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Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a glycosylated multi-functional protein that acts as an enzyme as well as a cytokine. MIF mediates its actions through a cell surface class II major histocompatibility chaperone, CD74 and co-receptors such as CD44, CXCR2, CXCR4 or CXCR7. MIF has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. Although MIF is a molecule of biomedical importance, a public resource of MIF signaling pathway is currently lacking. In view of this, we carried out detailed data mining and documentation of the signaling events pertaining to MIF from published literature and developed an integrated reaction map of MIF signaling. This resulted in the cataloguing of 68 molecules belonging to MIF signaling pathway, which includes 24 protein-protein interactions, 44 post-translational modifications, 11 protein translocation events and 8 activation/inhibition events. In addition, 65 gene regulation events at the mRNA levels induced by MIF signaling have also been catalogued. This signaling pathway has been integrated into NetPath (http://www.netpath.org), a freely available human signaling pathway resource developed previously by our group. The MIF pathway data is freely available online in various community standard data exchange formats. We expect that data on signaling events and a detailed signaling map of MIF will provide the scientific community with an improved platform to facilitate further molecular as well as biomedical investigations on MIF.  相似文献   

Interferon gamma (IFN-γ), is a cytokine, which is an important regulator of host defense system by mediating both innate and adaptive immune responses. IFN-γ signaling is primarily associated with inflammation and cell-mediated immune responses. IFN-γ is also represented as antitumor cytokine which facilitates immunosurveillance in tumor cells. In addition, IFN-γ mediated signaling also elicits pro-tumorigenic transformations and promotes tumor progression. Impact of IFN-γ signaling in mammalian cells has been widely studied which indicate that IFN-γ orchestrates distinct cellular functions including immunomodulation, leukocyte trafficking, apoptosis, anti-microbial, and both anti- and pro-tumorigenic role. However, a detailed network of IFN-γ signaling pathway is currently lacking. Therefore, we systematically curated the literature information pertaining to IFN-γ signaling and develop a comprehensive signaling network to facilitate better understanding of IFN-γ mediated signaling. A total of 124 proteins were catalogued that were experimentally proven to be involved in IFN-γ signaling cascade. These 124 proteins were found to participate in 81 protein-protein interactions, 94 post-translational modifications, 20 translocation events, 54 activation/inhibiton reactions. Further, 236 differential expressed genes were also documented in IFN-γ mediated signaling. IFN-γ signaling pathway is made freely available to scientific audience through NetPath at (http://www.netpath.org/pathways?path_id=NetPath_32). We believe that documentation of reactions pertaining to IFN-γ signaling and development of pathway map will facilitate further research in IFN-γ associated human diseases including cancer.  相似文献   

Parental care among salamanders is typically provided by females. A rare case of parental care by male salamanders appears to occur in Cryptobranchidae. Yet, paternal behaviors have rarely been reported from natural populations of any Cryptobranchid salamanders, and their adaptive significance is poorly understood. The present study aimed to examine paternal care behaviors in a fully aquatic Japanese giant salamander (Andrias japonicus) in situ. At the beginning of the summer breeding season, large males, called den-masters, occupy burrows along stream banks for breeding and nesting. We videotaped post-breeding behaviors of two den-masters that stayed with the eggs, one in a natural and the other in an artificial nest in natural streams. We identified three behaviors, tail fanning, agitating and egg eating, to be parental care. Tail fanning provides oxygenated water for the eggs. We found that the den-master in the artificial nest, where dissolved oxygen level was lower, displayed tail fanning more frequently. Agitating the eggs with its head and body likely prevents yolk adhesions. The den-masters selectively ate whiter eggs that appeared to be dead or infected with water mold. This behavior, which we termed hygienic filial cannibalism, likely prevents water mold from spreading over healthy eggs. Digital video images relating to this article are available at http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo140906aj01a, http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo140906aj02a, http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo140906aj03a and http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo140906aj04a.  相似文献   

Using Japanese literature, we created a consolidated list of host records of butterflies in Japan. The list used the host records described in eight major illustrated reference books, two checklists, and 14 other pieces of literature. The presence of larvae on plants, the observation of larvae eating plants or insects in the field were considered as host records. We collected all species recorded in Japan. Scientific, family, and Japanese names of butterflies were consolidated using the BINRAN database (http://binran.lepimages.jp/). Scientific and Japanese names of host plants were based on the YList database (http://ylist.info/). If scientific names of host plants were not found in YList, we used scientific names based on The Plant List (http://www.theplantlist.org/). Family names of host plants were based on the Catalogue of Life database (http://www.catalogueoflife.org/). Scientific, family, and Japanese names of host insects were based on the MOKUROKU database (http://konchudb.agr.agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp/mokuroku/) for Hymenoptera and the catalogue of the Paraneoptera of Japan published by the Entomological Society of Japan for Hemiptera. We also provided the references of each host record and the original names described in the referred literature. Two datasets, HostDB and ReferenceDB, were created to include 3600 records of butterfly larval hosts in Japan, along with scientific and Japanese names of each species and a literature list. These datasets will be useful for basic and applied biological studies of butterflies. Data files are stored in the Ecological Research Data Archives (http://db.cger.nies.go.jp/JaLTER/ER_DataPapers/) and available from http://hostbj.lepumus.net/. These datasets are published under the Creative Commons License Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).  相似文献   

The scent of 3-mercapto-3-methylbutanol (3-M-3-MB), a volatile component of leopard (Panthera pardus) and domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) urine, released at about 10 ng/s from slow-release dispensers, elicited scent-marking from African civet (Civettictis civetta), small-spotted genet (Genetta genetta) and slender mongoose (Galerella sanguinea), as well as African wildcat (F. s. cafra). A female leopard was apparently repelled by the scent. The scent-marking and scent-rubbing by species other than African wildcats and leopards were unexpected and have important implications for the design of studies to investigate chemical communication between wild mammals and the use of camera traps to estimate animal numbers. Videos showing the behaviours referred to in this article are available at; http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo161223fs01a; http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo161223gs01a; http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo161223gg01a.  相似文献   

The apelin receptor (APLNR) is a class A (rhodopsin-like) G-protein coupled receptor with a wide distribution throughout the human body. Activation of the apelin/APLNR system regulates AMPK/PI3K/AKT/mTOR and RAF/ERK1/2 mediated signaling pathways. APLNR activation orchestrates several downstream signaling cascades, which play diverse roles in physiological effects, including effects upon vasoconstriction, heart muscle contractility, energy metabolism regulation, and fluid homeostasis angiogenesis. We consolidated a network map of the APLNR signaling map owing to its biomedical importance. The curation of literature data pertaining to the APLNR system was performed manually by the NetPath criteria. The described apelin receptor signaling map comprises 35 activation/inhibition events, 38 catalysis events, 4 molecular associations, 62 gene regulation events, 113 protein expression types, and 4 protein translocation events. The APLNR signaling pathway map data is made freely accessible through the WikiPathways Database (https://www.wikipathways.org/index.php/Pathway:WP5067).Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12079-021-00614-6.  相似文献   

MrBayes is a program that uses a Bayesian framework for inferring phylogenetic relationships. As MrBayes is a command-line-driven program, users acquainted to programs with graphical user interfaces will not find it easy to operate, especially as it requires a complex input format for the data to be analysed. We thus developed siMBa (simple MrBayes), a simple graphical user interface for MrBayes. This tool gives the user interactive control over most of the parameters and also facilitates the input of a multiple sequence alignment, as any widely used format can be used. siMBa is coded in Perl using the Tk module. Executables are provided for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh. The Perl codes, along with executables for different operating system, are freely available to download from [http://www.thines-lab.senckenberg.de/simba].  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest in the use of intromittent male genitalia and coercive mating behaviour in poeciliids, detailed studies of the mating behaviour of most species in this family are lacking. We describe here the mating and aggressive behaviours of Brachyrhaphis olomina, and correlate them with the condition of the female’s ovum and embryos (immature, mature and pregnant). B. olomina performed a wide range of aggressive (sidle spread, tail beating, coordinate) and mating behaviours (approximation, touch, lateral display, touch-lateral display). Some behaviours (e.g. tail beating) are shared with other poeciliids, but two sexual behaviours (touch and lateral display) and one aggressive (coordinate) behaviour may be unique to B. olomina and were not reported in a previous study. Differences in male behaviour when paired with a female with mature ovum (more mating displays, no agonistic movements) suggest that males detect the female’s reproductive condition from some distance. The distinctive nature of mating behaviour in B. olomina highlights the importance of studying different species to have a better understanding of the evolution of mating and aggressive behaviours in poeciliids. Digital video images related to the article are available at http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo170720bo01a, http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo170720bo02a and http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo170720bo03a.  相似文献   

Genomic enrichment methods and next-generation sequencing produce uneven coverage for the portions of the genome (the loci) they target; this information is essential for ascertaining the suitability of each locus for further analysis. lociNGS is a user-friendly accessory program that takes multi-FASTA formatted loci, next-generation sequence alignments and demographic data as input and collates, displays and outputs information about the data. Summary information includes the parameters coverage per locus, coverage per individual and number of polymorphic sites, among others. The program can output the raw sequences used to call loci from next-generation sequencing data. lociNGS also reformats subsets of loci in three commonly used formats for multi-locus phylogeographic and population genetics analyses – NEXUS, IMa2 and Migrate. lociNGS is available at https://github.com/SHird/lociNGS and is dependent on installation of MongoDB (freely available at http://www.mongodb.org/downloads). lociNGS is written in Python and is supported on MacOSX and Unix; it is distributed under a GNU General Public License.  相似文献   

The use of antigenicity scales based on physicochemical properties and the sliding window method in combination with an averaging algorithm and subsequent search for the maximum value is the classical method for B-cell epitope prediction. However, recent studies have demonstrated that the best classical methods provide a poor correlation with experimental data. We review both classical and novel algorithms and present our own implementation of the algorithms. The AAPPred software is available at http://www.bioinf.ru/aappred/.  相似文献   

Scent marking is critical to intraspecific communication in many mammal species, but little is known regarding its role in communication among different species. We used 4 years of motion-triggered video to document the use of scent marking areas—termed “community scrapes”—by pumas (Puma concolor) (http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo160812pc01a) and other carnivore species. We found that gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) routinely rubbed their cheeks on puma scrapes (http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo160812uc01a), and tested a series of hypotheses to determine its function. We found that gray foxes selected puma scrapes over other objects, and cheek rubbing by foxes was also correlated with how recently a puma had visited the scrape, suggesting that foxes were intent upon accumulating fresh puma scent. Cheek rubbing by foxes was not correlated with their breeding season or with how recently another fox had visited the site. Finally we found a cascading pattern in the occurrence of pumas, coyotes (Canis latrans) and gray foxes at community scrapes, suggesting that gray foxes may use puma scent to deter predation. This is the first published study to find evidence of a subordinate species using the scent of a dominant species to communicate with heterospecifics. The behavioral cascade we found in scent marking patterns also suggests that scent marking could be a mechanism that impacts the distribution and abundance of species. Additional videos pertaining to this article include http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo160812uc02a, and http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo160812uc03a.  相似文献   

Genome-based phylogeny plays a central role in the future taxonomy and phylogenetics of Bacteria and Archaea by replacing 16S rRNA gene phylogeny. The concatenated core gene alignments are frequently used for such a purpose. The bacterial core genes are defined as single-copy, homologous genes that are present in most of the known bacterial species. There have been several studies describing such a gene set, but the number of species considered was rather small. Here we present the up-to-date bacterial core gene set, named UBCG, and software suites to accommodate necessary steps to generate and evaluate phylogenetic trees. The method was successfully used to infer phylogenomic relationship of Escherichia and related taxa and can be used for the set of genomes at any taxonomic ranks of Bacteria. The UBCG pipeline and file viewer are freely available at https://www.ezbiocloud.net/tools/ubcg and https://www.ezbiocloud.net/tools/ubcg_viewer, respectively.  相似文献   

Current interest in proteasome inhibitors for cancer therapy has stimulated considerable research efforts to identify the molecular pathway to their cytotoxicity with a view to identifying the mechanisms of sensitivity and resistance as well as informing the development of new drugs. Zhao and Vuori describe this month in BMC Biology experiments indicating a novel role of the adaptor protein p130Cas in sensitivity to apoptosis induced not only by proteasome inhibitors but also by the unrelated drug doxorubicin.See research article: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7007/9/73  相似文献   

Advances in transgenic animal models and techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On May 11th and 12th 2017 was held in Nantes, France, the international meeting “Advances in transgenic animal models and techniques” (http://www.trm.univ-nantes.fr/). This biennial meeting is the fifth one of its kind to be organized by the Transgenic Rats ImmunoPhenomic (TRIP) Nantes facility (http://www.tgr.nantes.inserm.fr/). The meeting was supported by private companies (SONIDEL, Scionics computer innovation, New England Biolabs, MERCK, genOway, Journal Disease Models and Mechanisms) and by public institutions (International Society for Transgenic Technology, University of Nantes, INSERM UMR 1064, SFR François Bonamy, CNRS, Région Pays de la Loire, Biogenouest, TEFOR infrastructure, ITUN, IHU-CESTI and DHU-Oncogeffe and Labex IGO). Around 100 participants, from France but also from different European countries, Japan and USA, attended the meeting.  相似文献   



As a result of its simplicity and high efficiency, the CRISPR-Cas system has been widely used as a genome editing tool. Recently, CRISPR base editors, which consist of deactivated Cas9 (dCas9) or Cas9 nickase (nCas9) linked with a cytidine or a guanine deaminase, have been developed. Base editing tools will be very useful for gene correction because they can produce highly specific DNA substitutions without the introduction of any donor DNA, but dedicated web-based tools to facilitate the use of such tools have not yet been developed.


We present two web tools for base editors, named BE-Designer and BE-Analyzer. BE-Designer provides all possible base editor target sequences in a given input DNA sequence with useful information including potential off-target sites. BE-Analyzer, a tool for assessing base editing outcomes from next generation sequencing (NGS) data, provides information about mutations in a table and interactive graphs. Furthermore, because the tool runs client-side, large amounts of targeted deep sequencing data (<?1?GB) do not need to be uploaded to a server, substantially reducing running time and increasing data security. BE-Designer and BE-Analyzer can be freely accessed at http://www.rgenome.net/be-designer/ and http://www.rgenome.net/be-analyzer/, respectively.


We develop two useful web tools to design target sequence (BE-Designer) and to analyze NGS data from experimental results (BE-Analyzer) for CRISPR base editors.

Purpose: The main goal of the present study was to determine DNA damage in pesticide-exposed greenhouse workers and pesticides non-exposed controls.

Materials and methods: The DNA damage was measured by alkaline comet assay method (pH?>?13) in 41 greenhouse workers and 45 non-exposed individuals as the control. Pesticide exposure was assessed by duration of working in the greenhouse and pesticide application in the greenhouse time. DNA damage was estimated by arbitrary unit and damage frequency.

Results: Arbitrary unit and damage frequency were consistently significantly higher in greenhouse workers than those of the controls (p?=?0.001). In terms of gender in greenhouse, DNA damage of female workers was significantly higher than those in male workers (p?<?0.05). We found significant correlation between DNA damage and working hours spent. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that working hours in the greenhouse as an indication of pesticide exposure were significantly associated with the DNA damage, which can be attributed to the genotoxic potential of the pesticide mixture.

Conclusions: The comet assay is sensitive to detect the damage exposed to chronic effect of pesticides in greenhouse workers. Significant DNA damage was obtained for the exposed group, which was associated with the pesticide exposure.  相似文献   

Delving into European prehistory, two recent studies analyze ancient DNA from bison species depicted by our ancestors on the walls of their caves. The DNA tells a story of migrations driven by climate change but leaves some mystery clouding the genetic descent and climate preference of the still-extant wisent, otherwise known as the European bison.See research articles: https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-016-0317-7 http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms13158  相似文献   

Triatomines (Heteroptera, Reduviidae) are vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease in America. These true bugs have traditionally been considered to be blood suckers, although some species have been catalogued as being entomophagous. By using their highly specialized mouthparts, these insects have evolved a stereotyped habit which includes lifting up the proboscis, piercing and sucking, when the occasion arises. Most triatomines bite their sleeping and unaware vertebrate or invertebrate hosts, but they can also search for other targets, guided, in part, by visual and chemical stimuli. In this study, we observed that triatomines apparently visually identify a drop of water in the distance, then taste it with their legs, upon which proboscis extension and sucking ensues. This invariant behavior or fixed action pattern, observed in several triatomine species (Rhodnius prolixus, Triatoma infestans and Panstrongylus geniculatus), was also elicited by a dummy drop of water and guava fruit. We discuss evolutionary and ethological aspects of this innate behavior. Digital video images related to this article are available at http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo180314rp01a and http://www.momo-p.com/showdetail-e.php?movieid=momo180314rp03a.  相似文献   

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