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A total of 104 species belonging to 15 genera of the subfamily Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) are reported from the former USSR: Aclitus Förster, 1862 (1), Adialytus Förster, 1862 (6), Aphidius Nees, 1802 (39), Chaetopauesia Mackauer, 1967 (1), Diaeretiella Starý, I960 (1), Diaeretellus Starý, I960 (4), Diaeretus Förster, 1862 (1), Lysiphlebia Starý et Schlinger, 1967 (1), Lysiphlebus Förster, 1862 (13), Metaphidius Starý et Sedlag, 1959 (1), Paralipsis Förster, 1862 (2), Pauesia Quilis, 1931 (29), Protaphidius Ashmead, 1862 (3), Pseudaclitus Starý, 1974 (1), and Xenostigmus Smith, 1944 (1). Thirteen species, Aphidius (Aphidius) erysimi Starý, I960, A. (A.) stigmaticus Rakhshani et Tomanovi?, 2011, A. (A.) viaticus Sedlag, 1969, A. (Euaphidius) plocamaphidis Starý, 1973, Diaeretellus palustris Starý, 1971, Lysiphlebus (Phlebus) alpinus Starý, 1971, L. (Ph.) orientalis Starý et Rakhshani, 2010, Pauesia (Pauesia) goidanichi Starý, 1966, P. (P.) jezoensis (Watanabe, 1941), P. (P.) montana Starý, 1966, P. (Paraphidius) konoi (Watanabe, 1941), and P. (Par.) similis Starý, 1966, are recorded from Russia for the first time. The distribution of 32 species already known from Russia is specified.  相似文献   

New material of the aphidiid-wasp subfamily Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae) from the North- Western region of Russia is reported. Aphidius eglanteriae Haliday, 1834 is recorded from this region for the first time. The following corrections to the preceding publication of 2017 have been made: 2 correctly identified specimens of Pauesia abietis (Marshall, 1896) were erroneously given also among the material of P. pini (Haliday, 1834), and 4 specimens of P. similis Starý, 1966 were misidentified as P. pini.  相似文献   

A new species, Bibio tschernovi Kriv., from the Taimyr Peninsula, the Chukchi Autonomous Area, and Wrangel Island is described. It is closely related to the Palaearctic B. pomonae (Fabr.) and to two North American species, B. bryanti Johnson, 1929 and B. holtii McAtee, 1921, in the wing structure. New data on the distribution of B. nigriventris Haliday, 1833 and B. pomonae (Fabricius, 1775) are presented. A key to the species of the pomonae group, based on males, is presented.  相似文献   

A total of 290 species and varieties of Bacillariophyta including 32 that were new for the flora of Karelia and 18 that were new for the flora of Russia, have been recorded in phytoplankton in nine rivers of the White Sea basin. The genera Aulacoseira, Pinnularia, Eunotia, and Navicula s. l. are the richest in taxonomy. The maximum species diversity was recorded in the Suma (73), Kolezhma (91), and Chirko-Kem (146) rivers. The following species are the most widespread in the rivers that were under study here: A. ambigua, A. subarctica, A. subborealis, {tiA. tenella}, Asterionella formosa, and Tabellaria flocculosa.  相似文献   

The genus Leptodes was erected by Dejean (1834) for a single species, Sepidium boisduvalii Zubkoff, 1833, which is, consequently, the type species by monotypy. Kaszab (1959) established in Leptodes the subgenus Leptodinopsis based on the same type species, Sepidium boisduvalii. Thus the names Leptodes and Leptodinopsis are objective synonyms: Leptodes Dejean, 1834 = Leptodinopsis Kaszab, 1959, syn. n. A new subgenus Mesoleptodes G. Medvedev et Iljina subgen, n. (type species Leptodes semenowi Reitter, 1892) is established for species which Kaszab included in Leptodes s. str. A new species, Leptodes daghestanicus G. Medvedev et Iljina, sp. n., is described from Daghestan.  相似文献   

The subgenera Roelofsideporaus and Deporaus s. str. of the genus Deporaus with four species (D. affectatus, D. unicolor, D. nidificus, and D. betulae) recorded from the Russian fauna are revised. Keys to the species of the subgenus Roelofsideporaus and to the females of the subgenera Roelofsideporaus and Deporaus s. str. are given. The distribution of D. nidificus in Russia is not confirmed.  相似文献   

New data are presented on the distribution of Histeridae and Scarabaeidae in Russia and Kazakhstan. Three species, Pholioxenus schatzmayri J. Müller, 1910, Mendidaphodius linearis (Reiche et Saulcy, 1856), and Onthophagus ponticus Harold, 1883, are recorded from Kazakhstan for the first time, and one species, Atholus scutellaris (Erichson, 1834), is new to the fauna of Russia. The distribution ranges are refined for Microsaprinus therondianus (Dahlgren, 1973), Hypocacculus biskrensis (Marseul, 1876), Paravolvulus refector (Reitter, 1904), Hister megalonyx Reichardt, 1922, Bodilus longipennis (Rakovi?, 1984), Protaetia cyanescens jacobsoni (Kiseritzky, 1910), and Valgus hemipterus (Linnaeus, 1758). All these species are distributed mainly in the four zoogeographical regions: Hesperian, European, Saharo-Gobian (Sethian), and Scythian.  相似文献   

New atrypids are described from the Lower Devonian of Northeast Russia: Musalitinispira, gen. nov. with type species M. dogdensis, sp. nov. (subfamily Atrypinae), Spinatrypina (Spinatrypina) krivensis, sp. nov., and Datnella, gen. nov. with type species D. datnensis (Baranov, 1995) (subfamily Spinatrypinae).  相似文献   

The study of phytoplankton in lakes, sors, streams, and rivers of the Yarayakha River basin with the help of scanning electron microscopy has made it possible to broaden the taxonomic spectrum of Bacillariophyta; 236 specific and intraspecific taxa from 63 genera are detected. A total of 16 species and varieties that are new for the flora of Russia were documented; 30 forms from 18 genera are identified only to the species. The maximum species diversity is recorded in a stream in the Yarayakha River mouth (82 species) and in the channel of the Khureikhotarka River (105 species). Species such as Cyclotella meneghiniana, Fragilaria exiguiformis, Navicula hanseatica, Neidium bisulcatum, Stauroneis anceps, Thalassiosira inserta, and Tabellaria flocculosa are the most widespread in the waterbodies.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the leaf-mining insect community feeding on willows (Salix spp.) and poplars (Populus spp.) in Siberia. According to published data and our own observations, 50 leaf-mining insect species (i.e., 24 species of Lepidoptera, 15 Coleoptera, 6 Diptera, and 5 Hymenoptera) feed on those two plant genera in Siberia. Using an integrative approach combining field work, morphological and DNA barcoding analyses, we identified 32 leaf-mining insect species from 14 regions across Siberia (i.e. 64% of all leaf-mining species known on Salicaceae in this part of Russia). Among them, 26 species most often found in parks and botanical gardens, represented new faunistic records for several poorly explored regions of Siberia. We have more than doubled the list of Salicaceae-feeding leaf-mining insects in Tomsk oblast, Altai krai, and the Republic of Tuva, and for the first time provided data on leaf-miners for the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The micromoth Phyllocnistis gracilistylella (Gracillariidae), recently described from Japan, was found on a new host plant (Salix caprea) in the south of Krasnoyarsk krai, is new for Russia. Eight leafmining insect species (i.e., five gracillariids: Phyllocnistis labyrinthella, Ph. unipunctella, Phyllonorycter apparella, Ph. sagitella, and Ph. populifoliella; two beetles: Zeugophora scutellaris and Isochnus sequensi; and one sawfly: Heterarthrus ochropoda) can outbreak on poplars, most often in urban plantations, botanical gardens, and plant nurseries in Siberia, and can also affect natural stands. Forty-five species of 50 leaf-mining insects known to feed on willow and poplar in Siberia also occur in Central and Eastern Europe. The remaining five species (Phyllocnistis gracilistylella, Phyllonorycter sibirica, Heterarthrus fasciatus, Tachyerges dauricus, and Isochnus arcticus) are recorded in Asia only. Species richness of the family Gracillariidae, the most diverse on Salicaceae in Siberia, displays 80% similarity to that in the European part of Russia and 71% to the Russian Far East. We discuss the faunal similarity of these regions and highlight the importance of applying an integrative approach combining ecological, morphological analyses, and DNA barcoding to explore and characterize the insect fauna of poorly studied regions of Asian part of Russia.  相似文献   

New data on the distribution and taxonomy of Agonopterix species in Russia are given. The following new synonymy is established: Agonopterix anticella (Erschoff, 1877) = A. abjectella (Christoph, 1882), syn. n., = A. japonica Saito, 1980, syn. n.; A. pullella Hannemann, 1971 = A. dubatolovi Lvovsky, 1995, syn. n. A new species A. volgensissp. n. is described from the Middle Volga Region. Two species are recorded from Russia for the first time, both represented by new subspecies: A. ivinskisi daghestanicasubsp. n. from Daghestan and Armenia, and A. kisojiana dilutasubsp. n. from the southern part of the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

The buprestid beetle Lamprodila (Palmar) festiva (L.) (Coleoptera, Buprestidae, Poecilonoini), an invasive pest of cultivated Cupressaceae such as Thuja, Chamaecyparis, Cupressus, and Juniperus in the Greater Sochi area (the Russian Black Sea coast), is recorded for the first time for Russia and the former USSR. Data on the systematic position, diagnostic characters, distribution, host plants, biology of the new pest, and its damage to urban plantations are discussed. Recent records of this species in the new areas of Central and Eastern Europe as well as on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus suggest expansion of its range during the recent decades.  相似文献   

Two weevil species, Rhinoncus autumnalis Korotyaev, 1980 and Orchestes medvedevi (Korotyaev, 1995), comb. n. (from Rhynchaenus), both described from Mongolia, are recorded from Russia (Buryatia) for the first time. A key to five Orchestes species associated with elms in Eastern Siberia, the Russian Far East, and Mongolia is provided. Aizobius sedi (Germar, 1818) is recorded for the first time from Eastern Siberia based on the recent findings in Buryatia and on older collections from Tuva where it is associated with Orostachys spinosa (L.) C.A. Mey. (Crassulaceae); it is also recorded for the first time from Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. Magdalis (Aika) margaritae Barrios, 1984, native of Mongolia, Northern China and the south of the Russian Far East, is recorded from Buryatia. Lixus (Broconius) korotyaevi Ter-Minassian, 1989, formerly known in Russia only from southern Tuva, is recorded from Buryatia where it was collected on Suaeda ?prostrata Pallas, which is the first known host of this species. Rhamphus ?oxyacanthae (Marsham, 1802) is reported from Buryatia where it was collected from Cotoneaster melanocarpa, and from Mongolia.  相似文献   

Ostracodes from the Gur'yano-ka Formation (Upper Ordo-ician, Sandbian and Katian stages) of Gorny Altai, Russia, are studied for the first time. Some localities with fossil ostracodes of this age are described briefly. Ele-en new species of the genera Ballardina, Eurychilina, Laccochilina, Bolbina, Retiprimites, Pseudozygobolbina, Bullaeferum, Soanella, Egoro-ella, and Allertemmysa are described and figured. The pre-iously described species Leperditella aff. par-ipunctata V. Ivanova, 1959, Grammolomatella valdari V. Ivanova et Melnikova 1977, Longidorsa? baltica Meidla, 1996, and Steusloffina cuneata (Steusloff, 1895) and ostracodes in open nomenclature, Bollia sp., Klimphores sp., Rectella sp., Longiscula sp., are only figured.  相似文献   

Changes in the abundance and distribution of selected species of beetles in European Russia and in the Caucasus are reported. Most of these species have been recorded from the Northwestern Caucasus in the last 10–15 years. The abundance and distribution during the last two years have changed most sharply in the introduced species, the Harlequin lady beetle Harmonia axyridis and two East Asian bruchids, Megabruchidius dorsalis and M. tonkineus. In 2016, the latter has been found in Georgia for the first time, and Harmonia axyridis was found in St. Petersburg. Abundance of the weevil Alcidodes karelinii with the range situated mostly east of the Caucasus and Volga River remains in Northwestern Caucasus at about the previous level. The flea-weevil species, a leaf miner on Ulmus pumila, misidentified previously as Orchestes mutabilis, is described in this paper as Orchestes steppensis sp. n. based on the material from Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and Northern China; no its further distribution westward in 2015–2016 has been found. This species, rapidly widening its range in North America in the recent decade, is misidentified there as Orchestes alni. A key for differentiation of Orchestes alni, O. mutabilis and O. steppensis sp. n. is provided with photographs of adults of all three species. Magdalis armigera has increased abundance in Northwestern Caucasus in 2016 and was for the first time found in Northwestern Russia (Pskov Province) in 2015. Regular faunistic surveys during several decades provide a possibility of recording considerable changes in the abundance of some common species of Coleoptera, often associated with changes in their distribution.  相似文献   

A list of tachinids (Diptera, Tachinidae) of the southeastern European part of Russia comprising 74 species is given. Eight species (Bithia jacentkovskyi, Estheria bohemani, Zeuxia nudigena, Stomina iners, Opesia descendens, Labigastera pauciseta, Cylindromyia rufifrons, Besseria reflexa) are for the first time recorded from Russia, three species (Acemya rufitibia, Atylomyia loewi, Crapivnicia donabilis), from the European part of Russia, and 25 species, from the southeastern European part of Russia. The male of Crapivnicia donabilis Richter found in Astrakhan Province is described. The genus Crapivnicia Richter is assigned to the tribe Goniini, based on the examination of the abdomen of C. donabilis female from Kalmykia which has shown the presence of dark microtype eggs.  相似文献   

Five new species of the subgenus Xanthempis Bezzi are described from the Caucasus: Empis (Xanthempis) annae sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodar Territory), E. (X.) grichanovi sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodar Territory; Georgia), E. (X.) pseudoconcolor sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodar and Stavropol territories; Georgia: Abkhazia), E. (X.) teberdaensis sp. n. (Russia: Karachay-Cherkessia), and E. (X.) zamotajlovi sp. n. (Russia: Krasnodar Territory and Adygea). The females of E. (X.) alanica Shamshev and E. (X.) kovalevi Shamshev are described for the first time. New data on the distribution of some previously described species are reported. The geographical distribution of Xanthempis is discussed. A key to Xanthempis species from the Caucasus is compiled.  相似文献   

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