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《Marine Micropaleontology》2009,73(3-4):111-128
A detailed study of the calcareous nannofossil assemblages of latest Danian to early Selandian age from Wadi Qena (the Qreiya-1, Qreiya-2, and Araas sections) in the central Eastern Desert and the Gebel Duwi section at the Red Sea Coast has been carried out to understand the local phytoplankton paleocommunities. For the first time in Egypt four calcareous nannofossil zones (NTp6, NTp7, NTp8, NTp9) and five subzones (NTp7A, NTp7B, NTp8A, NTp8B and NTp8C) were distinguished subdividing the standard NP4 and NP5 zones. The calcareous nannofossil zones were correlated with nannofossil zonations from the Tethyan region (e.g. Tunisia and the Zumaia section, the GSSP for the Danian/Selandian boundary). The calcareous nannofossil assemblages are moderately to well preserved. The event beds are characterized by a dark-brown shaley-marl bed rich in organic carbon and coprolites. Three main assemblages are distinguished: a pre-event assemblage, a transitional assemblage and a post-event assemblage. The paleoenvironments vary from cool eutrophic water below and above the event to warm oligotrophic conditions during the event. The result of this study concludes that the “Latest Danian Event” (LDE) may represent an early Paleocene hyperthermal.  相似文献   

The first complete cyclic sedimentary successions for the early Paleogene from drilling multiple holes have been retrieved during two ODP expeditions: Leg 198 (Shatsky Rise, NW Pacific Ocean) and Leg 208 (Walvis Ridge, SE Atlantic Ocean). These new records allow us to construct a comprehensive astronomically calibrated stratigraphic framework with an unprecedented accuracy for both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans covering the entire Paleocene epoch based on the identification of the stable long-eccentricity cycle (405-kyr). High resolution X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanner and non-destructive core logging data from Sites 1209 through 1211 (Leg 198) and Sites 1262, 1267 (Leg 208) are the basis for such a robust chronostratigraphy. Former investigated marine (ODP Sites 1001 and 1051) and land-based (e.g., Zumaia) sections have been integrated as well. The high-fidelity chronology is the prerequisite for deciphering mechanisms in relation to prominent transient climatic events as well as completely new insights into Greenhouse climate variability in the early Paleogene. We demonstrate that the Paleocene epoch covers 24 long eccentricity cycles. We also show that no definite absolute age datums for the K/Pg boundary or the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) can be provided by now, because of still existing uncertainties in orbital solutions and radiometric dating. However, we provide two options for tuning of the Paleocene which are only offset by 405-kyr. Our orbitally calibrated integrated Leg 208 magnetostratigraphy is used to revise the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) for Chron C29 to C25. We established a high-resolution calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy for the South Atlantic which allows a much more detailed relative scaling of stages with biozones. The re-evaluation of the South Atlantic spreading rate model features higher frequent oscillations in spreading rates for magnetochron C28r, C27n, and C26n.  相似文献   

Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1260 recovered a near-continuous and expanded (187-m thick) middle Eocene carbonate sequence at mid-bathyal depths on Demerara Rise off Suriname, South America. A calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphic framework has been established for the sequence to aid multi-proxy cyclostratigraphic analyses. The diversity of calcareous nannofossils is reasonably high and preservation moderate throughout most of the section, and the proximity to the continent is indicated by the occurrence of braarudosphaerids in the lower three quarters of the section. The species richness of sphenoliths is particularly high, and our data confirm the occurrence of new sphenoliths during the middle Eocene as shown recently by Bown and Dunkley Jones (2006). In particular we corroborate the occurrences of Sphenolithus strigosus and S. runus that these authors found in their Zone NP16 Tanzania sediments, however we extend the ranges of these taxa down into Zone NP15 (CP13). Moreover we document the occurrence of Bramletteius serraculoides in Zone NP15 (CP13b) and the occurrence of Sphenolithus predistentus in NP16 (CP14a), extending their known ranges down column.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2001,41(1-2):45-71
The larger foraminifer turnover (LFT), which marks the base of the Ilerdian stage, may be related to the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM), or be at least nearly coeval with that climatic event. Thus, the impact of the LPTM may have been greater than hitherto realised, having also affected mid-latitude shallow-marine biota. This conclusion has been reached after a re-study of the calcareous plankton of the uppermost Paleocene and lowermost Eocene interval of the Campo section in the central southern Pyrenees. Campo is an important reference section because it contains larger foraminifers, planktic foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils, and their co-occurrence was used to intercalibrate their respective zonal schemes. Previous studies at Campo placed the onset of planktic foraminiferal Zone P5 near the base of the Ilerdian, and the calcareous nannofossil NP9/NP10 chronal boundary (sensu Bybell, L.M., Self-Trail, J.M., 1995. Evolutionary, biostratigraphic and taxonomic study of calcareous nannofossils from a continuous Paleocene/Eocene boundary section in New Jersey. US Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 1554, pp. 1–36) not less than 150 m above the Ilerdian lower limit. By these estimates, the LPTM (known to have occurred in the middle part of Zone P5 and just before the NP9/NP10 boundary) would be an event much younger than the LFT.However, our reexamination of planktic foraminifers suggests that the base of the Ilerdian is probably situated at the middle of Zone P5 (a possibility proposed by Hillebrandt in 1965, but denied by later authors). For instance, Morozovella occlusa has been found for the first time in the Campo section. Its Last Appearance Datum (LAD), which in the Pyrenees was approximately coeval with that of Morozovella velascoensis (event used to place the top of Zone P5), has been identified in beds situated less than 70 m above the base of the Ilerdian. Such thickness represents a time span of a similar magnitude as the one which separated the LPTM and the LAD of M. occlusa in the deep-water hemipelagic succession of the Basque Basin, in the western Pyrenees. Autochthonous calcareous nannofossils are neither abundant nor well preserved in most of the studied interval, with Rhomboaster bramlettei (the marker of the base of Zone NP10) being extremely rare in lower and middle Ilerdian beds, a fact that makes it very difficult to fix the position of the NP9/NP10 boundary in the Campo section. However, the bases of zones NP9 and NP11 have been located, and they support the zonation with planktic foraminifers. These new data suggest that the LFT and the LPTM may have been coeval or nearly so, a possibility reinforced by correlation with sections of the Basque Basin.Specialists of larger benthic foraminifers can easily delineate the LFT in shallow water carbonate successions of the Tethys domain, and they propose to place the Paleocene/Eocene boundary at the base of the Ilerdian stage. On the other hand, the deep benthic extinction event (BEE) is a major global biotic turnover in the bathyal and abyssal realms, while the ∂13C excursion (CIE) is an excellent tool for correlation between marine and terrestrial records. Therefore, the synchrony or near synchrony postulated here between the LFT, BEE and CIE (all of them probably related to the LPTM) would argue strongly in favour of these events as the criterion to officially redefine the Paleocene/Eocene boundary.  相似文献   

Based on calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera1 biostratigraphic data from flysch sequences, we give evidence for the paleoenvironmental evolution of Gavrovo and Ionian foreland basins (External Hellenides, Etoloakarnania region). Our data suggest that the onset of clastic sedimentation in both foreland basins in the study area is chronostratigraphically placed at Late Eocene (from 36.2-34.4 Ma; nannofossil biozones NP19-20, planktonic foraminifera biozones P16-17). During the earliest Oligocene (NP21-22 nannofossil biozones/34.4-32.45 Ma), both basins represent restricted accumulation of sediments, mainly composed of clays and silts. The presence of thick flysch deposits, accumulated during Early Oligocene (33.4-30 Ma, nannofossil zone NP23), indicates an increasing rate of sediment supply. The flysch sequences in the Ionian basin are associated with a distal depositional environment, while in the same time the sedimentation in the external part of Gavrovo basin is related to a more proximal environment that is gradually deepening. On the contrary, the internal part of Gavrovo basin is characterised by deep-water facies, deposited in the Early Oligocene. At the end of Early Oligocene and the onset of Late Oligocene (nannofossil zone NP24/30-27.2 Ma, planktonic foraminifera zone P21), the deposition of coarse grained sediments in both basins indicates a shift to shallower depositional environment. The accumulation of fine-grained sediments during Late Oligocene (27.2-23.2 Ma, NP25 nannofossil biozone) in the Ionian basin marks the youngest flysch sediments in the Etoloakarnania region and specifies the time of the Gavrovo nappe emplacement on the Ionian zone. Moreover the emplacement of Pindos nappe on the Gavrovo zone is estimated between 30-27.2 Ma (NP24 biozone) as supported by the nannofossil analysis of samples in front of Pindos thrust.  相似文献   

Nitrophorin 3 (NP3) is the only one of the four major NO-binding heme proteins found in the saliva of the blood-sucking insect Rhodnius prolixus (also called the Kissing Bug) for which it has not been possible to obtain crystals of diffraction quality for structure determination by X-ray crystallography. Thus we have used NMR spectroscopy, mainly of the hyperfine-shifted ferriheme substituent resonances, to learn about the similarities and differences in the heme pocket and the iron active site of NP3 as compared to NP2, which has previously been well-characterized by both X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. Only one residue in the heme pocket differs between the two, F27 of NP2 is Y27 for NP3; in both cases this residue is expected to interact strongly with the 2-vinyl side chain of the B heme rotational isomer or the 4-vinyl of the A heme rotational isomer. Both the high-spin (S = 5/2) aquo complex, NP3-H2O, and the low-spin (S = 1/2) N-methylimidazole (NMeIm) complex of NP3 have been studied. It is found that the chemical shifts of the protons of both forms are similar to those of the corresponding NP2 complexes, but with minor differences that indicate a slightly different angle for the proximal histidine (H57) ligand plane. The B heme rotational isomer is preferred by both NP3 and NP2 in both spin states, but to a greater extent when phenylalanine is present at position 27 (A:B = 1:8 for NP2, 1:6 for NP3-Y27F, 1:4 for NP3, and 1:3 for NP2-F27Y). Careful analysis of the 5Me and 8Me shifts of the A and B isomers of the two high-spin nitrophorins leads to the conclusion that the heme environment for the two isomers differs in some way that cannot be explained at the present time. The kinetics of deprotonation of the aquo ligand of the high-spin complexes of NP2 and NP3 are very different, with NP2 giving well-resolved high-spin aquo and “low-spin” hydroxo proton NMR spectra until close to the end of the titration, while NP3 exhibits broadened 1H NMR spectra indicative of an intermediate-rate of exchange on the NMR timescale between the two forms throughout the titration. The heme methyl shifts of NP2-OH are similar in magnitude and spread to those of NP2-CN, while those of metmyoglobin-hydroxo complexes are much larger in magnitude but not spread. It is concluded that the hydroxo complex of NP2 is likely S = 1/2 with a mixed(dxy)2(dxz, dyz)3/(dxy)1(dxz, dyz)4 electron configuration, while those of metMb-OH are likely S = 1/2,3/2 mixed spin systems.  相似文献   

Detailed sedimentological analyses and sequential and cyclostratigraphic interpretations in the Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura and the Vocontian Basin lead to a high-resolution correlation from the platform to the basin where the biostratigraphy is well established. Several orders of depositional sequences are defined. Their duration is estimated from the time frame given in the sequence-chronostratigraphic chart of Hardenbol et al. (1998). It is suggested that an elementary sequence formed in tune with the 20 ky precession cycle. Small-scale and medium-scale sequences correspond to the 100 and 400 ky eccentricity cycles, respectively. The platform-to-basin correlation shows that the composition of the hemipelagic and pelagic deposits depends to a large part on cyclical variations of carbonate production in shallow-marine environments and subsequent export to the basin. The distribution of thick versus thin marl-limestone alternations and carbonate-dominated versus marl-dominated intervals observed in the basinal sections is explained by the superposition of high- and low-frequency sea-level changes that controlled the carbonate productivity on the platform and the export potential of carbonate mud to the basin.  相似文献   

Compositions and abundances of calcareous nannofossil taxa have been determined in a ca 170 kyrs long time interval across the Paleocene/Eocene boundary at 1-cm to 10-cm resolution from two ODP Sites (1262, 1263) drilled along the flank of the Walvis Ridge in the South Atlantic. The results are compared to published data from ODP Site 690 in the Weddell Sea. The assemblages underwent rapid evolution over a 74 kyrs period, indicating stressed, unstable and/or extreme photic zone environments during the PETM hyperthermal. This rapid evolution, which created 5 distinct stratigraphic horizons, is consistent with the restricted brief occurrences of malformed and/or weakly calcified morphotypes. The production of these aberrant morphotypes is possibly caused by major global scale changes in carbon cycling in the ocean–atmosphere system, affecting also photic zone environments. No marked paleoecologically induced changes are observed in abundances of the genera Discoaster, Fasciculithus and Sphenolithus at the Walvis Ridge sites. Surprisingly, there is no significant correlation in abundance between these three genera, presumed to have had a similar paleoecological preference for warm and oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   

Current neck injury criteria do not include limits for lateral bending combined with axial compression and this has been observed as a clinically relevant mechanism, particularly for rollover motor vehicle crashes. The primary objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of lateral eccentricity (the perpendicular distance from the axial force to the centre of the spine) on peak loads, kinematics, and spinal canal occlusions of subaxial cervical spine specimens tested in dynamic axial compression (0.5 m/s). Twelve 3-vertebra human cadaver cervical spine specimens were tested in two groups: low and high eccentricity with initial eccentricities of 1 and 150% of the lateral diameter of the vertebral body. Six-axis loads inferior to the specimen, kinematics of the superior-most vertebra, and spinal canal occlusions were measured. High speed video was collected and acoustic emission (AE) sensors were used to define the time of injury. The effects of eccentricity on peak loads, kinematics, and canal occlusions were evaluated using unpaired Student t-tests. The high eccentricity group had lower peak axial forces (1544±629 vs. 4296±1693 N), inferior displacements (0.2±1.0 vs. 6.6±2.0 mm), and canal occlusions (27±5 vs. 53±15%) and higher peak ipsilateral bending moments (53±17 vs. 3±18 Nm), ipsilateral bending rotations (22±3 vs. 1±2°), and ipsilateral displacements (4.5±1.4 vs. −1.0±1.3 mm, p<0.05 for all comparisons). These results provide new insights to develop prevention, recognition, and treatment strategies for compressive cervical spine injuries with lateral eccentricities.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of the entire Lutetian of the Agost section (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain). This investigation integrates and improves on previous study performed through the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary by the authors on this succession. The new revision of the integrated bio‐magnetobiochronology of the Early/Middle Eocene interval revealed highly diversified calcareous nannofossil assemblages, characterizing more than 8 Myr of climatic variability. The studied interval spans from Zone CP11 to Subzone CP14a and from the upper part of Zone NP13 to the base of Zone NP16 of calcareous nannofossil standard zonations. The revision of the calcareous nannofossil content enabled the identification of numerous secondary events which greatly improved the stratigraphic resolution of this time interval. An important re‐organization of the nannoflora was observed during the Y/L transition, when Reticulofenestra and Dictyococcites (Noelaerhabdaceae) became the most important genera in terms of abundance and dispersal, dominating the Middle Eocene nannofossil assemblages and replacing Toweius and Discoaster taxa characteristic of the lower Eocene. Pentaliths and Blackites experience a great expansion and diversification, whereas Discoaster and Chiasmolithus which are well diversified but never abundant during the Lutetian show a slow turnover. A reassessment of the major bio‐events observed in the Noelaerhabdaceae family as well as revision and correlation of these events with the classical Italian sections (Contessa and Bottaccione) are presented. The new results show that biostratigraphic problems related to the Middle Eocene chronology are not limited to the correlation between calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminiferans at the Y/L transition but extend to calcareous nannofossil events commonly used for correlating the Bartonian.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) from the Bohai, East China, and South China Seas was investigated using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequence data. We found high levels of variation with 17 haplotypes among the 45 individuals (h = 0.88, π = 0.006). AMOVA analysis detected significant structuring among China Sea silver pomfret (P < 0.05, FST = 0.050), which indicates significant genetic differentiation. No significant differentiation between Bohai Sea and East China Sea samples was detected (P > 0.05). Whether silver pomfret from the South China Sea exhibit a different demographic history than those from the Bohai and East China Seas remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminifera from a continuous Oligocene succession with clear magnetochronology and sediment cycles at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1218 (equatorial Pacific Ocean) were studied in the interval from 27 to 30 Ma. Paragloborotalia taxa are common and we examined their size, relative abundance, and stable isotopes. Multispecies stable isotope data indicate the depth habitats of Oligocene planktonic foraminifera and suggest that “Globoquadrinavenezuelana and Dentoglobigerina globularis were probably mixed-layer dwellers, with paragloborotaliids recording heavier δ18O signatures consistent with a thermocline habitat. Cyclic variations in the abundance of Paragloborotalia match eccentricity (100 kyr) variations in percent carbonate and δ13C, suggesting orbitally forced upwelling in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and that Paragloborotalia were responding directly to changes in surface water productivity. The high-resolution biostratigraphy calibrated to the magnetochronology constrains the extinction of Paragloborotalia opima which marks the top of Planktonic Foraminifera Biozone O5 (P21b) at 27.456 Ma. The highest occurrence of P. opima is associated with a 50% size decrease in Paragloborotalia pseudocontinuosa taxa within Chron 9n. In addition, we find the extinction of Chiloguembelina cubensis is consistent with other deep-sea sections within Chron 10n at 28.426 Ma marking the O4/O5 (P21a/P21b) boundary.  相似文献   

The pathology associated with an intracellular ciliate infection in the digestive gland of pearl oysters Pinctada maxima (Jameson, 1901) is described. Histopathological and transmission electron microscopic examination were used to characterise the organism and its location within host cells. The parasite is tear-drop shaped measuring 5.53 μm (range of 2.73-7.47 μm, n = 9) in width and 11.15 μm (range of 9.02-16.2 μm) in length with a centrally located lobulated nucleus and a large nucleus:cytoplasmic ratio. The ciliate has nine evenly spaced rows of cilia running obliquely along the length of cell, converging on the pointed end. Infected digestive glands typically had a moderate to severe infiltration with mononuclear hemocyte. A strong correlation existed between the burden of ciliates and the host response; (p < 0.001, C = 0.315 Pearson Correlation). The use of a single tissue section upon microscopic examination was found to detect only 38-50% of the infections. However, examination of serial haematoxylin and eosin stained sections improved the reliability of detecting infection.  相似文献   

We examined diatom assemblages in a series of remarkable laminated diatomaceous ooze (LDO) horizons in the marine sediments from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1304 to reconstruct the middle-to-late Pleistocene paleoceanographic evolution of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Four confirmed diatom biohorizons combined with calcareous nannofossil and paleomagnetic stratigraphies established the chronological framework for the material. The planktonic, araphid, needle-like species Thalassiothrix longissima was the greatest contributor to the LDO facies. From the results of a principal component analysis using the percent abundances of 65 significant (p = 5%) diatom taxa, except for Tx. longissima, which was extremely dominant in almost all horizons observed, we identified two principal component (PC) axes. Taxa probably associated with the stratigraphic distribution of the major zonal marker Neodenticula seminae (ranging from 1.26 to 0.84 Ma in this ocean) loaded on PC1 with a high value. PC2 was related to the ocean surface temperature. The stratigraphic variability of the PC2 score indicated that switching between warm- and cold-water assemblages occurred concurrently with LDO deposition (or extreme Tx. longissima dominance) episodes in several horizons (particularly after 0.84 Ma), suggesting that the Subarctic Convergence (SAC) oceanic front passed over Site U1304 during Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles. Our floral evidence supports the model of nearly monospecific LDO formation caused by the enhanced physical accumulation of particular diatoms such as Tx. longissima. On the other hand, Nd. seminae, which probably contributes to spring phytoplankton blooms in the modern ocean, was present only between 1.26 and 0.84 Ma in this area. Thus, we infer that the main contributor of export flux in the regional annual primary production cycle would have shifted drastically from one of a spring phytoplankton bloom leader (Nd. seminae) to minor but mass dump assemblages (Tx. longissima etc.) in the mid-Pleistocene.  相似文献   

A major deterioration in global climate occurred through the Eocene–Oligocene time interval, characterized by long-term cooling in both terrestrial and marine environments. During this long-term cooling trend, however, recent studies have documented several short-lived warming and cooling phases. In order to further investigate high-latitude climate during these events, we developed a high-resolution calcareous nannofossil record from ODP Site 748 Hole B for the interval spanning the late middle Eocene to the late Oligocene (~ 42 to 26 Ma). The primary goals of this study were to construct a detailed biostratigraphic record and to use nannofossil assemblage variations to interpret short-term changes in surface-water temperature and nutrient conditions. The principal nannofossil assemblage variations are identified using a temperate-warm-water taxa index (Twwt), from which three warming and five cooling events are identified within the middle Eocene to the earliest Oligocene interval. Among these climatic trends, the cooling event at ~ 39 Ma (Cooling Event B) is recorded here for the first time. Variations in fine-fraction δ18O values at Site 748 are associated with changes in the Twwt index, supporting the idea that significant short-term variability in surface-water conditions occurred in the Kerguelen Plateau area during the middle and late Eocene. Furthermore, ODP Site 748 calcareous nannofossil paleoecology confirms the utility of these microfossils for biostratigraphic, paleoclimatic, and paleoceanographic reconstructions at Southern Ocean sites during the Paleogene.  相似文献   

The brown alga Laminaria japonica is distributed from southern Hokkaido to the northeastern Honshu in Japan. Recently, aquaculture of L. japonica has expanded to the southern coast of Japan and to China along the East China Sea. In order to elucidate the growth, biomass and productivity of L. japonica in a subtropical area, we cultivated and examined it in the Uwa Sea, in southwestern Japan over a period of 2 years. The seawater temperature ranged from 13.8 to 26.8 °C in 2001/2002 and from 13.1 to 27.2 °C in 2002/2003. In 2001/2002, the maximum density, maximum mean length and maximum mean wet wt. of L. japonica were 59.7 ± 28.0 ind. 50 cm− 1 (mean ± S.D.), 187.5 ± 82.7 cm (360 cm in the largest individual) and 130.1 ± 94.6 g wet wt., respectively. In 2002/2003, these values were 94.7 ± 22.2 ind. 50 cm− 1, 159.3 ± 74.4 cm (300 cm in the largest individual) and 95.2 ± 69.5 g wet wt., respectively. Thus, the length and weight increased when the density was low (2001/2002), and the length and weight decreased when the density was high (2002/2003). The maximum biomass was estimated to be 7200 ± 3400 g wet wt. 50 cm− 1 in 2001/2002 and 7300 ± 2000 g wet wt. 50 cm− 1 in 2002/2003. Annual production was estimated to be 33.3 kg wet wt. m− 1 year− 1 in 2001/2002 and 34.0 kg wet wt. m− 1 year− 1 in 2002/2003. The present study indicates that the annual production of L. japonica per rope of 1 m at Uwajima Bay, the Uwa Sea corresponded to 1.1-2.2 m2 of that of Hokkaido in their native area. Thus, the present study indicates that L. japonica is highly adaptable because it is able to keep a high level of productivity when grown in water with a high temperature.  相似文献   

Trace element analysis or “elemental fingerprinting” is widely used in stock structure analyses. Postmortem contamination of bony structures can confound the results of microconstituent studies or introduce an additional source of noise to the data, thus reducing the ability of the technique to detect real variation in trace element concentrations. Despite the potential for postmortem contamination during sample preparation, the effectiveness of the procedures used to remove potential contaminants from sectioned otoliths and other calcareous structures prior to laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA ICP-MS) has not previously been addressed. Otoliths and dorsal spine sections of albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) collected from the North East Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea were deliberately contaminated prior to analysis of trace element composition using LA ICP-MS. The effectiveness of three cleaning treatments (rinsing in ultrapure water, 30% hydrogen peroxide and ultrapure 5% nitric acid) at removing this postmortem contamination were compared. Magnesium and strontium were relatively robust to postmortem effects when exposed to contamination at concentrations of 50 ppm and 200 ppm respectively. Soaking in a solution containing Mn, Cs and Ba (50 ppm) caused a marked increase in the detected concentration of each element in both structures. Translucent bands in both structures were more susceptible to contamination. Rinsing in ultrapure water or hydrogen peroxide was not effective at removing Mn, Cs and Ba contamination from either calcareous structure. Washing the otoliths and spines in nitric acid successfully removed postmortem contaminants.The removal of otoliths from tuna damages the appearance of the fish and has an adverse effect on market value. However spines are easily removed, do not affect the appearance or value of the fish and are the most commonly used structure for age determination. A weak but significant correlation was observed between Ba in opaque zones in otoliths and dorsal spines. All other spine to otolith correlations were not significant. The results do not provide support for the use of spines as an alternative to otoliths in trace elemental analyses.  相似文献   

Magnetostratigraphic studies have established a first-order chronological framework for the Paleolithic sites in the Nihewan Basin (North China), which enabled tracking early human evolution in East Asia. However, to fully understand how well early humans were adapted to climate change, a truly precise dating of the Paleolithic sites is required. Here, we established a high-resolution astronomical timescale for the Xiantai and Donggutuo fluvio-lacustrine successions at the eastern margin of the Nihewan Basin employing low-field magnetic susceptibility (χ) as a climatic indicator, aiming to further refine the ages of the Xiantai, Donggutuo and Maliang Paleolithic sites. Starting from an initial age model constrained by geomagnetic reversals, larger-scale χ cycles were firstly tuned to orbital obliquity using an automatic orbital tuning method. This first-order tuning was followed by simultaneously tuning χ to both obliquity and precession. The finally tuned χ records can be correlated almost cycle-by-cycle with the quartz grain-size record of the Chinese loess sequence and the marine δ18O record. The astronomically estimated age of the Xiantai Paleolithic site is ca. 1.48 Ma, corresponding to paleosol layer S20 of the Chinese loess sequences or marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) 49, an interglacial period. The astronomical estimate for the Donggutuo Paleolithic site ranges from ~ 1.06 Ma to 1.12 Ma, corresponding to paleosol/loess layers S11-S12 or MIS 31-33, spanning both interglacial and glacial periods. The astronomically estimated age of the Maliang Paleolithic site is ~ 0.79 Ma, corresponding to loess layer L8 or MIS 20, a glacial period. This astronomical finding further implies that early humans may have permanently occupied China as far north as 40oN since at least 1.1 Ma, and before this time the occupation may be intermittent.  相似文献   

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