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苹果树腐烂病已成为严重影响甘肃产区苹果产量和品质的重要病害之一,为确定其致病的致病菌,对采自甘肃省镇原县的苹果树腐烂病病枝,以组织分离和离体枝条接种的方法进行病原菌的分离和致病性测定。结果获得了一株苹果树腐烂病致病菌,通过培养特征、显微形态和rDNA-ITS序列分析综合鉴定及菌体回接实验,初步确定致病菌菌株P1为黑腐皮壳菌(Valsa mali)。  相似文献   

苹果树腐烂病生防真菌Z-12A的鉴定及其生防效果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[背景]由苹果黑腐皮壳菌(Valsamali)引起的苹果树腐烂病是我国苹果产区的毁灭性病害之一,具有分布广、危害重和防治难等特点,严重制约着苹果产业的发展,急需寻找一种对该病高效、安全的防治措施.[目的]明确一株分离自甘肃省静宁县苹果树根际土壤的生防菌株Z-12A的分类地位,评价其对苹果树腐烂病的生防潜力.[方法]结合...  相似文献   

采用活性追踪法和柱层析法,以苹果腐烂病菌、葡萄白腐病菌等作为供试菌种,从龙柏乙醇提取物的乙酸乙酯萃取物中分离得到抑菌活性成分.结果表明,在供试浓度为2 mg/mL时,龙柏乙酸乙酯萃取物对6种植物病菌均有一定的抑制作用,其中对苹果腐烂病菌和葡萄白腐病菌抑菌活性最好,抑菌率分别为83.06%和78.87%.其活性成份桧脂素对苹果腐烂病菌、葡萄白腐病菌、小麦赤霉病菌、葡萄黑痘病菌、苹果轮纹病菌和黄瓜枯萎病菌的EC50分别为0.38、0.18、0.47、0.59、0.70 mg/mL和1.94 mg/mL.  相似文献   

杜萍  吴翠萍  周丽伟  吴芳  戴玉成 《菌物学报》2020,39(8):1603-1606
2007年中华人民共和国农业部公布的《中华人民共和国进境植物检疫性有害生物》中包括了3种木材腐朽病原真菌,即松干基褐腐病菌Inonotus weirii (Murrill) Kotlaba et Pouzar、木层孔褐根腐病菌Phellinus noxius (Corner) G.H. Cunn.和橡胶白根病菌Rigidoporus lignosus (Klotzsch) Imaz.。基于国内外最新分子系统学研究,上述3种名称均发生了较大变化,为了适应进境林木检疫的需要及为今后植物检疫性有害生物名录的更新做好技术储备,我们对这3种重要的对外检疫性林木病原菌的名称说明和更改如下:松干基褐腐病菌Inonotus weirii (Murrill) Kotlaba et Pouzar的拉丁学名应改为Coniferiporia weirii (Murrill) L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai,相应的汉语学名也应改为韦氏松柏卧孔菌;木层孔褐根腐病菌Phellinus noxius (Corner) G.H. Cunn.的拉丁学名应改为Pyrrhoderma noxium (Corner) L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai,相应的汉语学名也应改为有害红皮孔菌;橡胶白根病菌Rigidoporus lignosus (Klotzsch) Imaz.是小孔硬孔菌Rigidoporus microporus (Sw.) Overeem的同物异名,因此其名称应叫做小孔硬孔菌Rigidoporus microporus (Sw.) Overeem。另外,有害红皮孔菌 Pyrrhoderma noxium和小孔硬孔菌Rigidoporus microporus已经在我国广泛分布,因此今后在修订进境植物检疫性有害生物名录时对有关有害生物种类进行增删应予以考虑。  相似文献   

为了明确天竺葵腐霉枯萎病的病原菌种类,从内蒙古通辽采集天竺葵腐霉枯萎病样品,对病原物进行了分离、纯化和致病性测定,并对病原物进行形态学和rDNA-ITS序列分析鉴定。结果表明,从10个植物样品中分离得到16个腐霉菌株,分别属于终极腐霉Pythium ultimum var. ultimum、瓜果腐霉P. aphanidermatum和两个与P. ultimum var. ultimum相似的待定种。其中,P. ultimum var. ultimum的分离频率为75%、P. aphanidermatum的分离频率为12.5%,两个腐霉待定种的分离频率均为6.25%;P. ultimum var. ultimum是优势类群。致病性测定结果表明,4种腐霉菌都能引起天竺葵腐霉枯萎病,与自然发病症状相同,其中P. ultimum var. ultimumP. aphanidermatum的致病性较强,发病率分别为71.4%和85.7%。  相似文献   

褐腐病是核果和仁果类果树上的一种重要病害。本研究从采集自新疆野果林中的褐腐病样上共分离到75株褐腐菌。利用内转录间隔区(ITS)、β‐微管蛋白基因和延伸因子(EF1α)基因序列和形态学方法,对这些菌株进行了种类鉴定。结果显示:67株为Monilinia fructigena,8株为M. laxaM. fructigenaM. laxa都分布在新疆北部的天然野果林中。M. fructigena主要来自野苹果、樱桃李、野杏和欧洲李。M. laxa主要来自樱桃李、野苹果和红樱桃。这是首次在新疆地区的野生果林中发现M. fructigenaM. laxa。研究结果不仅对了解当地栽培果园的侵染源有帮助,而且为研究褐腐菌的起源与演化提供了试验材料。  相似文献   

本文首次全面地报道了东北地区野豌豆属植物染色体数目。结果如下:Vicia cracca group. 2n=12; V. amurensis Oett. 2n=12; V. amocna Fisch. ex DC. 2n=24; V. amocna var. oblongifolia Reqel 2n=12; V. amoena var. scricca Kitag. 2n=12; V. geminiflora Trautv. 2n=14; V. japonica A. Gray 2a=24; V. pseudorobus Fisch, et C. A. Mey 2n=12; V. multicauhs Ledeb. 2n=12; V. venosa (Willd.) Maxim, 2n-12; V. ramuliflora (Maxim.) Ohwi 2n=12, 24; V. unijuga A. Br. 2n=12, 24.结果表明该地区野豌豆种类以x=6为主,并以该基數形成较高频率的多倍体类群。根据染色体资料,对于长期存在争议的种下处理或近緣种类的划分,作者提出了新的见解。  相似文献   

萝卜黑心病是近年来在青海省西宁地区发生的一种新病害,重病田发病率高达100%,严重影响了萝卜的产量和品质。罹病萝卜肉质根的根尖及毛根颜色变暗,纵向剖开病根,可见肉质根的中柱组织自根尖向上呈不同程度的黑色;横向剖开病根,可见肉质根的中柱组织呈现均匀或不均匀放射状分布的黑色变色点。经病原菌分离培养、科赫氏法则证病,及病原菌形态学和分子生物学鉴定,明确该病的致病菌包括长孢轮枝菌Verticillium longisporum、三体轮枝菌V. tricorpus和瓜小织球壳菌Plectosphaerella cucumerina,其中长孢轮枝菌的组织侵染率达100%,为优势病菌。这3种病菌的适宜生长温度分别为20℃、20-25℃和25℃。本文是这3种病菌为害萝卜的首次报道,萝卜是这3种病菌的新寄主植物。  相似文献   

全树刮表皮涂抹梧宁霉素发酵液防治苹果树腐烂病试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苹果树腐烂病是由苹果黑腐皮壳菌引起的一种病害,其表现是病原菌在生长发育肘,消耗果树的营养,使果树韧皮部腐烂,影响水份、养份的输送,直接危害果树生长,严重时使果树枝干韧皮部形成环腐,可致整枝、整株死亡。为防止腐烂病的发生和蔓延,主要采用药物涂抹患病处,杀死病原菌,进行局部治疗。利用这种传统的方法治疗腐烂病,对发病轻的果树效果好,发病重的果树效果差,且重犯林率高,在果树生长期需要经常监视,重复劳动多,整园防治效果差。即使每年都认真防治,盛果期的果园发病也非常严重。例如,朝阳县北四家乡果园,树龄为34年…  相似文献   

缬草属一些存疑种的考订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈虎彪 《植物研究》1994,14(1):37-39
本文对缬草属的3个存疑种进行了考证和确定,它们是:鞭枝缬草Valeriana flagellifera Bet.;全叶缬草V.hiemalis Graebn.;毛口缬草V.trichostoma Hand.-Mazz.  相似文献   

Both avian and insect cuckoos must trick their hosts into accepting foreign eggs. In birds this is achieved through egg mimicry. Within the hornets the only known social parasite is the rare Vespa dybowskii. We investigated how the V. dybowskii queen induces tens or hundreds of host workers to accept her eggs and offspring. Since hydrocarbons function as recognition cues in social insects, we investigated these compounds from the surface of eggs and workers of V. dybowskii, both host species (V. simillima and V. crabro) and an additional four non-host species. We found that chemical mimicry of the hosts’ colony odour and their eggs normally associated with wasps was not being employed by V. dybowskii. Chemical insignificance is also unlikely as the amounts of hydrocarbons extracted from parasite, host and non-host eggs were similar. Eggs of V. dybowskii may survive in part due to being chemically transparent, as methyl-branched compounds only represent a tiny proportion (<1%) of the parasites hydrocarbon profile but a large proportion (26–41%) in both host species. However, the functions of various hydrocarbon groups need to be investigated in the hornets before this new acceptance mechanism of parasite eggs and adults is understood.  相似文献   

毛葡萄和刺葡萄是起源于中国且用于葡萄酒酿造的两大野生葡萄品种。本研究基于已有中国毛葡萄和刺葡萄的气候影响因子研究成果,利用最大熵原理从充分性与必要性方面确定了影响中国毛葡萄和刺葡萄种植分布的主导气候因子,并基于这些因子综合作用反映的毛葡萄和刺葡萄种植分布的存在概率分析了中国毛葡萄和刺葡萄分布区的气候适宜性。结果表明: 影响中国毛葡萄、刺葡萄分布的主导气候因子是年日照时数、开花期5月降水量、年极端最低气温、最冷月平均气温。中国毛葡萄、刺葡萄气候高适宜区分布在湖南西部和南部、广西中北部、贵州东南部、重庆中部。气候高适宜区、适宜区、低适宜区面积分别占研究区域总面积的2%、14%和16%。毛葡萄、刺葡萄气候适宜及以上区域的年日照时数阈值为1200~1800 h,年极端最低气温-8 ℃以上,最冷月平均气温阈值为2~13 ℃,5月降水量为110~320 mm。  相似文献   

Vannella simplex (Gymnamoebia, Vannellidae) is one of the most common amoebae species, recorded from a variety of regions. It was originally described as a freshwater species, but has also been reported from shallow-water regions of the Baltic Sea. In the present work, we investigated the morphology and biology of three V. simplex isolates, originating from geographically distant regions. Among them is one brackish water strain, isolated from artificial cyanobacterial mats, which were originally sampled in Nivå Bay (Baltic Sea, The Sound). The strain is cyst-forming and can thrive at salinity ranges from 0–50 ppt. Phylogenetic relationships were investigated by sequencing partial SSU rDNA of the cultured V. simplex isolates. Additional sequences were obtained from four environmental DNA extractions of sediment samples collected from different localities in Switzerland. Analysis of all obtained sequences revealed a monophyletic group. Based on the analysis and comparison of morphological, ecological and molecular data sets we compiled a distribution map of V. simplex and propose an emendation of this species.  相似文献   

The leafless Vanilla species complex from the South-West Indian Ocean (SWIO) region has long been a taxonomic challenge, due to limited patterns of morphological differentiation and an absence of variation within chloroplast sequences. This complex includes seven known morphospecies: V. madagascariensis, V. bosseri, V. decaryana, and V. perrieri endemic to Madagascar, V. humblotii presumed as endemic to the Comoros Archipelago, but also present in Madagascar, V. roscheri from the East African coast, and V. phalaenopsis endemic to Seychelles. A previous population genetic study using microsatellite markers allowed us to distinguish, in addition to the five recognized Malagasy taxa, two other genetic clusters present in the East of the island. An integrative taxonomy approach was therefore conducted by combining microsatellite and morphological data used in the previous study with new data sets, and by adding ITS sequencing data, to validate the taxonomic level of these Malagasy genetic clusters and unravel phylogenetic relationships between SWIO species. As a result, based on phylogenetic, genotypic and morphological evidence, nine species were discriminated in the SWIO region, including seven in Madagascar, with two new eastern species. The leafless Vanilla group originated and diversified in Madagascar, from an ancestor of African descent, with three subsequent independent colonization events from Madagascar to the other territories of SWIO within the two main lineages (white versus yellow flower species). The new Malagasy species, V. allorgeae Andriamihaja & Pailler sp. nov., and V. atsinananensis Andriamihaja & Pailler sp. nov., are described and a new identification key is proposed.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of the basal bodies of the Vibrio albinolyticus flagellum revealed a four-disc structure. The diameters of the two discs localized closer to the cytoplasmic membrane proved to be about 2-fold shorter than those of the two others. In this respect the basal body of V. alginolyticus resembles very much that of V. cholerae described by Ferris and co-workers. The sequence of the V. alginolyticus ribosomal 5S-RNA showed that it is similar to those of V. cholerae, V. harveyi and some other vibriones. On the basis of the 5S-RNA sequences, a dendrogram of prokaryotes is presented. It confirmed the suggestion that V. alginolyticus is a typical representative of Vibrionaceae rather than a ‘monster’ greatly differing from other vibriones. Possible evolutionary relation of various bacterial species possessing the primary Na+ pumps is discussed.  相似文献   

本文比较了杭州湾湾外海域(122.10°-122.58° E, 30.54°-30.93° N)和湾内不同海域(北岸东侧: 121.67°- 121.87° E, 30.68°-30.83° N; 南岸东侧: 121.60°-121.85° E, 29.95°-30.24° N; 北岸西侧: 121.31°-121.56° E, 30.58°- 30.77° N)秋季浮游动物的群落组成、累积优势度曲线以及多样性指数(H')等群落结构特征, 并进行了差异性分析。结果表明: 湾外海域的群落组成与湾内海域的3个群落之间均有较大的差异。湾外海域的群落I是以中华假磷虾(Pseudeuphausia sinica)等近海种、背针胸刺水蚤(Centropages dorsispinatus)等沿岸低盐种为主, 其次是外海种。湾内南岸东侧海域的群落II主要以左突唇角水蚤(Labidocera sinilobata)等沿岸低盐种为主, 近海种次之。湾内北岸东侧海域的群落III是以真刺唇角水蚤(Labidocera euchaeta)等沿岸低盐种、虫肢歪水蚤(Tortanus vermiculus)等河口半咸水种组成的混合群落。湾内北岸西侧海域群落IV是以虫肢歪水蚤为代表的河口半咸水种为主的群落。总的说来, 这一水域向西和向北方向出现更低盐度适应性的群落。从累积优势度曲线来看, 湾外海域群落I与湾内北岸东侧群落III的累积优势度上升趋势均相对平缓, 但群落III的初始累积优势度略高于群落I; 而与群落I相比, 湾内南岸东侧的群落II与北岸西侧的群落IV的初始累积优势度均很高。湾外海域群落I的初始累积优势度较低, 显示出群落I的优势种较多, 而单一优势种优势度低于湾内3个群落。方差分析结果表明: 湾外海域的浮游动物多样性指数与湾内3个海域均有极显著差异(P < 0.01), 而湾内各海域之间均无显著性差异(P > 0.05)。说明湾外浮游动物群落的多样性高于湾内海域。湾内外海域浮游动物群落特征之间有较大差异, 其主要原因是影响各自群落的主导水团明显不同。  相似文献   

The aminoglycoside antibiotic paromomycin that is highly toxic to the green alga Volvox carteri is efficiently inactivated by aminoglycoside 3′-phosphotransferase from Streptomyces rimosus. Therefore, we made constructs in which the bacterial aphH gene encoding this enzyme was combined with Volvox cis-regulatory elements in an attempt to develop a new dominant selectable marker – paromomycin resistance (PmR) – for use in Volvox nuclear transformation. The construct that provided the most efficient transformation was one in which aphH was placed between a chimeric promoter that was generated by fusing the Volvox hsp70 and rbcS3 promoters and the 3′ UTR of the Volvox rbcS3 gene. When this plasmid was used in combination with a high-impact biolistic device, the frequency of stable PmR transformants ranged about 15 per 106 target cells. Due to rapid and sharp selection, PmR transformants were readily isolated after six days, which is half the time required for previously used markers. Co-transformation of an unselected marker ranged about 30%. The chimeric aphH gene was stably integrated into the Volvox genome, frequently as tandem multiple copies, and was expressed at a level that made selection of PmR transformants simple and unambiguous. This makes the engineered bacterial aphH gene an efficient dominant selection marker for the transformation and co-transformation of a broad range of V. carteri strains without the recurring need for using auxotrophic recipient strains.  相似文献   

农业经济的发展是华夏文明形成的最重要的前提条件之一,郑洛地区作为夏商王朝建都和统治的核心区域,其农业经济发展状况一直是学术界研究的重点问题。相关研究表明,多品种农作物种植制度在龙山时期中原地区的出现,在华夏文明的形成过程中可能起到了至关重要的作用。为了探索这一种植制度在商代前期中原地区的具体实践情况,本文选取河南新郑望京楼遗址夏商时期(二里头文化和二里岗文化时期)29例先民肢骨和23例先民肋骨进行C、N稳定同位素分析。结果表明,先民骨胶原的δ13C值变化范围为-18.1‰~7.0‰,平均值为-9.5‰±2.1‰(n=52),δ15N值变化范围为7.3‰~10.5‰,平均值为8.9‰±0.7‰(n=52),先民仍以C4类食物(粟黍)为主,但是也包含少量C3类(水稻、小麦或大豆)食物,证明中原地区自龙山时代出现的多品种农作物种植制度,在商代得以延续,但是粟作农业的主导地位,始终未发生明显变化,这可能与中原地区长期以来的旱作农业经济模式习惯有关。  相似文献   

Distribution of external flavonoid aglycones supports other data to suggest that Viguiera series Viguiera (series Dentatae Blake) is a mixed taxonomic grouping. Two species, V. dentata and V. potosina, lack external flavonoid aglycones, whereas the remaining species of the series all produce external flavonoid aglycones and appear to form a natural taxonomic group. The latter group, which consists of species from Baja California and nearby xeric areas, exhibits a diversity of flavonoid types, with different diploid species variously producing flavonols, simple flavones, 6-methoxyflavones, 6-hydroxy,7-methoxyflavones and a chalkone as major compounds. Polyploid species exhibit combinations of flavonoid types from possible diploid ancestors. Compounds of the 6-hydroxy,7-methoxyflavone type appear to characterize the group of species from Baja California and nearby areas within Viguiera.  相似文献   

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