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王博  张荣  孙广宇 《菌物学报》2021,40(10):2550-2561
煤污病是一类外寄生性植物真菌病害。煤污病菌在果实表面形成黑色污斑和污点,导致外观品质降低影响销售,给果农造成严重经济损失。真菌的适应性进化分子机制一直是植物病原真菌生态学领域的研究前沿。煤污病菌在进化过程中为适应寄主表面营养贫瘠、干旱、紫外线照射等非生物胁迫,以及与表面其他微生物竞争生物胁迫等极端环境,进化出一系列独特机制,从而成功定殖于植物表皮。本文从基因组结构趋同进化、致病相关基因家族收缩与扩张和胁迫响应等方面,系统综述了煤污菌群对表皮生态位的适应性进化分子机制。  相似文献   

中国叶围煤污菌初探   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  

对山东省黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)叶围煤污菌种群组成、分布、演替和对黄瓜的生理影响的研究结果表明;8个地市黄瓜叶面真菌有15属21种,其中属煤污菌的有6属10种:链格孢(Alternaria alternata Karst.),出芽短梗霉[Aureobasidium pullulans(deBary)Arn.],芽枝状枝孢[Cladosporium cladosporioides(Fres.)de Vries]尖孢枝孢(C.oxysporum Berk.&Curt.)大孢枝孢(C.macarocarpum Preuss),多主枝孢[C.herbarum(Pers.)Link.],球孢枝孢(C.sphaerospermum Perz.),灰腐质霉(Humicola grisea Traaen.),紫附球菌(Epicoccum purpurascens Ehrenb.ex Wallr.)和弯孢霉[Curvularia lunala (Walk.)Boed.].链格孢和枝孢霉(Cladosporium spp.)是各地区主要种群.黄瓜叶面真菌的种类和密度与苗龄、叶面可溶性糖和氨基酸组分含量成极显著…  相似文献   

对毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)叶围煤污菌(sooty moulds)群落组成及演替进行了探罚,分析了叶面营养物及其变化。 结果表明,叶面真菌的分离物密度随叶片的衰老而增加。对毛白杨叶面真菌分离鉴定,属于煤污菌有8种真菌:链格孢(Alternaria alternata),芽枝状枝孢(Cladosporium cladosporioides),球孢枝孢(Coladosporium sphaerospermum),尖孢枝孢(Cladosporium oxysporum),出芽短梗霉(Aurecobasidium pullulans),棕黑腐质霉(Humtco'a tuscoatra),伏克盾壳霉(Coniothyrixm fuckelii)和直立枝顶孢(Acremoniumstrictum)。不同生长期叶面真菌群落组成及优势种不同,叶面出现黑霉层后,以3种煤污菌为优势种即出芽短梗霉、链格孢和芽枝状枝孢。不同的菌表现一定的演替模式,定殖及达到峰值的时间不同。毛白杨叶面含有多种营养物,其含量及组分随生长期不同而异.与叶面真菌分离物密度呈显著性相关。此外,对蚜虫的发生、叶面营养物含量、煤污菌三者的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

对山东省黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)叶围煤污菌种群组成、分布、演替和对黄瓜的生理影响的研究结果表明;8个地市黄瓜叶面真菌有15属21种,其中属煤污菌的有6属10种:链格孢(Alternaria alternata Karst.),出芽短梗霉[Aureobasidium pullulans(deBary)Arn.],芽枝状枝孢[Cladosporium cladosporioides(Fres.)de Vries]尖孢枝孢(C.oxysporum Berk.&Curt.)大孢枝孢(C.macarocarpum Preuss),多主枝孢[C.herbarum(Pers.)Link.],球孢枝孢(C.sphaerospermum Perz.),灰腐质霉(Humicola grisea Traaen.),紫附球菌(Epicoccum purpurascens Ehrenb.ex Wallr.)和弯孢霉[Curvularia lunala (Walk.)Boed.].链格孢和枝孢霉(Cladosporium spp.)是各地区主要种群.黄瓜叶面真菌的种类和密度与苗龄、叶面可溶性糖和氨基酸组分含量成极显著正相关.随着苗龄的增长,真菌的密度和种类增多.用两个主要种群的分生孢子悬浮液接种黄瓜叶面,形成明显的煤污,导致叶面光合作用降低,呼吸作用升高,气孔阻力增大,蒸腾作用下降.穗状德氏霉(Drechsleraspicifer R.Nelson)和核茎点霉(Phoma pulaminum Speg.)是国内的新记录.  相似文献   

在山东半岛腐生真菌调研过程中,鉴定出生于枯木上的4个小球腔菌属中国新记录种:光洁小球腔菌Leptosphaeriaagnita,灌丛小球腔菌L.dumetorum,嘴状小球腔菌L.eustomoides和茄小球腔菌L.solani。对各菌的形态学特征进行了描述、图解及讨论,并编制了中国小球腔菌属腐生种的检索表。研究标本保存在青岛农业大学菌物学实验室。  相似文献   

对同一菌物不同形态型分别命名的做法于2011年结束,这就需要对非地衣化的多型性子囊菌和担子菌采用统一的命名。地衣生的Koordersiella属因此也只需要单一的名称,而后发表的Hansfordiellopsis就是该属的异名。此属共有5个种,包括在此发表的2个新组合:K.tenuissima和K.variegate combs.Nov.。本文列举了该属的地衣寄主和已报道的地理分布,同时也提供了已被接受的物种检索表。此外,在Hansfordiellopsis下发表的1个种和在Koordersiella下发表的2个种,因与该属的模式种显然为不同的属而被排除。由于缺乏分子序列数据,Koordersiella属在座囊菌纲(Dothideomycetes)中的系统学地位目前仍然不明确。  相似文献   

在对山东青岛城阳三标山、东营黄河三角洲、烟台昆嵛山的真菌采集鉴定中,发现了扁孔腔菌属Lophiostoma 3个中国新记录种:芦竹扁孔腔菌Lophiostoma arundinis、黏扁孔腔菌Lophiostoma mucosum和半离扁孔腔菌Lophiostoma semiliberum。文中对该3个种进行形态描述、图示和讨论。  相似文献   

报道了采自吉林长白山的中国子囊菌一新记录属---类肉座菌属(Hypocreopsis)。该属隶属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、子囊菌纲(Ascomycetes)、粪壳菌亚纲(Sordariomycetidae)、肉座菌目(Hypocreales)、肉座菌科(Hypocreaceae)。同时地衣状类肉座菌(Hypocreopsis lichenoides)也是中国的新记录种,对该种进行了详细描述和显微结构绘图。  相似文献   

Sooty blotch and flyspeck is a fungal disease complex that colonizes a wide range of plants. In a survey of host plants for sooty blotch and flyspeck fungi, we obtained an isolate associated with discrete flyspeck symptom on stems of the Rubber Trees, Ficus elastica, from Haikou, Hainan, China. A pure culture was obtained, and the nuclear ITS region of rDNA was amplified by PCR. Molecular phylogeny inferred from ITS sequence data suggested that it was close to Devriesia strelitziae, reported from South Africa. Morphologically, it was characterized by longer conidia, more conidial septa, and having chlamydospores. Therefore, we describe our isolate as a novel species of Devriesia.  相似文献   

Sooty blotch and flyspeck is caused by a complex of epiphytic fungi on diverse hosts. A fungus morphologically similar to Scolecobasidium humicola was isolated from a banana fruit exhibiting SBFS signs in Hainan, China. ITS and LSU sequences of rDNA corroborated that it was a Scolecobasidium species. The results of LSU rDNA analysis support the interpretation that Ochroconis is synonymous with Scolecobasidium. Five new combinations, S. anomalum, S. calidifluminale, S. gallopavum, S. gamsii, and S. lascauxense, were proposed. A new species, S. musae, was described based on morphological characteristics and sequence comparison with previous species.  相似文献   

Sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) is a late-season disease of apple and pear fruit that cosmetically damages the cuticle, resulting in produce that is unacceptable to consumers. Previous studies reported that four species of fungi comprise the SBFS complex. We examined fungal morphology and the internal transcriber spacer (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) regions of rDNA of 422 fungal isolates within the SBFS complex from nine orchards in four Midwestern states (USA) and compared them to previously identified species. We used LSU sequences to phylogenetically place the isolates at the order or genus level and then used ITS sequences to identify lineages that could be species. We used mycelial and conidial morphology on apple and in culture to delimit putative species. Thirty putative species found among the Midwest samples were shown to cause SBFS lesions on apple fruit in inoculation field trials. Among them Peltaster fructicola and Zygophiala jamaicensis have been associated previously with SBFS in North Carolina. The LSU analyses inferred that all 30 SBFS fungi from Midwestern orchards were Dothideomycetes; one putative species was within the Pleosporales, 27 were within Dothideales, and two putative species could not be placed at the ordinal level. The LSU sequences of 17 Dothideales species clustered with LSU sequences of known species of Mycosphaerella.  相似文献   

Sooty blotch and flyspeck (SBFS) is a complex of fungi that cause late-season blemishes of apple and pear fruit that cosmetically damage the cuticle, which result in fruit that are unacceptable to consumers. Previous studies reported that a single, wide-host-range species, Schizothyrium pomi (presumed anamorph Zygophiala jamaicensis), caused flyspeck on apple. In the present study we compared morphology and DNA phylogeny (ITS, LSU) of 139 fungal strains isolated from flyspeck signs from 39 apple orchards in 14 midwestern and eastern states (USA). Parsimony analysis, supported by cultural characteristics and morphology in vitro, provided support to delimit the flyspeck isolates into four species of Zygophiala, two of which are known to be sexual. Three of these species are described as new. Based on DNA phylogeny, species of Schizothyrium were shown to cluster with members of the genus Mycosphaerella in the Capnodiales, having similar asci and ascospores but morphologically distinct ascomata. These data question the value of ascomatal morphology at the ordinal level, although it still appears to be relevant at the family level, delimiting the thyrothecial Schizothyriaceae from other families in the Capnodiales.  相似文献   

Reynolds DR 《Mycopathologia》1999,148(3):141-147
The common use of the name Capnodium citri to represent several species of sooty mold fungi is reviewed. Analysis of sooty mold specimens from Citrus in Florida found the species Antennariella californica and Chaetobolisia falcata with spherical fruitbodies and Caldariomyces fumago and Polychaeton citri with elongate fruitbodies. It is recommended that use of the name Capnodium citri for sooty mold on Citrus and ornamental plants is to be avoided because of its use for a number of species and on nomenclatural grounds. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


We attached 11 g (1.4% body‐mass equivalent) global location sensing (GLS) archival tag packages to tarsi of 25 breeding sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus, titi) on Whenua Hou (Codfish Island), New Zealand during the chick‐rearing period in 2005. Compared with chicks reared by non‐handled adults that did not carry tags, deployment of tags on one or both adult parents ultimately resulted in 35% reduction in chick body mass and significantly reduced chick skeletal size preceding fledging (19 April). However, body mass between chick groups was not significantly different after controlling for skeletal size. Effects on chicks were more pronounced in six pairs where both parents carried tags. Chick mass was negatively related to the duration that adults carried tags. In this study, none of the chicks reared by pairs where both parents were tagged, 54% of chicks reared by pairs where one parent was tagged, and 83% of chicks reared by non‐handled and non‐tagged parents achieved a previously determined pre‐fiedging mass threshold (564 g; Sagar & Horning 1998). Body mass of adults carrying tags and returning from trans‐equatorial migration the following year were 4% lighter on average than non‐tagged birds, but this difference was not statistically significant. Reduced mass among chicks reared by adults carrying tags during the chick‐provisioning period indicated that adults altered “normal” provisioning behaviours to maintain their own body condition at the expense of their chicks. Population‐level information derived from telemetry studies can reveal important habitat‐linked behaviours, unique aspects of sea‐bird foraging behaviours, and migration ecology. Information for some species (e.g., overlap with fisheries) can aid conservation and marine ecosystem management. We advise caution, however, when interpreting certain data related to adult provisioning behaviours (e.g., time spent foraging, provisioning rates, etc.). If effects on individuals are of concern, we suggest shorter‐term deployments, smaller and lighter tags, and alternative attachment techniques, especially when investigating threatened or endangered species.  相似文献   


Sooty shearwater (Puffinus griesus, titi) abundance, harvest levels and chick mass were monitored repeatedly on Putauhinu Island, south‐west of Rakiura (Stewart Island) between 1997 and 2005. Putauhinu is the second largest of the Titi Islands and has a relatively high density of chicks distributed over most of the island, so it supports what is likely the second‐largest population of sooty shearwaters in the Rakiura region (after Taukihepa, Big South Cape Island). Rakiura Maori harvested chicks from five “manu” (family birding areas) that covered 56% of the 128.4 ha of breeding colony of the island. Chick density was lower on the unharvested area in the interior of the island than on harvested areas. Burrow entrance density was higher where there was more ground cover (mainly fern) vegetation, but these areas had lower burrow occupancy, so overall chick density was similar at different levels of ground cover. Twenty‐six harvesters present on Putauhinu in 2005 took 31 280 chicks in total, equivalent to 8.4% (95% CI = 6.6–12%) of the available chicks on the entire island. Seasonal variation in total chicks harvested (CV 15–22%) was not related to chick abundance or mass. Refuges, including impenetrable patches of vegetated ground within manu, the unharvested centre of the island, and even nearby unharvested islands, will ameliorate localised impacts of harvest if density‐dependent immigration is operating.  相似文献   


We estimated the change in abundance of sooty shearwater (titi, Puffinus griseus) at six Rakiura Titi Islands, New Zealand, by comparing historical and recent surveys of the density of entrances to breeding burrows. We found evidence that entrance density between 1994 and 2006 was lower than it was between 1961 and 1976. Our overall estimate of the annual rate of change in burrow entrance density is ‐1.0% (95% CI ‐2.3 to ‐ 0.1%). Declines have been slower on four islands where Rakiura Maori maintain a traditional harvest of sooty shearwater chicks ("muttonbirding") compared with three unharvested islands. Density‐dependent population processes may explain this difference: rates of decline have been faster in areas of relatively high initial entrance density, and historically the harvested islands have had lower initial density. There was a strong, apparently linear, relationship between entrance density and chick density on breeding colonies, so changes in entrance density probably do indicate a real population decline. The western side of Taukihepa, the largestof the Titi Islands, first became accessible for muttonbirding with the advent of helicopters in the 1970s, but it is unknown whether this has caused an increase in the number of sooty shearwaters harvested by Rakiura Maori.  相似文献   

孙广宇 《菌物学报》2016,(12):1431-1433
本期《菌物学报》"植物病原真菌专刊"刊登了12篇文章,其中关于病原真菌种类调查、鉴定及形态描述的文章5篇,病原真菌检测与检疫的文章2篇,病原真菌种群结构的文章2篇,基因组学研究进展的文章3篇。本期内容基本体现了我国植物病原真菌研究的最新进展,对今后的植物病原菌形态分类、分子分析和基因组学研究都具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

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