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Résumé Plagiolepis grassei est une Fourmi «parasite social» incapable de survivre de façon autonome, hôte obligatoire dePlagiolepis pygmæa.Les reines et les ouvrièresP. grassei ont un comportement très pacifique et accueillent sans difficulté des individus de leur propre espèce ou de l'espèce hôte.Les ufs (0,34 mm de long en moyenne) sont pondus au printemps.La chronologie de l'apparition des castes est la suivante: au début de l'été, éclosion des sexués des 2 sexes issus du couvain hivernant, lui-même résultant des ufs les derniers pondus l'année précédente; puis apparition de sexués des 2 sexes originaires du couvain de l'année (ufs les premiers pondus); enfin éclosion des ouvrières provenant d'ufs de l'année. L'apparition des sexués avant les ouvrières est un cas unique chez les Fourmis.Il y a production dans les mêmes colonies de sexués mâles et femelles.Expérimentalement, il y a envol des sexués etretour des femelles désailées dans leur nid d'origine. Ceci, joint au massacre des reinesP. grassei par les coloniesP. pygmæa lors des tentatives d'adoption, nous fait pencher vers une multiplication des sociétés par bouturage.
Summary Plagiolepis grassei, a social parasitic ant is unable to survive autonomously; it is a compulsory host ofPlagiolepis pygmæa.ThePlagiolepis grassei queens and workers behave pacifically and receive without any difficulty individuals of their own species or of the hostspecies.Their eggs (0,34 mm average long) are laid in springtime.The chronology of the apparition of the castes is as follow: in early summer the winged males and females hatch out of the wintry brood resulting itself from the last eggs laid the year before; then the winged males and females appear which hatch out of the brood of the year (the first laid eggs); lastly the workers hatch from the eggs laid in the year.The apparition of winged males and females before the worker's is a unique case among ants.There is a production of winged males and females in the same colonies.In the experience, there is a mating flight of the alates andreturn of the wingless queens into their nests of origin. This added to the slaughter of the queens ofP. grassei by theP. pygmæa colonies during the attempt of adoption makes us incline towards a multiplication of the societies through slips.

Zusammenfassung Plagiolepis grassei ist eine soziale Schmarotzerameise, sie ist unfähig, auf eine autonome Weise Zu überleben, und sie ist der verbindliche Gast vonPlagiolepis pygmæa.Die Königinnen und die Arbeiterinnen vonP. grassei haben ein ganz friedliches Verhalten und nehmen ohne Schwierigkeiten Einzelne ihrer eigenen Spezies oder der Gastspezies.Die Eier (durchschnittliche Länge: 0,34 mm.) werden im Frühling gelegt.Die Chronologie in der Erscheinung der Kasten ist folgende: am Anfang des Sommers schlüpfen die Geschlechtstiere, Weibchen und Männchen, aus der mit den im vorigen Jahr gelegten. Eiern gebildeten Winterbrut; dann Erscheinung von Geschlechtstieren; Weibchen und Männchen, aus der Brut des Jahres (erst gelegte Eier); schliesslich schlüpfen die Arbeiterinnen aus der Brut des Jahres aus.Die Erscheinung der Geschlechtstiere vor den Arbeiterinnen ist ein einzelner Fall bei den Ameisen.Eine Produktion von Geschlechtstieren, Weibchen und Männchen, findet in derselben Kolonie statt.Im Verlauf des Versuchs beobachtet man einen Schwarmflug der Geschlechtstiere unddie Rückkehr der flügellosen Königinnen in das Stammnest. Dieses, nebst dem Gemetzel derP. grassei Königinnen von denP. pygmæa Kolonien während der Aufnahmeversuche lässt uns an eine Vermehrung der Ameisenstaaten durch Stecklinge denken.

Cette note constitue une partie d'une thèse qui sera présentée devant la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse (Laboratoire d'Entomologie) en vue d'obtenir le doctorat ès Sciences Naturelles.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung VonFormica (Serviformica) rufibarbis, F. (S.) cunicularia undF. (Raptiformica) sanguinea werden die sonst an Ameisen angepassten Lycaenidenraupen nur in unmittelbarer Nähe des Nesteinganges eines Ameisennestes angegriffen. BeiF. (F.) rufa ist diese Agressivität nicht raum-, sondern vermutlich stimmungsabhängig. Bei verglichenen anderenFormica-Arten trat sie nicht auf.
Summary Lycaenid caterpillars which usually are adapted to the aggressive behavior of ants are, despite of their adaptations, attacked byFormica (Serviformica) rufibarbis, F. (S.) cunicularia, F. (Raptiformica) sanguinea, andF. (F.) rufa. In the three first-mentionned species this agression happens only in the immediate neighborhood of the entrance to an ant-hill. On the contrary the aggressivity ofF. rufa seems to depend upon the actual mood of the ants but not upon the distance to an entrance. In other species of the genusFormica compared in experiments with Lycaenid larvae no aggressive behavior was observed.

Résumé Formica (Serviformica) rufibarbis, F. (S.) cunicularia etF. (Raptiformica) sanguinea n'attaquent les chenilles de Lycénides normalement adaptées aux fourmis qu'à proximité immédiate d'une entrée de la fourmilière. ChezFormica (F.) rufa, cette agressivité ne dépend pas du lieu, mais probablement de l'humeur. Chez les autres fourmis étudiées à titre comparatif, on n'a pas constaté d'agressivité envers les chenilles de Lycénides.

Résumé Ce travail a pour objet l'étude de fécondité des reines de la FourmiPlagiolepis pygmæa. Cette fécondité est pour ne grande part contrÓlée par les ouvrières, ainsi qu'on poeut le constater en faisant varier leur nombre, ou les conditions de leur alimentation. Les variations expérimentales de facteurs physiques tels que température, durée de l'hibernation, action du gaz carbonique sont ressenties par les reines dont la ponte est perturbée; nous avons montré que dans ces derniers cas, les facters considérés agissaient en grande paritie par l'intermédiaire des ouvrières dont ils modifient les possibilités physiologiques. La fécondité des reines est un fidèle reflet de l'état ophysiologique des ouvrières.
Summary This work has for subject the study of fecondity of queens of the antPlagiolepis pygmæa. This fecondity is chiefly regulated by workers as can be established when their number or the conditions of feeding are changes. The experimental variations of physical factors such as temperature, duration of hibernation, effect of CO2, are felt by the queens and their laying is disturbed; it has been shown that, in these latter cases the effect of the factors under consideration passes mainly through the workers by changing their physiological possibilities. The fecondity of the queens is a faithful reflection of the physiological conditions of the workers.

The species of flies breeding in bovine manure, their parasites and predators as well as other associated arthropods in 3 localities in and near Bangalore are recoreded. The flies areMusca domestica L.,Musca pattoni Austen,Stomoxys calcitrans L.,Physiphora aenea F.,Physiphora demandata F.,Sargus metallinus F.,Sepsis thoracica R.-D.,Sepsis nitens Wiedemann,Sphaerocera scabricula Hal, andLeptocera (Coproica) hirtula Rondani. Four species of hymenopterous pupal parasites of these flies have been obtained:Spalangia cameroni Perkins from pupae ofM. domestica, M. pattoni, S. calcitrans, P. aenea andP. demandata; Spalangia endius Walker from pupae ofM. domestica, M. pattoni andS. calcitrans; Spalangia nigroaenea Curtis from pupae ofM. domestica andS. calcitrans; andDirhinus trichiophthalmus Masi from pupae ofSargus metallinus F. Percentage parasitism of fly puparia in field samples was noted. Four species ofHister andAleochara puberula Klug feeding on various immature stages ofM. domestica, 2 species of scarabaeid beetles, 2 species of ants and a pseudoscorpion were also found in the manure. The importance of biotic regulatory factors in the control of flies is discussed.
Résumé Dans 3 localités de Bangalore ou proches de cette ville, on a inventorié les espèces de mouches vivant dans le fumier de vache, leurs parasites et prédateurs ainsi que d'autres arthropodes associés. Les mouches récoltées sont:Musca domestica L.,Musca pattoni Austen,Stomoxys calcitrans L.,Physiphora aenea F.,Physiphora demandata F.,Sargus metallinus F.,Sepsis thoracica R-D.,Sepsis nitens Wiedemann,Sphaerocera scabricula Hal. etLeptocera (Coproica) hirtula Rondani. Quatre espèces d'hyménoptères parasites des pupes ont été obtenues de ces mouches:Spalangia cameroni Perkins deM. domestica, M. pattoni, S. calcitrans, P. aenea etP. demandata: Spalangia endius Walker deM. domestica, M. pattoni etS. calcitrans, P. aenea etP. demandata; Spalangia endius Walker trans; etDirhinus trichiophthalmus Masi deSargus metallinus F. On a noté le taux de parasitisme des nymphes dans les conditions naturelles. Quatre espèces deHister etAleochara puberula Klug s'attaquant aux divers stades non imaginaux deM. domestica, 2 espèces de scarabeides, 2 espèces de fourmis et un pseudoscorpion ont été également trouvés dans le fumier. L'importance de ces facteurs biotiques dans la régulation des populations de mouches est discutée.

Paper presented at the seminar on utilization of farm wastes for rural industrial growth, National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore, 31 st December, 1975.

This paper is published with the permission of the Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi  相似文献   

The ecological success of social insects, including ants, is tightly connected with their ability to protect themselves and their food resources. In exchange for energy‐rich honeydew, ants protect myrmecophilous aphids from various natural enemies. Fungal infection can have disastrous consequences for both mutualist partners, wherein aphids can be disease vectors. Behavioural responses towards fungus‐infected aphids of ant species in nature have scarcely been studied. Here, we studied the behaviour of honeydew foragers of four ant species – Formica polyctena Foerster, Formica rufa L., Formica pratensis Retzius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Formicini), and Lasius niger (L.) (Formicidae, Lasiini) – towards Symydobius oblongus (von Heyden) aphids contaminated with the generalist fungal pathogen Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo‐Crivelli) Vuillemin in the field. Aphid milkers from Formica spp. quickly detected and removed infected aphids from the host plant (Betula pendula Roth., Betulaceae). Neither ant species, the degree of aphid‐milker specialization (medium or high), nor the number of honeydew foragers had significant effects on the behaviour of Formica milkers towards infected aphids. Unlike Formica ants, L. niger usually displayed non‐aggressive behaviour (tolerance, antennation, honeydew collection, grooming). By the immediate removal of infected insects, Formica ants seem to minimize the probability of infection of symbionts as well as themselves. Quarantining behaviour may play an important role in ant–aphid interactions as a preventive antifungal mechanism formed under parasite pressure and thus contributing to the ecological success of ants.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In sauren methanolischen Extrakten aus gametophytischem Gewebe vonLophocolea bidentata (L.)Dum. undPlagiochila asplenioides (L.)Dum. konnte zum ersten Male Ellagsäure mit Hilfe dünnschichtchromatographischer Methoden identifiziert werden. Daneben fanden sich in den Extrakten noch einige andere bisher noch nicht identifizierte Phenole, darunter möglicherweise 8 Flavonoide.
Summary Ellagic acid was detected in acidic methanol-extracts of gametophytic tissue ofLophocolea bidentata (L.)Dum. andPlagiochila asplenioides (L.)Dum. The identification was accomplished by thin-layer Chromatographic methods. Beside this compound some more still unidentified phenolics were found, among those probably 8 flavonoids.

Herrn Prof. Dr. L.Brauner, mit den herzlichsten Wünschen zum 75. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Herrn Prof. Dr. H.Jork von der Fachrichtung Pharmakognosie und Analytische Phytochemie sowie Fräulein S.Klein danken wir sehr für die Hilfe bei der Herstellung der UV-Spektren. Herrn grad. biol. et chem. S.Bartl danken wir für hilfreiche Diskussion.  相似文献   

The interactions of the hyperparasitoidsCatolaccus aeneoviridis (Girault) andSpilochalcis side (Walker) with the microsporidansNosema heliothidis Lutz & Splendor andN. campoletidis Brooks & Cranford are described. Neither hyperparasitoid species was infected upon parasitization of pupae of the primary parasitoidCampoletis sonorensis infected withN. heliothidis. However, upon development inCampoletis pupae infected withN. campoletidis, adults ofC. aeneoviridis were infected systemically; trassovarian transmission of the microsporidan to F3 individuals was also shown.S. side was also infected byN. campoletidis but in this hyperparasitoid, microsporidan development was arrested in the sporoblast stage. Mature spores were not observed in infectedS. side adults and the microsporidan was not transmitted transovarially. The interactions of the hyperparasitoids with the two microsporidans were not demonstrably detrimental as data on the developmental period and adult longevity of infected or exposed hyperparasitoids were similar to those of control individuals.
Résumé Les auteurs décrivent les interactions entre deux hyperparasitoides,Catolaccus aeneoviridis etSpilochalcis side, et les microsporidies,Nosema heliothidis etN. campoletidis. Aucune des espèces hyperparasitoides ne fut infectée quand elles ont parasité des nymphes du parasitoide primaire,Campoletis sonorensis infecté parN. hehothidis. Cependant, les adultes deC. aeneoviridis furent infectés systématiquement lors qu'ils se développèrent dans des nymphes deCampoletis infectées parN. campoletidis; la transmission transovarienne de la microsporidie jusqu'aux individus de la F3 a été également démontrée.S. side a été aussi infecté parN. campoletidis mais chez cet hyperparasitoide le développement de la microsporidie a été arrêté au stade de sporoblaste. Les spores mures n'ont pas été observées dans les adultes deS. side et la microsporidie n'est pas transmise par la voie transovarienne. Les interactions entre les hyperparasitoides et les deux microsporidies n'ont pas d'effet nuisible démontrable puisque la durée de développement et la longévité des adultes chez les hyperparasitoides contaminés ou exposés sont comparables à celles observées chez les témoins.

Paper No. 4123 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina.  相似文献   

J. J. Taylor 《Mycopathologia》1970,42(3-4):233-240
Sympodulosporogenous states ofC. minor, C. montia, C. multiannulata, C. narcissi, C. nigrocarpa, C. perparvispora andC. pilifera were compared with typical and atypical strains ofS. schenckii from the aspects of some culture, morphological, serological characteristics, and mouse virulence. With a possible exception, all the former characteristics demonstrated among theCeratocystis species were either the same as, or varied in the same way as those observed amongS. schenckii strains. None of the former hydrolyzed starch, although all of the latter did. All species and strains cross reacted serologically in agglutination and Arthus-rype reactions, and produced similar gross pathological signs when injected with gastric mucin intraperitoneally into mice. Except for some variations in sizes and shapes of sympodulospores and of yeast-like budding forms observed in tissue smears and in cultures incubated at 37°C, theCeratocystis species were not significantly different from typical strains ofS. schenckii.
Zusammenfassung Der sympodulosporogene Zustand vonC. minor, C. montia, C. multiannulata, C. narcissi, C. nigrocarpa, C. perparvispora undC. pilifera wurde mit typischen und atypischen Stämmen vonS. schenckii betreffs kultureller, morphologischer, serologischer Charakteristik und auf Virulenz für Mäuse untersucht. Mit einer möglichen Ausnahme waren alle Charakteristiken unter denCeratocystis-Arten dieselben oder sie wechselten wie diejenigen unter den Stämmen vonS. schenckii. Keine Stämme derCeratocystis hydrolysierten Stärke, während die Stämme vonS. schenckii getan haben. Alle die Arten und Stämme zeigten Kreuzreaktionen serologisch und in der Arthus-reaktion und zeigten dieselben groß-pathologischen Veränderungen nach intraperitonealen Injektionen mit Magenmuzin in der Maus. Außer etlicher Abwechslungen in Größe und Gestalt der Sympodulosporen und der hefe-ähnlichen Keimung, die in Gewebeausstrichen und in Kulturen bei 37°C beobachtet worden sind, waren dieCeratocystis-Arten nicht wesentlich unterschiedlich von typischen Stämmen vonS. schenckii.

The author, Dr.R. W. Davidson (Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado), and Dr.F. Mariat (Institut Pasteur, Paris) have, in collaboration, identified the ascigerous state ofSporothrix schenckii strain G-118 isolated by the latter to beCeratocystis stenoceras (Robak)C. Moreau.  相似文献   

M. Fischer 《BioControl》1971,16(1):101-109
Zusammenfassung Doryctes molorchi wird neu beschrieben,Doryctes petrovskii Kokujew wird redeskribiert. Ersterer ist ausMolorchus umbellatarum Schreber, letzterer ausPogonochaerus hispidus L. (Col., Cerambycidae) gezogen. Beide Arten sind neu für ?sterreich. Der Bestimmungsschlüssel für die pal?arktischenDoryctes-Arten nachTelenga wird erweitert.
Summary Doryctes molorchi is described as new andD. petrovskii Kokujew is redrescribed. The former is reared fromMolorchus umbellatarum Schreber, the latter fromPogonochaerus hispidus L. (Col., Cerambycidae). The species are new to the fauna of Austria. A key for identification of the palearcticDoryctes species afterTelenga (1941) is given.

Die Untersuchungen wurden mit Unterstützung des Fonds zur F?rderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary The egg case, pelagic larvae, and young juvenile of Anachis avara Say, a species of prosobranch gastropod belonging to the family Columbellidae, are described and figured from specimes reared in the laboratory.
Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit beschreibt die Eierkapseln, die pelagischen Larven und die Jugendformen von Anachis avara Say, einer prosobranchen Gastropoden-Spezies, die zur Familie der Columbelliden gehört. Abbildungen von Exemplaren, die im Laboratorium aufgezogen wurden, werden wiedergegeben.

Contribution number 1341, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This research was supported by N.S.F. grant no. 17883.  相似文献   

Summary Continuing the critical publications on the nomenclature of the Argentine wild potatoes, set on in 1956, now the results of 5 years' studies of the seriesAcaulia are discussed. This series is to be found in the highlands of the Cordilleras and its vegetation limit is at about 4700 m above sea-level. The frost-resistance ofS. acaule andS. aemulans is remarkably high (up to minus 10°). ForS. acaule cytological determinations have proved again the already known number 2n=48, besides this in the province of Jujuy a species with 2n=36 has been found, being probably a hybrid ofS. acaule andS. alticolum. This species with 36 chromosomes is increasingly spreading in certain arid areas in an altitude of 4000 m. ForS. aemulans the chromosome number 2n=24 is published for the first time. Reciprocal crosses under greenhouse conditions betweenS. aemulans (2n=24) andS. acaule (2n=48) showed no success. In opposition to the view ofHawkes the author insists onS. aemulans being a good species, endemical for the arid mountains of Famatina and Ambato in the provinces of La Rioja and Catamarca. Having been collected in 1907 for the last time, nowS. aemulans has anew been found by the author in the Famatina mountains.As toS. acaule and its numerous varieties and related species the author holds the following opinion: The termsS. depexum, Schreiteri, punae, subexinterruptum, checcae, caulescens, chorruense established byBitter, Bukasov, Juzepzuk, andHawkes, are superfluous, the real range of variability is moreover much greater. To illustrate this point of view some examples were set.By its valuable resistance-genes againstRhizoctonia, frost, and Virus,S. acaule, at present, has gained considerable importance for plant breeding. For this reason we think it the more necessary to elucidate the systematical and cytological problems of the whole SeriesAcaulia.

Mit 8 Abbildungen  相似文献   

A. Szmidt 《BioControl》1960,5(2):155-163
Summary D. alboannulatus (Ratz) is a frequent parasite ofP. flammea Schiff. andB. piniarius (L.); its mass production in the laboratory was therefore investigated. The species is not very specialized. It could be bred in the pupae of 10 species of lepidoptera, 4 of which were not yet known from literature. The adult life may be prolonged by low temperatures without loss of viability; a female deposits under favourable conditions about 190 eggs; the development is completed in 18 days at 27,2°C. All these properties facilitate the mass production of the parasite in the laboratory and its possible use for biological control.

Die Arbeit wurde in der Zeit durchgeführt, in welcher der Verfasser am Institut für Biologische Sch?dlingsbek?mpfung der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft in Darmstadt t?tig war. Die Einrichtungen des Institutes standen ihm dabei zur Verfügung. An dieser Stelle sei deshalb dem Leiter, Herrn Dr.J. Franz gedankt, ferner Herrn Dr.W. Stein für überarbeitung des deutschen Textes.  相似文献   

M. Hayat 《BioControl》1971,16(4):421-432
An account of the Indian species of the Aphelinid genusCoccophagus,Westwood, collected by the author, is given. Three new species (C. gilvus sp. n.C. longicornis sp. n., andC. burksi sp. n.) are described, and three species [C. cowperi Girault,C. bogoriensis (Koningsberger) andC. Bivittatus Compere] are reported for the first time from India. A key to the Indian and some allied species is given.
Résumé Trois nouvelles espèces (C. gilvus, C. longicornis etC. burksi) sont décrites et trois espèces (C. cowperi Girault,C. bogoriensis (Koningsberger) etC. bivitatus Compere) sont signalées pour la première fois de l'Inde. Une clé dichotomique des espèces de l'Inde et de certaines espèces voisines est donnée.

Summary Based on field studies in the Argentinian and Bolivian high mountains during the last 7 years, the author continues his series of critical remarks on the taxonomy of Argentine wild potatoes. The present publication Nr. VI, is dedicated to the groupAlticola (=Megistacroloba), with the Argentine speciesS. alticolum, tilcarense, megistacrolobum, xanthotrichum, catamarcae (=sanctae rosae). The author found that the above mentioned species have the common number 2n=24 of chromosomes. A high frostresistance was observed in the whole seriesAlticola in the natural habitats, resisting in blossom estate snowfall and nightfrosts.According to the author one should maintain the taxonsalticolum andmegistacrolobum created byBitter, whilst the new names, astilcarense, xanthotrichum, sanctae-rosae created byHawkes during the last decade are merely synonyms ofBitter's species. Especially the last name should be suppressed in favor of the previous termS. catamarcae, proposed 50 years ago byBitter (see Herbar of Field Museum) for this typical endemic species of the mountains of the Prov. Catamarca.

Mit 9 Abbildungen  相似文献   

B. Papierok  N. Wilding 《BioControl》1981,26(3):241-249
Résumé Au sein de l'espèceConidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn) Remaudière & Keller, les souches différant par leur comportement en culturein vitro présentent également des différences dans leur comportementin vivo. Les souches qui poussent rapidement, plissent le milieu et forment facilement des azygospores (type A) sont moins virulentes à l'égard deAcyrthosiphon pisum Harris et deSitobion avenae F. que les souches de type B, qui poussent plus lentement, plissent peu le milieu et ne produisent pas de spores de résistance. La durée d'incubation de la maladie chez les 2 espèces de pucerons est plus longue chez les individus infectés par une souche de type B que chez ceux infectés par une souche de type A. La formation d'azygospores à l'intérieur des pucerons morts de mycose placés à 2°C sur de la cellulose mouillée n'est observée que dans le cas des souches de type A. En dernier lieu le nombre de conidies émis par un cadavre lors de la sporulation est en moyenne plus élevé dans le cas des souches de type B que dans celui des souches de type A. Les 2 types de souches doivent être regardés comme des races biologiques au sein de l'espèceC. obscurus.
Summary The 2 types of strain ofConidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn) Remaudière & Keller which can be separated by differences in their growthin vitro, differed also in characteristics of their developmentin vivo. Strains which,in vitro, grow rapidly, fold the surface of agar media and readily produce azygospores (strains of type A), were less infective forAcyrthosiphon pisum Harris andSitobion avenae F. than strains of type B which grow more slowly, hardly fold the surface of agar media and fail to produce resting spores. However, the incubation period of the disease in both these aphid species was longer for type B than type A strains. Azygospores formed in aphids infected experimentally with type A strains but not in those infected with type B strains when the cadavers were placed on moist cellulose at 2°C. The mean number of conidia produced from aphids infected with strains of both types varied greatly but strains of type B produced more conidia per aphid than those of type A. The 2 types of strain should be considered as biological races within the speciesC. obscurus.

Avec la collaboration technique de MesdamesM. Arnault etS. K. Best.  相似文献   

Summary The author has studied the ontogenesis of the innervation of neurosensorial organs on the antennæ ofReticulitermes lucifugus santonensis Feyt. She has found, among the organs with external processussensilla trichoidea (small, medium an big),sensilla basiconica, andsensilla campaniformia. Repartition and variation in number of sensilla during developpement have been described. She describe so 3 sensorial organs without any external processus: 2 chordotonal organs (one in the scapus, the other in the pedicellus). Antennal nerves and tracheas have been followed.

Je tiens à exprimer toute ma reconnaissance à M. lePr Richard, pour m'avoir invitée dans son Laboratoire et pour l'intérêt qu'il a porté à mon travail Je remercie très vivement tous mes amis du Laboratoire de Biologie Animale qui m'ont aidée dans cette étude.  相似文献   

Summary The control by light of the spore germination ofOsmunda cinnamomea L. andO. claytoniana L. has been investigated.This light control is complex, and in order to investigate this control quantitatively the process of germination had to be divided into at least two stages. The first stage of germination leads to the rupture of the exospore, the second step is characterized by the outgrowth of a rhizoid. In a very few percent of our spore population the first stage can occur in total darkness, the second step however does not ever occur in darkness.In the present paper it has been demonstrated, usingO. cinnamomea spores, that the first step of germination is phytochrome controlled, whereas the second step is under photosynthetic control. This was observed withO. claytoniana by a rough action spectrum and in experiments with a CO2-less atmosphere.The germinating spores of these two species ofOsmunda show a very similar behaviour as the spores of the mossFunaria hygrometrica (L.) Sibth. (Bauer andMohr 1959). They behave very differently compared with spores of other ferns, e.g.Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, where the whole process of germination is exclusively phytochrome controlled (Mohr 1956).

Mit 10 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Summary Investigations on appearance and periodicity of diseases and parasites of white grubs of the European cockchaferMelolontha spec. (M. melolontha L. andM. hippocastani F. in mixed populations) were carried out in Lorsch (Germany: pine-beech-forest, Rhine-valley, southwest of Frankfurt am Main). A rickettsial disease was dealt with in previous papers (Rickettsia melolonthae Krieg), the present one describes the other observed mortality factors. They were: Bacteria: only unspecific species occured, spore-forming and specific ones never (A ?black-spot disease? of white grubs might probably also be caused by bacteria). Fungous infections were caused byBeauveria tenella (delacr.)Siem. (=B. bassiana (Bals.)vuill.) andFusarium spec., Protozoan infections by the FlagellataPolymastix melolonthae (grassi 1881) and the MicrosporidianPlistophora melolonthae Krieg. Parasites were the NematodesDiplogasteroides berwigi n.spec. andRhabditis (Caenorhabditis) dolichura Schneider 1866 and from insectsMegaselia rufipes Meig. (Dipt.-Phoridae) andDexia rustica F. (Dipt.-Larvaevorid.). Well characterized by external symptoms but not so regarding the causal agent was the “Wassersucht” (dropsy). Numerous grubs died “without disease recognition” (“Ohne Krankheits-Befund”, abbrev. o.K.B.). Here physiological besides pathological causes are suggested. All these factors showed a distinct periodicity of infection and mortality in the laboratory and in the field. Their general outlines, the periods of infection in the field and those of mortality in the field and the laboratory are demonstrated and discussed, as well as the retardation of development of the infested hosts.

6. Beitrag zu: “Freilanduntersuchungen über Engerlingskrankheiten”. Beitr. 1–5:Niklas, 1956, 1957 a, 1958 a bis c.

Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung derDeutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und desVerbandes Süddeutscher Zuckerrübenbauer e.V., Darmstadt.  相似文献   

Summary The A. describes the nomadic behaviour of theAphænogaster picena Baroni. This trait has not yet been described for any other related species, and although there are other well known nomadic species it is difficult to considerA. picena togheter with them, due to the marked differences in their nomadic habits. The nomadism of this species is manifested as irregular and infrequent changes of nest without raiding or foraging in columns. The author presents possible explanations for this behaviour. He has also been able to show that these ants (queen and workers) orient themselves photomenotactically. Several experiments on two species of myrmecophiles taken from a track to which the ants had recently migrated are described. These experiments show that both species (Myrmecophilus myrmecophilus Savi, provided with eyes, andAtelura formicaria Heyd., completely blind), can orient themselves menotactically taking a constant angle with the sun.
Résumé L'auteur décrit les murs nomades de l'Aphænogaster picena Baroni. Un comportement semblable n'avait encore été signalé pour aucune espèce de ce groupe, et la comparaison même avec d'autres espèces nomades mieux connues est assez difficile à cause des nombreuses différences éthologiques. Le nomadisme de cette espèce est simplement limité à de rares changements de nid sans ravitaillement et butinage en colonne. On émet des hypothèses sur quelques-unes des causes immédiates de ce comportement et on peut établir que la photoménotaxie joue un rôle dans l'orientation de ces fourmis (ouvrières et reine) pendant la migration. L'auteur décrit ensuite quelques expériences faites avec deux espèces de myrmécophiles prises sur une piste presque abandonnée par les fourmis. De ces expériences, on peut conclure que tant leMyrmecophilus myrmecophilus Savi, qui est pourvu d'yeux, que l'Atelura formicaria Heyd., complètement aveugle, peuvent s'orienter ménotactiquement en parcourant une piste faisant un angle à peu près constant avec le soleil.

Lavoro eseguito con il contributo del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche.  相似文献   

Summary Two new species of the genusBinodoxys Mackauer 1960 and one new species of the genusLipolexis Foerster 1862 (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) from the Oriental region are described. All parasites have been reared from aphids onCitrus. A key is given for the known species of the genusLipolexis Foerster.

22. Beitrag zur Kenntnis derAphidiidae.  相似文献   

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