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利用三种分子标记研究缘毛类纤毛虫的系统发育地位   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了探讨缘毛类纤毛虫的系统发育地位 ,利用RAPD方法得到了 9种缘毛类纤毛虫、 1种四膜虫和1种喇叭虫的 3个随机引物的电泳带谱 ;测定了 7种缘毛类纤毛虫rRNA基因中的间隔区 1(ITS1)和小亚基核糖体核糖核酸 (SSrRNA)基因序列 ,并构建了相应的系统树。在比较和分析RAPD、ITS1和SSrRNA基因序列在缘毛类纤毛虫系统发育研究中的适用范围的基础上 ,以SSrRNA基因序列为分子标记研究了缘毛类纤毛虫系统发育地位 ,结果表明 :①缘毛亚纲是单系的 ,作为寡膜纲中一个亚纲的分类地位是合理的 ;②缘毛类纤毛虫可能是寡膜纲中较高等的一个类群。  相似文献   

从系统发育、物种分类与界定和遗传多样性等方面,介绍了分子方法在我国有尾类系统与进化研究中的应用现状和最新进展.分析讨论了我国有尾类系统与进化研究中存在的问题,展望了该领域今后的研究趋势和发展前景.  相似文献   

栾鹏涛  兰天  彭丹  于黎  张亚平 《遗传》2009,31(9):875-881
系统发育研究已是澄清所有进化历史问题的必由之路。选择合适的分子标记以及最大限度地挖掘和利用其所包含的系统发育信息是构建可靠的系统发育树的关键。等位基因杂合子(Intra-individual allele heterozygotes, IIAHs)是核基因内含子作为系统发育研究中的分子标记时常常出现的现象。如何挖掘并利用其中所包含的系统发育信息成为近年来系统发育学的研究热点。文章从此现象的产生、杂合子的分离以及现有的研究方法3个方面详尽概述, 阐述了IIAHs及其在系统发育分析中的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

减数分裂是真核生物适应性进化的重要机制,以8种纤毛虫作为实验对象,通过生物信息学方法对其14个减数分裂基因进行了鉴定及分子进化研究。结果表明:(1)不同的纤毛虫种类存在一些特异性的减数分裂基因的丢失与复制现象;(2)减数分裂相关基因在纤毛虫中很保守;(3)纤毛虫减数分裂重要的同源重组过程是在真核生物中不常见的Ⅱ型。本研究表明,纤毛虫减数分裂可能代表了真核生物较原始的减数分裂方式,在进化的过程中很保守,为研究真核生物减数分裂起源与进化提供了重要线索。  相似文献   

通过活体显微观察及银染法对采自武汉东湖的4种固着缘毛类纤毛虫: 粗茎睫纤虫Ophrydium crassicaule Penard, 1922, 念珠伪钟虫Pseudovorticella monilata (Tatem, 1870) Foissner & Schiffmann, 1974, 垂盖虫Opercularia nutans (Ehrenberg, 1831) Stein, 1854和一个鞘居虫未定种Vaginicola sp.的活体、纤毛图式、银线系以及细胞核的形态学特征进行详细的描述, 补充和完善了缘毛类纤毛虫的形态学资料, 为纤毛虫分类和系统发育学的研究提供重要信息。此外, 首次在伪钟虫中观察到有性生殖现象, 为纤毛虫生殖进化的研究提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

低等六足动物包括原尾纲、弹尾纲和双尾纲三个类群,是探讨六足动物起源和进化问题的关键类群,近十年来成为节肢动物系统进化研究中的焦点之一。低等六足动物的系统发育地位以及它们之间的关系一直是备受争论的问题。通过介绍三类低等六足动物最新的分类系统,从经典分类学和系统发育两个方面对低等六足动物近十年来的研究进展进行了综述。迄今,对于三类低等六足动物都建立了比较完备的分类体系,原尾纲划分为3目10科,弹尾纲划分为4目30科,双尾纲划分为2亚目3总科10科。系统发育研究中,大多数的系统发育分析结果不支持传统的缺尾类假说,缺尾纲应摒弃不用。分子数据分析的结果普遍支持原尾纲与双尾纲近缘,但仍需要进一步探讨。线粒体基因组、比较胚胎学和比较精子学的研究结果表明,原尾纲可能经历了长期的趋异进化历史。最近的比较精子学研究支持了双尾纲的单系性。总之,三类低等六足动物系统学研究均取得了长足的发展,但仍然存在诸如研究人员匮乏和研究水平不均衡等问题。系统发育研究中,分子系统学研究成为关注的焦点,而基于核基因和线粒体基因的数据分别建立的系统发育假说存在分歧,亟需开发更优的数据分析方法。此外,需加强低等六足动物比较形态学、比较胚胎学、发育生物学等方面的研究,以便将来进行全证据的系统发育研究。  相似文献   

植物内生固氮菌系统发育进化新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在植物内生固氮菌系统发育进化关系研究中,常用的方法有形态学与蛋白质水平法、数值分类和自动化鉴定法、化学分类法、分子遗传学方法等。本文简要介绍了常用方法的关键技术,并归纳了它们的优缺点。生物学的研究进入基因组时代后,随着高通量DNA测序技术在微生物学领域应用的迅速发展,全基因组测序被应用到微生物系统发育进化研究中,然而目前并未发现对已测全基因组序列的植物内生固氮菌进行系统总结。本文在对已测序植物内生固氮菌进行归纳的基础上,又详细研究了基于基因组数据的几种具有代表性的新方法(ANI分析法、最大唯一匹配指数法、核心基因组分析、组分矢量法、基因流动性分析),并结合目前系统发育进化研究常用方法,对植物内生固氮菌系统发育进化研究趋势进行总结和展望,旨在使植物内生固氮菌的系统发育进化关系研究在精确度、可靠性等方面有所突破。  相似文献   

哺乳动物是一类最进化并在地球上占主导地位的动物类群,重建其系统发育关系一直是分子系统学的研究热点。随着越来越多物种全基因组测序的完成,在基因组水平上探讨该类动物的系统发育关系与进化成为研究的热点。本文从全基因组序列,稀有基因组变异及染色体涂染等几个方面简要介绍了当前系统发育基因组学在现生哺乳动物分子系统学中的应用,综合已有的研究归纳整理了胎盘亚纲的总目及目间的系统发育关系,给出了胎盘动物19 个目的系统发育树。本文还分析了哺乳动物系统发育基因组学目前所面临的主要问题及未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

真菌的系统发育和进化方面的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
七十年代以来,由于生化解剖、比较酶学、核酸的硷基比率以及胞壁组分等分子水平上的研究结果,促进了真菌的系统发育和进化方面的研究。本文拟主要介绍真菌核酸方面的研究进展,并试图通过真菌核酸性质的梗概来讨论这些性质对于研究分类和系统发育的关系。  相似文献   

于黎  张亚平 《动物学研究》2006,27(6):657-665
追溯生物界不同生物类型的起源及进化关系,即重建生物类群的系统发育树是进化生物学领域中一个十分重要的内容。食肉目哺乳动物位于食物链顶端,很多成员不仅在我国野生动物保护工作中占有重要地位,而且还是研究动物适应性进化遗传机制的重要模式生物。因而,食肉目物种作为物种资源中的一个重要类群,其系统发育学一直是国内外研究的热门课题。构建可靠的食肉目分子系统树,无疑将具有重要的进化理论意义和保护生物学价值。鉴于目前食肉目各科间系统发育关系仍然处于“广泛争论”的状态,本文将针对食肉目科水平上的系统发育学研究进展,包括来自于形态学特征、细胞学及分子生物学方面的证据,做简要概述,并提出目前研究中存在的问题。这对今后食肉目系统发育方面的进一步研究工作具有指导意义,并为以该类群作为模式生物开展适应性进化研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

DNA在鸟类分子系统发育研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马玉堃  牛黎明  国会艳 《遗传》2006,28(1):97-104
鸟类分子系统发育研究中常用的DNA技术有DNA杂交、RFLP和DNA序列分析等。DNA杂交技术曾在鸟类中有过大规模的应用,并由此诞生了一套新的鸟类分类系统。在鸟类的RFLP分析中,用的最多的靶序列是线粒体DNA。DNA序列分析技术被认为是进行分子系统发育研究最有效、最可靠的方法。在DNA序列分析中,线粒体基因应用最广泛,但由于其自身的一些不足,近年来,不少学者把目光投向了核基因,将线粒体基因和核基因结合起来进行系统发育研究。目前在鸟类分子系统发育中,应用较多的核基因是scnDNA,其内含子可以用于中等阶元水平的系统研究,而外显子主要用于高等阶元的系统研究。除了分子标记自身的问题之外,鸟类分子系统发育研究中还存在着方法上的问题,包括分子标记的选择,样本数量以及数据处理等。今后鸟类分子系统发育研究应该更加注重方法的标准化。  相似文献   

Nuclear gene sequences from a late pleistocene sloth coprolite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The determination of nuclear DNA sequences from ancient remains would open many novel opportunities such as the resolution of phylogenies, the sexing of hominid and animal remains, and the characterization of genes involved in phenotypic traits. However, to date, single-copy nuclear DNA sequences from fossils have been determined only from bones and teeth of woolly mammoths preserved in the permafrost. Since the best preserved ancient nucleic acids tend to stem from cold environments, this has led to the assumption that nuclear DNA would be retrievable only from frozen remains. We have previously shown that Pleistocene coprolites stemming from the extinct Shasta sloth (Nothrotheriops shastensis, Megatheriidae) contain mitochondrial (mt) DNA from the animal that produced them as well as chloroplast (cp) DNA from the ingested plants. Recent attempts to resolve the phylogeny of two families of extinct sloths by using strictly mitochondrial DNA has been inconclusive. We have prepared DNA extracts from a ground sloth coprolite from Gypsum Cave, Nevada, and quantitated the number of mtDNA copies for three different fragment lengths by using real-time PCR. We amplified one multicopy and three single-copy nuclear gene fragments and used the concatenated sequence to resolve the phylogeny. These results show that ancient single-copy nuclear DNA can be recovered from warm, arid climates. Thus, nuclear DNA preservation is not restricted to cold climates.  相似文献   

Halesia macgregorii, a little‐known Chinese member of the familiar American genus, is illustrated. Its phylogeny is discussed, particularly in view of the conflicting DNA and morphological evidence. The life and work of the Revd. Stephen Hales, after whom the genus is named, is briefly considered.  相似文献   

Phylogenetics of Cancer crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura).   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We used morphological, mitochondrial DNA sequence, paleontological, and biogeographical information to examine the evolutionary history of crabs of the genus Cancer. Phylogenies inferred from adult morphology and DNA sequence of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene were each well resolved and well supported, but differed substantially in topology. Four lines of evidence suggested that the COI data set accurately reflected Cancer phylogeny: (1) in the phylogeny inferred from morphological data, each Atlantic species was sister taxon to an ecologically similar Pacific species, suggesting convergence in morphology; (2) a single trans-Arctic dispersal event, as indicated by the phylogeny inferred from COI, is more parsimonious than two such dispersal events, as inferred from morphology; (3) test and application of a maximum likelihood molecular clock to the COI data yielded estimates of origin and speciation times that fit well with the fossil record; and (4) the tree inferred from the combined COI and morphology data was closely similar to the trees inferred from COI, although notably less well supported by the bootstrap. The phylogeny inferred from maximum likelihood analysis of COI suggested that Cancer originated in the North Pacific in the early Miocene, that the Atlantic species arose from a North Pacific ancestor, and that Cancer crabs invaded the Atlantic from the North Pacific 6-12 mya. This inferred invasion time is notably prior to most estimates of the date of submergence of the Bering Strait and the trans-Arctic interchange, but it agrees with fossil evidence placing at least one Cancer species in the Atlantic about 8 mya.  相似文献   

Analysis of nucleotide sequence variation at a microsatellite DNA locus revealed extensive size homoplasy of alleles in Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). Variation in the flanking regions at this locus allowed discrimination between mechanisms proposed for length changes in microsatellite DNA alleles. We further examined the structure of alleles for the same microsatellite DNA locus across 11 additional species of penguin (Spheniscidae) by mapping allele sequences onto an independent penguin phylogeny. Our analysis indicated that the repeat motifs appear to have evolved independently on several occasions. We observed sequence instability in the region bordering the repeat tract with a transversional bias predominating. We propose that this bias results from inaccurate DNA replication owing to the sequence context of this repeat tract. Because we show that regions flanking repeat sequences exhibit this mutational bias, this cautions against the use of such regions for phylogeny reconstruction.  相似文献   

Primers for amplification of four novel, unlinked nuclear DNA loci, the first reported for the rough periwinkles of the genus Littorina, are described. Patterns of restriction site polymorphism for these loci are detailed within the rough periwinkles. RFLPs are not found to be diagnostic for any of the currently accepted species within this group, nor for any of the contentious subspecies, or forms, whose taxonomic status is uncertain. However, there are important differences in allele frequencies between these taxa and certain of these mirror differences detected in a previous study of the mitochondrial DNA. These allele frequency data are used to construct a phylogeny in which groupings of the three recognised species are obvious when either Nei's genetic distances or Reynold's distances are clustered. Contentious forms (L. neglecta, L. saxatilis 'b' and L. tenebrosa) do not cluster as distinct taxa, although populations of L. neglecta have important allele frequency differences from L. saxatilis. These four loci have confirmed the consensus view of Littorina phylogeny and provided important information on population structure-however four loci is insufficient for reaching definitive conclusions. Since analysis of nuclear DNA polymorphisms such as these is invaluable for analysis of phylogeny, population structure and phylogeography, identification of additional loci is considered imperative.  相似文献   



Species number, functional traits, and phylogenetic history all contribute to characterizing the biological diversity in plant communities. The phylogenetic component of diversity has been particularly difficult to quantify in species-rich tropical tree assemblages. The compilation of previously published (and often incomplete) data on evolutionary relationships of species into a composite phylogeny of the taxa in a forest, through such programs as Phylomatic, has proven useful in building community phylogenies although often of limited resolution. Recently, DNA barcodes have been used to construct a robust community phylogeny for nearly 300 tree species in a forest dynamics plot in Panama using a supermatrix method. In that study sequence data from three barcode loci were used to generate a well-resolved species-level phylogeny.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we expand upon this earlier investigation and present results on the use of a phylogenetic constraint tree to generate a community phylogeny for a diverse, tropical forest dynamics plot in Puerto Rico. This enhanced method of phylogenetic reconstruction insures the congruence of the barcode phylogeny with broadly accepted hypotheses on the phylogeny of flowering plants (i.e., APG III) regardless of the number and taxonomic breadth of the taxa sampled. We also compare maximum parsimony versus maximum likelihood estimates of community phylogenetic relationships as well as evaluate the effectiveness of one- versus two- versus three-gene barcodes in resolving community evolutionary history.


As first demonstrated in the Panamanian forest dynamics plot, the results for the Puerto Rican plot illustrate that highly resolved phylogenies derived from DNA barcode sequence data combined with a constraint tree based on APG III are particularly useful in comparative analysis of phylogenetic diversity and will enhance research on the interface between community ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

To elucidate potential ecological and evolutionary processes associated with the assembly of plant communities, there is now widespread use of estimates of phylogenetic diversity that are based on a variety of DNA barcode regions and phylogenetic construction methods. However, relatively few studies consider how estimates of phylogenetic diversity may be influenced by single DNA barcodes incorporated into a sequence matrix (conservative regions vs. hypervariable regions) and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny. Here, we use general linear mixed‐effects models to examine the influence of different combinations of core DNA barcodes (rbcL, matK, ITS, and ITS2) and phylogeny construction methods on a series of estimates of community phylogenetic diversity for two subtropical forest plots in Guangdong, southern China. We ask: (a) What are the relative influences of single DNA barcodes on estimates phylogenetic diversity metrics? and (b) What is the effect of using a backbone family‐level phylogeny to estimate topology‐based phylogenetic diversity metrics? The combination of more than one barcode (i.e., rbcL + matK + ITS) and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny provided the most parsimonious explanation of variation in estimates of phylogenetic diversity. The use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny showed a stronger effect on phylogenetic diversity metrics that are based on tree topology compared to those that are based on branch lengths. In addition, the variation in the estimates of phylogenetic diversity that was explained by the top‐rank models ranged from 0.1% to 31% and was dependent on the type of phylogenetic community structure metric. Our study underscores the importance of incorporating a multilocus DNA barcode and the use of a backbone family‐level phylogeny to infer phylogenetic diversity, where the type of DNA barcode employed and the phylogenetic construction method used can serve as a significant source of variation in estimates of phylogenetic community structure.  相似文献   

A “gene tree” is the phylogeny of alleles or haplotypes for any specified stretch of DNA. Gene trees are components of population trees or species trees; their analysis entails a shift in perspective from many of the familiar models and concepts of population genetics, which typically deal with frequencies of phylogenetically unordered alleles. Molecular surveys of haplotype diversity in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have provided the first extensive empirical data suitable for estimation of gene trees on a microevolutionary (intraspecific) scale. The relationship between phylogeny and geographic distribution constitutes the phylogeographic pattern for any species. Observed phylogeographic trees can be interpreted in terms of historical demography by comparison to predictions derived from models of gene lineage sorting, such as inbreeding theory and branching-process theory. Results of such analyses for more than 20 vertebrate species strongly suggest that the demographies of populations have been remarkably dynamic and unsettled over space and recent evolutionary time. This conclusion is consistent with ecological observations documenting dramatic population-size fluctuations and range shifts in many contemporary species. By adding an historical perspective to population biology, the gene-lineage approach can help forge links between the disciplines of phylogenetic systematics (and macroevolutionary study) and population genetics (microevolution). Preliminary extensions of the “gene tree” methodology to haplotypes of nuclear genes (such as Adh in Drosophila melanogaster) demonstrate that the phylogenetic perspective can also help to illuminate molecular-genetic processes (such as recombination or gene conversion), as well as contribute to knowledge of the origin, age, and molecular basis of particular adaptations.  相似文献   

There has been little agreement on the phylogeny of palaeognathous birds, with major differences amongst and between results from morphological and molecular data. Two recently published phylogenies using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA have substantial agreement in overall topology, with the ostrich as sister group of all other extant palaeognaths and a kiwi‐emu‐cassowary clade. Here I report a morphological phylogeny based mainly on new characters from the tongue apparatus and cranial osteology, with a theoretical ancestor as outgroup. A new interpretation of the evolution of the avian palate is included. This phylogeny is very similar to these recent molecular results; this is the first report of such congruence, and offers a credible basis for understanding the evolution of this clade. This phylogeny is fully consistent with a Gondwana vicariance model of evolution. Dates attributed from known geological events place the first extant radiation (ostrich) in the mid‐Cretaceous, and offer a means of calibration of future molecular clock investigations. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163 , 959–983.  相似文献   

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