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利用多种生物信息学网站与软件,从全基因组水平鉴定桉树焦枯病菌的促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK),并对其理化性质、亚细胞定位、结构域、二级结构、三级结构等进行分析,并构建系统发育树。结果表明,在桉树焦枯病菌中发现4个MAPK,分别命名为CpKss1、CpSlt2、CpHog1和CpIme2,均属于亲水蛋白,亚细胞定位均在细胞核。拥有高度保守的结构域STKc及位于活化环上的双重磷酸化位点T-X-Y,三级结构显示拥有蛋白特异性底物结合口袋特征。通过系统进化分析,这4个MAPK相应基因分别与酵母Fus3/Kss1、Slt2、Hog1和Ime2类基因同源,均和禾谷镰刀菌中相应的MAPK亲缘关系最近。该研究结果为进一步了解桉树焦枯病菌中MAPK的生物学功能和构建MAPK级联途径奠定基础。同时对桉树焦枯病菌致病、桉树抗病相关重要基因功能及分子机制等研究具有重要意义,最终为桉树焦枯病防治工作提供技术支持。  相似文献   

天然来源抗肿瘤活性产物是抗肿瘤药物先导化合物的重要资源。促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)通路是细胞内重要的信号转导系统,可以调节细胞的生长、凋亡、黏附、迁移等过程,继而影响肿瘤的发生、发展、侵袭、转移,是潜在的抗肿瘤药物作用靶点之一。本文将对天然来源化合物作用于MAPK信号通路的靶点分子及生物效应进行阐述,为肿瘤的化学预防及治疗提供启发。  相似文献   

从一例心包积液患者的心包液中,分离到一株氧化代谢、氧化酶阳性,具单极毛运动的革兰氏阴性杆菌。经形态、生理生化特性鉴定,DNA的G+C mol%测定和Biolog自动系列的验证,确认为泡囊假单胞菌(Pseudomonas vesieularis)。指出该菌可使免疫力低下患者发生感染。对该菌分类地位的变迁进行了讨论。  相似文献   

根据担子菌丝裂原活化蛋白质激酶激酶激酶(MAPKKK)蛋白的保守序列设计两对简并引物,通过巢式简并PCR方法获得草菇VV-MAPKKK基因中的保守片段,然后通过和草菇基因组信息比对,获得了VV-MAPKKK基因全长序列。VV-MAPKKK基因长度为4434bp,包含4个内含子,编码1405个氨基酸残基,推定的氨基酸序列与新型隐球菌(Cryptococcus neoformans)、巴西芽生菌(Paracoccidioides brasiliensis)和异旋孢腔菌(Cochliobolus heterostrophus)的MAPKKK同源蛋白相似性分别为58%、57%和56%。对VV-MAPKKK蛋白的系统发生学分析的结果表明,VV-MAPKKK与担子菌中的Hog信号传导途径的MAPKKK同源蛋白聚在同一进化支上,这些数据都支持所获得的VV-MAPKKK为Hog-MAPKKK蛋白在草菇中的同源物的推定。  相似文献   

【目的】研究香蕉枯萎病菌4号生理小种中促分裂原活化蛋白激酶基因FoHog1的结构特点及其功能【方法】通过PCR和RT-PCR的方法获得了FoHog1基因序列并进行生物信息学分析,利用PEG介导的原生质体转化法得到了FoHog1基因缺失突变体,分析敲除突变体与野生型的生物学特性差异【结果】FoHog1基因编码一个含有357个氨基酸的蛋白,该蛋白在不同种镰刀菌中高度保守。通过对敲除突变体的研究发现,该基因缺失后菌丝密度下降,产孢量与菌丝干重明显降低,对乙酸钠和氯化铵的利用率下降,对温度、pH及渗透压等外源胁迫更为敏感。通过致病力实验发现,基因敲除突变体的定殖能力有所降低【结论】尖孢镰刀菌古巴专化型4号生理小种中FoHog1基因参与调控菌丝生长、分生孢子生成、乙酸钠和氯化铵代谢、渗透压胁迫反应及致病相关过程。  相似文献   

植物MAPK信号途径在植物生长发育以及多种逆境胁迫响应和激素调控过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。本文利用RACE-PCR技术克隆三叶木通促分裂原活化蛋白激酶基因mapk3的全长c DNA序列,并对其进行生物信息学分析和时空表达分析。克隆所得的Aktmapk3基因的ORF全长序列为1 164 bp,编码387个氨基酸,其编码的蛋白具有ATP结合位点,MAPK激酶保守结构和丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶激活位点,推测其可能通过被磷酸化而激活以及通过磷酸化下游蛋白而执行生理功能。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,Aktmapk3基因在三叶木通各组织器官均有表达,在芽成熟叶片以及花中表达量比较高,在茎、幼叶和果肉中的表达量最低,暗示该基因可能参与了三叶木通芽的形成和花的发育。  相似文献   

通过遗传学手段,构建了细极链格孢菌(Alternaria tenuissima)cDNA酵母表达文库并筛选获得MAPK激酶AtPBS2基因,该基因全长2 492bp,编码683个氨基酸。AtPbs2p与来源于烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)的AtPbs2p(XP_752961)、粗糙脉孢菌(Neurospora crassa)的NcPbs2p(XP_965727)、稻瘟菌(Magnaporthe grisea)MGCH7(XP_001522946)及酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)ScPbs2p(EDN63254)序列分别具有52%、52%、49%和47%的相似性。在高渗环境下,AtPBS2基因与酵母的ScPBS2基因功能相同,具有耐高渗透压环境的能力。细极链格孢菌(A.tenuissima)中存在HOG通路信号途径,AtPBS2基因可能与链格孢菌(A.tenuissima)的逆境适应性调节密切相关。  相似文献   

MAPK级联途径参与ABA信号转导调节的植物生长发育过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物激素ABA参与调控植物生长发育和生理代谢以及多种胁迫应答过程,促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)级联途径应答于多种生物和非生物胁迫,广泛参与调控植物的生长发育。MAPK级联途径与ABA信号转导协同作用参与调控植物种子萌发、气孔运动和生长发育,本文主要归纳了植物中受ABA调控激活的MAPK级联途径成员,阐述了它们参与ABA信号转导调控植物生理反应和生长发育的过程,并对MAPK级联途径与ABA信号转导的研究方向作出了展望,指出对MAPK下游底物的筛选是完善MAPK级联途径的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

本文报道虫囊菌属(Laboulbenia)2个新种,中国新记录种及新记录变种各1个:海南虫囊菌(L.hainanensis Ye et Y.H.Shen sp.nov.)寄生于齿负泥虫[Lema eoromandeliana (Fabricius)],福建虫囊菌(L.fujianensis Ye sp.nov.)寄生于长唇步甲属(Dolichoctissp.),蠕形虫囊菌(L.vermiiormis Balazuc)寄生于锯缘步甲(Peripristus alter Cast.),瘤壳虫囊菌婆罗洲变种(L.thyreopteri Thaxt.var.borneensis Thaxt.)寄生于四斑长唇步甲[Dolichoctis tetraspilotus(Macheay)]。 本文所研究的全部标本都保存于广东省微生物研究所。  相似文献   

本文报道虫囊菌属(Laboulbenia)2个新种,中国新记录种及新记录变种各1个:海南虫囊菌(L.Hainanensis Ye et Y.H.Shen sp.nov.)寄生于齿负泥虫[Zema coromandeliana(Fabricius)],福建虫囊菌(L.Fuiianensis Ye sp.nov.)寄生于长唇步甲属(Dollehoctissp.),蠕形虫囊菌(L.Vermiformis Balazue)寄生于锯缘步甲(Peripristus alter Cast.),瘤壳虫囊菌婆罗洲变种(L.Thyreopteri Thaxt.Var.Borneensis Thnxt.)寄生于四斑长唇步甲[Dolichoctis tctraspilotus (Macheay)]。本文所研究的全部标本都保存于广东省微生物研究所。  相似文献   

The MAPKK Byr1 is an essential component of a Ras-dependent MAPK module required for sexual differentiation in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here we describe the genetic and molecular characterization of a highly conserved protein, Bob1, which was identified from a two-hybrid screen for Byr1-interacting proteins. Byrl and Bobl proteins coprecipitate from S. pombe cell lysates, and both proteins localize to the tips and septa of S. pombe cells. S. pombe bob1 null (bob1delta) mutants lack obvious growth defects but exhibit a significant mating deficiency, which can be suppressed by overexpression of Byrl. Overexpression of Bob1 also leads to inhibition of mating in S. pombe, and this defect is likewise suppressed by Byrl overexpression. Bob1 is highly homologous in structure to the mammalian MM-1/Pfd5 and budding yeast Gim5/Pfd5-Sc proteins, which have been implicated as regulators of actin and tubulins. Similar to budding yeast gim5/pfd5-Sc mutants, S. pombe bob1delta cells have cytoskeletal defects, as judged by hypersensitivity to cytoskeletal disrupting drugs. byr1delta mutants do not share this characteristic with bob1delta mutants, and byr1delta bob1delta mutants are not significantly more sensitive to cytoskeletal disrupting drugs than cells carrying only the bob1delta mutation. Taken together, our results suggest that Bob1 has Byr1-related function(s) required for proper mating response of S. pombe cells and Byrl-independent function(s) required for normal cytoskeletal control. We show that the human MM-1/Pfd5 protein can substitute for its counterpart in fission yeast, providing evidence that the functions of Bob1-related proteins have been highly conserved through evolution. Our results lead us to propose that Bob1-related proteins may play diverse roles in eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

The specificity and efficiency of cell signaling is largely governed by the complex formation of signaling proteins. The precise spatio-temporal control of the complex assembly is crucial for proper signaling and cell survival. Protein phosphorylation is a key mechanism of signal processing in most of cell signaling networks. Phosphatases, along with kinases, control the phosphorylation state of many proteins and thus play a critical role in the precise regulation of signaling at each stage such as activation, propagation, and adaptation. Identification and functional analysis of pathway-specific phosphatase is, therefore, crucial for the understanding of cell signaling mechanisms. Here, we have developed a novel screening strategy to identify pathway-specific phosphatases, in which the entire repertoire of cell’s phosphatases was tethered to a signaling complex and the changes in signaling response were monitored. As a model target, we have chosen the mating MAP kinase pathway in the budding yeast, which is composed of three kinases and Ste5 scaffold protein. Using this strategy, a putative Ser/Thr phosphatase, Ppq1, was identified to be mating-specific. Results show that Ppq1 down-regulates mating signaling by targeting at or upstream of the terminal MAP kinase Fus3 in the cascade. The catalytic activity of Ppq1 as a phosphatase was confirmed in vitro and is necessary for its function in the regulation of mating signaling. Overall, the data suggest that Ppq1 functions as a negative regulator of mating MAPK pathway by dephosphorylating target pathway protein(s) and plays a key role in the control of the background signaling noise.  相似文献   

Biological roles of ERK and MEK in signal transduction have been controversial. The aim of the current study was to determine the role of ERK1/2 in signaling through the ERK-MAPK cascade by using RNAi methodology. Transient transfection of erk1 or erk2 siRNA decreased the respective protein level to 3-8% in human lung fibroblasts. Interestingly, individual ERK isoform silencing resulted in a 2-fold reciprocal increase in phosphorylation of the alternate ERK isoform, with no change in respective total protein expression. Moreover, MEK was hyperphosphorylated as a result of combined ERK1 and ERK2 silencing, but was unaffected in individual ERK1 or ERK2 silenced cells. This hyperactivation of MEK was not due to activation of Raf family members, but rather was associated with PP2A downregulation. These data highlight the existence of a feedback loop in normal cells whereby ERK silencing is associated with decreased PP2A activity and consequent MEK activation.  相似文献   

p38MAPK是丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen activated protein kinases,MAPK)家族的一个亚类,在高等脊椎动物免疫应答的信号转导过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。在日本七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)中发现,p38MAPK以两种异构体的形式存在。通过克隆它们的开放阅读框并进行同源序列比对和系统发育分析,鉴定它们分别为p38α(Lja-mapk14)和p38β(Lja-mapk11)。用混合菌刺激七鳃鳗,利用免疫印迹方法,检测Lja-mapk14在外周血类淋巴细胞、鳃组织和髓样小体中,分别在加强免疫36 h、24 h和24 h后,表达量达到峰值,分别为对照组的2.9、2.1和2.6倍;而Lja-mapk11在以上组织中,都在加强免疫36 h后达到表达量峰值,分别为对照组的2.2、2.5和6.3倍。实时荧光定量PCR检测发现,Lja-mapk14的mRNA表达水平在混合菌加强免疫36 h后,分别在类淋巴细胞、鳃组织和髓样小体中,上调2.3、1.5和3.4倍;而Lja-mapk11的则分别在类淋巴细胞、鳃组织和心肌中,上调1.3、2.6和1.6倍。以上结果在mRNA和蛋白质水平证明,Lja-mapk14和Lja-mapk11均参与七鳃鳗的免疫应答反应。采用B细胞和T细胞丝裂原LPS和PHA分别对七鳃鳗进行刺激,免疫印迹结果显示,Lja-mapk14和Lja-mapk11蛋白质表达量经LPS加强免疫36 h后,在类淋巴细胞、鳃组织和髓样小体中,上调表达1.3 ~ 4.1倍;而经PHA加强免疫36 h后,Lja-mapk14和Lja-mapk11在上述组织中表达量均不存在显著变化。以上结果说明,Lja-mapk14和Lja-mapk11可能参与了B细胞丝裂原LPS介导的VLRB类淋巴细胞亚群的免疫应答反应。  相似文献   

p38MAPK是丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen activated protein kinases,MAPK)家族的一个亚类,在高等脊椎动物免疫应答的信号转导过程中扮演着非常重要的角色。在日本七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)中发现,p38MAPK以两种异构体的形式存在。通过克隆它们的开放阅读框并进行同源序列比对和系统发育分析,鉴定它们分别为p38α(Lja-mapk14)和p38β(Lja-mapk11)。用混合菌刺激七鳃鳗,利用免疫印迹方法,检测Lja-mapk14在外周血类淋巴细胞、鳃组织和髓样小体中,分别在加强免疫36 h、24 h和24 h后,表达量达到峰值,分别为对照组的2.9、2.1和2.6倍;而Lja-mapk11在以上组织中,都在加强免疫36 h后达到表达量峰值,分别为对照组的2.2、2.5和6.3倍。实时荧光定量PCR检测发现,Lja-mapk14的mRNA表达水平在混合菌加强免疫36 h后,分别在类淋巴细胞、鳃组织和髓样小体中,上调2.3、1.5和3.4倍;而Lja-mapk11的则分别在类淋巴细胞、鳃组织和心肌中,上调1.3、2.6和1.6倍。以上结果在mRNA和蛋白质水平证明,Lja-mapk14和Lja-mapk11均参与七鳃鳗的免疫应答反应。采用B细胞和T细胞丝裂原LPS和PHA分别对七鳃鳗进行刺激,免疫印迹结果显示,Lja-mapk14和Lja-mapk11蛋白质表达量经LPS加强免疫36 h后,在类淋巴细胞、鳃组织和髓样小体中,上调表达1.3 ~ 4.1倍;而经PHA加强免疫36 h后,Lja-mapk14和Lja-mapk11在上述组织中表达量均不存在显著变化。以上结果说明,Lja-mapk14和Lja-mapk11可能参与了B细胞丝裂原LPS介导的VLRB类淋巴细胞亚群的免疫应答反应。  相似文献   

Fruit development is a process involving various signals and gene expression. Protein phosphorylation catalyzed by protein kinases is known to play a key role in eukaryotic cell signalling and so may be involved in the regulation of fruit development. Using the method of exogenous substrate phosphorylation, we characterised the calcium-dependent and calmodulin-independent protein kinase (CDPK) activity and the myelin basic protein (MBP)-phosphoralating activity that could be due to a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-like activity in the developing mesocarp of grape berry. The CDPK activity was shown to be predominantly localised in the plasma membrane, while the MAPK-like activity was predominantly associated with endomembranes. The assays of bivalent cation requirement showed that Mn2+ could to a certain extent replace Mg2+ in the incubation system for the protein kinase activities. Both CDPK and MAPK-like activities were resistant to heat treatment. The activities of the two enzymes were fruit developmental stage-specific with the highest activities of both enzymes in the lag growth phase before the ripening stage, suggesting strongly the important roles of the detected CDPK and MAPK-like activities in the fruit development.  相似文献   

Common mechanisms plants use to translate the external stimuli into cellular responses are the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade. These MAPK cascades are highly conserved in eukaryotes and consist of three subsequently acting protein kinases, MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK), MAP kinase kinase (MAPKK) and MAP kinase (MAPK) which are linked in various ways with upstream receptors and downstream targets. Plant MAPK cascades regulate numerous processes, including various environmental stresses, hormones, cell division and developmental processes. The number of MAPKKs in Arabidopsis and rice is almost half the number of MAPKs pointing important role of MAPKKs in integrating signals from several MAPKKKs and transducing signals to various MAPKs. The cross talks between different signal transduction pathways are concentrated at the level of MAPKK in the MAPK cascade. Here we discussed the insights into MAPKK mediated response to environmental stresses and in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and their receptors, regularly expressed at high levels in gliomas, are further upregulated during the transition of the tumor from low- to high-grade malignancy, and are essential for glioma progression. FGFs induce upregulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling cascade in cultured glioma cells, which suggests that MAPK pathway participates in the FGF-dependent glioma development. Recently, it has been shown that dobesilate, an inhibitor of FGF mitogenic activity, shows antiproliferative and proapoptotic activities in glioma cell cultures. Accordingly, it should be expected this new synthetic FGF inhibitor to affect the activation levels of MAPK. Here we report that immunocytochemical and Western blot data unequivocally show that treatment of cell cultures with dobesilate causes a significant decrease of the intracellular levels of ERK1/2 activation, one of the components of the MAPK signalling cascade. This finding supports an important role for dobesilate in glioma growth, suggesting that dobesilate should be a treatment to be born in mind for glioma management.  相似文献   

丝裂原活化蛋白激酶激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase,MAPKK或MKK)是丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activatedproteinkinase,MAPK)级联的重要组成部分,在植物的生长发育和胁迫应答过程中发挥重要作用。目前,已在多种植物中鉴定了MKK基因家族,但在十字花科植物小拟南芥(Arabidopsis pumila)中MKK基因家族的系统鉴定与分析尚未见报道。为了探索小拟南芥MKK基因家族的进化和功能,本研究通过全基因组分析鉴定了小拟南芥中16个MKK基因,散布于小拟南芥的10条染色体上。基于系统发育分析和多重序列比对,将这些基因分为5个亚族:A亚族(5个)、B亚族(2个)、C亚族(4个)、D亚族(3个)和E亚族(2个)。分子进化和共线性分析表明小拟南芥中存在7对复制基因,分别是ApMKK1-1/1-2、ApMKK2-1/2-2、ApMKK3-1/3-2、ApMKK4-1/4-2、ApMKK5-1/5-2、ApMKK9-1/9-2和ApMKK10-1/10-2,其中ApMKK1-1/1-2在复制事件之后发生了加速进化。结合ApMKKs启动子区的顺式元件分布和ApMKKs在成熟叶片、茎、花和果实以及盐胁迫下的表达模式,结果发现复制基因的表达具有组织特异性和功能多样性。部分复制基因在组织中的表达模式存在差异,但在盐胁迫下的表达模式却基本相同。本研究结果为解析MKK介导的小拟南芥发育过程和非生物胁迫信号转导通路的复杂机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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