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The morphology of the female reproductive system of pupal and adult stages of Microplitis rufiventris and the ultrastructure of the ovaries are described and illustrated. Two morphologically distinct types of particles of nuclear origin, i.e., polydnavirus (PDV) and a virus-like filamentous particle (VLFP) were detected in the ovarian calyx fluid of the female wasp. It is likely that these particles are injected into the host during oviposition. PDV initiated replication in the calyx of mid-aged pupae and in pharate adults and were present throughout adult life. VLFP were only seen in the calyx fluid of newly emerged adults, and therefore observed after the PDV. Feulgen and methyl-green pyronin staining revealed the presence of DNA in both types of particles. The effects of injection of Spodoptera littoralis larvae with a combination of parasitoid viruses and venom of M. rufiventris females (CxFV) were investigated and the results were compared with two control groups, i.e., larvae injected with Pringle's saline (PS) and naturally parasitized larvae. CxFV-larvae showed significant declines (P<0.05) in food consumption, weight of ejected faeces and weight gain when compared with PS-larvae. However, naturally parasitized larvae (parasitoid egg+CxFV+ovarian protein) displayed a high significance score (P<0.01) in comparison with those of PS-larvae. The approximate digestibility (AD) values of S. littoralis larvae were positively affected as early as day 2 post-treatment by either injection of CxFV or parasitization. However, a reduction in AD was observed in both PS- and CxFV-larvae on day 3-7 in comparison with naturally parasitized larvae. Other indices of food utilization were unchanged in CxFV-larvae when compared to saline treated or parasitized controls.  相似文献   

Ovipositional choice tests by Microplitis rufiventris females (Hym., Braconidae) between granulosis virus‐infected (GVI) and non‐infected (NI) Spodoptera littoralis larvae (Lep., Noctuidae), were assessed using discriminatory methods for re‐isolating the NI and virus‐infected hosts after removing the female parasitoid. When M. rufiventris females were given a choice between NI and GVI S. littoralis hosts, the adult females exhibited marked preference (P < 0.01) for the NI (i.e. higher quality) hosts. In this case, M. rufiventris females and S. littoralis GV (SlGV) did not significantly compete for the same type of host larvae and are, generally, compatible. However, when the choice was given between two low qualities of S. littoralis hosts, i.e. virus‐free previously parasitized hosts and viral‐infected hosts a significant preference (P < 0.01) of the parasitoid females for the GVI larvae was observed. In this case, the parasitoid would be at a disadvantage when competing with GV for the same host. However, the parasitoid could be used as an additional tool for the dissemination of biocontrol viruses within different pest populations, i.e. hosts other than S. littoralis. Importantly, the results showed different strategies of parasitoid female in egg‐laying management. When M. rufiventris female was given a choice between healthy and SlGVI hosts, the female deposited more eggs than when she was given a choice between two low qualities of host larvae. The results of the study may have implications in pest management strategies using M. rufiventris and SlGV against S. littoralis larvae.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of juvenile hormoneI (JHI) and precocene I & II (PI & PII) onthe endo-developmental stages, reproductiveperformance and longevity of Microplitisrufiventris Kok. after topical treatment ofhost larvae of Spodoptera littoralis(Boisd.). Host larvae were treated with each ofthe test compounds by a single dose 2–4 h afterparasitization or 1 day prior to parasitoidemergence, or by repeated daily applications 2–4 h after parasitization to parasitoid emergence.JHI-treatments increased parasitoiddevelopmental time, induced developmentalabnormalities and inhibition of parasitoidegression. Interestingly, one of the causal factorsthat inhibited the parasitoid egression was themoulting of some parasitoid larvae into asupernumerary instar. Applications of PI or PIIto parasitized S. littoralis larvae didnot affect parasitoid developmental time, butsome developmental abnormalities were noted.Melanin formation in host's blood was greaterin PI-treatments than in PII-treatments.PII-treatments arrested development of somefirst instar parasitoid larvae typical of JHIexcess. Adult female wasps that emerged fromJHI-treated hosts lived for significantlylonger periods than control females, but didnot produce more offspring. The longevity andreproductive capacity of females whichdeveloped in hosts treated by precocenes werereduced compared with the females emerged fromcontrol hosts. Even the small number ofadult wasps from PII-treated hosts which livedfor the same period as control wasps, showed asignificant reduction in their reproductiveperformance. Repeated daily applications of thetest compounds reduced wasp fecundity andlongevity to a significantly greater degreethan the single applications, except for a lowdose of JHI (1 µg). The study demonstratesthat growth disrupters, such as JHs andprecocenes have a delayed developmental effect onM. rufiventris and points out the need tobe aware of these effects in implementingcontrol strategies of S. littoralis innatural habitats.  相似文献   

Baculoviruses and parasitoids are critically important biological control agents in integrated pest management (IPM). They have been simultaneously and sequentially used to target insect pests. In this study, we examined the impacts of both baculovirus and polydnavirus (PDV) infection on the host cellular immune response. Larvae of the lepidopteran Spodoptera litura were infected by Spodoptera litura multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpltMNPV) and then the animals were parasitized by the braconid wasp Microplitis bicoloratus. The fate of the parasitoids in the dually infected hosts was followed and encapsulation of M. bicoloratus first instar larvae was observed. Hemocytes of S. litura larvae underwent apoptosis in naturally parasitized hosts and in non-parasitized larvae after injection of M. bicoloratus ovarian calyx fluid (containing MbPDV) plus venom (CFPV). However, assessments of the percentages of cells undergoing apoptosis under different treatments indicated that SpltMNPV could inhibit MbPDV-induced apoptosis in hemocytes when hosts were first injected with SpltMNPV budded virus (BV) followed by injection with M. bicoloratus CFPV. As the time of injection with SpltMNPV BV increased, the percentages of apoptosis in hemocytes population declined. Furthermore, in vitro, the percentages of apoptosis showed that SpltMNPV BV could inhibit MbPDV-induced granulocytes apoptosis. The occurrence of MbPDV-induced host granulocytes apoptosis was inhibited in the dually infected hosts. As hemocytes apoptosis causes host immunosuppression, the parasitoids are normally protected from the host immune system. However, in larvae infected with both baculovirus and PDV, the parasitoids underwent encapsulation in the host hemocoel.  相似文献   

The study represents one of the first direct tests of juvenile hormones (JHs) on the cellular immune response of a lepidopteran insect, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.), superparasitized by a solitary parasitoid, Microplitis rufiventris Kok. JHII-treated S. littoralis larvae exhibited a significant reduction in encapsulation response to the supernumerary M. rufiventris larvae at different developmental ages (0-4, 10-14 and 24-26 h) of supernumerary M. rufiventris embryos within 48 or 144 h after parasitization than either JHI-treated or control hosts. The reduction in encapsulation response was significantly greater in hosts which received higher JHII dose (5 &mgr;g) than those treated with lower one (1 &mgr;g).The progression of the encapsulation, culminating in melanization in the capsules occurred more frequently in precocene-treated hosts than either JH-treatment or control ones. Application of the anti-juvenile hormones (PI or PII) caused stronger encapsulation reaction to the injured supernumerary parasitoid larvae than JHI or JHII. In PI-treatments, the reaction was rapid and dramatic by lower (25 &mgr;g) dose treatments than higher ones (70 &mgr;g).The capsules formed around the supernumerary larvae of M. rufiventris showed signs of melanization within 48 h in PI-treated hosts. Melanization was more pronounced in either PI- or PII-treated hosts prior emergence of successful parasitoid larvae. Generally, the injured supernumerary larvae were seen within melanin-rich capsules in PI- and PII-treated hosts. Melanization was not observed in most capsules of JHI- and JHII-treated hosts. Additional physiological effects were observed: (1) in some cases, application of JHI to parasitized S. littoralis larvae inhibited subsequent emergence of its wasp, M. rufiventris, and (2) teratocytes (cells of wasp origin) from PI or PII-treated hosts were smaller in size than those observed in the JH-treated or control hosts.Finally, the dramatic increase in encapsulation responses of precocene-treated S. littoralis larvae of the supernumerary of M. rufiventris and definitely opposite reactions in typical hosts but JHII-treated hosts suggested that the cellular defense reaction may be under inhibitory hormonal control.The results of the study have implications for medically important insects such as mosquitoes and their interactions with parasites, as well as having significance for biocontrol and mass rearing programs using parasitoids.  相似文献   

The effects of the Rhizoctonia solani lectin (RSA) on the growth, development and survival of an economically important caterpillar in agriculture and horticulture, the cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis were studied. The high lectin concentration present in the sclerotes of the soil pathogen R. solani allowed the purification of large amounts of the pure lectin for feeding experiments with cotton leafworm. Rearing of insects on a diet containing different concentrations of RSA exerted a strong effect on the larval weight gain. This effect was visible at the lowest concentration of 0.1 % RSA at day 8 and day 11. Interestingly with 1 % RSA, there was a dramatic reduction in larval weight of 89 % at the end of L6 which was followed by a high mortality rate of 82 % in the treated larvae. Furthermore, the other developmental stages of pupation and adult formation were also affected. In addition, the data demonstrated that the combination of RSA with Bt toxin yielded synergistic effects. For instance, 0.03 % RSA+0.005 % Bt toxin caused reduced growth rate and higher mortalities. These findings suggest that RSA is an interesting tool that can be used for bioengineering insect resistance in important agronomical crops.  相似文献   

A nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpliMNPV-Az) was isolated from diseased larvae of Spodoptera littoralis, collected at the Island of S. Miguel in Azores. The virulence of this isolate was tested against S. littoralis larvae in laboratory. LD50 against 2nd and 3rd instars were not significantly different, 1.44 × 104, 3.89 × 104 OBs per larvae, respectively, but both were significantly different from that against 4th instar, which was 61.3 × 104 OBs per larvae. The complete codons sequence of SpliMNPV-Az Polh gene obtained was 750 bp (NCBI GenBank Accession No. AY600451). This sequence was compared to other 38 polyhedrin genes from NPVs and to 6 granulin genes from GVs and resulted to be identical to the sequence of a SpliMNPV previously published, thus indicating that the natural host of SpliMNPV-Az must be S. littoralis. Genetic distances estimated from restriction enzymes profiles showed SpliMNPV-Az is close to the Egyptian SpliMNPV type B, despite some degree of genetic divergence suggested by slight differences observed on PstI profile.  相似文献   

The behaviour and oviposition of solitary endoparasitoid Microplitis pallidipes Szepligeti (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) were monitored to investigate the ability of the parasitoids to distinguish between nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV)-infected and noninfected Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae. The results indicated that the parasitoid searching time and the time until the first parasitoid attack on infected larvae were greater than those recorded on noninfected larvae; the number of infected larvae attacked by parasitoids, the percent of first attacks and parasitism rate in infected larvae were lower than those on noninfected larvae; and these differences were all significant 3 to 5 days postexposure of the larvae to a dose of 1.6 × 108 occlusion bodies (OB)· ml?1 and significant 4 and 5 days postexposure of the larvae to a dose of 1.6 × 107 OB·ml?1. The lowest dosage (1.6 × 106 OB·ml?1) had no significant effect on the above index values. In a field cage experiment, we found that the percentage of infected larvae parasitized by M. pallidipes gradually decreased as the time after NPV inoculation (1.6 × 108 OB·ml?1) increased, and that M. pallidipes significantly preferred to oviposit in healthy larvae from day 3 to day 5 after virus inoculation. Our research concluded that this parasitoid's ability to discriminate between healthy and infected hosts increased as virus concentration increased and as the time between exposure of hosts to virus and subsequent exposure to parasitoids increased.  相似文献   

Adult size, longevity, egg load dynamics and oviposition ofMicroplitis rufiventris Kok. which began their development in the first, second, third (preferred hosts) or fourth (non-preferred hosts) instar larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) were studied. The parasitoid size was largely determined by the initial host size at parasitism. Non-ovipositing females derived from older hosts lived for longer periods than those derived from younger ones. However, the ovipositing females, irrespective of their size, lived for almost the same periods. At emergence, the oviducts of adult females contain a significant amount of mature eggs available for oviposition for a few hours on eclosion day. Egg load increases during the early phase of adult life. The amount of additional mature eggs and rate of egg maturation per hour was greater for wasps derived from preferred hosts compared with those in females derived from non-preferred hosts. The pattern of egg production in M. rufiventris females depended on the availability of hosts for parasitization. Host-deprived females depleted the egg complement with aging; the longer the host deprivation, the lower the oviduct egg load. Marked reduction in both realized or potential fecundity of host-deprived females was observed following host availability. Host privation for more than 3 days induced a marked deficit fecundity pattern through the female' s life. The realized fecundity was determined by the interaction among host availability, the number of eggs that are matured over the female' s life span, oviposition rate and host size from which the female was derived. These results suggest that: (i) M. rufiventris wasp is a weak synovigenic species; (ii) the maturation of additional eggs is inhibited once the maximum oviduct egg load is reached; (iii) the egg load of the newly emerged female is significantly less than the realized fecundity; and (iv) because M. rufiventris females oviposit fewer eggs when they begin depleting their egg supply at 3 days, augmentative releases will require release immediately following emergence to ensure the highest parasitization rate in the field.  相似文献   

We compared the production of pseudoparasitization by Microplitis rufiventris females in most (third) and less (fourth) preferred instars of Spodoptera littoralis larvae at 20+/-1 and 27+/-1 degrees C. The parasitized hosts were classified into hosts producing parasitoids (type A hosts) and hosts producing no parasitoids, i.e., pseudoparasitized hosts (type B hosts). The latter were further classified into: (a) pseudoparasitized hosts with "well" arrested development (type B1 hosts); (b) pseudoparasitized hosts with partially arrested development (type B2 hosts); and (c) pseudoparasitized hosts that successfully pupated to apparently normal host pupae (type B3 hosts). The present series of experiments showed that parasitization by M. rufiventris was clearly affected by host instar, age within an instar and rearing temperature. Production of type B hosts was less when third instar S. littoralis larvae were exposed to the wasp females than when the host larvae were in fourth instar. The production of type A hosts was much greater when early or mid ages of an instar was stung by the wasp females comparing with stung late age of the same instar. Production of type B hosts may be due to one or overall of the following: (a) dosage dilution of M. rufiventris female's factors in the different age classes of the instar; (b) endocrine system (physiological state) at parasitization time, i.e., early vs late age of the instar; (c) growth rate of host larvae. The lowest production of type B hosts was at highest growth rate; and (d) temperature, larger proportions of type B hosts were produced at 27+/-1 than at 20+/-1degrees C. The three types host development (B1, B2 and B3) are possibly representing three levels of host resistance (host control) resulting in partial or complete failure of parasitoid control. Type A hosts represent complete success of parasitoid control. The results suggest that the impact of parasitoid factor(s) on developmental arrest is affected by host age at the time of parasitism and/or by temperature.  相似文献   

By exposing Spodoptera litura Fabricius larvae to nickel (Ni) in artificial diets for successive three generations, we investigated the impacts of the dietary Ni on growth and immune response of the fifth and sixth instar larvae at 24 h intervals. The time of newly moulted fifth instar larvae was labelled as 0 h. After exposure to 5 mg/kg Ni for two generations, Ni exposure significantly improved larval phenoloxidase activity and encapsulation grade in fifth instar larvae when compared to controls, except for encapsulation grade at 72-120 h in the second generation. However, higher concentrations of Ni (≥10 mg/kg) only significantly reduced encapsulation grade at 72-120 h. In the third generation, insects given higher dietary levels of Ni (≥10 mg/kg) showed lower immune responses and retarded relative growth rate (RGR) compared to controls, but those exposed to lower Ni levels (≤5 mg/kg) had a significantly improved encapsulation grade at 24-72 h. Larvae at lower Ni level (≤5 mg/kg) treatments had significantly higher RGR in comparison with that in controls. There was no significant difference in food relative consumption rate (RCR) and RGR among any treatment of the fifth instar larvae in three successive generations. These results indicated that the type and extent of effects on growth and immune responses of S. litura varied with the Ni concentrations and exposure periods.  相似文献   

Physiological and behavioral plasticity allows animals to adapt to changes in external (environmental) and internal (physiological) factors. In insects, the physiological state modulates adult behavior in response to different odorant stimuli. Hormones have the potential to play a major role in the plasticity of the olfactory responses. To explore if peripheral olfactory processing could be regulated by steroid hormones, we characterized the molecular, electrophysiological, and behavioral response to changes in endogenous hormone levels in adult male Spodoptera littoralis. The expression of the receptor complex (EcR/USP) was localized by in situ hybridization in the olfactory sensilla of antennae. Injections of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) induced an ecdysteroid signaling pathway in antennae and increased expression of the nuclear receptors EcR, USP and E75. Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) and CaM expression were also up-regulated by 20E. Taken together, these molecular, electrophysiological, and behavioral results suggest a hormonal regulation of the peripheral olfactory processing in S. littoralis.  相似文献   

Series of experiments were undertaken to investigate whether application of Precocene II (PII) to parasitized S. littoralis larvae can influence their THCs and DHCs. PII was applied in single dose treatments (70μg/5 μl/dose). Haemolymph samples were taken at daily intervals from day 3 to day 8 post‐treatments. Two distinct alterations were noted; first, PII‐treatments caused significant decrease in THCs. Once the parasitoid larvae emerge from either treated or untreated hosts, a sharp decline in THCs was observed. The second effect was changes in DHCs of S. littoralis larvae. In controls, haemocyte types could be arranged in descending order due to their relative occurrence into plasmatocytes (PLs), prohaemocytes (PRs), spherule cells (SPs), granular cells (GRs) and oenocytoids (OEs). This order changed in treated hosts to PLs, GRs, PRs, SPs and OEs, i.e., GRs that were less prevalent in the haemolymph of control larvae increased significantly in PII‐treated hosts. In the latters, sharp rise in GRs levels followed parasitoid emergence. OEs cells were scarce in both treated and untreated hosts. No significant difference was observed between the overall means of PLs in both types of host larvae. But GRs‐PRs was markedly altered in treated larvae.  相似文献   

The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis produces, at the vegetative stage of its growth, Vip3A proteins with activity against a broad spectrum of lepidopteran insects. The Egyptian cotton leaf worm (Spodoptera littoralis) is an important agricultural pest that is susceptible to the Vip3Aa16 protein of Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki strain BUPM95. The midgut histopathology of Vip3Aa fed larvae showed vacuolization of the cytoplasm, brush border membrane destruction, vesicle formation in the apical region and cellular disintegration. Biotinylated Vip3Aa toxin bound proteins of 55- and 100-kDa on blots of S. littoralis brush border membrane preparations. These binding proteins differ in molecular size from those recognized by Cry1C, one of the very few Cry proteins active against the polyphagous S. littoralis. This result supports the use of Vip3Aa16 proteins as insecticidal agent, especially in case of Cry-resistance management.  相似文献   


The juvenile hormones I and II (JHI and JHII) were topically applied at concentrations of 1 or 5 μg to Spodoptera littoralis larvae containing newly deposited eggs of Microplitis rufiventris. The study demonstrated that both hormones do influence several aspects of the development of the parasitoid after treatment of its host larvae. Of these effects: (1) significant lengthening of periods of eggs and larvae, (2) moulting failure of parasitic larvae, (3) moulting the parasitic larvae into supernumerary instar, (4) arrest of postembryonic development in the first larval instar, (5) reduction in the emergence rate of parasitoid larvae, and (6) influence on embryogenesis. The application of JHI was more effective in disrupting the endo-development of the parasitoid than JHII. In all tests, control hosts produced significantly (P < 0.01) more parasitoids than treated ones. Off-target effects on natural enemies may seriously limit the use of JHs, especially in integrated control programmes.  相似文献   

Larvae of Galleria mellonella exposed to mild heat-shock (38 degrees C) showed an enhanced humoral immune response after microbial infection in comparison to infected animals grown at 28 degrees C. This enhanced response was manifested by increased expression of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes leading to enhanced antimicrobial activity in the hemolymph. We found an increased level of Hsp90 and changes in the level of a 55kDa protein recognized by anti-Hsp90 antibodies in fat bodies of infected animals reared at 28 degrees C as well as in uninfected animals exposed to elevated temperature. Pre-treatment of animals with an inhibitor of Hsp90, 17-DMAG, prior to immunization resulted in increased expression of AMP genes encoding gallerimycin and cecropin at 38 degrees C. This observation was correlated with the changes in Hsp90 protein and increased level of 55kDa protein. Also G. mellonella larvae pre-treated with 17-DMAG and exposed to mild heat-shock for 30min showed an increased survival rate after infection with entomopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We also show the effect of 17-DMAG on the phosphorylation state of ERK MAP kinase. We postulate that Hsp90 may play a significant role in converging pathways involved in the insect immune response and heat-shock.  相似文献   

Insect immune defenses include encapsulation and the production of lysozymes and phenoloxidase. However, the highly mobile larvae of parasitoid Ormiine flies (Ormia ochracea) can evade initial encapsulation, and instead co-opt host immune responses to form a critical respiratory funnel connecting them to outside oxygen. Here we ask how field crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) respond immunologically to O. ochracea infestation. Host encapsulation and phenoloxidase play important roles in the formation of the respiratory funnel, so we hypothesized that decreases in these immune parameters during infestation may interfere with respiratory funnel formation and increase the likelihood of larval death. Encapsulation ability decreased after infestation with O. ochracea larvae, but phenoloxidase activity increased in both infested crickets and controls, whereas lysozyme activity decreased in infested crickets but remained constant in controls. Hosts with fewer established larvae showed greater decreases in encapsulation, and phenoloxidase activity was positively associated with the degree of larval respiratory funnel melanization. Differences between phenoloxidase and lysozyme activity in infested crickets are consistent with a trade-off within the immune system of hosts, and our results demonstrate the effects of a prior immune challenge on the ability to mount a subsequent response.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Earlier research has shown that the koinobiont parasitoid, Microplitis rufiventris , attacks and can develop on early instars of Spodoptera littoralis larvae with preference to third instars. However, the present study was carried out using the newly moulted sixth instar larvae at two different temperatures (20 ± 1 and 27 ± 1°C) to study the developmental interaction between the parasitoid and the last instar host larvae. Parasitoid eggs laid in singly parasitized host larvae invariably died. As the number of parasitoid eggs/host larvae increased, the proportion of eggs that hatched and number of viable parasitoid larvae successfully reached to their final instar increased. The effect of superparasitization seems to be dose (no. of eggs + parasitoid factors)-temperature-dependent. The results demonstrate a kind of 'Allee effect' suggesting that superparasitized last instar S. littoralis larvae provide a better host environment than singly parasitized hosts for the parasitoid, M. rufiventris . This may be due to host's hormone and/or low dose of factors injected with parasitoid eggs. The supernumerary individuals of wasp larvae developed normally to the point of emergence but most did not successfully emerge from the host. The improvement of both hatchability and post-embryonic development of parasitoid wasp was significantly (P < 0.01) greater at 20°C than at 27°C. The results of the present study are useful in understanding the evolution of life-history strategies and host range in parasitic hymenoptera.  相似文献   

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