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Vaccinia virus (VV) expression vector was used to clone the genes for coding alpha and beta subunits of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Recombinant viruses VSL3 and VSS1 containing these genes were selected as blue coloured plaques on the basis of co-expression of Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase in the infected cells. CV-1 cells when infected with VSL3 or VSS1 secreted 2.4 and 1.8 micrograms of alpha and beta hCG subunits, respectively, per 3 x 10(6) cells after 24 h of infection. The subunit proteins expressed individually had immunoreactivity with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific to hCG. The subunit hormonal peptides associated with each other during co-infection to form the complete hCG dimer, which was biologically active as evident from the induction of steroidogenesis in a mouse Leydig cell system.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) has been determined at 2.8 A resolution using multiple isomorphous replacement techniques. There are two molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit, which are related by an approximate non-crystallographic 2-fold axis. The overall structure is highly compact and globular with a predominantly hydrophobic core. The main structural feature of rhGM-CSF is a four alpha-helix bundle, which represents approximately 42% of the structure. The helices are arranged in a left-handed antiparallel bundle with two overhand connections. Within the connections is a two-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The tertiary structure of rhGM-CSF has a topology similar to that of porcine growth factor and interferon-beta. Most of the proposed critical regions for receptor binding are located on a continuous surface at one end of the molecule that includes the C terminus.  相似文献   

The effects of recombinant human hemopoietic growth factors on early and late human erythroid progenitors (BFU-e and CFU-e) were investigated in serum-free cultures. Recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEpo) induced the formation of not only human CFU-e-derived colonies but also human BFU-e-derived bursts. Recombinant human interleukin 3 (rhIL-3) alone did not induce the formation of human BFU-e-derived bursts and human CFU-e-derived colonies. In the presence of rhEpo, rhIL-3 dose dependently increased the number of bursts stimulated by rhEpo, although rhIL-3 did not have the augmentative effect on human CFU-e growth. On the other hand, rhIL-3 did not stimulate the formation of murine BFU-e-derived bursts, and murine IL-3 did not stimulate the formation of human BFU-e-derived bursts. The results indicated that the burst-promoting activity of IL-3 was species-specific between human and murine cells. Recombinant human GM-CSF (rhGM-CSF) or recombinant human G-CSF (rhG-CSF) failed to induce human burst formation and did not augment the effect of rhEpo on human burst formation. The results of the present study suggest that in vitro, IL-3 can stimulate BFU-e in collaboration with Epo, but GM-CSF and G-CSF do not stimulate BFU-e growth in the presence or absence of Epo.  相似文献   

We have reported that human autoantibodies reacting with the polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN)-anchored FcgammaRIIIb (CD16) protect these cells from spontaneous apoptosis. In this study, we used anti-CD16 F(ab')(2) to delineate the mechanism(s) whereby the PMN life span is extended. As documented using four methods, CD16 cross-linking impeded spontaneous apoptosis, whereas anti-CD18 F(ab')(2) exerted no effect. Incubation of PMNs with anti-CD16 prevented the up-regulation of beta(2) integrins, particularly CD11b, which is the alpha-chain of complement receptor type 3, but also CD18, which is its beta-chain, as well as CD11a and CD11c. Anti-CD16-conditioned supernatant of PMNs diminished the percentage of annexin V-binding fresh PMNs after another 18 h in culture, whereas the negative control anti-CD18 had no effect. The expression of mRNA for G-CSF and GM-CSF was induced by anti-CD16, followed by the release of G-CSF and GM-CSF in a dose-dependent manner. Anti-G-CSF and anti-GM-CSF mAbs abrogated the antiapoptotic effect of the related growth factors. The delay in apoptosis was accompanied by a down-regulated expression of Bax, and a partial reduction of caspase-3 activity. These data suggest an autocrine involvement of anti-CD16-induced survival factors in the rescue of PMNs from spontaneous apoptosis. Thus, apoptosis of aged PMNs can be modulated by signaling through FcgammaRIIIb, which may occur in patients with PMN-binding anti-FcgammaRIIIb autoantibodies.  相似文献   

Granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) stimulates proliferation of hematopoietic cells of the macrophage and granulocyte lineages and is used clinically to treat neutropenia and other myeloid disorders. Because of its short circulating half-life, GM-CSF is administered to patients by daily injection. We describe here the engineering of highly potent, long-acting human GM-CSF proteins through site-specific modification of GM-CSF cysteine analogues with a cysteine-reactive poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) reagent. Thirteen cysteine analogues of GM-CSF were constructed, primarily in nonhelical regions of the protein believed to lie away from the major receptor binding sites. The GM-CSF cysteine analogues were properly processed but insoluble following secretion into the Escherichia coli periplasm. The proteins were refolded and purified by column chromatography. Ten of the cysteine analogues could be modified with a 5-kDa maleimide PEG, and seven of the mono-PEGylated proteins were purified by ion-exchange column chromatography. Biological activities of the 13 cysteine analogues and 7 PEGylated cysteine analogues were comparable to that of wild-type GM-CSF in an in vitro cell proliferation assay using human TF-1 cells. One cysteine analogue was modified with larger 10-, 20-, and 40-kDa PEGs, with only minimal loss of in vitro bioactivity. Pharmacokinetic experiments in rats demonstrated that the PEGylated proteins had up to 47-fold longer circulating half-lives than wild-type GM-CSF. These data demonstrate the utility of site-specific PEGylation for creating highly potent, long-acting GM-CSF analogues and provide further evidence that the nonhelical regions of human GM-CSF examined are largely nonessential for biological activity of the protein.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha), granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) are molecularly distinct cytokines acting on separate receptors. The release of these cytokines can be concomitantly induced by the same signal and from the same cellular source, suggesting that they may cooperate. Administered alone, human recombinant (hr)IL-1 alpha and hrTNF alpha protect lethally irradiated mice from death, whereas murine recombinant GM-CSF and hrG-CSF do not confer similar protection. On a dose basis, IL-1 alpha is a more efficient radioprotector than TNF alpha. At optimal doses, IL-1 alpha is a more radioprotective cytokine than TNF alpha in C57BL/6 and B6D2F1 mice and less effective than TNF alpha in C3H/HeN mice, suggesting that the relative effectiveness of TNF alpha and IL-1 alpha depends on the genetic makeup of the host. Administration of the two cytokines in combination results in additive radioprotection in all three strains. This suggests that the two cytokines act through different radioprotective pathways and argues against their apparent redundancy. Suboptimal, nonradioprotective doses of IL-1 alpha also synergize with GM-CSF or G-CSF to confer optimal radioprotection, suggesting that such an interaction may be necessary for radioprotection of hemopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

The parapoxvirus orf virus encodes a novel soluble protein inhibitor of ovine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-2 (IL-2). The GM-CSF- and IL-2-inhibitory factor (GIF) gene was expressed as an intermediate-late viral gene in orf virus-infected cells. GIF formed homodimers and tetramers in solution, and it bound ovine GM-CSF with a K(d) of 369 pM and ovine IL-2 with a K(d) of 1.04 nM. GIF did not bind human GM-CSF or IL-2 in spite of the fact that orf virus is a human pathogen. GIF was detected in afferent lymph plasma draining the skin site of orf virus reinfection and was associated with reduced levels of lymph GM-CSF. GIF expression by orf virus indicates that GM-CSF and IL-2 are important in host antiviral immunity.  相似文献   

To study the structure-function relationship of the human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), genes were constructed that encode its three deletion mutants: D1, a mutant with the deletion of six amino acid residues (37-42) some of which are a part of a beta-structural region; D2, a mutant with the deletion of the unstructured six-aa sequence of a loop (45-50); and D3, a mutant with the deletion of 14 aa residues (37-50) corresponding to the A-B loop and encoded by the second exon of the gmcsf gene. The expression products of these genes in E. coli were accumulated in a fraction of insoluble proteins. The secondary structures of the mutant proteins were similar to that of the full-size GM-CSF, but the biological activity of the deletion mutants was 130 times lower than that of the GM-CSF: they stimulated the proliferation of the TF-1 cell line at 3 ng/ml concentration. The resulting proteins displayed antagonistic properties toward the full-size GM-CSF, with the inhibition degree of its colony-stimulating activity being 27%. A decrease in the mutant activity in the row D2 > D1 > D3 implies the importance of the conserved hydrophobic residues involved in the formation of the beta-structure for the formation of the GM-CSF functional conformation.  相似文献   

Human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF), also known as sargramostim or molgramostin, is a cytokine that functions as a hematopoietic cell growth factor. Here we report a near complete assignment for the backbone and side chain resonances for the mature polypeptide.  相似文献   

The human complement regulatory serum protein factor H (FH) is a promising future biopharmaceutical. Defects in the gene encoding FH are associated with human diseases like severe kidney and retinal disorders in the form of atypical haemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis II (MPGN II) or age‐related macular degeneration (AMD). There is a current need to apply intact full‐length FH for the therapy of patients with congenital or acquired defects of this protein. Application of purified or recombinant FH (rFH) to these patients is an important and promising approach for the treatment of these diseases. However, neither protein purified from plasma of healthy individuals nor recombinant protein is currently available on the market. Here, we report the first stable expression of the full‐length human FH cDNA and the subsequent production of this glycoprotein in a plant system. The moss Physcomitrella patens perfectly suits the requirements for the production of complex biopharmaceuticals as this eukaryotic system not only offers an outstanding genetical accessibility, but moreover, proteins can be produced safely in scalable photobioreactors without the need for animal‐derived medium compounds. Transgenic moss lines were created, which express the human FH cDNA and target the recombinant protein to the culture supernatant via a moss‐derived secretion signal. Correct processing of the signal peptide and integrity of the moss‐produced rFH were verified via peptide mapping by mass spectrometry. Ultimately, we show that the rFH displays complement regulatory activity comparable to FH purified from plasma.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) has emerged as an important regulation for hematopoietic cell development and function. Within the myeloid lineages, GM-CSF serves as a growth and developmental factor for intermediate-stage progenitors between early, interleukin 3-responsive and late granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-responsive precursors. GM-CSF also serves as an activator of circulating effector cells. The ability of GM-CSF to induce monocyte expression of tumor necrosis factor, interleukin 1 and other factors, further ties this hormone into a network of cytokines that interact to regulate many hematologic and immunologic responses. The availability of large quantities of recombinant GM-CSF now provides the opportunity and challenge not only for unraveling the mechanisms regulating hematopoiesis, but also for developing new therapies for enhancement of host defense against infection that were not previously possible.  相似文献   

The activity of human osteoblast-like cells cultured in vitro is regulated by a number of factors, which include systemic hormones as well as agents that can be produced locally within bone. Several cytokines and growth factors have been demonstrated to be produced by osteoblasts themselves, and this includes granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). In this report we show that recombinant human GM-CSF (rhGM-CSF) modulates the activities of osteoblast-like cells derived from human trabecular bone in vitro. rhGM-CSF stimulated the proliferation of the cultured human osteoblast-like cells, but antagonised the induction by 1,25(OH)2D3 of osteocalcin synthesis and alkaline phosphatase activity, two characteristic products of osteoblasts. rhGM-CSF however, had no appreciable effect on the production of prostaglandin E2, or on the plasminogen activator activity associated with human osteoblast-like cells. These results are the first report of which we are aware of an apparently direct action of GM-CSF on cells of the osteoblast phenotype. These studies indicate that GM-CSF represents another haematological factor that can potentially exert regulatory actions on human osteoblast-like cells. GM-CSF may therefore be a potential paracrine/autocrine regulator of osteoblast activity.  相似文献   

Culture medium conditioned by activated human T lymphocytes enhances the in vitro cytotoxicity of purified human eosinophils toward Schistosoma mansoni larvae, suggesting the existence of a mechanism for T lymphocyte regulation of eosinophil function. Here we show that purified biosynthetic (recombinant) human T lymphocyte granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) enhanced markedly two eosinophil functions: cytotoxicity toward schistosomula by a mean of 676%, and calcium ionophore A23187-induced generation of leukotriene C4 (LTC4) by a mean of 135%. Augmentation of each eosinophil function by GM-CSF was time- and dose-dependent, with a dose-response relationship at concentrations between 1 and 20 pM. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) enhanced eosinophil cytotoxicity with slower kinetics, a different dose-dependence relationship, and to a lower maximum, as compared with GM-CSF. There was no detectable effect of TNF on calcium ionophore A23187-induced generation of LTC4. The effect of GM-CSF on arachidonic acid metabolism to LTC4 reached a plateau with 60 min of incubation before stimulation with ionophore, and was characterized by an initial augmentation of the intracellular level of LTC4 and a subsequent increment in extracellular LTC4. Thus, GM-CSF can serve as a mediator for T lymphocyte regulation of functions of mature eosinophils. It is also the first defined macromolecule known to enhance metabolism of membrane-derived arachidonic acid via the 5-lipoxygenase pathway.  相似文献   

We have purified recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) produced in human lymphoblastoid Namalwa cells. From the results of tunicamycin treatment and N-glycosidase F digestion, it was demonstrated that Namalwa-derived hGM-CSF was highly glycosylated at two potential N-glycosylation sites and several O-glycosylation sites as previously shown for naturally occurring hGM-CSF. We classified the hGM-CSF molecules into three groups according to the molecular weight corresponding to the degree of N-glycosylation: the molecules with two N-glycosylation sites occupied (designated 2N), the molecules with either site glycosylated (1N), and the molecules lacking N-glycosylation (0N). Despite such varied degrees of N-glycosylation, almost all molecules were O-glycosylated. To investigate the role of carbohydrate moieties of hGM-CSF, we isolated each form of hGM-CSF and examined its biological properties. The 2N-type showed 200-fold less in vitro specific activity compared with unglycosylated Escherichia coli-derived hGM-CSF, although the activity of the 0N-type was equivalent to that of the E. coli-derived material. The 1N-type showed an intermediate level of activity. However, in terms of clearance from blood circulation in the rat, the 2N-type showed a half-life five times longer than that of the 0N-type and E. coli-derived hGM-CSF. From these findings, we concluded that N-linked carbohydrate moieties of hGM-CSF play conflicting physiological roles in the efficacy of the protein in vivo but that O-linked carbohydrate moieties do not have such effects.  相似文献   

The human NGF gene was isolated and inserted downstream from murine leukemia virus LTR in a plasmid having dihydrofolate reductase cDNA. The expression plasmid was introduced into CHO cells. Selection of the transformants for the resistance to methotrexate gave a CHO cell line which produced human NGF at a level of 4 mg/L in the culture medium. The recombinant human NGF was purified to near homogeneity from the culture supernatant. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence, the COOH-terminal amino acid (Ala), and the amino acid composition of the human NGF were identical to those deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the human NGF gene. The recombinant human NGF was composed of 120 amino acid residues. Three disulfide linkages were determined to be Cys15-Cys80, Cys-58-Cys108, and Cys68-Cys110; the locations were identical to those in the mouse 2.5S NGF molecule. The specific biological activity of the recombinant human NGF was comparable with that of authentic mouse 2.5S NGF as determined by stimulation of neurite outgrowth from PC12 cells.  相似文献   

C Gamba-Vitalo  M P DiGiovanna  A C Sartorelli 《Blood cells》1991,17(1):193-205; discussion 206-8
To evaluate the efficacy of recombinant murine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rGM-CSF) in attenuating the myelosuppression associated with chemotherapy, the effects of 100 and 300 ng rGM-CSF, administered twice daily by intraperitoneal injection for 6 consecutive days to mice 24 hours after a dose of 200 mg/kg cyclophosphamide, were measured. Six days after the initial injection of rGM-CSF, a significant increase occurred in the absolute myeloid count compared to that of vehicle-treated animals. The difference was most pronounced on day 7, attaining levels of 327% and 428% of the control; these increases slowly declined to that of the control level by day 19. No significant effect was produced by rGM-CSF on the packed red cell volume or on the platelet count. Furthermore, the administration of rGM-CSF did not alter bone marrow cellularity or increase the number of marrow-derived hematopoietic stem cells. In contrast, a significant splenomegaly occurred, starting on day 6 and continuing until day 17. This was characterized by a pronounced increase in splenic-derived granulocyte (CFU-G), granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM), macrophage (CFU-M), megakaryocyte (CFU-MK), and erythroid (BFU-E, CFU-E) stem cells. The increases occurred between days 6 and 9 following the initial administration of rGM-CSF. These findings indicated that the administration of rGM-CSF to cyclophosphamide-treated animals causes an absolute increase in circulating myeloid cells and that these increases are derived from the spleen. The use of recombinant hematopoietic growth factors may permit the administration of more intensive chemotherapy through amelioration of chemically induced leukopenia.  相似文献   

A method for the production and purification of biologically active recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF), expressed in Escherichia coli, has been developed. Washing of an inclusion body fraction which allows the removal of numerous ballast proteins and on-column refolding of rhGM-CSF are specific characteristics of the method. The refolding efficiency reached 70%; the purity of the preparation constituted 95%. The biological activity was similar to those of other recombinant hGM-CSF analogs.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is a hematopoietic growth factor that stimulates myeloid cell proliferation and maturation and enhances the function of terminally differentiated effector cells. Phase I and II clinical trials have demonstrated mild to moderate toxicities at doses of less than 30 micrograms/kg/day. These studies suggest a potential role for this growth factor to stimulate myelopoiesis in patients with aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, AIDS, chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression, chronic neutropenia, and following bone marrow transplantation. The potential clinical uses of GM-CSF will depend on results of studies designed to optimize its therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

Human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is a cytokine derived from activated T cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and macrophages. It stimulates myeloid and erythroid progenitors to form colonies in semisolid medium in vitro, as well as enhancing multiple differentiated functions of mature neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils. We have examined the binding of human GM-CSF to a variety of responsive human cells and cell lines. The most mature myelomonocytic cells, specifically human neutrophils, macrophages, and eosinophils, express the highest numbers of a single class of high affinity receptors (Kd approximately 37 pM, 293-1000 sites/cell). HL-60 and KG-1 cells exhibit an increase in specific binding at high concentrations of GM-CSF; computer analysis of the data is nonetheless consistent with a single class of high affinity binding sites with a Kd approximately 43 pM and 20-450 sites/cell. Dimethyl sulfoxide induces a 3-10-fold increase in high affinity receptors expressed in HL-60 cells, coincident with terminal neutrophilic differentiation. Finally, binding of 125I-GM-CSF to fresh peripheral blood cells from six patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia was analyzed. In three of six cases, binding was similar to the nonsaturable binding observed with HL-60 and KG-1 cells. GM-CSF binding was low, or in some cases, undetectable on myeloblasts obtained from eight patients with acute myelogenous leukemia. The observed affinities of the receptor for GM-CSF are consistent with all known biological activities. Affinity labeling of both normal neutrophils and dimethyl sulfoxide-induced HL-60 cells with unglycosylated 125I-GM-CSF yielded a band of 98 kDa, implying a molecular weight of approximately 84,000 for the human GM-CSF receptor.  相似文献   

A procedure described here allows the efficient and rapid purification of histidine-tagged measles virus haemagglutinin that is synthesized under the control of powerful promoters (PSFJ1-10 and PSFJ2-16) of the highly attenuated vaccinia virus (VV) strain LC16mO. A single affinity chromatography step purifies recombinant haemagglutinin proteins from the lysates of cells infected with the recombinant VVs. The recovery and purity are both very high (a yield of 0.5-2.8 mg/10(8) cells and purity of >94-98%), indicating that this procedure is approximately 400 times more efficient than the conventional methods used to prepare haemagglutinin. The haemagglutinins are correctly transported to the cell surface and have haemadsorption activity. Moreover, the recombinant haemagglutinin proteins cooperate with the measles virus fusion protein to elicit cell fusion activity. In addition, the antibody titres against measles virus, as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using the purified haemagglutinin as the capture antigen, correlated closely with neutralization test titres (R(2) = 0.84, p < 0.05), indicating the preservation of immunologically relevant antigenicity. Such recombinant haemagglutinin preparations will be useful in diagnostic tests that measure functional anti-measles immunity and investigate the biological functions and structure of the haemagglutinin.  相似文献   

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