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Papaya mosaic virus (PapMV) is a flexuous rod shape virus made of 1400 subunits that assemble around a plus sense genomic RNA. The structure determination of PapMV and of flexuous viruses in general is a major challenge for both NMR and X-ray crystallography. In this report, we present the characterization of a truncated version of the PapMV coat protein (CP) that is suitable for NMR study. The deletion of the N-terminal 26 amino acids of the PapMV CP (CP27-215) generates a monomer that can be expressed to high level and easily purified for production of an adequate NMR sample. The RNA gel shift assay showed that CP27-215 lost its ability to bind RNA in vitro, suggesting that the multimerization of the subunit is important for this function. The fusion of a 6x His tag at the C-terminus improved the solubility of the monomer and allowed its concentration to 0.2 mM. The CD spectra of the truncated and the wild-type proteins were similar, suggesting that both proteins are well ordered and have a similar secondary structure. CP27-215 was 15N labeled for NMR studies and a 2D 1H-15N-HSQC spectrum confirmed the presence of a well-ordered structure and the monomeric form of the protein. These results show that CP27-215 is amenable to a complete and exhaustive NMR study that should lead to the first three-dimensional structure determination of a flexuous rod shape virus.  相似文献   

Zinc-binding proteins detected by protein blotting   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Western blotting technique was used for the detection of zinc-binding proteins. Proteins were separated electrophoretically on 15% polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate minigels, the gels were soaked in a reduction buffer, and the proteins were transferred to nitrocellulose filters. Zinc-binding proteins were probed with radioactive zinc (65Zn) and were detected by autoradiography. This technique allows the detection of as little as 20 to 100 pmol of zinc metalloproteins.  相似文献   

Structural and functional properties of ras proteins   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
E Santos  A R Nebreda 《FASEB journal》1989,3(10):2151-2163
The ras proteins belong to a family of related polypeptides that are present in all eukaryotic organisms from yeast to human. Their extraordinary evolutionary conservation suggests that they have essential cellular functions, although their exact role remains unknown. Mutations in specific amino acids and overexpression of normal proteins have been linked to altered proliferation and/or differentiation and, particularly, to neoplastic processes. Mature ras proteins are located on the inner side of the plasma membrane, and their biochemical properties include binding and exchange of guanine nucleotides and GTPase activity. The favored hypothesis for ras function is that these proteins exist in an equilibrium between an inactive conformation (p21.GDP) and an active conformation (p21. GTP) in which they are able to interact with their as yet unknown cellular target or targets. Similarities in cellular location, structure, and biochemistry with other known regulatory (G) proteins suggest that they play a role in transduction of signals from the cell surface. The elucidation of the crystal structure of normal and transforming ras proteins and the identification of cellular proteins that interact directly with them (GAP, CDC25) or suppress some of their biological effects (Krev-1) have opened new avenues in the search for their elusive cellular targets and in the elucidation of the functional role of ras gene products.  相似文献   

Several cytoskeletal proteins have been shown to interact in vitro with, and in some cases are regulated by, specific membrane lipids. In some cases, evidence for in situ interactions has been provided. The molecular basis for such interactions is now being unravelled. At least five structurally distinct types of lipid-binding sites in cytoskeletal proteins have been identified. However, our understanding of the physiological role of such interactions is still limited. Precise knowledge about the binding-site structures and the actual amino acid residues involved should now enable the expression of mutant proteins that specifically lack the ability to interact with lipids. The impact of these mutations on protein location and function can then be assessed.  相似文献   

To avoid the risk of infectious disease transmission from donor to recipient, allografts should be terminally sterilized. In the previous paper (Kaminski et al. in Cell Tissue Bank 10:215–219, 2009) we presented the effect of various methods of preservation (deep fresh freezing, glycerolization, lyophilization), followed by irradiation with different doses of electron beam (EB), on material (intrinsic) mechanical properties of human patellar tendons cut out as for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, obtained in failure tensile test. As structural mechanical properties are equally important to predict the behaviour of the graft as a whole functional unit, the purpose of the present paper was to show the results for failure load and elongation, obtained in the same experiment. Paired Bone-Tendon-Bone grafts (BTB) were prepared from cadaveric human patella tendons with both patellar and tibial attachments. They were preserved by deep freezing, glycerolization or lyophilization and subsequently EB-irradiated with the doses of 25, 35, 50 or 100 kGy (fresh-frozen grafts) or a single dose of 35 kGy (glycerolized and lyophilized grafts). Each experimental (irradiated) group was provided with control (non-irradiated), donor-matched group. The specimens from all groups were subjected to mechanical failure tensile test with the use of Instron system in order to measure their structural properties (failure load and elongation). All lyophilized grafts were rehydrated before mechanical testing. In our study we did not observe significant deterioration of structural mechanical properties of BTB grafts processed by fresh-freezing and then terminal sterilized with growing doses of EB up to 100 kGy. In contrast, BTB grafts processed by glycerolization or lyophilization and irradiated with 35 kGy showed significant decrease of failure load. Obtained results suggest that deep-frozen irradiated grafts retain their initial mechanical properties to an extent which does not exclude their clinical application. However, biomechanical investigations constitute only the first step to evaluate the potential clinical usefulness of such allografts and further extensive in vivo studies are needed.  相似文献   

Cell-free synthesis of adenovirus coat proteins   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Tulip virus X (TVX), a previously undescribed mechanically transmissible virus, causes chlorotic and necrotic lesions in leaves and streaks of intensified pigmentation in tepals of tulip plants. The virus infected 22 of 42 other plant species in 10 of 14 families, but most host species were infected only erratically. TVX is best propagated in Chenopodium quinoa and assayed in C. amaranticolor. Spindleshaped inclusions were observed in epidermal cells of C. amaranticolor leaves. Leaf extracts from C. quinoa contained flexuous filamentous particles measuring c. 495 ×13 nm. The extracts were infective after dilution to 10-9, after heating for 10 min at 60 °C but not at 65 °C, and after storage at c. 20 °C for 30 days or at -20 °C for 6 months. TVX particles were purified (500 μg/g C. quinoa leaf) from tissue extracts in 0.067 M phosphate buffer containing 10 mM EDTA at pH 7, by twice precipitating the virus with 8% polyethylene glycol in 0.2 M NaCl followed by differential centrifugation. The virus particles have a sedimentation coefficient (s20, w) of 102 S. They contain a protein of mol. wt c. 22 500 and a nucleic acid that, when glyoxalated, migrates in agarose gel like single-stranded RNA of mol. wt 2.05 × 106. TVX particles tend to aggregate, and evidence was obtained that a 118 S component which was consistently observed in purified preparations and in infective sap is an end-to-end dimer. A distant serological relationship was found between particles of TVX and those of viola mottle and hydrangea ringspot viruses, but no serological relationship was detected to nine other potexviruses. TVX is considered to be a distinct and definitive member of the potexvirus group.  相似文献   

Structural properties of proteins specific to the myelin sheath   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kursula P 《Amino acids》2008,34(2):175-185
Summary. The myelin sheath is an insulating membrane layer surrounding myelinated axons in vertebrates, which is formed when the plasma membrane of an oligodendrocyte or a Schwann cell wraps itself around the axon. A large fraction of the total protein in this membrane layer is comprised of only a small number of individual proteins, which have certain intriguing structural properties. The myelin proteins are implicated in a number of neurological diseases, including, for example, autoimmune diseases and peripheral neuropathies. In this review, the structural properties of a number of myelin-specific proteins are described. Author’s address: Dr. Petri Kursula, Department of Biochemistry, University of Oulu, FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland  相似文献   

We report the optical absorption spectra of sperm whale deoxy-, oxy-, and carbonmonoxymyoglobin in the temperature range 300–20 K and in 65% glycerol or ethylene glycol–water mixtures. By lowering the temperature, all bands exhibit half-width narrowing and peak frequency shift; moreover, the near-ir bands of deoxymyoglobin show a marked increase of the integrated intensities. Opposed to what has already been reported for human hemoglobin, the temperature dependence of the first moment of the investigated bands does not follow the behavior predicted by the harmonic Franck–Condon approximation and is sizably affected by the solvent composition; this solvent effect is larger in liganded than in nonliganded myoglobin. However, for all the observed bands the behavior of the second moment can be quite well rationalized in terms of the harmonic Franck–Condon approximation and is not dependent on solvent composition. On the basis of these data we put forward some suggestions concerning the structural and dynamic properties of the heme pocket in myoglobin and their dependence upon solvent composition. We also discuss the different behaviors of myoglobin and hemoglobin in terms of the different heme pocket structures and deformabilities of the two proteins.  相似文献   

Spore coat proteins obtained by extraction with sodium dodecylsulfate/dithiothreitol from six Bacillus spores were compared by immunoblot analysis using antibodies to spore coat proteins from two strains of B. megaterium. Although the extract from spores of each strain had heterogenous proteins with various molecular weights, there were some bands which cross-reacted with specific antibodies from B. megaterium spores. Specific antibody to 48K protein from B. megaterium ATCC 12872 cross-reacted with 17K protein from B. megaterium ATCC 19213, 13K protein from B. cereus and 50K protein from B. subtilis 60015 and B. subtilis NRRL B558. Also, specific antibody to 22K protein from the same strain cross-reacted with 22K and 17K proteins from B. megaterium ATCC 19213 and 13K protein from B. cereus T. Specific antibody to 17K protein from B. megaterium ATCC 19213 reacted with 22K and 19K proteins in addition to 17K protein of own strain, and it was cross-reactive with 16K protein from B. megaterium ATCC 12872, 19K and 27K proteins from B. thiaminolyticus, 13K protein from B. cereus.  相似文献   

Early cell death caused by TMV mutants with defective coat proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Four closely related strains of TMV, which differ in the ability to kill infected turkish tobacco leaves, were compared cytologically and with respect to the amounts of soluble and insoluble coat proteins synthesized. The results suggest that the cytopathic effects might be caused by coat proteins with unusual solubility properties.  相似文献   

Highly homogeneous populations of human pachytene spetmatocytes and round spermatids have been obtained from normal adult testis using unit gravity (STA-PUT) sedimentation. Contaminating Leydig cells have been removed by density centrifugation in discontinuous Percoll gradients to yield resultant germ cell purities of 90–95% for pachytene spermatocytes and 89–96% for round spermatids. The total cellular polypeptide composition of separated human germ cells has been analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to compare 1) human and mouse pachytene spermatocytes (species specificity), 2) samples of human spermatocytes obtained from different individuals (allo specificity), and 3) pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids from the same patients (stage specificity). Mouse and human germ cells have been found to exhibit extensive homology, but identified marker proteins limited to human spermatocytes include a group of polypeptides at p45/5.9 as well as a protein at p67/5.2. Proteins unique to mouse germ cells include component p65/5.5. Comparisons between different preparations of human pachytene spermatocytes have revealed about 90% electrophoretic homology, but some striking allotypic variations have been noted including the proteins at p45/5.9. Finally, presumptive stage-specific spermatogenic cell markers have been identified including the p45/5.9 polypeptides that are present only in human spermatocytes. Although the physiological roles of particular marker proteins have not yet been determined, the present findings indicate that purified spermatogenic cell populations may be analyzed biochemically to identify constituents important in the regulation of sperm development in man.  相似文献   

In coated vesicle formation, coat protein recruitment needs to be spatially and temporally controlled. The coating process involves conformational changes of the coat protein complexes that activate them for interaction with cargo or machinery components and coat polymerization. Here we discuss mechanisms that have emerged recently from studies of the clathrin adaptor and the COPI systems.  相似文献   

Thermally induced helix–coil transitions of myosin rod, light meromyosin, and tropomyosin were studied by optical rotatory dispersion (ORD). Fractional helicity was calculated from both the Moffitt-Yang parameter, b0, and the corrected mean residue rotation [m′] at 231.4 nm. Between 3 and 30°C, [m′] increases linearly with a slope of 59/°C, whereas b0 is virtually constant, indicating apparently different thermal melting behavior. Poly(L -lysine) and poly(L -glutamic acid) in their helical forms and myoglobin also show a nearly linear temperature dependence of [m′]231.4. Muscle proteins in 6M guanidine hydrochloride and the random-coil forms of the homopolymers exhibit temperature-dependent values of [m′]231.4 and b0. We conclude from these observations that ORD properties of both α-helices and random-coil polypeptides have significant intrinsic temperature dependencies. A new method of estimating fractional helicity as a function of temperature is proposed.  相似文献   

Mancias JD  Goldberg J 《The EMBO journal》2008,27(21):2918-2928
Genomic analysis shows that the increased complexity of trafficking pathways in mammalian cells involves an expansion of the number of SNARE, Rab and COP proteins. Thus, the human genome encodes four forms of Sec24, the cargo selection subunit of the COPII vesicular coat, and this is proposed to increase the range of cargo accommodated by human COPII-coated vesicles. In this study, we combined X-ray crystallographic and biochemical analysis with functional assays of cargo packaging into COPII vesicles to establish molecular mechanisms for cargo discrimination by human Sec24 subunits. A conserved IxM packaging signal binds in a surface groove of Sec24c and Sec24d, but the groove is occluded in the Sec24a and Sec24b subunits. Conversely, LxxLE class transport signals and the DxE signal of VSV glycoprotein are selectively bound by Sec24a and Sec24b subunits. A comparative analysis of crystal structures of the four human Sec24 isoforms establishes the structural determinants for discrimination among these transport signals, and provides a framework to understand how an expansion of coat subunits extends the range of cargo proteins packaged into COPII-coated vesicles.  相似文献   

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