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The entomopathogenic anamorphic genus Evlachovaea was described to differ from other fungi in forming its conidia obliquely to the axis of the conidiogenous cell and with successive conidia having alternate orientations with a zipper- or chevron-like arrangement resulting in flat, ribbon-like chains. Morphological and molecular studies of six Evlachovaea-like isolates baited from Central Brazilian soils using Triatoma infestans (a vector of Chagas disease) and of other entomopathogens with Evlachovaea-like conidiogenesis led to a re-evaluation of the status of this little known fungal genus. The Brazilian isolates formed two distinct groups based on gene sequences for both the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and translation elongation factor (EF-1α) genes, morphology, and growth patterns; both groups also differed from the type species, Evlachovaea kintrischica. More detailed studies of these fungi indicated that the alternatingly oblique orientations of forming conidia are neither a stable nor invariant character (even on single phialides). Furthermore, the molecular cladistic analysis unambiguously placed the Evlachovaea isolates firmly within the genus Isaria (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae). The ITS sequences of E. kintrischica were very similar or even identical to those of Isaria amoenerosea and Isaria cateniobliqua, thereby suggesting that E. kintrischica is a synonym of one of these species, and that the genus Evlachovaea must be treated as a later synonym of Isaria, which must now be recognized to include several highly divergent modes of conidiogenesis. These taxonomic findings are discussed in the context of dramatic changes recently imposed on the nomenclatural standards used to determine the correct names of all pleomorphic fungi.  相似文献   

An identification key for 20 common strand-forming indoor wood decay fungi is given. The key is based on observations of material from affected buildings and on wood samples that have been incubated in the laboratory. The key is with macro- and microscopic photographs.  相似文献   

Tetraspanins are animal proteins involved in membrane complexes that are involved in cell adhesion, differentiation, and motility. The PLS1 gene from rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea encodes a protein (Pls1p) structurally related to tetraspanins that is required for pathogenicity. In Botrytis cinerea public sequences, we identified an EST homologous to PLS1. Using degenerated oligonucleotides, we amplified sequences homologous to PLS1 in fungi Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and Neurospora crassa. Analysis of N. crassa and M. grisea genome sequences revealed the presence of a single tetraspanin gene. Thus, fungi differ from animals, which contain between 20 and 37 paralogous tetraspanin genes. Fungal proteins encoded by BcPLS1, ClPLS1, and NcPLS1 display all the structural hallmarks of tetraspanins (predicted topology with four transmembrane domains, extra- and intracellular loops; conserved cysteine-based patterns in second extracellular loop). Phylogenetic analysis suggests that these genes define a new family of orthologous genes encoding fungal-specific tetraspanins.  相似文献   

Sequences from 86 fungal genomes and from the two outgroup genomes Arabidopsis thaliana and Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed to construct a robust molecular phylogeny of thermophilic fungi, which are potentially rich sources of industrial enzymes. To provide experimental reference points, growth characteristics of 22 reported thermophilic or thermotolerant fungi, together with eight mesophilic species, were examined at four temperatures: 22 °C, 34 °C, 45 °C, and 55 °C. Based on the relative growth performances, species with a faster growth rate at 45 °C than at 34 °C were classified as thermophilic, and species with better or equally good growth at 34 °C compared to 45 °C as thermotolerant. We examined the phylogenetic relationships of a diverse range of fungi, including thermophilic and thermotolerant species, using concatenated amino acid sequences of marker genes mcm7, rpb1, and rpb2 obtained from genome sequencing projects. To further elucidate the phylogenetic relationships in the thermophile-rich orders Sordariales and Eurotiales, we used nucleotide sequences from the nuclear ribosomal small subunit (SSU), the 5.8S gene with internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS 1 and 2), and the ribosomal large subunit (LSU) to include additional species for analysis. These phylogenetic analyses clarified the position of several thermophilic taxa. Thus, Myriococcum thermophilum and Scytalidium thermophilum fall into the Sordariales as members of the Chaetomiaceae, Thermomyces lanuginosus belongs to the Eurotiales, Malbranchea cinnamomea is a member of the Onygenales, and Calcarisporiella thermophila is assigned to the basal fungi close to the Mucorales. The mesophilic alkalophile Acremonium alcalophilum clusters with Verticillium albo-atrum and Verticillium dahliae, placing them in the recently established order Glomerellales. Taken together, these data indicate that the known thermophilic fungi are limited to the Sordariales, Eurotiales, and Onygenales in the Ascomycota and the Mucorales with possibly an additional order harbouring C. thermophila in the basal fungi. No supporting evidence was found for thermophilic species belonging to the Basidiomycota.  相似文献   

Evolution of pedal grasping in Primates   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  

3-hydroxypropionic acid as a nematicidal principle in endophytic fungi   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
3- Hydroxypropionic acid was isolated by bioactivity-guided fractionation of extracts obtained from submerged cultures of several endophytic fungi isolated from above-ground plant organs. This compound showed selective nematicidal activity against the plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne incognita with LD50 values of 12.5-15 microg/ml. Activity against the saprophytic Caenorhabditis elegans was fivefold lower. No antimicrobial, cytotoxic or phytotoxic effects were observed. Propionic acid and D- and L-lactic acids were not active against either nematode species. Based on morphological features and ITS, 18S and 28S rDNA analyses, the producing strains were identified as Phomopsis phaseoli isolated from the leaf of a tropical tree, and four strains of Melanconium betulinum isolated from twigs of Betula pendula and B. pubescens in Germany. This is the first report of 3-hydroxypropionic acid in fungi, and of the nematicidal activity of this metabolite.  相似文献   

There is need for efficacious biocontrol agents for aphids in commercial orchards. As a preliminary step to this end we determined the virulence of several Hypocreales fungi to pecan aphids. In the first experiment we tested the virulence of Isaria fumosorosea (ARSEF 3581) blastospores to three pecan aphids Monellia caryella, Melanocallis caryaefoliae, and Monelliopsis pecanis under laboratory conditions. Rates of 1 × 107 or 1 × 108 spores per ml were applied in 2 ml via a spray tower to 90 mm Petri dishes containing 10 aphids each. Mortality and mycosis were determined after 24, 48 and 72 h. Treatment effects were observed by 48 h post-application, and by 72 h the higher application rate caused >90% mortality and mycosis in M. caryella and M. caryaefoliae, whereas <70% was observed in M. pecanis.We conducted two subsequent experiments (Experiments 2 and 3), using the same methodology, to compare the virulence of several Hypocreales species and strains against the aphid of primary economic concern to most pecan growers, M. caryaefoliae. In Experiment 2, we compared blastospores and conidia of two I. fumosorosea strains (ARSEF 3581 and ATCC 20874 [= strain 97]). The blastospores of ARSEF 3581 and conidia of ATCC 20874 showed higher virulence than other treatments and thus were included in Experiment 3, which also compared the virulence of conidia of Beauveria bassiana (GHA strain) and Metarhizium anisopliae (F52 strain). Results in Experiment 3 indicated the highest virulence in I. fumosorosea 3581 blastospores and M. anisopliae (F52) followed by I. fumosorosea (20874) conidia. The detection of pathogenicity to pecan aphids establishes the potential for commercial usage and additional study. Results reported here will narrow treatments to test in future greenhouse and field trials.  相似文献   

Understanding the systematics and evolution of clavicipitoid fungi has been greatly aided by the application of molecular phylogenetics. They are now classified in three families, largely driven by reevaluation of the morphologically and ecologically diverse genus Cordyceps. Although reevaluation of morphological features of both sexual and asexual states were often found to reflect the structure of phylogenies based on molecular data, many species remain of uncertain placement due to a lack of reliable data or conflicting morphological characters. A rigid, darkly pigmented stipe and the production of a Hirsutella-like anamorph in culture were taken as evidence for the transfer of the species Cordyceps cuboidea, Cordyceps prolifica, and Cordyceps ryogamiensis to the genus Ophiocordyceps. Data from ribosomal DNA supported these species as a single group, but were unable to infer deeper relationships in Hypocreales. Here, molecular data for ribosomal and protein coding DNA from specimens of Ophiocordyceps cuboidea, Ophiocordyceps ryogamiensis, Ophiocordyceps paracuboidea, Ophiocordyceps prolifica, Cordyceps ramosopulvinata, Cordyceps nipponica, and isolates of Polycephalomyces were combined with a broadly sampled dataset of Hypocreales. Phylogenetic analyses of these data revealed that these species represent a clade distinct from the other clavicipitoid genera. Applying the recently adopted single system of nomenclature, new taxonomic combinations are proposed for these species in the genus Polycephalomyces, which has been historically reserved for asexual or anamorphic taxa.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of betulinic and betulonic acids by fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Betulinic acid (1), a triterpenoid found in many plant species, has attracted attention due to its important pharmacological properties, such as anti-cancer and anti-HIV activities. The closely related, betulonic acid (2) also has similar properties. In order to obtain derivatives potentially useful for detailed pharmacological studies, both compounds were submitted to incubations with selected microorganisms. In this work, both were individually metabolized by the fungi Arthrobotrys, Chaetophoma and Dematium, isolated from the bark of Platanus orientalis as well as with Colletotrichum, obtained from corn leaves; such fungal transformations are quite rare in the scientific literature. Biotransformations with Arthrobotrys converted betulonic acid (2) into 3-oxo-7beta-hydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid (3), 3-oxo-7beta,15alpha-dihydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid (4) and 3-oxo-7beta,30-dihydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid (5); Colletotrichum converted betulinic acid (1) into 3-oxo-15alpha-hydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oic (6) acid whereas betulonic acid (2) was converted into the same product and 3-oxo-7beta,15alpha-dihydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid (4); Chaetophoma converted betulonic acid (2) into 3-oxo-25-hydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid (7) and both Chaetophoma and Dematium converted betulinic acid (1) into betulonic acid (2). Those fungi, therefore, are useful for mild, selective oxidations of lupane substrates at positions C-3, C-7, C-15, C-25 and C-30.  相似文献   

Black foot is an important disease of grapevines, which has in recent years been recorded with increased incidence and severity throughout the world, affecting grapevines both in nurseries and young vineyards. In the past the disease has been associated with infections by Ilyonectria macrodidyma, Ilyonectria liriodendri, Campylocarpon fasciculare, and Campylocarpon pseudofasciculare. Based on published data, a high level of genetic diversity was detected among isolates of I. macrodidyma. To resolve this issue, we employed a multigene analysis strategy (based on the β-tubulin, histone H3, translation elongation factor 1-α, and the internal transcribed spacers on both sides of the 5.8S nuclear ribosomal RNA gene) along with morphological characterisation to study a collection of 81 I. macrodidyma-like isolates from grapevine and other hosts. Morphological characters (particularly conidial size) and molecular data (highest resolution achieved with histone H3 nucleotide sequence) enabled the distinction of six monophyletic species within the I. macrodidyma complex, four of which (Ilyonectria alcacerensis, Ilyonectria estremocensis, Ilyonectria novozelandica, and Ilyonectria torresensis) are described here. This work forms part of an effort by the International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases to resolve the species associated with black foot disease, which we believe will clarify their taxonomy, and therefore help researchers to devise control strategies to reduce the devastating impact of this disease.  相似文献   

Coelomycetous fungi classified in Ascochyta, Phoma, and Phyllosticta have been recorded from spots on leaves and pods of soybeans. Based on the Genealogical Concordance Phylogenetic Species Concept, the authors suggest the re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of Phoma sojicola (syn. = Ascochyta sojicola) and Phyllosticta sojicola. In spite of the former delimitation of Phoma sojicola based on small differences in morphological features, it has proved to be identical to Phoma pinodella. Similarly, it was also confirmed that Phyllosticta sojicola was identical to Phoma exigua var. exigua. The authors supply tools for identification of Phoma-like fungi by combined conventional and molecular methods. Protein-encoding genes (tef1 and β-tubulin) were successfully applied within the Phoma genus to infer phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

The initial focus of recombinant protein production by filamentous fungi related to exploiting the extraordinary extracellular enzyme synthesis and secretion machinery of industrial strains, including Aspergillus, Trichoderma, Penicillium and Rhizopus species, was to produce single recombinant protein products. An early recognized disadvantage of filamentous fungi as hosts of recombinant proteins was their common ability to produce homologous proteases which could degrade the heterologous protein product and strategies to prevent proteolysis have met with some limited success. It was also recognized that the protein glycosylation patterns in filamentous fungi and in mammals were quite different, such that filamentous fungi are likely not to be the most suitable microbial hosts for production of recombinant human glycoproteins for therapeutic use. By combining the experience gained from production of single recombinant proteins with new scientific information being generated through genomics and proteomics research, biotechnologists are now poised to extend the biomanufacturing capabilities of recombinant filamentous fungi by enabling them to express genes encoding multiple proteins, including, for example, new biosynthetic pathways for production of new primary or secondary metabolites. It is recognized that filamentous fungi, most species of which have not yet been isolated, represent an enormously diverse source of novel biosynthetic pathways, and that the natural fungal host harboring a valuable biosynthesis pathway may often not be the most suitable organism for biomanufacture purposes. Hence it is expected that substantial effort will be directed to transforming other fungal hosts, non-fungal microbial hosts and indeed non microbial hosts to express some of these novel biosynthetic pathways. But future applications of recombinant expression of proteins will not be confined to biomanufacturing. Opportunities to exploit recombinant technology to unravel the causes of the deleterious impacts of fungi, for example as human, mammalian and plant pathogens, and then to bring forward solutions, is expected to represent a very important future focus of fungal recombinant protein technology.  相似文献   

Insect-passaged cultures of entomopathogenic fungi grown on potato dextrose agar media have been shown to have altered virulence and profiles of volatile compounds. The present study demonstrated the pathogenic status of FS0 (in vitro) and FS1 and FS2 (insect-passaged cultures grown on PDA) cultures of Metarhizium anisopliae (strains 406 and 02049) and Beauveria bassiana by a non-choice assay, in which filter paper was inoculated with fungal spores at a concentration of 1 × 107 spores/ml. The FS1 and FS2 cultures of M. anisopliae strain 02049 and B. bassiana produced conidia with high virulence, and the volatile profiles of these conidia comprised relatively lower percentages of branched-alkanes than conidia from the FS0 cultures. In contrast, the conidia from an FS0 culture of M. anisopliae strain 406 had somewhat elevated virulence levels, but their volatile profile had <2% branched-alkanes. The FS1 and FS2 cultures of M. anisopliae strain 406 did not gain virulence, and these cultures showed a decline in virulence along with major alteration of their volatile profiles. Their volatile profiles mainly comprised branched-alkanes. The volatile profiles of the FS1 and FS2 cultures lacked n-tetradecane, which was an important component of all the virulent cultures. Four compounds, 2-phenylpropenal, 2,5,5-trimethyl-1-hexene, n-tetradecane and 2,6-dimethylheptadecane, were detected only from the virulent cultures, suggesting that low LT50 values were probably due to the production of these compounds. This is the first report to characterize volatiles from FS0, FS1 and FS2 cultures of entomopathogenic fungi; its utility in different aspects opens an interesting area for further investigations.  相似文献   

贾彤  任安芝  王帅  高玉葆 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4811-4817
通过温室栽培实验,以感染两种内生真菌(Neotyphodium sibiricumNeotyphodium gansuence)和未感染内生真菌的羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)为实验材料,分析感染不同种内生真菌对宿主植物的生长及光合特性的影响。结果表明,感染两种内生真菌羽茅的株高和CO2补偿点显著低于未染菌的羽茅,而染菌羽茅的蒸腾速率和气孔导度显著高于未染菌羽茅,但对于感染不同种内生真菌的羽茅,无论是分蘖数与生物量的积累还是光合生理值之间均无显著差异。  相似文献   

Geosmithia is a genus of mitosporic filamentous fungi typically associated with phloeophagous bark beetles world-wide. During this study, the fungal associates of ambrosia beetles Cnesinus lecontei, Eupagiocerus dentipes, and Microcorthylus sp. from Costa Rica, were studied using morphology and DNA sequences. Fungal associates belonged to four undescribed Geosmithia species. Geosmithia eupagioceri sp. nov. and G. microcorthyli sp. nov. are evidently primary ambrosia fungi of their respective vectors E. dentipes and Microcorthylus species. They both have convergently evolved distinct morphological adaptations including the production of large, solitary and globose conidia, and yeast-like cells. Tunnels of C. lecontei contained an undescribed Geosmithia species, but its nutritional importance for its vector is unclear. An auxiliary ambrosia fungus, Geosmithia rufescens sp. nov., was found associated with both G. eupagioceri and the Geosmithia species associated with C. lecontei. G. microcorthyli is genetically quite similar to the phloem-associated Geosmithia sp. 8 from Europe. Large differences in morphology between these two species suggest the rapid co-evolution resulting from the close symbiosis of the former with its beetle host. The ITS rDNA sequences of G. microcorthyli and Geosmithia sp. 8 were not diagnostic, suggesting that alternative markers such as EF-1α, IGS rDNA or β-tubulin should be used, together with morphological and ecological data, for species delimitation in this genus. The primary ambrosia fungi described here are derived from phloem-associated ancestors, and represent two independent lineages of ambrosia fungi in the Hypocreales and a new ecological strategy within Geosmithia.  相似文献   

Termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, reared individually, were highly susceptible to entomopathogenic fungi, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus and Beauveria brongniartii and Metarhizium anisopliae, while termites reared in groups were highly resistant. Quantitative assays with an epifluoresent microscope revealed a significant difference in the number of conidia attachments among three entomopathogenic fungi. The conidia of B. brongniartii and P. fumosoroseus bound to termite cuticles more effectively than M. anisopliae conidia. Our results also suggested that self-grooming behavior is less effective, but mutual grooming is very effective in the removal of conidia from cuticles of their nestmates. Statistical analysis of removal rates indicated that conidia of P. fumosoroseus and B. brongniartii were removed more rapidly than M. anisopliae conidia from termite cuticles.  相似文献   

Extreme environments have for long been considered to be populated almost exclusively by prokaryotic organisms and therefore monopolized by bacteriologists. Solar salterns are natural hypersaline environments characterized by extreme concentrations of NaCl, often high concentrations of other ions, high uv irradiation and in some cases extremes in pH. In 2000 fungi were first reported to be active inhabitants of solar salterns. Since then many new species and species previously known only as food contaminants have been discovered in hypersaline environments around the globe. The eukaryotic microorganism most studied for its salt tolerance is Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, S. cerevisiae is rather salt sensitive and not able to adapt to hypersaline conditions. In contrast, some species like Debaryomyces hansenii, Hortaea werneckii, and Wallemia ichthyophaga have been isolated globally from natural hypersaline environments. We believe that all three are more suitable model organisms to study halotolerance in eukaryotes than S. cerevisiae. Furthermore, they belong to different and distant taxonomic groups and have developed different strategies to cope with the same problems of ion toxicity and loss of water.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic ascomycete fungi are ubiquitous in soil and on phylloplanes, and are important natural enemies of many soil-borne arthropods including larval western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, which is a major pest of corn. We measured the prevalence of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato in ten cornfields in Iowa, USA by baiting with larval insects. B. bassiana and M. anisopliae s.l. were present in 60% ± 6.3% and 55% ± 6.4% of soil samples, respectively. Subsequent laboratory bioassays found that some M. anisopliae s.l. strains collected from cornfields killed a greater proportion of D.v. virgifera larvae than a standard commercial strain.  相似文献   

This review compiles and discusses previous reports on the identity of wall-associated enzymes (WAEs) in fungi and addresses critically the widely different terminologies used in the literature to specify the type of bonding of WAEs to other entities of the cell wall compartment, the extracellular matrix (ECM). A facile and rapid fractionation protocol for catalytically active WAEs is presented, which uses crude cell walls as the experimental material, a variety of test enzymes (including representatives of polysaccharide synthases and hydrolases, phosphatases, gamma-glutamyltransferases, pyridine-nucleotide dehydrogenases and phenol-oxidising enzymes) and a combination of simple hydrophilic and hydrophobic extractants. The protocol provides four fully operationally defined classes of WAEs, with constituent members of each class displaying the same basic type of physicochemical interaction with binding partners in situ. The routine application of the protocol to different species and cell types could yield easily accessible data useful for building-up a general objective information retrieval system of WAEs, suitable as an heuristic basis both for the unravelling of the role and for the biotechnological potentialities of WAEs. A detailed account is given of the function played in the ECM by WAEs in the metabolism of chitin (chitin synthase, chitinase and beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase) and of phenols (tyrosinase).  相似文献   

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