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Genetic variations of AA genome Oryza species measured by MITE-AFLP   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
MITEs (miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements) are the major transposable elements in Oryza species. We have applied the MITE-AFLP technique to study the genetic variation and species relationship in the AA-genome Oryza species. High polymorphism was detected within and between species. The genetic variation in the cultivated species, Oryza sativa and Oryza glaberrima, was comparatively lower than in their ancestral wild species. In comparison between geographical lineages of the AA genome species, African taxa, O. glaberrima and Oryza barthii, showed lower variation than the Asian taxa, O. sativa, Oryza rufipogon, and Oryza nivara, and Australian taxon Oryza meridionalis. However, another African taxon, Oryza longistaminata, showed high genetic variation. Species relationships were analyzed by the pattern of presence or absence of homologous fragments, because nucleotide sequences of the detected MITE-AFLP fragments revealed that the same fragments in different species shared very high sequence homology. The clustering pattern of the AA-genome species matched well with the geographical origins (Asian, African and Australian), and with the Australian taxon being distant to the others. Therefore, this study demonstrated that the MITE-AFLP technique is amenable for studying the genetic variation and species relationship in rice.  相似文献   

A rice minisatellite probe detecting DNA fingerprints was used to assess genetic variation in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). Fifty-seven cultivars of rice, including 40 closely related cultivars released in the US, were studied. Rice DNA fingerprinting revealed high levels of polymorphism among distantly related cultivars. The variability of fingerprinting pattern was reduced in the closely related cultivars. A genetic similarity index (S) was computed based on shared fragments between each pair of cultivars, and genetic distance (D) was used to construct the dendrograms depicting genetic relationships among rice cultivars. Cluster analysis of genetic distance tended to group rice cultivars into different units corresponding with their varietal types and breeding pedigrees. However, by comparison with the coefficients of parentage, the criterion of relatedness based on DNA fingerprints appeared to overestimate the genetic relationships between some of the closely related US cultivars. Although this may reduce the power of fingerprints for genetic analysis, we were able to demonstrate that DNA fingerprinting with minisatellite sequences is simpler and more sensitive than most other types of marker systems in detecting genetic variation in rice.This paper reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not consititute an endorsement or a recommendation for its use by the USDA or the University of Missouri. Contribution from the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Plant Genetics Research Unit, and the University of Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 12178.  相似文献   

Genetic variation within and between five populations of Oryza granulata from two regions of China was investigated using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeat amplification) markers. Twenty RAPD primers used in this study amplified 199 reproducible bands with 61 (30.65%) polymorphic; and 12 ISSR primers amplified 113 bands with 52 (46.02%) polymorphic. Both RAPD and ISSR analyses revealed a low level of genetic diversity in wild populations of O. granulata. Furthermore, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was used to apportion the variation within and between populations both within and between regions. As the RAPD markers revealed, 73.85% of the total genetic diversity resided between the two regions, whereas only 19.45% and 6.70% were present between populations within regions and within a population respectively. Similarly, it was shown by ISSR markers that a great amount of variation (49.26%) occurred between the two regions, with only 38.07% and 12.66% between populations within regions and within a population respectively. Both the results of a UPGMA cluster, based on Jaccard coefficients, and pairwise distance analysis agree with that of the AMOVA partition. This is the first report of the partitioning of genetic variability within and among populations of O. granulata at the DNA level, which is in general agreement with a recent study on the same species in China using allozyme analysis. Our results also indicated that the percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) detected by ISSR is higher than that detected by RAPD. It seems that ISSR is superior to RAPD in terms of the polymorphism detected and the amplification reproducibility. Received: 29 March 2000 / Accepted: 15 May 2000  相似文献   

Genetic variation of nine upland and four lowland rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) was investigated at the DNA level using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Forty-two random primers were used to amplify DNA segments and 260 PCR products were obtained. The results of agarosegel electrophoretic analysis of these PCR products indicated that 208 (80%) were polymorphic. All 42 primers used in this experiment were amplified and typically generated one-to-four major bands. Only two primers showed no polymorphisms. In general, a higher level of polymorphism was found between japonica and indica subspecies while fewer polymorphisms were found between upland and lowland cultivars within the indica subspecies. A dendrogram that shows the genetic distances of 13 rice cultivars was constructed based on their DNA polymorphisms. Classification of rice cultivars based on the results from the RAPD analysis was identical to the previous classification based on isozyme analysis. This study demonstrated that RAPD analysis is a useful tool in determining the genetic relationships among rice cultivars.  相似文献   

Summary Relationships in a wide range of Oryza species (13 species) were analyzed using the large subunits (LS) of Fraction I protein (Rubisco) and the Bam HI restriction patterns of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) as molecular markers. Four types of LS were detected by isoelectrofocusing with and without S-carboxymethylation. The close relation between AA and CCDD genome species was suggested by analyses of LS and ctDNA. Intraspecific variation in O. latifolia was detected at the levels of both LS and ctDNA. The LS of the BB, BBCC, and CC genomes and FF (O. brachyantha) were not distinguishable, although the native Rubisco of the latter was slightly different from those of the first three. It was also shown that O. australiensis, the only EE genome species, might have evolved differently than the other Oryza species.  相似文献   

大石鸡(Alectoris magna)是我国的特有鸟类,其种群数量由于受到栖息地片断化和人类狩猎的影响而日益减少。本文以mtDNA的控制区部分序列(1,127bp)和细胞色素b部分序列(807bp)为分子标记,研究了大石鸡分布区内12个种群234个样本的遗传变异。173个样本的控制区序列中共发现了34个多态位点,定义了44种单倍型,平均单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性分别为0.916±0.011和0.00449±0.00242,所有种群中单倍型多样性最高的是靖远和民和种群(0.894±0.063),最低的是海原种群(0.476±0.155)。230个样本的细胞色素b序列中共发现了13个多态位点,定义了14种单倍型。平均单倍型多样性为0.738±0.024,平均核苷酸多样性为0.00216±0.00009,所有种群中单倍型多样性最高的是共和种群(0.763±0.059),最低的为德令哈种群(0.000±0.000)。所有遗传多样性参数与样本量均无显著相关性。控制区和细胞色素b的单倍型邻接树均显示大石鸡在系统发生树上没有互为单系发生的种群存在,因此应该将大石鸡作为一个独立的进化显著单元(ESU)来对待。AMOVA结果显示大部分遗传变异分布于种群内,但种群间和群组间也存在显著的遗传变异,所以应该把各个种群作为独立的管理单元(MU)来实现短期内的管理和保护。对德令哈、都兰、礼县、张家川、海原等遗传多样性较低的边缘种群应重点保护,另外,对共和、贵德和靖远3个遗传多样性较高的种群也应重点加以保护。  相似文献   

Caragana microphylla is the most dominant and constructive shrub species in the Horqin sandy land in the northeast of China. We evaluated it's the level of genetic variation within and among populations sampled from two different populations types in Horqin sandy land by using inter-simple sequence repeat polymorphism (ISSR) molecular markers. The results showed that eight ISSR primers generated 106 bands, of which 87 were polymorphic. At the species level, genetic diversity was relatively high (P = 82.08%, h = 0.2831, I = 0.4233). Genetic variation in natural populations (h = 0.2152, I = 0.3169) was more than that in plantation populations (h = 0.2021, I = 0.3040). Based on Nei's GST value, more genetic differentiation among plantation populations was detected (GST = 0.7787). Six populations of C. microphylla clustered into two clades. These results have important implications for restoring and managing the degraded ecosystem in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Samples from 11 populations of wild barley,Hordeum spontaneum, from Israel, were examined for morphological variation in a common garden plot design. Earliness traits had the highest between population variation of all traits studied. No relationship was found between dimensions of leaves and size of seeds.—Using numerical taxonomy methods, four races were found, which correspond to the geographical and environmental range of the species in Israel. It is concluded thatH. spontaneum shows a well developed tendency toward formation of highly adaptive races rather than exhibiting clinical variation.  相似文献   

Sonneratia paracaseolaris, is a critically endangered mangrove species in China. Using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers, we compared the genetic variation of introduced populations with that of natural populations to check whether the genetic diversity has been conserved. At the species level, genetic diversity was relatively high (P = 81.37%, He = 0.2241, and SI = 0.3501). Genetic variation in introduced populations (P = 75.78%, He = 0.2291, and SI = 0.3500) was more than that in natural populations (P = 70.81%, He = 0.1903, and SI = 0.2980). Based on Nei's GST value, more genetic differentiation among natural populations was detected (GST = 0.3591). Our data show that the genetic diversity of S. paracaseolaris was conserved in introduced populations to some extent, however, owing to the small natural populations and the threats they encountered, more plants should be planted to enlarge and restore the populations.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the amino acid sequences and on the amino acid composition of peptides revealed genetic polymorphism both of the haemoglobin alpha-chain (Hb alpha) and beta-chain (Hb beta) in rabbits. In this study, rabbit haemolysates were analysed by isoelectric focusing in a narrow pH range (6.7-7.7) and by reversed-phase chromatography. Two variants were found for both Hb alpha and Hb beta. The two methods detected the same variants in this material. Inheritance data were consistent with the hypothesis that the observed Hb alpha and Hb beta variants were each controlled by two codominant, autosomal alleles. Haemoglobin polymorphism appears to be frequent in domestic rabbits since both variants of each chain were observed in all the three breeds studied.  相似文献   

鸭茅种质遗传变异及亲缘关系的SSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢文刚  张新全  马啸  彭燕  黄琳凯 《遗传》2009,31(6):654-662
利用SSR标记技术对来自世界5大洲的53份鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata L.)材料的遗传变异及亲缘关系进行了研究。用筛选的15对引物对53份材料的DNA进行PCR扩增, 获得下述结果: (1)15个位点共检测到127个等位基因, 每个位点等位基因变幅为5~12个, 平均为8.5个, 多态性位点率 (P)平均为95.21%; 多态性信息含量(PIC)范围为0.30(A04C24) 到 0.44 (A01F24), 平均为0.36; (2)材料间遗传相似系数(GS)范围在0.43到0.94之间; 地理类群间的GS值在0.73到0.91间, 其中亚洲(P,90.55%)和欧洲(P,86.61%)类群遗传多样性丰富, 表明供试鸭茅种质具有丰富的遗传变异; (3)根据研究结果进行聚类分析和主成分分析, 可将53份鸭茅材料分成5大类, 来自相同洲的材料能聚为一类, 呈现出一定的地域性分布规律。  相似文献   

Shorea is the largest and most important genus of the Dipterocarpaceae. The genetic diversity and structure of nine Shorea species from two different locations, namely Nanjak Makmur in Sumatra and Sumalindo in Borneo, were evaluated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. A total of 274 trees were investigated at 85 polymorphic AFLP loci. Levels of genetic diversity of these species ranged from  = 0.100 for S. acuminata to  = 0.165 for S. blumutensis. The population of rare species S. blumutensis possessed the highest genetic diversity suggesting that geographically restricted species can have levels of genetic variation comparable to closely related widespread common congeners. Analyses of molecular variance revealed that the genetic variation was mainly found among species in both locations (57.7% in Sumatra; 56.3% in Borneo). The unweighted pairgroup method using arithmetic averages dendrogram of all samples revealed an almost complete separation of species. Thus, AFLP markers proved appropriate for phylogenetic studies of Shorea species. Specific markers have been detected showing high-frequency differences among species and between regions within species. Sequence information of these markers can be used to develop specific polymerase chain reaction markers for wood identification. The possibility of interspecific hybridization was discussed.  相似文献   

Reproduction in the genus Penicillium is thought to be completely asexual. Sexual reproduction, as occurs in the related genus Eupenicillium, is thought to provide evolutionary benefits because it allows for new combinations of alleles and therefore increases the amount of variation within the species. This hypothesis was tested using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) to assess the amount of intraspecific and intra-population variation within Penicillium miczynskii and the closely related Eupenicillium shearii. The data for both genera were also used to test for clonal reproduction against the null hypothesis of panmixis, using measures of genotypic diversity, linkage disequilibrium and phylogenetic tree length. The ISSR fingerprints indicated that the 70 Eupenicillium strains actually included two distinct species, Eupenicillium shearii and Eupenicillium tropicum sp. nov., each represented by populations in both Costa Rica and India. While none of the species or populations were found to be randomly recombining, the relative strength of the clonal component differed among the species. Penicillium miczynskii had the smallest clonal component, with the highest genotypic diversity, lowest Index of Association, 40 % of alleles non-randomly associated, and phylogenetic tree length closer to that of recombined data sets than to the minimum possible. Eupenicillium tropicum showed nearly complete clonal reproduction with the lowest genotypic diversity and 100 % of alleles non-randomly associated in both populations. On the other hand, it also had the greatest amount of intraspecific variation, with as little as 38 % similarity among strains. The results indicate that Penicilliumspecies may, on rare occasion, genetically recombine; the regular occurrence of meiosis in the life cycle of Eupenicilliumspecies does not facilitate recombination; and the greatest amount of genetic variation was not associated with recombination, but with clonal propagation.  相似文献   

中华绒螯蟹遗传变异的RAPD分析   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
用31个可重复性好的随机引物对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)的辽河、瓯江和长江种群进行了RAPD分析。121个扩增片段中有27个多态片段。遗传距离指数(D)表明中华绒螯蟹种内遗传变异较低(D=0.004~0.063)。3个种群中,辽河种群(D=0.018)和瓯江种群(D=0.025)遗传变异较高,而长江种群遗传变异较低(D=0.013);辽河种群和瓯江种群间遗传距离(D=0.023)小于它们与长江种群间的遗传距离(D值分别为0.028和0.032)。提示人类经济活动可能已使这2个种群发生了基因交流。  相似文献   

Summary The interrelationships among ten different A-genome species of the genus Oryza were studied based on variations in the electrophoretic pattern of isoenzymes of two non-specific enzymes, esterase and peroxidase. There were 16 isoenzymes of esterase and 14 of peroxidase. The esterase pattern could be classified into 3 different Zymograms 1e, 2e & 3e based on the presence and/or absence of bands at particular Rf values. The pattern le was found exclusively among the species and varietal groups of sativa complex, whereas 2e and 3e were distributed exclusively among the species of the glaberrima complex and related wild forms. The peroxidase pattern also fell into 3 different zymograms viz. 1p, 2p and 3p. Unlike esterase, all three zymograms were present in both the sativa and glaberrima complexes.The similarity indices (S) between the different pairs of entries were computed taking into account the presence as well as the relative intensity of the corresponding isoenzyme bands. The varieties and sub-species of 0.sativa showed very high similarity values with the Asian perennis (O.perennis sub sp. balunga), lending evidence for the probable differentiation of the former from the latter. The African cultivated species O.glaberrima showed very high similarity to the African perennis form O.pevennis sub sp. barthii, O.breviligulata and O.stapfii. The only cubensis form studied had the same esterase and peroxidase pattern as that of the species of the glaberrima complex and also a very high similarity with this group. Thus, the entire A-genome species could be broadly grouped into the sativa and glaberrima complexes, and within the group there was a lot of overlapping in similarity values making it difficult to identify and pin-point species or subspecies based on their isoenzyme patterns and similarity values.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Pusa basmati 1) using synthetic Cry1Ac gene has been achieved by “particle bombardment”. Scutellar tissues excised after 5 – 6 d from mature seeds cultured on induction medium were bombarded using gold particles coated with a mixture of Cry1Ac and marker genes on medium with osmoticum. Bombarded tissues were subjected to 30 mg dm−3 hygromycin selection for two cycles. The selected calli after GUS assay were transferred to shoot regeneration medium. Regenerated shoots were rooted and plantlets (T0) were grown to full maturity. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of T0 plants using Cry1Ac specific primers revealed the presence of Cry1Ac gene in 65 % plants. Phenotypic assay, β-glucuronidase assay and PCR during T1 generation revealed the inheritance of the Cry1Ac and marker genes along with the native plant genes.  相似文献   

Araucaria araucana (Monkey Puzzle), a southern South American tree species of exceptional cultural and economic importance, is of conservation concern owing to extensive historical clearance and current human pressures. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to characterise genetic heterogeneity within and among 13 populations of this species from throughout its natural range. Extensive genetic variability was detected and partitioned by analysis of molecular variance, with the majority of variation existing within populations (87.2%), but significant differentiation was recorded among populations (12.8%). Estimates of Shannon's genetic diversity and percent polymorphism were relatively high for all populations and provide no evidence for a major reduction in genetic diversity from historical events, such as glaciation. All pairwise genetic distance values derived from analysis of molecular variance (Phi(ST)) were significant when individual pairs of populations were compared. Although populations are geographically divided into Chilean Coastal, Chilean Andes and Argentinean regions, this grouping explained only 1.77% of the total variation. Within Andean groups there was evidence of a trend of genetic distance with increasing latitude, and clustering of populations across the Andes, suggesting postglacial migration routes from multiple refugia. Implications of these results for the conservation and use of the genetic resource of this species are discussed.  相似文献   

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