymerization in vitro (Michelot et al., 2005). Recently, two groups reported that profilin functions as a gatekeeper during the construction of different actin networks generated by formin or ARP2/3 complex in yeast and mammalian cells (Rotty et al., 2015; Suarez et al., 2015). These studies highlight the importance of profilin regulation in coordinating the different actin arrays present in the same cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. However, direct evidence for how profilin facilitates formin-mediated actin nucleation or barbed end elongation in cells remains to be established.Genomic sequencing and isolation of PROFILIN (PRF) cDNAs from plants reveal that profilin is encoded by a multigene family. For example, moss (Physcomitrella patens) has three isovariants (Vidali et al., 2007) and maize (Zea mays) has five (Staiger et al., 1993; Kovar et al., 2001). In Arabidopsis, at least five PRF genes have been identified (Christensen et al., 1996; Huang et al., 1996; Kandasamy et al., 2002). Studies in maize show that the biochemical properties of profilin isoforms differ in vitro (Kovar et al., 2000). Moreover, the localization of profilin isoforms reveals organ-specific expression patterns. Detection of protein levels in vivo with isovariant-specific profilin antibodies demonstrate that Arabidopsis PRF1, PRF2, and PRF3 are constitutively expressed in vegetative tissues, whereas PRF4 and PRF5 are expressed mainly in flower and pollen tissues (Christensen et al., 1996; Huang et al., 1996; Ma et al., 2005).Several genetic studies on the functions of profilin in plants have been conducted. Reduction of profilin levels in P. patens results in the inhibition of tip growth, disorganization of F-actin, and formation of actin patches (Vidali et al., 2007). Moreover, it was shown that the interaction between profilin and actin or Pro-rich ligands is critical for tip growth in moss. Arabidopsis PRF1 has been demonstrated to be involved in cell elongation, cell shape maintenance, and control of flowering time through overexpression and antisense PRF1 transgenic plants, and further, the reduction of PRF1 inhibits the growth of hypocotyls (Ramachandran et al., 2000). However, investigation of a prf1-1 mutant, which contains a T-DNA insertion in the promoter region of the PRF1 gene, indicates that cell expansion of seedlings is promoted and that protein levels of PRF1 are regulated by light (McKinney et al., 2001). Recently, Müssar et al. (2015) reported a new Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion allele, prf1-4, that shows an obvious dwarf seedling phenotype. To date, however, there has not been a critical examination of the impact of the loss of profilin on the organization and dynamics of bona-fide single actin filaments in vivo.Here, we use a combination of genetics and live-cell imaging to investigate the role of PRF1 in the control of actin dynamics and its effect on axial cell expansion. We observed a significant decrease in the overall filament nucleation frequency in prf1 mutants, which is opposite to expectations if profilin suppresses spontaneous nucleation. Through a pharmacological approach, we found that nucleation frequency in wild-type cells treated with a formin inhibitor, SMIFH2, phenocopied prf1 mutants. We also analyzed the dynamic turnover of individual filaments in prf1 mutants and observed a significant decrease in the rate of actin filament elongation and maximum length of actin filaments. Specifically, we found that PRF1 favors the growth of a subpopulation of actin filaments that elongate at rates greater than 2 μm/s and similar results were obtained in cells after SMIFH2 treatment. Our results provide compelling evidence that Arabidopsis PRF1 contributes to stochastic actin dynamics by modulating formin-mediated actin nucleation and filament elongation during axial cell expansion.  相似文献   

Ca2+ has been proposed to mediate inhibition of root elongation. However, exogenous Ca2+ at 10 or 20 millimolar, applied directly to the root cap, significantly stimulated root elongation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) seedlings. Furthermore, Ca2+ at 1 to 20 millimolar, applied unilaterally to the caps of Alaska pea roots, caused root curvature away from the Ca2+ source, which was caused by an acceleration of elongation growth on the convex side (Ca2+ side) of the roots. Roots of an agravitropic pea mutant, ageotropum, responded to a greater extent. Roots of Merit and Silver Queen corn also responded to Ca2+ in similar ways but required a higher Ca2+ concentration than that of pea roots. Roots of all other cultivars tested (additional four cultivars of pea and one of corn) curved away from the unilateral Ca2+ source as well. The Ca2+-stimulated curvature was substantially enhanced by light. A Ca2+ ionophore, A23187, at 20 micromolar or abscisic acid at 0.1 to 100 micromolar partially substituted for the light effect and enhanced the Ca2+-stimulated curvature in the dark. Unilateral application of Ca2+ to the elongation zone of intact roots or to the cut end of detipped roots caused either no curvature or very slight curvature toward the Ca2+. Thus, Ca2+ action on root elongation differs depending on its site of application. The stimulatory action of Ca2+ may involve an elevation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ in root cap cells and may participate in root tropisms.  相似文献   

The spore germination rates on water agar of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus fasciculatus were highest at water potentials of −4 to −6 bars. Root exudates from plants grown in a sterile nutrient solution, with or without phosphorus, did not affect germination. Root exudates collected from 2-, 4-, and 6-week-old Trifolium repens cv. `Ladino' seedlings that were deprived of P enabled hyphal growth from germinated Glomus fasciculatus spores of 21.4, 14.7, and 7.6 mm, respectively. Hyphal elongation in the presence of exudates from plants grown with P, or in the absence of exudates, was negligible (<1 mm). Root P at 2 weeks was not significantly different between plants grown with and without P. There were no significant differences between the quantities of exudates from plants grown with or without P at 2, 4, and 6 weeks. The data suggest that it is the quality of exudates from plants experiencing P deprivation that is important in stimulating vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphal elongation.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of 4,4,4-trifluoro-3-(indole-3-)butyric acid (TFIBA), a recently described root growth stimulator, and 5,6-dichloro-indole-3-acetic acid (DCIAA) on growth and microtubule (MT) organization in roots of Lactuca sativa L. DCIAA and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) inhibited root elongation and depolymerized MTs in the cortex of the elongation zone, inhibited the elongation of stele cells, and promoted xylem maturation. Both auxins caused the plane of cell division to shift from anticlinal to periclinal. In contrast, TFIBA (100 micromolar) promoted elongation of primary roots by 40% and stimulated the elongation of lateral roots, even in the presence of IBA, the microtubular inhibitors oryzalin and taxol, or the auxin transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid. However, TFIBA inhibited the formation of lateral root primordia. Immunostaining showed that TFIBA stabilized MTs orientation perpendicular to the root axis, doubled the cortical cell length, but delayed xylem maturation. The data indicate that the auxin-induced inhibition of elongation and swelling of roots results from reoriented phragmoplasts, the destabilization of MTs in elongating cells, and promotion of vessel formation. In contrast, TFIBA induced promotion of root elongation by enhancing cell length, prolonging transverse MT orientation, delaying cell and xylem maturation.  相似文献   

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