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目的观察中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉对小鼠免疫功能的影响。方法分别给予中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉后,测定观察对小鼠碳粒廓清功能、迟发性变态反应、溶血素抗体、淋巴细胞增殖和NK细胞活性等的影响。结果3.0g/kg中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉可显著提高小鼠吞噬指数和半数溶血值(P〈0.01)、显著提高T、B淋巴细胞增殖能力(P〈0.01,P〈0.05)、显著提高NK细胞活性(P〈0.05),0.5~1.5g/kg中国被毛孢都能显著抑制小鼠耳廓肿胀(P〈0.01,P〈0.05),同时还能抑制脾脏和胸腺增大(P〈0.01,P〈0.05)。结论中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉均具有免疫调节作用,而中国被毛孢免疫抑制及增强天然免疫系统作用要优于蝙蝠蛾拟青霉,而对适应性免疫系统增强作用蝙蝠蛾拟青霉优于中国被毛孢。  相似文献   

文献报道从冬虫夏草中分离得到蝙蝠蛾拟青霉和中国被毛孢,本研究检测了蝙蝠蛾拟青霉和中国被毛孢真菌及其DNA在冬虫夏草中的共存,同时检测了2个真菌在冬虫夏草成熟过程中的竞争增殖力。应用色谱法和质谱法检测了冬虫夏草及中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉菌丝体的化学成分指纹谱。在冬虫夏草中检测到蝙蝠蛾拟青霉和中国被毛孢活菌,在虫体和子座中检测到这两个真菌的DNA。从子座露出地表后,冬虫夏草的成熟伴有蛋白质和小分子有机化合物指纹谱的动态变化,中国被毛孢竞争增殖力下降(P<0.001)。中国被毛孢和蝙蝠蛾拟青霉菌丝体的化学成分指纹谱均不能与冬虫夏草的成分完全重叠,与中国被毛孢相比,蝙蝠蛾拟青霉菌丝体与冬虫夏草的指纹谱更相似。结论:中药冬虫夏草的成熟伴有蝙蝠蛾拟青霉和中国被毛孢真菌共存于它的虫体和子座,也伴有冬虫夏草化学成分的变化和中国被毛孢竞争增殖力的下降。  相似文献   

中药冬虫夏草数百年来用于滋补保健、疾病防治和病后康复,但有关冬虫夏草菌的学术争议一直没有停止。中国被毛孢是冬虫夏草菌的无性世代学说较为流行,然而学界尚未获得证实这一学说的直接证据。部分间接证据来自于分子系统学微观和宏观研究。该文回顾了冬虫夏草分子系统学文献,讨论了微观研究和宏观研究的实验方法、数据分析方法及其结果。冬虫夏草分子生物学微观研究不断获得新证据,证明天然冬虫夏草基因组DNA的多元异质性,揭示冬虫夏草中含有的多种真菌和多种突变基因型冬虫夏草菌,证明冬虫夏草是多种真菌与蝙蝠蛾幼虫尸体构成的复杂的菌虫物种复合体。随着冬虫夏草的成熟,在僵虫体和子座中多种菌物的差异存在巨大的、非同步的动态变化。宏观分子系统学研究的丰度加权算法揭示在僵虫体、子座和子囊果中分子标记多态性的高度差异及其在冬虫夏草成熟过程中的动态变化。这些分子系统学研究结果支持冬虫夏草是"一个统一微生态系统"的学说。  相似文献   

李增智  黄勃 《菌物系统》2000,19(1):60-64
从青海的冬虫夏草子实体上分离出中国被毛孢「Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)Sacc.」,并利用RAPD-PCR技术,筛选出8种引物,获得了冬虫夏草和中国被毛孢相应的基因组DNA指纹图谱,两者相似率高达96%,从而表明冬虫夏草的无性型为中国被毛孢。  相似文献   

从青海的冬虫夏草子实体上分离出中国被毛孢[Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)Sacc.],并利用RAPD-PCR技术,筛选出8种引物,获得了冬虫夏草和中国被毛抱相应的基因组DNA指纹图谱,两者相似率高达96%,从而表明冬虫夏草的无性型为中国被毛孢。  相似文献   

文献报道了从冬虫夏草(Cs)中同时检出蝙蝠蛾拟青霉(Ph)、中华被毛孢(Hs)和冬虫夏草菌(Os)的多个基因型;Cs的成熟伴有化学成分的改变和僵虫体中Hs竞争性菌落形成能力的下降.同时检验了Cs成熟过程中Os突变基因型生物量的变化.应用Southern杂交检验发现:Cs的成熟伴有Ph和2组Os基因型生物量的显著增加.o...  相似文献   

从青海的冬虫夏草子实体上分离出中国被毛孢[Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)Sacc.],并利用RAPD-PCR技术,筛选出8种引物,获得了冬虫夏草和中国被毛抱相应的基因组DNA指纹图谱,两者相似率高达96%,从而表明冬虫夏草的无性型为中国被毛孢。  相似文献   

桑粒肩天牛(Apriona germariHope,Ag)幼虫是一种营钻蛀性生活的重要林业害虫,通过传统纯培养、生理生化鉴定和16SrDNA分子生物学分析等方法分离、鉴定出其肠道优势内生菌溶血葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus haem olyticus,S.haem olytic-us)Ag06菌株和人葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus hom is)Ag08菌株。从中筛选菌株S.haem olyticusAg06进行质粒消除后作为出发菌株,利用电转化技术将含有对鞘翅目昆虫具专一性毒力B t杀虫基因cry3A的Escherichia coli-Bacillus thuringiensis穿梭表达质粒pHT305 a和pHT7911分别转入其中。经质粒稳定性试验、转化子生长特性测试等分析,结果显示cry3A基因已经成功转入Ag幼虫的优势内生菌溶血葡萄球菌中。  相似文献   

Yu H  Wang Z  Liu L  Xia Y  Cao Y  Yin Y 《Current microbiology》2008,56(4):391-396
Gut microbial diversity provides insight into the basic function of a gut microbial ecosystem. In this study, restriction fragment length polymorphism 16S rRNA sequences was used to detect the intestinal microbial diversity of Hepialus gonggaensis larvae. The total DNA of microorganisms was extracted from the intestinal contents and 16S rRNA was amplified. A nearly full-length of 16S rRNA sequence library was constructed. The fingerprints of the microorganisms were analyzed by isolating plasmid and then digesting them with EcoRI, MspI, and HaeIII enzymes, respectively. The library established includes 35 restriction endonuclease types and a phylogenetic tree depicted the linkage of the isolated microbial from the guts of H. gonggaensis larvae. The dominant bacteria in the guts of H. gonggaensis larvae belong to Rahnella sp and Carnobacterium sp and accounted for 45.58% and 30.88% of the total 16S rRNA clones library, respectively. The result showed that bacteria diversity in the guts of H. gonggaensis larvae had some differences from those isolated from normal environment.  相似文献   

Genetic manipulations of neuronal activity are a cornerstone of studies aimed to identify the functional impact of defined neurons for animal behavior. With its small nervous system, rapid life cycle, and genetic amenability, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster provides an attractive model system to study neuronal circuit function. In the past two decades, a large repertoire of elegant genetic tools has been developed to manipulate and study neural circuits in the fruit fly. Current techniques allow genetic ablation, constitutive silencing, or hyperactivation of neuronal activity and also include conditional thermogenetic or optogenetic activation or inhibition. As for all genetic techniques, the choice of the proper transgenic tool is essential for behavioral studies. Potency and impact of effectors may vary in distinct neuron types or distinct types of behavior. We here systematically test genetic effectors for their potency to alter the behavior of Drosophila larvae, using two distinct behavioral paradigms: general locomotor activity and directed, visually guided navigation. Our results show largely similar but not equal effects with different effector lines in both assays. Interestingly, differences in the magnitude of induced behavioral alterations between different effector lines remain largely consistent between the two behavioral assays. The observed potencies of the effector lines in aminergic and cholinergic neurons assessed here may help researchers to choose the best-suited genetic tools to dissect neuronal networks underlying the behavior of larval fruit flies.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to improve the biological efficacy of the granulovirus (CpGV) of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella , by evaluating the performance of some formulation additives that might improve virus persistence and/or virus uptake by first instar larvae. Laboratory studies, using a leaf disc bioassay, demonstrated that 15% cane molasses incorporated within a formulation of purified CpGV dramatically reduced the median lethal exposure time (LET 50 ) to CpGV for neonate larvae at a CpGV dosage rate of 10 7 occlusion bodies (OBs) ml -1 . Screening of a range of other compounds showed that sucrose, fructose and sorbitol (at 10% concentrations) and extracts of apple flesh and skin also gave significant reductions in the LET 50 of CpGV formulations containing these ingredients. Pectin, malic acid and &#102 -farnesene did not significantly reduce the LET 50 . In a field trial, molasses included at 15% (v/v) in a CpGV formulation, containing a dosage rate of 10 12 OBs ha -1 , gave as good control of codling moth damage as virus formulations containing the 'sticker' 0.2% skimmed milk at higher dosage rates of 10 13 and 10 14 OBs ha -1 . Studies of CpGV persistence on foliage revealed no significant improvement of virus persistence on apple foliage using 10% or 15% molasses formulations. A second field trial demonstrated that 10% molasses, 10% sorbitol or 0.08% &#102 -farnesene significantly reduced codling moth deep damage to fruit when these ingredients were added to formulations of pure CpGV. Substantial sooty-mould growth ( Cladosporium spp.) was observed on apple foliage treated with formulations containing molasses, indicating that this formulation additive has secondary consequences that would need to be taken into account if molasses was to be used in commercial CpGV formulations. Nonetheless, these studies clearly demonstrate that major biological improvements in CpGV performance can be achieved by the incorporation of formulation additives, including molasses and several other compounds, that probably function as attractants and/or feeding stimulants for codling moth larvae.  相似文献   

王晓娟  叶萌  周祖基  宋昆  代勇 《四川动物》2013,32(2):228-231
植食性昆虫主要利用嗅觉、味觉、视觉和触觉等对寄主植物进行选择,而植物挥发物是引导植食性昆虫寄主定向行为的主要因素。利用"Y"型嗅觉仪测试康定虫草蝠蛾Hepialus armoricanus二龄幼虫对适生地的几种植物材料的嗅觉反应;并用欧式距离和Q型聚类法对供试植物进行相似性分析和聚类分析。结果表明:蝠蛾幼虫对几种植物材料表现出强弱不同的趋性反应;根据植物的相似性可将供试植物分为4类,且同一类植物引导蝠蛾幼虫产生相似的嗅觉反应。  相似文献   

Ushakova  N. A.  Belov  L. P.  Varshavski  A. A.  Kozlova  A. A.  Kolganova  T. V.  Boulygina  E. S.  Tourova  T. P. 《Microbiology》2003,72(3):356-362
A nitrogen-fixing strain identified as Klebsiella pneumonia 402-2 and two endoglucanase-synthesizing Bacillus strains were isolated from the intestines of phytophagous animals. One of the Bacillus strains was identified as Bacillus subtilis GL. Klebsiella pneumoniae 402-2 increased the endoglucanase activity of both Bacillusstrains in mixed cultures.The data on the taxonomic position of strains 402-2 and GL and on the nitrogen-fixing capacity of strain 402-2 were confirmed by sequencing and analyzing their 16S rRNA genes and by amplifying the nitrogenase gene nifH.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity at 50 μg/ml of extracts obtained from eleven fungal strains associated to Eudistoma vannamei, an endemic ascidian from Northeast Brazil, against two cell lines, i.e., the HCT‐8 (colon cancer) and the MDA‐MB‐435 (melanoma) cell lines, was investigated. The most promising extract (EV10) was obtained from a fungus identified as Aspergillus sp. by molecular analysis and was selected for bioassay‐guided isolation of its active principals. Large‐scale fermentation of EV10 in potato‐dextrose broth followed by chromatographic purification of the active extract from the liquid medium allowed the isolation of the isocoumarins mellein, cis‐4‐hydroxymellein, and trans‐4‐hydroxymellein, besides penicillic acid. All isolated compounds were tested for their cytotoxicity against the tumor cell lines MDA‐MB‐435 and HCT‐8 and revealed penicillic acid as the only cytotoxic compound (cell growth inhibitions >95%).  相似文献   

Aspergillus japonicus is an efficient degrader of phenolics and carbohydrates present in a mixture of soluble lignocarbohydrate complexes extracted from wheat straw. Trichoderma sp. attacked part of the carbohydrate but hardly affected the aromatic portion of this solution. Polyporus versicolor had a complex effect; polymerization of low-molecular-size phenolics accompanied the degradation of aromatic and carbohydrate polymers. The addition of xylose to the medium facilitated depolymerization of lignin by the fungi tested and prevented the polymerization of low-molecular-size fractions of lignocarbohydrate complexes by P. versicolor. P. versicolor, in contrast to A. japonicus and Trichoderma sp., also excreted into the medium considerable amounts of laccase, but only in the absence of endogenous or exogenous carbohydrates. Apparently, laccase is involved in polymerization rather than degradation of lignin in this organism. A number of extracellular glycanases were also secreted by these fungi.  相似文献   

The present study shows that, from 300 Lactobacillus strains isolated from the oral cavity and large intestine of 600 healthy people, only 9 had high antagonistic activity against pathogens and opportunistic pathogens. All antagonistic strains of lactobacilli have been identified by 16S rRNA sequencing and assigned to four species: Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus casei. In addition, these lactobacilli appeared to be nonpathogenic and had some probiotic potential: the strains produced lactic acid and bacteriocins, showed high sensitivity to broad-spectrum antibiotics, and were capable of forming biofilms in vitro. With the help of PCR and specific primers, the presence of genes for prebacteriocins in L. plantarum (plnEF, plnJ, plnN) and L. rhamnosus (LGG_02380 and LGG_02400) has been revealed. It was found that intestinal strains of lactobacilli were resistant to hydrochloric acid and bile. Lactobacilli isolated from the oral cavity were characterized by a high degree of adhesion, whereas intestinal strains were characterized by average adhesion. Both types of lactobacilli had medium to high rates of auto-aggregation and hydrophobicity and could coaggregate with pathogens and opportunistic pathogens. Additionally, the ability of the lactobacilli strains to produce gasotransmitters, CH4, CO2, C2H6, CO, and NH3, has been revealed.  相似文献   

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