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Range expansion during biological invasion requires that invaders adapt to geographical variation in climate, which should yield latitudinal clines in reproductive phenology. We investigated geographic variation in life history among 25 introduced populations of Lythrum salicaria, a widespread European invader of North American wetlands. We detected a strong latitudinal cline in initiation of flowering and size at flowering, which paralleled that reported among native populations. Plants from higher latitudes flowered earlier and at a smaller size than those from lower latitudes, even when raised in a uniform glasshouse. Early flowering was associated with greatly reduced reproductive output, but this was not associated with latitudinal variation in abundance, and probably did not result from a genetic correlation between time to and size at flowering. As introduction to North America c. 200 years ago, L. salicaria has re-established latitudinal clines in life history, probably as an evolutionary response to climatic selection.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis of plant proteins was used to identify purple loosestrife (Lythrum spp.) cultivars and weedy populations. Preliminary determinations were made as to what degree weedy loosestrife populations were related (or genetically similar) to populations of L. alatum, L. virgatum, and horticultural cultivars. Cluster analysis of the data indicated that native L. alatum was genetically different from all populations of purple loosestrife and cultivars examined. The L. salicaria and L. virgatum cultivars, as groups, were not genetically distinguishable from the weedy populations analyzed. Seven cultivars of L. salicaria origin analyzed as a group were not distinguishable from the eight cultivars of L. virgatum origin, indicating that separation by cultivar origin may not be feasible. While the two “groups” were not distinguishable, most individual cultivars could be distinguished from one another by isozyme phenotype. Genetic variation was high within populations of weedy purple loosestrife but low among populations, which is characteristic of polyploid, perennial plant species that are widely distributed. Geographic location did not consistently correlate with genetic similarity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the incompatibility relationships among the three different morphs of the tristylous plant Lythrum salicaria, and to assess whether there are fitness consequences to breakdown in incompatibility. Twenty-four different types of pollinations were performed using all possible combinations of anthers and stigmas. These can be grouped as legitimate pollinations (pollinations from the appropriate anther level of a compatible morph), illegitimate intermorph pollinations (pollinations from the inappropriate anther level of a compatible morph), intramorph pollinations (pollinations between individuals of the same morph), and self pollinations. Legitimate pollinations produced significantly more seed than illegitimate intermorph pollinations, intramorph pollinations, and self pollinations. The difference between legitimate and illegitimate intermorph pollination success is particularly interesting because pollen for these crosses came from the same genetic individual. Pollination types also differed in offspring quality. In the rare examples where progeny were produced by illegitimate intermorph pollinations, the progeny did not have significantly lower values for seedling growth traits compared to legitimate progeny. Seedlings produced by self pollinations had significantly lower values for four out of six seedling growth traits measured. Comparisons of legitimate and self progeny traits indicate that inbreeding depression for most traits is close to or above 0.5. The finding that some seed were produced from illegitimate pollinations suggests that there is variation among individuals in incompatibility. There was a significant effect of parental morph type on the probability of breakdown in incompatibility with the midstyled maternal parents setting more seed from illegitimate pollinations.  相似文献   

Oxford GS  Gunnarsson B 《Genetica》2006,128(1-3):51-62
The selective significance, if any, of many invertebrate visible polymorphisms is still not fully understood. Here we examine colour- and black spotting-morph frequencies in the spider Enoplognatha ovata in populations on two Swedish archipelagos with respect to different spatial scales and, in one archipelago, against the background of variation at four putative neutral allozyme marker loci. Every population studied was polymorphic for colour and 28 out of 30 contained all three colour morphs – lineata, redimita and ovata. We found no evidence for a breakdown in the traditional colour morph designation previously suggested for other northern European populations of this species. For colour there is no significant heterogeneity at spatial scales greater than between local populations within islands. Black spotting frequencies show a similar lack of pattern over larger spatial scales except that there are significant differences between the Stockholm and Göteborg archipelagos. Measures of population differentiation (θ) within the Stockholm islands for the two visible systems show them to be significantly more differentiated than the neutral markers, suggesting local selection acting on them in a population-specific manner. On the basis of previous observations and the distribution of spotting phenotypes on a European scale, it is argued that thermal selection might operate on black spotting during the juvenile stages favouring more spots in continental climates. It is not clear what selective forces act on colour.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Primula sieboldii is a perennial clonal herb that is distributed around the Sea of Japan and is endangered in Japan. Its breeding system is characterized by heteromorphic self-incompatibility, and the morph ratio within a population is very important for reproductive success. The aims of this study were to construct a linkage map, map the S locus as a qualitative trait and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for floral morphological traits related to heterostyly, and predict the morph type in wild populations by using molecular markers for devising a conservation strategy.


A linkage map was constructed with 126 markers. The QTLs for four floral traits and the S locus were mapped. Using the genotypes of loci that were located near both the S locus and the QTLs with large effects, morphs of 59 wild genets were predicted.

Key Results

The linkage map consisted of 14 linkage groups (LGs). The S locus was mapped to LG 7. Major QTLs for stigma and anther heights were detected in the same region as the S locus. These QTLs exhibited high logarithm of the odds scores and explained a high percentage of the phenotypic variance (>85 %). By analysing these two traits within each morph, additional QTLs for each trait were detected. Using the four loci linked to the S locus, the morphs of 43 genets in three wild populations could be predicted.


This is the first report of a linkage map and QTL analysis for floral morphology related to heterostyly in P. sieboldii. Floral morphologies related to heterostyly are controlled by the S locus in LG 7 and by several QTLs in other LGs. Additionally, this study showed that molecular markers are effective tools for investigating morph ratios in a population containing the non-flowering individuals or during the non-flowering seasons.  相似文献   

Tristyly involves three different forms of flowers that differ reciprocally in the heights of stigmas and anthers within flowers. Apart from the style and stamen lengths, heterostylous species also demonstrate pollen and stigma polymorphisms. We quantified stigma polymorphism in tristylous Lythrum salicaria by measuring the stigma diameters, structure of papillae, and density and distribution of papillae on the stigma from flower samples of 201 individuals belonging to three morphs. The diameter of the stigma and the distribution of papillae were quantified using a scanning electron microscope, and the structure of papillae was determined using a light microscope. The stigma diameter in the long morph was significantly greater than in the mid and short morphs. While the density of stigmatic papillae was significantly greater in the mid and short morphs than in the long morph, the total number of papillae per stigma did not differ across morphs. The length and diameter of papillae at the apex, neck, and base were significantly greater in the long morph followed by the mid and short morphs. A discriminant function analysis separated the long morph from the mid and short morphs based on the canonical scores of measurements of papillae structure. The stigma polymorphism coupled with those of pollen may play a functional role in self-incompatibility mechanisms.  相似文献   

温度和光周期对烟蚜性蚜的诱导   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
杨效文  张孝羲 《昆虫知识》1999,36(5):272-274
本文研究了温度和光周期对烟蚜性蚜诱导的影响,结果表明:郑州地区的红色和黄绿色烟蚜在10小时光照和15、20℃组合下可产生性雌和雄蚜,而在12、14和8小时及25℃条件下均未有性蚜产生。  相似文献   

Study of adaptive evolutionary changes in populations of invasive species can be advanced through the joint application of quantitative and population genetic methods. Using purple loosestrife as a model system, we investigated the relative roles of natural selection, genetic drift and gene flow in the invasive process by contrasting phenotypical and neutral genetic differentiation among native European and invasive North American populations ( Q ST −  F ST analysis). Our results indicate that invasive and native populations harbour comparable levels of amplified fragment length polymorphism variation, a pattern consistent with multiple independent introductions from a diverse European gene pool. However, it was observed that the genetic variation reduced during subsequent invasion, perhaps by founder effects and genetic drift. Comparison of genetically based quantitative trait differentiation ( Q ST) with its expectation under neutrality ( F ST) revealed no evidence of disruptive selection ( Q ST >  F ST) or stabilizing selection ( Q ST <  F ST). One exception was found for only one trait (the number of stems) showing significant sign of stabilizing selection across all populations. This suggests that there are difficulties in distinguishing the effects of nonadaptive population processes and natural selection. Multiple introductions of purple loosestrife may have created a genetic mixture from diverse source populations and increased population genetic diversity, but its link to the adaptive differentiation of invasive North American populations needs further research.  相似文献   

The geographical variation in elytral color polymorphism in Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius) was analyzed based on data from specimen surveys. In all, 1549 individuals collected from different latitudes throughout Indonesia to Japan were categorized into 20 morph types of elytra. Results show that the morph types have a geographical cline: dark types increased with latitude, although the light types showed higher relative frequency in lower latitudes, which suggests that the geographic variation in elytral color polymorphism in C. sexmaculata is a product of selection by climate. The darker morph types might be advantageously able to make fuller use of insolation at higher latitudes, whereas the lighter morph types were likely to reduce heat stress at lower latitudes. In most areas across Southeast and South Asia, all specimens were of the lightest type, which may imply either: (i) the saturation of genes expressing light morph types, which have less solar absorption, due to tropical climate; or (ii) an enhanced warning function of bright red against predators. On Miyako Island of Japan, a unique frequency of morph types was found compared to the adjacent areas.  相似文献   

A short‐winged morph was recently discovered in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. It is different from the normal, long‐winged morph not only in forewing length but also in hind femur length, displaying a dimorphism. To understand the significance of this dimorphism, other morphological characters were compared between the two morphs, and the time of differentiation of wing‐pad length was investigated. Wing weights were heavier in the long‐winged morph than in the short‐winged morph. This result showed that the short‐winged morph is not formed by a failure of wing expansion. No obvious morph‐specific differences were observed in wing venation, but wing allometry studies indicated that the distal areas of the fore‐ and hindwings were disproportionally reduced in the short‐winged morph compared to the long‐winged morph. The morphological differentiation of the wing pad between the two morphs was observed at the penultimate nymphal stage. The flight muscle was well developed in the two morphs, and no sign of flight muscle histolysis was detected in either morph after adult emergence. An analysis of adult body dimensions suggested that the density‐dependent phase shifts known for the long‐winged morph of this locust were also exhibited by the short‐winged morph, demonstrating that these shifts are not specific to the migratory long‐winged morph.  相似文献   

Six- and seven-band morphs have been identified in a cichlid, Cyphotilapia frontosa, that is endemic to Lake Tanganyika. These color morphs have allopatric distributions; the six-band morph is widespread in the northern half of the lake while the seven-band morph is restricted to Kigoma on the east coast of the lake. Because no specimens of the seven-band morph have been available for taxonomic study except for the holotype of C. frontosa, the taxonomic status of these morphs has not been discussed. In a recent survey at the lake, 21 specimens of the seven-band morph were collected. A comparison of these with existing collection specimens of the six-band morph showed significant differences in morphometric and meristic characters; however, because all characters largely overlapped between these morphs, they are regarded as conspecific.  相似文献   

Existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of stochastic equilibrium are established in multi-dimensional population models with monotone dynamics.  相似文献   

Oxalis pes-caprae is a tristylous South African geophyte that is invasive in regions with Mediterranean climate. Given the introduction of the short-styled morph only, vegetative reproduction was, until recently, the reproductive mode known for this invaded area. The detection of new floral morphs, fruit and seed production in natural populations of the invaded range, together with the reported weakening in the heteromorphic incompatibility system, raised the question on whether the short-styled flowers are able to exchange pollen among themselves, and if so, which mechanisms account for it. Thus, flower morphometric analysis and field experiments were conducted to assess pollinator visitation rates and pollen flow in three invasive populations. Flower morphological changes suggesting the evolution from tristyly towards semi-homostyly were observed. Moreover, O. pes-caprae flowers were visited by different functional groups of pollinators, mostly hymenopteran. Dye flow experiments revealed that the short-styled flowers were able to successfully exchange pollen among themselves in natural conditions. All of this, together with the weakening of the incompatibility system, constitutes further data that might help to explain the recently reported occurrence of sexual reproduction in this invaded range, which by itself bears important implications for the invasion process of O. pes-caprae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Environmental cues affecting seasonal morph determination of the pierid butterfly Eurema hecabe L. were examined in laboratory experiments and in the field. A sexual difference exists in the photoperiodic response for seasonal morph determination: in short days at 25C the proportion of the autumn morph is higher in females than in males, and as the rearing temperature is decreased the proportion of autumn morphs increases in both sexes. A 5C drop in temperature during the final larval stadium induces 100% autumn morph production in short-day animals. This increase in autumn morph production induced by temperature decrease explains the seasonal morph change of this butterfly occurring in early autumn in the field. The role of this sex-linked photoperiodic response is discussed as a seasonal strategy of reproduction.  相似文献   

The distribution of the brown rnorph of the landsnail Cepaea nemoralis in part of the Brendon Hills, Somerset is described. The morph is at a high frequency on north-facing slopes, valley bottoms, and in a broad partly-enclosed basin. It is argued that low temperature is the selective agent. Alternative explanations are considered. In two population cages adult brown-shelled snails survived less well than pink five-banded ones during the summer months, this trend being reversed in the autumn. It is concluded that the experimental results support the 'climatic' interpretation of distributional data.  相似文献   

On the optimal harvesting of persistent age-structured populations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary This paper discusses optimal harvesting policies for age-structured populations harvested with effort independent of age.  相似文献   

How genetic polymorphisms are maintained in a population is a key question in evolutionary ecology. Previous work on a plumage colour polymorphism in the common buzzard Buteo buteo suggested heterozygote advantage as the mechanism maintaining the co‐existence of three morphs (light, intermediate and dark). We took advantage of 20 years of life‐history data collected in a Dutch population to replicate earlier studies on the relationship between colour morph and fitness in this species. We examined differences between morphs in adult apparent survival, breeding success, annual number of fledglings produced and cumulative reproductive success. We found that cumulative reproductive success differed among morphs, with the intermediate morph having highest fitness. We also found assortative mating for colour morph, whereby assortative pairs were more likely to produce offspring and had longer‐lasting pair bonds than disassortative pairs. Over the 20‐year study period, the proportion of individuals with an intermediate morph increased. This apparent evolutionary change did not just arise from selection on individual phenotypes, but also from fitness benefits of assortative mating. The increased frequency of intermediates might also be due to immigration or drift. We hypothesize that genetic variation is maintained through spatial variation in selection pressures. Further studies should investigate morph‐dependent dispersal behaviour and habitat choice.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to verify (1) whether seasonal increases in neotropical populations of Plutella xylostella are directly provoked by regular influxes of migrants, and (2) whether temporal variation in food availability is the ecological process behind such predictable events. Over 3 years, plants that P. xylostella prefers were cultivated and irrigated in order to provide a continuous and abundant supply of food. Nevertheless, seasonal oscillations in the population of the herbivore still occurred. The hypothesis of seasonal availability of host plants could not explain the population pattern. In April, when the insect was practically extinct from the area, an artificial infestation (immigration) with 10,000 pupae established a precocious population. Therefore, the start of the natural cycles of population growth, during July–August, seems to be due to external factors, rather than an improvement in local conditions for resident individuals. In the beginning of the natural cycles, the increase in the density of adults significantly preceded the increase in immatures. Plutella xylostella does not diapause, and therefore immigration is the proximate cause of the seasonal population increases. Hypotheses about local factors are suggested to explain the decreasing phase of the predictable population cycles.  相似文献   

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