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Vitamin A is stored as retinyl esters (REs) in lipid droplets of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). To date, two different pathways are known to facilitate the breakdown of REs: (i) Hydrolysis of REs by neutral lipases, and (ii) whole lipid droplet degradation in autolysosomes by acid hydrolysis.In this study, we evaluated the contribution of neutral and acid RE hydrolases to the breakdown of REs in human HSCs. (R)-Bromoenol lactone (R-BEL), inhibitor of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) and patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 3 (PNPLA3), the hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) inhibitor 76-0079, as well as the serine-hydrolase inhibitor Orlistat reduced neutral RE hydrolase activity of LX-2 cell-lysates between 20 and 50%. Interestingly, in pulse-chase experiments, R-BEL, 76-0079, as well as Orlistat exerted little to no effect on cellular RE breakdown of LX-2 cells as well as primary human HSCs. In contrast, Lalistat2, a specific lysosomal acid lipase (LAL) inhibitor, virtually blunted acid in vitro RE hydrolase activity of LX-2 cells. Accordingly, HSCs isolated from LAL-deficient mice showed RE accumulation and were virtually devoid of acidic RE hydrolase activity. In pulse-chase experiments however, LAL-deficient HSCs, similar to LX-2 cells and primary human HSCs, were not defective in degrading REs.In summary, results demonstrate that ATGL, PNPLA3, and HSL contribute to neutral RE hydrolysis of human HSCs. LAL is the major acid RE hydrolase in HSCs. Yet, LAL is not limiting for RE degradation under serum-starvation. Together, results suggest that RE breakdown of HSCs is facilitated by (a) so far unknown, non-Orlistat inhibitable RE-hydrolase(s).  相似文献   

Relative retinyl ester hydrolase activities of pig liver homogenates (n = 4) toward 9,13-cis-, 13-cis-, 9-cis-, and all-trans-retinyl palmitate were 6.8 +/- 0.5 (SE), 5.7 +/- 0.5, 2.4 +/- 0.1, and 1, respectively. The range of apparent Km values for the four isomers was 142 to 268 microM, and the pH optima were 8-9 in all cases. Peak activities of retinyl ester hydrolase activities in pig liver cytosol toward 13-cis- and all-trans-retinyl palmitate were found in the 20 to 40% and in the 60 to 80% saturated ammonium sulfate (AS) fractions, respectively. By use of size-exclusion chromatography in 2 M KCl, hydrolase activity eluted at volumes corresponding to greater than 2000, 180, and 15 kDa from the 20-40% AS fraction, and at 180 kDa from the 60-80% AS fraction. On the basis of molecular size, different substrate specificities, detergent effects, and susceptibilities to inhibition by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, we conclude that at least three distinct retinyl ester hydrolases are present in pig liver cytosol.  相似文献   

A soluble high molecular weight lipoprotein complex containing retinyl esters and unesterified retinol was isolated from rat liver cytosol. This material accounts for about 10% of the total liver retinyl compounds, and its protein moiety accounts for about 0.1% of the protein of the liver homogenate and about 0.7% of the cytosol protein. The lipoprotein was purified by gel filtration and hydroxyapatite chromatography. The lipoprotein complex gave a single band by electrophoresis on cellulose acetate as judged by both lipid- and proteinspecific stains. The lipoprotein complex did not dissociate into smaller subunits in low ionic strength buffer (1 mm sodium phosphate, pH 7.7). The retinyl ester lipoprotein complex has an absorption spectrum with peaks at 328 nm (retinyl chromophore) and 258 nm. Retinyl compounds in the carrier lipoprotein complex do not show an increase of the quantum yield of fluorescence and do not show energy transfer when excited at either 258 or 280 nm. There is no induced optical activity of the retinyl chromophore absorption band. The lipoprotein complex contains about 3% (by weight) of retinyl compounds, 96% of which are retinyl esters and 4% of which are unesterified retinol. The lipoprotein complex consists of about 66% (by weight) lipids, about 30% protein, and some 4% carbohydrate. There are at least 15 polypeptide chains ranging in size from about 2 × 104 to about 2.1 × 105Mr. Retinyl compounds in the lipoprotein complex are stable for at least 3 months in 0.05 m phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, at 4 °C. Stability was judged from the total amount of retinyl esters plus unesterified retinol. Retinyl compounds of the lipoprotein complex were unstable below pH 6.4 or in the presence of 1 m NaCl.  相似文献   

A new sensitive method for the assay of retinyl ester hydrolase in vitro was developed and applied to liver homogenates of 18 young pigs with depleted-to-adequate liver vitamin A reserves. Radioactive substrate was not required, because the formation of retinol could be adequately quantitated by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Optimal hydrolase activity was observed with 500 μM retinyl palmitate, 100 mM 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate, and 2 mg/ml Triton X-100 at pH 8.0. The relative rates of hydrolysis of six different retinyl esters by liver homogenate were: retinyl linolenate (100%), myristate (99%), palmitate (47%), oleate (38%), linoleate (31%), and streate (29%). The enzyme was found primarily in the membrane-containing fractions of liver (59±3%, S.E.) and kidney (76±3%), with considerably lower overall activity in kidney (57–375 nmol/h per g of tissue) than in liver (394–1040 nmol/h per g). Retinyl ester hydrolase activity in these pigs was independent of serum retinol values, which ranged from 3 to 24 μg/dl, and of liver vitamin A concentrations from 0 to 32 μg/g. Pig liver retinyl ester hydrolase from the rat liver enzyme in its substrate specificity, bile acid stimulation, and interanimal variability.  相似文献   

Visual sensation in vertebrates is triggered when light strikes retinal photoreceptor cells causing photoisomerization of the rhodopsin chromophore 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal. The regeneration of preillumination conditions of the photoreceptor cells requires formation of 11-cis-retinal in the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Using the intrinsic fluorescence of all-trans-retinyl esters, noninvasive two-photon microscopy revealed previously uncharacterized structures (6.9 +/- 1.1 microm in length and 0.8 +/- 0.2 microm in diameter) distinct from other cellular organelles, termed the retinyl ester storage particles (RESTs), or retinosomes. These structures form autonomous all-trans-retinyl ester-rich intracellular compartments distinct from other organelles and colocalize with adipose differentiation-related protein. As demonstrated by in vivo experiments using wild-type mice, the RESTs participate in 11-cis-retinal formation. RESTs accumulate in Rpe65-/- mice incapable of carrying out the enzymatic isomerization, and correspondingly, are absent in the eyes of Lrat-/- mice deficient in retinyl ester synthesis. These results indicate that RESTs located close to the RPE plasma membrane are essential components in 11-cis-retinal production.  相似文献   

Vertebrate opsins in both photoreceptors and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) have fundamental roles in the visual process. The visual pigments in photoreceptors are bound to 11-cis-retinal and are responsible for the initiation of visual excitation. Retinochrome-like opsins in the RPE are bound to all-trans-retinal and play an important role in chromophore metabolism. The retinal G protein-coupled receptor (RGR) of the RPE and Müller cells is an abundant opsin that generates 11-cis-retinal by stereospecific photoisomerization of its bound all-trans-retinal chromophore. We have analyzed a 32-kDa protein (p32) that co-purifies with bovine RGR from RPE microsomes. The co-purified p32 was identified by mass spectrometric analysis as 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase (cRDH), and enzymatic assays have confirmed the isolation of an active cRDH. The co-purified cRDH showed marked substrate preference to 11-cis-retinal and preferred NADH rather than NADPH as the cofactor in reduction reactions. cRDH did not react with endogenous all-trans-retinal bound to RGR but reacted specifically with 11-cis-retinal that was generated by photoisomerization after irradiation of RGR. The reduction of 11-cis-retinal to 11-cis-retinol by cRDH enhanced the net photoisomerization of all-trans-retinal bound to RGR. These results indicate that cRDH is involved in the processing of 11-cis-retinal after irradiation of RGR opsin and suggest that cRDH has a novel role in the visual cycle.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of 11-cis-retinol in the retinal pigment epithelium requires two consecutive enzymatic reactions. The first involves the esterification of all-trans-retinol by lecithin retinol acyltransferase (LRAT). The second reaction involves the direct conversion of an all-trans-retinyl ester into 11-cis-retinol by an isomerase-like enzyme. This latter reaction couples the free energy of hydrolysis of an ester to the thermodynamically uphill trans to cis conversion, thus providing the energy to drive the latter process. In this paper both enzymes are studied with respect to their substrate specificities to provide information on mechanism. The isomerase is shown to be highly specific with respect to the ionylidene ring system and substitution at C15, whereas sterically bulkier substituents at C9 and C11 are permitted. C5 and C13 demethyl retinoids are isomerized, removing from consideration isomerization mechanisms involving C-H abstraction at the C5 or C13 methyl groups of the retinoid. On the other hand, C9 demethyl retinoids are not isomerized. A C-H abstraction mechanism is unlikely at the C9 methyl group as well, because no kinetic deuterium isotope effect is found with all-trans-19,19,19-trideuterioretinoids and isomerization of unlabeled retinoids occurs without the incorporation of deuterium when the isomerization is performed in D2O. LRAT proved to be broadly specific for retinols but was relatively inert with other hydrophobic alcohols including cholesterol. The enzyme is also highly specific for phosphatidylcholine analogues versus other potential membranous acyl donors such as phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine.  相似文献   

To elucidate the possible role of 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase in the visual cycle and/or 9-cis-retinoic acid biosynthesis, we generated mice carrying a targeted disruption of the 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase gene. Homozygous 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase mutants developed normally, including their retinas. There was no appreciable loss of photoreceptors. Recently, mutations in the 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase gene in humans have been associated with fundus albipunctatus. In 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase knockout mice, the appearance of the fundus was normal and punctata typical of this human hereditary ocular disease were not present. A second typical symptom associated with this disease is delayed dark adaptation. Homozygous 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase mutants showed normal rod and cone responses. 11-cis-Retinol dehydrogenase knockout mice were capable of dark adaptation. At bleaching levels under which patients suffering from fundus albipunctatus could be detected unequivocally, 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase knockout animals displayed normal dark adaptation kinetics. However, at high bleaching levels, delayed dark adaptation in 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase knockout mice was noticed. Reduced 11-cis-retinol oxidation capacity resulted in 11-cis-retinol/13-cis-retinol and 11-cis-retinyl/13-cis-retinyl ester accumulation. Compared with wild-type mice, a large increase in the 11-cis-retinyl ester concentration was noticed in 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase knockout mice. In the murine retinal pigment epithelium, there has to be an additional mechanism for the biosynthesis of 11-cis-retinal which partially compensates for the loss of the 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase activity. 11-cis-Retinyl ester formation is an important part of this adaptation process. Functional consequences of the loss of 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase activity illustrate important differences in the compensation mechanisms between mice and humans. We furthermore demonstrate that upon 11-cis-retinol accumulation, the 13-cis-retinol concentration also increases. This retinoid is inapplicable to the visual processes, and we therefore speculate that it could be an important catabolic metabolite and its biosynthesis could be part of a process involved in regulating 11-cis-retinol concentrations within the retinal pigment epithelium of 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase knockout mice.  相似文献   

During biosynthesis of ether lipids, fatty alcohols may add covalently to ene-diol esters that would result from isomerization of acyl-dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Palmitoylation of 1,2,3-trihydroxyeicosane 1-phosphate, obtained by epoxidation of the product obtained by vinyllithiation of octadecanal, yields stable analogs of the high-energy intermediates that would be expected to result from alcohol addition. These analogs, in which an alkyl group replaces the ether alkoxyl group of the intermediates, inhibit formation of hexadecyl-dihydroxyacetone phosphate in a microsomal system from Ehrlich ascites cells. The parent compound is without effect.  相似文献   

Approximately 25% of postprandial retinoid is cleared from the circulation by extrahepatic tissues. Little is known about physiologic factors important to this uptake. We hypothesized that lipoprotein lipase (LpL) contributes to extrahepatic clearance of chylomicron vitamin A. To investigate this, [3H]retinyl ester-containing rat mesenteric chylomicrons were injected intravenously into induced mutant mice and nutritionally manipulated rats. The tissue sites of uptake of 3H label by wild type mice and LpL-null mice overexpressing human LpL in muscle indicate that LpL expression does influence accumulation of chylomicron retinoid. Skeletal muscle from mice overexpressing human LpL accumulated 1.7- to 2.4-fold more 3H label than wild type. Moreover, heart tissue from mice overexpresssing human LpL, but lacking mouse LpL, accumulated less than half of the 3H-label taken up by wild type heart. Fasting and heparin injection, two factors that increase LpL activity in skeletal muscle, increased uptake of chylomicron [3H] retinoid by rat skeletal muscle. Using [3H]retinyl palmitate and its non-hydrolyzable analog retinyl [14C]hexadecyl ether incorporated into Intralipid emulsions, the importance of retinyl ester hydrolysis in this process was assessed. We observed that 3H label was taken up to a greater extent than 14C label by rat skeletal muscle, suggesting that retinoid uptake requires hydrolysis.In summary, for each of our experiments, the level of lipoprotein lipase expression in skeletal muscle, heart, and/or adipose tissue influenced the amount of [3H]retinoid taken up from chylomicrons and/or their remnants.  相似文献   

Glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a complex glycolipid structure that acts as a membrane anchor for many cell-surface proteins of eukaryotes. GPI-anchored proteins are particularly abundant in protozoa such as Trypanosoma brucei, Leishmania major, Plasmodium falciparum and Toxoplasma gondii, and represent the major carbohydrate modification of many cell-surface parasite proteins. Although the GPI core glycan is conserved in all organisms, many differences in additional modifications to GPI structures and biosynthetic pathways have been reported. Therefore, the characteristics of GPI biosynthesis are currently being explored for the development of parasite-specific inhibitors. In vitro and in vivo studies using sugars and substrate analogues as well as natural compounds have shown that it is possible to interfere with GPI biosynthesis at different steps in a species-specific manner. Here we review the recent and promising progress in the field of GPI inhibition.  相似文献   

Inhibition of rat intestinal retinyl ester hydrolase by alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and phylloquinone (vitamin K1) was non-competitive. Maximum inhibition occurred within 10 min, and, particularly with alpha-tocopherol, was substantially reversible. Consequently, increasing tissue concentrations of retinyl esters, which might occur with advancing age or changes in diet, would not diminish the effects of the inhibitors. These data further support the notion that alpha-tocopherol may, at physiological concentrations, influence the concentration of vitamin A and its ester in tissues.  相似文献   

11-cis-Retinol dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of cis-retinols, a rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of 9-cis-retinoic acid. It is also active toward 3alpha-hydroxysteroids, and thus might be involved in steroid metabolism. To better understand the role of this enzyme, we produced stable transfectants expressing 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. In vitro enzymatic assays have demonstrated that, with an appropriate exogenous cofactor, the enzyme catalyzes the interconversion of 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol and dihydrotestosterone and that of androsterone and androstanedione. However, using intact transfected cells, we found that the enzyme catalyzes reactions only in the oxidative direction. Thus, it is possible that 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol (an inactive androgen) can be converted into dihydrotestosterone, the most potent androgen, by the action of 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase. This reaction could constitute a non-classical pathway of production of active androgens in the peripheral tissues. We also showed that all-trans-, 9-cis- and 13-cis-retinol inhibit the oxidative 3alpha-hydroxysteroid steroid activity of 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase with similar K(i) values. Since all-trans-retinol is a precursor of cis-retinols, its inhibitory effect on the activity suggests that it could play an important role in modulating the formation of 9-cis-retinoic acid. In addition, we examined the effect of several known enzyme modulators, namely carbenoxolone, phenylarsine oxide and phosphatidylcholine, on 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase activity. Taken together, our results suggest that, in humans, this enzyme might play a role in the biosynthesis of both 9-cis-retinoic acid and dihydrotestosterone.  相似文献   

p-Nitrophenyl N-butyl, N-octyl, and N-dodecyl carbamates and a newly synthesized diethyl phosphate compound were studied as potential inhibitors of the cholesteryl ester hydrolases of Fu5AH rat hepatoma cells. Whole homogenates of Fu5AH cells were used as an enzyme source for the assay of cholesteryl ester hydrolase activity. All four compounds led to marked inhibition (70-80%) of neutral cholesteryl ester hydrolase activity (assayed at pH 7) at concentrations where the activity of acid cholesteryl ester hydrolase (assayed at pH 4) was unaffected. Cholesteryl ester hydrolysis was also evaluated in intact cultured cells induced to accumulate cholesteryl esters in cytoplasmic lipid droplets by exposure to cholesterol-rich phospholipid dispersions. Hydrolysis was then assessed during subsequent incubations in the presence of an inhibitor of cholesterol esterification. All compounds caused significant inhibition of cholesterol ester hydrolysis with the diethyl phosphate being the most effective. At a concentration that caused greater than 90% inhibition of the hydrolysis of cytoplasmic cholesteryl esters, the compound had only a minimal effect on lysosomal hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters. These results suggest that diethyl phosphates and N-alkylcarbamates may be of value in future studies on the substrate specificities, regulation, and physiological role(s) of cholesteryl ester hydrolases.  相似文献   

Carboxyl ester lipase (CEL; EC hydrolyzes cholesteryl esters and retinyl esters in vitro. In vivo, pancreatic CEL is thought to liberate cholesterol and retinol from their esters prior to absorption in the intestine. CEL is also a major lipase in the breast milk of many mammals, including humans and mice, and is thought to participate in the processing of triglycerides to provide energy for growth and development while the pancreas of the neonate matures. Other suggested roles for CEL include the direct facilitation of the intestinal absorption of free cholesterol and the modification of plasma lipoproteins. Mice with different CEL genotypes [wild type (WT), knockout (CELKO), heterozygote] were generated to study the functions of CEL in a physiological system. Mice grew and developed normally, independent of the CEL genotype of the pup or nursing mother. Consistent with this was the normal absorption of triglyceride in CELKO mice. The absorption of free cholesterol was also not significantly different between CELKO (87 +/- 26%, mean +/- SD) and WT littermates (76 +/- 10%). Compared to WT mice, however, CELKO mice absorbed only about 50% of the cholesterol provided as cholesteryl ester (CE). There was no evidence for the direct intestinal uptake of CE or for intestinal bacterial enzymes that hydrolyze it, suggesting that another enzyme besides CEL can hydrolyze dietary CE in mice. Surprisingly, CELKO and WT mice absorbed similar amounts of retinol provided as retinyl ester (RE). RE hydrolysis, however, was required for absorption, implying that CEL was not the responsible enzyme. The changes in plasma lipid and lipoprotein levels to diets with increasing lipid content were similar in mice of all three CEL genotypes. Overall, the data indicate that in the mouse, other enzymes besides CEL participate in the hydrolysis of dietary cholesteryl esters, retinyl esters, and triglycerides.  相似文献   

Retinoids are required for normal embryonic development. Both embryonic retinoid deficiency and excess result in congenital malformations. There is little understanding of the physiology underlying retinoid transfer from the maternal circulation to the embryo. We now report studies that explore this process using retinol-binding protein-deficient (RBP-/-) mice and mice that express human RBP on the RBP-/-) background. Our studies establish that dietary retinoid, bound to lipoproteins, can serve as an important source for meeting tissue retinoid requirements during embryogenesis. Indeed, retinyl ester concentrations in the circulations of pregnant RBP-/- mice are significantly elevated over those observed in wild-type mice, suggesting that lipoprotein retinyl esters may compensate for the absence of retinol-RBP during pregnancy. We also demonstrate, contrary to earlier proposals, that maternal RBP does not cross the placenta and cannot enter the fetal circulation. Overall, our data indicate that both retinol-RBP and retinyl esters bound to lipoproteins are able to provide sufficient retinoid to the embryo to allow for normal embryonic development.  相似文献   

Retinyl ester lipoprotein complex from rat liver was shown to possess a retinyl esterase activity toward its own ligand complement. In the presence of serum albumin the retinyl esterase activity at 30 °C was about fivefold larger than the activity at 4 °C, while higher temperatures than 30 °C led to some degradation of retinyl compounds. The pH optimum was 7.8. The esterase activity was markedly enhanced by serum albumin although the serum albumin as such had no retinyl esterase activity. In the presence of serum albumin and under optimal conditions, some 75 to 80% of the total retinyl ester complement of the lipoprotein was hydrolyzed in 24 h. The retinyl esterase activity was totally abolished by treatment with the serine esterase inhibitor diisopropyl fluorophosphate (1.4 × 10?4 M), by treatment with sulfhydryl reagents, and by detergents (0.2% of Tween 80 and sodium deoxycholate). From this series of experiments it was concluded that the retinyl ester lipoprotein complex possesses the additional physiological function of hydrolyzing its own retinyl ester complement to unesterified retinol which may then combine with serum retinol-binding protein.  相似文献   

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