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Cyclin C makes an entry into the cell cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sage J 《Developmental cell》2004,6(5):607-608
From yeast to humans, cell cycle progression is orchestrated by the oscillation of kinase activities associated with cyclins. In an article published recently in Cell, Ren and Rollins investigate mechanisms controlling the G0/G1 transition in quiescent cells and identify new cyclin C/Cdk3 complexes as key regulators of cell cycle reentry in human cells.  相似文献   

The endothelial luminal glycocalyx has been largely ignored as a target in vascular pathophysiology even though it occupies a key location. As a model of the inflammatory response, we tested the hypothesis that tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) can alter the properties of the endothelial apical glycocalyx. In the intact hamster cremaster microcirculation, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled Dextrans 70, 580, and 2,000 kDa are excluded from a region extending from the endothelial surface almost 0.5 micrometer into the lumen. This exclusion zone defines the boundaries of the glycocalyx. Red blood cells (RBC) under normal flow conditions are excluded from a region extending even farther into the lumen. The cremaster microcirculation was pretreated with topical or intrascrotal applications of TNF-alpha. After infusion of FITC-dextran, FITC-albumin, or FITC-immunoglubulin G (IgG) via a femoral cannula, microvessels were observed with bright-field and fluorescence microscopy to obtain estimates of the anatomic diameters and the widths of fluorescent tracer columns and of the RBC columns (means +/- SE). After 2 h of intrascrotal TNF-alpha exposure, there was a significant increase in access of FITC-Dextrans 70 and 580 to the space bounded by the apical glycocalyx in arterioles, capillaries, and venules, but no significant change in access of FITC-Dextran 2,000. The effects of TNF-alpha could be observed as early as 20 min after the onset of topical application. TNF-alpha treatment also significantly increased the penetration rate of FITC-Dextran 40, FITC-albumin, and FITC-IgG into the glycocalyx and caused a significant increase in the intraluminal volume occupied by flowing RBC. White blood cell adhesion increased during TNF-alpha application, and we used the selectin antagonist fucoidan to attenuate leukocyte adhesion during TNF-alpha stimulation. This did not inhibit the TNF-alpha-mediated increase in permeation of the glycocalyx. These results show that proinflammatory cytokines can cause disruption of the endothelial apical glycocalyx, leading to an increased macromolecular permeation in the absence of an increase in leukocyte recruitment.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a pathogen optimally adapted to efficiently invade its respective host cell and to proliferate intracellularly. We investigated the role of host cell membrane microdomains in the entry of F. tularensis subspecies holarctica vaccine strain (F. tularensis live vaccine strain) into murine macrophages. F. tularensis live vaccine strain recruits cholesterol-rich lipid domains ("lipid rafts") with caveolin-1 for successful entry into macrophages. Interference with lipid rafts through the depletion of plasma membrane cholesterol, through induction of raft internalization with choleratoxin, or through removal of raft-associated GPI-anchored proteins by treatment with phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C significantly inhibited entry of Francisella and its intracellular proliferation. Lipid raft-associated components such as cholesterol and caveolin-1 were incorporated into Francisella-containing vesicles during entry and the initial phase of intracellular trafficking inside the host cell. These findings demonstrate that Francisella requires cholesterol-rich membrane domains for entry into and proliferation inside macrophages.  相似文献   

Shigella invades epithelial cells by inducing cytoskeletal reorganization localized at the site of bacterial–host cell interaction. During entry, the Shigella type III secretion apparatus allows the insertion of a pore that contains the IpaB and IpaC proteins into cell membranes. Insertion of this complex is thought to allow translocation of the carboxy-terminus moiety of IpaC, but also of other Shigella effectors, such as IpaA, into the cell cytosol. IpaC triggers actin polymerization and the formation of filopodial and lamellipodial extensions dependent on the Cdc42 and Rac GTPases. IpaA, on the other hand, binds to the focal adhesion protein vinculin and induces depolymerization of actin filaments. IpaA and the GTPase Rho are not required for actin polymerization at the site of bacterial contact with the cell membrane, but allow the transformation of the IpaC-induced extensions into a structure that is productive for bacterial entry. Rho is required for the recruitment at entry foci of ezrin, a cytoskeletal linker required for Shigella entry, and also of the Src tyrosine kinase. The Src tyrosine kinase activity, which is required for Shigella -induced actin polymerization, also appears to be involved in a negative regulatory loop that downregulates Rho at the site of entry.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In fission yeast, the Wee1 kinase delays entry into mitosis until a critical cell size has been reached; however, a similar role for Wee1-related kinases has not been reported in other organisms. SWE1, the budding yeast homolog of wee1, is thought to function in a morphogenesis checkpoint that delays entry into mitosis in response to defects in bud morphogenesis. RESULTS: In contrast to previous studies, we found that budding yeast swe1 Delta cells undergo premature entry into mitosis, leading to birth of abnormally small cells. Additional experiments suggest that conditions that activate the morphogenesis checkpoint may actually be activating a G2/M cell size checkpoint. For example, actin depolymerization is thought to activate the morphogenesis checkpoint by inhibiting bud morphogenesis. However, actin depolymerization also inhibits bud growth, suggesting that it could activate a cell size checkpoint. Consistent with this possibility, we found that actin depolymerization fails to induce a G2/M delay once daughter buds pass a critical size. Other conditions that activate the morphogenesis checkpoint block bud formation, which could also activate a size checkpoint if cell size at G2/M is monitored in the daughter bud. Previous work reported that Swe1 is degraded during G2, which was proposed to account for failure of large-budded cells to arrest in response to actin depolymerization. However, we found that Swe1 is present throughout G2 and undergoes hyperphosphorylation as cells enter mitosis, as found in other organisms. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that the mechanisms known to coordinate entry into mitosis in other organisms have been conserved in budding yeast.  相似文献   

During mouse embryonic development germ cells proliferate extensively until they commit to the male or female pathway and arrest in mitosis or meiosis respectively. Whilst the transition of female germ cells exiting the mitotic cell cycle and entering meiosis is well defined histologically, the essential cell cycle proteins involved in this process have remained unresolved. Using flow cytometry we have examined the entry of female germ cells into meiosis, their termination of DNA synthesis and entry into prophase I. Analysis of key G2/M cell cycle proteins revealed that entry into meiosis and cell cycle exit at G2/M involves repression of G2/M promoting Cyclin B1, coincident upregulation of G2/M repressing Cyclin B3 and robust establishment of the ATM/CHK2 pathway. By contrast we show that the ATR/CHK1 pathway is activated in male and female germ cells. This data indicates that an important G2/M surveillance mechanism operates during germ cell proliferation and that passage into meiotic G2/M involves the combined repression of G2/M through Cyclin B3 and activation of the key G2/M checkpoint regulatory network modulated through ATM and CHK2. This work shows that the core regulatory machinery that controls G2/M progression in mitotic cells is activated in female mouse germ cells as they enter meiosis.  相似文献   

Calcium entry into pollen tubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growing pollen tubes require calcium to maintain a tip-focused cytosolic gradient and as a constituent of the constantly expanding cell wall. Advances in cell and molecular biology as well as electrophysiology implicate several candidate channels and receptors in the flow of calcium into the cell. In this review we discuss the channels that have been identified and consider the role of the growing tip cell wall acting as a sink for calcium thus accounting for differences in oscillatory phase between influx measured on the outside of the cell and changes in tip concentration inside the cell. We also briefly draw attention to uptake mechanisms that restrict and shape the calcium signature in the growing pollen tube.  相似文献   

Bacterial entry into eukaryotic cells   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
S Falkow 《Cell》1991,65(7):1099-1102

TH17 cells enter tissues to facilitate pathogenic autoimmune responses, including multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the adhesion molecules involved in the unique migratory capacity of TH17 cells, into both inflamed and uninflamed tissues remain unclear. Herein, we characterize MCAM (CD146) as an adhesion molecule that defines human TH17 cells in the circulation; following in vitro restimulation of human memory T cells, nearly all of the capacity to secrete IL-17 is contained within the population of cells expressing MCAM. Furthermore, we identify the MCAM ligand as laminin 411, an isoform of laminin expressed within the vascular endothelial basement membranes under inflammatory as well as homeotstatic conditions. Purified MCAM-Fc binds to laminin 411 with an affinity of 27 nM, and recognizes vascular basement membranes in mouse and human tissue. MCAM-Fc binding was undetectable in tissue from mice with targeted deletion of laminin 411, indicating that laminin 411 is a major tissue ligand for MCAM. An anti-MCAM monoclonal antibody, selected for inhibition of laminin binding, as well as soluble MCAM-Fc, inhibited T cell adhesion to laminin 411 in vitro. When administered in vivo, the antibody reduced TH17 cell infiltration into the CNS and ameliorated disease in an animal model of MS. Our data suggest that MCAM and laminin 411 interact to facilitate TH17 cell entry into tissues and promote inflammation.  相似文献   

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