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Driver ants ( i.e. , epigaeic species in the army ant genus Dorylus , subgenus Anomma ) are among the most extreme polyphagous predators, but termites appear to be conspicuously absent from their prey spectrum and attacks by driver ants on termite nests have not yet been described. Here, we report a Dorylus ( Anomma ) rubellus attack on a colony of the fungus-growing termite Macrotermes subhyalinus that was observed during the dry season in a savannah habitat in Nigeria's Gashaka National Park. It was estimated that several hundred thousand termites (probably more than 2.4 kg dry mass) were retrieved. The apparent rarity of driver ant predation on Macrotermes nests may be explained by different habitat requirements, by the fact that these ants mostly forage aboveground, by efficient termite defense behavior and nest architecture that make entry into the nest difficult, and finally by driver ant worker morphology, which differs remarkably from that of subterranean Dorylus species that regularly invade and destroy termite colonies.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The emigration behaviour of the army ant Dorylus ( Anomma ) molestus was studied in the montane forest of Mt Kenya. This species forages by massive swarm raids (mean width 10.3 m ± 4.6 m SD), which are assumed to have a strong negative impact on the densities of prey populations.
2. For non-reproductive colonies the stay duration in a nest is highly variable (median 17, range 3–111 days). This suggests that the frequency of emigrations is not dictated by a brood cycle as an underlying endogenous pattern generator.
3. Colony density is high (mean nearest neighbour's distance 82.1 m ± 29.4 m SD) and mean foraging range is 75.0 m, so encounters with neighbouring colonies occur frequently.
4. The straight line emigration distance is on average 92.7 m (± 29.7 SD). The emigration direction is random with respect to absolute bearing and also relative to the direction of the previous emigration. However, the emigration direction is influenced by the location of the nearest neighbour. Colonies typically emigrate directly away from their nearest neighbour.
5. Local food depletion is likely to be the ultimate cause for emigrations in this species, because emigration distance is larger than foraging range and colonies move away from their nearest neighbour. A small percentage of emigrations may be triggered by pangolin attacks on nests.
6. Contrary to the prediction of a recently developed mathematical model for epigaeic swarm-raiding Dorylus ( Anomma ) species, D.  ( A .)  molestus colonies do not engage in intraspecific battles. Possible reasons for the absence of fights between colonies despite apparently fierce intraspecific competition are discussed.  相似文献   

In most social insects workers do not mate, but have retained the ability to produce haploid eggs that can develop into viable male offspring. Under what circumstances this reproductive potential is realized and how the ensuing worker-queen conflict over male production is resolved, is an area of active research in insect sociobiology. Here we present microsatellite data for 176 males from eight colonies of the African army ant Dorylus (Anomma) molestus. Comparison with worker genotypes and inferred queen genotypes from the same colonies show that workers do not or at best very rarely reproduce in the presence of the queen. Queens of D. (A.) molestus are known to be highly multiply mated. This implies that workers are on average more closely related to queen sons than to other workers' sons, so that our results are consistent with predictions from inclusive fitness theory. It remains unknown, however, whether worker sterility is maintained by active worker policing or by self-restraint.  相似文献   

Army ants have long been suspected to represent an independent origin of multiple queen-mating in the social Hymenoptera. Using microsatellite markers, we show that queens of the African army ant Dorylus (Anomma) molestus have the highest absolute (17.3) and effective (17.5) queen-mating frequencies reported so far for ants. This confirms that obligate multiple queen-mating in social insects is associated with large colony size and advanced social organization, but also raises several novel questions. First, these high estimates place army ants in the range of mating frequencies of honeybees, which have so far been regarded as odd exceptions within the social Hymenoptera. Army ants and honeybees are fundamentally different in morphology and life history, but are the only social insects known that combine obligate multiple mating with reproduction by colony fission and extremely male-biased sex ratios. This implies that the very high numbers of matings in both groups may be due partly to the relatively low costs of additional matings. Second, we were able to trace recent events of colony fission in four of the investigated colonies, where the genotypes of the two queens were only compatible with a mother-daughter relationship. A direct comparison of male production between colonies with offspring from one and two queens, respectively, suggested strongly that new queens do not produce a sexual brood until all workers of the old queen have died, which is consistent with kin selection theory.  相似文献   

Multivariate analyses of queens of fourteen species of the Old World army ant genus Dorylus were undertaken to assist in clarifying the status of the six included subgenera. Results were compared with two similar studies based on major workers and males, respectively. Queens are phenetically less divergent than either of the other two phena examined, although similar sub-generic relationships were observed. Taken together, these phenetic studies suggest that the subgenera Rhogmus and Alaopone are deserving of continued individual status, but that species of Anomma and Dorylus (s.s.) form one diverse taxon. A conservative classification would place Dichthadia and Typhlopone species together with the composite Dorylus (s.s.) - Anomma taxon.  相似文献   

Army ant predation by chimpanzees has been studied as an intriguing example of tool use and a possible case of cultural variation. However, the importance of army ant prey in chimpanzee diet and feeding ecology is still only poorly understood. We studied the availability and consumption of army ants in a population of the chimpanzee subspecies Pan troglodytes vellerosus in Nigeria. Army ants were collected from nests and trails (workers) and near artificial light sources (males). Three potential prey species were found: Dorylus rufescens, Dorylus gerstaeckeri and Dorylus kohli . Dorylus rufescens was by far more abundant than the other two species. Only remains from D. rufescens were present in chimpanzee faeces. This is the first report of consumption of this ant species by chimpanzees. However, because of the low availability of the other two species, it is unclear whether this pattern reflects a preference for D. rufescens . Although D. rufescens ' availability varied with weather conditions, the occurrence as well as the absolute and relative numbers of Dorylus fragments in faeces did not. This finding, together with the considerable difficulties encountered by human observers in their efforts to locate nests by following trails, suggests that the chimpanzees in this population do not harvest army ants from trails and do not use trails to locate nests. The overall occurrence of army ant fragments in 42.3% of all faecal samples is the highest ever recorded in any chimpanzee population. This indicates that in this chimpanzee population, army ant prey is not a fallback during periods of sparse availability of plant food, but quantitatively important throughout the year. Future studies will be needed to clarify which cues and strategies chimpanzees use to locate army ant nests and to assess the role of myrmecophagy with respect to macro- or micronutrient demands.  相似文献   

Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) predation on army ants (Dorylus, subgenus Anomma) is an impressive example of skillful use of elementary technology, and it has been suggested to reflect cultural differences among chimpanzee communities. Alternatively, the observed geographic diversity in army-ant-eating may represent local behavioral responses of the chimpanzees to the anti-predator traits of the army ant species present at the different sites. We examined assemblages of available prey species, their behavior and morphology, consumption by chimpanzees, techniques employed, and tool lengths at 14 sites in eastern, central, and western Africa. Where army ants are eaten, tool length and concomitant technique are a function of prey type. Epigaeically foraging species with aggressive workers that inflict painful bites are harvested with longer tools and usually by the "pull-through" technique; species foraging in leaf-litter with less aggressive workers that inflict less painful bites are harvested with short tools and by the "direct-mouthing" technique. However, prey species characteristics do not explain several differences in army-ant-eating between Bossou (Guinea) and Ta? (Ivory Coast), where the same suite of prey species is available and is consumed. Moreover, the absence of army-ant-eating at five sites cannot be explained by the identity of available prey species, as all the species found at these sites are eaten elsewhere. We conclude that some of the observed variation in the predator-prey relationship of chimpanzees and army ants reflects environmental influences driven by the prey, while other variation is not linked to prey characteristics and may be solely sociocultural.  相似文献   

New World army ants (Ecitoninae) are nomadic group-predators that are widely thought to have a substantial impact on their prey. Nevertheless, quantitative data on prey intake by army ants is scarce and mostly limited to chance encounters. Here, I quantify the prey intake of the army ant Eciton hamatum at the contrasting scales of raid, colony (sum of simultaneous raids), and population. Like most army ants, E. hamatum conducts narrow ‘column raids’ and has a specialized diet of ant prey. I show that individual raids often had periods of no prey intake, and raid intake rates, calculated in g/min, differed significantly among colonies. Moreover, neither mean nor peak raid intake rates were correlated with colony size. Similarly, colony intake rates differed significantly among colonies, and mean colony intake rates were not correlated with colony size. However, mean colony intake rates were significantly higher than mean raid intake rates, and peak colony intake rate was correlated with colony size. Having multiple raids thus improves colony-level intake rates, and larger colonies can harvest more prey per unit time. Mean colony intake rate across colonies was 0.067 g/min dry weight and mean daily colony intake was calculated at 38.2 g. This intake is comparable to that of Eciton burchellii, which has a more generalized diet and conducts spectacular ‘swarm raids’ that are seen as having a greater impact on prey than column raids. Population size on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, was estimated to be 57 colonies, which extrapolates to a daily population intake of nearly 2 kg of prey dry weight, or 120 g/km2. Broadly, these findings demonstrate that column raiding army ants experience considerable variation in prey intake for individual raids, but can still achieve notable impact at the larger scales of colony and population. Furthermore, they challenge the idea that swarm-raiding species necessarily have greater intake and thus impact on prey. Instead, I suggest that conducting multiple column raids may be a strategy that allows for comparable intake from a more specialized diet.  相似文献   

The majority of army ant species forage hypogaeically. Due to the difficulties in observing these ants, their potential influence on hypogaeic and epigaeic arthropod communities has not yet been investigated. As the first hypogaeically foraging army ant studied in detail, we attracted Dorylus laevigatus to areas monitored for their arthropod diversity. Here, for the first time, the same sites were sampled before and after an army ant raid. Furthermore, interactions between D. laevigatus and the five most common ground-nesting ant species were noted and their life-history traits compared, allowing first inferences on possible mechanisms of their coexistence. The occurrence of D. laevigatus within a study plot had no evident effect on the number of arthropod taxa or individuals collected with epigaeic and hypogaeic pitfall traps. Likewise, juvenile arthropods, which are less mobile and thus are potentially easier prey for D. laevigatus, showed no differences in their collected numbers before and after the army ant had visited a plot. However, significantly fewer ant species were collected with hypogaeic traps after D. laevigatus had been within the study plots, indicating a possible predation of D. laevigatus especially on two Pseudolasius and one Pheidole species. The five most common ground-foraging ant species demonstrated their ability to avoid, kill, and even prey on the army ant. The reaction of Lophomyrmex bedoti towards D. laevigatus indicated the former to be a potential prey species, while Pachycondyla sp. 2 showed signs of "enemy specification." Odontoponera diversus and O. transversa actively preyed on D. laevigatus, while Pheidologeton affinis fought with D. laevigatus over resources. All ant species could co-occur with D. laevigatus at palm oil baits. Adding to the differences detected in previous studies between D. laevigatus and epigaeically foraging army ant species, the occurrence of this hypogaeic army ant seems to have less devastating effects on arthropod community compositions than those of epigaeically mass raiding species.  相似文献   

Prey size spectra and prey availability of larval and small juvenile cod   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The aim of the present study is to describe the prey preference characteristics of cod larvae and assess preference variability in relation to species and size composition of copepod prey. A further aim is to examine the hypothesis that dietary prey size spectra remain the same during the larval stage when viewed on a relative predator/prey size scale. The study is based on stomach analysis of larval/juvenile cod in the size range 10–35 mm from nursery grounds in the North Sea. Stomach contents (species, size) were compared to environmental composition and preference indices were calculated. Prey size spectra had the expected relationship to larval cod size, and preference for given copepod species could be ascribed to their relative size. Additional species-specific preferences were evident, for example the larger Pseudocalanus and the larger Calanus spp. were highly preferred. Available prey biomass was highest in the areas of a hydrographic front, where larvae have been shown to concentrate. Changes in prey availability with larval growth depend strongly on specific prey biomass spectra at a given location. Both increasing and decreasing prey availability at increasing larval size were indicated, dependent on location. The findings illustrate the usefulness of coupling dietary prey size spectra and biomass spectra of available prey sizes during studies of ichthyoplankton feeding ecology.  相似文献   

The causes of biological gigantism have received much attention, but only for individual organisms. What selection pressures might favour the evolution of gigantic societies? Here we consider the largest single-queen insect societies, those of the Old World army ant Dorylus, single colonies of which can have 20 million workers. We propose that colony gigantism in Dorylus arises as a result of an arms race and test this prediction by developing a size-structured mathematical model. We use this model for exploring and potentially explaining differences in colony size, colony aggression and colony propagation strategies in populations of New World army ants Eciton and Old World army ants Dorylus. The model shows that, by determining evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSs), differences in the trophic levels at which these army ants live feed forwards into differences in their densities and collision rates and, hence, into different strategies of growth, aggression and propagation. The model predicts large colony size and the occurrence of battles and a colony-propagation strategy involving highly asymmetrical divisions in Dorylus and that Eciton colonies should be smaller, non-combative and exhibit equitable binary fission. These ESSs are in excellent agreement with field observations and demonstrate that gargantuan societies can arise through arms races.  相似文献   

The evolution of multiple mating in army ants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The evolution of mating systems in eusocial Hymenoptera is constrained because females mate only during a brief period early in life, whereas inseminated queens and their stored sperm may live for decades. Considerable research effort during recent years has firmly established that obligate multiple mating has evolved only a few times: in Apis honeybees, Vespula wasps, Pogonomyrmex harvester ants, Atta and Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants, the ant Cataglyphis cursor, and in at least some army ants. Here we provide estimates of queen-mating frequency for New World Neivamyrmex and Old World Aenictus species, which, compared to other army ants, have relatively small colonies and little size polymorphism among workers. To provide the first overall comparative analysis of the evolution of army ant mating systems, we combine these new results with previous estimates for African Dorylus and New World Eciton army ants, which have very large colonies and considerable worker polymorphism. We show that queens of Neivamyrmex and Aenictus mate with the same high numbers of males (usually ca. 10-20) as do queens of army ant species with very large colony sizes. We infer that multiple queen mating is ancestral in army ants and has evolved over 100 million years ago as part of the army ant adaptive syndrome. A comparison of army ants and honeybees suggests that mating systems in these two distantly related groups may have been convergently shaped by strikingly similar selective pressures.  相似文献   

Swarm raiding army ants, with hundreds of thousands or millions of workers per colony, have evolved convergently in the Old World and New World tropics. Here we demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, superefficient foraging teams in Old World army ants and we compare them quantitatively with such teams in New World army ants. Colonies of Dorylus wilverthi in the Old World and Eciton burchelli in the New World retrieve almost identical sizes of prey item and the overall size range of their workers is very similar. However, 98% of D. wilverthi workers are within the size range of the smallest 25% of E. burchelli workers. In E. burchelli larger workers specialize in prey retrieval, whereas in D. wilverthi workers form many more teams than in E. burchelli. Such teams compensate for the relative rarity of larger workers in Dorylus. The proportions of prey items retrieved by teams in Dorylus and Eciton are 39% and 5%, respectively. The percentages of all prey biomass retrieved by teams in Dorylus and Eciton are 64% and 13%, respectively. Working either as single porters or teams, Dorylus carry more per unit ant weight than do Eciton, but Eciton are swifter. However, these different ergonomic factors counterbalance one another, so that performance at the colony level is remarkably, although by no means completely, similar between the Old and New World species. The remaining differences are attributable to adaptations in worker and colony tempo associated with the recovery dynamics of their prey populations. Our comparative analysis provides a unique perspective on worker-level and colony-level adaptations and is a special test of the theory of worker caste distributions.  相似文献   

African driver ants are nomadic social mesopredators feeding on a highly diverse array of prey species at different trophic levels. Colonies of certain driver ant species have a biomass which can equal that of medium-sized mammalian carnivores and the ultimate cause of their nomadic life-style is thought to be local prey depletion. The impact of driver ant swarm raids is therefore expected to be strong but the degree to which they reduce prey populations has not been quantified and it is unknown whether these spectacular predators exert significant top-down effects. We examined the combined effect of driver ant (Dorylus molestus) and swarm-attending bird (Alethe poliocephala) predation on the population dynamics of earthworms, which constitute the ants’ main prey type in the montane forest of Mount Kenya. Pre-raid earthworm biomass densities in the soil layer down to a depth of 8 cm varied by a factor of 31. The immediate effect of swarm raids was a reduction in earthworm numbers in this layer, but 8 days later earthworm numbers had recovered to pre-raid levels. When earthworm biomass densities were compared, no significant effect of swarm raids was detected. The estimated proportion of earthworm prey biomass extracted from 0 to 8 cm layer by driver ants and birds together was about 2.2%. Although colony distribution was overdispersed as expected based on knowledge of D. molestus migratory behaviour, predation events were highly localized. Predation frequency was low (once every 62 days on average) and highly variable. These results indicate that earthworm prey is highly abundant but at the same time so difficult to harvest that swarm raids exert only a marginal influence on earthworm populations. Longer-term studies would be required to determine whether earthworm populations are limited by swarm raids. The small impacts of individual raids and rapid recovery of earthworm prey populations likely underlie the low frequency of migrations and short distances travelled by migrating colonies of D. molestus.  相似文献   

Geographic and elevational variation in the local abundance of swarm-raiding army ants has implications for the population dynamics of their prey, as well as affecting the profitability of army-ant-following behavior for birds. Here, we analyze systematically collected data on E. burchellii and L. praedator raid rates from geographically and elevationally wide-ranging sites, from lowland to montane forests. We show that raids of each species, and of both species pooled, reach peak densities at intermediate (premontane) elevations. These patterns suggest that army ant swarm raids are relatively abundant in Neotropical montane forests. Therefore, a paucity of ant raids does not explain the absence of obligate ant-following bird species, particularly true antbirds (Thamnophilidae), from montane forests. As army ant raids are relatively common at middle elevations, opportunities exist for other montane bird taxa to exploit army ant raids as a food source.  相似文献   

The use of tools by wild chimpanzees to catch ants was studied at Bossou and Monts Nimba, south-eastern Guinée. Insect-eating by chimpanzees at Bossou appears to be opportunistic and ant-catching was seen only in certain years. The most common prey species wasDorylus (Dorylus) molestus Gerstaecker. Sixty wands for catching ants were found at Bossou. Half of them were made from Zingiberaceae or Marantaceae, the stems and long petioles of which are usually straight, and have few branches. The length of the wand was variable. The mean length of ant-catching wands (46.7 cm) was between those found at Gombe and Tai. Ants' nests were usually dug up by hand, but on one occasion a digging stick was used. Four chimpanzees who used only one hand to manipulate the wand had also been observed using a stone hammer for nut-cracking. All of them used the same hand in wand-manipulation as in nut-cracking. As reported for chimpanzees at Gombe, Mahale, and Tai, more females than males tended to catch ants with wands though the sex difference was not demonstrated statistically. Ants which climbed up the wand were directly squeezed off using the lower-lip and eaten. This is the same method as seen at Tai, but different from most episodes observed at Gombe. Juveniles and infants also caught ants using wands, however, they seemed to do this more out of curiosity than as a means of feeding. At Goera, over 15 km from Bossou and separated from it by Monts Nimba, the same characteristics of ant-catching techniques were evident from traces.  相似文献   

The use of stick tools by wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) to feed upon driver ants (Dorylus (Anomma) nigricans) is described. Observations of this ant dipping were made over five years in the Gombe National Park in western Tanzania. Chimpanzees find the nomadic ant colonies visually, often re-visiting the subterranean nest sites until the ants move on. The nest is opened manually and tools are made from green woody vegetation. The ant dipping sequence is intricate and efficient. The chimpanzee predator uses several positioning strategies to minimise the ants' massed defensive tactics. Average intakes of 17–20 g/feeding session are estimated. It is concluded that ants may constitute a significant chimpanzee dietary component and that the dipping tools and techniques are relatively stereotyped in form.  相似文献   

Invertebrate communities of the tropical rain forest floor are highly diverse, characterized by patchy species distribution patterns and high variation in species density. Spatial variation in the foraging activity of swarm raiding army ants, prime invertebrate predators in tropical rain forests, is discussed as a mechanism contributing to these patterns, but highly resolved long‐term data on army ant raiding on the local and landscape scale are hitherto lacking. In this study, 196 positions in 11 study sites in a tropical rain forest in western Kenya were continuously monitored over ~4 mo for the occurrence of swarm raids of army ants. Using population simulation analyses, the consequences of army ant raiding for prey communities were assessed. We found an unexpectedly high variation in raid rates at the study site and landscape scale. The weekly chance of communities to become raided by army ants was on average 0.11, but ranged from 0 to 0.50 among the 196 positions. Simulating population developments of two Lotka–Volterra species—showing slight trade‐offs between competitive strength and resistance to army ant raids—in the real raiding landscapes showed that the observed spatial variation in raid rates may produce high prey diversity at larger spatial scales (due to high β‐diversity) and strong variation in species density. Our results indicate that high spatial variation in army ant swarm raiding is a mechanism capable of generating patchy species distribution patterns and maintaining the high biodiversity of invertebrate communities of the tropical rain forest floor.  相似文献   



Army ants are the prime arthropod predators in tropical forests, with huge colonies and an evolutionary derived nomadic life style. Five of the six recognized subgenera of Old World Dorylus army ants forage in the soil, whereas some species of the sixth subgenus (Anomma) forage in the leaf-litter and some as conspicuous swarm raiders on the forest floor and in the lower vegetation (the infamous driver ants). Here we use a combination of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Dorylus s.l. army ants and to infer the evolutionary transitions in foraging niche and associated morphological adaptations.  相似文献   



Hybridization can have complex effects on evolutionary dynamics in ants because of the combination of haplodiploid sex-determination and eusociality. While hybrid non-reproductive workers have been found in a range of species, examples of gene-flow via hybrid queens and males are rare. We studied hybridization in East African army ants (Dorylus subgenus Anomma) using morphology, mitochondrial DNA sequences, and nuclear microsatellites.


While the mitochondrial phylogeny had a strong geographic signal, different species were not recovered as monophyletic. At our main study site at Kakamega Forest, a mitochondrial haplotype was shared between a "Dorylus molestus-like" and a "Dorylus wilverthi-like" form. This pattern is best explained by introgression following hybridization between D. molestus and D. wilverthi. Microsatellite data from workers showed that the two morphological forms correspond to two distinct genetic clusters, with a significant proportion of individuals being classified as hybrids.


We conclude that hybridization and gene-flow between the two army ant species D. molestus and D. wilverthi has occurred, and that mating between the two forms continues to regularly produce hybrid workers. Hybridization is particularly surprising in army ants because workers have control over which males are allowed to mate with a young virgin queen inside the colony.  相似文献   

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