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Adult female Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari, Phytoseiidae) of one of our laboratory populations showed a lower degree of attraction to herbivore-induced plant volatiles than other laboratory populations. We hypothesized earlier that this consistent change in foraging behavior is a symptom of a disease, as it is a contagious phenomenon. Here we describe more symptoms by comparing mated females of this population (non-responding (NR) population) with mated females of other populations that are strongly attracted to herbivore-induced plant volatiles (responding populations). The most apparent characteristic of the NR population was the presence of numerous dorso-ventrally flattened females (76% of all females). These females had a normal size after mating but shrank during adulthood. Independent of their age, shrunken females did not reproduce and died a few days after shrinking. In addition to these profound differences in short term performance, females from the NR-population showed behavioral changes, including a lower degree of attraction to herbivore-induced plant volatiles, a higher tendency to leave a prey-patch and a lower predation rate. Moreover, about half of the live females of the NR-population carried birefringent dumbbell-shaped crystals in the legs whereas live females of a responding population carried crystals only in the lumen of the Malpighian tubules and the rectum. The symptom ‘crystals in the legs’ was correlated with low reproduction. Energy dispersive X-ray diffraction of these crystals revealed that they contain calcium and phosphorus along with carbon and oxygen. Crystals with comparable elemental compositions and the same characteristic concentric layering are well known in insects, where they are thought to play a major role in detoxification of calcium and heavy metals, and in storage of phosphorus. The fraction of predators carrying a white spot in the distal part of the opisthosoma, due to accumulation of excretory material in the rectum, was the same in both populations. Present results are discussed in the context of mite pathology and biological control.  相似文献   

Adult female Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari, Phytoseiidae) of one of our laboratory populations (=NR-population), show the following set of symptoms: predators shrink several days after mating, cease egg production and die several days after shrinking, show a lower degree of attraction to herbivore-induced plant volatiles and a shorter choice time in olfactometer tests, have the tendency to leave a prey patch with ample food, may carry excretory crystals in the legs, may cease prey consumption, and have a lower excretion rate. We hypothesized earlier that this characteristic syndrome, called non-responding (=NR-) syndrome, is caused by a pathogen infecting P. persimilis. To further support this hypothesis we here study several transmission modes of the factor causing the NR-syndrome. In all tests we measured size, short-term fecundity, mortality, predator position, response to plant odors and crystal location, thus including 6 of the 9 symptoms known yet. No evidence was found for vertical transmission from parent to offspring. Eggs from symptomatic females of the NR-population mated by males of the NR-population gave rise to normal-sized, well performing predators, when they had been surface sterilized or transferred to a new leaf. However, such eggs gave rise to shrunken females (17%) when left on the leaf where they had been laid. In the latter case transmission via products deposited on the leaf by the mothers was possible. We therefore tested several modes of horizontal transmission by exposing females of a commercial population that never showed the NR-syndrome (=R1-population) to products related to the symptomatic NR-population. No evidence was found for transmission via food or via squashed adult females. However, symptoms were induced in adult females of the R1-population after a 3-day exposure to a live adult female of the NR-population (incubation period=3–7 days, fraction shrunken females=53%) and after a 1-day exposure to feces and debris collected from such females (incubation period=2–4 days, fraction shrunken females=65%). Contact with live females and feces of the R1-population did not induce the syndrome. These results clearly indicate that the NR-syndrome is a contagious phenomenon and that the factor inducing the syndrome is transmitted horizontally among and between generations via feces and debris deposited by symptomatic females. The results are discussed in the context of mite pathology and biological control.  相似文献   

Adult female Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari, Phytoseiidae) of a laboratory population show drastic changes in foraging behavior, anatomy and life history compared to typical laboratory populations. We demonstrated earlier that the set of characteristic symptoms, called non-responding (NR) syndrome, is transmitted horizontally between and among predator generations via feces and debris deposited by symptomatic females. Here, we prove that bacteria present in feces and debris deposited by symptomatic females are involved in the induction of the NR-syndrome. The potential of predator products to induce the NR-syndrome was assayed by keeping healthy adult female predators during a period of 3 days on prey-infested bean leaves, which had previously been sprayed with an aqueous suspension of feces and debris. The NR-syndrome was clearly induced in those predators that had been exposed to a suspension collected from symptomatic females (incubation time 4-6 days, 93% shrunken females), whereas predators exposed to a suspension collected from non-symptomatic females did not show the NR-syndrome. Moreover, predators from the first group transmitted infectious products themselves already 5 days after the initial exposure, whereas this was not the case for the second predator group. The bioassay used in the present study is important for laboratories and companies as it can be applied for testing the presence of the novel disease in populations of P. persimilis. To investigate the involvement of bacteria in syndrome induction we (1) eliminated bacteria from a feces-and-debris suspension of symptomatic females by passing the suspension through a bacterial microfilter and (2) added the antibiotic tetracycline to a suspension of feces and debris from symptomatic females. A suspension of feces and debris collected from symptomatic females did not induce the NR-symptom after bacteria had been eliminated, whereas an untreated portion of the same suspension did so. Moreover, the NR-syndrome was induced in predators exposed to an aqueous suspension of the residues that had not passed the bacterial filter. A suspension of feces and debris collected from symptomatic females, to which the antibiotic tetracycline had been added, did not induce the NR-syndrome whereas the same suspension did induce all symptoms when no tetracycline was added. These findings prove that bacteria are involved in the induction of the NR-syndrome. The results are discussed in the context of mite pathology and biological control.  相似文献   

Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari Phytoseiidae) is a major predator of Tetranychus urticae (Acari Tetranychidae). The performance of P. persimilis in controlling T. urticae may be altered by pesticides used to manage other pests. Therefore, knowledge of the side-effects of pesticides is essential for IPM. A number of laboratory methods were suggested to evaluate pesticide side-effects on predatory mites. Most methods assess residual effects only, and a number of them are characterised by high predator escape rates from experimental units. A method aimed at evaluating the topical and residual effects of pesticides on P. persimilis is herein described. Mites were treated by microimmersion and then reared in holding cells, on bean leaves previously dipped in a pesticide solution. Three insecticides (pyrethrins, spinosad and thiamethoxam), an insecticide-acaricide (abamectin), and two fungicides (azoxystrobin and tolylfluanide) were evaluated. The strain of P. persimilis used for evaluation was collected from unsprayed vegetable plants. All the pesticides affected the survival and fecundity of P. persimilis. Pesticides did not affect the egg-hatching of P. persimilis females exposed to pesticides. Pyrethrins and abamectin proved to be more toxic than other pesticides, and thiamethoxam was more toxic than spinosad, azoxystrobin and tolylfluanide. The escape rate from experimental units was lower than 5% in all trials. Additional experiments were performed on P. persimilis eggs by dipping leaves with eggs in the pesticide solution. None of the pesticides affected egg survival. Semi-field trials conducted on potted bean plants obtained results similar to those reported in laboratory trials.  相似文献   

Isolated colonies of the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, were used to gain information regarding prevalence and transmission of Microsporidium phytoseiuli. Two colonies of P. persimilis were reared on spider mite (Tetranychus urticae)-infested bean plants in isolated cages. Disease prevalence of predators from Colony 1 remained relatively low (between 0 and 15%) over 57 weeks of observation whereas disease prevalence of predators from Colony 2 increased over 3 months (from 12 to 100%). Disease prevalence among predators from Colony 1 had increased to 100% 2 months after weekly sampling had ceased for this colony and periodic sampling confirmed that disease prevalence among individuals of both colonies remained at 100%. Microsporidian spores were not detected in randomly chosen samples of T. urticae prey mites that were removed and examined biweekly during this period. Although numerous microsporidian spores were observed in smear preparations of fecal pellets examined by light microscopy, spores were not observed on leaf surfaces or predator feces when examined by SEM. The latter appeared as intact aggregates composed of numerous dumbbell-shaped crystals and it is unlikely that spores are liberated from intact fecal pellets onto leaf surfaces. Vertical transmission of M. phytoseiuli was 100%; horizontal transmission was low (14.3%) and occurred only when immature P. persimilis were permitted to develop in contact with infected immature and adult predators. The mean number of eggs produced per mated pair was highest when uninfected females were mated with uninfected males (63.2 eggs per mated pair). Although mean egg production decreased when one or both parents were infected, not all differences were significant. Male predatory mites did not contribute to infection of their progeny. Results suggest that routine examination of P. persimilis for microsporidian spores is essential for the management of M. phytoseiuli within P. persimilis colonies. Low disease prevalence and lack of obvious disease signs or symptoms, as in the case of M. phytoseiuli, increase the probability that these pathogens will escape notice unless individuals are routinely examined for pathogens.  相似文献   

The effect of leaf hairs on searching efficiency of adult female Phytoseiulus persimilis was investigated. For this purpose we used the ornamental crop Gerbera jamesonii and determined the predator's searching efficiency on three cultivars that differ largely in the density of leaf hairs on the undersurface of the leaves. Walking speed of the mites was highest on the cultivar with the lowest leaf hair density. Walking activity, defined as the percentage of time spent walking, was not dependent on leaf hair density of the cultivars. At both prey densities tested, time until first predation increased with leaf hair density. The predation rate of adult female P. persimilis is affected by trichome density, particularly when prey density is low. At prey densities of 1.3 and 2.5 Tetranychus urticae eggs cm–2, predation rate was inversely related to leaf hair density. At a prey density of 8.0 eggs cm–2 no significant effect of leaf hair density on predation rate was found. These negative effects on searching efficiency and predation success at low prey density of P. persimilis suggest that biological control of T. urticae on gerbera may be hampered by leaf hairs. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Laboratory colonies of the predatory mite Metaseiulus occidentalis in Gainesville, FL were found to be infected with an undescribed microsporidium. Experiments were performed to quantify the effect of infection on the fitness of M. occidentalis and to determine if heat treatment can cure mites of the microsporidium. The colonies tested were derived from an isofemale line so that differences in performance could be attributed to the presence of microsporidia. A subcolony of an uninfected isofemale line was infected with the microsporidium by feeding females infected eggs from another colony of M. occidentalis. Infected mites had a shorter mean (+/-SD) female life span (7.4 +/- 2.9 vs. 10.0 +/- 2.8 days), lower mean oviposition (1.6 +/- 0.7 vs. 2.2 +/- 0.4 eggs/day), and a male-biased sex ratio (43 +/- 16% vs. 57 +/- 15% female progeny). The infection was reduced temporarily in colonies initiated from mites that were reared in a growth chamber at 33 degrees C from egg to adult, but healthy colonies only were established from the progeny of the heat-treated adults. These colonies remained free of infection for 10 weeks.  相似文献   

A new microsporidian species is described from the predatory mite Metaseiulus (formerly Typhlodromus or Galendromus) occidentalis (Nesbitt) (Acari, Phytoseiidae). The ultrastructure of this new species is presented together with the first molecular characterization for a microsporidium of mites. All stages of this new microsporidium are haplokaryotic and develop in direct contact with the host-cell cytoplasm. Sporogony is disporoblastic and spores are formed in eggs, immature stages, and adults of M. occidentalis. There are two morphological classes of spores, one with a short polar filament (3-5 coils) that measured 2.53 x 1.68 microm and one with a longer polar filament (8-9 coils) that measured 3.14 x 1.77 microm. Horizontal transmission of this new species occurs by cannibalism of eggs and other stages and perhaps involves the spores with the long polar filament. Spores with the short polar filament may play a role in autoinfection and vertical (transovarial) transmission that is highly efficient in transferring the microsporidium from adults to progeny. Analysis of the small subunit ribosomal DNA indicated that this species from M. occidentalis is most closely related to the Nosema/Vairimorpha clade of microsporidia. A conflict between the morphological and molecular data is discussed. The species is compared to previously described microsporidia of arachnids resulting in creation of Oligosporidium occidentalis n. sp. in the family Unikaryonidae.  相似文献   

Amblyseius californicus was introduced into the UK in the early 1990s as a biocontrol agent against glasshouse red spider mite Tetranychus urticae. This study investigated the effects of temperature on the establishment potential of A. californicus in the UK in the light of recent reports of their successful overwintering outside of glasshouse environments. The developmental thresholds were 9.9 and 8.6 °C respectively using simple and weighted linear regression. Using the day-degree requirement per generation calculated by weighted regression (143 day-degrees) in combination with climate data, it was estimated that up to seven generations would be possible annually outdoors in the UK. Non-diapausing adult females froze at −22 °C, with 100% mortality after reaching their freezing temperature. Up to 90% of mites died before freezing after short exposures to low temperatures. Significant acclimation responses occurred; 90% of acclimated individuals survived 26 days exposure at 0 °C and 11 days at −5 °C (acclimated mites were reared at 19 °C, 6L:18D followed by 1 week at 10 °C, 12L:12D). Non-diapausing adult females survived over 3 months outdoors in winter under sheltered conditions and oviposition was observed. The experimental protocol used in this study is discussed as a pre-release screen for the establishment potential of other Amblyseius species, and similar non-native biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

The tomato red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi, is reported as a severe pest of tomato and other solanaceous crops from Africa, from Atlantic and Mediterranean Islands, and more recently from the south of Europe (Portugal, Spain and France). A population of the predaceous mite Phytoseiulus longipes has been recently found in Brazil in association with T. evansi. The objective of this paper was to assess the development and reproduction abilities of this strain on T. evansi under laboratory conditions at four temperatures: 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. The duration of the immature phase ranged from 3.1 to 15.4 days, at 30 and 15°C, respectively. Global immature lower thermal threshold was 12.0°C. Immature survival was high at all temperatures tested (minimum of 88% at 30°C). The intrinsic rate of increase (r m) of P. longipes ranged from 0.091 to 0.416 female/female/day, at 15 and 30°C, respectively. P. longipes would be able to develop at a wide range of temperatures feeding on T. evansi and has the potential to control T. evansi populations.  相似文献   


Two factors were examined to determine their effect on the life history, reproduction and life table parameters in the predacious mite Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) in the laboratory. The factors studied included multiple mating and various prey stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch. When females fed on mixed actives (protonymphs and deutonymphs) of T. urticae, the fecundity of females mated more than once was 1.7 times higher than in females mated only once, also oviposition period and adult longevity was longer. The adult longevity and life span of P. macropilis were similar when fed on mixed actives, eggs (0 – 24-h-old) and (0 – 48-h-old) of T. urticae, while both periods were increased and reproduction was higher when fed on older eggs (72 – 96-h-old) of T. urticae. The total number of eggs deposited by females was significantly higher on eggs of (various ages) than on mixed actives of T. urticae. Life table parameters showed that a diet of (72 – 96-h-old) eggs of T. urticae provided the longest generation time (11.066 days) and female longevity (33.54 days) as well as the highest intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm = 0.36755) and greatest total fecundity which resulted in the highest net reproductive rate (Ro = 58.4136) value. The adult female consumed daily an average of 6.8 mixed actives of T. urticae during its life cycle, while it was increased to 13.6 during the oviposition period. The daily (72 – 96-h-old) eggs of T. urticae consumed by female P. macropilis during its life cycle and adult longevity was significantly higher than that recorded on either (0 – 24-h-old) or (0 – 48-h-old) eggs of T. urticae.  相似文献   

Walking activity, walking straightness, walking speed and searching efficiency of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot were measured on French bean leaf discs that were sprayed with either distilled water, or one of 0.25%, 0.50% and 1.00% w/w aqueous emulsions of an n C24 agricultural mineral oil (AMO). There was no significant difference in percentage of time that mites spent walking in the control (water-sprayed) conditions and in any of the oil treatments. Walking paths were significantly straighter in the oil treatments than in the control, but differences among the oil treatments did not differ significantly. Walking speeds in the oil treatments were significantly slower than in the control and decreased with increasing oil concentration. Deposits of oil at all concentrations significantly suppressed searching efficiency in comparison with control, and searching efficiency in the 1.00% oil treatment was significantly lower than in the 0.25% oil treatment. First predation of P. persimilis on AMO-contaminated eggs of two-spotted mite ( Tetranychus urticae Koch) on unsprayed leaf discs was significantly delayed in all oil treatments in comparison with the control. However there was no significant effect on the overall predation rate. In the tests of P. persimilis predation on AMO-contaminated T. urticae eggs on sprayed leaf discs, the number of first predation occurrences in the first hour was significantly lower in 0.50% and 1.00% oil treatments than in the control. Overall predation rates were significantly reduced by oil but they did not differ significantly among the oil treatments.  相似文献   


Studies on the life history and life table parameters of Neoseiulus cucumeris Oudemans (Acari: Phytoseiidae) were carried out under laboratory conditions of 25?±?1?°C and 65?±?5% RH; 30?±?1?°C and 60?±?5% RH; 35?±?1?°C and 55?±?5% RH. As prey, immature stages of tetranychid spider mite T. urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) and the moving stages of the Tomato Russet Mite A. lycopersici (Massee) (Acari: Eriophyideae) were selected. The predatory phytoseiid mite, Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) was able to develop successfully from egg to adult stage through the entire life history on both preys. The higher of different temperatures and relative humidities shortened the development and increased reproduction and prey consumption and vice versa. The maximum reproduction (3.91, and 3.09 eggs/♀/day) was recorded at 35?°C and 65% RH, while the minimum (2.12, and 1.90 eggs/♀/day) was at 25?±?1?°C and 55?±?5% RH. when N. cucumeris fed on A. lycopersici and T. urticae, respectively. The reproductive rate on eriophyid was significantly higher than previously recorded on tetranychid. Life table parameters indicated that feeding of phytoseiid mite N. cucumeris on tomato russet mite A. lycopersici led to the highest reproduction rate (rm?=?0.268, 0.232 and 0.211 females/female/day), while feeding on T.urticae gave the lowest reproduction rate (rm?=?0.159, 0.143 and 0.131) at 35?°C and 55% RH, 30?°C and 60% RH and 25?°C and 65% RH, respectively. The population of N. cucumeris multiplied (36.81, 28.71 and 20.47) and (24.60, 19.58 and 14.62 times) in a generation time of (20.10, 23.20 and 25.14) and (22.35, 25.36 and 27.79 days) when a predator fed on A. lycopersici and T. urticae at the same temperature above mentioned, respectively. These results suggest that the two mites, particularly A. lycopersici, proved to be suitable prey for N.cucumeris, as a facultative predator.  相似文献   

Anemotaxis in the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis (both well-fed and starved), has previously been studied on a wire grid under slight turbulent airflow conditions yielding weak, yet distinct, gradients in wind speed and odour concentration (Sabelis and Van der Weel 1993). Such conditions might have critically influenced the outcome of the study. We repeated these experiments, under laminar airflow conditions on a flat surface in a wind tunnel, thereby avoiding variation in wind speed and odour concentration. Treatments for starved and well-fed mites were (1) still-air without herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPV) (well-fed mites only), (2) an HIPV-free air stream, and (3) an air stream with HIPV (originating from Lima bean plants infested by two-spotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae). Well-fed mites oriented in random directions in still-air without HIPV. In an air stream, starved mites always oriented upwind, whether plant odours were present or not. Well-fed mites oriented downwind in an HIPV-free air stream, but in random directions in an air stream with HIPV. Only under the last treatment our results differed from those of Sabelis and Van der Weel (1993).  相似文献   

The effect of single versus multiple mating on longevity and fecundity as well as the number of matings required to maximize a female’s reproductive success of the predatory mite Kampimodromus aberrans Oudemans were studied under laboratory conditions. Newly emerged adult females of the stock colony of K. aberrans were placed individually on a bean leaf disc, and maintained at 25°C and 16:8 LD. A young male remained with a female for limited periods or continuously. Mating was a requisite for oocyte maturation and oviposition. Females which mated three to four times during their life and females in continuous presence of males, laid significantly and considerably more eggs than single-mated females. Virgin females lived the longest, and those in continuous presence of males the shortest. In all cases and irrespective of the number of matings, the sex ratio of the offspring was male-biased in the first three to four days of oviposition period, and female-biased in later days.  相似文献   

The dispersal behaviour of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot between bean plants was studied in a greenhouse. The aim of the study was to estimate the rate of predator emigration affected by different densities of Tetranychus urticae Koch and different numbers of between-plant connections (bridges). The results show that predators emigrate from a plant almost exclusively as a response to the local prey density whereas the loss rate (the per capita rate at which predators disappear from the system) also depends on the prey density on the surrounding plants, provided they are connected to the central plant by bridges. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

Typhlodromalus manihoti and Typhlodromalus aripo are exotic predators of the cassava green mite Mononychellus tanajoa in Africa. In an earlier paper, we showed that the two predators were attracted to odors from M. tanajoa-infested cassava leaves. In addition to the key prey species, M. tanajoa, two alternative prey mite species, Oligonychus ossypii and Tetranychus urticae also occur in the cassava agroecosystem. Here, we used a Y-tube olfactometer to determine the attraction of the predators to odors from O. gossypii- or T. urticae-infested cassava leaves and their prey-related odor preference. T. aripo but not T. manihoti was slightly attracted to odors from O. gossypii-infested leaves. Both predator species showed a stronger response to odors from cassava leaves infested by M. tanajoa over odors from cassava leaves infested by O. gossypii. Neither predator species was attracted to odors from T. urticae-infested leaves and the predators preferred the odors from M. tanajoa-infested leaves over those from T. urticae-infested leaves. When O. gossypii was present together with M. tanajoa on the same leaves or on different sets of leaves offered together as an odor source the two predators were attracted. In contrast, after mixing non-attractive odors from T. urticae-infested leaves with attractive odors from M. tanajoa-infested leaves, neither T. aripo nor T. manihoti was attracted. Ecological advantages and disadvantages of the predators’ behavior and possible implications for biological control of M. tanajoa are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To investigate the relative contributions of bottom-up (plant condition) and top-down (predatory mites) factors on the dynamics of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), a series of experiments were conducted in which spider mites and predatory mites were released on bean plants. Plants inoculated with 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 adult female T. urticae were either left untreated or were inoculated with 3 or 5 adult female predators (Phytoseiulus persimilis) one week after the introduction of spider mites. Plant area, densities of T. urticae and P. persimilis, and plant injury were assessed by weekly sampling. Data were analysed by a combination of statistical methods and a tri-trophic mechanistic simulation model partly parameterised from the current experiments and partly from previous data. The results showed a clear effect of predators on the density of spider mites and on the plant injury they cause. Plant injury increased with the initial number of spider mites and decreased with the initial number of predators. Extinction of T. urticae, followed by extinction of P. persimilis, was the most likely outcome for most initial combinations of prey and predators. Eggs constituted a relatively smaller part of the prey population as plant injury increased and of the predator population as prey density decreased. We did not find statistical evidence of P. persimilis having preference for feeding on T. urticae eggs. The simulation model demonstrated that bottom-up and top-down factors interact synergistically to reduce the density of spider mites. This may have important implications for biological control of spider mites by means of predatory mites.  相似文献   

Rubber pest mites, Calacarus heveae and Tenuipalpus heveae, reach economic damage levels at the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the dry season in Brazil. Therefore, low humidity adaptation might be an important characteristic for predatory mites to successfully control pest organisms. This study determined the effect of the relative humidity (RH) levels of 30–100% on the hatching of larvae of Amblyseius acalyphus, Euseius citrifolius, Iphiseiodes zuluagai, Metaseiulus camelliae, Agistemus floridanus and Zetzellia malvinae at 25 ± 0.5 °C. These predatory mites are common on rubber trees in the state of São Paulo and might be used for introduction in the major rubber tree production regions in the state of Mato Grosso. At 70% RH or higher, viability was 70% or higher for all species, indicating that their performance might be higher during the rainy season than during the dry season. Eggs of E. citrifolius and M. camelliae presented higher viability at the lower relative humidity levels than those of other species, indicating that these species might have higher chance to persist in the dry season. It is suggested that M. camelliae should be further evaluated for introduction in the state of Mato Grosso, considering that this mite is not yet present in that area.  相似文献   

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