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阮得孟  孙勇  程嘉伟  刘大伟  鲁长虎 《生态学报》2015,35(16):5437-5448
沿海湿地是鸟类重要的栖息地,人类活动导致的湿地生境变化对鸟类群落造成了一定的影响。在盐城自然保护区新洋港河口内,人类活动大体上导致了由陆向海方向,形成芦苇沼泽、农田、鱼塘和滩涂4种不同干扰程度的生境。分别在不同生境中设置3条长3 km的样线,对越冬鸟类的种类、数量进行了调查,运用多响应置换过程测试、指示种分析、双向聚类分析和除趋势对应分析等统计方法,研究了不同生境中冬季鸟类的指示物种、群落结构及梯度变化,结果表明:1)4种生境共记录鸟类67种,其中鱼塘生境的鸟类种类最多,为37种;滩涂生境的D'多样性指数在各生境不同时段中为最高,芦苇沼泽生境的H'多样性指数在各生境不同时段中为最高。与其余生境比较,芦苇沼泽、滩涂的均匀度也更高。生境间的差异性与鸟类群落的组成有关。2)MRPP分析表明,芦苇沼泽、农田生境的鸟类组成差异不显著(P0.05);其余组合各生境间的鸟类组成具有显著差异。灰鹤等9种鸟类可分别作为4种不同生境的指示种。3)双向聚类分析法把12种观测条件分为4大类,与生境划分非常吻合。在剩余信息40%水平上,鸟类可聚为7类。利用12种观测条件作为变量进行DCA排序的结果表明,鸟类类群在轴1上可以分为3个集群,分别为适应开阔水域环境的鸟类、依赖水生植被环境的鸟类和依赖陆地植被环境的鸟类。根据结果分析,生境异质性、干扰程度及潮水涨落等与鸟类多样性组成有密切关系;不同生境具有明显的指示种;鸟类群落结构为适应生境变化而出现一定的梯度变化。应加强芦苇沼泽的保护,在开垦农田、鱼塘和在光滩引入互花米草时应考虑到人类活动对鸟类多样性的影响。  相似文献   

1.  The challenge of climate change forces us to re-examine the assumptions underlying conservation planning.
2.  Increasing 'connectivity' has emerged as the most favoured option for conservation in the face of climate change.
3.  We argue that the importance of connectivity is being overemphasized: quantifying the benefits of connectivity per se is plagued with uncertainty, and connectivity can be co-incidentally improved by targeting more concrete metrics: habitat area and habitat quality.
4.   Synthesis and applications . Before investing in connectivity projects, conservation practitioners should analyse the benefits expected to arise from increasing connectivity and compare them with alternative investments, to ensure as much biodiversity conservation and resilience to climate change as possible within their budget. Strategies that we expect to remain robust in the face of climate change include maintaining and increasing the area of high quality habitats, prioritizing areas that have high environmental heterogeneity and controlling other anthropogenic threatening processes.  相似文献   

Pselaphine beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) are cosmopolitan, species‐rich, and yet poorly studied, particularly in the tropics. We sampled beetles in three types of primary forest and two types of disturbed forest habitats in eastern Thailand to assess the utility of pselaphine beetles as bioindicators of forest disturbance. We simultaneously measured leaf litter mass, soil moisture, soil acidity and canopy cover at each site to infer which environmental factors affect pselaphine beetle diversity and abundance. At each site, pselaphine beetles were extracted from ten 1 m2 samples of leaf litter and soil with Tullgren funnels. We sampled 1867 adult beetles representing six supertribes, 51 genera and 114 morphospecies; 7% of the genera and 92% of the species were undescribed. Forest types differed significantly in species richness, abundance, diversity and evenness. Primary forest had greater numbers of species and individuals, and higher diversity indices (H′). Teak plantation and secondary forest had substantially fewer individuals and species of pselaphine beetles. Species composition differed between primary and degraded forests. Canopy cover, soil moisture, and leaf litter mass positively correlated with beetle species richness and abundance. Leaf litter mass and soil moisture were the two most important factors affecting the diversity of pselaphine beetle assemblages. Among the 114 morphospecies collected, 43 morphospecies were specific to two or three habitats and 64 morphospecies were found only in a single habitat. Thus pselaphine beetles appear to have rather narrow habitat requirements and their presence/absence was correlated with environmental differences. These traits make pselaphine beetles a suitable bioindicator taxon for assessing forest litter diversity and monitoring habitat change.  相似文献   

1. Britain is unusual in the quantity and quality of species and habitat data available, at both national and regional scales. This paper reviews the sources, coverage and quality of these data. 2. Habitat and species data are used by conservation agencies in England, Scotland and Wales for site selection and for monitoring habitat quality. The paper argues, however, that neither habitat data nor species distribution data on their own are sufficient to locate and monitor habitats for nature conservation purposes effectively. 3. Differences in sampling methodologies between habitat and species surveys present methodological difficulties for the development of an integrated monitoring system that uses both types of data. These problems need to be overcome if habitat and species data are to be used more effectively for nature conservation in the wider countryside. 4. A more integrated system based on the concept of biotope occupancy is proposed and discussed. The implementation of the system would assist with understanding those factors that explain observed patterns in species distribution and diversity, thereby helping to improve the effectiveness of policies for nature conservation.  相似文献   

生物多样性编目与监测是我国各级自然保护区的基础工作。本研究收集整理了四川王朗国家级自然保护区2004—2019年基于实地调查与观测的鸟类记录,数据来源包括公众科学活动、红外相机调查和自动录音记录。共记录鸟类16目55科271种,其中,东洋界物种147种(54.24%),古北界物种94种(34.69%),广布种30种(11.07%);留鸟165种(60.89%),冬候鸟14种(5.17%),夏候鸟67种(24.72%),旅鸟22种(8.12%),迷鸟3种(1.11%);国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物5种:鸡形目Galliformes雉科Phasianidae斑尾榛鸡Tetrastes sewerzowi、红喉雉鹑Tetraophasis obscurus、绿尾虹雉Lophophorus lhuysii和鹰形目Accipitriformes鹰科Accipitridae胡兀鹫Gypaetus barbatus、金雕Aquila chrysaetos;国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物23种;列入世界自然保护联盟红色名录的10种,列入中国脊椎动物红色名录的34种。结果表明,保护区鸟类区系组成总体上具有南北混杂...  相似文献   

国土空间规划背景下, 生态保护红线是在生态空间的现有基础上提出管控要求, 但其与各类生态空间的管控要求之间是否兼容以及如何协调, 仍需要梳理。本研究首先将生态空间划分为自然和管理两大属性和宏观、中观和微观三个层次进行类型体系梳理; 然后, 基于管控视角, 从管理目标、管控内容与管控强度三方面着重探讨13类生态空间与生态保护红线的差异。在管控目标方面, 两者的支持与调节目标兼容度较高, 供给与文化目标定位差异较大; 在管控内容方面, 差异主要表现在培育修复类和人工利用类; 在管控强度方面, 生态保护红线两级管控强度和生态空间三级管控强度不完全匹配。建议以“两大属性三个层次”系统完善生态空间类型体系, 从管理目标、管控内容与管控强度三方面进行生态空间管控要求体系化构建; 进一步完善生态保护红线管控内容和管控强度, 使其与对应的各类生态空间管控要求更好地协调。  相似文献   

云南苍山火烧迹地不同恢复期地表蜘蛛群落多样性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
马艳滟  李巧  冯萍  杨自忠 《生态学报》2013,33(3):964-974
为了解云南苍山针阔混交林火烧迹地恢复过程地表蜘蛛群落多样性变化,于2009年1月份-2009年12月份,运用陷阱法,以“空间序列代替时间序列”,调查了苍山森林火干扰后不同恢复期样地(火干扰后2、10、18、23、33a和对照样地)地表蜘蛛多样性.研究结果表明,(1)物种组成及相对多度:不同恢复期随着恢复时间的增加优势类群更替趋势明显;(2)多样性:恢复1Oa样地地表蜘蛛群落多度显著大于其他恢复期(P<0.05),而不同恢复期地表蜘蛛物种多样性却没有显著差异;(3)群落相似性:PCoA相似性分析将地表蜘蛛群落发展过程划分为火烧后2a、火烧后10a和火烧后18-33a 3个阶段;(4)指示物种:西菱头蛛Sibianor sp.1等是阶段1的指示物种,格氏狼蛛Lycosa grahami等是阶段2的指示物种,花蟹蛛Xysticus sp.2等是阶段3的指示物种,弱蛛Leptoneta sp.1等是对照的指示物种.火干扰改变了苍山针阔混交林原有的地表蜘蛛群落多样性;指示物种对生境的选择能够反映出不同恢复阶段地表环境变化;5个不同恢复时期火烧迹地中恢复最久的火烧迹地地表蜘蛛群落仍没有完成恢复,说明云南苍山火迹地地表蜘蛛的恢复需要30a以上.  相似文献   

汶川地震灾区生物多样性热点地区分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
徐佩  王玉宽  杨金凤  彭怡 《生态学报》2013,33(3):718-725
汶川地震灾区位于长江上游,是我国大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)的主要分布区,被保护国际认定的25个全球生物多样性热点地区之一.2008年5月12日发生的汶川大地震导致该区域生态环境遭受严重破坏,需要识别生物多样性热点地区,指导灾后生物多样性保护.选取物种生境质量、植被景观多样性指数和物种多样性指数作为评价指标,其中生境质量采用InVEST生物多样性模型计算,然后利用空间相关分析中G系数进行热点地区分析,探测出灾区生物多样性的热点区,并在此基础上与现有保护区分布、物种生境分布以及Marxan模型计算出的优先区进行对比验证.结果显示:热点区范围涉及到现有76%的保护区,且保护区内的热点区面积达到灾区所有保护区面积的55%;在选取的69个指示物种中有60个物种位于热点区的生境面积占这些物种在灾区的总生境面积的50%以上,有32个物种在80%左右,热点区内的所有指示物种生境总面积占整个灾区指示物种生境总面积的70%以上.基于空间相关分析方法得出的热点地区基本上与Marxan模型输出的优先保护区范围结果基本一致.但空间相关分析的热点区划分克服了Marxan模型优先保护区分布过于离散,孤岛效应明显的不足.  相似文献   

The diatom flora in the lower Damour River, a small coastal river in Lebanon, was studied during 1981. The study area included the Damour estuary and a tributary, the el-Hamam River. Achnanthes minutissima was the most abundant diatom in the flora. Other dominant taxa included Nitzschia dissipata and Navicula cryptocephala var. veneta in the spring and Anomoeoneis vitrea in the fall. The diatom community structure was characterized by 1 or 2 dominant taxa, a few common and many rare taxa, but the taxa in these categories varied according to season and locality. The freshwater flora had a group of 20 taxa which were widely distributed in the study area throughout the study period. These taxa, in addition to a few taxa of more restricted seasonal occurrence, were the major contributers to the flora and are characteristic of this river system. Certain aspects of the flora were resistant to change. Others were more sensitive to environmental conditions. The estuarine flora reflected brackish conditions beginning in June and extending through October.  相似文献   

Land snails are an important yet often neglected component of Australia's biological diversity. Despite high levels of diversity within this group and the identification of many narrow range endemic species as being of conservation concern, there have been few detailed studies that document the ecology and conservation requirements of the group. A range of threats has been suggested, yet relatively few have been rigorously assessed. Whilst factors such as land clearing are readily apparent and have resulted in extinctions, other threats such as climate change are not well understood. This paper reviews studies conducted on terrestrial molluscs in Australia and highlights the need for further targeted ecological research, given the likely level of on-going threats. We urge researchers to apply rigorous approaches to data collection that will enable a deeper understanding of the factors governing distribution and abundance. Approaches used in other areas of conservation biology offer considerable scope for application to land snails and for the development of appropriate conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Many species of vertebrates require multiple habitats to obtain different resources at different stages of their life-cycles. Use of habitat mosaics takes place on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, from a daily requirement for adjacent habitats to seasonal use of geographically separated environments. Mosaics of habitats are also required in some species to allow ontogenetic habitat shifts, while in others each sex may have specific requirements that are met by different habitats. The extent and nature of animal movements are key (but generally poorly known) factors affecting the vulnerability of species to landscape change. The requirement by many species for multiple habitats suggests that their conservation will be most effective in a mosaic environment and that protection of certain high profile habitats alone, such as rainforest, will be insufficient to achieve conservation goals. Management regimes that result in homogenization of habitats should be avoided. Priority should be given to research that identifies the extent to which species can locate habitat mosaics, at different spatial scales and arrangements, in modified environments.  相似文献   

赵祎  石瑶  汤雯婷  李海燕 《微生物学通报》2023,50(11):4812-4824
【背景】灯盏花(Erigeron breviscapus)是国内知名的传统中药材,但关于灯盏花内生真菌多样性、群落结构和生态功能研究报道比较缺乏。【目的】探究灯盏花不同药用部位内生真菌多样性、群落结构组成及生态功能。【方法】采用ITS序列的高通量测序技术对比研究云南道地药材灯盏花根、茎、叶和花的内生菌群落结构及生物多样性差异,并利用FUNGuild数据库预测真菌群落生态功能。【结果】12个样品共获得540个操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit, OTU),分属于5个门22个纲55个目114个科188个属。4个不同药用部位共有的OTU数目仅占14.45%,以根部独有OTU最多。各组织均以子囊菌门和担子菌门为优势菌门;其中,根部以子囊菌门为主,花部位以担子菌门为主。亚隔孢壳属(Didymella)为灯盏花植物的核心属,在各组织中均有分布;其余优势属尚有线黑粉菌属(Filobasidium)、Cystofilobasidium、织球壳属(Plectosphaerella),灯盏花4个组织中优势属和特有属分布各不相同。α多样性分析表明,根部内生真菌丰度显著高于其他组织,但多样性方面组织差异不明显。PCoA结果表明,根部菌落结构相对独立,而叶与茎中菌落结构较为相似。利用FUNGuild数据库分析发现,腐生真菌在各组织中占比较高,并含有大量未知功能菌群。【结论】灯盏花不同药用部位内生真菌群落组成存在明显差异,具有组织偏好。以上研究完善了灯盏花内生真菌资源的生物信息,为灯盏花内生真菌资源的开发利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Savannas cover 60% of the land surface in Southern Africa, with fires and herbivory playing a key role in their ecology. The Limpopo National Park (LNP) is a 10,000 km2 conservation area in southern Mozambique and key to protecting savannas in the region. Fire is an important factor in LNP's landscapes, but little is known about its role in the park's ecology. In this study, we explored the interaction between fire frequency (FF), landscape type, and vegetation. To assess the FF, we analyzed ten years of the Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) burned area product (2003–2013). A stratified random sampling approach was used to assess biodiversity across three dominant landscapes (Nwambia Sandveld‐NS, Lebombo North‐LN, and Shrubveld Mopane on Calcrete‐C) and two FF levels (low—twice or less; and high—3 times or more, during 10 years). Six ha were sampled in each stratum, except for the LN versus high FF in which low accessibility allowed only 3 ha sampling. FF was higher in NS and LN landscapes, where 25% and 34% of the area, respectively, burned more than three times in 10 years. The landscape type was the main determinant of grass composition and biomass. However, in the sandy NS biomass was higher under high FF. The three landscapes supported three different tree/shrub communities, but FF resulted in compositional variations in NS and LN. Fire frequency had no marked influence on woody structural parameters (height, density, and phytomass). We concluded that the savannas in LNP are mainly driven by landscape type (geology), but FF may impose specific modifications. We recommend a fire laissez‐faire management system for most of the park and a long‐term monitoring system of vegetation to address vegetation changes related to fire. Fire management should be coordinated with the neighboring Kruger National Park, given its long history of fire management. Synthesis: This study revealed that grass and tree/shrub density, biomass, and composition in LNP are determined by the landscape type, but FF determines some important modifications. We conclude that at the current levels FF is not dramatically affecting the savanna ecosystem in the LNP (Figure 1). However, an increase in FF may drive key ecosystem changes in grass biomass and tree/shrub species composition, height, phytomass, and density.  相似文献   

生物多样性监测是国家公园保护的核心基础。大熊猫国家公园是我国首批5个国家公园之一, 系统的保护规划与有效的管理行动均有赖于对区内生物多样性本底、现状与动态的深入了解。为了解大熊猫国家公园范围内兽类与鸟类多样性本底与现状, 本研究系统检索了该区域内2005-2020年基于红外相机调查技术的野生动物研究论文、项目报告以及新闻报道, 并对区内原有保护地的红外相机监测历史与结果进行了问卷调查。结果表明, 2005-2020年期间, 在大熊猫国家公园范围内51个保护地的红外相机调查与监测中, 共记录到分属6目22科55属的71种野生兽类与分属13目45科132属的232种野生鸟类。在国家公园所覆盖的秦岭、岷山、邛崃山、相岭4大山系中, 邛崃和岷山记录到的大中型地栖鸟兽物种多样性最高(均为兽类40种, 鸟类12种), 相岭最低(兽类25种, 鸟类7种)。单个保护地中记录到的大中型地栖鸟兽物种数量与保护地面积、红外相机有效工作日及相机位点的海拔跨度均呈正相关, 国家级保护地中记录到的物种数(28 ± 8.3, mean ± SD)显著高于省级保护地(19 ± 8.9)。在大熊猫国家公园内共记录到猫科与犬科的4种大型食肉动物, 即豹(Panthera pardus)、雪豹(P. uncia)、狼(Canis lupus)和豺(Cuon alpinus), 主要来自于秦岭山系和邛崃山系, 而国家公园内的岷山山系则没有记录到大型食肉动物, 相岭山系中仅有1次狼的记录。本研究结果显示, 大熊猫国家公园内前期已经建立起的自然保护地网络与红外相机监测体系已积累大量区内野生兽类与鸟类的基础数据, 为国家公园的试点与建设提供了生物多样性编目与监测方面的可靠本底。在这些前期工作的基础上, 大熊猫国家公园应进一步规划、建设标准化的野生动物监测体系, 为今后国家公园的管理决策、成效评估提供坚实的科学支撑。  相似文献   

In this survey, we investigated the diversity and community structure of bats in the Centre Region of Cameroon with respect to their distribution in the different vegetation zones of the region. We mist-netted bats monthly from January 2016 to June 2017 for five nonconsecutive nights per month. Thirty-nine sites were surveyed: 24 in traditional farms, nine in the savannah and six in the forests. A total of 668 bats were captured during 81 nights of capture, covering seven families, 21 genera and 36 species. This included 26 species in traditional farms, 13 species in savannah and 11 species in the forest. Micropteropus pusillus was the most abundant species (30.7%) recorded, followed by Hipposideros ruber (24.9%). The sample efficiency was estimated at 72.1% with fitted species accumulation curves not reaching asymptotes for the three habitat types, suggesting that the survey did not record all the bats present. There was an indication of general increased in abundance of bats during the dry and rainy seasons but it is not significant (Mann–Whitney U: 783.5, p = .195). The rarity index was highest in traditional farms (0.44), followed by savannah (0.38) and then forest (0.33). This preliminary survey provides baseline data on the distribution of bats in the different vegetation types in the Centre Region of Cameroon.  相似文献   

Networks of no-take reserves are important for protecting coral reef biodiversity from climate change and other human impacts. Ensuring that reserve populations are connected to each other and non-reserve populations by larval dispersal allows for recovery from disturbance and is a key aspect of resilience. In general, connectivity between reserves should increase as the distance between them decreases. However, enhancing connectivity may often tradeoff against a network’s ability to representatively sample the system’s natural variability. This “representation” objective is typically measured in terms of species richness or diversity of habitats, but has other important elements (e.g., minimizing the risk that multiple reserves will be impacted by catastrophic events). Such representation objectives tend to be better achieved as reserves become more widely spaced. Thus, optimizing the location, size and spacing of reserves requires both an understanding of larval dispersal and explicit consideration of how well the network represents the broader system; indeed the lack of an integrated theory for optimizing tradeoffs between connectivity and representation objectives has inhibited the incorporation of connectivity into reserve selection algorithms. This article addresses these issues by (1) updating general recommendations for the location, size and spacing of reserves based on emerging data on larval dispersal in corals and reef fishes, and on considerations for maintaining genetic diversity; (2) using a spatial analysis of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park to examine potential tradeoffs between connectivity and representation of biodiversity and (3) describing a framework for incorporating environmental fluctuations into the conceptualization of the tradeoff between connectivity and representation, and that expresses both in a common, demographically meaningful currency, thus making optimization possible.  相似文献   

全球物种多样性的持续下降使得生物多样性保护面临巨大挑战, 海洋生物多样性的保护任务尤其艰巨。海洋保护区是保护生物多样性的有效方式之一, 如何对其成效进行评估是当前研究热点。然而, 目前针对海洋保护区的评估体系较少, 而且评估指标多侧重于管理成效。近年来随着全球生物多样性监测网络和数据库的建立, 以及多种新技术(如遥感、声呐系统、卫星追踪、基因组学等)在海洋生物多样性监测中的应用, 使得从生态系统到基因水平的多层次连续监测成为可能。基于此, 建议未来我国海洋保护区成效评估应在充分利用新技术方法的基础上, 加强长期科学监测, 建立并完善生物多样性监测数据库和信息共享机制, 发展跨学科的综合保护成效评估体系, 加强基于生物多样性监测的保护成效评估。  相似文献   

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