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本实验报道了以简单的离体培养方式来诱导赤松不定根和愈伤组织与松口蘑的菌根反应。不定根和愈伤组织均起源于无菌苗的下胚轴,接种2周后,菌丝体开始包围不定根。接种3周后,菌丝体出现在不定根皮层细胞间,哈蒂氏网型的形成也同时被确认。在愈伤组织培养物中,细胞间也能观察到菌丝体及拟-哈蒂氏网结构。这是第一个离体条件下成功地诱导赤松培养组织与松口蘑形成外生菌根的报道。  相似文献   

本实验报道了以离体培养方式诱导日本冷杉(AbiesfirmaSieb.etZucc.)与二色蜡蘑(Laccariabicolor(Maire)Orton)的外生菌根合成的方法。日本冷杉能否与广谱性的外生菌根菌二色蜡蘑形成人工菌根?菌根结构的诱导是否只发生在植物体整体水平上?这些是本实验的关注点。研究结果显示:无菌幼苗接种10周后,在光学显微镜下可观察到典型的外生菌根的特征,即由高度分叉的外延菌丝体形成的厚实的菌套以及由内延菌丝体形成的哈蒂氏网。将来源于下胚轴的愈伤组织与二色蜡蘑的菌丝体进行共同培养,3周后,菌丝体开始接触愈伤组织的表面,并且侵入到愈伤组织的细胞间,形成拟哈蒂氏网结构。愈伤组织可以作为一种菌根学研究的有效的培养体系。这一方法可望为冷杉类植物菌根学的研究提供有效的实验工具。  相似文献   

本实验报道了以离体培养方式诱导日本冷杉(Abies firma Sieb.et Zucc.)与二色蜡蘑(Laccaria bicolor(Maire)Orton)的外生菌根合成的方法.日本冷杉能否与广谱性的外生菌根菌二色蜡蘑形成人工菌根?菌根结构的诱导是否只发生在植物体整体水平上?这些是本实验的关注点.研究结果显示:无菌幼苗接种10周后,在光学显微镜下可观察到典型的外生菌根的特征,即由高度分叉的外延菌丝体形成的厚实的菌套以及由内延菌丝体形成的哈蒂氏网.将来源于下胚轴的愈伤组织与二色蜡蘑的菌丝体进行共同培养,3周后,菌丝体开始接触愈伤组织的表面,并且侵入到愈伤组织的细胞间,形成拟哈蒂氏网结构.愈伤组织可以作为一种菌根学研究的有效的培养体系.这一方法可望为冷杉类植物菌根学的研究提供有效的实验工具.  相似文献   

松口蘑人工菌塘诱导形成的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究通过土壤筛选找到适合松口蘑菌丝体生长的土壤,并在其土壤中添加适当浓度的橄榄油(0.5%-2.0%),有效地促进了菌丝体在土壤中的生长,菌丝生长状况酷似野外的松口蘑菌塘,且随着添加浓度的增加,菌丝体生物量呈明显的正相关。当土壤中橄榄油浓度为0.5%和1.0%时,松口蘑共生植物赤松苗的生长不但没有受到抑制,而且还能与菌丝体在这种“菌塘”中形成菌根。本研究成功地建立了中国松口蘑人工菌塘诱导体系,同时也为其人工子实体的诱导研究提供了必要的前提条件。  相似文献   

番茄离体培养过程中器官发生的细胞组织学观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对番茄下胚轴、子叶、茎段、叶片、叶柄不同类型外植体离体培养中有关细胞启动、分裂、分化以及器官发生作了细胞组织学观察。研究结果表明番茄不同类型外植体在同样的培养条件下,愈伤组织生长表现出明显差异,其中下胚轴、子叶诱导产生愈伤组织时,细胞启动最早,生长最快,其分裂方式基本为无丝分裂,未见有丝分裂,因此我们认为以不定芽方式获得转基因植株时,植株的所有性状变化,是否纯属目的基因所为,应该反复考察,不能忽视不定芽产生过程中的种种变化;下胚轴诱导愈伤组织形成时,细胞不规则的无丝分裂少于子叶,故下胚轴离体培养得到的正常芽的比例高于子叶的;番茄离体培养中不定芽通常发生在愈伤组织的周边区,也可起源于维管组织结节周围的形成层状细胞。不定根则由茎中柱鞘处发生。  相似文献   

陈瑶  刁瑕  宦云敏  杜阳春  李维  何兵 《广西植物》2017,37(9):1111-1121
为探究小檗科植物八角莲组织培养的器官发生方式,该研究以八角莲离体叶片、叶柄在MS培养基上诱导产生的愈伤组织、不定芽、不定根为对象,用连续石蜡切片技术分析八角莲组织培养的器官发生途径。结果表明:八角莲愈伤组织形成的解剖学特征是靠近表皮的薄壁细胞经激素刺激恢复分裂能力,继续培养形成拟分生组织。拟分生组织可形成许多分化中心。通过对八角莲组织培养产生的不定芽细胞组织学观察发现芽原基起源于愈伤组织外侧的几层薄壁细胞,芽原基背离愈伤组织中央生长形成不定芽,故八角莲脱分化形成的芽起源方式为外起源。而八角莲的根原基起源于组织深处髓部薄壁细胞和部分维管形成层细胞,进而形成类似球形或楔形并朝韧皮部突起的根原基轮廓,根原基继续发育会突破表皮生成不定根,起源方式为内起源。八角莲离体再生途径为器官发生型,在组培苗生长过程中先诱导形成不定芽,再诱导形成不定根,在愈伤组织上形成维管组织将不定芽和不定根连接成完整植株。  相似文献   

对番茄下胚轴、子叶、茎段、叶片、叶柄不同类型外植体离体培养中有关细胞启动、分裂、分化以及器官发生作了细胞组织学观察。研究结果表明:番茄不同类型外植体在同样的培养条件下,愈伤组织生长表现出明显差异,其中下胚轴、子叶诱导产生愈伤组织时,细胞启动最早,生长最快,其分裂方式基本为无丝分裂,未见有丝分裂,因此我们认为以不定芽方式获得转基因植株时,植株的所有性状变化,是否纯属目的基因所为,应该反复考察,不能忽视不定芽产生过程中的种种变化;下胚轴诱导愈伤组织形成时,细胞不规则的无丝分裂少于子叶,故下胚轴离体培养得到的正常芽的比例高于子叶的;蕃茴离体培养中不定芽通常发生在愈伤组织的周边区,也可起源于维管组织结节周围的形成层状细胞。不定根则由茎中柱鞘处发生。  相似文献   

为探讨细枝木麻黄(Casuarina cunninghamianaMiq.)愈伤组织分化过程的细胞组织学,对离体培养条件下的愈伤组织进行扫描电子显微镜和石蜡切片观察,分析愈伤组织的细胞分裂、分化以及芽再生的发生过程。结果表明,新鲜外植体培养于愈伤组织诱导培养基上,伤口处的薄壁细胞开始脱分化,培养1周后形成明显的愈伤组织;继续培养2周后,胚性愈伤组织形成,且表层细胞启动分化形成芽原基;培养4周,可肉眼观察到胚性芽原基,数量增多并逐渐分化形成不定芽;培养至第6周,生成不定芽,并大量增殖和分化。因此,细枝木麻黄是通过愈伤组织分化形成胚状体的途径进行植株再生的,为建立细枝木麻黄组织培养高效再生体系提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

松口蘑菌丝体的分离和RAPD-PCR分析   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
针对松口蘑 [Tricholomamatsutake(S .ItoetImai)Sing .]菌丝体分离培养困难和各种相关分离物目前难以用出菇试验鉴定的现实 ,采用 8种培养基配方 ,对 9个不同来源的松口蘑子实体的不同部位及菌根、菌土进行组织分离 ,计接种试管 81 0多支 ,结果从菌褶部位获得 94支慢生型的菌丝体分离菌株 ,从菌柄部位仅获得 1支快生型的菌丝体分离菌株。以马铃薯葡萄糖土壤滤液培养基 (PDAS)、马铃薯葡萄糖麦麸滤液培养基 (PDAW )、BM培养基、马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基 (PDA)对菌褶进行组织分离 ,获慢生型菌丝体的成功率依次为 74.4%、35.5%、156%和 8.9%。以各分离菌株的来源松口蘑子实体和中日两国松口蘑研究者提供的分离菌株作为DNA参照样品 ,对从供试子实体、菌根、菌土进行组织分离获得的各种相关纯培养物进行亲菌鉴定。采用筛选的 1 7个随机引物介导 2 5个供试松口蘑子实体及其分离菌体的RAPD(RandomAmplifiedPolymorphicDNA) PCR反应 ,全部获得了清晰而稳定的DNA指纹图谱 ,结果一致表明 :每个松口蘑子实体的菌盖 (含菌褶…  相似文献   

巴戟天离体苗不定根发育的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以巴戟天幼嫩种子中的胚为外植体进行组织培养诱导出愈伤组织,继而诱导分化出芽,长成小苗。将小苗转入生根培养基中,从茎基部诱导出不定根,再生植株。对离体苗的不定根发育进行结构观察,发现巴戟天组培苗的不定根是由形成层细胞先分裂分化形成根原基后发育而成的。  相似文献   

The root systems of 11-wk-oldPinus densiflora seedlings were inoculated with a hyphal suspension ofTricholoma matsutake and aseptically incubated for 4 wk in a forest soil without supplying exogenous carbohydrates. One week following inoculation, fungal hyphae had colonized the root surface and bound soil particles together establishing a root-substrate continuum. Fungal hyphae were visible within the main root cortex following clearing bleaching and staining. In the ensuing days, fungal colonization was observed within elongating lateral roots in which Hartig net formation was confirmed 4 wk after inoculation. This is the first report of rapid ectomycorrhizal infection ofP. densiflora seedings byT. matsutake.  相似文献   

An in vitro system was used for ectomycorrhizal synthesis of Cenococcum geophilum Fr. with Cathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang, an endangered species. Calli initiated from stem segments and adventitious roots differentiated from young seedlings were removed and cocultured with Cenococcum geophilum on a modified Murashige-Skoog medium. Fungal hyphae were visible within intercellular spaces of the callus 4 weeks after inoculation, but definite and well-developed Hartig net structures did not form in the calli 8 weeks after inoculation. The typical ectomycorrhizal structures (i.e. hyphal mantle and intracortical Hartig net) were observed in root segments 8 weeks after inoculation. This is the first report of aseptic ectomycorrhizal-like formation/infection between root organ/callus of Cathaya argyrophylla and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum. This culture system is useful for further investigation of mycorrhizal synthesis in Cathaya trees.(Author for correspondence. Tel: +86 (0)451 8219 1783; Fax: +86 (0)451 8219 1795; E-mail: lumin-fu@163.com)  相似文献   

An in vitro system was used for ectomycorrhizal synthesis of Cenococcum geophilum Fr. with Cathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang, an endangered species. Calli initiated from stem segments and adventitious roots differentiated from young seedlings were removed and cocultured with Cenococcum geophllum on a modified Murashlge-Skoog medium. Fungal hyphae were visible within intercellular spaces of the callus 4 weeks after inoculation, but definite and well-developed Hartig net structures did not form in the calU 8 weeks after inoculation. The typical ectomycorrhizal structures (i.e. hyphal mantle and Intracortical Hartig net) were observed in root segments 8 weeks after inoculation. This is the first report of aseptic ectomycorrhlzal-like formation/infection between root organ/callus of Cathaya argyrophylla and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophflum. This culture system is useful for further investigation of mycorrhizal synthesis in Cathaya trees.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius interacts with roots of Picea mariana to form a typical mantle and Hartig net. Hyphae alter their growth pattern when in contact with susceptible root hairs in the mycorrhizal infection zone and grow acropetally, gradually covering the length of the hair to form a mantlelike structure. Initial contact with the hair may be influenced by a fibrillar material on the root hair surface. Although many root hairs become surrounded by fungal hyphae, they are not penetrated, and therefore are not entry points for this symbiotic fungus.  相似文献   

 Structures present within field-collected Tricholoma matsutake/Pinus densiflora ectomycorrhizas and in vitro infections of P. densiflora roots by T. matsutake were observed by clearing, bleaching and staining whole lateral roots and mycorrhizas. Field mycorrhizas were characterized by a lack of root hairs, by the presence of a sparse discontinuous mantle composed of irregularly darkly staining hyphae over the root surface, primarily behind the root cap, and by the presence of Hartig net mycelium within the root cortex. Hartig net 'palmettis' were classified into three basic structures, each with distinctive morphologies. Aerial hyphae, bearing terminal swellings, were observed emanating from the mantle. Cleared, bleached and stained in vitro-infected roots possessed multibranched hyphal structures within the host root cortex and aerial hyphae bearing terminal swellings were observed arising from the mycelium colonizing the root surface. T. matsutake on P. densiflora conforms to the accepted morphology of an ectomycorrhiza. This staining protocol is particularly suited to the study of Matsutake mycorrhizal roots and gives rapid, clear, high-contrast images using standard light microscopy while conserving spatial relationships between hyphal elements and host tissues. Accepted: 26 August 1999  相似文献   

Mastering ectomycorrhizal symbiosis: the impact of carbohydrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mycorrhiza formation is the consequence of a mutualistic interaction between certain soil fungi and plant roots that helps to overcome nutritional limitations faced by the respective partners. In symbiosis, fungi contribute to tree nutrition by means of mineral weathering and mobilization of nutrients from organic matter, and obtain plant-derived carbohydrates as a response. Support with easily degradable carbohydrates seems to be the driving force for fungi to undergo this type of interaction. As a consequence, the fungal hexose uptake capacity is strongly increased in Hartig net hyphae of the model fungi Amanita muscaria and Laccaria bicolor. Next to fast carbohydrate uptake and metabolism, storage carbohydrates are of special interest. In functional A. muscaria ectomycorrhizas, expression and activity of proteins involved in trehalose biosynthesis is mainly localized in hyphae of the Hartig net, indicating an important function of trehalose in generation of a strong carbon sink by fungal hyphae. In symbiosis, fungal partners receive up to approximately 19 times more carbohydrates from their hosts than normal leakage of the root system would cause, resulting in a strong carbohydrate demand of infected roots and, as a consequence, a more efficient plant photosynthesis. To avoid fungal parasitism, the plant seems to have developed mechanisms to control carbohydrate drain towards the fungal partner and link it to the fungus-derived mineral nutrition. In this contribution, current knowledge on fungal strategies to obtain carbohydrates from its host and plant strategies to enable, but also to control and restrict (under certain conditions), carbon transfer are summarized.  相似文献   

Roots of Pinus sylvestris L. were inoculated in vitro with the basidiomycete Suillus bovinus (Fr.) O. Kuntze. To investigate apoplastic transport in mycorrhizal and sterile roots of Pinus sylvestris, roots of intact plants were submerged for 20 h in 0.1% solutions of the fluorescent dye sulphorhodamine G (SR-G) or for 6 h in 1.5% solutions of lanthanum nitrate. Samples treated with the dye were cryofixed, freeze-dried or freeze-substituted and embedded into Spurr's medium, maintaining strictly anhydrous conditions to prevent movement of the water-soluble dye after cryofixation. Lanthanum-treated roots were fixed in glutaraldehyde, post-fixed in OsO4, dehydrated in a graded acetone series and embedded in Spurr's resin. The apoplastic distribution of the two tracers were examined either using fluorescence optics (sulphorhodamine) or with the electron microscope (La3+). The yellow-green fluorescence of sulphorhodamine could be detected within the apoplast of the fungal sheath, the Hartig net and the host cortex, up to the endodermis. Electron-dense lanthanum deposits were located in the fungal sheath, the Hartig net and in the root cortex. Greater deposition was detected within the matrix material, in which the hyphae of the mantle are embedded. The apoplastic distribution of the two tracers within the plant root did not indicate any significant qualitative differences between sterile and mycorrhizal rootlets. In contrast to reports by other authors, we conclude that the fungal sheath does provide an apoplastic pathway for water and ions at least in Pinus sylvestris/Suillus bovinus mycorrhizae. However, the mobility of charged molecules, particularly cations, may be limited by the fungal matrix.  相似文献   

The complex interactions that occur in systems with more than one type of symbiosis were studied using one isolate of Bradyrhizobium sp. and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker and Couch inoculated on to the roots of Acacia holosericea A. Cunn. ex G. Don in vitro. After a single inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp., bacteria typically entered the roots by forming infection threads in the root hair cells via the curling point of the root hair and/ or after intercellular penetration. Sheath formation and intercellular penetration were observed on Acacia roots after a single inoculation with Pisolithus tinctorius but no radial elongation of epidermal cells. Simultaneous inoculation with both microorganisms resulted in nodules and ectomycorrhiza on the root system, occasionally on the same lateral root. On lateral roots bearing nodules and ectomycorrhiza, the nodulation site was characterized by the presence of a nodule meristem and the absence of an infection thread; sheath formation and Hartig net development occurred regularly in the region of the roots adjacent to nodules. Prior inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp. did not inhibit ectomycorrhizal colonization in root segments adjacent to nodules in which nodule meristems and infection threads were clearly present. Conversely, in ectomycorrhizae inoculated by bacteria, the nodule meristem and the infection thread were typically absent. These results show that simultaneous inoculation with both microorganisms inhibits infection thread development, thus conferring an advantage on fungal hyphae in the competition for infection sites. This suggests that fungal hyphae can modify directly and/or indirectly the recognition factors leading to nodule meristem initiation and infection thread development.  相似文献   

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